Пример #1
$data = array('from' => $postObj->FromUserName, 'to' => $postObj->ToUserName, 'text' => (string) $postObj->Recognition, 'media_id' => $postObj->MediaId, 'time' => $postObj->CreateTime, 'format' => $postObj->Format, 'message_id' => $postObj->MsgId);
$db->insert('wx_message_voice', $data);
$default_key = 'ANSWER_DEFAULT_' . round(rand(1, 4));
$contentStr = $db->get_field("wx_config", "_key='{$default_key}'", "_value");
if (empty($data['text'])) {
    $contentStr = '您的消息我已经收到!';
} else {
    if (mb_substr($data['text'], 0, 2, 'utf-8') == '天气') {
        $contentStr = getWeather($data['text'], false);
    } else {
        if (mb_substr($data['text'], 0, 2, 'utf-8') == '快递') {
            $contentStr = doGetKuaiDi($data['text']);
        } else {
            if ($db->count('wx_answer', "_key='{$data['text']}'") > 0) {
                $contentStr = $db->get_field("wx_answer", "_key='{$data['text']}'", "_value");
            } else {
                $str = $data['text'];
                $sql = "CONCAT(key1,key2,key3)<>'' and INSTR('{$str}',key1) and INSTR('{$str}',key2) and INSTR('{$str}',key3)  \n\t\t\tor (CONCAT(key1,key2,key3)='' and question='{$str}')";
                $answerStrThird = $db->get_field("wx_answer_robot", $sql, "answer");
                if ($answerStrThird) {
                    $contentStr = $answerStrThird;
Пример #2
$db = new DB();
$data1 = array('from' => $postObj->FromUserName, 'to' => $postObj->ToUserName, 'content' => trim($postObj->Content), 'time' => $postObj->CreateTime, 'message_id' => $postObj->MsgId);
$db->insert('wx_message_text', $data1);
$default_key = 'ANSWER_DEFAULT_' . round(rand(1, 4));
$contentStr = $db->get_field("wx_config", "_key='{$default_key}'", "_value");
if (mb_substr($data1['content'], 0, 2, 'utf-8') == '天气') {
    $contentStr = getWeather($data1['content'], false);
} else {
    if (mb_substr($data1['content'], 0, 2, 'utf-8') == '快递') {
        $contentStr = doGetKuaiDi($data1['content']);
    } else {
        if ($db->count('wx_answer', "_key='{$data1['content']}'") > 0) {
            $contentStr = $db->get_field("wx_answer", "_key='{$data1['content']}'", "_value");
        } else {
            $str = $data1['content'];
            $sql = "CONCAT(key1,key2,key3)<>'' and INSTR('{$str}',key1) and INSTR('{$str}',key2) and INSTR('{$str}',key3)  \n\t\t\tor (CONCAT(key1,key2,key3)='' and question='{$str}')";
            $answerStrThird = $db->get_field("wx_answer_robot", $sql, "answer");
            if ($answerStrThird) {
                $contentStr = $answerStrThird;