function __construct($contact, $type, $papersel, $newrev_since) { global $Conf, $Now; $this->contact = $contact; assert(!!$contact->isPC); $any_newpcrev = $any_lead = $any_shepherd = 0; if ($contact->is_manager()) { $this->defsel("s", "Contact authors of submitted papers"); $this->defsel("unsub", "Contact authors of unsubmitted papers"); $this->defsel("au", "All contact authors"); // map "somedec:no"/"somedec:yes" to real decisions $result = Dbl::qe("select outcome, count(*) from Paper where timeSubmitted>0 group by outcome"); $dec_pcount = edb_map($result); $dec_tcount = array(0 => 0, 1 => 0, -1 => 0); foreach ($dec_pcount as $dnum => $dcount) { $dec_tcount[$dnum > 0 ? 1 : ($dnum < 0 ? -1 : 0)] += $dcount; } if ($type == "somedec:no" || $type == "somedec:yes") { $dmaxcount = -1; foreach ($dec_pcount as $dnum => $dcount) { if (($type[8] == "n" ? $dnum < 0 : $dnum > 0) && $dcount > $dmaxcount && ($dname = $Conf->decision_name($dnum))) { $type = "dec:{$dname}"; $dmaxcount = $dcount; } } } $by_dec = array(); foreach ($Conf->decision_map() as $dnum => $dname) { $k = "dec:{$dname}"; if ($dnum && (@$dec_pcount[$dnum] > 0 || $type == $k)) { $by_dec[$k] = "Contact authors of " . htmlspecialchars($dname) . " papers"; } } if ($dec_tcount[1] > 0 || $type == "dec:yes") { $by_dec["dec:yes"] = "Contact authors of accept-class papers"; } if ($dec_tcount[-1] > 0 || $type == "dec:no") { $by_dec["dec:no"] = "Contact authors of reject-class papers"; } if ($dec_tcount[0] > 0 || $type == "dec:none") { $by_dec["dec:none"] = "Contact authors of undecided papers"; } if ($type == "dec:any") { $by_dec["dec:any"] = "Contact authors of decided papers"; } if (count($by_dec)) { $this->sel["bydec_group"] = array("optgroup", "Contact authors by decision"); foreach ($by_dec as $k => $v) { $this->defsel($k, $v); } $this->sel["bydec_group_end"] = array("optgroup"); } $this->sel["rev_group"] = array("optgroup", "Reviewers"); $this->defsel("rev", "Reviewers"); $this->defsel("crev", "Reviewers with complete reviews"); $this->defsel("uncrev", "Reviewers with incomplete reviews"); $this->defsel("allcrev", "Reviewers with no incomplete reviews"); $this->defsel("pcrev", "PC reviewers"); $this->defsel("uncpcrev", "PC reviewers with incomplete reviews"); // new assignments query // XXX this exposes information about PC review assignments // for conflicted papers to the chair; not worth worrying about $aq = "select PaperReview.paperId any_newpcrev from PaperReview"; if (!$contact->privChair) { $aq .= " join Paper on (Paper.paperId=PaperReview.paperId and Paper.managerContactId=" . $contact->contactId . ")"; } $aq .= "\n\twhere reviewType>=" . REVIEW_PC . " and reviewSubmitted is null and reviewNeedsSubmit!=0 and timeRequested>timeRequestNotified limit 1"; $bcq_manager = ""; if (!$contact->privChair) { $bcq_manager = " and managerContactId=" . $contact->contactId; } $q = "select any_newpcrev, any_lead, any_shepherd\n\tfrom ({$aq}) a\n\tleft join (select paperId any_lead from Paper where timeSubmitted>0 and leadContactId!=0{$bcq_manager} limit 1) b on (true)\n\tleft join (select paperId any_shepherd from Paper where timeSubmitted>0 and shepherdContactId!=0{$bcq_manager} limit 1) c on (true)"; if ($row = Dbl::fetch_first_row($q)) { list($any_newpcrev, $any_lead, $any_shepherd) = $row; } $this->defsel("newpcrev", "PC reviewers with new review assignments"); $this->defsel("extrev", "External reviewers"); $this->defsel("uncextrev", "External reviewers with incomplete reviews"); $this->sel["rev_group_end"] = array("optgroup"); } $this->defsel_nm("myextrev", "Your requested reviewers"); $this->defsel_nm("uncmyextrev", "Your requested reviewers with incomplete reviews"); $this->sel["pc_group"] = array("optgroup", "Program committee"); if ($contact->is_manager()) { if ($any_lead || $type == "lead") { $this->defsel("lead", "Discussion leads"); } if ($any_shepherd || $type == "shepherd") { $this->defsel("shepherd", "Shepherds"); } } $this->defsel_nm("pc", "Program committee"); foreach (pcTags() as $t) { if ($t != "pc") { $this->defsel_nm("pc:{$t}", "PC members tagged “{$t}”"); } } $this->sel["pc_group_end"] = array("optgroup"); if ($contact->privChair) { $this->defsel("all", "All users"); } if (isset($this->sel[$type])) { $this->type = $type; } else { if ($type == "myuncextrev" && isset($this->sel["uncmyextrev"])) { $this->type = "uncmyextrev"; } else { $this->type = key($this->sel); } } $this->papersel = $papersel; if ($this->type == "newpcrev") { $t = @trim($newrev_since); if (preg_match(',\\A(?:|n/a|[(]?all[)]?|0)\\z,i', $t)) { $this->newrev_since = 0; } else { if (($this->newrev_since = $Conf->parse_time($t)) !== false) { if ($this->newrev_since > $Now) { $Conf->warnMsg("That time is in the future."); } } else { Conf::msg_error("Invalid date."); $this->error = true; } } } }
function render($sv) { global $Conf; $sv->echo_checkbox("rev_open", "<b>Open site for reviewing</b>"); $sv->echo_checkbox("cmt_always", "Allow comments even if reviewing is closed"); echo "<div class='g'></div>\n"; $sv->echo_checkbox('pcrev_any', "PC members can review <strong>any</strong> submitted paper"); echo "<div class='g'></div>\n"; echo "<strong>Review anonymity:</strong> Are reviewer names hidden from authors?<br />\n"; $sv->echo_radio_table("rev_blind", array(Conf::BLIND_ALWAYS => "Yes—reviews are anonymous", Conf::BLIND_NEVER => "No—reviewer names are visible to authors", Conf::BLIND_OPTIONAL => "Depends—reviewers decide whether to expose their names")); echo "<div class='g'></div>\n"; $sv->echo_checkbox('rev_notifychair', 'Notify PC chairs of newly submitted reviews by email'); // Deadlines echo "<h3 id=\"rounds\" class=\"settings g\">Deadlines & rounds</h3>\n"; echo '<p class="hint">Reviews are due by the deadline, but <em>cannot be modified</em> after the hard deadline. Most conferences don’t use hard deadlines for reviews.<br />', $sv->type_hint("date") ?: "", '</p>'; $rounds = $Conf->round_list(); if ($sv->use_req()) { for ($i = 1; isset($sv->req["roundname_{$i}"]); ++$i) { $rounds[$i] = get($sv->req, "deleteround_{$i}") ? ";" : trim(get_s($sv->req, "roundname_{$i}")); } } // prepare round selector $round_value = trim($sv->curv("rev_roundtag")); $current_round_value = $Conf->setting_data("rev_roundtag", ""); if (preg_match('/\\A(?:|\\(none\\)|\\(no name\\)|default|unnamed|#0)\\z/i', $round_value)) { $round_value = "#0"; } else { if (($round_number = $Conf->round_number($round_value, false)) || ($round_number = $Conf->round_number($current_round_value, false))) { $round_value = "#" . $round_number; } else { $round_value = $selector[$current_round_value] = $current_round_value; } } $round_map = edb_map(Dbl::ql("select reviewRound, count(*) from PaperReview group by reviewRound")); $print_round0 = true; if ($round_value !== "#0" && $round_value !== "" && $current_round_value !== "" && (!$sv->use_req() || isset($sv->req["roundname_0"])) && !$Conf->round0_defined()) { $print_round0 = false; } $selector = array(); if ($print_round0) { $selector["#0"] = "unnamed"; } for ($i = 1; $i < count($rounds); ++$i) { if ($rounds[$i] !== ";") { $selector["#{$i}"] = (object) array("label" => $rounds[$i], "id" => "rev_roundtag_{$i}"); } } echo '<div id="round_container"', count($selector) == 1 ? ' style="display:none"' : '', '>', '<table id="rev_roundtag_table"><tr><td class="lxcaption">', $sv->label("rev_roundtag", "Current round"), '</td><td>', Ht::select("rev_roundtag", $selector, $round_value, $sv->sjs("rev_roundtag")), '</td></tr></table>', '<div class="hint">This round is used for new assignments.</div><div class="g"></div></div>'; echo '<div id="roundtable">'; $num_printed = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($rounds); ++$i) { if ($i ? $rounds[$i] !== ";" : $print_round0) { $this->echo_round($sv, $i, $i ? $rounds[$i] : "", +get($round_map, $i), count($selector) !== 1); ++$num_printed; } } echo '</div><div id="newround" style="display:none">'; $this->echo_round($sv, '$', "", "", true); echo '</div><div class="g"></div>'; echo Ht::js_button("Add round", "review_round_settings.add();hiliter(this)"), ' <span class="hint"><a href="', hoturl("help", "t=revround"), '">What is this?</a></span>', Ht::hidden("oldroundcount", count($Conf->round_list())), Ht::hidden("has_rev_roundtag", 1); for ($i = 1; $i < count($rounds); ++$i) { if ($rounds[$i] === ";") { echo Ht::hidden("roundname_{$i}", "", array("id" => "roundname_{$i}")), Ht::hidden("deleteround_{$i}", 1); } } Ht::stash_script("review_round_settings.init()"); // External reviews echo "<h3 class=\"settings g\">External reviews</h3>\n"; echo "<div class='g'></div>"; $sv->echo_checkbox("extrev_chairreq", "PC chair must approve proposed external reviewers"); $sv->echo_checkbox("pcrev_editdelegate", "PC members can edit external reviews they requested"); echo "<div class='g'></div>\n"; $t = expandMailTemplate("requestreview", false); echo "<table id='foldmailbody_requestreview' class='", $t == expandMailTemplate("requestreview", true) ? "foldc" : "foldo", "'><tr><td>", foldbutton("mailbody_requestreview"), "</td>", "<td><a href='#' onclick='return fold(\"mailbody_requestreview\")' class='q'><strong>Mail template for external review requests</strong></a>", " <span class='fx'>(<a href='", hoturl("mail"), "'>keywords</a> allowed; set to empty for default)<br /></span>\n<textarea class='tt fx' name='mailbody_requestreview' cols='80' rows='20'>", htmlspecialchars($t["body"]), "</textarea>", "</td></tr></table>\n"; // Review visibility echo "<h3 class=\"settings g\">Visibility</h3>\n"; echo "Can PC members <strong>see all reviews</strong> except for conflicts?<br />\n"; $sv->echo_radio_table("pc_seeallrev", array(Conf::PCSEEREV_YES => "Yes", Conf::PCSEEREV_UNLESSINCOMPLETE => "Yes, unless they haven’t completed an assigned review for the same paper", Conf::PCSEEREV_UNLESSANYINCOMPLETE => "Yes, after completing all their assigned reviews", Conf::PCSEEREV_IFCOMPLETE => "Only after completing a review for the same paper")); echo "<div class='g'></div>\n"; echo "Can PC members see <strong>reviewer names</strong> except for conflicts?<br />\n"; $sv->echo_radio_table("pc_seeblindrev", array(0 => "Yes", 1 => "Only after completing a review for the same paper<br /><span class='hint'>This setting also hides reviewer-only comments from PC members who have not completed a review for the same paper.</span>")); echo "<div class='g'></div>"; echo "Can external reviewers see the other reviews for their assigned papers, once they’ve submitted their own?<br />\n"; $sv->echo_radio_table("extrev_view", array(2 => "Yes", 1 => "Yes, but they can’t see who wrote blind reviews", 0 => "No")); // Review ratings echo "<h3 class=\"settings g\">Review ratings</h3>\n"; echo "Should HotCRP collect ratings of reviews? <a class='hint' href='", hoturl("help", "t=revrate"), "'>(Learn more)</a><br />\n"; $sv->echo_radio_table("rev_ratings", array(REV_RATINGS_PC => "Yes, PC members can rate reviews", REV_RATINGS_PC_EXTERNAL => "Yes, PC members and external reviewers can rate reviews", REV_RATINGS_NONE => "No")); }