function showLocationUpdateForm() { global $DB, $CFG_GLPI; if (TableExists("glpi_dropdown_locations") && FieldExists("glpi_dropdown_locations", "parentID", false) || TableExists("glpi_locations") && FieldExists("glpi_locations", "locations_id", false)) { updateTreeDropdown(); return true; } if (!isset($_POST['root'])) { $_POST['root'] = ''; } if (!isset($_POST['car_sep'])) { $_POST['car_sep'] = ''; } if (!TableExists("glpi_dropdown_locations_new")) { $query = " CREATE TABLE `glpi_dropdown_locations_new` (\n `ID` INT NOT NULL auto_increment,\n `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ,\n `parentID` INT NOT NULL ,\n `comments` TEXT NULL ,\n PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),\n UNIQUE KEY (`name`,`parentID`),\n KEY(`parentID`)) TYPE=MyISAM"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "LOCATION"); } if (!isset($_POST["validate_location"])) { echo "<div class='center'>"; echo "<h4>" . __('Locations update') . "</h4>"; echo "<p>" . __('The new structure is hierarchical') . "</p>"; echo "<p>" . __('Provide a delimiter in order to automate the new hierarchy generation.') . "<br>"; echo __('You can also specify a root location which will include all the generated locations.'); echo "</p>"; echo "<form action='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/install/update.php' method='post'>"; echo "<p>" . __('Delimiter') . " " . "<input type='text' name='car_sep' value='" . $_POST['car_sep'] . "'></p>"; echo "<p>" . __('Root location') . ' ' . "<input type='text' name='root' value='" . $_POST['root'] . "'></p>"; echo "<input type='submit' class='submit' name='new_location' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Post') . "\">"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='from_update' value='from_update'>"; Html::closeForm(); echo "</div>"; } if (isset($_POST["new_location"])) { location_create_new($_POST['car_sep'], $_POST['root']); echo "<h4>" . __('Actual locations') . " : </h4>"; display_old_locations(); echo "<h4>" . __('New hierarchy') . " : </h4>"; display_new_locations(); echo "<p>" . __("This is the new hierarchy. If it's complete approve it.") . "</p>"; echo "<div class='center'>"; echo "<form action='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/install/update.php' method='post'>"; echo "<input type='submit' class='submit' name='validate_location' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Post') . "\">"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='from_update' value='from_update'>"; echo "</div>"; Html::closeForm(); } else { if (isset($_POST["validate_location"])) { validate_new_location(); updateTreeDropdown(); return true; } else { display_old_locations(); } } exit; }
function showLocationUpdateForm() { global $DB, $LANG, $CFG_GLPI; if (TableExists("glpi_dropdown_locations") && FieldExists("glpi_dropdown_locations", "parentID") || TableExists("glpi_locations") && FieldExists("glpi_locations", "locations_id")) { updateTreeDropdown(); return true; } if (!isset($_POST['root'])) { $_POST['root'] = ''; } if (!isset($_POST['car_sep'])) { $_POST['car_sep'] = ''; } if (!TableExists("glpi_dropdown_locations_new")) { $query = " CREATE TABLE `glpi_dropdown_locations_new` (\n `ID` INT NOT NULL auto_increment,\n `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ,\n `parentID` INT NOT NULL ,\n `comments` TEXT NULL ,\n PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),\n UNIQUE KEY (`name`,`parentID`),\n KEY(`parentID`)) TYPE=MyISAM"; $DB->query($query) or die("LOCATION " . $DB->error()); } if (!isset($_POST["validate_location"])) { echo "<div class='center'>"; echo "<h4>" . $LANG['update'][130] . "</h4>"; echo "<p>" . $LANG['update'][131] . "</p>"; echo "<p>" . $LANG['update'][132] . "<br>" . $LANG['update'][133] . "</p>"; echo "<form action='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/install/update.php' method='post'>"; echo "<p>" . $LANG['update'][134] . ": " . "<input type='text' name='car_sep' value='" . $_POST['car_sep'] . "'></p>"; echo "<p>" . $LANG['update'][135] . ": " . "<input type='text' name='root' value='" . $_POST['root'] . "'></p>"; echo "<input type='submit' class='submit' name='new_location' value=\"" . $LANG['buttons'][2] . "\">"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='from_update' value='from_update'>"; echo "</form>"; echo "</div>"; } if (isset($_POST["new_location"])) { location_create_new($_POST['car_sep'], $_POST['root']); echo "<h4>" . $LANG['update'][138] . " : </h4>"; display_old_locations(); echo "<h4>" . $LANG['update'][137] . " : </h4>"; display_new_locations(); echo "<p>" . $LANG['update'][136] . "</p>"; echo "<form action='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/install/update.php' method='post'>"; echo "<input type='submit' class='submit' name='validate_location' value='" . $LANG['buttons'][2] . "'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='from_update' value='from_update'>"; echo "</form>"; } else { if (isset($_POST["validate_location"])) { validate_new_location(); updateTreeDropdown(); return true; } else { display_old_locations(); } } exit; }