include_once $relPath . ''; require_login(); $title = _("Most Requested Books"); output_header($title); echo "<br><h2 style='color: {$theme['color_headerbar_bg']};'>{$title}</h2><br>\n"; echo "<p>" . _("You can sign up for notifications in the Event Subscriptions section of the Project Comments page when proofreading.") . "</p>"; echo "<br><br><h3 style='color: {$theme['color_headerbar_bg']};'>" . _("Most Requested Books Being Proofread") . "</h3><br>\n"; create_temporary_project_event_subscription_summary_table(); $comments_url1 = mysql_escape_string("<a href='{$code_url}/project.php?id="); $comments_url2 = mysql_escape_string("'>"); $comments_url3 = mysql_escape_string("</a>"); // Looking at the other two queries, you might expect the first one to use // SQL_CONDITION_BRONZE. However, that would exclude the WAITING_FOR_RELEASE // states, which we apparently want to include here. // Instead, custom-build a project-state condition that includes the // WAITING and AVAILABLE states from each round. $state_condition = '0'; for ($rn = 1; $rn <= MAX_NUM_PAGE_EDITING_ROUNDS; $rn++) { $round = get_Round_for_round_number($rn); $state_condition .= "\n OR state='{$round->project_waiting_state}'\n OR state='{$round->project_available_state}'\n "; } dpsql_dump_themed_query("\n SELECT\n CONCAT('{$comments_url1}',projects.projectid,'{$comments_url2}', nameofwork, '{$comments_url3}') AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Title")) . "', \n authorsname AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Author")) . "', \n genre AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Genre")) . "',\n language AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Language")) . "',\n pesgbp.nouste_posted AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Notification Requests")) . "'\n FROM project_event_subscriptions_grouped_by_project AS pesgbp, projects\n WHERE pesgbp.projectid = projects.projectid\n AND ({$state_condition})\n ORDER BY 5 DESC \n LIMIT 50\n", 1, DPSQL_SHOW_RANK); echo "<br>\n"; echo "<br><br><h3 style='color: {$theme['color_headerbar_bg']};'>" . _("Most Requested Books In Post-Processing") . "</h3><br>\n"; // $post_url1 = mysql_escape_string("<a href='$code_url/project.php?id="); dpsql_dump_themed_query("\n SELECT\n CONCAT('{$comments_url1}',projects.projectid,'{$comments_url2}', nameofwork, '{$comments_url3}') AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Title")) . "', \n authorsname AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Author")) . "', \n genre AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Genre")) . "',\n language AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Language")) . "',\n pesgbp.nouste_posted AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Notification Requests")) . "'\n FROM project_event_subscriptions_grouped_by_project AS pesgbp, projects\n WHERE pesgbp.projectid = projects.projectid\n AND " . SQL_CONDITION_SILVER . "\n ORDER BY 5 DESC \n LIMIT 50\n", 1, DPSQL_SHOW_RANK); echo "<br>\n"; echo "<br><br><h3 style='color: {$theme['color_headerbar_bg']};'>" . _("Most Requested Books Posted to Project Gutenberg") . "</h3><br>\n"; $pg_url1 = mysql_escape_string("<a href='"); dpsql_dump_themed_query("\n SELECT\n CONCAT('{$pg_url1}',postednum,'{$comments_url2}', nameofwork, '{$comments_url3}') AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Title")) . "', \n authorsname AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Author")) . "', \n genre AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Genre")) . "',\n language AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Language")) . "',\n int_level AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Notification Requests")) . "' \n FROM projects \n WHERE " . SQL_CONDITION_GOLD . "\n AND int_level !=0\n ORDER BY 5 DESC \n LIMIT 50\n", 1, DPSQL_SHOW_RANK); // vim: sw=4 ts=4 expandtab
include_once $relPath . ''; // PRIVACY_* include_once $relPath . ''; include_once $relPath . ''; include_once $relPath . ''; require_login(); $valid_tally_names = array_keys($page_tally_names); $tally_name = get_enumerated_param($_GET, 'tally_name', null, $valid_tally_names); $title = sprintf(_('Top 100 Proofreaders for Round %s'), $tally_name); output_header($title); echo "<br><h2>{$title}</h2>\n"; echo "<br>\n"; echo "<br>\n"; // the $sql_anonymous = mysql_real_escape_string(_("Anonymous")); if (isset($GLOBALS['pguser'])) { // hide names of users who don't want even logged on people to see their names $proofreader_expr = "IF(u_privacy = " . PRIVACY_ANONYMOUS . ",'{$sql_anonymous}', username)"; } else { // hide names of users who don't want unlogged on people to see their names $proofreader_expr = "IF(u_privacy != " . PRIVACY_PUBLIC . ",'{$sql_anonymous}', username)"; } $subtitle = sprintf(_('Users with the Highest Number of Pages Saved-as-Done in Round %s'), $tally_name); echo "<h3>{$subtitle}</h3>\n"; $users_tallyboard = new TallyBoard($tally_name, 'U'); list($joined_with_user_page_tallies, $user_page_tally_column) = $users_tallyboard->get_sql_joinery_for_current_tallies('users.u_id'); $sql_upt_column_name = mysql_real_escape_string(sprintf(_("%s Pages Completed"), $tally_name)); dpsql_dump_themed_query("\n SELECT\n {$proofreader_expr} AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Proofreader")) . "',\n {$user_page_tally_column} AS '{$sql_upt_column_name}'\n FROM users {$joined_with_user_page_tallies}\n WHERE {$user_page_tally_column} > 0\n ORDER BY 2 DESC, 1 ASC\n LIMIT 100\n ", 1, DPSQL_SHOW_RANK); echo "<br>\n"; echo "<br>\n"; // vim: sw=4 ts=4 expandtab
include_once $relPath . ''; include_once $relPath . ''; include_once $relPath . ''; include_once $relPath . ''; require_login(); $title = _("Post-Processing Statistics"); output_header($title); echo "<br><br><h2>{$title}</h2><br>\n"; echo "<a href='projects_Xed_graphs.php?which=PPd'>" . _("Projects PPd Graphs") . "</a><br>"; echo "<a href='PP_unknown.php'>" . _("Books with Mystery PPers") . "</a>"; echo "<br>\n"; echo "<h3>" . _("Total Projects Post-Processed Since Statistics were Kept") . "</h3>\n"; $psd = get_project_status_descriptor('PPd'); dpsql_dump_themed_query("\n SELECT\n SUM(num_projects) as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Total Projects Post-Processed So Far")) . "'\n FROM project_state_stats WHERE {$psd->state_selector}\n GROUP BY date ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1\n"); echo "<br>\n"; echo "<br>\n"; echo "<h3>" . _("Number of Distinct Post-Processors") . "</h3>\n"; dpsql_dump_themed_query("\n SELECT\n count(distinct postproofer) as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Different PPers")) . "'\n FROM projects\n"); echo "<br>\n"; echo "<h3>" . _("Most Prolific Post-Processors") . "</h3>\n"; echo "<h4>" . _("(Number of Projects Finished PPing)") . "</h4>\n"; $psd = get_project_status_descriptor('PPd'); dpsql_dump_themed_query("\n SELECT\n postproofer as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("PPer")) . "',\n count(*) as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Projects Finished PPing")) . "',\n cast(sum(n_pages) as unsigned) as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Pages Finished PPing")) . "'\n FROM projects\n WHERE {$psd->state_selector}\n AND postproofer is not null\n GROUP BY postproofer\n ORDER BY 2 DESC\n", 1, DPSQL_SHOW_RANK); echo "<br>\n"; echo "<h3>" . _("Most Prolific Post-Processors") . "</h3>\n"; echo "<h4>" . _("(Number of Projects Posted to PG)") . "</h4>\n"; $psd = get_project_status_descriptor('posted'); dpsql_dump_themed_query("\n SELECT\n postproofer as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("PPer")) . "',\n count(*) as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Projects Posted to PG")) . "',\n cast(sum(n_pages) as unsigned) as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Pages Posted to PG")) . "'\n FROM projects\n WHERE {$psd->state_selector}\n AND postproofer is not null\n GROUP BY postproofer\n ORDER BY 2 DESC\n", 1, DPSQL_SHOW_RANK); echo "<br>\n"; echo "<br>\n"; // vim: sw=4 ts=4 expandtab
echo "<br>\n"; } else { $qd = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("\n SELECT *\n FROM queue_defns\n WHERE round_id='{$round_id}' AND name='{$name}'\n ")); if (!$qd) { die(html_safe("No such release queue '{$name}' in {$round_id}.")); } $cooked_project_selector = cook_project_selector($qd->project_selector); $comment = $qd->comment; //// TRANSLATORS: %s is the name of this release queue. $title = sprintf(_("\"%s\" Release Queue"), html_safe($name)); $title = preg_replace('/(\\\\)/', "", $title); // Unescape apostrophes, etc. // Suppress stats since this page is very wide output_header($title, NO_STATSBAR); echo "<br><h2>{$title}</h2>"; if ($user_can_see_queue_settings) { echo "<h4>", _("project_selector"), ": {$qd->project_selector}</h4>\n\n"; if ($cooked_project_selector != $qd->project_selector) { echo "({$cooked_project_selector})\n\n"; } echo "<h4>{$comment}</h4>\n"; } // Add Back to to Release Queues link echo "<p><a href='" . $code_url . "/stats/release_queue.php?round_id={$round_id}'>" . _("Back to Release Queues") . "</a></p>\n"; $comments_url1 = mysql_escape_string("<a href='{$code_url}/project.php?id="); $comments_url2 = mysql_escape_string("'>"); $comments_url3 = mysql_escape_string("</a>"); dpsql_dump_themed_query("\n SELECT\n\n concat('{$comments_url1}',projectID,'{$comments_url2}', nameofwork, '{$comments_url3}') as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Name of Work")) . "',\n authorsname as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Author's Name")) . "',\n language as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Language")) . "',\n genre as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Genre")) . "',\n difficulty as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Difficulty")) . "',\n username as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Project Manager")) . "',\n FROM_UNIXTIME(modifieddate) as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Date Last Modified")) . "',\n IF(ISNULL(project_holds.state),' ','Y') AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Hold?")) . "'\n FROM projects\n LEFT OUTER JOIN project_holds USING (projectid, state)\n WHERE ({$cooked_project_selector})\n AND state='{$round->project_waiting_state}'\n ORDER BY modifieddate, nameofwork\n "); echo "<br>\n"; } // vim: sw=4 ts=4 expandtab
function show_months_with_most_days_over($n) { global $tally_name, $curr_year_month; $sub_title = sprintf(_('Months with most days over %s pages'), number_format($n)); echo "<h3>{$sub_title}</h3>\n"; dpsql_dump_themed_query(select_from_site_past_tallies_and_goals($tally_name, "SELECT\n {year_month} as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Month")) . "',\n count(*) as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Number of Days")) . "',\n IF({year_month} = '{$curr_year_month}', '******',' ') as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("This Month?")) . "'", "WHERE tally_delta >= {$n}", "GROUP BY 1", "ORDER BY 2 DESC", "LIMIT 10"), 1, DPSQL_SHOW_RANK); echo "<br>\n"; }
<?php $relPath = '../pinc/'; include_once $relPath . ''; include_once $relPath . ''; include_once $relPath . ''; include_once $relPath . ''; require_login(); $title = _("Post-Processing Verification Statistics"); output_header($title); echo "<br><br><h2>{$title}</h2>\n"; echo "<br>\n"; echo "<h3>" . _("Post-Processing Verifiers") . "</h3>\n"; echo "<h4>" . _("(Number of Projects Posted to PG)") . "</h4>\n"; $psd = get_project_status_descriptor('posted'); dpsql_dump_themed_query("\n SELECT checkedoutby as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("PPVer")) . "', \n count(*) as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Projects PPVd")) . "'\n FROM `projects` , usersettings\n WHERE 1 AND checkedoutby != postproofer AND {$psd->state_selector}\n and checkedoutby = usersettings.username \n and setting = 'PPV.access' and value = 'yes' \n GROUP BY 1 \n ORDER BY 2 DESC ", 1, DPSQL_SHOW_RANK); echo "<br>\n"; echo _("Note that the above figures are as accurate as possible within the bounds of the current database structure"); echo "<br>\n"; // vim: sw=4 ts=4 expandtab
<?php $relPath = '../pinc/'; include_once $relPath . ''; include_once $relPath . ''; include_once $relPath . ''; include_once $relPath . ''; require_login(); $title = _("Project Manager Statistics"); output_header($title); echo "<br><h2>{$title}</h2>\n"; echo "<br>\n"; echo "<h3>" . _("Number of Distinct Project Managers") . "</h3>\n"; dpsql_dump_themed_query("\n SELECT\n count(distinct username) as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Different PMs")) . "'\n FROM projects\n", 0, DPSQL_NO_RANK, DPSQL_NO_RIGHT_ALIGN_INTS); echo "<br>\n"; echo "<h3>" . _("Most Prolific Project Managers") . "</h3>\n"; echo "<h4>" . _("(Number of Projects Created)") . "</h4>\n"; $psd = get_project_status_descriptor('created'); dpsql_dump_themed_query("\n SELECT\n username as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("PM")) . "',\n count(*) as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Projects Created")) . "'\n FROM projects\n WHERE {$psd->state_selector}\n GROUP BY username\n ORDER BY 2 DESC\n", 1, DPSQL_SHOW_RANK); echo "<br>\n"; echo "<h3>" . _("Most Prolific Project Managers") . "</h3>\n"; echo "<h4>" . _("(Number of Projects Posted to PG)") . "</h4>\n"; $psd = get_project_status_descriptor('posted'); dpsql_dump_themed_query("\n SELECT\n username as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("PM")) . "',\n count(*) as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Projects Posted to PG")) . "'\n FROM projects\n WHERE {$psd->state_selector}\n GROUP BY username\n ORDER BY 2 DESC\n", 1, DPSQL_SHOW_RANK); echo "<br>\n"; echo "<br>\n"; // vim: sw=4 ts=4 expandtab