/** * main * * @return void */ function main() { displayHeader(); if (isset($_POST['submit1'])) { displayStepTwo(); } elseif (isset($_POST['submit2'])) { displayStepThree(); } elseif (isset($_POST['submit3'])) { displayStepFour(); } elseif (isset($_POST['submit4'])) { displayStepFive(); } elseif (isset($_POST['submit5'])) { setupDatabase(); } elseif (file_exists('inc/config_inc.php')) { displayAlreadyInstalled(); displayStepOne(); displayFooter(); return; } else { displayStepOne(); } }
<?php require "label.php"; if (!verifyAdmin()) { error("Fatal error, you don't have permission to perform this action. Please login first"); } $dbLink = @mysql_connect($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPasswd); mysql_create_db($dbName, $dbLink); mysql_select_db($dbName); $query1 = "CREATE TABLE member\r\n\t(\r\n \tuser_id SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,\r\n \tusername varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t \tpasswd varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t\tnama varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t\temail varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t\ttgl_lahir varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t\tnomor_id varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t\tnomor_ktp varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t\talamat text,\r\n \t\tkota varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t\tkodepos int(255) NOT NULL default '12345',\r\n \t\tnomor_telp varchar(30) default NULL,\r\n \t\tsuami_istri varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t\tnama_pasangan varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t\tpekerjaan varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t\tagama varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t\tdik_akhir varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', \r\n \t\tnama_ahli_waris varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t\thub_ahli_waris varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t\tnama_bank varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t\tcabang varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t\tnama_nasabah varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t\tnomor_rek varchar(60) default NULL,\r\n \t\tnama_sponsor varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t\tid_sponsor varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t\tusername_sponsor varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t\tusername_upline varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t\temail_sponsor varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t\ttanggal_join int(255) NOT NULL default '0',\r\n \t\tip_add varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t\tstat varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',\r\n \t\thits int(255) NOT NULL default '0',\r\n \t\tPRIMARY KEY (user_id)\r\n\t)TYPE=MyISAM "; $query2 = "CREATE TABLE news\r\n\t(\r\n user_id SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,\r\n \t judul varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',\r\n tanggal varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',\r\n isi_berita text,\r\n PRIMARY KEY (user_id)\r\n\t)TYPE=MyISAM "; mysql_query($query1) or error(mysql_error()); mysql_query($query2) or error(mysql_error()); mysql_close(); displayHeader("All tables have been created"); echo "<p align=\"center\"><font size=\"4\">Selamat, Table database selesai dibuat ! </font></a></p>\n"; echo "<p align=\"center\"><font size=\"4\">Selanjutnya masukkan data member perdana anda dengan cara klik <a href=\"admin_input_data.php\">disini</font></a></p>\n"; echo "<p align=\"center\"><a href=\"admin_menu.php\"><b>Back to Admin</b></a></p>\n"; displayFooter();
define("READ_ONLY", !is_writeable(SQLiteDb)); /* if(!is_writeable(SQLiteDb)){ displayError($traduct->get(8)); exit; } */ error_reporting($tempError); if (WITH_AUTH) { include_once INCLUDE_LIB . "SQLiteAuth.class.php"; $SQLiteManagerAuth =& new SQLiteAuth(); } $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM database"; if ($db->query($query)) { if (!$db->fetch_array()) { displayHeader(""); $noDb = true; include_once INCLUDE_LIB . "add_database.php"; if (empty($action) || $error) { exit; } } } // check if exist ':memory: database $query = "SELECT * FROM database WHERE location LIKE ':memory:'"; if ($db->query($query)) { $tempMem = $SQLiteFactory->sqliteGetInstance(':memory:'); } $tabDb = $db->array_query($query, SQLITE_ASSOC); if ($dbsel) { $tabInfoDb = $db->array_query("SELECT * FROM database WHERE id={$dbsel}", SQLITE_ASSOC);
header("Location: admin_menu.php"); } elseif ($action == "logout") { session_start(); session_unregister("admin_Name"); session_unregister("admin_Passwd"); displayHeader("Admin Logout"); echo "<p align=\"center\"><font size=\"4\">Anda Telah Logout Dengan Sukses !</font></p>\n"; echo "<p align=\"center\"><a href=\"index.php\"><b>Home</b></a></p>\n"; displayFooter(); } } else { if (verifyAdmin()) { header("Location: admin_menu.php"); } echo "<p align=\"center\"><img src=\"./banner.jpg\" border=\"0\" ></a></p>\n"; displayHeader("Admin Login"); echo "<p align=\"center\"><font size=\"4\">Admin Login</font></p>\n"; echo "<div align=\"center\">\n"; echo " <center>\n"; echo " <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"; echo " <form method=\"post\" action=\"{$PHP_SELF}?action=login\">\n"; echo " <tr>\n"; echo " <td width=\"80\" height=\"25\">Admin</td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"160\" height=\"25\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"admin_Name\" size=\"20\" maxlength=\"50\"></td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; echo " <tr>\n"; echo " <td width=\"80\" height=\"25\">Password</td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"160\" height=\"25\"><input type=\"password\" name=\"admin_Passwd\" size=\"20\" maxlength=\"12\"></td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; echo " <tr>\n"; echo " <td width=\"8\" height=\"25\"></td>\n";
case "add_trigger": if ($workDb->isReadable()) { $action = "add"; include_once INCLUDE_LIB . "triggerproperties.php"; } break; case "add_function": if ($workDb->isReadable()) { $action = "add"; include_once INCLUDE_LIB . "functproperties.php"; } break; case "options": if ($workDb->isReadable()) { include_once INCLUDE_LIB . "SQLiteDbOption.class.php"; $Option =& new SQLiteDbOption($workDb); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' || isset($_REQUEST['attach_action']) && $_REQUEST['attach_action'] == 'del') { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">parent.left.location='left.php?dbsel=" . $GLOBALS["dbsel"] . "';</script>"; } } break; } } elseif (isset($GLOBALS["action"]) && $GLOBALS["action"] == "auth") { displayHeader("main"); $SQLiteManagerAuth->manageAuth(); } if (isset($redirect) && !empty($redirect)) { ob_end_clean(); echo $redirect; } @ob_end_flush();
/** * displayLockedOut * * @return void */ function displayLockedOut() { displayHeader(); echo ' <div class="err-msg"> <h2>' . T_('Hold On a Second!') . '</h2> <p>' . T_('You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts.') . '</p> <p>' . T_('Your account has been locked for 1 hour.') . '</p> </div>'; displayLogin(); }
<?php require "label.php"; dbConnect(); $time = time(); $ip = $REMOTE_ADDR; $status = "aktif"; mysql_query("INSERT INTO member ( username, passwd, nama, email, tgl_lahir, nomor_id, nomor_ktp, alamat, kota, kodepos, nomor_telp, suami_istri, nama_pasangan, pekerjaan, agama, dik_akhir, nama_ahli_waris, hub_ahli_waris, nama_bank, cabang, nama_nasabah, nomor_rek, nama_sponsor, id_sponsor, username_sponsor, username_upline, email_sponsor, tanggal_join, ip_add, stat, hits )\r\n\t Values ('{$USERNAME_DEFAULT}','{$password_1}','{$nama_1}','{$email_1}','','{$nomor_id_1}','','{$alamat_1}','{$kota_1}','','{$telpon_1}','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','{$time}','{$ip}','{$status}','0' )") or error(mysql_error()); displayHeader("Data Perdana selesai di Input"); echo "<p align=\"center\"><font size=\"4\">Data Perdana selesai di Input,</font></a></p>\n"; echo "<p align=\"center\"><a href=admin_menu.php><b>Back to Admin</b></a></p>\n"; displayFooter();
<?php require "menu.inc"; displayHeader("Download"); ?> <tr><td> <h2>Tarballs</h2> Several tarballs of the snowball sources are available. <ul> <li> <a href="dist/libstemmer_c.tgz">The C version of the libstemmer library.</a><br/> This contains all you need to include the snowball stemming algorithms into a C project of your own. If you download this, you don't need to use the snowball compiler, or worry about the internals of the stemmers in any way. </li> <li> <a href="dist/libstemmer_java.tgz">The Java version of the libstemmer library.</a><br/> This contains all you need to include the snowball stemming algorithms into a Java project of your own. If you download this, you don't need to use the snowball compiler, or worry about the internals of the stemmers in any way. </li> <li> <a href="dist/snowball_code.tgz">Snowball, algorithms, and libstemmer library.</a><br/> This contains all the source code for snowball (but not the generated source files). This is useful mainly if you are wanting to work on the algorithms (tweaking them, or producing new algorithms). </li> <li>
/** * displayUpgradeDatabase * * @return void */ function displayUpgradeDatabase() { $fcmsError = FCMS_Error::getInstance(); $fcmsDatabase = Database::getInstance($fcmsError); $fcmsUpgrade = new Upgrade($fcmsError, $fcmsDatabase); $latestVersion = $_SESSION['latestVersion']; if (!$fcmsUpgrade->upgrade()) { // Jacked html, but should work displayHeader(); $fcmsError->displayError(); displayFooter(); return; } if (!$fcmsUpgrade->updateCurrentVersion($latestVersion)) { // Jacked html, but should work displayHeader(); $fcmsError->displayError(); displayFooter(); return; } header('Location: upgrade.php?manual=1'); }
function displayLogin() { global $main_table_width, $cellspacing, $this_page, $url_seperator; // Let's show the header displayHeader(word("Login")); $formAction = $this_page; ?> <form action="<?php echo $formAction; ?> " method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="returnPage" value="<?php echo $_GET['return']; ?> "> <table width="<?php echo $main_table_width; ?> %" cellpadding="<?php echo $cellspacing; ?> " cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td width="50%" align="right"> <font size="2"> <?php echo word("Username"); ?> </font> </td> <td width="50%"> <input class="jz_input" type="text" name="username"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%" align="right"> <font size="2"> <?php echo word("Password"); ?> </font> </td> <td width="50%"> <input class="jz_input" type="password" name="admin_pass"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%" align="right"> </td> <td width="50%"> <font size="2"> <input class="jz_checkbox" type="checkbox" name="remember_me"> <?php echo word("Remember me"); ?> </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="2" align="center"> <input class="jz_submit" type="submit" name="submit_login" value="<?php echo word("Login"); ?> "> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php }
<?php require "menu.inc"; displayHeader("License"); ?> <TR><TD> <p> All the software given out on this Snowball site is covered by the BSD License (see <A HREF="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html"> http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html </A>), with Copyright (c) 2001, Dr Martin Porter, and (for the Java developments) Copyright (c) 2002, Richard Boulton. </p><p> Essentially, all this means is that you can do what you like with the code, except claim another Copyright for it, or claim that it is issued under a different license. The software is also issued without warranties, which means that if anyone suffers through its use, they cannot come back and sue you. You also have to alert anyone to whom you give the Snowball software to the fact that it is covered by the BSD license. </p><p> We have not bothered to insert the licensing arrangement into the text of the Snowball software.
<?php function printLine($line) { $file = fopen('all_lines.txt', 'a+'); $dateline = date("Y-m-d G:i:s") . ": {$line}" . "\n "; fputs($file, $dateline); fclose($file); } function displayHeader($heading1, $heading2) { $file = fopen('title.txt', 'a+'); $str = $heading1 . "\n" . $heading2; fputs($file, $str); fclose($file); } echo displayHeader("Main h1 heading", "Sub h2 heading"); function timeAgo($time) { $get_time = time() - $time; if ($get_time < 1) { return 'in seconds'; } $condition = array(12 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 => 'year', 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 => 'month', 24 * 60 * 60 => 'day', 60 * 60 => 'hour', 60 => 'minute', 1 => 'second'); foreach ($condition as $secs => $str) { $d = $get_time / $secs; if ($d >= 1) { $r = round($d); return $r . ' ' . $str . ($r > 1 ? 's' : '') . ' ago'; } } }
<?php require "menu.inc"; displayHeader("Credits"); ?> <TR><TD> <p> Snowball, and most of the current stemming algorithms were written by Dr Martin Porter, who also prepared the material for the Website. The Snowball to Java codegenerator, and supporting Java libraries, were contributed by Richard Boulton. Dr Andrew Macfarlane, of City University, London, gave much initial encouragement and proofreading assistance. </p> <p> The website was established by Richard Boulton, who is still in charge of its administration. </p> <p> Linguistic assistance for Russian, German and Dutch has been provided by <a href="http://www.patrickmiles.co.uk/">Patrick Miles</a> (of the Patrick Miles Translation Agency, Cambridge, UK). Pat is a distinguished translator, whose English versions of Chekhov have appeared on the London stage. </p>
echo " <p align=\"center\"> </p>\n"; echo " <p align=\"center\"><b><font size=\"2\" face=\"Tahoma\">Sukses !!! Meng-aktifkan member : {$member['nama']} !</font></b></p>\n"; echo " <p align=\"center\"><font size=\"2\" face=\"Tahoma\">\n"; echo " <p align=\"center\"> </td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; echo " </table>\n"; echo " </center>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; echo " </body>\n"; echo "<p align=\"center\"><a href=\"admin_menu.php\"><b>Back to Admin</b></a></p>\n"; displayFooter(); } else { dbConnect(); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM member where username='******'") or error(mysql_error()); $member = mysql_fetch_array($result); displayHeader("Member Area > Aktifkan Member"); //echo "<div align=\"center\">\n"; echo " <center>\n"; echo " <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"border-collapse: collapse\" bordercolor=\"#111111\" width=\"549\" id=\"AutoNumber17\">\n"; echo " <tr>\n"; //echo " <TD align=center width=\"556\">\n"; //echo "<p style=\"margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0\"><b>\n"; echo "<font face=\"Verdana\" color=\"#000080\">MENGAKTIFKAN MEMBER : <b>{$member['nama']}</b></font></b></p>\n"; echo "<p style=\"margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0\" align=\"justify\">\n"; echo "<b><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"2\">Tata caranya :</font></b><ul>\n"; echo " <li>\n"; echo "<p style=\"margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0\" align=\"justify\">\n"; echo "<font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"2\">Masukkan <b>Nomor ID</b> member yang bersangkutan \n"; echo "pada kolom yang disediakan.</font></li>\n"; echo " <li>\n"; echo "<p style=\"margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0\" align=\"justify\">\n";
<?php require "label.php"; if (!verifyAdmin()) { header("Location: admin.php"); } displayHeader("Admin > Detail Member"); //$username=ltrim($username); dbConnect(); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM member where username='******'") or error(mysql_error()); $member = mysql_fetch_array($result); if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 1) { error("Username yang anda cari tidak ada dalam database "); } echo "<p style=\"margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0\" align=\"center\"><font size=\"2\">Detail Member username = <b>{$member['username']}</b></font></p>\n"; echo "<div align=\"center\">\n"; echo " <center>\n"; echo " <table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"450\" cellpadding=\"5\"><font size=\"1\" face=\"Tahoma\" >\n"; echo " <tr class=\"frame\">\n"; echo " <td width=\"30%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><font face=\"verdana\" style=\"font-size: 8pt\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b></b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"70%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><font face=\"verdana\" style=\"font-size: 8pt\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Detail Data Member</b></font></td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; $bgColor = "#E6E6E6"; echo " <tr>\n"; echo " <td width=\"30%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><font face=\"verdana\" style=\"font-size: 8pt\" color=\"#000080\">Username</td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"70%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><font face=\"verdana\" style=\"font-size: 8pt\" color=\"#000080\">: {$member['username']}</td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; echo " <tr>\n"; echo " <td width=\"30%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"{$bgColor}\"><font face=\"verdana\" style=\"font-size: 8pt\" color=\"#000080\">Password</td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"70%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"{$bgColor}\"><font face=\"verdana\" style=\"font-size: 8pt\" color=\"#000080\">: {$member['passwd']}</td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n";
function displayFormTwo() { $sanitized = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\,\\(\\)@#!?_]/', '', $_POST); writeDB($sanitized['dbhost'], $sanitized['dbuser'], $sanitized['dbpass'], $sanitized['dbname']); displayHeader(); if (strlen($_POST['dboldname']) > 0) { $headerstring = "Installing and migrating..."; $quip = "You probably have time to get a coffee."; } else { $headerstring = "Installing..."; $quip = "This shouldn't take too long."; } if (!isset($_POST['dboldname'])) { $_POST['dboldname'] = ""; } ?> <h2><?php echo $headerstring; ?> </h2> <div class="hero-unit"> <p id="quip"><?php echo $quip; ?> </p> <div class="progress progress-striped active"> <div class="bar" id="progressbar" style="width: 0%;"></div> </div> <div id="waitbar"> </div> <div id="stats"></div> </div> <script language="javascript"> var prunning=0; var pinttimer=0; var online=1; var total = 0; var delay=50; function startInstall(key) { document.getElementById('progressbar').style.width = "1%"; pinttimer=self.setInterval(function(){runInstall(key)},50); runInstall(key); } function runInstall(key) { if (prunning==1) { if(online==2) { var postvar = "getpg=1"; $.post("install.php", postvar, function(data) { if (data[0]=="{") { obj = JSON.parse(data); if (obj.result=='success' && obj.progress>1) { document.getElementById('progressbar').style.width = obj.progress + "%"; document.getElementById('progressbar').style.backgroundColor = "#AA0000"; } } }); } return; } prunning=1; var postvar = "sqlline="+ online + "&dbname=" + "<?php echo $_POST['dbname']; ?> " + "&dboldname=" + "<?php echo $_POST['dboldname']; if (isset($_GET['qa'])) { echo "&qa=" . $_GET['qa']; } if (isset($_GET['debug'])) { echo "&debug=1"; } ?> "; //document.getElementById('waitbar').innerHTML = 'about to post '+postvar; $.ajax({ url: "install.php", type:'POST',data:postvar, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ delay=delay+1000; document.getElementById('quip').innerHTML = "Server appears to be throttling connections, setting delay to "+((delay-50)/1000)+ " seconds"; clearInterval(pinttimer); pinttimer=self.setInterval(function(){runInstall(key)},delay); prunning=0; } }).done( function(data){ //document.getElementById('waitbar').innerHTML = "got back "+data; if (data[0]=="{") { obj = JSON.parse(data); if (obj.result=='success') { var perc = Math.round((100*(online/obj.total))); perc = perc/2; if(perc<1) perc=1; document.getElementById('progressbar').style.width = perc + "%"; document.getElementById('progressbar').style.backgroundColor = "#149BDF"; if (!obj.tag) obj.tag = ""; document.getElementById('stats').innerHTML = obj.tag; <?php if (isset($_GET['debug'])) { ?> document.getElementById('stats').innerHTML = obj.tag + " Running line "+online + " of " + obj.total + " (" + perc + "%)"; <?php } ?> if (online==obj.total) { clearInterval(pinttimer); prunning=0; online = 1; pinttimer=self.setInterval(function(){runUpgrade(key)},delay); }else { prunning=0; if (obj.line) online = (obj.line*1) +1; else online = online + 1; if (delay>1050) { delay=delay-1000; document.getElementById('quip').innerHTML = "Server appears to be throttling connections, setting delay to "+((delay-50)/1000)+ " seconds"; clearInterval(pinttimer); pinttimer=self.setInterval(function(){runInstall(key)},delay); } } } } else { clearInterval(pinttimer); if(data.indexOf("Table 'xlsws_customer' already exists")>0) data = "Helpful information: This appears to be an error caused by installing into a database that is not blank. Web Store 3 requires a blank database to install.\n\n" + data; data = "An error has occured. If this does not appear to be an issue you can easily remedy based on the information below, please contact Web Store technical support for additional assistance.\n\n" + data; document.getElementById('progressbar').style.width = 0; document.getElementById('stats').innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById('quip').innerHTML = "Error, install halted."; alert(data); } //document.getElementById('waitbar').innerHTML = "end of function"; }); } function runUpgrade(key) { if (prunning>2400) { clearInterval(pinttimer); prunning=0; alert("The install process has become unresponsive. This may indicate a problem with the database. Please contact technical support for additional information. Error information may be available in the xlsws_log table of your database for troubleshooting purposes."); document.getElementById('progressbar').style.width = 0; document.getElementById('stats').innerHTML = "Check xlsws_log for error information."; document.getElementById('quip').innerHTML = "Error, install halted."; } if (prunning>0) { prunning++; return; } prunning=1; var postvar = "online="+ online + "&total=" + total + "&dbname=" + "<?php echo $_POST['dbname']; ?> " + "&dboldname=" + "<?php echo $_POST['dboldname']; ?> "; var exporturl = window.location.href.replace("/install.php", "/install/<?php echo strlen($_POST['dboldname']) > 0 ? 'upgrade' : 'install'; ?> "); $.ajax({ url: exporturl, type:'POST',data:postvar, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ delay=delay+1000; document.getElementById('quip').innerHTML = "Server appears to be throttling connections, setting delay to "+((delay-50)/1000)+ "seconds"; clearInterval(pinttimer); pinttimer=self.setInterval(function(){runUpgrade(key)},delay); prunning=0; } }).done(function(data){ if (data[0]=="{") { obj = JSON.parse(data); if (obj.result=='success') { total = obj.total; online = obj.makeline; var perc = 50 + online; document.getElementById('progressbar').style.width = perc + "%"; if (!obj.tag) obj.tag = ""; document.getElementById('stats').innerHTML = obj.tag; <?php if (isset($_GET['debug'])) { ?> document.getElementById('stats').innerHTML = obj.tag + " at " + " (" + perc + "%)"; <?php } ?> if (online==obj.total) { clearInterval(pinttimer); window.location.href = window.location.href.replace("/install.php", "/admin/license"); }else { prunning=0; } } else { clearInterval(pinttimer); alert(obj.result); } } else { clearInterval(pinttimer); alert(data); } }); } startInstall(); </script> <?php displayFooter(); }
</tr> <?php $customers = readCustomers(); displayCustomers($customers); ?> </table> </div> <?php if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') { if (isset($_GET['customer'])) { $requestedCustomer = $customers[$_GET['customer']]; ?> <div class="panel panel-danger"> <?php displayHeader($requestedCustomer); ?> <table class="table"> <tr> <th></th> <th>ISBN</th> <th>Title</th> <th>Category</th> </tr> <?php $orders = readOrders(); displayOrders($orders, $requestedCustomer); ?> </table> </div> <?php
<?php require "label.php"; if (!verifyAdmin()) { header("Location: admin.php"); } dbConnect(); displayHeader("Admin Area ----->>>>"); echo "\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n <center>\r\n <table border=\"12\" width=\"350\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"10\">\r\n <tr>\r\n <td><b>\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 8\" align=\"center\"><font size=\"4\">Menu Admin Area</font></p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 4\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"admin_list_all_member.php\">Lihat Semua Member</a></p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 4\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"admin_aktif.php\">Aktifkan Member</a></p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 4\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"admin_blokir.php\">Memblokir member</a></p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 4\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"admin_kirim_email.php\">Kirim Email</a></p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 4\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"admin_genealogy.php\">Lihat Jaringan Admin</a></p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 4\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"admin_rekrutmen.php\">List Member Join Tanpa Link Sponsor</a></p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 4\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"admin_view_tree.php\">View Tree</a></p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 4\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"admin_search_member.php\">Search Member</a></p>\r\n\t <p style=\"margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 4\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"admin_news.php\">Input/Delete News</a></p>\r\n\t <p style=\"margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 4\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"create_database.php\">Create Tabel Database</a></p>\r\n </tr>\r\n </table>\r\n </center>\r\n</div>\r\n<p align=\"center\"><a href=\"admin.php?action=logout\"><b>Logout</b></a> | <a href=\"index.php\"><b>Home</b></a></p>"; displayFooter();
<?php require "label.php"; if (!verifyAdmin()) { header("Location: admin.php"); } displayHeader("Admin > Search Member"); $cari = ltrim($cari); $pilih = ltrim($pilih); dbConnect(); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM member where {$pilih} like'%{$cari}%'") or error(mysql_error()); $memnum = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($memnum != 0) { echo "<div align=\"center\">\n"; echo " <center>\n"; echo " <table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"750\" cellpadding=\"5\"><font size=\"1\" face=\"Tahoma\" >\n"; echo " <tr class=\"frame\">\n"; echo " <td width=\"10%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Username</b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"14%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Nama</b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"14%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Email</b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"10%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Kota</b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"12%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>IP Ad</b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"8%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Status</b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"8%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Aktifkan ?</b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"8%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Blokir ?</b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"8%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Delete ?</b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"8%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Detail ?</b></font></td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; $i = 1; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $i % 2 == 0 ? $bgColor = "#FFFFFF" : ($bgColor = "#E6E6E6");
/** * displayImages * * @return void */ function displayImages() { global $fcmsUser; displayHeader(); if (isset($_SESSION['delete_ok'])) { unset($_SESSION['delete_ok']); echo '<p class="ok-alert">' . T_('Image was Deleted Successfully') . '</p>'; } echo ' <h2>' . T_('Upload Image') . '</h2> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="upimages.php" method="post"> <p><input type="file" name="upfile" id="upfile" size="30" title="' . T_('Choose the image you want to upload.') . '"/></p> <div><input type="submit" name="upload" id="upload" value="' . T_('Upload Image') . '"/></div> </form> <p> </p> <h2>' . T_('Uploaded Images') . '</h2> <table>'; $uploadsPath = getUploadsAbsolutePath(); $img_dir = opendir($uploadsPath . 'upimages'); while ($file = readdir($img_dir)) { if ($file !== 'index.htm') { $images_in_dir[] = $file; } } natcasesort($images_in_dir); reset($images_in_dir); $i = 0; $total_size = 0; foreach ($images_in_dir as $file) { // Skip directories that start with a period if ($file[0] === '.') { continue; } $img_name_arr = explode(".", $file); $img_type = end($img_name_arr); $this_size = filesize($uploadsPath . 'upimages/' . $file); $total_size += $this_size; $img_info = getimagesize($uploadsPath . 'upimages/' . $file); $win_w = $img_info[0] + 50; $win_h = $img_info[1] + 50; $path = 'uploads/upimages/'; if (defined('UPLOADS')) { $path = 'file.php?u='; } $i++; echo ' <tr'; if ($i % 2 != 0) { echo 'class="alt"'; } echo '> <td class="v"> <button class="viewbtn" onclick="window.open(\'' . URL_PREFIX . $path . basename($file) . '\',\'file\', \'width=' . $win_w . ',height=' . $win_h . ',resizable=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no\'); return false;"/> </td> <td class="file"> <a href="#" onclick="insertUpImage(\'[IMG=' . $path . basename($file) . ']\')" title="' . T_('Click to insert image into message.') . '">' . $file . '</a> </td> <td>'; if ($fcmsUser->access < 2) { echo ' <form method="post" action="upimages.php"> <div> <input type="hidden" name="img" value="' . cleanOutput($file) . '"/> <input type="submit" name="delimg" value="' . T_('Delete') . '" class="delbtn" title="' . T_('Delete this Image') . '" onclick="javascript:return confirm(\'' . T_('Are you sure you want to DELETE this image?') . '\');"/> </div> </form>'; } echo ' </td> <td class="n">' . $img_info[0] . 'x' . $img_info[1] . '</td> <td class="n">' . formatSize($this_size) . '</td> </tr>'; } echo ' <tr> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td class="n">' . T_('Total Size') . '</td> <td class="n">' . formatSize($total_size) . '</td> </tr> </table>'; displayFooter(); }
function displayPage($date) { global $DB, $connection_string, $conn; // ****************************************************************************************************** // ***** DAILY CALL ACTIVITY REPORT ***** // ****************************************************************************************************** echo "<div id=\"tabs\" class=\"tabs\" style=\"font-size:x-small; visibility:visible\">"; echo "<h4 style=\"font-variant: small-caps; font-size:large\">daily call center flash activity report</h4>"; // ******************* Create All The Tabs ************************* echo " <ul>"; echo "\t\t<li><a href=\"#callTotal\"<span>Total</span></a></li>"; $query = "\tSELECT DISTINCT\t\tclientGroup\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\t\t\t\tusi_tbl_activequeue"; $result = mysql_query($query, $conn) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { echo "<li><a href=\"#" . "Call" . $rows[0] . "\"<span>" . $rows[0] . "</span></a></li>"; } } echo "\t</ul>"; // ****************** DISPLAY CALL TOTALS **************************** echo " <div id=\"callTotal\">"; displayHeader("Total"); displayRowFlash(-1, $date); displayEnd(); echo " </div>"; // ****************** DISPLAY ALL CLIENT DIVS ************************ $query = "\tSELECT DISTINCT\t\tclientGroup\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM\t\t\t\tusi_tbl_activequeue"; $result = mysql_query($query, $conn) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { echo "\t<div id=\"" . "Call" . $rows[0] . "\">"; displayHeader($rows[0]); displayRowFlash($rows[0], $date); displayEnd(); echo "\t</div>"; } } echo "</div>"; echo "<br>"; echo "<br>"; // ****************************************************************************************************** // ***** DAILY APPT SCHEDULE REPORT ***** // ****************************************************************************************************** echo "<div id=\"tabs2\" class=\"tabs2\" style=\"font-size:x-small; visibility:visible\">"; echo "<h4 style=\"font-variant: small-caps; font-size:large\">daily appointment scheduling flash report</h4>"; // ******************* Create All The Tabs ************************* echo " <ul>"; echo "\t\t<li><a href=\"#callTotal2\"<span>Total</span></a></li>"; $employer_query = "Exec usp_USI_GetEmployerGroups"; $process = odbc_exec($connection_string, $employer_query); while (odbc_fetch_row($process)) { // Restitch and strip charactars to remove errors when choosing tabs $words = explode(' ', odbc_result($process, "employergroup_nm")); $words_sewn = implode("-", $words); $words_sewn = str_replace(",", "", $words_sewn); $words_sewn = str_replace(".", "", $words_sewn); echo "<li><a href=\"#" . "Appt" . $words_sewn . "\"<span>" . $words_sewn . "</span></a></li>"; } echo "\t</ul>"; // ****************** DISPLAY CLIENT TOTALS ************************** echo " <div id=\"callTotal2\">"; displayApptHeader("Total"); displayRowAppt(-1, $date); displayEnd(); echo " </div>"; // ****************** DISPLAY ALL CLIENT DIVS ************************ $employer_arr = array(); $employer_query = "Exec usp_USI_GetEmployerGroups"; $process = odbc_exec($connection_string, $employer_query); while (odbc_fetch_row($process)) { $words = explode(' ', odbc_result($process, "employergroup_nm")); $words_sewn = implode("-", $words); $words_sewn = str_replace(",", "", $words_sewn); $words_sewn = str_replace(".", "", $words_sewn); $employer_arr[odbc_result($process, "employergroup_id")] = $words_sewn; } foreach ($employer_arr as $empl_id => $empl_nm) { echo "\t<div id=\"" . "Appt" . $empl_nm . "\">"; displayApptHeader($empl_nm); displayRowAppt($empl_id, $date); displayEnd(); echo "\t</div>"; } echo "</div>"; echo "<br>"; echo "<br>"; // ****************************************************************************************************** // ***** DAILY APPT SCHEDULE REPORT ***** // ****************************************************************************************************** echo "<div id=\"tabs3\" class=\"tabs3\" style=\"font-size:x-small; visibility:visible\">"; echo "<h4 style=\"font-variant: small-caps; font-size:large\">daily call center flash agent report</h4>"; // ******************* Create All The Tabs ************************* echo " <ul>"; echo "\t\t<li><a href=\"#callTotal3\"<span>Total</span></a></li>"; $query = "\tSELECT \t\t\t\tconcat(substring(firstname,1,1),'-', lastname)\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\t\t\t\ttbl_callagents\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY\t\t\tagent_id"; $result = mysql_query($query, $conn) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { echo "<li><a href=\"#" . "Agent" . $rows[0] . "\"<span>" . $rows[0] . "</span></a></li>"; } } echo "\t</ul>"; // ****************** DISPLAY CLIENT TOTALS ************************** echo "\t<div id=\"callTotal3\">"; displayAgentHeader("Total"); displayRowAgent(-1, $date); displayEnd(); echo "\t</div>"; // ****************** DISPLAY ALL CLIENT DIVS ************************ $query = "\tSELECT \t\t\t\tconcat(substring(firstname,1,1),'-', lastname), agent_id\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM\t\t\t\ttbl_callagents\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY\t\t\tagent_id"; $result = mysql_query($query, $conn) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { echo "\t<div id=\"Agent" . $rows[0] . "\""; displayAgentHeader($rows[0]); displayRowAgent($rows[1], $date); displayEnd(); echo "\t</div>"; } } echo "</div>"; }
echo " </tr>\n"; echo " <tr>\n"; echo " <td width=\"100%\">\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($failEmail); $i++) { echo " <li><a href=\"mailto:{$failEmail[$i]}\">{$failEmail[$i]}</a></li>\n"; } echo " </td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; echo " </table>\n"; echo " </center>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; echo "<p align=\"center\"><a href=\"admin.php?action=logout\"><b>Logout</b></a> | <a href=\"admin_menu.php\"><b>Back to Admin</b></a></p>\n"; displayFooter(); } } else { displayHeader("Mailing List"); echo "<p align=\"center\"><font size=\"4\">Kirim Email Massal Ke member</font></p>\n"; echo "<div align=\"center\">\n"; echo "<p align=\"center\" style=\"margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0\">"; echo "<font face=\"Arial\" size=\"2\">Supaya email yang dikirim lebih "<b>personal</b>", "; echo "maka sapalah member anda</font></p>"; echo "<p align=\"center\" style=\"margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0\">"; echo "<font face=\"Arial\" size=\"2\">dengan menyebutkan namanya.</font></p>"; echo "<p align=\"center\" style=\"margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0\">"; echo "<font face=\"Arial\" size=\"2\"><u><b>Caranya :</b></u> Gunakan variable<b> %nama%</b> "; echo "seperti contoh seperti dibawah</font></p>"; echo "<br><br>"; echo "<div align=\"center\">\n"; echo " <center>\n"; echo " <table border=\"0\" width=\"400\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n"; echo " <form method=\"post\" action=\"{$PHP_SELF}?action=mail\">\n";
require "label.php"; if (!verifyAdmin()) { header("Location: admin.php"); } dbConnect(); $halaman = "20"; $status = "nonaktif"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM member WHERE stat='{$status}' ORDER BY user_id DESC") or error(mysql_error()); $memnum = mysql_num_rows($result); $jmlhalaman = ceil(mysql_num_rows($result) / $halaman); if (!isset($page)) { $page = 0; } $offset = $page * $halaman; $resul = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM member where stat='{$status}' ORDER BY user_id DESC LIMIT {$offset}, {$halaman}") or error(mysql_error()); displayHeader("Admin > Member List"); echo " <p align=\"center\"> Tampilan Member yang belum aktif (non aktif). Untuk Mengaktifkan klik menu <b>'Aktifkan'</b></p> \n"; echo "<p align=\"center\"><font size=\"4\">Total member yang belum aktif = {$memnum} </font></p>\n"; if ($memnum != 0) { echo "<div align=\"left\"><small>\n"; echo " <center>\n"; echo " <table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"760\" cellpadding=\"3\">\n"; echo " <tr class=\"frame\">\n"; echo " <td width=\"8%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><small><font color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Username</b></font></small></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"15%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><small><font color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Nama</b></font></small></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"15%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><small><font color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>email</b></font></small></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"10%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><small><font color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Kota</b></font></small></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"8%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><small><font color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Sponsor</b></font></small></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"14%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><small><font color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Nama Sponsor</b></font></small></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"10%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><small><font color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>ID Sponsor </b></font></small></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"10%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><small><font color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Tanggal Join</b></font></small></td>\n";
<?php require "menu.inc"; displayHeader("Demo"); ?> <TR><TD> <form method="POST" action="demo.php"> Enter some words to stem, using the English stemming algorithm, and then click on Submit:<br> <textarea name="words" rows="10" cols="50"><?php $words = $_POST['words']; $tmp = preg_replace('|\\\\|', '', $words); echo "{$tmp}"; ?> </textarea> <br> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"> </form> </TD></TR> <?php if ($words != '') { echo "<TR><TD>"; echo "<h2>Results</h2><pre>"; $tmpname = tempnam("/tmp", "snowball_stemdemo"); $tmpfile = fopen($tmpname, "w"); $words = strtolower($words); $words = preg_replace('|[^-A-Za-z\']|', ' ', $words); $words = preg_replace('|[-\']|', '', $words); $words = preg_replace('| *$|', '', $words); $words = preg_replace('| *|', "\n", $words);
<?php if (method_exists($renderer, "echo_scripts")) { $renderer->echo_scripts(); } ?> <?php if (method_exists($renderer, "echo_style")) { $renderer->echo_style(); } ?> </head> <body id="body"> <?php displayHeader(); ?> <?php // display any errors if not called properly if (count($errorsPresent) != 0) { $errorId = 1; foreach ($errorsPresent as $error) { echo "<p " . "id='error" . $errorId . "' class='error'>" . $error . "</p>"; $errorId++; } return; } ?> <?php
<?php function displayHeader($headings, $subheadings) { $file = fopen("title.txt", 'w'); if (!$file) { echo "this file does not exist"; } else { fputs($file, "{$headings}\n"); fputs($file, "{$subheadings}"); } fclose($file); echo '<h1>' . $headings . '</h1>'; echo '<h3>' . $subheadings . '</h3>'; } displayHeader('Heading', 'Sub Heading');
<?php require "label.php"; dbConnect(); if (!verifyAdmin()) { header("Location: admin.php"); } $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM member where username_upline='{$USERNAME_DEFAULT}'") or error(mysql_error()); $memnum = mysql_num_rows($result); displayHeader("Admin Area > Genealogy View"); echo "<p align=\"center\"><font size=\"4\">Jumlah Downline langsung anda (Admin) = {$memnum} Orang</font></p>\n"; if ($memnum != 0) { echo "<div align=\"left\">\n"; echo " <center>\n"; echo " <table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"700\" cellpadding=\"3\"><font size=\"1\" face=\"Tahoma\" >\n"; echo " <tr class=\"frame\">\n"; echo " <td width=\"15%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Nama</b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"15%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>E-mail</b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"15%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Alamat</b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"10%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Nomor ID</b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"10%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Username</b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"10%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Status</b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"10%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Kota</b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"10%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Next level</b></font></td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; $i = 1; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $i % 2 == 0 ? $bgColor = "#FFFFFF" : ($bgColor = "#E6E6E6"); echo " <tr>\n"; echo " <td width=\"15%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"{$bgColor}\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#000080\">{$row['nama']}</td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"15%\" height=\"25\" align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"{$bgColor}\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#000080\">{$row['email']}</a></td>\n";
<?php function printLine($head) { echo $head . '<br>'; } printline('I am a printline statement'); function displayHeader($head, $subhead) { echo '<h1>' . $head . '</h1>'; echo '<h2>' . $subhead . '</h2>'; } displayHeader('Heading h1', 'Sub Heading h2');
<?php require "label.php"; dbConnect(); if (!verifyUser()) { header("Location: index.php"); } $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM member where username_upline='{$username}'") or error(mysql_error()); $memnum = mysql_num_rows($result); displayHeader("Member Area > Genealogy View"); echo "<p align=\"center\"><font size=\"4\">Jumlah Downline langsung anda = ({$memnum}) Orang</font></p>\n"; if ($memnum != 0) { echo "<div align=\"center\">\n"; echo " <center>\n"; echo " <table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"700\" cellpadding=\"0\"><font size=\"1\" face=\"Tahoma\" >\n"; echo " <tr class=\"frame\">\n"; echo " <td width=\"15%\" height=\"25\" align=\"center\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Nama</b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"15%\" height=\"25\" align=\"center\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>E-mail</b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"15%\" height=\"25\" align=\"center\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Alamat</b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"10%\" height=\"25\" align=\"center\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Nomor ID</b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"10%\" height=\"25\" align=\"center\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Username</b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"10%\" height=\"25\" align=\"center\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Status</b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"10%\" height=\"25\" align=\"center\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Kota</b></font></td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"10%\" height=\"25\" align=\"center\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>Next level</b></font></td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; $i = 1; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $i % 2 == 0 ? $bgColor = "#FFFFFF" : ($bgColor = "#E6E6E6"); echo " <tr>\n"; echo " <td width=\"15%\" height=\"25\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"{$bgColor}\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#000080\">{$row['nama']}</td>\n"; echo " <td width=\"15%\" height=\"25\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"{$bgColor}\"><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"1\" color=\"#000080\">{$row['email']}</a></td>\n";
<?php require "menu.inc"; displayHeader("Projects"); ?> <TR><TD> <p> This page lists projects which make use of snowball, or are related in some way. <hr> <h2><a href="http://wiki.tcl.tk/8699">Tclsnowball</a></h2> A simple Tcl binding to some of the stemmers of the snowball project. </p> <h2><a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/porterstemmers/">C++ stemmers</a></h2> A reimplementation of the snowball stemming algorithms in C++. </p> <h2><a href="http://www.xapian.org/">Xapian</a></h2> A probabilistic search engine which supports stemming using Snowball. </p> <h2><a href="http://www.zopyx.com/projects/TextIndexNG3/">TextIndexNG</a></h2> A fulltext indexing solution for Zope with support for stemming using Snowball. </p> <h2><a href="http://code.google.com/p/urim/">urim</a></h2> (added Sep 2010) Developed by Oleg Mazko, <B>Urim</B> is a standalone,