db_delete('organizations', $_GET['delete_id']); url_drop('delete_id,action'); } echo drawTop(); if (url_id()) { //form $f = new form('organizations', @$_GET['id']); $f->set_field(array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'title' . langExt(), 'label' => getString('title'))); langUnsetFields($f, 'title'); langTranslateCheckbox($f); echo $f->draw(); } else { //modules list $t = new table('organizations', drawHeader()); $t->set_column('draggy', 'd', ' '); $t->set_column('title', 'l', getString('title')); $t->set_column('delete', 'd', ' '); $result = db_table('SELECT id, title' . langExt() . ' title FROM organizations WHERE is_active = 1 ORDER BY precedence'); foreach ($result as &$r) { $r['draggy'] = draw_img('/images/icons/move.png'); $r['title'] = draw_link('organizations.php?id=' . $r['id'], $r['title']); $r['delete'] = drawColumnDelete($r['id']); } echo $t->draw($result, 'No organizations'); //add new $f = new form('organizations'); $f->set_field(array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'title' . langExt(), 'label' => getString('title'))); langUnsetFields($f, 'title'); echo $f->draw(false, false); } echo drawBottom();
function drawStaffList($where, $errmsg = false, $options = false, $listtitle = false, $searchterms = false) { global $page, $_josh; if (!$errmsg) { $errmsg = getString('results_empty'); } //only show delete for admins on pages that aren't the chagnes page $showDelete = $page['is_admin'] && $page['id'] != 35; $t = new table('staff', drawHeader($options, $listtitle)); $t->set_column('pic', 'c', ' ', 50); $t->set_column('name', 'l', getString('name') . (getOption('staff_showoffice') ? ' / ' . getString('location') : '')); $t->set_column('title', 'l', getString('staff_title') . ' / ' . (getOption('staff_showdept') ? getString('department') : getString('organization')), 222); $t->set_column('phone', 'l', getString('telephone')); if ($showDelete) { $t->set_column('del', 'c', ' ', 16); } $result = db_table('SELECT DISTINCT u.id, u.lastname, ISNULL(u.nickname, u.firstname) firstname, u.bio, u.phone, c.title' . langExt() . ' organization, u.organization_id, o.name office, o.isMain, u.title, d.departmentName department FROM users u LEFT JOIN users_to_channels u2c ON u.id = u2c.user_id LEFT JOIN departments d ON d.departmentID = u.departmentID LEFT JOIN organizations c ON u.organization_id = c.id LEFT JOIN offices o ON o.id = u.officeID ' . getChannelsWhere('users', 'u', 'user_id') . ' AND ' . $where . ' ORDER BY u.lastname, ISNULL(u.nickname, u.firstname)'); foreach ($result as &$r) { $link = '/staff/view.php?id=' . $r['id']; $r['pic'] = draw_img(file_dynamic('users', 'image_small', $r['id'], 'jpg'), $link); $r['name'] = draw_link($link, $r['lastname'] . ', ' . $r['firstname']); if (getOption('staff_showoffice')) { $r['name'] .= '<br/>' . $r['office']; } if (getOption('staff_showdept')) { $r['title'] .= '<br/>' . $r['department']; } else { $r['title'] .= '<br/>' . draw_link('organizations.php?id=' . $r['organization_id'], format_string($r['organization'])); } if ($showDelete) { $r['del'] = drawColumnDelete($r['id']); } } return $t->draw($result, $errmsg); }