function dsq_comments_template($value) { global $EMBED; global $post; global $comments; if (!(is_singular() && (have_comments() || 'open' == $post->comment_status))) { return; } if (!dsq_is_installed() || !dsq_can_replace()) { return $value; } // TODO: If a disqus-comments.php is found in the current template's // path, use that instead of the default bundled comments.php //return TEMPLATEPATH . '/disqus-comments.php'; $EMBED = true; if (dcl_check_shortcode('js-disqus') || 'open' !== $post->comment_status) { return dirname(__FILE__) . '/../public/dcl-empty.php'; } else { return dirname(__FILE__) . '/../public/dcl-comments.php'; } }
/admin/moderate/<?php echo get_option('disqus_forum_url'); ?> /?template=wordpress" style="width: 100%; height: 800px"></iframe> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php $dsq_replace = get_option('disqus_replace'); $dsq_forum_url = strtolower(get_option('disqus_forum_url')); $dsq_api_key = get_option('disqus_api_key'); $dsq_cc_fix = get_option('disqus_cc_fix'); if (dsq_is_installed()) { $dsq_last_import_id = get_option('disqus_last_import_id'); $dsq_import_status = $dsq_api->get_import_status($dsq_last_import_id); } ?> <!-- Advanced options --> <div id="dsq-advanced" class="dsq-content" style="display:none;"> <h2>Advanced Options</h2> Version: <?php echo $dsq_version; if (function_exists('curl_init')) { echo ' (Using cURL libraries.)'; } else { if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen') && function_exists('stream_get_contents')) { echo ' (Using fopen.)'; } else {
$dsq_user_api_key = $dsq_api->get_user_api_key($_POST['dsq_username'], $_POST['dsq_password']); if (!$dsq_user_api_key) { $step = 1; dsq_manage_dialog($dsq_api->get_last_error(), true); } $dsq_sites = $dsq_api->get_forum_list($dsq_user_api_key); if ($dsq_sites < 0) { $step = 1; dsq_manage_dialog($dsq_api->get_last_error(), true); } } ?> <div class="wrap" id="dsq-wrap"> <ul id="dsq-tabs"> <li class="selected" id="dsq-tab-main" rel="dsq-main"><?php echo dsq_is_installed() ? 'Manage' : 'Install'; ?> </li> <li id="dsq-tab-advanced" rel="dsq-advanced"><?php echo dsq_i('Advanced Options'); ?> </li> </ul> <div id="dsq-main" class="dsq-content"> <?php switch ($step) { case 2: ?> <div id="dsq-step-2" class="dsq-main"> <h2><?php
$theme = wp_get_theme(); echo esc_html($theme->Name . ' ' . $theme->Version); } ?> URLOpen Method: <?php echo esc_html(dsq_url_method()); ?> Plugin Version: <?php echo esc_html(DISQUS_VERSION); ?> Settings: dsq_is_installed: <?php echo esc_html(dsq_is_installed() . '\\n'); foreach (dsq_options() as $opt) { echo esc_html($opt . ': ' . get_option($opt) . '\\n'); } ?> Plugins: <?php foreach (get_plugins() as $key => $plugin) { $isactive = ''; if (is_plugin_active($key)) { $isactive = '(active)'; } echo esc_html($plugin['Name'] . ' ' . $plugin['Version'] . ' ' . $isactive . '\\n'); } ?>
function dsq_plugin_action_links($links, $file) { $plugin_file = basename(__FILE__); if (basename($file) == $plugin_file) { if (!dsq_is_installed()) { $settings_link = '<a href="edit-comments.php?page=disqus">' . dsq_i('Configure') . '</a>'; } else { $settings_link = '<a href="edit-comments.php?page=disqus#adv">' . dsq_i('Settings') . '</a>'; } array_unshift($links, $settings_link); } return $links; }
$theme = wp_get_theme(); echo esc_html($theme->Name . ' ' . $theme->Version); } ?> URLOpen Method: <?php echo esc_html(dsq_url_method()); ?> Plugin Version: <?php echo esc_html(DISQUS_VERSION); ?> Settings: dsq_is_installed: <?php echo esc_html(dsq_is_installed()); foreach (dsq_options() as $opt) { echo esc_html($opt . ': ' . get_option($opt) . "\n"); } ?> Plugins: <?php foreach (get_plugins() as $key => $plugin) { $isactive = ""; if (is_plugin_active($key)) { $isactive = "(active)"; } echo esc_html($plugin['Name'] . ' ' . $plugin['Version'] . ' ' . $isactive . "\n"); } ?>
Active Theme: <?php $theme = get_theme(get_current_theme()); echo $theme['Name'] . ' ' . $theme['Version']; ?> URLOpen Method: <?php echo dsq_url_method(); ?> Plugin Version: <?php echo DISQUS_VERSION; ?> Settings: dsq_is_installed: <?php echo dsq_is_installed(); ?> <?php foreach (dsq_options() as $opt) { echo $opt . ': ' . get_option($opt) . "\n"; } ?> Plugins: <?php foreach (get_plugins() as $key => $plugin) { $isactive = ""; if (is_plugin_active($key)) { $isactive = "(active)";
function tc_disqus_comments_enabled() { return function_exists('dsq_is_installed') && function_exists('dsq_can_replace') && dsq_is_installed() && dsq_can_replace(); }
function dsq_warning() { if (!get_option('disqus_forum_url') && !isset($_POST['forum_url']) && isset($_POST['page']) && $_GET['page'] != 'disqus') { dsq_manage_dialog('You must <a href="edit-comments.php?page=disqus">configure the plugin</a> to enable Disqus Comments.', true); } if (!dsq_is_installed() && isset($_POST['page']) && $_GET['page'] == 'disqus') { dsq_manage_dialog('Disqus Comments has not yet been configured. (<a href="edit-comments.php?page=disqus">Click here to configure</a>)'); } }
/** * Custom Plugin Action Link. * * Function to add a quick link to DCL, when being listed on your * plugins list view. * * @since 1.0.0 * @return $links Links to display. * @author Joel James */ public function dcl_plugin_action_links($links, $file) { $plugin_file = basename('disqus-conditional-load.php'); if (basename($file) == $plugin_file) { if (!dsq_is_installed()) { $settings_link = '<a href="edit-comments.php?page=disqus">' . dsq_i('Configure') . '</a>'; } else { $settings_link = '<a href="admin.php?page=dcl-settings">' . dsq_i('Settings') . '</a>'; } array_unshift($links, $settings_link); } return $links; }
<?php if ( !function_exists('wp_get_theme') ) { $theme = get_theme(get_current_theme()); echo esc_html( $theme['Name'] . ' ' . $theme['Version'] ); } else { $theme = wp_get_theme(); echo esc_html( $theme->Name . ' ' . $theme->Version ); } ?> URLOpen Method: <?php echo esc_html( dsq_url_method() ); ?> Plugin Version: <?php echo esc_html( DISQUS_VERSION ); ?> Settings: dsq_is_installed: <?php echo esc_html( dsq_is_installed() ); ?> <?php foreach (dsq_options() as $opt) { echo esc_html( $opt.': '.get_option($opt)."\n" ); } ?> Plugins: <?php foreach (get_plugins() as $key => $plugin) { $isactive = ""; if (is_plugin_active($key)) { $isactive = "(active)"; } echo esc_html( $plugin['Name'].' '.$plugin['Version'].' '.$isactive."\n" ); } ?>