Пример #1
		dolibarr_syslog("ws_import.inc.php::import_prospects $sql", LOG_DEBUG);
		if ($resql)
			$obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);
			if ($obj)		
				$last = $obj->last;
				dolibarr_syslog("ws_import::aucun nouveau propect", LOG_DEBUG);
				$last = 0;
			dolibarr_syslog("ws_import::import prospects erreur ".$sql, LOG_ERR);
			return -1;

		if ($res = get_new_prospects($siteid,$db, $user, $limit) < 0) print "Erreur traitement des prospects étape 1"."\n";
		else 	print "fin étape 1 début étape 2"."\n";
		// on fait les deux traitements systématiquement
		if ($res = import_prospects($siteid, $db, $user, $limit, $last)) print "traitement des prospects réussi $last $limit"." \n";
			else print "Erreur traitement des prospects $last $limit"."\n";
	default :
		print "commande inconnue : ".$argv[1]."\n";
		$error = -1;
	*    \brief      This is the main function that returns the array of emails
	*    \param      mailing_id    Id of mailing. No need to use it.
	*    \param      filterarray   If you used the formFilter function. Empty otherwise.
	*    \return     int           <0 if error, number of emails added if ok
	function add_to_target($mailing_id,$filtersarray=array())
		$target = array();

		// ----- Your code start here -----

		$cibles = array();
		$j = 0;

	    foreach($filtersarray as $key)
            if ($key == '0') return "Error: You must choose a filter";


		// La requete doit retourner: id, email, name
		$sql = " select s.rowid as id, s.email, s.nom as name, cd.rowid as cdid, cd.date_ouverture, cd.date_fin_validite, cd.fk_contrat";
		$sql.= " from ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."societe as s, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."contrat as c,";
		$sql.= " ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."contratdet as cd, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."product as p";
		$sql.= " where s.rowid = c.fk_soc AND cd.fk_contrat = c.rowid AND s.email != ''";
		$sql.= " AND cd.statut= 4 AND cd.fk_product=p.rowid AND p.ref = '".$product."'";
		$sql.= " AND cd.date_fin_validite < '".$this->db->idate($now)."'";
		$sql.= " ORDER BY s.email";

		// Stocke destinataires dans cibles
		if ($result)
			$num = $this->db->num_rows($result);
			$i = 0;

			dolibarr_syslog(get_class($this)."::add_to_target ".$num." targets found");

			$old = '';
			while ($i < $num)
				$obj = $this->db->fetch_object($result);
				if ($old <> $obj->email)
					$cibles[$j] = array(
					'email' => $obj->email,
					'name' => $obj->name,
					'other' =>
					'source_url' => $this->url($obj->id),
					'source_id' => $obj->id,
					'source_type' => 'thirdparty'
					$old = $obj->email;

			return -1;

		// ----- Your code end here -----

		return parent::add_to_target($mailing_id, $cibles);