   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $bundle_name = NULL) {
    $this->currentBundle = $this->assigner->loadBundle($bundle_name);

    $settings = $this->currentBundle->getAssignmentSettings(self::METHOD_ID);
    $this->setTypeSelect($form, $settings['types'], $this->t('exclude'));

    $module_settings = $settings['module'];
    $curated_settings = $settings['curated'];

    $form['curated'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Exclude designated site-specific configuration'),
      '#default_value' => $curated_settings,
      '#description' => $this->t('Select this option to exclude from packaging items on a curated list of site-specific configuration.'),

    $form['module'] = array(
      '#type' => 'container',
      '#tree' => TRUE,
    $form['module']['enabled'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Exclude module-provided entity configuration'),
      '#default_value' => $module_settings['enabled'],
      '#description' => $this->t('Select this option to exclude from packaging any configuration that is provided by already enabled modules. Note that <a href="!url">simple configuration</a> will not be excluded as it is always module-provided.', array('!url' => 'http://www.drupal.org/node/1809490')),
      '#attributes' => array(
        'data-module-enabled' => 'status',

    $show_if_module_enabled_checked = array(
      'visible' => array(
        ':input[data-module-enabled="status"]' => array('checked' => TRUE),

    $info = system_get_info('module', drupal_get_profile());
    $form['module']['profile'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t("Don't exclude install profile's configuration"),
      '#default_value' => $module_settings['profile'],
      '#description' => $this->t("Select this option to not exclude from packaging any configuration that is provided by this site's install profile, %profile.", array('%profile' => $info['name'])),
      '#states' => $show_if_module_enabled_checked,

    $machine_name = $this->currentBundle->getMachineName();
    $machine_name = !empty($machine_name) ? $machine_name : t('none');
    $form['module']['namespace'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t("Don't exclude configuration by namespace"),
      '#default_value' => $module_settings['namespace'],
      '#description' => $this->t("Select this option to not exclude from packaging any configuration that is provided by modules with the package namespace (currently %namespace).", array('%namespace' => $machine_name)),
      '#states' => $show_if_module_enabled_checked,


    return $form;
  * Returns a map of all config object names and their folders.
  * The list is based on enabled modules and themes. The active configuration
  * storage is used rather than \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandler and
  *  \Drupal\Core\Extension\ThemeHandler in order to resolve circular
  * dependencies between these services and \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigInstaller
  * and \Drupal\Core\Config\TypedConfigManager.
  * @return array
  *   An array mapping config object names with directories.
 protected function getAllFolders()
     if (!isset($this->folders)) {
         $this->folders = array();
         $this->folders += $this->getCoreNames();
         $install_profile = Settings::get('install_profile');
         $profile = drupal_get_profile();
         $extensions = $this->configStorage->read('core.extension');
         // @todo Remove this scan as part of https://www.drupal.org/node/2186491
         $listing = new ExtensionDiscovery(\Drupal::root());
         if (!empty($extensions['module'])) {
             $modules = $extensions['module'];
             // Remove the install profile as this is handled later.
             $profile_list = $listing->scan('profile');
             if ($profile && isset($profile_list[$profile])) {
                 // Prime the drupal_get_filename() static cache with the profile info
                 // file location so we can use drupal_get_path() on the active profile
                 // during the module scan.
                 // @todo Remove as part of https://www.drupal.org/node/2186491
                 drupal_get_filename('profile', $profile, $profile_list[$profile]->getPathname());
             $module_list_scan = $listing->scan('module');
             $module_list = array();
             foreach (array_keys($modules) as $module) {
                 if (isset($module_list_scan[$module])) {
                     $module_list[$module] = $module_list_scan[$module];
             $this->folders += $this->getComponentNames($module_list);
         if (!empty($extensions['theme'])) {
             $theme_list_scan = $listing->scan('theme');
             foreach (array_keys($extensions['theme']) as $theme) {
                 if (isset($theme_list_scan[$theme])) {
                     $theme_list[$theme] = $theme_list_scan[$theme];
             $this->folders += $this->getComponentNames($theme_list);
         if ($this->includeProfile) {
             // The install profile can override module default configuration. We do
             // this by replacing the config file path from the module/theme with the
             // install profile version if there are any duplicates.
             if (isset($profile)) {
                 if (!isset($profile_list)) {
                     $profile_list = $listing->scan('profile');
                 if (isset($profile_list[$profile])) {
                     $profile_folders = $this->getComponentNames(array($profile_list[$profile]));
                     $this->folders = $profile_folders + $this->folders;
     return $this->folders;
  * Confirms that the installation succeeded.
 public function testInstalled()
     // Confirm that we are logged-in after installation.
     // Confirm that the minimal profile was installed.
     $this->assertEqual(drupal_get_profile(), 'minimal');
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     // Make sure the install API is available.
     include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/core/includes/install.inc';
     // Get a list of all available modules.
     $modules = system_rebuild_module_data();
     $uninstallable = array_filter($modules, function ($module) use($modules) {
         return empty($modules[$module->getName()]->info['required']) && $module->status;
     // Include system.admin.inc so we can use the sort callbacks.
     $this->moduleHandler->loadInclude('system', 'inc', 'system.admin');
     $form['filters'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#attributes' => array('class' => array('table-filter', 'js-show')));
     $form['filters']['text'] = array('#type' => 'search', '#title' => $this->t('Filter modules'), '#title_display' => 'invisible', '#size' => 30, '#placeholder' => $this->t('Filter by name or description'), '#description' => $this->t('Enter a part of the module name or description'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('table-filter-text'), 'data-table' => '#system-modules-uninstall', 'autocomplete' => 'off'));
     $form['modules'] = array();
     // Only build the rest of the form if there are any modules available to
     // uninstall;
     if (empty($uninstallable)) {
         return $form;
     $profile = drupal_get_profile();
     // Sort all modules by their name.
     uasort($uninstallable, 'system_sort_modules_by_info_name');
     $validation_reasons = $this->moduleInstaller->validateUninstall(array_keys($uninstallable));
     $form['uninstall'] = array('#tree' => TRUE);
     foreach ($uninstallable as $module_key => $module) {
         $name = $module->info['name'] ?: $module->getName();
         $form['modules'][$module->getName()]['#module_name'] = $name;
         $form['modules'][$module->getName()]['name']['#markup'] = $name;
         $form['modules'][$module->getName()]['description']['#markup'] = $this->t($module->info['description']);
         $form['uninstall'][$module->getName()] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => $this->t('Uninstall @module module', array('@module' => $name)), '#title_display' => 'invisible');
         // If a validator returns reasons not to uninstall a module,
         // list the reasons and disable the check box.
         if (isset($validation_reasons[$module_key])) {
             $form['modules'][$module->getName()]['#validation_reasons'] = $validation_reasons[$module_key];
             $form['uninstall'][$module->getName()]['#disabled'] = TRUE;
         // All modules which depend on this one must be uninstalled first, before
         // we can allow this module to be uninstalled. (The installation profile
         // is excluded from this list.)
         foreach (array_keys($module->required_by) as $dependent) {
             if ($dependent != $profile && drupal_get_installed_schema_version($dependent) != SCHEMA_UNINSTALLED) {
                 $name = isset($modules[$dependent]->info['name']) ? $modules[$dependent]->info['name'] : $dependent;
                 $form['modules'][$module->getName()]['#required_by'][] = $name;
                 $form['uninstall'][$module->getName()]['#disabled'] = TRUE;
     $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'system/drupal.system.modules';
     $form['actions'] = array('#type' => 'actions');
     $form['actions']['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => $this->t('Uninstall'));
     return $form;
  * A helper function to generate a list of paths to the Superfish library files.
 public function superfish_library_path()
     // Ensure the Libraries API module is installed and working.
     if (function_exists('libraries_get_path')) {
         $directory = libraries_get_path('superfish');
     } elseif (file_exists('profiles/' . drupal_get_profile() . '/libraries/superfish')) {
         $directory = 'profiles/' . drupal_get_profile() . '/libraries/superfish';
     } else {
         $directory = 'sites/all/libraries/superfish';
     if (file_exists($directory)) {
         $output = $directory . "/jquery.hoverIntent.minified.js\r\n" . $directory . "/superfish.js\r\n" . $directory . "/supersubs.js\r\n" . $directory . "/supposition.js\r\n" . $directory . "/sfsmallscreen.js\r\n" . $directory . "/sftouchscreen.js";
     } else {
         $output = '';
     return $output;
Пример #6
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function collect(Request $request, Response $response, \Exception $exception = NULL)
     $this->data['version'] = Drupal::VERSION;
     $this->data['profile'] = drupal_get_profile();
     $this->data['config_url'] = (new Drupal\Core\Url('webprofiler.settings', [], ['query' => $this->redirectDestination->getAsArray()]))->toString();
     try {
         $process = new Process("git log -1 --pretty=format:'%H - %s (%ci)' --abbrev-commit");
         $this->data['git_commit'] = $process->getOutput();
         $process = new Process("git log -1 --pretty=format:'%h' --abbrev-commit");
         $this->data['abbr_git_commit'] = $process->getOutput();
     } catch (ProcessFailedException $e) {
         $this->data['git_commit'] = $this->data['git_commit_abbr'] = NULL;
  * Defines a list of the locations, where icon sets are searched.
  * @return array
 protected function setSearchDirs()
     // Similar to 'modules' and 'themes' directories inside an installation
     // profile, installation profiles may want to place libraries into a
     // 'libraries' directory.
     $profile = drupal_get_profile();
     if ($profile && strpos($profile, "core") === FALSE) {
         $profile_path = drupal_get_path('profile', $profile);
         $searchdirs[] = "{$profile_path}/libraries";
     // Search sites/all/libraries for backwars-compatibility.
     $searchdirs[] = 'sites/all/libraries';
     // Always search the root 'libraries' directory.
     $searchdirs[] = 'libraries';
     // Also search sites/<domain>/*.
     $site_path = \Drupal::service('kernel')->getSitePath();
     $searchdirs[] = "{$site_path}/libraries";
     // Add the social_media_links module directory.
     $searchdirs[] = drupal_get_path('module', 'social_media_links') . '/libraries';
     $this->searchDirs = $searchdirs;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $bundle_name = NULL)
     $this->currentBundle = $this->assigner->loadBundle($bundle_name);
     $settings = $this->currentBundle->getAssignmentSettings(self::METHOD_ID);
     $this->setConfigTypeSelect($form, $settings['types']['config'], $this->t('exclude'));
     $module_settings = $settings['module'];
     $curated_settings = $settings['curated'];
     $form['curated'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => $this->t('Exclude designated site-specific configuration'), '#default_value' => $curated_settings, '#description' => $this->t('Select this option to exclude from packaging items on a curated list of site-specific configuration.'));
     $form['module'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#tree' => TRUE);
     $form['module']['installed'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => $this->t('Exclude installed module-provided entity configuration'), '#default_value' => $module_settings['installed'], '#description' => $this->t('Select this option to exclude from packaging any configuration that is provided by already installed modules.'), '#attributes' => array('data-module-installed' => 'status'));
     $show_if_module_installed_checked = array('visible' => array(':input[data-module-installed="status"]' => array('checked' => TRUE)));
     $info = system_get_info('module', drupal_get_profile());
     $form['module']['profile'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => $this->t("Don't exclude install profile's configuration"), '#default_value' => $module_settings['profile'], '#description' => $this->t("Select this option to not exclude from packaging any configuration that is provided by this site's install profile, %profile.", array('%profile' => $info['name'])), '#states' => $show_if_module_installed_checked);
     $machine_name = $this->currentBundle->getMachineName();
     $machine_name = !empty($machine_name) ? $machine_name : t('none');
     $form['module']['namespace'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => $this->t("Don't exclude non-installed configuration by namespace"), '#default_value' => $module_settings['namespace'], '#description' => $this->t("Select this option to not exclude from packaging any configuration that is provided by non-installed modules with the package namespace (currently %namespace).", array('%namespace' => $machine_name)), '#states' => $show_if_module_installed_checked, '#attributes' => array('data-namespace' => 'status'));
     $show_if_namespace_checked = array('visible' => array(':input[data-namespace="status"]' => array('checked' => TRUE), ':input[data-module-installed="status"]' => array('checked' => TRUE)));
     $form['module']['namespace_any'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => $this->t("Don't exclude ANY configuration by namespace"), '#default_value' => $module_settings['namespace_any'], '#description' => $this->t("Select this option to not exclude from packaging any configuration that is provided by ANY modules with the package namespace (currently %namespace).\n        Warning: Can cause installed configuration to be reassigned to different packages.", array('%namespace' => $machine_name)), '#states' => $show_if_namespace_checked);
     return $form;
  * Returns a map of all config object names and their folders.
  * The list is based on enabled modules and themes. The active configuration
  * storage is used rather than \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandler and
  *  \Drupal\Core\Extension\ThemeHandler in order to resolve circular
  * dependencies between these services and \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigInstaller
  * and \Drupal\Core\Config\TypedConfigManager.
  * @return array
  *   An array mapping config object names with directories.
 protected function getAllFolders()
     if (!isset($this->folders)) {
         $this->folders = array();
         $this->folders += $this->getComponentNames('core', array('core'));
         $extensions = $this->configStorage->read('core.extension');
         if (!empty($extensions['module'])) {
             $this->folders += $this->getComponentNames('module', array_keys($extensions['module']));
         if (!empty($extensions['theme'])) {
             $this->folders += $this->getComponentNames('theme', array_keys($extensions['theme']));
         // The install profile can override module default configuration. We do
         // this by replacing the config file path from the module/theme with the
         // install profile version if there are any duplicates.
         $profile_folders = $this->getComponentNames('profile', array(drupal_get_profile()));
         $folders_to_replace = array_intersect_key($profile_folders, $this->folders);
         if (!empty($folders_to_replace)) {
             $this->folders = array_merge($this->folders, $folders_to_replace);
     return $this->folders;
Пример #10
  * Generates a random database prefix, runs the install scripts on the
  * prefixed database and enable the specified modules. After installation
  * many caches are flushed and the internal browser is setup so that the
  * page requests will run on the new prefix. A temporary files directory
  * is created with the same name as the database prefix.
  * @param ...
  *   List of modules to enable for the duration of the test.
 protected function setUp()
     global $db_prefix, $user, $language;
     // Store necessary current values before switching to prefixed database.
     $this->originalLanguage = $language;
     $this->originalLanguageDefault = variable_get('language_default');
     $this->originalPrefix = $db_prefix;
     $this->originalFileDirectory = file_directory_path();
     $this->originalProfile = drupal_get_profile();
     $clean_url_original = variable_get('clean_url', 0);
     // Generate temporary prefixed database to ensure that tests have a clean starting point.
     $db_prefix_new = Database::getConnection()->prefixTables('{simpletest' . mt_rand(1000, 1000000) . '}');
     db_update('simpletest_test_id')->fields(array('last_prefix' => $db_prefix_new))->condition('test_id', $this->testId)->execute();
     $db_prefix = $db_prefix_new;
     // Create test directory ahead of installation so fatal errors and debug
     // information can be logged during installation process.
     // Use temporary files directory with the same prefix as the database.
     $public_files_directory = $this->originalFileDirectory . '/simpletest/' . substr($db_prefix, 10);
     $private_files_directory = $public_files_directory . '/private';
     $temp_files_directory = $private_files_directory . '/temp';
     // Create the directories
     file_prepare_directory($public_files_directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY | FILE_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS);
     file_prepare_directory($private_files_directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
     file_prepare_directory($temp_files_directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
     $this->generatedTestFiles = FALSE;
     // Log fatal errors.
     ini_set('log_errors', 1);
     ini_set('error_log', $public_files_directory . '/error.log');
     // Reset all statics so that test is performed with a clean environment.
     include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/install.inc';
     // Include the default profile
     variable_set('install_profile', 'standard');
     $profile_details = install_profile_info('standard', 'en');
     // Install the modules specified by the default profile.
     drupal_install_modules($profile_details['dependencies'], TRUE);
     if ($modules = func_get_args()) {
         // Install modules needed for this test.
         drupal_install_modules($modules, TRUE);
     // Because the schema is static cached, we need to flush
     // it between each run. If we don't, then it will contain
     // stale data for the previous run's database prefix and all
     // calls to it will fail.
     drupal_get_schema(NULL, TRUE);
     // Run default profile tasks.
     $install_state = array();
     drupal_install_modules(array('standard'), TRUE);
     // Rebuild caches.
     $this->checkPermissions(array(), TRUE);
     // Log in with a clean $user.
     $this->originalUser = $user;
     $user = user_load(1);
     // Restore necessary variables.
     variable_set('install_task', 'done');
     variable_set('clean_url', $clean_url_original);
     variable_set('site_mail', '*****@*****.**');
     // Set up English language.
     $language = language_default();
     // Set path variables
     variable_set('file_public_path', $public_files_directory);
     variable_set('file_private_path', $private_files_directory);
     variable_set('file_temporary_path', $temp_files_directory);
     // Use the test mail class instead of the default mail handler class.
     variable_set('mail_system', array('default-system' => 'TestingMailSystem'));
Пример #11
  * Prepares the current environment for running the test.
  * Backups various current environment variables and resets them, so they do
  * not interfere with the Drupal site installation in which tests are executed
  * and can be restored in TestBase::restoreEnvironment().
  * Also sets up new resources for the testing environment, such as the public
  * filesystem and configuration directories.
  * This method is private as it must only be called once by TestBase::run()
  * (multiple invocations for the same test would have unpredictable
  * consequences) and it must not be callable or overridable by test classes.
  * @see TestBase::beforePrepareEnvironment()
 private function prepareEnvironment()
     $user = \Drupal::currentUser();
     // Allow (base) test classes to backup global state information.
     // Create the database prefix for this test.
     $language_interface = \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage();
     // When running the test runner within a test, back up the original database
     // prefix.
         $this->originalPrefix = drupal_valid_test_ua();
     // Backup current in-memory configuration.
     $site_path = \Drupal::service('site.path');
     $this->originalSite = $site_path;
     $this->originalSettings = Settings::getAll();
     $this->originalConfig = $GLOBALS['config'];
     // @todo Remove all remnants of $GLOBALS['conf'].
     // @see https://www.drupal.org/node/2183323
     $this->originalConf = isset($GLOBALS['conf']) ? $GLOBALS['conf'] : NULL;
     // Backup statics and globals.
     $this->originalContainer = clone \Drupal::getContainer();
     $this->originalLanguage = $language_interface;
     $this->originalConfigDirectories = $GLOBALS['config_directories'];
     // Save further contextual information.
     // Use the original files directory to avoid nesting it within an existing
     // simpletest directory if a test is executed within a test.
     $this->originalFileDirectory = Settings::get('file_public_path', $site_path . '/files');
     $this->originalProfile = drupal_get_profile();
     $this->originalUser = isset($user) ? clone $user : NULL;
     // Prevent that session data is leaked into the UI test runner by closing
     // the session and then setting the session-name (i.e. the name of the
     // session cookie) to a random value. If a test starts a new session, then
     // it will be associated with a different session-name. After the test-run
     // it can be safely destroyed.
     // @see TestBase::restoreEnvironment()
     if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli' && session_status() === PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
     $this->originalSessionName = session_name();
     session_name('SIMPLETEST' . Crypt::randomBytesBase64());
     // Save and clean the shutdown callbacks array because it is static cached
     // and will be changed by the test run. Otherwise it will contain callbacks
     // from both environments and the testing environment will try to call the
     // handlers defined by the original one.
     $callbacks =& drupal_register_shutdown_function();
     $this->originalShutdownCallbacks = $callbacks;
     $callbacks = array();
     // Create test directory ahead of installation so fatal errors and debug
     // information can be logged during installation process.
     file_prepare_directory($this->siteDirectory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY | FILE_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS);
     // Prepare filesystem directory paths.
     $this->publicFilesDirectory = $this->siteDirectory . '/files';
     $this->privateFilesDirectory = $this->siteDirectory . '/private';
     $this->tempFilesDirectory = $this->siteDirectory . '/temp';
     $this->translationFilesDirectory = $this->siteDirectory . '/translations';
     $this->generatedTestFiles = FALSE;
     // Ensure the configImporter is refreshed for each test.
     $this->configImporter = NULL;
     // Unregister all custom stream wrappers of the parent site.
     // Availability of Drupal stream wrappers varies by test base class:
     // - KernelTestBase supports and maintains stream wrappers in a custom
     //   way.
     // - WebTestBase re-initializes Drupal stream wrappers after installation.
     // The original stream wrappers are restored after the test run.
     // @see TestBase::restoreEnvironment()
     // Reset statics.
     // Ensure there is no service container.
     $this->container = NULL;
     // Unset globals.
     // Log fatal errors.
     ini_set('log_errors', 1);
     ini_set('error_log', DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $this->siteDirectory . '/error.log');
     // Change the database prefix.
     // After preparing the environment and changing the database prefix, we are
     // in a valid test environment.
     // Reset settings.
     new Settings(array('hash_salt' => $this->databasePrefix, 'container_yamls' => []));
Пример #12
  * Return driver specific configuration options.
  * @param $database
  *  An array of driver specific configuration options.
  * @return
  *   The options form array.
 public function getFormOptions(array $database)
     $form['database'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Database name'), '#default_value' => empty($database['database']) ? '' : $database['database'], '#size' => 45, '#required' => TRUE, '#states' => array('required' => array(':input[name=driver]' => array('value' => $this->pdoDriver))));
     $form['username'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Database username'), '#default_value' => empty($database['username']) ? '' : $database['username'], '#size' => 45, '#required' => TRUE, '#states' => array('required' => array(':input[name=driver]' => array('value' => $this->pdoDriver))));
     $form['password'] = array('#type' => 'password', '#title' => t('Database password'), '#default_value' => empty($database['password']) ? '' : $database['password'], '#required' => FALSE, '#size' => 45);
     $form['advanced_options'] = array('#type' => 'details', '#title' => t('Advanced options'), '#weight' => 10);
     $profile = drupal_get_profile();
     $db_prefix = $profile == 'standard' ? 'drupal_' : $profile . '_';
     $form['advanced_options']['prefix'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Table name prefix'), '#default_value' => empty($database['prefix']) ? '' : $database['prefix'], '#size' => 45, '#description' => t('If more than one application will be sharing this database, a unique table name prefix–such as %prefix–will prevent collisions.', array('%prefix' => $db_prefix)), '#weight' => 10);
     $form['advanced_options']['host'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Host'), '#default_value' => empty($database['host']) ? 'localhost' : $database['host'], '#size' => 45, '#maxlength' => 255, '#required' => TRUE);
     $form['advanced_options']['port'] = array('#type' => 'number', '#title' => t('Port number'), '#default_value' => empty($database['port']) ? '' : $database['port'], '#min' => 0, '#max' => 65535);
     return $form;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getProfileName()
     $name = $this->isProfile() ? $this->profileName : '';
     return !empty($name) ? $name : drupal_get_profile();
Пример #14
  * Generates a random database prefix, runs the install scripts on the
  * prefixed database and enable the specified modules. After installation
  * many caches are flushed and the internal browser is setup so that the
  * page requests will run on the new prefix. A temporary files directory
  * is created with the same name as the database prefix.
  * @param ...
  *   List of modules to enable for the duration of the test. This can be
  *   either a single array or a variable number of string arguments.
 protected function setUp()
     global $user, $language, $conf;
     // Generate a temporary prefixed database to ensure that tests have a clean starting point.
     $this->databasePrefix = 'simpletest' . mt_rand(1000, 1000000);
     db_update('simpletest_test_id')->fields(array('last_prefix' => $this->databasePrefix))->condition('test_id', $this->testId)->execute();
     // Clone the current connection and replace the current prefix.
     $connection_info = Database::getConnectionInfo('default');
     Database::renameConnection('default', 'simpletest_original_default');
     foreach ($connection_info as $target => $value) {
         $connection_info[$target]['prefix'] = array('default' => $value['prefix']['default'] . $this->databasePrefix);
     Database::addConnectionInfo('default', 'default', $connection_info['default']);
     // Store necessary current values before switching to prefixed database.
     $this->originalLanguage = $language;
     $this->originalLanguageDefault = variable_get('language_default');
     $this->originalFileDirectory = variable_get('file_public_path', conf_path() . '/files');
     $this->originalProfile = drupal_get_profile();
     $this->removeTables = variable_get('simpletest_remove_tables', TRUE);
     $clean_url_original = variable_get('clean_url', 0);
     // Save and clean shutdown callbacks array because it static cached and
     // will be changed by the test run. If we don't, then it will contain
     // callbacks from both environments. So testing environment will try
     // to call handlers from original environment.
     $callbacks =& drupal_register_shutdown_function();
     $this->originalShutdownCallbacks = $callbacks;
     $callbacks = array();
     // Create test directory ahead of installation so fatal errors and debug
     // information can be logged during installation process.
     // Use temporary files directory with the same prefix as the database.
     $public_files_directory = $this->originalFileDirectory . '/simpletest/' . substr($this->databasePrefix, 10);
     $private_files_directory = $public_files_directory . '/private';
     $temp_files_directory = $private_files_directory . '/temp';
     // Create the directories
     file_prepare_directory($public_files_directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY | FILE_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS);
     file_prepare_directory($private_files_directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
     file_prepare_directory($temp_files_directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
     $this->generatedTestFiles = FALSE;
     // Log fatal errors.
     ini_set('log_errors', 1);
     ini_set('error_log', $public_files_directory . '/error.log');
     // Reset all statics and variables to perform tests in a clean environment.
     $conf = array();
     // Set the test information for use in other parts of Drupal.
     $test_info =& $GLOBALS['drupal_test_info'];
     $test_info['test_run_id'] = $this->databasePrefix;
     $test_info['in_child_site'] = FALSE;
     $this->setUpInstall(func_get_args(), $public_files_directory, $private_files_directory, $temp_files_directory);
     // Rebuild caches.
     // Register actions declared by any modules.
     // Reload global $conf array and permissions.
     $this->checkPermissions(array(), TRUE);
     // Reset statically cached schema for new database prefix.
     drupal_get_schema(NULL, TRUE);
     // Run cron once in that environment, as install.php does at the end of
     // the installation process.
     // Log in with a clean $user.
     $this->originalUser = $user;
     $user = user_load(1);
     // Set up English language.
     $language = language_default();
     // Use the test mail class instead of the default mail handler class.
     variable_set('mail_system', array('default-system' => 'TestingMailSystem'));
  * Generates a random database prefix, runs the install scripts on the
  * prefixed database and enable the specified modules. After installation
  * many caches are flushed and the internal browser is setup so that the
  * page requests will run on the new prefix. A temporary files directory
  * is created with the same name as the database prefix.
  * @param ...
  *   List of modules to enable for the duration of the test. This can be
  *   either a single array or a variable number of string arguments.
 protected function setUp()
     global $user, $language, $conf;
     // Generate a temporary prefixed database to ensure that tests have a clean starting point.
     $this->databasePrefix = 'simpletest' . mt_rand(1000, 1000000);
     db_update('simpletest_test_id')->fields(array('last_prefix' => $this->databasePrefix))->condition('test_id', $this->testId)->execute();
     // Clone the current connection and replace the current prefix.
     $connection_info = Database::getConnectionInfo('default');
     Database::renameConnection('default', 'simpletest_original_default');
     foreach ($connection_info as $target => $value) {
         $connection_info[$target]['prefix'] = array('default' => $value['prefix']['default'] . $this->databasePrefix);
     Database::addConnectionInfo('default', 'default', $connection_info['default']);
     // Store necessary current values before switching to prefixed database.
     $this->originalLanguage = $language;
     $this->originalLanguageDefault = variable_get('language_default');
     $this->originalFileDirectory = variable_get('file_public_path', conf_path() . '/files');
     $this->originalProfile = drupal_get_profile();
     $clean_url_original = variable_get('clean_url', 0);
     // Set to English to prevent exceptions from utf8_truncate() from t()
     // during install if the current language is not 'en'.
     // The following array/object conversion is copied from language_default().
     $language = (object) array('language' => 'en', 'name' => 'English', 'native' => 'English', 'direction' => 0, 'enabled' => 1, 'plurals' => 0, 'formula' => '', 'domain' => '', 'prefix' => '', 'weight' => 0, 'javascript' => '');
     // Save and clean shutdown callbacks array because it static cached and
     // will be changed by the test run. If we don't, then it will contain
     // callbacks from both environments. So testing environment will try
     // to call handlers from original environment.
     $callbacks =& drupal_register_shutdown_function();
     $this->originalShutdownCallbacks = $callbacks;
     $callbacks = array();
     // Create test directory ahead of installation so fatal errors and debug
     // information can be logged during installation process.
     // Use temporary files directory with the same prefix as the database.
     $public_files_directory = $this->originalFileDirectory . '/simpletest/' . substr($this->databasePrefix, 10);
     $private_files_directory = $public_files_directory . '/private';
     $temp_files_directory = $private_files_directory . '/temp';
     // Create the directories
     file_prepare_directory($public_files_directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY | FILE_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS);
     file_prepare_directory($private_files_directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
     file_prepare_directory($temp_files_directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
     $this->generatedTestFiles = FALSE;
     // Log fatal errors.
     ini_set('log_errors', 1);
     ini_set('error_log', $public_files_directory . '/error.log');
     // Reset all statics and variables to perform tests in a clean environment.
     $conf = array();
     // Set the test information for use in other parts of Drupal.
     $test_info =& $GLOBALS['drupal_test_info'];
     $test_info['test_run_id'] = $this->databasePrefix;
     $test_info['in_child_site'] = FALSE;
     include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/install.inc';
     // Set path variables.
     variable_set('file_public_path', $public_files_directory);
     variable_set('file_private_path', $private_files_directory);
     variable_set('file_temporary_path', $temp_files_directory);
     // Include the testing profile.
     variable_set('install_profile', $this->profile);
     $profile_details = install_profile_info($this->profile, 'en');
     // Install the modules specified by the testing profile.
     module_enable($profile_details['dependencies'], FALSE);
     // Install modules needed for this test. This could have been passed in as
     // either a single array argument or a variable number of string arguments.
     // @todo Remove this compatibility layer in Drupal 8, and only accept
     // $modules as a single array argument.
     $modules = func_get_args();
     if (isset($modules[0]) && is_array($modules[0])) {
         $modules = $modules[0];
     if ($modules) {
         $success = module_enable($modules, TRUE);
         $this->assertTrue($success, t('Enabled modules: %modules', array('%modules' => implode(', ', $modules))));
     // Run the profile tasks.
     $install_profile_module_exists = db_query("SELECT 1 FROM {system} WHERE type = 'module' AND name = :name", array(':name' => $this->profile))->fetchField();
     if ($install_profile_module_exists) {
         module_enable(array($this->profile), FALSE);
     // Reset/rebuild all data structures after enabling the modules.
     // Run cron once in that environment, as install.php does at the end of
     // the installation process.
     // Log in with a clean $user.
     $this->originalUser = $user;
     $user = user_load(1);
     // Restore necessary variables.
     variable_set('install_task', 'done');
     variable_set('clean_url', $clean_url_original);
     variable_set('site_mail', '*****@*****.**');
     variable_set('date_default_timezone', date_default_timezone_get());
     // Set up English language.
     $language = language_default();
     // Use the test mail class instead of the default mail handler class.
     variable_set('mail_system', array('default-system' => 'TestingMailSystem'));
  * Prepares the current environment for running the test.
  * Backups various current environment variables and resets them, so they do
  * not interfere with the Drupal site installation in which tests are executed
  * and can be restored in tearDown().
  * Also sets up new resources for the testing environment, such as the public
  * filesystem and configuration directories.
  * @see DrupalWebTestCase::setUp()
  * @see DrupalWebTestCase::tearDown()
 protected function prepareEnvironment()
     global $user, $language, $conf;
     // Store necessary current values before switching to prefixed database.
     $this->originalLanguage = $language;
     $this->originalLanguageDefault = variable_get('language_default');
     $this->originalFileDirectory = variable_get('file_public_path', conf_path() . '/files');
     $this->originalProfile = drupal_get_profile();
     $this->originalCleanUrl = variable_get('clean_url', 0);
     $this->originalUser = $user;
     // Set to English to prevent exceptions from utf8_truncate() from t()
     // during install if the current language is not 'en'.
     // The following array/object conversion is copied from language_default().
     $language = (object) array('language' => 'en', 'name' => 'English', 'native' => 'English', 'direction' => 0, 'enabled' => 1, 'plurals' => 0, 'formula' => '', 'domain' => '', 'prefix' => '', 'weight' => 0, 'javascript' => '');
     // Save and clean the shutdown callbacks array because it is static cached
     // and will be changed by the test run. Otherwise it will contain callbacks
     // from both environments and the testing environment will try to call the
     // handlers defined by the original one.
     $callbacks =& drupal_register_shutdown_function();
     $this->originalShutdownCallbacks = $callbacks;
     $callbacks = array();
     // Create test directory ahead of installation so fatal errors and debug
     // information can be logged during installation process.
     // Use temporary files directory with the same prefix as the database.
     $this->public_files_directory = $this->originalFileDirectory . '/simpletest/' . substr($this->databasePrefix, 10);
     $this->private_files_directory = $this->public_files_directory . '/private';
     $this->temp_files_directory = $this->private_files_directory . '/temp';
     // Create the directories
     file_prepare_directory($this->public_files_directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY | FILE_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS);
     file_prepare_directory($this->private_files_directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
     file_prepare_directory($this->temp_files_directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
     $this->generatedTestFiles = FALSE;
     // Log fatal errors.
     ini_set('log_errors', 1);
     ini_set('error_log', $this->public_files_directory . '/error.log');
     // Set the test information for use in other parts of Drupal.
     $test_info =& $GLOBALS['drupal_test_info'];
     $test_info['test_run_id'] = $this->databasePrefix;
     $test_info['in_child_site'] = FALSE;
     // Indicate the environment was set up correctly.
     $this->setupEnvironment = TRUE;
 protected function getTestProfile() {
     // returns current profile
     return drupal_get_profile();
Пример #18
 * Installation task; perform final steps and display a 'finished' page.
 * @param $install_state
 *   An array of information about the current installation state.
 * @return
 *   A message informing the user that the installation is complete.
function install_finished(&$install_state)
    drupal_set_title(st('@drupal installation complete', array('@drupal' => drupal_install_profile_distribution_name())), PASS_THROUGH);
    $messages = drupal_set_message();
    $output = '<p>' . st('Congratulations, you installed @drupal!', array('@drupal' => drupal_install_profile_distribution_name())) . '</p>';
    $output .= '<p>' . (isset($messages['error']) ? st('Review the messages above before visiting <a href="@url">your new site</a>.', array('@url' => url(''))) : st('<a href="@url">Visit your new site</a>.', array('@url' => url('')))) . '</p>';
    // Rebuild the module and theme data, in case any newly-installed modules
    // need to modify it via hook_system_info_alter(). We need to clear the
    // theme static cache first, to make sure that the theme data is actually
    // rebuilt.
    // Flush all caches to ensure that any full bootstraps during the installer
    // do not leave stale cached data, and that any content types or other items
    // registered by the install profile are registered correctly.
    // Register actions declared by any modules.
    // Remember the profile which was used.
    variable_set('install_profile', drupal_get_profile());
    // Install profiles are always loaded last
    db_update('system')->fields(array('weight' => 1000))->condition('type', 'module')->condition('name', drupal_get_profile())->execute();
    // Cache a fully-built schema.
    drupal_get_schema(NULL, TRUE);
    // Run cron to populate update status tables (if available) so that users
    // will be warned if they've installed an out of date Drupal version.
    // Will also trigger indexing of profile-supplied content or feeds.
    return $output;
Пример #19
  * Tests that drupal_get_profile() returns NULL.
  * As the currently active installation profile is used when installing
  * configuration, for example, this is essential to ensure test isolation.
 public function testDrupalGetProfile()
Пример #20
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getAllModules(FeaturesBundleInterface $bundle = NULL)
     // ModuleHandler::getModuleDirectories() returns data only for installed
     // modules. system_rebuild_module_data() includes only the site's install
     // profile directory, while we may need to include a custom profile.
     // @see _system_rebuild_module_data().
     $listing = new ExtensionDiscovery(\Drupal::root());
     $profile_directories = [];
     // Register the install profile.
     $installed_profile = drupal_get_profile();
     if ($installed_profile) {
         $profile_directories[] = drupal_get_path('profile', $installed_profile);
     if (isset($bundle) && $bundle->isProfile()) {
         $profile_directory = 'profiles/' . $bundle->getProfileName();
         if ($bundle->getProfileName() != $installed_profile && is_dir($profile_directory)) {
             $profile_directories[] = $profile_directory;
     // Find modules.
     $modules = $listing->scan('module');
     // Find installation profiles.
     $profiles = $listing->scan('profile');
     foreach ($profiles as $key => $profile) {
         $modules[$key] = $profile;
     $return = array();
     // Detect modules by namespace.
     // If namespace is provided but is empty, then match all modules.
     foreach ($modules as $module_name => $extension) {
         if ($this->isFeatureModule($extension) && (!isset($bundle) || $bundle->isDefault() || $bundle->inBundle($module_name))) {
             $return[$module_name] = $extension;
     return $return;
  * Returns a map of all config object names and their folders.
  * The list is based on installed modules and themes. The active
  * configuration storage is used rather than
  * \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandler and
  * \Drupal\Core\Extension\ThemeHandler in order to resolve circular
  * dependencies between these services and
  * \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigInstaller and
  * \Drupal\Core\Config\TypedConfigManager.
  * NOTE: This code is copied from ExtensionInstallStorage::getAllFolders() with
  * the following changes (Notes in CHANGED below)
  *   - Load all modules whether installed or not
  * @return array
  *   An array mapping config object names with directories.
 public function getAllFolders()
     if (!isset($this->folders)) {
         $this->folders = array();
         $this->folders += $this->getCoreNames();
         $install_profile = Settings::get('install_profile');
         $profile = drupal_get_profile();
         $extensions = $this->configStorage->read('core.extension');
         // @todo Remove this scan as part of https://www.drupal.org/node/2186491
         $listing = new ExtensionDiscovery(\Drupal::root());
         // CHANGED START: Add profile directories for any bundles that use a profile.
         $profile_directories = [];
         if ($profile) {
             $profile_directories[] = drupal_get_path('profile', $profile);
         if ($this->includeProfile) {
             // Add any profiles used in bundles.
             /** @var \Drupal\features\FeaturesAssignerInterface $assigner */
             $assigner = \Drupal::service('features_assigner');
             $bundles = $assigner->getBundleList();
             foreach ($bundles as $bundle_name => $bundle) {
                 if ($bundle->isProfile()) {
                     // Register the profile directory.
                     $profile_directory = 'profiles/' . $bundle->getProfileName();
                     if (is_dir($profile_directory)) {
                         $profile_directories[] = $profile_directory;
         // CHANGED END
         if (!empty($extensions['module'])) {
             // CHANGED START: Find ANY modules, not just installed ones.
             //$modules = $extensions['module'];
             $module_list_scan = $listing->scan('module');
             $modules = $module_list_scan;
             // CHANGED END
             // Remove the install profile as this is handled later.
             $profile_list = $listing->scan('profile');
             if ($profile && isset($profile_list[$profile])) {
                 // Prime the drupal_get_filename() static cache with the profile info
                 // file location so we can use drupal_get_path() on the active profile
                 // during the module scan.
                 // @todo Remove as part of https://www.drupal.org/node/2186491
                 drupal_get_filename('profile', $profile, $profile_list[$profile]->getPathname());
             $module_list = array();
             foreach (array_keys($module_list_scan) as $module) {
                 if (isset($module_list_scan[$module])) {
                     $module_list[$module] = $module_list_scan[$module];
             $this->folders += $this->getComponentNames($module_list);
         if (!empty($extensions['theme'])) {
             $theme_list_scan = $listing->scan('theme');
             foreach (array_keys($extensions['theme']) as $theme) {
                 if (isset($theme_list_scan[$theme])) {
                     $theme_list[$theme] = $theme_list_scan[$theme];
             $this->folders += $this->getComponentNames($theme_list);
         if ($this->includeProfile) {
             // The install profile can override module default configuration. We do
             // this by replacing the config file path from the module/theme with the
             // install profile version if there are any duplicates.
             if (isset($profile)) {
                 if (!isset($profile_list)) {
                     $profile_list = $listing->scan('profile');
                 if (isset($profile_list[$profile])) {
                     $profile_folders = $this->getComponentNames(array($profile_list[$profile]));
                     $this->folders = $profile_folders + $this->folders;
     return $this->folders;
  * Verifies that installation succeeded.
 public function testInstaller()
     $this->assertEqual('testing', drupal_get_profile(), 'Profile was changed from minimal to testing during interactive install.');
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function uninstall(array $module_list, $uninstall_dependents = TRUE)
     // Get all module data so we can find dependencies and sort.
     $module_data = system_rebuild_module_data();
     $module_list = $module_list ? array_combine($module_list, $module_list) : array();
     if (array_diff_key($module_list, $module_data)) {
         // One or more of the given modules doesn't exist.
         return FALSE;
     // Only process currently installed modules.
     $extension_config = \Drupal::config('core.extension');
     $installed_modules = $extension_config->get('module') ?: array();
     if (!($module_list = array_intersect_key($module_list, $installed_modules))) {
         // Nothing to do. All modules already uninstalled.
         return TRUE;
     if ($uninstall_dependents) {
         // Add dependent modules to the list. The new modules will be processed as
         // the while loop continues.
         $profile = drupal_get_profile();
         while (list($module) = each($module_list)) {
             foreach (array_keys($module_data[$module]->required_by) as $dependent) {
                 if (!isset($module_data[$dependent])) {
                     // The dependent module does not exist.
                     return FALSE;
                 // Skip already uninstalled modules.
                 if (isset($installed_modules[$dependent]) && !isset($module_list[$dependent]) && $dependent != $profile) {
                     $module_list[$dependent] = $dependent;
     // Set the actual module weights.
     $module_list = array_map(function ($module) use($module_data) {
         return $module_data[$module]->sort;
     }, $module_list);
     // Sort the module list by their weights.
     $module_list = array_keys($module_list);
     // Only process modules that are enabled. A module is only enabled if it is
     // configured as enabled. Custom or overridden module handlers might contain
     // the module already, which means that it might be loaded, but not
     // necessarily installed.
     $schema_store = \Drupal::keyValue('system.schema');
     $entity_manager = \Drupal::entityManager();
     foreach ($module_list as $module) {
         // Clean up all entity bundles (including fields) of every entity type
         // provided by the module that is being uninstalled.
         foreach ($entity_manager->getDefinitions() as $entity_type_id => $entity_type) {
             if ($entity_type->getProvider() == $module) {
                 foreach (array_keys($entity_manager->getBundleInfo($entity_type_id)) as $bundle) {
                     $entity_manager->onBundleDelete($bundle, $entity_type_id);
         // Allow modules to react prior to the uninstallation of a module.
         $this->invokeAll('module_preuninstall', array($module));
         // Uninstall the module.
         $this->invoke($module, 'uninstall');
         // Remove all configuration belonging to the module.
         \Drupal::service('config.manager')->uninstall('module', $module);
         // Notify the entity manager that this module's entity types are being
         // deleted, so that it can notify all interested handlers. For example,
         // a SQL-based storage handler can use this as an opportunity to drop
         // the corresponding database tables.
         foreach ($entity_manager->getDefinitions() as $entity_type) {
             if ($entity_type->getProvider() == $module) {
         // Remove the schema.
         // Remove the module's entry from the config.
         // Update the module handler to remove the module.
         // The current ModuleHandler instance is obsolete with the kernel rebuild
         // below.
         $module_filenames = $this->getModuleList();
         // Remove any potential cache bins provided by the module.
         // Clear the static cache of system_rebuild_module_data() to pick up the
         // new module, since it merges the installation status of modules into
         // its statically cached list.
         // Clear plugin manager caches and flag router to rebuild if requested.
         // Update the kernel to exclude the uninstalled modules.
         \Drupal::service('kernel')->updateModules($module_filenames, $module_filenames);
         // Update the theme registry to remove the newly uninstalled module.
         // Modules can alter theme info, so refresh theme data.
         // @todo ThemeHandler cannot be injected into ModuleHandler, since that
         //   causes a circular service dependency.
         // @see https://drupal.org/node/2208429
         \Drupal::logger('system')->info('%module module uninstalled.', array('%module' => $module));
     drupal_get_installed_schema_version(NULL, TRUE);
     // Let other modules react.
     $this->invokeAll('modules_uninstalled', array($module_list));
     return TRUE;
  * Returns a map of all config object names and their folders.
  * @return array
  *   An array mapping config object names with directories.
 protected function getAllFolders()
     if (!isset($this->folders)) {
         $this->folders = array();
         $this->folders += $this->getComponentNames('core', array('core'));
         // @todo Refactor getComponentNames() to use the extension list directly.
         if ($profile = drupal_get_profile()) {
             $this->folders += $this->getComponentNames('profile', array($profile));
         $listing = new ExtensionDiscovery();
         $this->folders += $this->getComponentNames('module', array_keys($listing->scan('module')));
         $this->folders += $this->getComponentNames('theme', array_keys($listing->scan('theme')));
     return $this->folders;
Пример #25
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function assignPackages($force = FALSE)
     $current_bundle = $this->assigner->getBundle();
     $settings = $current_bundle->getAssignmentSettings(self::METHOD_ID);
     $config_collection = $this->featuresManager->getConfigCollection();
     // Exclude by configuration type.
     $exclude_types = $settings['types']['config'];
     if (!empty($exclude_types)) {
         foreach ($config_collection as $item_name => $item) {
             // Don't exclude already-assigned items.
             if (empty($item->getPackage()) && in_array($item->getType(), $exclude_types)) {
     // Exclude configuration already provided by modules.
     $exclude_module = $settings['module'];
     if (!empty($exclude_module['installed'])) {
         $install_list = $this->featuresManager->getExtensionStorages()->listAll();
         // There are two settings that can limit what's included.
         // First, we can skip configuration provided by the install profile.
         $module_profile = !empty($exclude_module['profile']);
         // Second, we can skip configuration provided by namespaced modules.
         $module_namespace = !empty($exclude_module['namespace']);
         if ($module_profile || $module_namespace) {
             $profile_list = [];
             $extension_list = [];
             // Load the names of any configuration objects provided by the install
             // profile.
             if ($module_profile) {
                 $all_modules = $this->featuresManager->getAllModules();
                 // FeaturesBundleInterface::getProfileName() would return the profile
                 // for the current bundle, if any. We want the profile that was
                 // installed.
                 $profile_name = drupal_get_profile();
                 if (isset($all_modules[$profile_name])) {
                     $profile_list = $this->featuresManager->listExtensionConfig($all_modules[$profile_name]);
                     // If the configuration has been assigned to a feature that's
                     // present on the file system, don't make an exception for it.
                     foreach ($all_modules as $name => $extension) {
                         if ($name != $profile_name && $this->featuresManager->isFeatureModule($extension)) {
                             $profile_list = array_diff($profile_list, $this->featuresManager->listExtensionConfig($extension));
             // Load the names of any configuration objects provided by modules
             // having the namespace of the current package set.
             if ($module_namespace) {
                 $modules = $this->featuresManager->getFeaturesModules($current_bundle);
                 foreach ($modules as $extension) {
                     $extension_list = array_merge($extension_list, $this->featuresManager->listExtensionConfig($extension));
             // If any configuration was found, remove it from the list.
             $install_list = array_diff($install_list, $profile_list, $extension_list);
         foreach ($install_list as $item_name) {
             if (isset($config_collection[$item_name])) {
                 // Flag extension-provided configuration, which should not be added
                 // to regular features but can be added to an install profile.
     // Exclude configuration items on a curated list of site-specific
     // configuration.
     if ($settings['curated']) {
         $item_names = ['core.extension', 'field.settings', 'field_ui.settings', 'filter.settings', 'forum.settings', 'image.settings', 'node.settings', 'system.authorize', 'system.date', 'system.file', 'system.diff', 'system.logging', 'system.maintenance', 'system.performance', 'system.site', 'update.settings'];
         foreach ($item_names as $item_name) {
         // Unset role-related actions that are automatically created by the
         // User module.
         // @see user_user_role_insert()
         $prefixes = ['system.action.user_add_role_action.', 'system.action.user_remove_role_action.'];
         foreach (array_keys($config_collection) as $item_name) {
             foreach ($prefixes as $prefix) {
                 if (strpos($item_name, $prefix) === 0) {
     // Register the updated data.
Пример #26
  * Returns a map of all config object names and their folders.
  * @return array
  *   An array mapping config object names with directories.
 protected function getAllFolders()
     if (!isset($this->folders)) {
         $this->folders = array();
         $this->folders += $this->getCoreNames();
         // Perform an ExtensionDiscovery scan as we cannot use drupal_get_path()
         // yet because the system module may not yet be enabled during install.
         // @todo Remove as part of https://www.drupal.org/node/2186491
         $listing = new ExtensionDiscovery(\Drupal::root());
         if ($profile = drupal_get_profile()) {
             $profile_list = $listing->scan('profile');
             if (isset($profile_list[$profile])) {
                 // Prime the drupal_get_filename() static cache with the profile info
                 // file location so we can use drupal_get_path() on the active profile
                 // during the module scan.
                 // @todo Remove as part of https://www.drupal.org/node/2186491
                 drupal_get_filename('profile', $profile, $profile_list[$profile]->getPathname());
                 $this->folders += $this->getComponentNames(array($profile_list[$profile]));
         // @todo Remove as part of https://www.drupal.org/node/2186491
         $this->folders += $this->getComponentNames($listing->scan('module'));
         $this->folders += $this->getComponentNames($listing->scan('theme'));
     return $this->folders;
Пример #27
 function get_profile()
     return drupal_get_profile();
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function collect(Request $request, Response $response, \Exception $exception = NULL)
     $this->data['version'] = Drupal::VERSION;
     $this->data['profile'] = drupal_get_profile();
     $this->data['config_url'] = $this->urlGenerator->generateFromRoute('webprofiler.settings', [], ['query' => $this->redirectDestination->getAsArray()]);
Пример #29
  * Sets installation profile directories based on current site settings.
  * @return $this
 public function setProfileDirectoriesFromSettings()
     $this->profileDirectories = array();
     $profile = drupal_get_profile();
     // For SimpleTest to be able to test modules packaged together with a
     // distribution we need to include the profile of the parent site (in
     // which test runs are triggered).
     if (drupal_valid_test_ua() && !drupal_installation_attempted()) {
         $testing_profile = \Drupal::config('simpletest.settings')->get('parent_profile');
         if ($testing_profile && $testing_profile != $profile) {
             $this->profileDirectories[] = drupal_get_path('profile', $testing_profile);
     // In case both profile directories contain the same extension, the actual
     // profile always has precedence.
     if ($profile) {
         $this->profileDirectories[] = drupal_get_path('profile', $profile);
     return $this;
Пример #30
 * Installation task; perform final steps and display a 'finished' page.
 * @param $install_state
 *   An array of information about the current installation state.
 * @return
 *   A message informing the user that the installation is complete.
function install_finished(&$install_state)
    drupal_set_title(st('@drupal installation complete', array('@drupal' => drupal_install_profile_name())), PASS_THROUGH);
    $messages = drupal_set_message();
    $output = '<p>' . st('Congratulations, @drupal has been successfully installed.', array('@drupal' => drupal_install_profile_name())) . '</p>';
    $output .= '<p>' . (isset($messages['error']) ? st('Review the messages above before continuing on to <a href="@url">your new site</a>.', array('@url' => url(''))) : st('You may now visit <a href="@url">your new site</a>.', array('@url' => url('')))) . '</p>';
    if (module_exists('help')) {
        $output .= '<p>' . st('For more information on configuring Drupal, refer to the <a href="@help">help section</a>.', array('@help' => url('admin/help'))) . '</p>';
    // Rebuild the module and theme data, in case any newly-installed modules
    // need to modify it via hook_system_info_alter(). We need to clear the
    // theme static cache first, to make sure that the theme data is actually
    // rebuilt.
    // Rebuild menu and registry to get content type links registered by the
    // profile, and possibly any other menu items created through the tasks.
    // Rebuild the database cache of node types, so that any node types added
    // by newly installed modules are registered correctly and initialized with
    // the necessary fields.
    // Register actions declared by any modules.
    // Randomize query-strings on css/js files, to hide the fact that this is a
    // new install, not upgraded yet.
    // Remember the profile which was used.
    variable_set('install_profile', drupal_get_profile());
    // Install profiles are always loaded last
    db_update('system')->fields(array('weight' => 1000))->condition('type', 'module')->condition('name', drupal_get_profile())->execute();
    // Cache a fully-built schema.
    drupal_get_schema(NULL, TRUE);
    // Run cron to populate update status tables (if available) so that users
    // will be warned if they've installed an out of date Drupal version.
    // Will also trigger indexing of profile-supplied content or feeds.
    return $output;