Пример #1
 private function visitEnd()
     if (DEBUG_ENABLED && (($fargs = func_get_args()) || ($fargs = 'NOARGS'))) {
         debug_log('Entered (%%)', 129, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, $fargs);
     $server = $this->getServer();
     $afattrs = $this->getAFAttrs();
     # If Mass Actions Enabled
     if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('mass', 'enabled')) {
         $mass_actions = array(_('delete') => 'mass_delete', _('edit') => 'mass_edit');
     $ado = $this->template->getAttrDisplayOrder();
     $counter = 0;
     $j = 0;
     foreach ($this->template->results as $base => $results) {
         if (!($show = get_request('show', 'REQUEST'))) {
             $show = $counter === 1 ? $this->getAjaxRef($base) : null;
         printf('<div id="DN%s" style="display: %s">', $this->getAjaxRef($base), $show == $this->getAjaxRef($base) ? 'block' : 'none');
         echo '<table class="result_box" border="0" width="100%">';
         echo '<tr><td>';
         echo '<br/>';
         echo '<br/>';
         $this->drawResultsTable($base, count($results));
         echo '<br/>';
         echo '<br/>';
         switch (get_request('format', 'REQUEST', false, $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('search', 'display'))) {
             case 'list':
                 foreach ($results as $dndetails) {
                     $dndetails = array_change_key_case($dndetails);
                     # Temporarily set our DN, for rendering that leverages our DN (eg: JpegPhoto)
                     echo '<table class="result" border="0">';
                     echo '<tr class="list_title">';
                     printf('<td class="icon"><img src="%s/%s" alt="icon" /></td>', IMGDIR, get_icon($server->getIndex(), $dndetails['dn']));
                     printf('<td colspan="2"><a href="cmd.php?cmd=template_engine&amp;server_id=%s&amp;dn=%s">%s</a></td>', $server->getIndex(), $this->template->getDNEncode(), htmlspecialchars(get_rdn($dndetails['dn'])));
                     echo '</tr>';
                     printf('<tr class="list_item"><td class="blank">&nbsp;</td><td class="heading">dn</td><td class="value">%s</td></tr>', htmlspecialchars(dn_unescape($dndetails['dn'])));
                     # Iterate over each attribute for this entry
                     foreach (explode(',', $ado) as $attr) {
                         $attr = strtolower($attr);
                         # Ignore DN, we've already displayed it.
                         if ($attr == 'dn') {
                         if (!isset($dndetails[$attr])) {
                         # Set our object with our values
                         if (is_array($dndetails[$attr])) {
                         } else {
                         echo '<tr class="list_item">';
                         echo '<td class="blank">&nbsp;</td>';
                         echo '<td class="heading">';
                         $this->draw('Name', $afattrs[$attr]);
                         echo '</td>';
                         echo '<td>';
                         $this->draw('CurrentValues', $afattrs[$attr]);
                         echo '</td>';
                         echo '</tr>';
                     echo '</table>';
                     echo '<br/>';
                 # Display the results.
             # Display the results.
             case 'table':
                 if (!$results) {
                     echo _('Search returned no results');
                 printf('<form action="cmd.php" method="post" id="massform_%s">', $counter);
                 echo '<div>';
                 printf('<input type="hidden" name="server_id" value="%s" />', $server->getIndex());
                 foreach ($this->template->resultsdata[$base]['attrs'] as $attr) {
                     printf('<input type="hidden" name="attrs[]" value="%s" />', $attr);
                 echo '</div>';
                 echo '<table class="result_table" border="0">';
                 echo '<thead class="fixheader">';
                 echo '<tr class="heading">';
                 echo '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
                 echo '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
                 foreach (explode(',', $ado) as $attr) {
                     echo '<td>';
                     $this->draw('Name', $afattrs[$attr]);
                     echo '</td>';
                 echo '</tr>';
                 echo '</thead>';
                 echo '<tbody class="scroll">';
                 foreach ($results as $dndetails) {
                     $dndetails = array_change_key_case($dndetails);
                     # Temporarily set our DN, for rendering that leverages our DN (eg: JpegPhoto)
                     printf('<tr class="%s" id="tr_ma_%s" onclick="var cb=document.getElementById(\'ma_%s\'); cb.checked=!cb.checked;">', $j % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd', $j, $j);
                     # Is mass action enabled.
                     if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('mass', 'enabled')) {
                         printf('<td><input type="checkbox" id="ma_%s" name="dn[]" value="%s" onclick="this.checked=!this.checked;" /></td>', $j, $dndetails['dn']);
                     $href = sprintf('cmd=template_engine&server_id=%s&dn=%s', $server->getIndex(), $this->template->getDNEncode());
                     printf('<td class="icon"><a href="cmd.php?%s"><img src="%s/%s" alt="icon" /></a></td>', htmlspecialchars($href), IMGDIR, get_icon($server->getIndex(), $dndetails['dn']));
                     # We'll clone our attribute factory attributes, since we need to add the values to them for rendering.
                     foreach (explode(',', $ado) as $attr) {
                         # If the entry is blank, we'll draw an empty box and continue.
                         if (!isset($dndetails[$attr])) {
                             echo '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
                         # Special case for DNs
                         if ($attr == 'dn') {
                             $dn_display = strlen($dndetails['dn']) > 40 ? sprintf('<acronym title="%s">%s...</acronym>', htmlspecialchars($dndetails['dn']), htmlspecialchars(substr($dndetails['dn'], 0, 40))) : htmlspecialchars($dndetails['dn']);
                             printf('<td><a href="cmd.php?%s">%s</a></td>', htmlspecialchars($href), $dn_display);
                         # Set our object with our values
                         if (is_array($dndetails[$attr])) {
                         } else {
                         echo '<td>';
                         $this->draw('CurrentValues', $afattrs[$attr]);
                         echo '</td>';
                     echo '</tr>';
                 # Is mass action enabled.
                 if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('mass', 'enabled')) {
                     printf('<tr class="%s">', ++$j % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even');
                     printf('<td><input type="checkbox" name="allbox" value="1" onclick="CheckAll(1,\'massform_\',%s);" /></td>', $counter);
                     printf('<td colspan="%s">', 2 + count(explode(',', $ado)));
                     foreach ($mass_actions as $display => $action) {
                         printf('<button type="submit" name="cmd" value="%s">%s</button>&nbsp;&nbsp;', $action, $display);
                     echo '</td>';
                     echo '</tr>';
                 echo '</tbody>';
                 echo '</table>';
                 echo '</form>';
                 echo "\n\n";
                 printf('Have ID [%s], run this query for page [%s]', $this->template_id, $this->page);
         echo '</td></tr>';
         echo '</table>';
         echo '</div>';
         echo "\n\n";
     if (get_request('format', 'REQUEST', false, 'table') == 'table') {
         printf('<script type="text/javascript" src="%sCheckAll.js"></script>', JSDIR);
foreach ($results as $dn => $dndetails) {
    if ($i <= $start_entry) {
    if ($i >= $end_entry) {
    echo '<div class="search_result">';
    echo '<table><tr>';
    printf('<td><img src="images/%s" /></td>', get_icon($ldapserver, $dn));
    printf('<td><a href="template_engine.php?server_id=%s&amp;dn=%s">%s</a></td>', $ldapserver->server_id, rawurlencode(dn_unescape($dn)), htmlspecialchars(get_rdn($dn)));
    echo '</tr></table>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<table class="attrs">';
    printf('<tr><td class="attr" valign="top">dn</td><td>%s</td></tr>', htmlspecialchars(dn_unescape($dn)));
    # Iterate over each attribute for this entry
    foreach ($dndetails as $attr => $values) {
        # Ignore DN, we've already displayed it.
        if ($attr == 'dn') {
        if ($ldapserver->isAttrBinary($attr)) {
            $values = array('(binary)');
        if (isset($friendly_attrs[strtolower($attr)])) {
            $attr = sprintf('<acronym title="Alias for $attr">%s</acronym>', htmlspecialchars($friendly_attrs[strtolower($attr)]));
        } else {
            $attr = htmlspecialchars($attr);
        echo '<tr>';
Пример #3
  * Gets a list of child entries for an entry. Given a DN, this function fetches the list of DNs of
  * child entries one level beneath the parent. For example, for the following tree:
  * <code>
  * dc=example,dc=com
  *   ou=People
  *      cn=Dave
  *      cn=Fred
  *      cn=Joe
  *      ou=More People
  *         cn=Mark
  *         cn=Bob
  * </code>
  * Calling <code>getContainerContents("ou=people,dc=example,dc=com")</code>
  * would return the following list:
  * <code>
  *  cn=Dave
  *  cn=Fred
  *  cn=Joe
  *  ou=More People
  * </code>
  * @param string $dn The DN of the entry whose children to return.
  * @param int $size_limit (optional) The maximum number of entries to return.
  *            If unspecified, no limit is applied to the number of entries in the returned.
  * @param string $filter (optional) An LDAP filter to apply when fetching children, example: "(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)"
  * @return array An array of DN strings listing the immediate children of the specified entry.
 function getContainerContents($dn, $size_limit = 0, $filter = '(objectClass=*)', $deref = LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS)
     $tree = get_cached_item($this->server_id, 'tree');
     if (isset($tree['browser'][$dn]['children']) && $filter == '(objectClass=*)') {
         if (!isset($tree['browser'][$dn]['size_limited']) || !$tree['browser'][$dn]['size_limited']) {
             return $tree['browser'][$dn]['children'];
     $return = array();
     $search = $this->search(null, dn_escape($dn), $filter, array('dn'), 'one', true, $deref, $size_limit > 0 ? $size_limit + 1 : $size_limit);
     if (!$search) {
         $tree['browser'][$dn]['children'] = array();
     } else {
         foreach ($search as $searchdn => $entry) {
             $child_dn = dn_unescape($entry['dn']);
             $tree['browser'][$child_dn]['icon'] = get_icon($this, $child_dn);
             $return[] = $child_dn;
         usort($return, 'pla_compare_dns');
         $tree['browser'][$dn]['children'] = $return;
         if ($size_limit > 0 && count($tree['browser'][$dn]['children']) > $size_limit) {
             $tree['browser'][$dn]['size_limited'] = true;
         } else {
             if (isset($tree['browser'][$dn]['size_limited'])) {
     set_cached_item($this->server_id, 'tree', 'null', $tree);
     if (DEBUG_ENABLED) {
         debug_log('%s::getContainerContents(): Entered with (%s,%s,%s,%s), Returning (%s)', 17, get_class($this), $dn, $size_limit, $filter, $deref, $return);
     return $tree['browser'][$dn]['children'];
Пример #4
  * Add objects
 public function add($dn, $entry_array, $method = null)
     if (DEBUG_ENABLED && (($fargs = func_get_args()) || ($fargs = 'NOARGS'))) {
         debug_log('Entered (%%)', 17, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, $fargs);
     foreach ($entry_array as $attr => $val) {
         $entry_array[$attr] = dn_unescape($val);
     $result = false;
     # Check our unique attributes.
     if (!$this->checkUniqueAttrs($dn, $entry_array)) {
         return false;
     if (run_hook('pre_entry_create', array('server_id' => $this->index, 'method' => $method, 'dn' => $dn, 'attrs' => $entry_array))) {
         $result = @ldap_add($this->connect($method), dn_escape($dn), $entry_array);
         if ($result) {
             # Update the tree
             $tree = get_cached_item($this->index, 'tree');
             # If we created the base, delete it, then add it back
             if (get_request('create_base')) {
             set_cached_item($this->index, 'tree', 'null', $tree);
             run_hook('post_entry_create', array('server_id' => $this->index, 'method' => $method, 'dn' => $dn, 'attrs' => $entry_array));
         } else {
             system_message(array('title' => _('Could not add the object to the LDAP server.'), 'body' => ldap_error_msg($this->getErrorMessage(null), $this->getErrorNum(null)), 'type' => 'error'));
     return $result;
Пример #5
 echo '<tr><td>';
 echo '<br/>';
 echo '<table class="result" border="0">';
 echo '<tr><td>';
 printf(_('There will be %s updates done with this mass update'), sprintf('<b>%s</b>', count($request['update'])));
 echo '</td></tr>';
 echo '</table>';
 echo '<br/>';
 foreach ($request['update'] as $index => $page) {
     $template = $page->getTemplate();
     echo '<table class="result" border="0">';
     echo '<tr class="list_title">';
     printf('<td class="icon"><img src="%s/%s" alt="icon" /></td>', IMGDIR, get_icon($app['server']->getIndex(), $template->getDN()));
     printf('<td colspan="3"><a href="cmd.php?cmd=template_engine&amp;server_id=%s&amp;dn=%s">%s</a></td>', $app['server']->getIndex(), rawurlencode(dn_unescape($template->getDN())), htmlspecialchars(get_rdn($template->getDN())));
     echo '</tr>';
     printf('<tr class="list_item"><td class="blank">&nbsp;</td><td class="heading">dn</td><td class="value" style="width: 45%%;">%s</td><td class="value" style="width: 45%%;"><b>%s</b></td></tr>', htmlspecialchars(dn_unescape($template->getDN())), _('Old Value'));
     foreach ($template->getLDAPmodify(true, $index) as $attribute) {
         echo '<tr class="list_item">';
         echo '<td class="blank">&nbsp;</td>';
         echo '<td class="heading">';
         $page->draw('Name', $attribute);
         echo '</td>';
         # Show NEW Values
         echo '<td><span style="white-space: nowrap;">';
         if (!$attribute->getValueCount() || $attribute->isForceDelete()) {
             printf('<span style="color: red">[%s]</span>', _('attribute deleted'));
             printf('<input type="hidden" name="mass_values[%s][%s][%s]" value="%s" />', $index, $attribute->getName(), 0, '');
         foreach ($attribute->getValues() as $key => $value) {
             # For multiple values, we'll highlight the changed ones
             if (count($attribute->getValues()) > 5 && in_array($value, $attribute->getAddedValues())) {
Пример #6
 * Explode a DN into an array of its RDN parts.
 * NOTE: When a multivalue RDN is passed to ldap_explode_dn, the results returns with 'value + value';
 * <code>
 *  Array (
 *    [0] => uid=ppratt
 *    [1] => ou=People
 *    [2] => dc=example
 *    [3] => dc=com
 *  )
 * </code>
 * @param string The DN to explode.
 * @param int (optional) Whether to include attribute names (see http://php.net/ldap_explode_dn for details)
 * @return array An array of RDN parts of this format:
function pla_explode_dn($dn, $with_attributes = 0)
    if (DEBUG_ENABLED && (($fargs = func_get_args()) || ($fargs = 'NOARGS'))) {
        debug_log('Entered (%%)', 1, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, $fargs);
    global $CACHE;
    if (isset($CACHE['explode'][$dn][$with_attributes])) {
        if (DEBUG_ENABLED) {
            debug_log('Return CACHED result (%s) for (%s)', 1, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, $CACHE['explode'][$dn][$with_attributes], $dn);
        return $CACHE['explode'][$dn][$with_attributes];
    $dn = addcslashes($dn, '<>+";');
    # split the dn
    $result[0] = ldap_explode_dn(dn_escape($dn), 0);
    $result[1] = ldap_explode_dn(dn_escape($dn), 1);
    if (!$result[$with_attributes]) {
        if (DEBUG_ENABLED) {
            debug_log('Returning NULL - NO result.', 1, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__);
        return array();
    # Remove our count value that ldap_explode_dn returns us.
    # Record the forward and reverse entries in the cache.
    foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
        # translate hex code into ascii for display
        $result[$key] = dn_unescape($value);
        $CACHE['explode'][implode(',', $result[0])][$key] = $result[$key];
        $CACHE['explode'][implode(',', array_reverse($result[0]))][$key] = array_reverse($result[$key]);
    if (DEBUG_ENABLED) {
        debug_log('Returning (%s)', 1, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, $result[$with_attributes]);
    return $result[$with_attributes];
Пример #7
    echo '<td colspan="4">';
    printf(_('This request also includes %s children entries.'), count($request['children']));
    echo '</td></tr>';
    printf('<tr><td colspan="4">%s</td></tr>', sprintf(_('phpLDAPadmin can also recursively delete all %s of the child entries. See below for a list of all the entries that this action will delete. Do you want to do this?'), count($request['children'])));
    echo '<tr><td colspan="4">&nbsp;</td></tr>';
    printf('<tr><td colspan="4"><small>%s</small></td></tr>', _('Note: this is potentially very dangerous and you do this at your own risk. This operation cannot be undone. Take into consideration aliases, referrals, and other things that may cause problems.'));
    echo "\n";
    echo '<tr><td colspan="4">&nbsp;</td></tr>';
    echo "\n";
    printf('<tr><td colspan="4"><center><b>%s</b></center></td></tr>', _('List of entries to be deleted:'));
    echo '<tr><td colspan="4">&nbsp;</td></tr>';
    $i = 0;
    echo '<tr><td colspan="4"><center>';
    printf('<select size="%s" multiple disabled style="background:white; color:black;width:500px" >', min(10, count($request['delete'])));
    foreach ($request['delete'] as $key => $value) {
        printf('<option>%s. %s</option>', ++$i, htmlspecialchars(dn_unescape($value)));
    echo '</select>';
    echo '</center></td></tr>';
    echo "\n";
    echo '<tr><td colspan="4">&nbsp;</td></tr>';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td colspan="2" style="width: 50%; text-align: center;">';
echo '<form action="cmd.php" method="post">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="rdelete" />';
printf('<input type="hidden" name="server_id" value="%s" />', $app['server']->getIndex());
foreach ($request['parent'] as $dn) {
    printf('<input type="hidden" name="dn[]" value="%s" />', htmlspecialchars($dn));
printf('<input type="submit" value="%s" />', sprintf(_('Delete all %s objects'), count($request['delete'])));
Пример #8
    printf('<input type="hidden" name="server_id" value="%s" />', $app['server']->getIndex());
    printf('<input type="hidden" name="dn" value="%s" />', $request['template']->getDNEncode(false));
    printf('<input type="submit" name="submit" value="%s" %s />', _('Cancel'), isAjaxEnabled() ? sprintf('onclick="return ajDISPLAY(\'BODY\',\'cmd=template_engine&server_id=%s&dn=%s\',\'%s\');"', $app['server']->getIndex(), $request['template']->getDNEncode(), _('Retrieving DN')) : '');
    echo '</form>';
    echo '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
    echo "\n";
    echo '</table>';
    echo "\n";
    echo '<br /><br />';
    echo _('List of entries to be deleted:');
    echo '<br />';
    $i = 0;
    printf('<select size="%s" multiple disabled style="background:white; color:black;width:500px" >', min(10, count($request['search'])));
    foreach ($request['search'] as $key => $value) {
        printf('<option>%s. %s</option>', ++$i, dn_unescape($value['dn']));
    echo '</select>';
    echo "\n";
} else {
    echo '<table class="forminput" border="0">';
    printf('<tr><td colspan="4">%s</td></tr>', _('Are you sure you want to permanently delete this object?'));
    echo '<tr><td colspan="4">&nbsp;</td></tr>';
    printf('<tr><td style="width: 10%%;">%s:</td><td colspan="3" style="width: 75%%;"><b>%s</b></td></tr>', _('Server'), $app['server']->getName());
    printf('<tr><td style="width: 10%%;"><acronym title="%s">%s</acronym></td><td colspan="3" style="width: 75%%;"><b>%s</b></td></tr>', _('Distinguished Name'), _('DN'), $request['dn']);
    echo '<tr><td colspan="4">&nbsp;</td></tr>';
    echo "\n";
    echo '<tr>';
    echo '<td colspan="2" style="width: 50%; text-align: center;">';
    echo '<form action="cmd.php" method="post" id="delete_form">';
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="delete" />';
Пример #9
<select size="<?php 
    echo min(10, $sub_tree_count);
" multiple disabled style="background:white; color:black;width:500px" >
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($s as $dn => $junk) {

        echo $i;
. <?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars(dn_unescape($dn));

<br />

} else {
