function load_menu($selected = null) { $menu = dir_list(CONTROLLERS_DIR); foreach ($menu as $voice) { $menu_list[] = array('name' => $voice, 'link' => basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . '/' . $voice . '/', 'selected' => $selected == $voice); } return $menu_list; }
function dir_list($path) { foreach (scandir($path) as $file) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (is_dir($path . $file)) { dir_list($path . $file . '/'); } else { echo '<div class="avatar" onclick="select(\'' . addslashes($path . $file) . '\')"><img title="' . $path . $file . '" src="' . $path . $file . '"></div>' . "\n"; } } } }
function dir_list($path, $display = 'block') { if (!($dir = opendir($path))) { echo $path . ' introuvable'; } else { ?> <ul style="line-height:1.3em; list-style:none;display:<?php echo $display; ?> " id="ul_<?php echo $GLOBALS['i']; ?> "><?php while (($item = readdir($dir)) !== false) { if (in_array($item, array('.', '..'))) { continue; } ?> <li><?php echo $item; $full_path = $path . $item; switch (true) { case is_dir($full_path): echo " <a id='cross_" . ($GLOBALS['i'] + 1) . "' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick=\"toggleBloc('" . ($GLOBALS['i'] + 1) . "');\">+</a>"; $GLOBALS['i']++; dir_list($full_path . '/', 'none'); break; case is_link($full_path): ?> (raccourci)<?php break; case is_file($full_path): ?> (fichier<?php echo @filesize($full_path) === false ? null : ', ' . filesize($full_path) . ' octets'; ?> )<?php break; default: ?> (???)<?php } ?> </li><?php } ?> </ul><?php } closedir($dir); }
function dir_list($path, $exts = '', $list = array()) { $path = dir_path($path); $files = glob($path . '*'); foreach ($files as $v) { if (!$exts || preg_match("/\\.({$exts})/i", $v)) { $list[] = retrieve($v); if (is_dir($v)) { $list = dir_list($v, $exts, $list); } } } return $list; }
public function getJs() { //合并分开的app.js pc_base::load_sys_func('dir'); $filelist = dir_list(PHPCMS_PATH . 'statics/js/app/build/', 'js'); $models_js = ''; foreach ($filelist as $k => $v) { $value = file_get_contents($v); $models_js .= "\r" . $value; } $app_path = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/"; //dump($filelist); //echo template('content','js'); include template('content', 'js'); }
public function index() { $exts = array('html', 'css', 'js'); $type = $_GET['type'] ? $_GET['type'] : 'html'; if ($type == 'html') { $path = $this->filepath; } else { $path = $this->publicpath . $type . '/'; } $files = dir_list($path, $type); foreach ($files as $key => $file) { $filename = basename($file); $templates[$key]['value'] = substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, '.')); $templates[$key]['filename'] = $filename; $templates[$key]['filepath'] = $file; $templates[$key]['filesize'] = byte_format(filesize($file)); $templates[$key]['filemtime'] = filemtime($file); $templates[$key]['ext'] = strtolower(substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.') - strlen($filename))); } $this->assign('templates', $templates); $this->display(); }
function index() { $tempfiles = dir_list($this->path, 'php'); $list = $this->dao->Field('id,pay_code,status,listorder,pay_name')->select(); foreach ((array) $list as $key => $r) { $installed[$r['pay_code']] = $r; } foreach ($tempfiles as $r) { $filename = basename($r); $pay_code = str_replace('.class.php', '', $filename); import("@.Pay." . $pay_code); $pay = new $pay_code(); $paylist[$pay_code] = $pay->setup(); if ($installed[$pay_code]) { $paylist[$pay_code]['id'] = $installed[$pay_code]['id']; $paylist[$pay_code]['status'] = $installed[$pay_code]['status']; $paylist[$pay_code]['listorder'] = $installed[$pay_code]['listorder']; $paylist[$pay_code]['pay_name'] = $installed[$pay_code]['pay_name']; } } $this->assign('list', $paylist); $this->display(); }
?> </div> <hr class="chubby"> <div class="table_actions clearfix"> <?php if ($cms_user['media']) { ?> <ul id="status_actions"> <li id="status_action_delete"><a href="">Delete</a></li> <?php // Display batch upload button if there are files in the batch folder if (file_exists('media/batch/')) { $batch_media = dir_list('media/batch/'); if (count($batch_media) > 0) { ?> <li id="media_batch_upload"><a href="">Batch upload <span id="media_batch_total"><?php echo count($batch_media); ?> </span> items<span id="media_batch_percent"></span></a></li> <?php } } ?> </ul> <?php } ?>
// admin if ($smartysh->config["frontpage_site"] === false) { if ($smartysh->runtime["site_dir"] == "") { if (isset($_GET["action"])) { if ($_GET["action"] == "new_project") { if (isset($_GET["name"])) { echo "todo new "; } else { die("name attribute needed"); } } } $smarty->template_dir = $smartysh->config["code_path"] . "/admin/templates"; $smarty->assign("access_log", get_access_log(array("limit" => 10))); $smarty->assign("access_log_site", get_site_access_log(array("limit" => 10))); $files = dir_list($smartysh->config["basepath"]); foreach ($files as &$ma) { $tmp[] =& $ma["timestamp"]; } array_multisort($tmp, SORT_DESC, $files, SORT_DESC); $smarty->assign("files", $files); $smarty->display("index.tpl"); die; } } // load custom site functions if (file_exists($smartysh->config["basepath"] . "/" . $smartysh->runtime["site_dir"] . "/functions.php")) { require_once $smartysh->config["basepath"] . "/" . $smartysh->runtime["site_dir"] . "/functions.php"; } // build all templates // todo build also logged templates
<?php session_start(); require_once "../../../includes/"; require_once "../../../includes/"; require_once "../../../includes/"; $dir = $setting['sitepath'] . '/avatars'; $files = dir_list($dir); $os = array("gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "GIF", "JPG", "JPEG", "PNG"); $n = 0; $num = 0; $count = count($files); if ($count == 0) { echo '<p>No free avatars available.</p>'; exit; } $avquery = yasDB_select("SELECT avatar FROM avatars WHERE userid = {$_SESSION['userid']}"); if ($avquery->num_rows != 0) { while ($avfile = $avquery->fetch_array(MYSQL_ASSOC)) { echo ' <div class="avatarpics"> <ul> <li class="even"><input type="image" class="useravatars" src="' . $setting['siteurl'] . 'avatars/' . $avfile['avatar'] . '" onclick="switchAvatar(\'' . $avfile['avatar'] . '\');return false"> <center><input type="image" src="' . $setting['siteurl'] . 'templates/' . $setting['theme'] . '/skins/' . $setting['skin'] . '/images/close.png" height="15" width="15" name="avatar" value="Remove" onclick="deleteAvatar(\'' . addslashes($avfile['avatar']) . '\');return false"/></center></li> </ul> </div>'; } } $avquery->close(); while ($num < $count) { $file = $files[$num]['name'];
// admin if ($htmlwarrior->config['frontpage_site'] === false) { if ($htmlwarrior->runtime['site_dir'] == '') { if (isset($_GET['action'])) { if ($_GET['action'] == 'new_project') { if (isset($_GET['name'])) { echo 'todo new '; } else { die('name attribute needed'); } } } $smarty->setTemplateDir($htmlwarrior->config['code_path'] . '/admin/templates'); $smarty->assign('access_log', get_access_log(array('limit' => 10))); $smarty->assign('access_log_site', get_site_access_log(array('limit' => 10))); $files = dir_list($htmlwarrior->config['basepath']); foreach ($files as &$ma) { $tmp[] =& $ma['timestamp']; } array_multisort($tmp, SORT_DESC, $files, SORT_DESC); $smarty->assign('files', $files); $smarty->display('index.tpl'); die; } } // load custom site functions if (file_exists($htmlwarrior->config['basepath'] . '/' . $htmlwarrior->runtime['site_dir'] . '/functions.php')) { require_once $htmlwarrior->config['basepath'] . '/' . $htmlwarrior->runtime['site_dir'] . '/functions.php'; } // load custom site configs if (file_exists($htmlwarrior->config['basepath'] . '/' . $htmlwarrior->runtime['site_dir'] . '/cfg/config.php')) {
<?php /** * Spic <> * @author Jean Mercadier <> * @license The MIT License */ require_once __DIR__ . "/../private/lib/secu.lib.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../private/lib/dir.lib.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../private/lib/ajax.lib.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../private/lib/util.lib.php"; util_define_timezone(); $resp = array(); if (isset($_POST["resend"])) { $resp["resend"] = $_POST["resend"]; } if (!secu_isloged() && (!isset($_POST["pass"]) || !secu_login($_POST["pass"]))) { echo ajax_format($resp, "wrong password."); exit; } $resp["list"] = dir_list(); echo ajax_format($resp);
if (!$cms_user['media']) { $error[] = "Media management is disabled for your account"; } else { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Push the limits... ini_set("memory_limit", "104857600"); ini_set("max_execution_time", "3600"); ini_set("max_input_time", "3600"); ini_set("post_max_size", "105857600"); ini_set("upload_max_filesize", "104857600"); ini_set("output_buffering", "on"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Batch upload from folder if (isset($_GET['batch'])) { if (file_exists('../media/batch/')) { $batch_media = dir_list('../media/batch/', false, true); if (count($batch_media) > 0) { // No need to use this GET-ID since we are deleting them as we go $_POST['url_media'] = $batch_media[0]; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Allow for multiple files (Chrome, FireFox and Safari) $files_uploaded = count($_FILES['upload_media']['name']); $files_to_add = $files_uploaded ? $files_uploaded : 1; for ($file_indice = 0; $file_indice < $files_to_add; $file_indice++) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // If there are uploaded files let's set the info if ($files_uploaded > 0) { $file_upload = array();
function copy_move_items($dir) { // copy and move are only allowed if the user may read and change files if ($GLOBALS["action"] == "copy" && !permissions_grant_all($dir, NULL, array("read", "create"))) { show_error($GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfunc"]); } if ($GLOBALS["action"] == "move" && !permissions_grant($dir, NULL, "change")) { show_error($GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfunc"]); } // Vars $first = $GLOBALS['__POST']["first"]; if ($first == "y") { $new_dir = $dir; } else { $new_dir = $GLOBALS['__POST']["new_dir"]; } if ($new_dir == ".") { $new_dir = ""; } $cnt = count($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"]); // Copy or Move? if ($GLOBALS["action"] != "move") { $_img = "_img/__copy.gif"; } else { $_img = "_img/__cut.gif"; } // Get New Location & Names if (!isset($GLOBALS['__POST']["confirm"]) || $GLOBALS['__POST']["confirm"] != "true") { $msg = $GLOBALS["action"] != "move" ? $GLOBALS["messages"]["actcopyitems"] : $GLOBALS["messages"]["actmoveitems"]; show_header($msg); // JavaScript for Form: // Select new target directory / execute action ?> <script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function NewDir(newdir) { document.selform.new_dir.value = newdir; document.selform.submit(); } function Execute() { document.selform.confirm.value = "true"; } //--> </script> <?php // "Copy / Move from .. to .." $s_dir = $dir; if (strlen($s_dir) > 40) { $s_dir = "..." . substr($s_dir, -37); } $s_ndir = $new_dir; if (strlen($s_ndir) > 40) { $s_ndir = "..." . substr($s_ndir, -37); } echo "<BR><IMG SRC=\"" . $_img . "\" align=\"ABSMIDDLE\" ALT=\"\"> "; echo htmlspecialchars(sprintf($GLOBALS["action"] != "move" ? $GLOBALS["messages"]["actcopyfrom"] : $GLOBALS["messages"]["actmovefrom"], $s_dir, $s_ndir)); echo "<IMG SRC=\"_img/__paste.gif\" align=\"ABSMIDDLE\" ALT=\"\">\n"; // Form for Target Directory & New Names echo "<BR><BR><FORM name=\"selform\" method=\"post\" action=\""; echo make_link("post", $dir, NULL) . "\"><TABLE>\n"; echo "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"do_action\" value=\"" . $GLOBALS["action"] . "\">\n"; echo "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"confirm\" value=\"false\">\n"; echo "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"first\" value=\"n\">\n"; echo "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"new_dir\" value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($new_dir) . "\">\n"; // List Directories to select Target dir_print(dir_list($new_dir), $new_dir); echo "</TABLE><BR><TABLE>\n"; // Print Text Inputs to change Names for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; ++$i) { $selitem = $GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][$i]; if (isset($GLOBALS['__POST']["newitems"][$i])) { $newitem = $GLOBALS['__POST']["newitems"][$i]; if ($first == "y") { $newitem = $selitem; } } else { $newitem = $selitem; } $s_item = $selitem; if (strlen($s_item) > 50) { $s_item = substr($s_item, 0, 47) . "..."; } echo "<TR><TD><IMG SRC=\"_img/_info.gif\" align=\"ABSMIDDLE\" ALT=\"\">"; // Old Name echo "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"selitems[]\" value=\""; echo htmlspecialchars($selitem) . "\"> " . htmlspecialchars($s_item) . " "; // New Name echo "</TD><TD><INPUT type=\"text\" size=\"25\" name=\"newitems[]\" value=\""; echo htmlspecialchars($newitem) . "\"></TD></TR>\n"; } // Submit & Cancel echo "</TABLE><BR><TABLE><TR>\n<TD>"; echo "<INPUT type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo $GLOBALS["action"] != "move" ? $GLOBALS["messages"]["btncopy"] : $GLOBALS["messages"]["btnmove"]; echo "\" onclick=\"javascript:Execute();\"></TD>\n<TD>"; echo "<input type=\"button\" value=\"" . $GLOBALS["messages"]["btncancel"]; echo "\" onClick=\"javascript:location='" . make_link("list", $dir, NULL); echo "';\"></TD>\n</TR></FORM></TABLE><BR>\n"; return; } // DO COPY/MOVE // ALL OK? if (!@file_exists(get_abs_dir($new_dir))) { show_error($new_dir . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["targetexist"]); } if (!get_show_item($new_dir, "")) { show_error($new_dir . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accesstarget"]); } if (!down_home(get_abs_dir($new_dir))) { show_error($new_dir . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["targetabovehome"]); } // copy / move files $err = false; for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; ++$i) { $tmp = $GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][$i]; $new = basename($GLOBALS['__POST']["newitems"][$i]); $abs_item = get_abs_item($dir, $tmp); $abs_new_item = get_abs_item($new_dir, $new); $items[$i] = $tmp; // Check if ($new == "") { $error[$i] = $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["miscnoname"]; $err = true; continue; } if (!@file_exists($abs_item)) { $error[$i] = $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["itemexist"]; $err = true; continue; } if (!get_show_item($dir, $tmp)) { $error[$i] = $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessitem"]; $err = true; continue; } if (@file_exists($abs_new_item)) { $error[$i] = $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["targetdoesexist"]; $err = true; continue; } // Copy / Move if ($GLOBALS["action"] == "copy") { if (@is_link($abs_item) || @is_file($abs_item)) { // check file-exists to avoid error with 0-size files (PHP 4.3.0) $ok = @copy($abs_item, $abs_new_item); //||@file_exists($abs_new_item); } elseif (@is_dir($abs_item)) { $ok = copy_dir($abs_item, $abs_new_item); } } else { $ok = @rename($abs_item, $abs_new_item); } if ($ok === false) { $error[$i] = $GLOBALS["action"] == "copy" ? $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["copyitem"] : $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["moveitem"]; $err = true; continue; } $error[$i] = NULL; } if ($err) { // there were errors $err_msg = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; ++$i) { if ($error[$i] == NULL) { continue; } $err_msg .= $items[$i] . " : " . $error[$i] . "<BR>\n"; } show_error($err_msg); } header("Location: " . make_link("list", $dir, NULL)); }
/** * 转换目录下面的所有文件编码格式 * * @param string $in_charset 原字符集 * @param string $out_charset 目标字符集 * @param string $dir 目录地址 * @param string $fileexts 转换的文件格式 * @return string 如果原字符集和目标字符集相同则返回false,否则为true */ static function dir_iconv($in_charset, $out_charset, $dir, $fileexts = 'php|html|htm|shtml|shtm|js|txt|xml') { if ($in_charset == $out_charset) { return false; } $list = dir_list($dir); foreach ($list as $v) { if (pathinfo($v, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == $fileexts && is_file($v)) { file_put_contents($v, iconv($in_charset, $out_charset, file_get_contents($v))); } } return true; }
/** * 系统图片库 */ function showPics() { $files = dir_list(ROOT_PATH . 'data/uploads/'); require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../view/showPics.php'; }
break; case 'chmod': fm_chmod($_REQUEST['source'], $_REQUEST['mode']); break; case 'chown': fm_chown($_REQUEST['source'], $_REQUEST['uid'], $_REQUEST['gid']); break; case 'create_file': fm_create_file($_REQUEST['source'], $_REQUEST['mode'] || FALSE); break; case 'create_dir': fm_create_dir($_REQUEST['source'], $_REQUEST['mode'] || FALSE); break; default: $pwd = $_REQUEST['path'] ? $_REQUEST['path'] : __DIR__; $listing = dir_list($pwd, $_REQUEST['sort_field']); $writable = is_writable($pwd); $pwd = array_merge(array('/'), explode('/', trim($pwd, '/'))); include 'templates/filemanager.php'; break; } //echo $_GET['sort_field']; // if(in_array($_GET['sort_field'], $available_sort_fields)){ // echo '1'; // } /* upload_file + list_dir +- copy file / dir [ recursive ] +- rename(move) file / dir
function dir_list($path) { $hand = opendir(CMS_PATH . $path); readdir($hand); readdir($hand); while ($file = readdir($hand)) { if (is_dir(CMS_PATH . $path . '/' . $file)) { dir_list($path . '/' . $file); echo "<option value=\"{$path}/{$file}\">{$path}/{$file}</option>"; continue; } } closedir($hand); }
if (unlink($delname)) { $err_remove = ""; } else { $err_remove = "failed"; } } else { if (is_dir($delname)) { if (delTree($delname)) { $err_remove = ""; } else { $err_remove = "failed"; } } else { } } } echo json_encode(array($objData->rq => array("error" => $err_remove))); break; case 'list': $dst_dir = $disk_config->dirs[$objData->bm]["path"] . "/" . $objData->dir; $dir_list = dir_list($dst_dir); $dir_list[] = array('id' => 0, 'name' => '..', 'size' => '-', 'hsize' => '-', 'perm' => '-', 'type' => 'dir', 'type_name' => 'dir_..', 'time' => '-'); echo json_encode(array($objData->rq => array("files" => $dir_list, "space" => getSpace($disk_config->dirs[$objData->bm]["path"])))); break; case 'all': echo json_encode(array($objData->rq => array("allfiles" => dir_list($disk_config->dirs[$objData->bm]["path"]), "space" => getSpace($disk_config->dirs[$objData->bm]["path"])))); break; default: echo json_encode(array($objData->rq => "N/A")); break; }
function unzip_item($dir) { _debug("unzip_item({$dir})"); global $home_dir; // copy and move are only allowed if the user may read and change files if (!permissions_grant_all($dir, NULL, array("read", "create"))) { show_error($GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfunc"]); } // Vars $new_dir = isset($GLOBALS['__POST']["new_dir"]) ? stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["new_dir"]) : $dir; $_img = $GLOBALS["baricons"]["unzip"]; // Get Selected Item if (!isset($GLOBALS['__POST']["item"]) && isset($GLOBALS['__GET']["item"])) { $s_item = $GLOBALS['__GET']["item"]; } elseif (isset($GLOBALS['__POST']["item"])) { $s_item = $GLOBALS['__POST']["item"]; } $dir_extract = "{$home_dir}/{$new_dir}"; if ($new_dir != "") { $dir_extract .= "/"; } $zip_name = "{$home_dir}/{$dir}/{$s_item}"; // Get New Location & Names if (!isset($GLOBALS['__POST']["confirm"]) || $GLOBALS['__POST']["confirm"] != "true") { show_header($GLOBALS["messages"]["actunzipitem"]); // JavaScript for Form: // Select new target directory / execute action ?> <script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function NewDir(newdir) { document.selform.new_dir.value = newdir; document.selform.submit(); } function Execute() { document.selform.confirm.value = "true"; } //--> </script><?php // "Copy / Move from .. to .." $s_dir = $dir; if (strlen($s_dir) > 40) { $s_dir = "..." . substr($s_dir, -37); } $s_ndir = $new_dir; if (strlen($s_ndir) > 40) { $s_ndir = "..." . substr($s_ndir, -37); } echo "<!-- dirextr = " . $dir_extract . " -->\n"; echo "<!-- zipname = " . $zip_name . " -->\n"; echo "<CENTER><BR><BR><IMG SRC=\"" . $_img . "\" align=\"ABSMIDDLE\" ALT=\"\"> "; echo "<IMG SRC=\"" . $GLOBALS["baricons"]["unzipto"] . "\" align=\"ABSMIDDLE\" ALT=\"\">\n"; // Form for Target Directory & New Names echo "<BR><BR><FORM name=\"selform\" method=\"post\" action=\""; echo make_link("post", $dir, NULL) . "\"><TABLE>\n"; echo "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"do_action\" value=\"" . $GLOBALS["action"] . "\">\n"; echo "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"confirm\" value=\"false\">\n"; //echo "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"n\">\n"; echo "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"new_dir\" value=\"" . $new_dir . "\">\n"; // List Directories to select Target dir_print(dir_list($new_dir), $new_dir); echo "</TABLE><BR><TABLE>\n"; // Print Text Inputs to change Names echo "<TR><TD><IMG SRC=\"" . $GLOBALS["baricons"]["zip"] . "\" align=\"ABSMIDDLE\" ALT=\"\">"; echo "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"item\" value=\"" . $s_item . "\"> " . $s_item . " "; // Submit & Cancel echo "</TABLE><BR><TABLE><TR>\n<TD>"; echo "<INPUT type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo $GLOBALS["messages"]["btnunzip"]; echo "\" onclick=\"javascript:Execute();\"></TD>\n<TD>"; echo "<input type=\"button\" value=\"" . $GLOBALS["messages"]["btncancel"]; echo "\" onClick=\"javascript:location='" . make_link("list", $dir, NULL); echo "';\"></TD>\n</TR></FORM></TABLE><BR><BR><BR>\n"; return; } // DO COPY/MOVE // ALL OK? if (!@file_exists(get_abs_dir($new_dir))) { show_error($new_dir . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["targetexist"]); } if (!get_show_item($new_dir, "")) { show_error($new_dir . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accesstarget"]); } if (!down_home(get_abs_dir($new_dir))) { show_error($new_dir . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["targetabovehome"]); } // copy / move files $err = false; /*for($i=0;$i<$cnt;++$i) { $tmp = stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][$i]); $new = basename(stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["newitems"][$i])); $abs_item = get_abs_item($dir,$tmp); $abs_new_item = get_abs_item($new_dir,$new); $items[$i] = $tmp; // Check if($new=="") { $error[$i]= $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["miscnoname"]; $err=true; continue; } if(!@file_exists($abs_item)) { $error[$i]= $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["itemexist"]; $err=true; continue; } if(!get_show_item($dir, $tmp)) { $error[$i]= $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessitem"]; $err=true; continue; } if(@file_exists($abs_new_item)) { $error[$i]= $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["targetdoesexist"]; $err=true; continue; } */ // Copy / Move //if($GLOBALS["action"]=="copy") { //if($GLOBALS["action"]=="unzip") { /* if(@is_link($abs_item) || @is_file($abs_item)) { // check file-exists to avoid error with 0-size files (PHP 4.3.0) $ok=@copy($abs_item,$abs_new_item); //||@file_exists($abs_new_item); } elseif(@is_dir($abs_item)) { $ok=copy_dir($abs_item,$abs_new_item); } */ //---------------------------------- print_r($GLOBALS); _debug("unzip_item(): Extracting {$zip_name} to {$dir_extract}"); //$dir_extract[0]='/'; //$dir_extract = '.'. $dir_extract; //------------------------------------------------------echo $zip_name.' aa'.$dir_extract.'aa'; $exx = pathinfo($zip_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if ($exx == 'zip') { $zip = new ZipArchive(); $res = $zip->open($zip_name); if ($res === TRUE) { $zip->extractTo($dir_extract); $zip->close(); } else { } } else { // gz, tar, bz2, .... include_once './_lib/archive.php'; extArchive::extract($zip_name, $dir_extract); } // FIXME $i is not set anymore.. remove code? if (!isset($i)) { $i = 0; } if ($res == false) { $error[$i] = $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["unzip"]; $err = true; continue; } $error[$i] = NULL; if ($err) { // there were errors $err_msg = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; ++$i) { if ($error[$i] == NULL) { continue; } $err_msg .= $items[$i] . " : " . $error[$i] . "<BR>\n"; } show_error($err_msg); } header("Location: " . make_link("list", $dir, NULL)); }
public function recover() { if ($_GET['do'] == 'delete') { foreach ((array) $_POST['files'] as $r) { unlink($r); } $this->success(L('do_ok')); } elseif ($_GET['do'] == 'import') { header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); $filename = $_GET['filename']; $filelist = dir_list($this->datadir); foreach ((array) $filelist as $r) { $file = explode('-', basename($r)); if ($file[0] == $filename) { $files[] = $r; } } foreach ((array) $files as $file) { //读取数据文件 $sqldata = file_get_contents($file); $sqlFormat = sql_split($sqldata, C('DB_PREFIX')); foreach ((array) $sqlFormat as $sql) { $sql = trim($sql); if (strstr($sql, 'CREATE TABLE')) { preg_match('/CREATE TABLE `([^ ]*)`/', $sql, $matches); $ret = $this->excuteQuery($sql); //if($ret){echo L('CREATE_TABLE_OK').$matches[0].' <br />';}else{echo 'Error sql:'.$sql;}exit; } else { $ret = $this->excuteQuery($sql); } } echo L('CREATE_TABLE_OK') . basename($file) . '<br>'; } } else { $filelist = dir_list($this->datadir); foreach ((array) $filelist as $r) { $filename = explode('-', basename($r)); $files[] = array('path' => $r, 'file' => basename($r), 'name' => $filename[0], 'size' => filesize($r), 'time' => filemtime($r)); } $this->assign('files', $files); $this->display(); } }
function unzip_item($dir) { // copy and move are only allowed if the user may read and change files /*if ($GLOBALS["action"] == "copy" && !permissions_grant_all($dir, NULL, array("read", "create"))) show_error($GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfunc"]); if ($GLOBALS["action"] == "move" && !permissions_grant($dir, NULL, "change")) show_error($GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfunc"]); */ if (!permissions_grant_all($dir, NULL, array("read", "create"))) { show_error($GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfunc"]); } // Vars /* $first = $GLOBALS['__POST']["first"]; if($first=="y") $new_dir=$dir; else $new_dir = stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["new_dir"]); */ $new_dir = stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["new_dir"]); //if($new_dir==".") $new_dir=""; //$cnt=count($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"]); // Copy or Move? /* if($GLOBALS["action"]!="move") { $_img="_img/__copy.gif"; } else { $_img="_img/__cut.gif"; } */ $_img = $GLOBALS["baricons"]["unzip"]; // Get Selected Item if (!isset($GLOBALS['__POST']["item"]) && isset($GLOBALS['__GET']["item"])) { $s_item = $GLOBALS['__GET']["item"]; } elseif (isset($GLOBALS['__POST']["item"])) { $s_item = $GLOBALS['__POST']["item"]; } $dir_extract = $GLOBALS["home_dir"] . $new_dir; if ($new_dir != "") { $dir_extract .= "/"; } $zip_name = $GLOBALS["home_dir"] . $GLOBALS["dir"] . "/" . $s_item; // Get New Location & Names if (!isset($GLOBALS['__POST']["confirm"]) || $GLOBALS['__POST']["confirm"] != "true") { show_header($GLOBALS["messages"]["actunzipitem"]); // JavaScript for Form: // Select new target directory / execute action ?> <script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function NewDir(newdir) { document.selform.new_dir.value = newdir; document.selform.submit(); } function Execute() { document.selform.confirm.value = "true"; } //--> </script><?php // "Copy / Move from .. to .." $s_dir = $dir; if (strlen($s_dir) > 40) { $s_dir = "..." . substr($s_dir, -37); } $s_ndir = $new_dir; if (strlen($s_ndir) > 40) { $s_ndir = "..." . substr($s_ndir, -37); } echo "<!-- dirextr = " . $dir_extract . " -->\n"; echo "<!-- zipname = " . $zip_name . " -->\n"; //echo "<BR><IMG SRC=\"" . $_img . "\" align=\"ABSMIDDLE\" ALT=\"\"> "; //echo sprintf(($GLOBALS["action"]!="move"?$GLOBALS["messages"]["actcopyfrom"]: // $GLOBALS["messages"]["actmovefrom"]),$s_dir, $s_ndir); echo sprintf($GLOBALS["messages"]["actunzipto"], $s_ndir); //echo "<IMG SRC=\"" . $GLOBALS["baricons"]["unzipto"] . "\" align=\"ABSMIDDLE\" ALT=\"\">\n"; // Form for Target Directory & New Names echo "<BR><BR><FORM name=\"selform\" method=\"post\" action=\""; echo make_link("post", $dir, NULL) . "\"><TABLE>\n"; echo "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"do_action\" value=\"" . $GLOBALS["action"] . "\">\n"; echo "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"confirm\" value=\"false\">\n"; //echo "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"n\">\n"; echo "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"new_dir\" value=\"" . $new_dir . "\">\n"; // List Directories to select Target dir_print(dir_list($new_dir), $new_dir); echo "</TABLE><BR><TABLE>\n"; // Print Text Inputs to change Names /*for($i=0;$i<$cnt;++$i) { $selitem=stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][$i]); if(isset($GLOBALS['__POST']["newitems"][$i])) { $newitem=stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["newitems"][$i]); if($first=="y") $newitem=$selitem; } else {$newitem=$selitem;} $s_item=$selitem; if(strlen($s_item)>50) $s_item=substr($s_item,0,47)."..."; echo "<TR><TD><IMG SRC=\"".$GLOBALS["baricons"]["info"]."\" align=\"ABSMIDDLE\" ALT=\"\">"; // Old Name echo "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"selitems[]\" value=\""; echo $selitem."\"> ".$s_item." "; // New Name echo "</TD><TD><INPUT type=\"text\" size=\"25\" name=\"newitems[]\" value=\""; echo $newitem."\"></TD></TR>\n"; }*/ echo "<TR><TD>"; //<IMG SRC=\"" . $GLOBALS["baricons"]["zip"] . "\" align=\"ABSMIDDLE\" ALT=\"\">"; echo "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"item\" value=\"" . $s_item . "\"> " . $s_item . " "; // Submit & Cancel echo "</TABLE><BR><TABLE><TR>\n<TD>"; if ($new_dir == 'hn') { echo "<INPUT type=\"submit\" value=\"Rozbaliť archív\" onclick=\"javascript:Execute();\" style=\"color:#fff;background:#337ab7;display:inline-block;padding:6px 12px;font-size:16px;text-decoration:none;font-weight:400;line-height:1.4;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;vertical-align:middle;border:1px solid #2e6da4;border-radius:4px;\">"; } echo "</TD>\n<TD>Rovnako bude pomenovaný slug pre vydanie Horezza News. Pre zmenu názvu, je potrebné zmeniť názov ZIP súboru, pred nahraním.<br>"; echo "<input type=\"button\" value=\"Zrušiť\" onClick=\"javascript:location='" . make_link("list", $dir, NULL); echo "';\" style=\"color:#333;background:#fff;display:inline-block;padding:6px 12px;font-size:16px;text-decoration:none;font-weight:400;line-height:1.4;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;vertical-align:middle;border:1px solid #ccc;border-radius:4px;\"></TD>\n</TR></FORM></TABLE><BR>\n"; return; } // DO COPY/MOVE // ALL OK? if (!@file_exists(get_abs_dir($new_dir))) { show_error($new_dir . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["targetexist"]); } if (!get_show_item($new_dir, "")) { show_error($new_dir . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accesstarget"]); } if (!down_home(get_abs_dir($new_dir))) { show_error($new_dir . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["targetabovehome"]); } // copy / move files $err = false; /*for($i=0;$i<$cnt;++$i) { $tmp = stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][$i]); $new = basename(stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["newitems"][$i])); $abs_item = get_abs_item($dir,$tmp); $abs_new_item = get_abs_item($new_dir,$new); $items[$i] = $tmp; // Check if($new=="") { $error[$i]= $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["miscnoname"]; $err=true; continue; } if(!@file_exists($abs_item)) { $error[$i]= $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["itemexist"]; $err=true; continue; } if(!get_show_item($dir, $tmp)) { $error[$i]= $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessitem"]; $err=true; continue; } if(@file_exists($abs_new_item)) { $error[$i]= $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["targetdoesexist"]; $err=true; continue; } */ // Copy / Move //if($GLOBALS["action"]=="copy") { //if($GLOBALS["action"]=="unzip") { /* if(@is_link($abs_item) || @is_file($abs_item)) { // check file-exists to avoid error with 0-size files (PHP 4.3.0) $ok=@copy($abs_item,$abs_new_item); //||@file_exists($abs_new_item); } elseif(@is_dir($abs_item)) { $ok=copy_dir($abs_item,$abs_new_item); } */ $zip = new ZipArchive(); // $zip_name = "../../".$GLOBALS["dir"].$s_item; // $dir_extract = "../../".$new_dir."/"; $res = $zip->open($zip_name); if ($res === TRUE) { $zip->extractTo($dir_extract); $zip->close(); //echo �ok�; } else { // echo �failed�; } //} //else { // $ok=@rename($abs_item,$abs_new_item); //} if ($ok === false || $res == false) { //$error[$i]=($GLOBALS["action"]=="copy"? // $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["copyitem"]: // $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["moveitem"] //); $error[$i] = $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["unzip"]; $err = true; continue; } $error[$i] = NULL; //} if ($err) { // there were errors $err_msg = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; ++$i) { if ($error[$i] == NULL) { continue; } $err_msg .= $items[$i] . " : " . $error[$i] . "<BR>\n"; } show_error($err_msg); } miwoftp_redirect(make_link("list", $dir, NULL)); }
$sth = $dbh->query($query); // Reminder: This is how to debug MySQL with PDO if ($sth === false) { print_r($dbh->errorInfo()); } $activity_array = $sth->fetchAll(); get_activity($activity_array); die; } else { $query = "SELECT * FROM directus_activity {$view_errors} ORDER BY `datetime` DESC LIMIT 0, 100 "; $sth = $dbh->query($query); $activity_array = $sth->fetchAll(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get Backups $backups = dir_list('inc/backups/'); rsort($backups, SORT_STRING); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $cms_html_title = "Dashboard"; require_once "inc/header.php"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ?> <h2>Dashboard</h2> <hr class="chubby"> <div class="clearfix" style="position:relative;"> <div id="dashboard_modules"> <!--
<ul> <?php include "../inc/function.php"; include "../inc/config.php"; session_start(); setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), time() + $sessionTime, "/"); if (isset($_SESSION["role"]) && ($_SESSION["role"] == ADMIN || $_SESSION["role"] == TEACHER)) { $father = @isutf8($_GET["dir"]) ? iconv("UTF-8", "gb2312", $_GET["dir"]) : $_GET["dir"]; $fileArr = dir_list($father); foreach ($fileArr as $file) { $filename = str_replace($father . "/", "", $file); if (is_dir($file)) { $file = iconv("gb2312", "UTF-8", $file); $filename = iconv("gb2312", "UTF-8", $filename); echo "<li><img src='../img/no-expanded.gif' dir='{$file}' onclick='showChildrenDir(\"{$file}\",this)'>" . $filename . "</li>"; } else { $file = iconv("gb2312", "UTF-8", $file); $filename = iconv("gb2312", "UTF-8", $filename); echo "<li><label><input type='radio' name='indexfile' value='{$file}'>" . $filename . "</label></li>"; } } } else { die("What are you doing?"); } ?> </ul>
function copy_move_items($dir) { // copy/move file/dir if (($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 01) != 01) { show_error($GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfunc"]); } $action = stripslashes(JRequest::getCmd('action')); if ($action == "post") { $action = JRequest::getCmd("do_action"); } elseif (empty($action)) { $action = "list"; } // Vars $first = $GLOBALS['__POST']["first"]; if ($first == "y") { $new_dir = $dir; } else { $new_dir = stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["new_dir"]); } if ($new_dir == ".") { $new_dir = ""; } $cnt = count($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"]); // Copy or Move? if ($action != "move") { $images = "images/__copy.gif"; } else { $images = "images/__cut.gif"; } // Get New Location & Names if (!isset($GLOBALS['__POST']["confirm"]) || $GLOBALS['__POST']["confirm"] != "true") { show_header($action != "move" ? $GLOBALS["messages"]["actcopyitems"] : $GLOBALS["messages"]["actmoveitems"]); // JavaScript for Form: // Select new target directory / execute action ?> <script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function NewDir(newdir) { document.selform.new_dir.value = newdir; document.selform.submit(); } function Execute() { document.selform.confirm.value = "true"; } //--> </script><?php // "Copy / Move from .. to .." $s_dir = $dir; if (strlen($s_dir) > 40) { $s_dir = "..." . substr($s_dir, -37); } $s_ndir = $new_dir; if (strlen($s_ndir) > 40) { $s_ndir = "..." . substr($s_ndir, -37); } echo "<br /><img src=\"" . _QUIXPLORER_URL . '/images/' . $images . "\" align=\"absmiddle\" alt=\"\" /> <strong>"; echo sprintf($action != "move" ? $GLOBALS["messages"]["actcopyfrom"] : $GLOBALS["messages"]["actmovefrom"], $s_dir, $s_ndir); echo "</strong><img src=\"" . _QUIXPLORER_URL . "/images/__paste.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" alt=\"\">\n"; // Form for Target Directory & New Names echo "<br /><br /><form name=\"selform\" method=\"post\" action=\""; echo make_link("post", $dir, NULL) . "\"><table style=\"width:500px;\" class=\"adminform\">\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"do_action\" value=\"" . $action . "\">\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"confirm\" value=\"false\">\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"first\" value=\"n\">\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"new_dir\" value=\"" . $new_dir . "\">\n"; // List Directories to select Target dir_print(dir_list($new_dir), $new_dir); echo "</table><br />\n\t\t<table style=\"width:500px;\" class=\"adminform\">\n"; // Print Text Inputs to change Names for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; ++$i) { $selitem = stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][$i]); if (isset($GLOBALS['__POST']["newitems"][$i])) { $newitem = stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["newitems"][$i]); if ($first == "y") { $newitem = $selitem; } } else { $newitem = $selitem; } $s_item = $selitem; if (strlen($s_item) > 50) { $s_item = substr($s_item, 0, 47) . "..."; } echo "<tr><td><img src=\"" . _QUIXPLORER_URL . "/images/information.png\" align=\"absmiddle\" alt=\"\">"; // old name echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"selitems[]\" value=\""; echo $selitem . "\"> " . $s_item . " "; // New Name echo "</td><td><input type=\"text\" size=\"25\" name=\"newitems[]\" value=\""; echo $newitem . "\"></td></tr>\n"; } // Submit & Cancel echo "</table><br /><table><tr>\n<td>"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo $action != "move" ? $GLOBALS["messages"]["btncopy"] : $GLOBALS["messages"]["btnmove"]; echo "\" onclick=\"javascript:Execute();\"></td>\n<td>"; echo "<input type=\"button\" value=\"" . $GLOBALS["messages"]["btncancel"]; echo "\" onclick=\"javascript:location='" . make_link("list", $dir, NULL); echo "';\"></td>\n</tr></table><br /></form>\n"; return; } // DO COPY/MOVE // ALL OK? if (!@$GLOBALS['nx_File']->file_exists(get_abs_dir($new_dir))) { show_error(get_abs_dir($new_dir) . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["targetexist"]); } if (!get_show_item($new_dir, "")) { show_error($new_dir . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accesstarget"]); } if (!down_home(get_abs_dir($new_dir))) { show_error($new_dir . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["targetabovehome"]); } // copy / move files $err = false; for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; ++$i) { $tmp = stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][$i]); $new = basename(stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["newitems"][$i])); if (nx_isFTPMode()) { $abs_item = get_item_info($dir, $tmp); $abs_new_item = get_item_info('/' . $new_dir, $new); } else { $abs_item = get_abs_item($dir, $tmp); $abs_new_item = get_abs_item($new_dir, $new); } $items[$i] = $tmp; // Check if ($new == "") { $error[$i] = $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["miscnoname"]; $err = true; continue; } if (!@$GLOBALS['nx_File']->file_exists($abs_item)) { $error[$i] = $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["itemexist"]; $err = true; continue; } if (!get_show_item($dir, $tmp)) { $error[$i] = $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessitem"]; $err = true; continue; } if (@$GLOBALS['nx_File']->file_exists($abs_new_item)) { $error[$i] = $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["targetdoesexist"]; $err = true; continue; } // Copy / Move if ($action == "copy") { if (@is_link($abs_item) || get_is_file($abs_item)) { // check file-exists to avoid error with 0-size files (PHP 4.3.0) if (nx_isFTPMode()) { $abs_item = '/' . $dir . '/' . $abs_item['name']; } $ok = @$GLOBALS['nx_File']->copy($abs_item, $abs_new_item); //||@file_exists($abs_new_item); } elseif (@get_is_dir($abs_item)) { $dir = nx_isFTPMode() ? '/' . $dir . '/' . $abs_item['name'] . '/' : $abs_item; if (nx_isFTPMode()) { $abs_new_item .= '/'; } $ok = $GLOBALS['nx_File']->copy_dir($dir, $abs_new_item); } } else { $ok = $GLOBALS['nx_File']->rename($abs_item, $abs_new_item); } if ($ok === false || PEAR::isError($ok)) { $error[$i] = $action == "copy" ? $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["copyitem"] : $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["moveitem"]; if (PEAR::isError($ok)) { $error[$i] .= ' [' . $ok->getMessage() . ']'; } $err = true; continue; } $error[$i] = NULL; } if ($err) { // there were errors $err_msg = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; ++$i) { if ($error[$i] == NULL) { continue; } $err_msg .= $items[$i] . " : " . $error[$i] . "<br />\n"; } show_error($err_msg); } header("Location: " . make_link("list", $dir, NULL)); }
public function index() { $v = explode(' ', VERSION); $menuid = intval($_REQUEST['menuid']); $var = $v[0]; $upgrade_path = $this->_url . $var . '/patch/'; $upgrade_path_str = @file_get_contents($upgrade_path); $allpatch = json_decode($upgrade_path_str); $patchlist = $patchlists = array(); $key = -1; foreach ($allpatch as $k => $v) { if (strstr($v, 'patch_' . UPDATETIME)) { $key = $k; break; } } $key = $key < 0 ? '999' : $key; foreach ($allpatch as $k => $v) { if ($k >= $key) { $patchlist[$k]['file'] = $v; $time = explode('_', $v); $patchlist[$k]['oldtime'] = $time[1]; $time = explode('.', $time[2]); $patchlist[$k]['filemtime'] = $time[0]; } } if (!empty($_GET['do'])) { $cover = intval($_REQUEST['cover']); import("@.ORG.Http"); import("@.ORG.Phpzip"); foreach ($patchlist as $k => $v) { //远程压缩包地址 $upgradezip_url = $upgrade_path . $v['file']; //保存到临时文件夹 $upgradezip_file = TEMP_PATH . $v['file']; //解压路径 $upgradezip_source_path = TEMP_PATH . basename($v['file'], ".zip"); //备份路径 $backupdir = TEMP_PATH . 'bakup_' . $v['oldtime']; dir_create($backupdir); //开始下载并解压 Http::curldownload($upgradezip_url, $upgradezip_file); Phpzip::unZip($upgradezip_file, $upgradezip_source_path); //先做备份 $backupfilelist = dir_list($upgradezip_source_path); foreach ((array) $backupfilelist as $k => $file) { $fromfile = str_replace($upgradezip_source_path, './', $file); $tofile = $backupdir . str_replace($upgradezip_source_path, '', $file); if (is_dir($fromfile)) { mkdir($tofile); } elseif (is_file($fromfile)) { copy($fromfile, $tofile); } } $this->copyfileerror = 0; //复制并加判断是否成功 $this->copydir($upgradezip_source_path, './', $cover); //如果失败,恢复当前版本 if ($this->copyfileerror) { $this->copydir($backupdir, './', $cover); die(L('upgrade_error')); } else { if (file_exists($upgradezip_source_path . '/yourphp.sql')) { $sqldata = file_get_contents($upgradezip_source_path . '/yourphp.sql'); $sqlFormat = sql_split($sqldata, C('DB_PREFIX')); foreach ((array) $sqlFormat as $sql) { $sql = trim($sql); if (strstr($sql, 'CREATE TABLE')) { preg_match('/CREATE TABLE `([^ ]*)`/', $sql, $matches); $ret = $this->excuteQuery($sql); //if($ret){echo L('CREATE_TABLE_OK').$matches[0].' <br />';}else{echo 'Error sql:'.$sql;}exit; } else { $ret = $this->excuteQuery($sql); } } } if (file_exists($upgradezip_source_path . '/upgrade.php')) { include $upgradezip_source_path . '/upgrade.php'; } dir_delete($upgradezip_source_path); @unlink('./upgrade.php'); @unlink('./yourphp.sql'); @unlink($upgradezip_file); } } $this->assign('jumpUrl', U(MODULE_NAME . '/checkfile?menuid=' . $menuid)); $this->success(L('upgrade_ok')); exit; } $this->assign('menuid', $menuid); $this->assign('var', $var); $this->assign('patchlist', $patchlist); $this->display(); }
<?php while (list($key, $value) = each($files)) { $f++; echo "<tbody><tr>\n \n <td><strong>{$value}</strong></td>\n \n <td><a href=\"{$directory}{$value}\">Download csv<img src='immagini/icone/download.png' width='20'></a></td>\n \n </tr></tbody>"; } if (!$d) { $d = "0"; } if (!$f) { $f = "0"; } echo "<br><div class='alert alert-info' role='alert'>Sono presenti <strong>{$f}</strong> Report di analisi.</strong></div><br>"; } dir_list("report/"); ?> </table> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> </div>
function dir_list($path, $exts = '', $list = array()) { $path = dir_path($path); $files = glob($path . '*'); foreach ($files as $v) { if (!$exts || pathinfo($v, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == $exts) { $list[] = $v; if (is_dir($v)) { $list = dir_list($v, $exts, $list); } } } return $list; }
<?php /** * Spic <> * @author Jean Mercadier <> * @license The MIT License */ require_once __DIR__ . "/../lib/dir.lib.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../lib/conf.lib.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../lib/util.lib.php"; util_define_timezone(); $pics = dir_list(); $url = conf_read("url"); $prefix = conf_read("prefix"); $suffix = conf_read("suffix"); $space = conf_read("allowspace") ? "true" : "false"; $name = conf_read("brandname"); $name = util_empty($name) ? "Spic" : $name; ?> <!-- - Spic <> - @author Jean Mercadier <> - @license The MIT License --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title><?php echo $name; ?> </title>
<form action="uploadSingleFile.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="return checkFile()"> 请选择文件:<input type="file" name="file" id="file" onchange="checkZip()"> <button type="submit">上传</button> <input type="hidden" name="dir" value="<?php echo $dir; ?> "> </form> <button style="float:right;margin-top:-30px;" onclick="createDir('<?php echo $dir; ?> ');">创建文件夹</button> <div class="wrap"> <ul> <?php $dirArr = dir_list($dir); echo "<li><a href='?dir=" . substr($dir, 0, strrpos(substr($dir, 0, -1), "/")) . "'><img src='../img/back.gif'>父级目录</a></li>"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($dirArr); $i++) { if (is_dir($dirArr[$i])) { echo "<li><a href='?dir=" . iconv("gb2312", "utf-8", $dirArr[$i]) . "/'><img src='../img/folder.gif'>" . iconv("gb2312", "utf-8", str_replace($dir . "/", "", $dirArr[$i])) . "</a></li>"; } else { echo "<li><img src='../img/text.gif'>" . iconv("gb2312", "utf-8", str_replace($dir . "/", "", $dirArr[$i])) . "</li>"; } } ?> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"> </div> <!-- 'clearing' div to make sure that footer stays below the main and right column sections --> </div> <!-- end of #main" started at the end of -->