*/ error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_WARNING); function displayClass($o) { // var_dump($o); echo "\nType is >" . get_class($o) . "<\n"; $a = (array) $o; // var_dump($a); if (count($a) == 0) { echo " Instance has no properties\n"; } else { foreach ($a as $name => $value) { echo " Property >{$name}< with value {$value}\n"; } } } echo "====== explicit conversions of certain values to type object ======\n"; displayClass((object) NULL); displayClass((object) 10); displayClass((object) array(11, 21, 31)); echo "\n====== Use of certain values as the left-hand operand of -> ======\n"; $p = FALSE; $p->x = 33; displayClass($p); $p = NULL; $p->x = 44; displayClass($p); $p = ""; $p->x = 55; displayClass($p);
public function display_profile($id, $full = true) { if ($full) { return '<h1>User Info</h1> <img class="small_avatar" src=' . $this->avatar . ' width="32" height="32"></img> <span class="user_name">' . $this->nickname . '</span> <span class="user_steamid">' . GetAuthID($this->steamid) . '</span> <dl> <dt>Mainclass:</dt><dd><img style="float: left;" class="class_icon" src="theme/images/class/' . player_class($this->mainclass) . '.png" height="14"><span style="float: left; margin-left: 3px;">' . displayClass($this->mainclass) . '</span></dd> <dt>Skilllevel:</dt><dd>' . $this->division . '</dd> <dt>Banpoints:</dt><dd>' . $this->banpoints . '</dd> <dt>Rating:</dt><dd>' . $this->rating . '</dd> </dl>'; } else { return '<div class="profile_panel"> <h1>User Info</h1> <span class="user_name">' . $this->nickname . '</span><br /> <span class="user_steamid">' . GetAuthID($this->steamid) . '</span> <dl> <dt>Mainclass:</dt><dd><img style="float: left;" class="class_icon" src="theme/images/class/' . player_class($this->mainclass) . '.png" height="14"><span style="float: left; margin-left: 3px;">' . displayClass($this->mainclass) . '</span></dd> <dt>Skilllevel:</dt><dd>' . $this->division . '</dd> <dt>Rating:</dt><dd>' . $this->rating . '</dd> </dl> </div>'; } }