function eStore_get_serial_key_for_product($retrieved_product, $cart_item_name = '', $qty = 1)
    global $wpdb;
    $product_meta_table_name = WP_ESTORE_PRODUCTS_META_TABLE_NAME;
    $theid = $retrieved_product->id;
    $product_code_data = "";
    $requested_qty = (int) $qty;
    eStore_payment_debug('Checking if a key needs to be issued for product id: ' . $theid . ' Requested quantity: ' . $requested_qty, true);
    $productmeta = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM {$product_meta_table_name} WHERE prod_id = '{$theid}' AND meta_key='available_key_codes'", OBJECT);
    if ($productmeta) {
        $available_key_codes = $productmeta->meta_value;
        $key_pieces = explode(WP_ESTORE_SERIAL_KEY_SEPARATOR, $available_key_codes);
        $my_key = "";
        if ($requested_qty > 1) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < $requested_qty; $i++) {
                if ($i > 0) {
                    $my_key .= ', ';
                $my_key .= array_pop($key_pieces);
        } else {
            $my_key = array_pop($key_pieces);
        if (!empty($my_key)) {
            if (empty($cart_item_name)) {
                $cart_item_name = $retrieved_product->name;
            $product_code_data .= "\n" . $cart_item_name . " - " . $my_key;
            eStore_payment_debug("Serial code that will be issued to this customer: " . $my_key, true);
            //Update the DB
            $new_available_key_codes = implode(WP_ESTORE_SERIAL_KEY_SEPARATOR, $key_pieces);
            $updatedb_meta = "UPDATE {$product_meta_table_name} SET meta_value='{$new_available_key_codes}' WHERE prod_id='{$theid}' AND meta_key='available_key_codes'";
            $results = $wpdb->query($updatedb_meta);
            eStore_payment_debug('Updated the serial key values in the database.', true);
        } else {
            eStore_payment_debug('This product does not have any serial key available.', true);
    } else {
        eStore_payment_debug('This product does not use the serial key feature', true);
    return $product_code_data;
function wp_eStore_handle_retrieve_cart_action($action)
    eStore_payment_debug('Processing retrieve cart action...', true);
    $cart_id = strip_tags($_REQUEST['cart_id']);
    if (empty($cart_id)) {
        eStore_payment_debug('Error! Cart ID is empty! Cannot process this request', false);
        echo json_encode(array('reply_action' => $action, 'status' => 'error', 'code' => 'ESTORE_AJAX_01', 'details' => 'Cart ID is empty!'));
    eStore_payment_debug('Retrieving previously saved cart... Cart ID: ' . $cart_id, true);
    $eStore_cart = wp_eStore_get_cart_details_from_db($cart_id);
    if ($eStore_cart === "-1") {
        eStore_payment_debug('Error! Failed to retrieve cart for the given cart ID!', false);
        echo json_encode(array('reply_action' => $action, 'status' => 'error', 'code' => 'ESTORE_AJAX_02', 'details' => 'Failed to retrieve cart for the given cart ID!'));
    eStore_payment_debug('Loading cart into session...', true);
    wp_eStore_write_debug_array($_SESSION['eStore_cart'], true);
    echo json_encode(array('reply_action' => $action, 'status' => 'success', 'ID' => $cart_id));
function eStore_global_autoresponder_signup($firstname, $lastname, $emailaddress)
    global $wp_eStore_config;
    $wp_eStore_config = WP_eStore_Config::getInstance();
    if ($wp_eStore_config->getValue('eStore_use_new_aweber_integration') == '1') {
        if (get_option('eStore_enable_aweber_int') == 1) {
            eStore_payment_debug('Global AWeber list signup option is enabled.', true);
            $aweber_list = get_option('eStore_aweber_list_name');
            eStore_aweber_new_signup_user($aweber_list, $firstname, $lastname, $emailaddress);
        } else {
            eStore_payment_debug('Global AWeber list signup option is disabled. No global list signup will be performed.', true);
    if (get_option('eStore_enable_global_chimp_int') == 1) {
        eStore_payment_debug('Mailchimp integration is being used.', true);
        $api = eStore_get_chimp_api_new();
        $target_list_name = get_option('eStore_chimp_list_name');
        $retval = eStore_mailchimp_subscribe($api, $target_list_name, $firstname, $lastname, $emailaddress);
        eStore_payment_debug('MailChimp global list signup operation performed. Return value is: ' . $retval, true);
    if (get_option('eStore_enable_global_getResponse_int') == 1) {
        eStore_payment_debug('GetResponse integration is being used.', true);
        $campaign_name = get_option('eStore_getResponse_campaign_name');
        eStore_payment_debug('GetResponse campaign to signup to:' . $campaign_name, true);
        $retval = eStore_getResponse_subscribe($campaign_name, $firstname, $lastname, $emailaddress);
        eStore_payment_debug('GetResponse global list signup operation performed. Return value is: ' . $retval, true);
    if ($wp_eStore_config->getValue('eStore_use_global_generic_autoresponder_integration') == '1') {
        eStore_payment_debug('Generic global autoresponder integration is being used.', true);
        $list_email_address = $wp_eStore_config->getValue('eStore_generic_autoresponder_target_list_email');
        $result = eStore_generic_autoresponder_signup($firstname, $lastname, $emailaddress, $list_email_address);
        eStore_payment_debug('Generic autoresponder signup result: ' . $result, true);
    // API call for plugins extending the global autoresponder signup
    $signup_data = array('firstname' => $firstname, 'lastname' => $lastname, 'email' => $emailaddress);
    do_action('eStore_global_autoresponder_signup', $signup_data);
function wp_eStore_handle_recurring_payment_charged_action($payment_data, $cart_items)
    //eMember related tasks
    $subscr_id = $payment_data['subscr_id'];
    eStore_update_member_subscription_start_date_if_applicable($payment_data, $subscr_id);
    //Affiilate plugin related tasks
    $award_commission = true;
    if (get_option('eStore_aff_one_time_commission')) {
        $award_commission = false;
        eStore_payment_debug('One time commission option is being used, This is a recurring payment and will not generate affiliate commission.', true);
    if ($award_commission) {
        eStore_payment_debug('Affiliate Commission may need to be tracked for this recurring payment. Invoking the commission checker function.', true);
        eStore_aff_award_commission($payment_data, $cart_items);
Пример #5
function eStore_track_ga_ecommerce($payment_data, $cart_items)
    //Google Analytics e-commerce tracking (only do it if set in settings menu)
    if (get_option('eStore_enable_analytics_tracking')) {
        //The $payment_data arrray must have - city, state and country fields
        if (empty($payment_data['address_city']) || empty($payment_data['address_state']) || empty($payment_data['address_country'])) {
            eStore_payment_debug('Ecommerce analytics tracking failure. City, State or Country data is missing.', false);
            echo '<div class="">Error! City, State, Country data is missing! Cannot track Google Analytics without these data.</div>';
        $transaction_id = $payment_data['txn_id'];
        $gross_total = $payment_data['mc_gross'];
        $mc_shipping = $payment_data['mc_shipping'];
        $mc_tax = $payment_data['mc_tax'];
        $city = $payment_data['address_city'];
        $state = $payment_data['address_state'];
        $country = $payment_data['address_country'];
        $eStore_analytics_code = array();
        $eStore_analytics_code[] = "'_addTrans'," . "'" . $transaction_id . "','" . get_bloginfo('name') . "','" . $gross_total . "','" . $mc_tax . "','" . $mc_shipping . "','" . $city . "','" . $state . "','" . $country . "'";
        foreach ($cart_items as $key => $item) {
            $eStore_analytics_code[] = "'_addItem'," . "'" . $transaction_id . "','" . $item['item_number'] . "','" . $item['item_name'] . "','','" . $item['mc_gross'] . "','" . $item['quantity'] . "'";
        $eStore_analytics_code[] = "'_trackTrans'";
        $_SESSION['eStore_ga_code'] = $eStore_analytics_code;
        //print_r($_SESSION['eStore_ga_code'] );
        add_filter('yoast-ga-push-after-pageview', 'eStore_add_trans_to_ga_tracking');
        eStore_payment_debug('Ecommerce analytics tracking data has been pushed successfully.', true);
Пример #6
function eStore_paypal_validate_pdt_no_curl()
    global $tx_result_error_msg;
    $eStore_process_pdt = true;
    eStore_payment_debug("eStore PayPal PDT received. Processing the request using NO CURL method...", true);
        eStore_payment_debug("PDT - Affiliate platform is installed.", true);
        $affiliate_auth_token = get_option('wp_aff_pdt_identity_token');
        if (get_option('wp_aff_enable_3rd_party') != '' && !empty($affiliate_auth_token)) {
            $eStore_process_pdt = false;
            eStore_payment_debug("PDT - Error! you have enabled 3rd party cart integration settings in your affiliate plugin. You do not need to enable that when using the affiliate plugin with eStore.", false);
    if ($eStore_process_pdt) {
        $req = 'cmd=_notify-synch';
        $tx_token = strip_tags($_GET['tx']);
        $auth_token = get_option('eStore_paypal_pdt_token');
        if (empty($auth_token)) {
            $tx_result_error_msg .= "<br />The PDT identity token is empty. If you want to display the transaction result on the thank you page then you must specify a PDT identity token in the payment gateway settings!";
            eStore_payment_debug("The PDT identity token is empty. If you want to display the transaction result on the thank you page then you must specify a PDT identity token in the payment gateway settings!", false);
        $req .= "&tx={$tx_token}&at={$auth_token}";
        $sandbox_enabled = get_option('eStore_cart_enable_sandbox');
        if ($sandbox_enabled) {
            $host_url = '';
            $uri = 'ssl://' . $host_url;
            $port = '443';
            $fp = fsockopen($uri, $port, $err_num, $err_str, 30);
        } else {
            $host_url = '';
            $fp = fsockopen($host_url, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
        //$fp = fsockopen ($host_url, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
        // If possible, securely post back to paypal using HTTPS
        // Your PHP server will need to be SSL enabled
        // $fp = fsockopen ('ssl://', 443, $errno, $errstr, 30);
        if (!$fp) {
            $tx_result_error_msg .= "<br />HTTP ERROR... could not establish a connection to PayPal for verification!";
            eStore_payment_debug("HTTP ERROR... could not establish a connection to PayPal for verification!", false);
        } else {
            // post back to PayPal system to validate
            $header = "";
            $header .= "POST /cgi-bin/webscr HTTP/1.1\r\n";
            $header .= "Host: " . $host_url . "\r\n";
            $header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
            $header .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($req) . "\r\n";
            $header .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
            fputs($fp, $header . $req);
            // read the body data
            $eStore_res = '';
            $headerdone = false;
            while (!feof($fp)) {
                $line = fgets($fp, 1024);
                if (strcmp($line, "\r\n") == 0) {
                    // read the header
                    $headerdone = true;
                } else {
                    if ($headerdone) {
                        // header has been read. now read the contents
                        $eStore_res .= $line;
            // parse the data
            $eStore_lines = explode("\n", $eStore_res);
            $eStore_keyarray = array();
            if (strpos($eStore_res, "VERIFIED") !== false) {
                for ($i = 1; $i < count($eStore_lines); $i++) {
                    $pdt_key_val_pieces = explode("=", $eStore_lines[$i]);
                    if (!isset($pdt_key_val_pieces[0])) {
                    //don't even process it if key is not set
                    if (!isset($pdt_key_val_pieces[1])) {
                        $pdt_key_val_pieces[1] = '';
                    //set empty value
                    list($key, $val) = $pdt_key_val_pieces;
                    //list($key,$val) = explode("=", $eStore_lines[$i]);
                    $eStore_keyarray[urldecode($key)] = urldecode($val);
            } else {
                $tx_result_error_msg .= "<br />PDT verification failed! Could not verify the authenticity of the payment with PayPal!";
                eStore_payment_debug("PDT verification failed! Could not verify the authenticity of the payment with PayPal!", false);
                $eStore_process_pdt = false;
        if ($eStore_process_pdt) {
function wp_eStore_get_subscription_summary_string($id, $name = '', $a3 = '')
    if (empty($id)) {
        eStore_payment_debug('eStore product ID needs to be passed to this function', false);
    global $wpdb;
    $products_table_name = WP_ESTORE_PRODUCTS_TABLE_NAME;
    $ret_product = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM {$products_table_name} WHERE id = '{$id}'", OBJECT);
    if (empty($name)) {
        $item_name = $ret_product->name;
    } else {
        $item_name = $name;
    if (empty($a3)) {
        $a3 = $ret_product->a3;
    $a1 = $ret_product->a1;
    // trial amount (example: 5.00)
    $free_trial = false;
    $trial = false;
    if ($a1 != "") {
        $a1_value = intval($a1);
        if ($a1_value == 0) {
            $free_trial = true;
        } else {
            $trial = true;
    //a3 is recurring amount (example: 7.00)
    $p3 = $ret_product->p3;
    // recurring period (example: 30)
    $t3 = $ret_product->t3;
    // recurring period unit (example: D, M, Y)
    $period_unit = "";
    if ($t3 == "D") {
        $period_unit = "day(s)";
    } else {
        if ($t3 == "M") {
            $period_unit = "month(s)";
        } else {
            if ($t3 == "Y") {
                $t3 = "days";
                $p3 = "365";
                $period_unit = "day(s)";
    $installment = "";
    if ($ret_product->srt > 1) {
        $srt = $ret_product->srt;
        $installment = ", for " . $srt . " installment(s)";
    if (!empty($ret_product->currency_code)) {
        $item_currency = $ret_product->currency_code;
    } else {
        $item_currency = get_option('cart_payment_currency');
    // forming the subscription details
    $terms = "";
    if ($free_trial) {
        $terms .= "Free for the first " . $p3 . " " . $period_unit . " Then ";
    } else {
        if ($trial) {
            $terms .= number_format($a1, 2) . " " . $item_currency . " for the first " . $p3 . " " . $period_unit . " Then ";
    $period = '';
    if ($p3 == '1') {
        $period = "";
    } else {
        $period = $p3 . " ";
    $terms .= number_format($a3, 2) . " " . $item_currency . " for each " . $period . $period_unit . $installment;
    return $terms;
function eStore_generate_download_links_for_cart_items($payment_data, $cart_items)
    eStore_payment_debug('Executing eStore_generate_download_links_for_cart_items()', true);
    global $wpdb;
    $wp_eStore_config = WP_eStore_Config::getInstance();
    $products_table_name = WP_ESTORE_PRODUCTS_TABLE_NAME;
    $product_name_array = array();
    $download_link_array = array();
    foreach ($cart_items as $current_cart_item) {
        $cart_item_data_num = $current_cart_item['item_number'];
        $cart_item_data_name = $current_cart_item['item_name'];
        $cart_item_data_quantity = $current_cart_item['quantity'];
        $cart_item_data_total = $current_cart_item['mc_gross'];
        $cart_item_data_currency = $current_cart_item['mc_currency'];
        eStore_payment_debug('Item Number: ' . $cart_item_data_num, true);
        eStore_payment_debug('Item Name: ' . $cart_item_data_name, true);
        eStore_payment_debug('Item Quantity: ' . $cart_item_data_quantity, true);
        eStore_payment_debug('Item Total: ' . $cart_item_data_total, true);
        eStore_payment_debug('Item Currency: ' . $cart_item_data_currency, true);
        if ($cart_item_data_num != "SHIPPING") {
            // Compare the values with the values stored in the database
            $key = $cart_item_data_num;
            $retrieved_product = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM {$products_table_name} WHERE id = '{$key}'", OBJECT);
            if (!$retrieved_product) {
                eStore_payment_debug('No Item found for the Item ID: ' . $cart_item_data_num, false);
                return false;
            $item_name = $cart_item_data_name;
            $download_link = generate_download_link($retrieved_product, $item_name, $payment_data);
            eStore_payment_debug('Download Link : ' . $download_link, true);
            array_push($product_name_array, $cart_item_data_name);
            array_push($download_link_array, $download_link);
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($product_name_array); $i++) {
        //Download links list for all items in the cart
        $constructed_download_link .= "\n";
        if (is_array($download_link_array[$i])) {
            $package_downloads = $download_link_array[$i];
            for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($package_downloads); $j++) {
                $constructed_download_link .= $package_downloads[$j];
                $constructed_download_link .= "\n";
        } else {
            $constructed_download_link .= $download_link_array[$i];
    return $constructed_download_link;
function wp_eStore_create_payment_data_array($eStore_customer, $eStore_cart)
    $cart_custom_data = $eStore_cart->GetCustomData();
    $cart_customvariables = wp_eStore_get_custom_var($cart_custom_data);
    $cart_eMember_id = $cart_customvariables['eMember_id'];
    $cart_coupon = $cart_customvariables['coupon'];
    $gateway = $eStore_customer->GetGatewaySelected();
    $txn_id = $eStore_customer->GetTransactionID();
    if (empty($txn_id)) {
        eStore_payment_debug("Error! Cart Transaction ID is empty: " . $txn_id, false);
    $txn_type = $eStore_customer->GetTransactionType();
    $txn_subject = $eStore_customer->GetTransactionSubject();
    $shipping_street_address = $eStore_customer->GetShippingStreetAddress();
    $shipping_city = $eStore_customer->GetShippingCity();
    $shipping_state = $eStore_customer->GetShippingState();
    $shipping_country = $eStore_customer->GetShippingCountry();
    $shipping_address = $eStore_customer->GetShippingAddress();
    $street_address = "";
    $city = "";
    $state = "";
    $country = "";
    $address = "";
    if (empty($shipping_city) && empty($shipping_state) && empty($shipping_country) && empty($shipping_street_address)) {
        $street_address = $eStore_customer->GetStreetAddress();
        $city = $eStore_customer->GetCity();
        $state = $eStore_customer->GetState();
        $country = $eStore_customer->GetCountry();
        $address = $eStore_customer->GetAddress();
    } else {
        $street_address = $shipping_street_address;
        $city = $shipping_city;
        $state = $shipping_state;
        $country = $shipping_country;
        $address = $shipping_address;
    $payment_data = array('gateway' => $gateway, 'custom' => $cart_custom_data, 'txn_id' => $txn_id, 'txn_type' => $txn_type, 'transaction_subject' => $txn_subject, 'first_name' => $eStore_customer->GetFirstName(), 'last_name' => $eStore_customer->GetLastName(), 'payer_email' => $eStore_customer->GetEmail(), 'num_cart_items' => $eStore_cart->GetNumberOfCartItems(), 'subscr_id' => $txn_id, 'address' => $address, 'phone' => $eStore_customer->GetPhone(), 'coupon_used' => $cart_coupon, 'eMember_username' => $cart_eMember_id, 'eMember_userid' => $cart_eMember_id, 'mc_gross' => $eStore_cart->CalculateCartTotal(), 'mc_shipping' => $eStore_cart->GetCartShipping(), 'mc_tax' => $eStore_cart->CalculateCartTotalTax(), 'address_street' => $street_address, 'address_city' => $city, 'address_state' => $state, 'address_country' => $country);
    $is_background_post = $eStore_customer->GetISBackgroundPost();
    if ($is_background_post === "yes") {
        $payment_data['background_post'] = 'yes';
    return $payment_data;
function eStore_manual_gateway_form_processing_code()
    if (isset($_POST['submit_shipping'])) {
        if (eStore_get_total_cart_item_qty() < 1) {
            //Cart does not have any item
            echo '<div class="eStore_error_message">Error! Your shopping cart is empty. Please add items to your cart before checking out.</div>';
        $input_verified = false;
        global $wpdb;
        $wp_eStore_config = WP_eStore_Config::getInstance();
        $err_msg = eStore_check_address_details();
        if (!empty($err_msg)) {
            $msg = '<div id="error">';
            $msg .= $err_msg;
            $msg .= '</div>';
            echo $msg;
        } else {
            //Fire the begin processing hook
            $clientip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
            $clientemail = $_POST['email'];
            do_action('eStore_begin_manual_co_processing', $clientemail, $clientip);
            $last_records_id = $wp_eStore_config->getValue('eStore_custom_receipt_counter');
            if (empty($last_records_id)) {
                $last_records_id = 0;
            $receipt_counter = $last_records_id + 1;
            $wp_eStore_config->setValue('eStore_custom_receipt_counter', $receipt_counter);
            $address = $_POST['address'] . ", " . $_POST['city'] . ", " . $_POST['state'] . " " . $_POST['postcode'] . " " . $_POST['country'];
            $payment_data = extract_manaul_co_general_payment_data($_POST['firstname'], $_POST['lastname'], $_POST['email'], $address, $_POST['phone']);
            $cart_items = extract_manual_item_data();
            $cust_direction = get_option('eStore_manual_co_cust_direction');
            $curr_symbol = get_option('cart_currency_symbol');
            if (!empty($cust_direction)) {
                $cust_direction_mod = eStore_apply_post_payment_dynamic_tags($cust_direction, $payment_data, $cart_items);
                $body .= "\n-------------------------------\n";
                $body .= $cust_direction_mod;
                $body .= "\n-------------------------------\n";
            $count = 1;
            $constructed_download_link .= "<br />";
            $product_key_data = "";
            $show_tax_inc_price = $wp_eStore_config->getValue('eStore_show_tax_inclusive_price');
            foreach ($_SESSION['eStore_cart'] as $item) {
                $products_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "wp_eStore_tbl";
                $key = $item['item_number'];
                $retrieved_product = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM {$products_table_name} WHERE id = '{$key}'", OBJECT);
                $rounded_price = round($item['price'], 2);
                $body .= "\n" . WP_ESTORE_DETAILS_OF_ORDERED_PRODUCT . ": " . $count;
                $body .= "\n-------------------------";
                $body .= "\n" . ESTORE_PRODUCT_ID . ": " . $item['item_number'];
                $body .= "\n" . ESTORE_PRODUCT_NAME . ": " . $item['name'];
                if ($show_tax_inc_price == '1') {
                    $rounded_price = eStore_get_tax_include_price_by_prod_id($item['item_number'], $rounded_price);
                $formatted_price = print_digi_cart_payment_currency($rounded_price, $curr_symbol);
                $body .= "\n" . ESTORE_PRICE . ": " . $formatted_price;
                $body .= "\n" . ESTORE_QUANTITY . ": " . $item['quantity'] . "\n";
                if (get_option('eStore_manual_co_give_download_links') != '') {
                    $download_link = generate_download_link_for_product($item['item_number'], $item['name'], $payment_data);
                    $constructed_download_link .= $download_link . "<br />";
                    $body .= $download_link . "\n";
                    $product_key = eStore_post_sale_retrieve_serial_key_and_update($retrieved_product, $item['name'], $item['quantity']);
                    $product_key_data .= $product_key;
                    $body .= $product_key;
                    $product_specific_instructions = eStore_get_product_specific_instructions($retrieved_product);
                    $product_specific_instructions = eStore_apply_post_payment_dynamic_tags($product_specific_instructions, $payment_data, $cart_items);
                    $body .= $product_specific_instructions;
                //Check and signup WishList or WP eMember user if needed
                if ($wp_eStore_config->getValue('eStore_manual_co_auto_create_membership') == '1') {
                    $member_ref = $retrieved_product->ref_text;
                    eStore_payment_debug('Checking if membership inegration is being used. Reference Text Value: ' . $member_ref, true);
                    if (!empty($member_ref)) {
                        if (get_option('eStore_enable_wishlist_int')) {
                            eStore_payment_debug('WishList integration is being used... doing member account creation/upgrade task... see the "subscription_handle_debug.log" file for details', true);
                            wl_handle_subsc_signup($payment_data, $member_ref, $payment_data['txn_id']);
                        } else {
                            if (function_exists('wp_eMember_install')) {
                                $eMember_id = $payment_data['eMember_userid'];
                                eStore_payment_debug('eMember integration is being used... doing member account creation/upgrade task... see the "subscription_handle_debug.log" file for details', true);
                                eMember_handle_subsc_signup($payment_data, $member_ref, $payment_data['txn_id'], $eMember_id);
                //=== End of membership handling code ===
            $body .= "\n-------------------------------\n";
            if ($show_tax_inc_price != '1') {
                $body .= ESTORE_SUB_TOTAL . ": " . print_digi_cart_payment_currency($_SESSION['eStore_cart_sub_total'], $curr_symbol);
            if (!empty($_SESSION['eStore_cart_postage_cost'])) {
                $body .= "\n" . ESTORE_SHIPPING . ": " . print_digi_cart_payment_currency($_SESSION['eStore_cart_postage_cost'], $curr_symbol);
            if (!empty($_SESSION['eStore_cart_total_tax'])) {
                $body .= "\n" . WP_ESTORE_TAX . ": " . print_digi_cart_payment_currency($_SESSION['eStore_cart_total_tax'], $curr_symbol);
            $total = $_SESSION['eStore_cart_sub_total'] + $_SESSION['eStore_cart_postage_cost'] + $_SESSION['eStore_cart_total_tax'];
            $body .= "\n" . ESTORE_TOTAL . ": " . print_digi_cart_payment_currency($total, $curr_symbol);
            $conversion_rate = get_option('eStore_secondary_currency_conversion_rate');
            if (!empty($conversion_rate)) {
                $secondary_curr_symbol = get_option('eStore_secondary_currency_symbol');
                $body .= "\n" . ESTORE_TOTAL . ' (' . get_option('eStore_secondary_currency_code') . '): ' . print_digi_cart_payment_currency($total * $conversion_rate, $secondary_curr_symbol);
            if (isset($_SESSION['eStore_store_pickup_checked']) && $_SESSION['eStore_store_pickup_checked'] == '1') {
                $body .= "\nStore Pickup: Yes";
            $total_items = $count - 1;
            $body .= "\n" . WP_ESTORE_TOTAL_ITEMS_ORDERED . ": " . $total_items;
            $body .= "\n" . ESTORE_TRANSACTION_ID . ": " . $payment_data['txn_id'];
            $body .= "\n\n" . WP_ESTORE_CUSTOMER_DETAILS;
            $body .= "\n-------------------------";
            $body .= "\n" . WP_ESTORE_NAME . ": " . $_POST['firstname'] . " " . $_POST['lastname'];
            $body .= "\n" . ESTORE_EMAIL . ": " . $_POST['email'];
            $body .= "\n" . ESTORE_PHONE . ": " . $_POST['phone'];
            $body .= "\n" . ESTORE_ADDRESS . ": " . $_POST['address'];
            $body .= "\n" . ESTORE_CITY . ": " . $_POST['city'];
            $body .= "\n" . ESTORE_STATE . ": " . $_POST['state'];
            $body .= "\n" . ESTORE_POSTCODE . ": " . $_POST['postcode'];
            $body .= "\n" . ESTORE_COUNTRY . ": " . $_POST['country'];
            $body .= "\n" . WP_ESTORE_ADDITIONAL_COMMENT . ": " . $_POST['additional_comment'];
            $notify_email = get_option('eStore_manual_notify_email');
            $buyer_email = $_POST['email'];
            if (empty($notify_email)) {
                $notify_email = get_bloginfo('admin_email');
            // Get referrer
            if (!empty($_SESSION['ap_id'])) {
                $referrer = $_SESSION['ap_id'];
            } else {
                if (isset($_COOKIE['ap_id'])) {
                    $referrer = $_COOKIE['ap_id'];
            //Call the filter for email notification body
            eStore_payment_debug('Applying filter - eStore_notification_email_body_filter', true);
            $body = apply_filters('eStore_notification_email_body_filter', $body, $payment_data, $cart_items);
            $seller_email_body = $body . "\n\n" . WP_ESTORE_REFERRER . ": " . $referrer;
            $from_email_address = get_option('eStore_download_email_address');
            $headers = 'From: ' . $from_email_address . "\r\n";
            // Notify Seller
            $n_subject = $wp_eStore_config->getValue('seller_email_subject_manual_co');
            if (empty($n_subject)) {
                $n_subject = get_option('eStore_seller_email_subj');
            wp_mail($notify_email, $n_subject, $seller_email_body, $headers);
            // Notify Buyer
            $buyer_email_subj = $wp_eStore_config->getValue('buyer_email_subject_manual_co');
            if (empty($buyer_email_subj)) {
                $buyer_email_subj = get_option('eStore_buyer_email_subj');
            wp_mail($buyer_email, $buyer_email_subj, $body, $headers);
            if (!empty($product_key_data)) {
                //Lets add any serial key info to the data
                $payment_data['product_key_data'] = $product_key_data;
            //Fire the manual checkout hook
            do_action('eStore_manual_checkout_form_data', $payment_data, $cart_items);
            //Add to the customer database if the option is enabled
            if (get_option('eStore_manual_co_auto_update_db') == '1') {
                record_sales_data($payment_data, $cart_items);
            //Perform autoresponder signup
            if (get_option('eStore_manual_co_do_autoresponder_signup') == '1') {
                eStore_item_specific_autoresponder_signup($cart_items, $_POST['firstname'], $_POST['lastname'], $_POST['email']);
                eStore_global_autoresponder_signup($_POST['firstname'], $_POST['lastname'], $_POST['email']);
            //Award Affiliate Commission
            eStore_award_commission_manual_co($payment_data, $cart_items);
            // Revenue sharing
            eStore_award_author_commission_manual_co($payment_data, $cart_items);
            //Create affiliate account if needed
            //Post IPN data to external site if needed
            eStore_POST_IPN_data_to_url($payment_data, '', $cart_items);
            //Save transaction result for thank you page display
            if (get_option('eStore_manual_co_give_download_links') != '') {
                $constructed_download_link = wp_eStore_replace_url_in_string_with_link($constructed_download_link);
                eStore_save_trans_result_for_thank_you_page_display($payment_data, $constructed_download_link, $cart_items);
            $return_url = get_option('eStore_manual_return_url');
            if (empty($return_url)) {
                $return_url = get_bloginfo('wpurl');
            //Google analytics tracking
            if (get_option('eStore_enable_analytics_tracking') && get_option('eStore_manual_co_give_download_links') != '') {
                eStore_track_ga_ecommerce($payment_data, $cart_items);
                $return_url = eStore_append_http_get_data_to_url($return_url, "eStore_manual_co_track_ga", "1");
            //Reset cart and redirect to Thank you page
function extract_2co_general_payment_data_secondary($raw_data, $gateway, $cart_items)
    eStore_payment_debug("2CO IPN Processing - Creating payment data using thank you page post data.", true);
    $custom_data = $cart_items[0]['custom'];
    $customvariables = get_custom_var($custom_data);
    $eMember_id = $customvariables['eMember_id'];
    $coupon = $customvariables['coupon'];
    $total_shipping = $cart_items[0]['total_shipping'];
    $total_tax = $cart_items[0]['total_tax'];
    $sub_total = $cart_items[0]['subtotal'];
    $gross_total = $sub_total + $total_shipping + $total_tax;
    $address = $raw_data['street_address'] . " " . $raw_data['street_address2'] . ", " . $raw_data['street_address'] . ", " . $raw_data['state'] . " " . $raw_data['zip'] . ", " . $raw_data['country'];
    //item_type_# = bill or refund
    $payment_data = array('gateway' => $gateway, 'custom' => $custom_data, 'txn_id' => $raw_data['invoice_id'], 'txn_type' => "ORDER_CREATED", 'transaction_subject' => $raw_data['message_description'], 'first_name' => $raw_data['first_name'], 'last_name' => $raw_data['last_name'], 'payer_email' => $raw_data['email'], 'num_cart_items' => count($cart_items), 'subscr_id' => $raw_data['invoice_id'], 'address' => $address, 'phone' => $raw_data['phone'], 'coupon_used' => $coupon, 'eMember_username' => $eMember_id, 'eMember_userid' => $eMember_id, 'mc_gross' => $gross_total, 'mc_shipping' => $total_shipping, 'mc_tax' => $total_tax, 'address_street' => $raw_data['street_address'], 'address_city' => $raw_data['city'], 'address_state' => $raw_data['state'], 'address_country' => $raw_data['country']);
    return $payment_data;
Пример #12
 function validate_and_dispatch_product()
     // Check Product Name , Price , Currency , Receivers email ,
     global $error_msg;
     global $wpdb;
     $wp_eStore_config = WP_eStore_Config::getInstance();
     $clientdate = date("Y-m-d");
     $clienttime = date("H:i:s");
     $product_specific_instructions = "";
     $currency_symbol = get_option('cart_currency_symbol');
     //Post/Forward IPN data to external URL if needed
     // Read the IPN and validate
     if (get_option('eStore_strict_email_check') != '') {
         $seller_paypal_email = get_option('cart_paypal_email');
         if ($seller_paypal_email != $this->ipn_data['receiver_email']) {
             $error_msg .= 'Invalid Seller Paypal Email Address : ' . $this->ipn_data['receiver_email'];
             $this->debug_log($error_msg, false);
             return false;
         } else {
             $this->debug_log('Seller Paypal Email Address is Valid: ' . $this->ipn_data['receiver_email'], true);
     $payment_status = $this->ipn_data['payment_status'];
     if (!empty($payment_status)) {
         if ($payment_status == "Denied") {
             $error_msg .= 'Payment status for this transaction is DENIED. You denied the transaction... most likely a cancellation of an eCheque.';
             $this->debug_log("You denied the transaction. Most likely a cancellation of an eCheque. Nothing to do here.", false);
             return false;
         if ($payment_status == "Canceled_Reversal") {
             $this->debug_log("This is a dispute closed notification in your favour. The plugin will not do anyting.", false);
             return true;
         if ($payment_status != "Completed" && $payment_status != "Processed" && $payment_status != "Refunded" && $payment_status != "Reversed") {
             $error_msg .= 'Funds have not been cleared yet. Product(s) will be delivered when the funds clear!';
             $this->debug_log($error_msg, false);
             $to_address = $this->ipn_data['payer_email'];
             $from_address = get_option('eStore_download_email_address');
             eStore_send_notification_email($to_address, $subject, $body, $from_address);
             return false;
     $transaction_type = $this->ipn_data['txn_type'];
     if ($transaction_type == "new_case") {
         $this->debug_log('This is a dispute case', true);
         return true;
     $transaction_id = $this->ipn_data['txn_id'];
     $transaction_subject = $this->ipn_data['transaction_subject'];
     $custom = $this->ipn_data['custom'];
     $delimiter = "&";
     $customvariables = array();
     $namevaluecombos = explode($delimiter, $custom);
     foreach ($namevaluecombos as $keyval_unparsed) {
         $equalsignposition = strpos($keyval_unparsed, '=');
         if ($equalsignposition === false) {
             $customvariables[$keyval_unparsed] = '';
         $key = substr($keyval_unparsed, 0, $equalsignposition);
         $value = substr($keyval_unparsed, $equalsignposition + 1);
         $customvariables[$key] = $value;
     $eMember_id = $customvariables['eMember_id'];
     $pictureID = $customvariables['ngg_pid'];
     //Check for refund payment
     $gross_total = $this->ipn_data['mc_gross'];
     if ($gross_total < 0) {
         // This is a refund or reversal so handle the refund
         $this->debug_log('This is a refund/reversal. Refund amount: ' . $gross_total, true);
         return true;
     //Check for duplicate notification due to server setup issue
     if (eStore_is_txn_already_processed($this->ipn_data)) {
         $error_msg .= 'The transaction ID and the email address already exists in the database. So this seems to be a duplicate transaction notification. This usually happens with bad server setup.';
         $this->debug_log('The transaction ID and the email address already exists in the database. So this seems to be a duplicate transaction notification. This usually happens with bad server setup.', false);
         return true;
         //No need to be alarmed
     //=== End of duplicate notification check ===
     //Fire the begin processing hook
     do_action('eStore_begin_payment_processing', $this->ipn_data['payer_email'], $customvariables['ip']);
     $time = time();
     global $wpdb;
     $products_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "wp_eStore_tbl";
     $customer_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "wp_eStore_customer_tbl";
     $sales_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "wp_eStore_sales_tbl";
     if ($transaction_type == "cart") {
         $this->debug_log('Transaction Type: Shopping Cart', true);
         // Cart Items
         $num_cart_items = $this->ipn_data['num_cart_items'];
         $this->debug_log('Number of Cart Items: ' . $num_cart_items, true);
         $i = 1;
         $cart_items = array();
         while ($i < $num_cart_items + 1) {
             $item_number = $this->ipn_data['item_number' . $i];
             $item_name = $this->ipn_data['item_name' . $i];
             //$item_name = mb_convert_encoding($item_name, "UTF-8");
             $quantity = $this->ipn_data['quantity' . $i];
             $mc_gross = $this->ipn_data['mc_gross_' . $i];
             $mc_shipping = $this->ipn_data['mc_shipping' . $i];
             $mc_currency = $this->ipn_data['mc_currency'];
             $current_item = array('item_number' => $item_number, 'item_name' => $item_name, 'quantity' => $quantity, 'mc_gross' => $mc_gross, 'mc_shipping' => $mc_shipping, 'mc_currency' => $mc_currency);
             array_push($cart_items, $current_item);
     } else {
         if ($transaction_type == "subscr_signup") {
             $this->debug_log('Subscription signup IPN received... (handled by the subscription IPN handler). Check the "subscription_handle_debug.log" file more details.', true);
             if (eStore_chk_and_record_cust_data_for_free_trial_signup($this->ipn_data)) {
                 //Check and record customer data for free trial
                 return true;
             $subsc_prod_id = $this->ipn_data['item_number'];
             $ret_product = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM {$products_table_name} WHERE id = '{$subsc_prod_id}'", OBJECT);
             if (!$ret_product) {
                 $error_msg .= 'Request received for subscription product ID: ' . $subsc_prod_id . '. Could not find this Product ID in the product database (please check the manage products menu and verify that you have specified the correct product ID).';
                 $this->debug_log($error_msg, false);
                 return false;
             $subsc_ref = $ret_product->ref_text;
             if (!empty($subsc_ref)) {
                 //Do membership signup task
                 $this->debug_log('Reference Text field value: ' . $subsc_ref, true);
                 if (get_option('eStore_enable_wishlist_int')) {
                     $this->debug_log('WishList integration is being used... creating member account... see the "subscription_handle_debug.log" file for details', true);
                     wl_handle_subsc_signup($this->ipn_data, $subsc_ref, $this->ipn_data['subscr_id']);
                 } else {
                     if (function_exists('wp_eMember_install')) {
                         $this->debug_log('eMember integration is being used... creating member account... see the "subscription_handle_debug.log" file for details', true);
                         eMember_handle_subsc_signup($this->ipn_data, $subsc_ref, $this->ipn_data['subscr_id'], $eMember_id);
             return true;
         } else {
             if ($transaction_type == "subscr_cancel" || $transaction_type == "subscr_eot" || $transaction_type == "subscr_failed") {
                 if (get_option('eStore_enable_wishlist_int')) {
                 } else {
                     // Code to handle the IPN for subscription cancellation
                     if (function_exists('wp_eMember_install')) {
                 $this->debug_log('Subscription cancellation IPN received... nothing to do here(handled by the subscription IPN handler)', true);
                 return true;
             } else {
                 $cart_items = array();
                 $this->debug_log('Transaction Type (Buy Now/Subscribe): ' . $transaction_type, true);
                 $item_number = $this->ipn_data['item_number'];
                 $item_name = $this->ipn_data['item_name'];
                 //$item_name = mb_convert_encoding($item_name, "UTF-8");
                 $quantity = $this->ipn_data['quantity'];
                 if (empty($quantity)) {
                     $quantity = 1;
                 $mc_tax = $this->ipn_data['tax'];
                 if (!empty($mc_tax)) {
                     //For "web_accept" txn, the total tax is included in the "mc_gross" amt.
                     $mc_gross = $this->ipn_data['mc_gross'] - $mc_tax;
                     $this->debug_log('Deducting tax amount (' . $mc_tax . ') from mc_gross amt', true);
                 } else {
                     $mc_gross = $this->ipn_data['mc_gross'];
                 $mc_shipping = $this->ipn_data['mc_shipping'];
                 $mc_currency = $this->ipn_data['mc_currency'];
                 $current_item = array('item_number' => $item_number, 'item_name' => $item_name, 'quantity' => $quantity, 'mc_gross' => $mc_gross, 'mc_shipping' => $mc_shipping, 'mc_currency' => $mc_currency);
                 array_push($cart_items, $current_item);
     // URL of directory where script is stored ( include trailing slash )
     $script_location = get_option('eStore_download_script');
     $random_key = get_option('eStore_random_code');
     $payment_currency = get_option('cart_payment_currency');
     $product_id_array = array();
     $product_name_array = array();
     $product_price_array = array();
     $product_qty_array = array();
     $download_link_array = array();
     $download_link_for_digital_item = array();
     $product_key_data = "";
     $counter = 0;
     foreach ($cart_items as $current_cart_item) {
         $cart_item_data_num = $current_cart_item['item_number'];
         $key = $cart_item_data_num;
         $retrieved_product = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM {$products_table_name} WHERE id = '{$key}'", OBJECT);
         if (!$retrieved_product) {
             $error_msg .= 'Request received for product ID: ' . $cart_item_data_num . '. Could not find this Product ID in the product database (please check the manage products menu and verify that you have specified the correct product ID).';
             $this->debug_log($error_msg, false);
             return false;
         $cart_item_data_name = trim($current_cart_item['item_name']);
         $cart_item_data_quantity = $current_cart_item['quantity'];
         $cart_item_data_total = $current_cart_item['mc_gross'];
         $cart_item_shipping = $current_cart_item['mc_shipping'];
         $cart_item_data_currency = $current_cart_item['mc_currency'];
         if (empty($cart_item_data_quantity)) {
             $cart_item_data_quantity = 1;
         $this->debug_log('Item Number: ' . $cart_item_data_num, true);
         $this->debug_log('Item Name: ' . $cart_item_data_name, true);
         $this->debug_log('Item Quantity: ' . $cart_item_data_quantity, true);
         $this->debug_log('Item Price: ' . $cart_item_data_total, true);
         $this->debug_log('Item Shipping: ' . $cart_item_shipping, true);
         $this->debug_log('Item Currency: ' . $cart_item_data_currency, true);
         // Compare the values with the values stored in the database
         $coupon_code = $customvariables['coupon'];
         if (!empty($coupon_code)) {
             $this->debug_log('Coupon Code Used : ' . $coupon_code, true);
             $coupon_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "wp_eStore_coupon_tbl";
             $ret_coupon = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM {$coupon_table_name} WHERE coupon_code = '{$coupon_code}'", OBJECT);
             if ($ret_coupon) {
                 $discount_amount = $ret_coupon->discount_value;
                 $discount_type = $ret_coupon->discount_type;
                 if ($discount_type == 0) {
                     //apply % discount
                     $discount = $retrieved_product->price * $discount_amount / 100;
                     $true_product_price = $retrieved_product->price - $discount;
                 } else {
                     // apply value discount
                     $true_product_price = $retrieved_product->price - $discount_amount;
             } else {
                 eStore_payment_debug('Could not find the coupon in the database: ' . $coupon_code, false);
             if ($transaction_type == "subscr_payment") {
                 $true_product_price = 0;
                 //Used coupon on subscription product
                 eStore_payment_debug('Coupon discount was used on a subscription product', true);
         } else {
             if (is_numeric($retrieved_product->a3)) {
                 $true_product_price = 0;
                 //subscription product
             } else {
                 if (is_numeric($retrieved_product->price)) {
                     $true_product_price = $retrieved_product->price * $cart_item_data_quantity;
                 } else {
                     $true_product_price = 0;
                     //most likely a subscription
         $check_price = true;
         $msg = "";
         $msg = apply_filters('eStore_before_checking_price_filter', $msg, $current_cart_item);
         if (!empty($msg) && $msg == "currency-check-override") {
             $check_price = false;
             $this->debug_log('Price and currency check override enabled by filter eStore_before_checking_price_filter', true);
         if ($check_price) {
             $true_product_price = round($true_product_price, 2);
             if ($cart_item_data_total < $true_product_price) {
                 $error_msg .= 'Wrong Product Price Detected! Actual Product Price : ' . $true_product_price . ' Amount Paid: ' . $cart_item_data_total;
                 $this->debug_log($error_msg, false);
                 return false;
             if (!empty($retrieved_product->currency_code)) {
                 $payment_currency = $retrieved_product->currency_code;
             if ($payment_currency != $cart_item_data_currency) {
                 $error_msg .= 'Invalid Product Currency Detected! The payment was made in currency: ' . $cart_item_data_currency;
                 $this->debug_log($error_msg, false);
                 $this->debug_log('You specified to receive payment in: ' . $payment_currency . ' for this product. Check eStore settings or this product\'s Buy Now/Subscription section and correct the currency code to fix this issue.', false);
                 return false;
         //*** Handle Membership Payment ***
         $member_ref = $retrieved_product->ref_text;
         $this->debug_log('Value of the reference text field for this product: ' . $member_ref, true);
         if (!empty($member_ref)) {
             if ($transaction_type == "web_accept") {
                 if (get_option('eStore_enable_wishlist_int')) {
                     $this->debug_log('WishList integration is being used... creating member account... see the "subscription_handle_debug.log" file for details', true);
                     wl_handle_subsc_signup($this->ipn_data, $member_ref, $this->ipn_data['txn_id']);
                 } else {
                     if (function_exists('wp_eMember_install')) {
                         $this->debug_log('eMember integration is being used... creating member account... see the "subscription_handle_debug.log" file for details', true);
                         eMember_handle_subsc_signup($this->ipn_data, $member_ref, $this->ipn_data['txn_id'], $eMember_id);
             } else {
                 if ($transaction_type == "cart") {
                     if (get_option('eStore_enable_wishlist_int')) {
                         $this->debug_log('WishList integration is being used... creating member account... see the "subscription_handle_debug.log" file for details', true);
                         wl_handle_subsc_signup($this->ipn_data, $member_ref, $this->ipn_data['txn_id']);
                     } else {
                         if (function_exists('wp_eMember_install')) {
                             $this->debug_log('eMember integration is being used... creating member account... see the "subscription_handle_debug.log" file for details', true);
                             eMember_handle_subsc_signup($this->ipn_data, $member_ref, $this->ipn_data['txn_id'], $eMember_id);
                 } else {
                     if ($transaction_type == "subscr_payment") {
                         $subscr_id = $this->ipn_data['subscr_id'];
                         eStore_update_member_subscription_start_date_if_applicable($this->ipn_data, $subscr_id);
         //== End of Membership payment handling ==
         $product_id = $retrieved_product->id;
         //Check if nextgen gallery integration is being used
         $pid_check_value = eStore_is_ngg_pid_present($cart_item_data_name);
         if ($pid_check_value != -1) {
             $pictureID = $pid_check_value;
         //Generate link from Nextgen gallery if PID is present.
         if (!empty($pictureID)) {
             $download_link = eStore_get_ngg_image_url($pictureID, $cart_item_data_name);
             $pictureID = "";
         } else {
             $this->debug_log('Generating encrypted download link for this product.', true);
             $download_link = generate_download_link($retrieved_product, $cart_item_data_name, $this->ipn_data);
         $this->debug_log('Download Link: [hidden]', true);
         $product_specific_instructions .= eStore_get_product_specific_instructions($retrieved_product);
         //Product license key generation if using the license manager
         if (function_exists('wp_lic_manager_install')) {
             $product_license_data .= eStore_check_and_generate_license_key($retrieved_product, $this->ipn_data);
             $this->debug_log('License Data: [hidden]', true);
         //Issue serial key if this feature is being used
         $product_key_data .= eStore_post_sale_retrieve_serial_key_and_update($retrieved_product, $cart_item_data_name, $cart_item_data_quantity);
         array_push($product_name_array, $cart_item_data_name);
         array_push($product_id_array, $product_id);
         array_push($product_price_array, $cart_item_data_total);
         array_push($product_qty_array, $cart_item_data_quantity);
         array_push($download_link_array, $download_link);
         if (eStore_check_if_string_contains_url($download_link)) {
             array_push($download_link_for_digital_item, $download_link);
         $download_link = '';
     if (!empty($product_key_data)) {
         $this->ipn_data['product_key_data'] = $product_key_data;
     // How long the download link remain valid (hours)
     $download_url_life = get_option('eStore_download_url_life');
     // Email settings data
     $notify_email = get_option('eStore_notify_email_address');
     // Email which will receive notification of sale (sellers email)
     $download_email = get_option('eStore_download_email_address');
     // Email from which the mail wil be sent from
     $email_subject = get_option('eStore_buyer_email_subj');
     $email_body = get_option('eStore_buyer_email_body');
     $notify_subject = get_option('eStore_seller_email_subj');
     $notify_body = get_option('eStore_seller_email_body');
     // Send the product
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($product_name_array); $i++) {
         $constructed_products_name .= $product_name_array[$i];
         $constructed_products_name .= ", ";
         $constructed_products_price .= $product_price_array[$i];
         $constructed_products_price .= ", ";
         $constructed_products_id .= $product_id_array[$i];
         $constructed_products_id .= ", ";
         $constructed_products_details .= "\n" . $product_name_array[$i] . " x " . $product_qty_array[$i] . " - " . $currency_symbol . $product_price_array[$i] . " (" . $payment_currency . ")";
         $tax_inc_price = eStore_get_tax_include_price_by_prod_id($product_id_array[$i], $product_price_array[$i]);
         $constructed_products_details_tax_inc .= "\n" . $product_name_array[$i] . " x " . $product_qty_array[$i] . " - " . $currency_symbol . $tax_inc_price . " (" . $payment_currency . ")";
         //Download links list for all items in the cart
         $constructed_download_link .= "\n";
         if (is_array($download_link_array[$i])) {
             $package_downloads = $download_link_array[$i];
             for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($package_downloads); $j++) {
                 $constructed_download_link .= $package_downloads[$j];
                 $constructed_download_link .= "\n";
         } else {
             $constructed_download_link .= $download_link_array[$i];
         //Download links for only digital items in the cart
         $constructed_download_link_for_digital_item .= "\n";
         if (is_array($download_link_for_digital_item[$i])) {
             $package_downloads2 = $download_link_for_digital_item[$i];
             for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($package_downloads2); $j++) {
                 $constructed_download_link_for_digital_item .= $package_downloads2[$j];
                 $constructed_download_link_for_digital_item .= "\n";
         } else {
             $constructed_download_link_for_digital_item .= $download_link_for_digital_item[$i];
     $purchase_date = date("Y-m-d");
     $total_purchase_amt = $this->ipn_data['mc_gross'];
     $txn_id = $this->ipn_data['txn_id'];
     $total_tax = $this->ipn_data['tax'];
     $total_shipping = round($this->ipn_data['mc_handling'] + $this->ipn_data['mc_shipping'], 2);
     $total_minus_total_tax = round($total_purchase_amt - $total_tax, 2);
     $this->ipn_data['mc_tax'] = $total_tax;
     $this->ipn_data['mc_shipping'] = $total_shipping;
     //Counter for incremental receipt number
     $last_records_id = $wp_eStore_config->getValue('eStore_custom_receipt_counter');
     if (empty($last_records_id)) {
         $last_records_id = 0;
     $receipt_counter = $last_records_id + 1;
     $this->debug_log('Incremental counter value for PayPal checkout: ' . $receipt_counter, true);
     $wp_eStore_config->setValue('eStore_custom_receipt_counter', $receipt_counter);
     $buyer_shipping_info = "\n" . $this->ipn_data['address_name'];
     $buyer_shipping_info .= "\n" . $this->ipn_data['address_street'];
     $buyer_shipping_info .= "\n" . $this->ipn_data['address_city'];
     $buyer_shipping_info .= "\n" . $this->ipn_data['address_state'] . " " . $this->ipn_data['address_zip'];
     $buyer_shipping_info .= "\n" . $this->ipn_data['address_country'];
     $buyer_shipping_info .= "\n" . $this->ipn_data['contact_phone'];
     $this->ipn_data['address'] = $buyer_shipping_info;
     $buyer_phone = $this->ipn_data['contact_phone'];
     $shipping_option = $customvariables['ship_option'];
     if (empty($shipping_option)) {
         $shipping_option = "Default";
     $product_specific_instructions = eStore_apply_post_payment_dynamic_tags($product_specific_instructions, $this->ipn_data, $cart_items);
     $tags = array("{first_name}", "{last_name}", "{payer_email}", "{product_name}", "{product_link}", "{product_price}", "{product_id}", "{download_life}", "{product_specific_instructions}", "{product_details}", "{product_details_tax_inclusive}", "{shipping_info}", "{license_data}", "{purchase_date}", "{purchase_amt}", "{transaction_id}", "{shipping_option_selected}", "{product_link_digital_items_only}", "{total_tax}", "{total_shipping}", "{total_minus_total_tax}", "{customer_phone}", "{counter}", "{coupon_code}", "{serial_key}");
     $vals = array($this->ipn_data['first_name'], $this->ipn_data['last_name'], $this->ipn_data['payer_email'], $constructed_products_name, $constructed_download_link, $constructed_products_price, $constructed_products_id, $download_url_life, $product_specific_instructions, $constructed_products_details, $constructed_products_details_tax_inc, $buyer_shipping_info, $product_license_data, $purchase_date, $total_purchase_amt, $txn_id, $shipping_option, $constructed_download_link_for_digital_item, $total_tax, $total_shipping, $total_minus_total_tax, $buyer_phone, $receipt_counter, $coupon_code, $product_key_data);
     $subject = str_replace($tags, $vals, $email_subject);
     $body = stripslashes(str_replace($tags, $vals, $email_body));
     $headers = 'From: ' . $download_email . "\r\n";
     $attachment = '';
     //Call the filter for email notification body
     $this->debug_log('Applying filter - eStore_notification_email_body_filter', true);
     $body = apply_filters('eStore_notification_email_body_filter', $body, $this->ipn_data, $cart_items);
     // Determine if it's a recurring payment
     $recurring_payment = is_paypal_recurring_payment($this->ipn_data);
     if (!$recurring_payment) {
         if (get_option('eStore_send_buyer_email')) {
             if (get_option('eStore_use_wp_mail')) {
                 wp_eStore_send_wp_mail($this->ipn_data['payer_email'], $subject, $body, $headers);
                 //wp_mail($this->ipn_data['payer_email'], $subject, $body, $headers);
                 $this->debug_log('Product Email successfully sent to ' . $this->ipn_data['payer_email'] . '.', true);
             } else {
                 if (@eStore_send_mail($this->ipn_data['payer_email'], $body, $subject, $download_email, $attachment)) {
                     $this->debug_log('Product Email successfully sent (using PHP mail) to ' . $this->ipn_data['payer_email'] . '.', true);
                 } else {
                     $this->debug_log('Error sending product Email (using PHP mail) to ' . $this->ipn_data['payer_email'] . '.', false);
     // Notify seller
     $n_subject = str_replace($tags, $vals, $notify_subject);
     $n_body = str_replace($tags, $vals, $notify_body);
     if ($wp_eStore_config->getValue('eStore_add_payment_parameters_to_admin_email') == '1') {
         $n_body .= "\n\n------- User Email ----------\n" . $body . "\n\n------- Paypal Parameters (Only admin will receive this) -----\n" . $this->post_string;
     $n_body = stripslashes($n_body);
     if (!$recurring_payment) {
         $notify_emails_array = explode(",", $notify_email);
         foreach ($notify_emails_array as $notify_email_address) {
             if (!empty($notify_email_address)) {
                 $recipient_email_address = trim($notify_email_address);
                 if (get_option('eStore_use_wp_mail')) {
                     wp_eStore_send_wp_mail($recipient_email_address, $n_subject, $n_body, $headers);
                     //wp_mail($recipient_email_address, $n_subject, $n_body, $headers);
                     $this->debug_log('Notify Email successfully sent to ' . $recipient_email_address . '.', true);
                 } else {
                     if (@eStore_send_mail($recipient_email_address, $n_body, $n_subject, $download_email)) {
                         $this->debug_log('Notify Email successfully sent (using PHP mail) to ' . $recipient_email_address . '.', true);
                     } else {
                         $this->debug_log('Error sending notify Email (using PHP mail) to ' . $recipient_email_address . '.', false);
     // Do Post operations
     if (!$recurring_payment) {
         $this->debug_log('Updating Products, Customers, Coupons, Sales Database Tables with Sales Data.', true);
         $firstname = $this->ipn_data['first_name'];
         $lastname = $this->ipn_data['last_name'];
         $emailaddress = $this->ipn_data['payer_email'];
         $address = esc_sql(stripslashes($buyer_shipping_info));
         $phone = $this->ipn_data['contact_phone'];
         $subscr_id = $this->ipn_data['subscr_id'];
         $customer_ip = $customvariables['ip'];
         if (empty($customer_ip)) {
             $customer_ip = "No information";
         $product_key_data = $this->ipn_data['product_key_data'];
         if (empty($product_key_data)) {
             $product_key_data = "";
         $notes = "";
         $status = "Paid";
         if (function_exists('wp_eMember_install') && empty($eMember_id)) {
             //eMember purchase history additional check
             $this->debug_log('No eMember ID was passed so the user was not logged in. Quering member database to see if a user account exists for: ' . $emailaddress, true);
             $members_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "wp_eMember_members_tbl";
             $query_emem_db = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT member_id FROM {$members_table_name} WHERE email = '{$emailaddress}'", OBJECT);
             if ($query_emem_db) {
                 $eMember_id = $query_emem_db->member_id;
                 $this->debug_log('Found a user account with the purchaser email address. adding this purchase to account ID: ' . $eMember_id, true);
         $counter = 0;
         foreach ($cart_items as $current_cart_item) {
             $cart_item_data_num = $current_cart_item['item_number'];
             $cart_item_data_name = $current_cart_item['item_name'];
             $key = $cart_item_data_num;
             $retrieved_product = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM {$products_table_name} WHERE id = '{$key}'", OBJECT);
             $current_product_id = $cart_item_data_num;
             $cart_item_qty = $current_cart_item['quantity'];
             $sale_price = $current_cart_item['mc_gross'];
             if (empty($cart_item_qty)) {
                 $cart_item_qty = 1;
             $this->debug_log('Product ID: ' . $cart_item_data_num . '. Current available copies value: ' . $retrieved_product->available_copies . ' Sales count value: ' . $retrieved_product->sales_count, true);
             $new_available_copies = "";
             if (is_numeric($retrieved_product->available_copies)) {
                 $new_available_copies = $retrieved_product->available_copies - $cart_item_qty;
             $new_sales_count = $retrieved_product->sales_count + $cart_item_qty;
             $this->debug_log('New available copies value: ' . $new_available_copies . ' New sales count value: ' . $new_sales_count, true);
             $updatedb = "UPDATE {$products_table_name} SET available_copies = '{$new_available_copies}', sales_count = '{$new_sales_count}' WHERE id='{$current_product_id}'";
             $results = $wpdb->query($updatedb);
             // Update the Customer table
             $product_name = esc_sql(stripslashes($cart_item_data_name));
             $eMember_username = $eMember_id;
             $updatedb = "INSERT INTO {$customer_table_name} (first_name, last_name, email_address, purchased_product_id,txn_id,date,sale_amount,coupon_code_used,member_username,product_name,address,phone,subscr_id,purchase_qty,ipaddress,status,serial_number,notes) VALUES ('{$firstname}', '{$lastname}','{$emailaddress}','{$current_product_id}','{$transaction_id}','{$clientdate}','{$sale_price}','{$coupon_code}','{$eMember_username}','{$product_name}','{$address}','{$phone}','{$subscr_id}','{$cart_item_qty}','{$customer_ip}','{$status}','{$product_key_data}','{$notes}')";
             $results = $wpdb->query($updatedb);
             $updatedb2 = "INSERT INTO {$sales_table_name} (cust_email, date, time, item_id, sale_price) VALUES ('{$emailaddress}','{$clientdate}','{$clienttime}','{$current_product_id}','{$sale_price}')";
             $results = $wpdb->query($updatedb2);
         if (!empty($coupon_code)) {
             $coupon_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "wp_eStore_coupon_tbl";
             $ret_coupon = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM {$coupon_table_name} WHERE coupon_code = '{$coupon_code}'", OBJECT);
             if ($ret_coupon) {
                 $redemption_count = $ret_coupon->redemption_count + 1;
                 $updatedb = "UPDATE {$coupon_table_name} SET redemption_count = '{$redemption_count}' WHERE coupon_code='{$coupon_code}'";
                 $results = $wpdb->query($updatedb);
         $this->debug_log('Products, Customers, Coupons, Sales Database Tables Updated.', true);
         //Autoresponder signups
         eStore_item_specific_autoresponder_signup($cart_items, $firstname, $lastname, $emailaddress);
         eStore_global_autoresponder_signup($firstname, $lastname, $emailaddress);
         $this->ipn_data['eMember_userid'] = $eMember_id;
         //need to add the member ID to the IPN data
         do_action('eStore_product_database_updated_after_payment', $this->ipn_data, $cart_items);
         //eStore's action after post payment product database is update
     $this->debug_log('Updating Affiliate Database Table with Sales Data if Using the WP Affiliate Platform Plugin.', true);
     if (eStore_affiliate_capability_exists()) {
         //$this->debug_log('WP Affiliate Platform is installed, checking referral details...',true);
         $award_commission = true;
         if (get_option('eStore_aff_one_time_commission')) {
             if ($recurring_payment) {
                 $award_commission = false;
                 $this->debug_log('One time commission option is being used, This is a recurring payment and will not generate affiliate commission.', true);
         if ($award_commission) {
             $this->debug_log('Affiliate Commission may need to be tracked. See the "eStore_post_payment_debug.log" file for more details on commission calculation', true);
             eStore_aff_award_commission($this->ipn_data, $cart_items);
         //Handle auto affiliate account creation if this feature is used
     } else {
         $this->debug_log('Not Using the WP Affiliate Platform Plugin.', true);
     //Fire Recurring payment action hook
     if ($recurring_payment) {
         $this->debug_log('Firing the PayPal recurring payment action hook.', true);
         do_action('eStore_paypal_recurring_payment_received', $this->ipn_data, $cart_items);
     //Revenue sharing
     $share_revenue = get_option('eStore_aff_enable_revenue_sharing');
     if (!empty($share_revenue)) {
         eStore_award_author_commission($this->ipn_data, $cart_items);
     //POST IPN Data to memberwing script if specified in the settings
     $memberwing_external_post_url = get_option('eStore_memberwing_ipn_post_url');
     if (!empty($memberwing_external_post_url)) {
         $this->debug_log('Posting IPN data to Memberwing plugin :' . $memberwing_external_post_url, true);
         eStore_POST_IPN_data_to_url($this->ipn_data, $memberwing_external_post_url);
     return true;