</tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> <?php } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en-GB" xml:lang="en-GB"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"/> <title>All Credited WordPress Contributors</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bootstrap.min.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bootstrap-theme.min.css" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /> </head> <body> <div class="container-fluid" style="margin: 1em;"> <h1>All Credited WordPress Contributors <small>(beta)</small></h1> <p class="lead">WordPress has had an API for listing the names of all the contributors and more in-depth roles since version 3.2. The table below looks at each version, and notes what role someone had, if any, for all of the versions since.</p> <p><small>This is considered beta, as it has no caching of results (currently a standalone page as a proof-of-concept) so it hits the Credits API once for each version, on every page load).</small></p> <?php do_table(); ?> </div> </body> </html>
<hr> <button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="get_send_options('researchtb', 's')">Submit</button> </section> <section id="admin"> <h2 class="description" for="element_5">Dinner</h2> <br> <!-- <input type="checkbox" id="acheck" onchange="a_form.onchangee()" /><label for="acheck" id="ac" class="editbut">Edit</label> --> <p id="li_4"><table id="admintb" width="40%" align="middle" class="result"><tbody><tr><td >Day</td><td>Meal 1</td><td>Meal 2</td><td>Meal 3</td><td>Meal 4</td></tr></tbody><tbody> <?php do_table("d"); ?> </tbody></table> <br><h4 class="total text-success">TOTAL : Rs <span id="totadmin"></span> per week (<span id="peradmin"></span>%)</h4> </p> <hr> <button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="get_send_options('admintb', 'd')">Submit</button> </section>
$speakers = get_records_sql('SELECT SP.id, SP.login AS descr FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'ponente SP JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix . 'propuesta P ON P.id_ponente = SP.id WHERE P.id_status=7'); $speakers_input = do_get_output('do_input_select', array('filter_id_ponente', $speakers, $id_ponente, true, '', 0, $onChange)); $table_data[] = array('', __('Modificado por:'), __('Tipo:'), __('Ponente:')); $table_data[] = array(__('Filtro:'), $admins_input, $prop_type_input, $speakers_input); } elseif (Action == 'scheduleevent' || Action == 'addschedule') { // acepted proposals $prop_type = get_records_sql('SELECT PT.* FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'prop_tipo PT JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix . 'propuesta P ON P.id_prop_tipo=PT.id WHERE P.id_status=5'); $prop_type_input = do_get_output('do_input_select', array('filter_id_prop_tipo', $prop_type, $id_prop_tipo, true, '', 0, $onChange)); $track = get_records_sql('SELECT O.* FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'orientacion O JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix . 'propuesta P ON P.id_orientacion=O.id WHERE P.id_status=5'); $track_input = do_get_output('do_input_select', array('filter_id_orientacion', $track, $id_orientacion, true, '', 0, $onChange)); $table_data[] = array('', __('Tipo:'), __('Orientación:')); $table_data[] = array(__('Filtro:'), $prop_type_input, $track_input); } } else { // get all tracks //$tracks = get_records('orientacion'); $tracks = get_records_sql('SELECT O.* FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'orientacion O JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix . 'propuesta P ON P.id_orientacion=O.id'); $tracks_input = do_get_output('do_input_select', array('filter_id_orientacion', $tracks, $id_orientacion, true, '', 0, $onChange)); //headers $table_data[] = array('', __('Tipo:'), __('Orientación:'), __('Estado:')); $table_data[] = array(__('Filtro:'), $prop_type_input, $tracks_input, $status_input); } do_table($table_data, 'prop-filter wide');
// data $table_data[] = array($l_ponencia, $workshop->orientacion, $workshop->lugar, $time, $disp, $l_action); } } $human_date = friendly_date($last_date); ?> <h2><?php echo $human_date; ?> </h2> <h3><?php echo $last_date_desc; ?> </h2> <?php // do last table do_table($table_data, 'wide'); } else { ?> <div class="block"></div> <p class="error center"><?php echo __('No se encontraron talleres/tutoriales registrados.'); ?> </p> <?php }
<?php if ($USER->id_tadmin != 1 || empty($catalog)) { die; } $table_data = array(); $datas = get_records($catalog); if (!empty($datas)) { foreach ($datas as $data) { if ($catalog == 'tadmin') { $input_tareas = do_get_output('do_input', array($catalog . $data->id, 'text', $data->tareas, 'size="50"')); $table_data[] = array($data->id, $data->descr, $input_tareas); } else { $input_descr = do_get_output('do_input', array($catalog . $data->id, 'text', $data->descr, 'size="50"')); $table_data[] = array($data->id, $input_descr); } } if (in_array($catalog, $catalogs_addremove_field)) { // add input for new option $input_descr = do_get_output('do_input', array($catalog . '-new', 'text', '', 'size="50"')); $table_data[] = array('+', $input_descr); } do_table($table_data, 'catalog'); }
<?php if (empty($CFG) || empty($q) || Context != 'admin') { die; } if ($reg_flags = get_records('config')) { $table_data = array(); $table_data[] = array(__('Nombre'), __('Estado'), __('Acción')); foreach ($reg_flags as $conf) { $status_desc = $conf->status ? __('Abierto') : __('Cerrado'); // toggle status $status_toggle = $conf->status ? 'close' : 'open'; $action_desc = $conf->status ? __('Cerrar') : __('Abrir'); $action_class = $conf->status ? 'precaucion' : 'verde'; $url = get_url('admin/config'); $action = <<<END <a class="{$action_class}" href="{$url}/{$status_toggle}/{$conf->id}">{$action_desc}</a> END; $table_data[] = array(sprintf('<ul><li>%s</li></ul>', $conf->descr), $status_desc, $action); } do_table($table_data, 'narrow'); }
function display_inflection($w, $hidden = TRUE) { if ($c = $w->cached()) { if (($_ = json_decode($c, true)) === NULL) { echo $c; return; } else { $c = $_; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($c); $i++) { if ($i === 0) { echo $c[$i]; } else { echo format_word($c[$i]); } } return; } else { ob_start(); } $pronunciations = $w->pronunciations(); //error_log($pronunciations); $w->clear_connections(); $connections = $w->connections(); list($values0, $values1, $values2, $values3, $values4) = word_table_values($w); if (!$values0 and !$values1 and !$values3 and !$values4 and !$values2) { ?> <span id="word<?php echo $w->id(); ?> _forms">(No inflection for this word)</span><?php return; } ?> Inflection <?php display_icon("visibility", $hidden ? "Show" : "Hide", "toggle-forms" . $w->id()); if ($pronunciations) { ?> <span id="toggle-pronunciations<?php echo $w->id(); ?> _outer"> [<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="toggle-pronunciations<?php echo $w->id(); ?> ">show IPA</a>]<br><br> </span><?php } ?> <span id="toggle-quizzing<?php echo $w->id(); ?> _outer"> [<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="toggle-quizzing<?php echo $w->id(); ?> ">cover forms</a>]<br><br> </span><?php do_table($w, $values0, $values1, $values2, $values3, $values4, NULL, "format_value", function ($v, $p) use($w) { return format_word($p, $w->lang(), true); }, function ($p) use($connections) { $p = (string) $p; foreach ($connections as $connect) { if ($connect->type() === $p) { return $connect->to(); } } }, function ($p) use($pronunciations, $w) { $p = (string) $p; $made_div = FALSE; $last_type = NULL; $first = TRUE; foreach ($pronunciations as $pron) { if ((string) $pron->path() !== $p) { continue; } if ($pron->type() !== "IPA") { continue; } if (!$made_div) { ?> <span class="word<?php echo $w->id(); ?> _pronunciation"><?php $made_div = TRUE; } ?> <br><?php $last_type = $pron->type(); if ($pron->sublang()) { ?> <sup>[<?php echo $pron->sublang(); ?> ]</sup><?php } ?> [<?php echo format_pron($pron->value()); ?> ]<?php $first = FALSE; } if ($made_div) { ?> </span><?php } }); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ var c = "<?php echo $w->id(); ?> "; var selector = $('#word'+c+'_forms, #toggle-pronunciations'+c+'_outer, #toggle-quizzing'+c+'_outer'); $('#toggle-forms'+c).click(function () { selector.toggle(); var vis = $('#word'+c+'_forms').is(':visible'); $('#toggle-forms'+c).attr('title', vis ? 'Hide' : 'Show'); if (!vis) $('.word'+c+'_pronunciation').hide(); }); <?php if (!$hidden) { ?> selector.hide(); <?php } ?> $('#toggle-forms'+c).trigger("click"); $('#toggle-pronunciations'+c).click(function () { $('.word'+c+'_pronunciation').toggle(); $('#toggle-pronunciations'+c).attr('title', $('.word'+c+'_pronunciation').is(':visible') ? 'hide IPA' : 'show IPA'); }); $('#toggle-quizzing'+c).click(function () { $('#word'+c+' td').addClass('hidden').on('click', function() {$(this).removeClass('hidden').off('click')}); }); $('.word'+c+'_pronunciation, #toggle-pronunciations').hide(); }); </script> <?php $w->set_cached(ob_get_contents()); ob_end_flush(); }
function make_chart2($w, $w2, $values = NULL, $ignore = NULL, $legend = "this chart", $add = NULL, $basepath = NULL) { ob_start(); if ($values === NULL) { $values = word_table_values($w, $ignore); list($values0, $values1, $values2, $values3, $values4) = $values; } else { list($values0, $values1, $values2, $values3, $values4) = $values; $values0 = _do_ignore($values0, $ignore); if (is_fillable($values1)) { $values1 = _fill($values1, $values0); } if (is_fillable($values2)) { $values2 = _fill($values2, $values0); } if (is_fillable($values3)) { $values3 = _fill($values3, $values0); } if (is_fillable($values4)) { $values4 = _fill($values4, $values0); } _filter_ignore2($values1, $ignore, PATH($w), $values0); _filter_ignore2($values2, $ignore, PATH($w), $values0, $values1); _filter_ignore2($values3, $ignore, PATH($w), $values0); _filter_ignore2($values4, $ignore, PATH($w), $values0, $values3); } global $OP_USER_INPUT; $w->read_paths(); $w->read_attrs(); $w2->read_paths(); $w2->read_attrs(); if ($add) { $add = ", {$add}"; } $ret = ["help" => "Fill in {$legend} for “" . display_word_name($w) . "” and “" . display_word_name($w2) . "”{$add}.", "selections" => [], "sentence" => []]; $i = 0; $get_question = function ($form, $path) use(&$i, $w2, &$ret, $basepath) { $ret["answer{$i}-hidden"] = TRUE; $ret["answer{$i}"] = ["correct" => [], "acceptable" => []]; $form2 = PATH($w2, $path, $basepath); $form2 = $form2->get(); foreach (explode("\n", $form) as $f) { foreach (explode("\n", $form2) as $f2) { $ret["answer{$i}"]["correct"][] = $f . " " . $f2; $ret["answer{$i}"]["acceptable"][] = $f . " " . $f2; $ret["answer{$i}"]["acceptable"][] = $f2 . " " . $f; } } $ret["answer{$i}-tooltip"] = "Enter form"; $i++; return '<input>'; }; do_table($w, $values0, $values1, $values2, $values3, $values4, $ignore, "format_value", $get_question, NULL, NULL, 0); $table = explode("<input>", ob_get_contents()); ob_clean(); $i = count($table) - 1; foreach ($table as $r) { $ret["sentence"][] = HTML($r); if ($i) { $ret["sentence"][] = $OP_USER_INPUT; } $i -= 1; } return $ret; }
<p class="error center"><?php echo __('Esta propuesta no tiene archivos adjuntos.'); ?> </p> <?php } else { $table_data = array(); // headers $table_data[] = array(__('Nombre'), __('Descripción'), __('Tamaño'), __('Público'), ''); foreach ($files as $f) { $public = empty($f->public) ? __('No') : __('Si'); //download file $url = get_url('speaker/proposals/' . $proposal->id . '/files/' . $f->id . '/' . $f->name); $l_name = "<a href=\"{$url}\">{$f->title}</a>"; //size $size = sprintf('<span class="right">%s</span>', human_filesize($f->size)); $sMod = __('Modificar'); $sDelete = __('Eliminar'); $url = get_url('speaker/proposals/' . $proposal->id . '/files/edit/' . $f->id . '/' . $f->name); $l_modify = "<a class=\"verde\" href=\"{$url}\">{$sMod}</a>"; if ($proposal->id_status < 5) { $url = get_url('speaker/proposals/' . $proposal->id . '/files/delete/' . $f->id . '/' . $f->name); $l_delete = " | <a class=\"precaucion\" href=\"{$url}\">{$sDelete}</a>"; } else { $l_delete = ''; } $table_data[] = array($l_name, $f->descr, $size, $public, $l_modify . $l_delete); } do_table($table_data, 'narrow-form files'); }