Пример #1
  * Set Message Code: content-subscription
  * @return string
 protected function _templateContentSubscription(&$params, &$data)
     # Prepare
     $Locale = Bal_App::getLocale();
     $View = Bal_App::getView(false);
     $Message = $this;
     # Prepare Urls
     $rootUrl = $View->app()->getRootUrl();
     $baseUrl = $View->app()->getBaseUrl(true);
     # --------------------------
     # Prepare
     $Content = $this->Content;
     # Prepare URL
     $contentUrl = $rootUrl . $View->url()->content($Content)->toString();
     $params['Content_url'] = $contentUrl;
     # Send On
     $send_on = strtotime($Content->published_at);
     $this->send_on = doctrine_timestamp($send_on);
     # Adjust Dates
     $params['Message']['Content']['published_at'] = $Locale->date($params['Message']['Content']['published_at']);
     # --------------------------
     return true;
Пример #2
# Retrieve Content to Update
echo "\n" . 'Cron: Second Content Run:' . "\n";
# Update their Cache
foreach ($Contents as $Content) {
    if ($Content->refresh()) {
        echo 'Cron: Updated Content [' . $Content->code . '] Cache' . "\n";
    } else {
        echo 'Cron: Ignored Content [' . $Content->code . '] Cache' . "\n";
# ==========================================
# Send Pending Messages
echo "\n" . 'Cron: Sending Any Pending Messages:' . "\n";
# Retrieve Messages to Send
$Messages = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('Message m')->where('m.sent_on IS NULL')->andWhere('m.send_on < ?', doctrine_timestamp())->limit(25)->execute();
# Send these Messages
if (!count($Messages)) {
    echo 'Cron: No Pending Messages To Be Sent' . "\n";
} else {
    foreach ($Messages as $Message) {
        echo 'Cron: Sent Message [' . $Message->code . '] to [' . $Message->UserFor->email . ']' . "\n";
// When doing a second round, it will cause the tags to delete. So we don't do a second round.
# ==========================================
# Complete
echo "\n" . 'Cron: Completed' . "\n";
Пример #3
  * Refresh the Content Cache
 public function refresh($update_content = true, $update_description = true)
     # Prepare
     $save = false;
     # Fetch
     $Content = $this;
     # Render Content
     if ($update_content) {
         $content_rendered = Content::renderContent($Content, array('cache' => false));
         $Content->set('content_rendered', $content_rendered, false);
         # Save
         $save = true;
     # Render Description
     $description = $Content->description;
     $description_empty = !$description || $description === '<!--[empty/]-->';
     $description_useauto = $Content->description_useauto;
     if ($update_description && !$description_empty) {
         # Disable Auto
         $Content->set('description_useauto', false, false);
         # Render Description
         $description_rendered = Content::renderDescription($Content, array('cache' => false));
         # Set Description
         $Content->set('description_rendered', $description_rendered, false);
         # Save
         $save = true;
     } elseif ($Content->description_useauto || $description_empty) {
         # Use Auto
         $Content->set('description_useauto', true, false);
         # Render Auto Description
         $description_rendered = substr(preg_replace('/\\s\\s+/', ' ', strip_tags($Content->content_rendered)), 0, 1000);
         if (reallyempty($description_rendered)) {
             $description_rendered = '<!--[empty/]-->';
         # Set Description
         $Content->set('description', $description_rendered, false);
         $Content->set('description_rendered', $description_rendered, false);
         # Save
         $save = true;
     # Update Last Refresh
     if ($save) {
         $this->last_refreshed = doctrine_timestamp();
     # Return save
     return $save;
Пример #4
 public function contentNewAction()
     # Prepare
     $App = $this->getHelper('App');
     $Request = $this->getRequest();
     $type = $Request->getParam('type', 'content');
     $App->activateNavigationItem('back.main', $type . '-new', true);
     $Content = $ContentCrumbs = array();
     $Identity = $App->getUser();
     # --------------------------
     # Fetch and Save Item (if applicable)
     $Content = Bal_Doctrine_Core::fetchAndSaveItem('Content', null, array('create' => true, 'apply' => array('Author' => $Identity), 'keep' => array('code', 'content', 'description', 'Parent', 'status', 'tags', 'title', 'type', 'Avatar'), 'clean' => array('Avatar'), 'verify' => array('verifyAccess' => array('action' => 'edit', 'Identity' => $Identity))));
     if (delve($Content, 'id')) {
         return $this->getHelper('redirector')->gotoRoute(array('action' => 'content-edit', 'content' => $Content->code), 'back', true);
     # --------------------------
     # Prepare New Content
     $Content->published_at = doctrine_timestamp();
     if ($type === 'event') {
         $Content->event_start_at = doctrine_timestamp();
         $Content->event_finish_at = doctrine_timestamp();
     # Fetch
     $ContentArray = $Content->toArray();
     $ContentCrumbs[] = $ContentArray;
     # Fetch content for use in dropdown
     $ContentList = $this->getContentSimpleList();
     # --------------------------
     # Apply
     $this->view->type = $type;
     $this->view->ContentCrumbs = $ContentCrumbs;
     $this->view->ContentList = $ContentList;
     $this->view->Content = $ContentArray;
     # Render
     # Done
     return true;