function _proses($angka) { /* buat array angka terbilang */ $huruf = array("", "satu", "dua", "tiga", "empat", "lima", "enam", "tujuh", "delapan", "sembilan", "sepuluh", "sebelas"); if (doubleVal($angka) < 12) { return " " . $huruf[doubleVal($angka)]; } elseif (doubleVal($angka) < 20) { return $this->_proses(doubleVal($angka) - 10) . "belas"; } elseif (doubleVal($angka) < 100) { return $this->_proses(doubleVal($angka) / 10) . " puluh" . $this->_proses(doubleVal($angka) % 10); } elseif (doubleVal($angka) < 200) { return " seratus" . $this->_proses(doubleVal($angka) - 100); } elseif (doubleVal($angka) < 1000) { return $this->_proses(doubleVal($angka) / 100) . " ratus" . $this->_proses(doubleVal($angka) % 100); } elseif (doubleVal($angka) < 2000) { return " seribu" . $this->_proses(doubleVal($angka) - 1000); } elseif (doubleVal($angka) < 1000000) { return $this->_proses(doubleVal($angka) / 1000) . " ribu" . $this->_proses(doubleVal($angka) % 1000); } elseif (doubleVal($angka) < 1000000000) { return $this->_proses(doubleVal($angka) / 1000000) . " juta" . $this->_proses(doubleVal($angka) % 1000000); } elseif (doubleVal($angka) < 1000000000000) { return $this->_proses(doubleVal($angka) / 1000000000) . " milyar" . $this->_proses(doubleVal($angka) % 1000000000); } }
if (strlen($arOrderProps['LOCATION_STREET']) && isset($arOrderProps['ADDRESS'])) { $arOrderProps['ADDRESS'] = $arOrderProps['LOCATION_STREET'] . (strlen($arOrderProps['ADDRESS']) ? ', ' . $arOrderProps['ADDRESS'] : ''); } } $arBasketIDs = array(); $arQuantities = array(); if (!isset($SHOW_ALL) || $SHOW_ALL == "N") { $arBasketIDs_tmp = explode(",", $BASKET_IDS); $arQuantities_tmp = explode(",", $QUANTITIES); if (count($arBasketIDs_tmp) != count($arQuantities_tmp)) { die("INVALID PARAMS"); } for ($i = 0, $countBasket = count($arBasketIDs_tmp); $i < $countBasket; $i++) { if (IntVal($arBasketIDs_tmp[$i]) > 0 && doubleVal($arQuantities_tmp[$i]) > 0) { $arBasketIDs[] = IntVal($arBasketIDs_tmp[$i]); $arQuantities[] = doubleVal($arQuantities_tmp[$i]); } } unset($countBasket); } else { $db_basket = CSaleBasket::GetList(array("NAME" => "ASC"), array("ORDER_ID" => $ORDER_ID), false, false, array("ID", "QUANTITY")); while ($arBasket = $db_basket->Fetch()) { $arBasketIDs[] = $arBasket["ID"]; $arQuantities[] = $arBasket["QUANTITY"]; } } $dbUser = CUser::GetByID($arOrder["USER_ID"]); $arUser = $dbUser->Fetch(); $report = ""; $serCount = IntVal(COption::GetOptionInt("sale", "reports_count")); if ($serCount > 0) {
function getImageReSize2($tag_width, $tag_height, $src_width, $src_heigh) { // ========================== // 변수의 선언 // -------------------------- $return_size[0] = $tag_width; $return_size[1] = $tag_height; $tag_rate = doubleVal($tag_height) / $tag_width; $src_rate = doubleVal($src_heigh) / $src_width; $tmp_num = 0; // ========================== // ========================== // 넓이를 기준으로 비율을 먼저 구한다. // -------------------------- // 더 높이가 긴 그림이므로 // 높이를 기준으로 작업 $tmp_num = doubleVal($tag_width) / $src_width; $return_size[1] = intval($src_heigh * $tmp_num); return $return_size; // return_size[0] = width // return_size[1] = height }
public static function GetUserPoints($USER_ID, $arAddParams = array()) { global $DB; $USER_ID = intVal($USER_ID); if ($USER_ID <= 0) { return 0; } $arAddParams = is_array($arAddParams) ? $arAddParams : array($arAddParams); $arAddParams["INCREMENT"] = intVal($arAddParams["INCREMENT"]); $arAddParams["DECREMENT"] = intVal($arAddParams["DECREMENT"]); $arAddParams["NUM_POSTS"] = is_set($arAddParams, "NUM_POSTS") ? $arAddParams["NUM_POSTS"] : false; $arAddParams["RETURN_FETCH"] = $arAddParams["RETURN_FETCH"] == "Y" ? "Y" : "N"; $strSql = "\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t(" . ($arAddParams["NUM_POSTS"] ? $arAddParams["NUM_POSTS"] : "FU.NUM_POSTS") . ($arAddParams["INCREMENT"] > 0 ? "+" . $arAddParams["INCREMENT"] : "") . ($arAddParams["DECREMENT"] > 0 ? "-" . $arAddParams["DECREMENT"] : "") . ") AS NUM_POSTS, FP2P.MIN_NUM_POSTS, FP2P.POINTS_PER_POST, SUM(FUP.POINTS) AS POINTS_FROM_USER\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\tb_forum_user FU\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_forum_points2post FP2P ON (FP2P.MIN_NUM_POSTS <= " . ($arAddParams["NUM_POSTS"] ? $arAddParams["NUM_POSTS"] : "FU.NUM_POSTS") . ($arAddParams["INCREMENT"] > 0 ? "+" . $arAddParams["INCREMENT"] : "") . ($arAddParams["DECREMENT"] > 0 ? "-" . $arAddParams["DECREMENT"] : "") . ")\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_forum_user_points FUP ON (FUP.TO_USER_ID = FU.USER_ID)\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\tFU.user_id = " . $USER_ID . "\n\t\t\tGROUP BY\n\t\t\t\t" . ($arAddParams["NUM_POSTS"] ? "" : "FU.NUM_POSTS, ") . "FP2P.MIN_NUM_POSTS, FP2P.POINTS_PER_POST\n\t\t\tORDER BY FP2P.MIN_NUM_POSTS DESC"; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); if ($arAddParams["RETURN_FETCH"] == "Y") { return $db_res; } elseif ($db_res && ($res = $db_res->Fetch())) { $result = floor(doubleVal($res["POINTS_PER_POST"]) * intVal($res["NUM_POSTS"]) + intVal($res["POINTS_FROM_USER"])); return $result; } return false; }
function CatalogBasketOrderCallback($productID, $quantity, $renewal = "N", $intUserID = 0, $strSiteID = false) { global $USER; global $DB; $productID = intval($productID); $quantity = doubleval($quantity); $renewal = $renewal == "Y" ? "Y" : "N"; $intUserID = intval($intUserID); if (0 > $intUserID) { $intUserID = 0; } $arResult = array(); static $arUserCache = array(); if (0 < $intUserID) { if (!array_key_exists($intUserID, $arUserCache)) { $rsUsers = CUser::GetList($by = 'ID', $order = 'DESC', array("ID_EQUAL_EXACT" => $intUserID), array('FIELDS' => array('ID'))); if ($arUser = $rsUsers->Fetch()) { $arUserCache[$arUser['ID']] = CUser::GetUserGroup($arUser['ID']); } else { $intUserID = 0; return $arResult; } } $dbIBlockElement = CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), array("ID" => $productID, "ACTIVE" => "Y", "ACTIVE_DATE" => "Y", "CHECK_PERMISSION" => "N"), false, false, array('ID', 'IBLOCK_ID', 'NAME', 'DETAIL_PAGE_URL')); if (!($arProduct = $dbIBlockElement->GetNext())) { return $arResult; } if ('E' == CIBlock::GetArrayByID($arProduct['IBLOCK_ID'], "RIGHTS_MODE")) { $arUserRights = CIBlockElementRights::GetUserOperations($productID, $intUserID); if (empty($arUserRights)) { return $arResult; } elseif (!is_array($arUserRights) || !array_key_exists('element_read', $arUserRights)) { return $arResult; } } else { if ('R' > CIBlock::GetPermission($arProduct['IBLOCK_ID'], $intUserID)) { return $arResult; } } } else { $dbIBlockElement = CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), array("ID" => $productID, "ACTIVE" => "Y", "ACTIVE_DATE" => "Y", "CHECK_PERMISSIONS" => "Y", "MIN_PERMISSION" => "R"), false, false, array('ID', 'IBLOCK_ID', 'NAME', 'DETAIL_PAGE_URL')); if (!($arProduct = $dbIBlockElement->GetNext())) { return $arResult; } } if ($arCatalogProduct = CCatalogProduct::GetByID($productID)) { if ($arCatalogProduct["CAN_BUY_ZERO"] != "Y" && ($arCatalogProduct["QUANTITY_TRACE"] == "Y" && doubleval($arCatalogProduct["QUANTITY"]) < doubleVal($quantity))) { return $arResult; } } else { return $arResult; } if (0 < $intUserID) { $arCoupons = CCatalogDiscountCoupon::GetCouponsByManage($intUserID); CCatalogDiscountSave::SetDiscountUserID($intUserID); } else { $arCoupons = CCatalogDiscountCoupon::GetCoupons(); } $arPrice = CCatalogProduct::GetOptimalPrice($productID, $quantity, 0 < $intUserID ? $arUserCache[$intUserID] : $USER->GetUserGroupArray(), $renewal, array(), 0 < $intUserID ? $strSiteID : false, $arCoupons); if (empty($arPrice)) { if ($nearestQuantity = CCatalogProduct::GetNearestQuantityPrice($productID, $quantity, 0 < $intUserID ? $arUserCache[$intUserID] : $USER->GetUserGroupArray())) { $quantity = $nearestQuantity; $arPrice = CCatalogProduct::GetOptimalPrice($productID, $quantity, 0 < $intUserID ? $arUserCache[$intUserID] : $USER->GetUserGroupArray(), $renewal, array(), 0 < $intUserID ? $strSiteID : false, $arCoupons); } } if (empty($arPrice)) { if (0 < $intUserID) { CCatalogDiscountSave::ClearDiscountUserID(); } return $arResult; } $boolDiscountVat = 'N' != COption::GetOptionString('catalog', 'discount_vat', 'Y'); $currentPrice = $arPrice["PRICE"]["PRICE"]; $currentDiscount = 0.0; if ($boolDiscountVat) { if ('N' == $arPrice['PRICE']['VAT_INCLUDED']) { $currentPrice *= 1 + $arPrice['PRICE']['VAT_RATE']; $arPrice['PRICE']['VAT_INCLUDED'] = 'Y'; } } else { if ('Y' == $arPrice['PRICE']['VAT_INCLUDED']) { $currentPrice /= 1 + $arPrice['PRICE']['VAT_RATE']; $arPrice['PRICE']['VAT_INCLUDED'] = 'N'; } } $arDiscountList = array(); $arCouponList = array(); if (!empty($arPrice["DISCOUNT_LIST"])) { $dblStartPrice = $currentPrice; foreach ($arPrice["DISCOUNT_LIST"] as &$arOneDiscount) { switch ($arOneDiscount['VALUE_TYPE']) { case 'F': if ($arOneDiscount['CURRENCY'] == $arPrice["PRICE"]["CURRENCY"]) { $currentDiscount = $arOneDiscount['VALUE']; } else { $currentDiscount = CCurrencyRates::ConvertCurrency($arOneDiscount["VALUE"], $arOneDiscount["CURRENCY"], $arPrice["PRICE"]["CURRENCY"]); } $currentPrice = $currentPrice - $currentDiscount; break; case 'P': $currentDiscount = $currentPrice * $arOneDiscount["VALUE"] / 100.0; if (0 < $arOneDiscount['MAX_DISCOUNT']) { if ($arOneDiscount['CURRENCY'] == $arPrice["PRICE"]["CURRENCY"]) { $dblMaxDiscount = $arOneDiscount['MAX_DISCOUNT']; } else { $dblMaxDiscount = CCurrencyRates::ConvertCurrency($arOneDiscount['MAX_DISCOUNT'], $arOneDiscount["CURRENCY"], $arPrice["PRICE"]["CURRENCY"]); } if ($currentDiscount > $dblMaxDiscount) { $currentDiscount = $dblMaxDiscount; } } $currentPrice = $currentPrice - $currentDiscount; break; case 'S': if ($arOneDiscount['CURRENCY'] == $arPrice["PRICE"]["CURRENCY"]) { $currentPrice = $arOneDiscount['VALUE']; } else { $currentPrice = CCurrencyRates::ConvertCurrency($arOneDiscount['VALUE'], $arOneDiscount["CURRENCY"], $arPrice["PRICE"]["CURRENCY"]); } break; } $arOneList = array('ID' => $arOneDiscount['ID'], 'NAME' => $arOneDiscount['NAME'], 'COUPON' => '', 'MODULE_ID' => 'catalog'); if ($arOneDiscount['COUPON']) { $arOneList['COUPON'] = $arOneDiscount['COUPON']; $arCouponList[] = $arOneDiscount['COUPON']; } $arDiscountList[] = $arOneList; } if (isset($arOneDiscount)) { unset($arOneDiscount); } $currentDiscount = $dblStartPrice - $currentPrice; } if (empty($arPrice["PRICE"]["CATALOG_GROUP_NAME"])) { if (!empty($arPrice["PRICE"]["CATALOG_GROUP_ID"])) { $rsCatGroups = CCatalogGroup::GetList(array(), array('ID' => $arPrice["PRICE"]["CATALOG_GROUP_ID"]), false, array('nTopCount' => 1), array('ID', 'NAME', 'NAME_LANG')); if ($arCatGroup = $rsCatGroups->Fetch()) { $arPrice["PRICE"]["CATALOG_GROUP_NAME"] = !empty($arCatGroup['NAME_LANG']) ? $arCatGroup['NAME_LANG'] : $arCatGroup['NAME']; } } } if (!$boolDiscountVat) { $currentPrice *= 1 + $arPrice['PRICE']['VAT_RATE']; $currentDiscount *= 1 + $arPrice['PRICE']['VAT_RATE']; $arPrice['PRICE']['VAT_INCLUDED'] = 'Y'; } $arResult = array("PRODUCT_PRICE_ID" => $arPrice["PRICE"]["ID"], "PRICE" => $currentPrice, "VAT_RATE" => $arPrice['PRICE']['VAT_RATE'], "CURRENCY" => $arPrice["PRICE"]["CURRENCY"], "QUANTITY" => $quantity, "WEIGHT" => 0, "NAME" => $arProduct["~NAME"], "CAN_BUY" => "Y", "DETAIL_PAGE_URL" => $arProduct['DETAIL_PAGE_URL'], "NOTES" => $arPrice["PRICE"]["CATALOG_GROUP_NAME"], "DISCOUNT_PRICE" => $currentDiscount); if (!empty($arPrice["DISCOUNT_LIST"])) { $arResult["DISCOUNT_VALUE"] = 100 * $currentDiscount / ($currentDiscount + $currentPrice) . "%"; $arResult["DISCOUNT_NAME"] = "[" . $arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["ID"] . "] " . $arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["NAME"]; $arResult['DISCOUNT_LIST'] = $arDiscountList; if (strlen($arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["COUPON"]) > 0) { $arResult["DISCOUNT_COUPON"] = $arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["COUPON"]; } if (!empty($arCouponList)) { foreach ($arCouponList as &$strOneCoupon) { $mxApply = CCatalogDiscountCoupon::CouponApply($intUserID, $strOneCoupon); } if (isset($strOneCoupon)) { unset($strOneCoupon); } } } if ($arCatalogProduct) { $arResult["WEIGHT"] = intval($arCatalogProduct["WEIGHT"]); } CCatalogProduct::QuantityTracer($productID, $quantity); if (0 < $intUserID) { CCatalogDiscountSave::ClearDiscountUserID(); } return $arResult; }
$GLOBALS["USER_FIELD_MANAGER"]->EditFormAddFields("IBLOCK_" . $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"] . "_SECTION", $arFields); $bs = new CIBlockSection(); $bs->Update($arResult["GALLERY"]["ID"], $arFields); BXClearCache(true, "/bitrix/photogallery/" . $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"] . "/user/data/" . $arResult["GALLERY"]["CREATED_BY"] . "/"); BXClearCache(true, "/bitrix/photogallery/" . $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"] . "/gallery/" . $arResult["GALLERY"]["~CODE"] . "/"); $url = $GLOBALS['APPLICATION']->GetCurPageParam("", array("action", "status")); if ($bAjaxCall != "Y") { LocalRedirect($url); } elseif ($arParams["GALLERY_SIZE"] > 0) { $GLOBALS['APPLICATION']->RestartBuffer(); $arFields = array("STATUS" => "DONE", "PERCENT" => intVal(doubleVal($arInfoRecalc["FILE_SIZE"]) / $arParams["GALLERY_SIZE"] * 100)); echo CUtil::PhpToJSObject($arFields); die; } } else { $arFields = array("IBLOCK_ID" => $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"], "UF_GALLERY_RECALC" => serialize($arInfoRecalc), "UF_GALLERY_SIZE" => doubleVal($arResult["GALLERY"]["UF_GALLERY_SIZE"])); $GLOBALS["UF_GALLERY_RECALC"] = $arFields["UF_GALLERY_RECALC"]; $GLOBALS["UF_GALLERY_SIZE"] = $arFields["UF_GALLERY_SIZE"]; $GLOBALS["USER_FIELD_MANAGER"]->EditFormAddFields("IBLOCK_" . $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"] . "_SECTION", $arFields); $bs = new CIBlockSection(); $bs->Update($arResult["GALLERY"]["ID"], $arFields); BXClearCache(true, "/bitrix/photogallery/" . $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"] . "/user/data/" . $arResult["GALLERY"]["CREATED_BY"] . "/"); BXClearCache(true, "/bitrix/photogallery/" . $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"] . "/gallery/" . $arResult["GALLERY"]["~CODE"] . "/"); $arResult["GALLERY"]["~UF_GALLERY_RECALC"] = $arFields["UF_GALLERY_RECALC"]; $arResult["GALLERY"]["UF_GALLERY_RECALC"] = htmlspecialcharsEx($arFields["UF_GALLERY_RECALC"]); if ($bAjaxCall == "Y") { $GLOBALS['APPLICATION']->RestartBuffer(); $arFields = array("STATUS" => "CONTINUE", "PERCENT" => intVal(intVal($arInfoRecalc["FILE_COUNT"]) / $arResult["GALLERY"]["ELEMENTS_CNT"] * 100)); echo CUtil::PhpToJSObject($arFields); die; }
public function CheckDiskQuota($params = array()) { if (COption::GetOptionInt("main", "disk_space") <= 0) return true; $quota = $this->GetDiskQuota(); if ($quota === true || $quota === false) return $quota; if (!empty($params)) { if (is_array($params)) { $size = false; if (is_set($params, "FILE_SIZE")) $size = $params["FILE_SIZE"]; elseif (is_set($params, "SIZE")) $size = $params["SIZE"]; elseif (is_set($params, "file_size")) $size = $params["file_size"]; elseif (is_set($params, "size")) $size = $params["size"]; else $size = strlen(serialize($params)); if ($size !== false && ((double)$quota - $size) > 0) return true; } if (!is_array($params) && doubleVal($params) > 0 && ((double)$quota - $params) > 0) return true; if (((double)$quota - strLen($params)) > 0) return true; } return false; }
public function CheckDiskQuota($params = array()) { if (COption::GetOptionInt("main", "disk_space") <= 0) { return true; } if (defined("SKIP_DISK_QUOTA_CHECK") && constant("SKIP_DISK_QUOTA_CHECK") === true) { return true; } $quota = $this->GetDiskQuota(); if ($quota === true || $quota === false) { return $quota; } if (!empty($params)) { if (is_array($params)) { $size = false; if (is_set($params, "FILE_SIZE")) { $size = $params["FILE_SIZE"]; } elseif (is_set($params, "SIZE")) { $size = $params["SIZE"]; } elseif (is_set($params, "file_size")) { $size = $params["file_size"]; } elseif (is_set($params, "size")) { $size = $params["size"]; } else { $size = strlen(serialize($params)); } if ($size !== false) { return (double) $quota - $size > 0; } } if (!is_array($params) && doubleVal($params) > 0 && (double) $quota - $params > 0) { return true; } if ((double) $quota - strLen($params) > 0) { return true; } } return false; }
private function generateLelongProductOptionsDetails($optionsData, $index, $optionsDetails, $price, $sales_price) { if ($optionsData != null && is_array($optionsData)) { $optionsDataCount = count($optionsData); if ($optionsDetails == null) { $optionsDetails = null; $count = 0; foreach ($optionsData[$index]['product_option_value'] as $optionValueData) { if ($index + 1 < $optionsDataCount) { $nextOptionType = strtolower($optionsData[$index + 1]['type']); if ($nextOptionType == 'select' || $nextOptionType == 'radio' || $nextOptionType == 'image') { foreach ($optionsData[$index + 1]['product_option_value'] as $nextOptionValueData) { $optionsDetails[$count]['id'] = $optionValueData['product_option_value_id'] . ' | ' . $nextOptionValueData['product_option_value_id']; $optionsDetails[$count]['sku'] = $optionValueData['name'] . ' | ' . $nextOptionValueData['name']; $optionsDetails[$count]['usersku'] = $optionValueData['name'] . ' ' . $nextOptionValueData['name']; $optionPriceAddOn = doubleVal($optionValueData['price_prefix'] . $optionValueData['price']) + doubleVal($nextOptionValueData['price_prefix'] . $nextOptionValueData['price']); $optionsDetails[$count]['price'] = $optionPriceAddOn; $optionsDetails[$count]['saleprice'] = $optionPriceAddOn; $optionsDetails[$count]['quantity'] = intval($optionValueData['quantity']) < intval($nextOptionValueData['quantity']) ? intval($optionValueData['quantity']) : intval($nextOptionValueData['quantity']); $optionsDetails[$count]['status'] = '1'; $optionsDetails[$count]['warningqty'] = '0'; /*$nextOptionValue = $this->getOptionValue($nextOptionValueData['option_value_id']); if($nextOptionValue != null && $nextOptionValue['image'] != null) $optionsDetails[$count]['image'] = $nextOptionValue['image'];*/ $count++; } } } else { $optionType = strtolower($optionsData[$index]['type']); if ($optionType == 'select' || $optionType == 'radio' || $optionType == 'image') { $optionsDetails[$count]['id'] = $optionValueData['product_option_value_id']; $optionsDetails[$count]['sku'] = $optionValueData['name']; $optionsDetails[$count]['usersku'] = $optionValueData['name']; $optionPriceAddOn = doubleVal($optionValueData['price_prefix'] . $optionValueData['price']); $optionsDetails[$count]['price'] = $optionPriceAddOn; $optionsDetails[$count]['saleprice'] = $optionPriceAddOn; $optionsDetails[$count]['quantity'] = intVal($optionValueData['quantity']); $optionsDetails[$count]['status'] = '1'; $optionsDetails[$count]['warningqty'] = '0'; /*$optionValue = $this->getOptionValue($optionValueData['option_value_id']); if($optionValue != null && $optionValue['image'] != null) $optionsDetails[$count]['image'] = $optionValue['image'];*/ $count++; } } } } else { if (is_array($optionsDetails) == true) { $count = 0; foreach ($optionsDetails as $optionDetails) { if ($index + 1 < $optionsDataCount) { foreach ($optionsData[$index + 1]['product_option_value'] as $nextOptionValueData) { $optionsDetails[$count]['id'] = $optionDetails['id'] . ' | ' . $nextOptionValueData['product_option_value_id']; $optionsDetails[$count]['sku'] = $optionDetails['sku'] . ' | ' . $nextOptionValueData['name']; $optionsDetails[$count]['usersku'] = $optionDetails['usersku'] . ' ' . $nextOptionValueData['name']; $optionPriceAddOn = doubleVal($optionDetails['price']) + doubleVal($nextOptionValueData['price_prefix'] . $nextOptionValueData['price']); $optionsDetails[$count]['price'] = $optionPriceAddOn; $optionsDetails[$count]['saleprice'] = $optionPriceAddOn; $optionsDetails[$count]['quantity'] = intval($optionDetails['quantity']) < intval($nextOptionValueData['quantity']) ? intval($optionDetails['quantity']) : intval($nextOptionValueData['quantity']); $optionsDetails[$count]['status'] = '1'; $optionsDetails[$count]['warningqty'] = '0'; /*$optionValue = $this->getOptionValue($nextOptionValueData['option_value_id']); if($optionValue != null && $optionValue['image'] != null) $optionsDetails[$count]['image'] = $optionValue['image'];*/ $count++; } } } } } if ($index + 1 < $optionsDataCount) { return $optionsDetails = $this->generateLelongProductOptionsDetails($optionsData, $index + 1, $optionsDetails, $price, $sales_price); } return $optionsDetails; } return false; }
} } if ($_REQUEST["photo_album_id"] == "new") { PClearComponentCache(array("", "", "photogallery.detail", "photogallery.detail.comment", "photogallery.detail.edit", "photogallery.detail.list", "", "", "photogallery.section", "photogallery.section.edit", "photogallery.section.edit.icon", "photogallery.section.list", "photogallery.upload", "photogallery.user", "photogallery_user", "photogallery")); } else { PClearComponentCache(array("", "", "photogallery.upload", "photogallery.detail.list/" . $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"] . "/detaillist/0", "photogallery.detail.list/" . $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"] . "/detaillist/" . $arSection["ID"], "photogallery.section/" . $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"] . "/section0", "photogallery.section/" . $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"] . "/section" . $arSection["ID"], "photogallery.section/" . $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"] . "/section" . $arSection["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"], "photogallery.section.list/" . $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"] . "/section0", "photogallery.section.list/" . $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"] . "/section" . $arSection["ID"], "photogallery.section.list/" . $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"] . "/section" . $arSection["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"], "photogallery.section.list/" . $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"] . "/sections0", "photogallery.section.list/" . $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"] . "/sections" . $arSection["ID"], "photogallery.section.list/" . $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"] . "/sections" . $arSection["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"])); } if (intVal($ID) <= 0) { $bVarsFromForm = true; $res_file = array("status" => "error", "error" => $strError); } else { $arFields["ID"] = $ID; if (function_exists('BXIBlockAfterSave')) { BXIBlockAfterSave($arFields); } $iFileSize += doubleVal($File["REAL_PICTURE"]["size"]); $db_res = CIBlockElement::GetList(array("ID" => "DESC"), array("ID" => $ID), false, false, array("PREVIEW_PICTURE")); if ($db_res && ($res = $db_res->Fetch())) { $tmp = CFile::GetFileArray($res["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]); $res_file["path"] = $tmp["SRC"]; } } $res_file["id"] = $arFields["ID"]; $res_file["title"] = $arFields["NAME"]; // Main info about file $result["FILE"][$File["REAL_PICTURE"]["name"]] = $res_file; $result["FILE"][$File["REAL_PICTURE"]["name"]]["number"] = $number; // Additional info about file $res_file["number"] = $i; $res_file["description"] = $arFields["PREVIEW_TEXT"]; $result["FILE_INFO"][$File["REAL_PICTURE"]["name"]] = $res_file;
/** * * @param $productID * @param $quantity * @param $renewal */ function CatalogBasketOrderCustomCallback($productID, $quantity, $renewal = "N") { $productID = IntVal($productID); $quantity = DoubleVal($quantity); $renewal = (($renewal == "Y") ? "Y" : "N"); $arResult = array(); if ($arCatalogProduct = CCatalogProduct::GetByID($productID)) { if ($arCatalogProduct["QUANTITY_TRACE"]=="Y" && DoubleVal($arCatalogProduct["QUANTITY"])<doubleVal($quantity)) return $arResult; } $rs = CPrice::GetList(array(), array("CATALOG_GROUP_NAME" => GetCityPrice(), "PRODUCT_ID" => $productID), false, false); $ar = $rs -> Fetch(); $arPrice = array(); $arPrice[] = array( "ID" => $ar["ID"], "PRICE" => $ar["PRICE"], "CURRENCY" => $ar["CURRENCY"], "CATALOG_GROUP_ID" => $ar["CATALOG_GROUP_ID"] ); $arPrice = CCatalogProduct::GetOptimalPrice($productID, $quantity, $GLOBALS["USER"]->GetUserGroupArray(), $renewal, $arPrice); if (!$arPrice || count($arPrice) <= 0) { if ($nearestQuantity = CCatalogProduct::GetNearestQuantityPrice($productID, $quantity, $GLOBALS["USER"]->GetUserGroupArray())) { $quantity = $nearestQuantity; $arPrice = CCatalogProduct::GetOptimalPrice($productID, $quantity, $GLOBALS["USER"]->GetUserGroupArray(), $renewal); } } if (!$arPrice || count($arPrice) <= 0) { return $arResult; } $dbIBlockElement = CIBlockElement::GetList( array(), array( "ID" => $productID, "ACTIVE_DATE" => "Y", "ACTIVE" => "Y", "CHECK_PERMISSIONS" => "Y" ) ); $arProduct = $dbIBlockElement->GetNext(); $currentPrice = $arPrice["PRICE"]["PRICE"]; $currentDiscount = 0.0; //SIGURD: logic change. see mantiss 5036. // discount applied to a final price with VAT already included. if ($arPrice['PRICE']['VAT_INCLUDED'] == 'N') { if(DoubleVal($arPrice['PRICE']['VAT_RATE']) > 0) { $currentPrice *= (1 + $arPrice['PRICE']['VAT_RATE']); $arPrice['PRICE']['VAT_INCLUDED'] = 'Y'; } } if (isset($arPrice["DISCOUNT"]) && count($arPrice["DISCOUNT"]) > 0) { if ($arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["VALUE_TYPE"]=="F") { if ($arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["CURRENCY"] == $arPrice["PRICE"]["CURRENCY"]) $currentDiscount = $arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["VALUE"]; else $currentDiscount = CCurrencyRates::ConvertCurrency($arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["VALUE"], $arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["CURRENCY"], $arPrice["PRICE"]["CURRENCY"]); } else $currentDiscount = $currentPrice * $arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["VALUE"] / 100.0; $currentDiscount = roundEx($currentDiscount, SALE_VALUE_PRECISION); if (DoubleVal($arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["MAX_DISCOUNT"]) > 0) { if ($arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["CURRENCY"] == $baseCurrency) $maxDiscount = $arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["MAX_DISCOUNT"]; else $maxDiscount = CCurrencyRates::ConvertCurrency($arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["MAX_DISCOUNT"], $arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["CURRENCY"], $arPrice["PRICE"]["CURRENCY"]); $maxDiscount = roundEx($maxDiscount, CATALOG_VALUE_PRECISION); if ($currentDiscount > $maxDiscount) $currentDiscount = $maxDiscount; } $currentPrice = $currentPrice - $currentDiscount; } $arResult = array( "PRODUCT_PRICE_ID" => $arPrice["PRICE"]["ID"], "PRICE" => $currentPrice, "VAT_RATE" => $arPrice['PRICE']['VAT_RATE'], "CURRENCY" => $arPrice["PRICE"]["CURRENCY"], "QUANTITY" => $quantity, "WEIGHT" => 0, "NAME" => $arProduct["~NAME"], "CAN_BUY" => "Y", "NOTES" => $arPrice["PRICE"]["CATALOG_GROUP_NAME"], "DISCOUNT_PRICE" => $currentDiscount, ); if(!empty($arPrice["DISCOUNT"])) { if(strlen($arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["COUPON"])>0) $arResult["DISCOUNT_COUPON"] = $arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["COUPON"]; if($arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["VALUE_TYPE"]=="P") $arResult["DISCOUNT_VALUE"] = $arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["VALUE"]."%"; else $arResult["DISCOUNT_VALUE"] = SaleFormatCurrency($arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["VALUE"], $arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["CURRENCY"]); $arResult["DISCOUNT_NAME"] = "[".$arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["ID"]."] ".$arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["NAME"]; $dbCoupon = CCatalogDiscountCoupon::GetList( array(), array("COUPON" => $arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["COUPON"]), false, false, array("ID", "ONE_TIME") ); if ($arCoupon = $dbCoupon->Fetch()) { $arFieldsCoupon = Array("DATE_APPLY" => Date($GLOBALS["DB"]->DateFormatToPHP(CSite::GetDateFormat("FULL", SITE_ID)))); if ($arCoupon["ONE_TIME"] == "Y") { $arFieldsCoupon["ACTIVE"] = "N"; foreach($_SESSION["CATALOG_USER_COUPONS"] as $k => $v) { if(trim($v) == trim($arPrice["DISCOUNT"]["COUPON"])) { unset($_SESSION["CATALOG_USER_COUPONS"][$k]); $_SESSION["CATALOG_USER_COUPONS"][$k] == ""; } } } CCatalogDiscountCoupon::Update($arCoupon["ID"], $arFieldsCoupon); } } if ($arCatalogProduct) { $arResult["WEIGHT"] = IntVal($arCatalogProduct["WEIGHT"]); } CCatalogProduct::QuantityTracer($productID, $quantity); return $arResult; }
/** * Quantity is stored as an integer but fabric quantity is a decimal * So convert fabric quantity into a decimal by dividing by 100 */ public function getFabricQuantity() { return doubleVal($this->quantity / 100); }
function GetUserPoints($USER_ID, $arAddParams = array()) { global $DB; $USER_ID = intVal($USER_ID); if ($USER_ID <= 0) return 0; $arAddParams = (is_array($arAddParams) ? $arAddParams : array($arAddParams)); $arAddParams["INCREMENT"] = intVal($arAddParams["INCREMENT"]); $arAddParams["DECREMENT"] = intVal($arAddParams["DECREMENT"]); $arAddParams["NUM_POSTS"] = (is_set($arAddParams, "NUM_POSTS") ? $arAddParams["NUM_POSTS"] : false); $arAddParams["RETURN_FETCH"] = ($arAddParams["RETURN_FETCH"] == "Y" ? "Y" : "N"); $strSql = " SELECT (". ($arAddParams["NUM_POSTS"] ? $arAddParams["NUM_POSTS"] : "FU.NUM_POSTS"). ($arAddParams["INCREMENT"] > 0 ? "+".$arAddParams["INCREMENT"] : ""). ($arAddParams["DECREMENT"] > 0 ? "-".$arAddParams["DECREMENT"] : ""). ") AS NUM_POSTS, FP2P.MIN_NUM_POSTS, FP2P.POINTS_PER_POST, SUM(FUP.POINTS) AS POINTS_FROM_USER FROM b_forum_user FU LEFT JOIN b_forum_points2post FP2P ON (FP2P.MIN_NUM_POSTS <= ". ($arAddParams["NUM_POSTS"] ? $arAddParams["NUM_POSTS"] : "FU.NUM_POSTS"). ($arAddParams["INCREMENT"] > 0 ? "+".$arAddParams["INCREMENT"] : ""). ($arAddParams["DECREMENT"] > 0 ? "-".$arAddParams["DECREMENT"] : "").") LEFT JOIN b_forum_user_points FUP ON (FUP.TO_USER_ID = FU.USER_ID) WHERE FU.user_id = ".$USER_ID." GROUP BY ".($arAddParams["NUM_POSTS"] ? "" : "FU.NUM_POSTS, ")."FP2P.MIN_NUM_POSTS, FP2P.POINTS_PER_POST ORDER BY FP2P.MIN_NUM_POSTS DESC"; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); if ($arAddParams["RETURN_FETCH"] == "Y"): return $db_res; elseif ($db_res && ($res = $db_res->Fetch())): $result = floor(doubleVal($res["POINTS_PER_POST"])*intVal($res["NUM_POSTS"]) + intVal($res["POINTS_FROM_USER"])); return $result; endif; return false; }