$order_id = $_POST['orderid']; ?> <html> <title> Status for order: <?php $order_id; ?> </title> <body> <?php $order_processing = SCA::getService("../OrderProcessingService/OrderProcessingService.php"); try { $order = $order_processing->getOrder($order_id); } catch (WarehouseOrderNotFoundException $e) { echo "<b>No order with order id {$order_id} was found</b><br/><br/>"; echo '<p><a href="welcome.php">Home</a></p>'; exit; } echo "<b>Order details: {$order_id}</b><br/><br/>"; display_cart($order); echo "<b>Status:</b><br/><br/>"; $event_log = SCA::getService('../EventLogService/EventLogService.php'); $events = $event_log->getEvents($order_id); display_events($events); ?> <p><a href="welcome.php">Home</a></p> </body> </html>
} switch ($action) { case SHOW_INITIAL_PAGE: # present initial page display_events($dbh); break; case SOLICIT_EVENT: # ask for new event information solicit_event_info(); break; case ADD_EVENT: # add new event to database add_new_event($dbh); display_events($dbh); break; case DISPLAY_SCORES: # display scores for selected event display_scores($dbh); break; case ENTER_SCORES: # enter new or edited scores enter_scores($dbh); display_events($dbh); break; default: die("Unknown action code ({$action})\n"); } $dbh = NULL; # close connection html_end(); #@ _OUTLINE_PART_2_
} } /* end of day functions */ if ($month <= 0) { $month = date('m'); } if ($year <= 0) { $year = date('Y'); } if ($day <= 0) { $day = date('d'); } $prev_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day - 1, $year); $next_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day + 1, $year); $prev_day = date('d', $prev_date); $prev_month = date('m', $prev_date); $prev_year = date('Y', $prev_date); $next_day = date('d', $next_date); $next_month = date('m', $next_date); $next_year = date('Y', $next_date); $calself = basename($PHP_SELF); $daily_events = array(); displayPageHeader($color, 'None'); calendar_header(); readcalendardata(); day_header(); initialize_events(); display_events(); ?> </table></td></tr></table> </body></html>
debug("News feed is disabled."); ?> <?php } ?> <?php if (!function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') or !dynamic_sidebar('Bottom Center')) { } ?> </div> <div class="span4"> <?php if ($options['enable_events']) { ?> <?php display_events('h2'); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php debug("Events feed is disabled."); ?> <?php } ?> <?php if (!function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') or !dynamic_sidebar('Bottom Right')) { } ?>
display_events($current_events, $experiment_names, $sample_names, $device_names); } ?> <a name="future"></a><?php if ($show_future[1] - $show_future[0] > 0) { $r = array(0, 0); } else { $r = array(0, 50); } if ($show_future[1] - $show_future[0] != 0) { echo "<span class=\"style1\">" . out_link($experiment_id, $device_name, $show_past, $r) . "Future Scans</a></span><br>"; echo out_limits(1, $future_events, $show_future); display_events($future_events, $experiment_names, $sample_names, $show_future); } else { echo out_link($experiment_id, $device_name, $show_past, $r) . "[Show Future Scans]</a><br><br>"; } ?> <a name="completed"></a><?php if ($show_past[1] - $show_past[0] > 0) { $r = array(0, 0); } else { $r = array(0, 50); } if ($show_past[1] - $show_past[0] > 0) { echo "<span class=\"style1\">" . out_link($experiment_id, $device_name, $r, $show_future) . "Completed Scans</a></span><br>"; echo out_limits(0, $completed_events, $show_past); display_events($completed_events, $experiment_names, $sample_names, $show_past); } else { echo out_link($experiment_id, $device_name, $r, $show_future) . "[Show Completed Scans]</a>"; } display_worm_page_footer();