Пример #1
 public function increase($tids, $fieldarr)
     $tids = dintval((array) $tids, true);
     $sql = array();
     $num = 0;
     $allowkey = array('replies', 'lastposter', 'lastpost');
     foreach ($fieldarr as $key => $value) {
         if (in_array($key, $allowkey)) {
             if (is_array($value)) {
                 $sql[] = DB::field($key, $value[0]);
             } else {
                 $value = dintval($value);
                 $sql[] = "`{$key}`=`{$key}`+'{$value}'";
         } else {
     if ($getsetarr) {
         return $sql;
     if (!empty($sql)) {
         $cmd = "UPDATE ";
         $num = DB::query($cmd . DB::table($this->_table) . " SET " . implode(',', $sql) . " WHERE tid IN (" . dimplode($tids) . ")", 'UNBUFFERED');
         $this->increase_cache($tids, $fieldarr);
     return $num;
Пример #2
 public function repair_htmlmade($ids)
     if ($ids = dintval($ids, true)) {
         return DB::update($this->_table, array('htmlmade' => 0), DB::field($this->_pk, $ids));
     return false;
 public function fetch_all_will_birthday_by_uid($uids)
     $birthlist = array();
     if (!empty($uids)) {
         $uids = explode(',', (string) $uids);
         $uids = dimplode(dintval($uids, true));
         list($s_month, $s_day) = explode('-', dgmdate(TIMESTAMP - 3600 * 24 * 3, 'n-j'));
         list($n_month, $n_day) = explode('-', dgmdate(TIMESTAMP, 'n-j'));
         list($e_month, $e_day) = explode('-', dgmdate(TIMESTAMP + 3600 * 24 * 7, 'n-j'));
         if ($e_month == $s_month) {
             $wheresql = "sf.birthmonth='{$s_month}' AND sf.birthday>='{$s_day}' AND sf.birthday<='{$e_day}'";
         } else {
             $wheresql = "(sf.birthmonth='{$s_month}' AND sf.birthday>='{$s_day}') OR (sf.birthmonth='{$e_month}' AND sf.birthday<='{$e_day}' AND sf.birthday>'0')";
         $query = DB::query("SELECT sf.uid,sf.birthyear,sf.birthmonth,sf.birthday,s.username\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . DB::table('common_member_profile') . " sf\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('common_member') . " s USING(uid)\n\t\t\t\tWHERE (sf.uid IN ({$uids})) AND ({$wheresql})");
         while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
             $value['istoday'] = 0;
             if ($value['birthmonth'] == $n_month && $value['birthday'] == $n_day) {
                 $value['istoday'] = 1;
             $key = sprintf("%02d", $value['birthmonth']) . sprintf("%02d", $value['birthday']);
             $birthlist[$key][] = $value;
     return $birthlist;
Пример #4
 public function update_by_id_username($id, $data, $username, $adminid = 1)
     if (($id = dintval($id, true)) && $data && is_array($data)) {
         $adminid = dintval($adminid);
         DB::update($this->_table, $data, DB::field($this->_pk, $id) . " AND ('{$adminid}'=1 OR " . DB::field('author', $username) . ')', true);
Пример #5
 public function fetch_all_by_uid_dateline($uids, $findex = true, $start = 0, $limit = 5)
     if (!($uids = dintval($uids, true))) {
         return null;
     return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM %t ' . ($findex ? 'USE INDEX(dateline)' : '') . ' WHERE uid IN (%n) ORDER BY dateline desc %i', array($this->_table, $uids, DB::limit($start, $limit)));
 public function delete_by_uid($uids)
     $uids = dintval((array) $uids, true);
     if (!empty($uids)) {
         return DB::delete($this->_table, DB::field('uid', $uids));
     return 0;
 public function delete_by_tid($tids)
     $tids = dintval($tids, true);
     if ($tids) {
         return DB::delete($this->_table, DB::field('tid', $tids));
     return 0;
Пример #8
 public function delete_by_dateline($dateline)
     $dateline = dintval($dateline);
     if ($dateline) {
         return DB::delete($this->_table, DB::field('dateline', $dateline, '<'));
     return 0;
Пример #9
 public function update_by_groupid($groupid, $data)
     $groupid = is_array($groupid) ? array_map('intval', (array) $groupid) : dintval($groupid);
     if ($groupid && $data && is_array($data)) {
         return DB::update($this->_table, $data, DB::field('groupid', $groupid));
     return 0;
 public function delete_by_uid_or_fuid($uids)
     $uids = dintval($uids, true);
     if (!$uids) {
         return null;
     DB::delete($this->_table, DB::field('uid', $uids) . ' OR ' . DB::field('fuid', $uids));
Пример #11
 public function fetch_all_hotarticle($wheresql, $dateline)
     if (!empty($wheresql) && ($wheresql = (string) $wheresql) && ($dateline = dintval($dateline))) {
         return DB::fetch_all("SELECT at.* FROM " . DB::table($this->_table) . " ac, " . DB::table('portal_article_title') . " at WHERE {$wheresql} AND at.dateline>'{$dateline}' AND ac.aid=at.aid ORDER BY ac.viewnum DESC LIMIT 10");
     } else {
         return array();
Пример #12
 public function delete_by_menuid($menutype, $ids)
     $ids = dintval($ids, is_array($ids) ? true : false);
     if ($ids) {
         return DB::delete($this->_table, DB::field('menuid', $ids) . ' AND ' . DB::field('type', $menutype));
     return 0;
 public function delete_by_uid($uids)
     $uids = dintval($uids, is_array($uids) ? true : false);
     if ($uids) {
         return DB::delete($this->_table, DB::field('uid', $uids));
     return 0;
Пример #14
 public function fetch_all_by_upid($upid, $order = null, $sort = 'DESC')
     $upid = is_array($upid) ? array_map('intval', (array) $upid) : dintval($upid);
     if ($upid !== null) {
         $ordersql = $order !== null && !empty($order) ? ' ORDER BY ' . DB::order($order, $sort) : '';
         return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM %t WHERE ' . DB::field('upid', $upid) . " {$ordersql}", array($this->_table), $this->_pk);
     return array();
Пример #15
 public function delete_by_id_fid($id, $fid)
     $id = dintval($id, is_array($id) ? true : false);
     $fid = dintval($fid, is_array($fid) ? true : false);
     if (is_array($id) && empty($id) || is_array($fid) && empty($fid)) {
         return 0;
     return DB::delete($this->_table, DB::field('id', $id) . ' AND ' . DB::field('fid', $fid));
Пример #16
 public function delete_by_appid_touid($appid, $touid)
     $touid = dintval($touid, true);
     $appid = dintval($appid, true);
     if ($touid && $appid) {
         return DB::delete($this->_table, DB::field('appid', $appid) . ' AND ' . DB::field('touid', $touid));
     return 0;
	public function fetch_all_by_id_idtype($id, $idtype) {
		$id = dintval($id, is_array($id) ? true : false);
		$parameter = array($this->_table, $id, $idtype);
		$wherearr = array();
		$wherearr[] = is_array($id) ? 'id IN(%n)' : 'id=%d';
		$wherearr[] = 'idtype=%s';
		$wheresql = ' WHERE '.implode(' AND ', $wherearr);
		return DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM %t $wheresql ", $parameter);
Пример #18
 public function delete_by_uid_fuid($uid, $fuid)
     $uid = dintval($uid, true);
     $fuid = dintval($fuid, true);
     if ($uid) {
         return DB::delete($this->_table, DB::field('uid', $uid) . ' AND ' . DB::field('fuid', $fuid));
     return 0;
 public function delete_by_cid_ctid($cids, $ctid = 0)
     if (!$cids) {
         return false;
     if ($ctid != 0) {
         $ctidsql = ' AND ctid=\'' . dintval($ctid) . '\'';
     return DB::query("DELETE FROM %t WHERE cid IN (%n) {$ctidsql}", array($this->_table, $cids));
 public function delete_expiration($ssid = 0)
     if ($ssid) {
         $ssid = dintval($ssid);
         DB::delete($this->_table, "ssid='{$ssid}'");
     DB::delete($this->_table, TIMESTAMP . "-dateline>600");
     DB::delete($this->_table, "verified>4");
     DB::delete($this->_table, "succeed>1");
Пример #21
 public function optimizer()
     $adminfile = defined(ADMINSCRIPT) ? ADMINSCRIPT : 'admin.php';
     if ($_GET['optimizefid']) {
         $url = '?action=forums&operation=edit&fid=' . dintval($_GET['optimizefid']);
     } else {
         $url = '?action=forums';
     dheader('Location: ' . $_G['siteurl'] . $adminfile . $url);
Пример #22
 public function delete($val, $unbuffered = false)
     if ($val = dintval($val, true)) {
         $this->_pre_cache_key = 'blockstylecache_';
         $this->_cache_ttl = getglobal('setting/memory/diyblock/ttl');
         $this->_allowmem = getglobal('setting/memory/diyblock/enable') && memory('check');
         return parent::delete($val, $unbuffered);
     return false;
Пример #23
 public function count_by_uid($uid)
     $uid = dintval($uid, is_array($uid) ? true : false);
     if (!empty($uid)) {
         $parameter = array($this->_table, $uid);
         $where = is_array($uid) ? 'uid IN(%n)' : 'uid=%d';
         return DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %t WHERE {$where}", $parameter);
     return 0;
Пример #24
 function variable($variables = array())
     global $_G;
     if (in_array('mobileoem', $_G['setting']['plugins']['available'])) {
         $check = C::t('#mobileoem#mobileoem_member')->fetch($_G['uid']);
     $globals = array('cookiepre' => $_G['config']['cookie']['cookiepre'], 'auth' => $_G['cookie']['auth'], 'saltkey' => $_G['cookie']['saltkey'], 'member_uid' => $_G['member']['uid'], 'member_username' => $_G['member']['username'], 'groupid' => $_G['groupid'], 'formhash' => FORMHASH, 'ismoderator' => $_G['forum']['ismoderator'], 'readaccess' => $_G['group']['readaccess'], 'notice' => array('newpush' => $check['newpush'] ? 1 : 0, 'newpm' => dintval($_G['member']['newpm']), 'newprompt' => dintval($_G['member']['newprompt'] - $_G['member']['category_num']['mypost'] >= 0 ? $_G['member']['newprompt'] - $_G['member']['category_num']['mypost'] : 0), 'newmypost' => dintval($_G['member']['category_num']['mypost'])));
     if (!empty($_GET['submodule']) == 'checkpost') {
         $apifile = 'source/plugin/mobile/api/' . $_GET['version'] . '/sub_checkpost.php';
         if (file_exists($apifile)) {
             require_once $apifile;
             $globals = $globals + mobile_api_sub::getvariable();
     $xml = array('Version' => $_GET['version'], 'Charset' => strtoupper($_G['charset']), 'Variables' => array_merge($globals, $variables));
     if (!empty($_G['messageparam'])) {
         $message_result = lang('plugin/mobile', $_G['messageparam'][0], $_G['messageparam'][2]);
         if ($message_result == $_G['messageparam'][0]) {
             $vars = explode(':', $_G['messageparam'][0]);
             if (count($vars) == 2) {
                 $message_result = lang('plugin/' . $vars[0], $vars[1], $_G['messageparam'][2]);
                 $_G['messageparam'][0] = $vars[1];
             } else {
                 $message_result = lang('message', $_G['messageparam'][0], $_G['messageparam'][2]);
         $message_result = strip_tags($message_result);
         if (defined('IS_WEBVIEW') && IS_WEBVIEW && in_array('mobileoem', $_G['setting']['plugins']['available'])) {
             include_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/mobileoem/discuzcode.func.php';
             include mobileoem_template('common/showmessage');
             if (!empty($_GET['debug'])) {
             $content = ob_get_contents();
             $xml['Variables']['datatype'] = -1;
             $xml['Variables']['webview_page'] = $content;
             return $xml;
         if ($_G['messageparam'][4]) {
             $_G['messageparam'][0] = "custom";
         if ($_G['messageparam'][3]['login'] && !$_G['uid']) {
             $_G['messageparam'][0] .= '//' . $_G['messageparam'][3]['login'];
         $xml['Message'] = array("messageval" => $_G['messageparam'][0], "messagestr" => $message_result);
         if ($_GET['mobilemessage']) {
             $return = mobile_core::json($xml);
             header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
             header("Location:discuz://" . rawurlencode($_G['messageparam'][0]) . "//" . rawurlencode(diconv($message_result, $_G['charset'], "utf-8")) . ($return ? "//" . rawurlencode($return) : ''));
     return $xml;
Пример #25
 public function delete($val, $unbuffered = false, $uid = 0)
     $val = dintval($val, is_array($val) ? true : false);
     if ($val) {
         if ($uid) {
             $uid = dintval($uid, is_array($uid) ? true : false);
         return DB::delete($this->_table, DB::field($this->_pk, $val) . ($uid ? ' AND ' . DB::field('uid', $uid) : ''), null, $unbuffered);
     return !$unbuffered ? 0 : false;
 public function insert_batch($inserts)
     $sql = array();
     foreach ($inserts as $value) {
         $value['aid'] = dintval($value['aid']);
         $sql[] = "('{$value['aid']}', '" . addslashes($value['content']) . "', '{$value['pageorder']}', '{$value['dateline']}', '{$value['id']}', '{$value['idtype']}')";
     if ($sql) {
         DB::query('INSERT INTO ' . DB::table($this->_table) . "(`aid`, `content`, `pageorder`, `dateline`, `id`, `idtype`) VALUES " . implode(', ', $sql));
Пример #27
 public function insert_batch($targettplname, $tpldirectory, $bids)
     if ($targettplname && ($bids = dintval($bids, true))) {
         $values = array();
         foreach ($bids as $bid) {
             if ($bid) {
                 $values[] = "('{$targettplname}','{$tpldirectory}', '{$bid}')";
         DB::query("INSERT INTO " . DB::table($this->_table) . " (targettplname, tpldirectory, bid) VALUES " . implode(',', $values));
 public function delete_by_uid($uid, $verifytype = null)
     if ($uid) {
         $addsql = '';
         if ($verifytype !== null) {
             $verifytype = dintval($verifytype, is_array($verifytype) ? true : false);
             $addsql = ' AND ' . DB::field('verifytype', $verifytype);
         return DB::fetch_first('DELETE FROM %t WHERE ' . (is_array($uid) ? 'uid IN(%n)' : 'uid=%d') . $addsql, array($this->_table, $uid));
     return false;
 public function fetch_all_by_rid($rid = 0)
     $parameter = array($this->_table);
     $wherearr = array();
     if ($rid) {
         $rid = dintval($rid, true);
         $parameter[] = $rid;
         $wherearr[] = is_array($rid) ? 'rid IN(%n)' : 'rid=%d';
     $wheresql = !empty($wherearr) && is_array($wherearr) ? ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $wherearr) : '';
     return DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM %t {$wheresql} ORDER BY rid DESC", $parameter, $this->_pk);
Пример #30
 public function insert_batch($inserts)
     $sql = array();
     foreach ($inserts as $value) {
         if ($value['aid'] = dintval($value['aid'])) {
             $sql[] = "('{$value['aid']}', '" . addslashes($value['content']) . "')";
     if ($sql) {
         DB::query('INSERT INTO ' . DB::table($this->_table) . "(`aid`, `content`) VALUES " . implode(', ', $sql));