Пример #1
$thispage = $divattr["divhref"];
if (!$singlemotionpage) {
    $thispageswap = $divattr2["divhref"];
    if ($divattr2["division_date"] != $divattr["division_date"]) {
        $thispage .= "&date2=" . $divattr2["division_date"];
        $thispageswap .= "&date2=" . $divattr["division_date"];
    $thispage .= "&number2=" . $divattr2["division_number"];
    $thispageswap .= "&number2=" . $divattr["division_number"];
$tpdisplay = $display == "summary" ? "" : "&display={$display}";
$tpsort = $sort == "party" ? "" : "&sort={$sort}";
if ($votertype == "dreammp") {
    $tpsort .= "&dmp={$voter}";
$second_links = dismodes_to_second_links($thispage, $dismodes, $tpsort, $display);
# Display title and second nav links
$second_type = "tabs";
# Summary
if ($dismode["summarytext"]) {
    // alternatively this could sum from pw_whip_cache
    $query = "SELECT sum(vote = 'aye') AS ayes,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t sum(vote = 'no')  AS noes,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t sum(vote = 'both') AS boths,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t sum(vote = 'tellaye' or vote = 'tellno') AS tellers\n\t\t\t\t  FROM pw_vote WHERE division_id = ?";
    $row = $pwpdo->get_single_row($query, array($div_id));
    print "<p>";
    $ayenodiff = $row["ayes"] - $row["noes"];
    /*if ($ayenodiff > 0)
    	        print "The <b>".($house=="lords"?"Contents":"Ayes")."</b> had a Majority of ".($ayenodiff)." (".$row["ayes"]." to ".$row["noes"].")";
    		elseif ($row['ayes'] < $row['noes'])
    	        print "The <b>".($house=="lords"?"Not-Contents":"Noes")."</b> had a Majority of ".(-$ayenodiff)." (".$row["noes"]." to ".$row["ayes"].")";
Пример #2
        $title = "Voting Comparison - " . $mpprop['fullname'] . "<br> to " . $voter2attr["mpprop"]['fullname'];
    } else {
        if ($dismode["possfriends"] == "all") {
            $title = "Friends of " . $mpprop['name'] . " " . $mpprop['housenamesuffix'] . $contitlecomma;
        } else {
            if ($voter1attr["bmultiperson"]) {
                $title = "Voting Record - " . $mpprop['housenounplural'] . " " . $contitlefor;
            } else {
                $title = "Voting Record - " . $mpprop['fullname'] . " (" . $mpprop["person"] . ")";
// now build up the links
# make list of links to other display modes
$second_links = dismodes_to_second_links($thispage, $dismodes, "", $display);
if ($rdismodes_parl) {
    $second_links2 = $second_links;
    $second_links = array();
    foreach ($rdismodes_parl as $lrdisplay => $val) {
        $dlink = $thispage . "&parliament={$lrdisplay}&display={$display}";
        array_push($second_links, array('href' => $dlink, 'current' => $rdisplay_parliament == $lrdisplay ? "on" : "off", 'text' => $val["lkdescription"]));
// we apply a date range to the
$second_type = "tabs";
# extract the events in this mp's life
# the events that have happened in this MP's career
if ($dismode["eventsinfo"]) {
    # generate ministerial events (maybe events for general elections?)