Пример #1
    $do_auto_update = TRUE;
} else {
    $do_auto_update = FALSE;
    warn("<code>db/dist_files.txt</code> not found! (<a href='http://wiki.peopleaggregator.org/Error:_db/dist_files.txt_not_found' target='_blank'>help!</a>)<br>  This means that this is NOT an official installation package and auto-update WILL NOT WORK.<br>  If you are installing from Subversion rather than using an official download, ignore this warning.");
note("Install root (path prefix): {$path_prefix}");
// check for php5
$php_ver = phpversion();
note("Running on PHP " . $php_ver);
define("PA_MIN_PHP_VERSION", "5.1.4");
if (!version_compare($php_ver, PA_MIN_PHP_VERSION, ">=")) {
    $msg = 'PeopleAggregator requires PHP ' . PA_MIN_PHP_VERSION . ' or later (you are currently using version ' . $php_ver . ').';
    if (!version_compare($php_ver, "5.0", ">=")) {
        $msg .= '  <a href="http://wiki.peopleaggregator.org/PeopleAggregator_requires_PHP5">Click here for some information on getting PHP5 up and running on your web server</a>.';
// now we can include stuff that requires php5.
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/common.php';
// short_open_tag check
if (ini_get("short_open_tag")) {
    note("Short PHP open tags are enabled");
} else {
    fatal("Short PHP open tags are disabled; you must edit your <code>php.ini</code> file and change the line that says <code>short_open_tag = Off</code> to say <code>short_open_tag = On</code>");
// check for mysql
if (function_exists("mysql_connect")) {
    note("MySQL functions are available");
} else {
    fatal("MySQL functions are not available - you may have to compile the MySQL client into your PHP installation, or install a PHP MySQL package (e.g. <code>php5-mysql</code> on many Linux distributions)");
Пример #2
function install_peopleaggregator()
    global $path_prefix;

<h2>Detecting URLs</h2>

    // find base url (minus http:// suffix)
    if (!preg_match("|^(.*?)/config/index.php\$|", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], $m)) {
        dienow("Unable to find base URL");
    $base_url_bare = $m[1];
    // make sure the base url is valid
    if (!can_get_peepagg_txt("http://{$base_url_bare}/peopleaggregator.txt")) {
        dienow("Unable to guess base URL - I think it should be http://{$base_url_bare}/ but that URL does not seem to work.");
    note("Good: we can access the system at http://{$base_url_bare}/");
    // try stripping off the first url part (i.e. www.asdf -> asdf)
    $base_url_suffix = preg_replace("|^[^\\.]+\\.(.*)\$|", "\$1", $base_url_bare);
    $allow_spawning = FALSE;
    // check if it doesn't have any dots (e.g. http://colinux/web/config/)
    // - i.e. not suitable for sharing cookies over domains.
    if ($base_url_suffix == $base_url_bare) {
        note("Apparently running on an internal web server - not possible to run multiple networks.");
    } else {
        if (preg_match("|^\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+|", $base_url_bare)) {
            note("Running with an IP address rather than a domain name - not possible to run multiple networks.");
        } else {
            if (can_get_peepagg_txt("http://{$base_url_suffix}/peopleaggregator.txt")) {
                note("It looks like it is also accessible at <code>http://{$base_url_suffix}/</code>; trying <code>{$base_url_suffix}</code> as the root URL.");
            } else {
                note("It is not accessible at <code>http://{$base_url_suffix}/</code>; trying <code>{$base_url_bare}</code> as the root URL.");
                $base_url_suffix = $base_url_bare;
            if (can_get_peepagg_txt("http://some-random-domain.{$base_url_suffix}/peopleaggregator.txt")) {
                note("It looks like the server is set up to host <code>*.{$base_url_suffix}</code>, so network spawning is possible.");
                $allow_spawning = TRUE;
            } else {
                warn("Wildcard domains do not appear to be enabled (cannot access the root of this install at http://some_random_domain.{$base_url_suffix}/) so network spawning will be disabled.");
    global $base_url, $domain_suffix;
    if ($allow_spawning) {
        $base_url = "http://%network_name%.{$base_url_suffix}";
    } else {
        $base_url = "http://{$base_url_bare}";
    $domain_suffix = preg_replace("|/.*\$|", "", $base_url_suffix);
    // stash $base_url away as config.inc will modify it
    $base_url_config = $base_url;
    note("Base URL: <code>{$base_url}</code>" . ($domain_suffix ? "; domain suffix: <code>{$domain_suffix}</code>" : ""));


    $admin_password = get_default("admin_password", "");
    $admin_password2 = get_default("admin_password2", "");
    $mysql_server = get_default("mysql_server", "localhost");
    $mysql_dbname = get_default("mysql_dbname", "peopleaggregator");
    $mysql_username = get_default("mysql_username", "peopleaggregator");
    $mysql_password = get_default("mysql_password", "");
    $mysql_root_username = get_default("mysql_root_username", "root");
    $mysql_root_password = get_default("mysql_root_password", "");
    $home_network_config = str_replace("%network_name%", "www", $base_url) . "/config/";

<form method="POST" action="<?php 
    echo $home_network_config;
<div class="config">

<p>Some operations (upgrading, and content administration) require an administrator password for access.  Please enter an administrator password here.</p>

<div class="config_item"><label for="admin_password">Admin password</label>
 <input type="password" id="admin_password" name="admin_password" value="<?php 
    echo $admin_password;
    if (!$admin_password) {
        echo " &larr; must not be blank!";
<div class="config_item"><label for="admin_password">Repeat admin password</label>
 <input type="password" id="admin_password2" name="admin_password2" value="<?php 
    echo $admin_password2;
    if (!$admin_password2) {
        echo " &larr; must not be blank!";
    } else {
        if ($admin_password != $admin_password2) {
            echo " &larr; must be the same as above!";

<p>Enter your database details below.</p>

<div class="config_item"><label for="mysql_server">MySQL server</label>
 <input type="text" name="mysql_server" value="<?php 
    echo $mysql_server;
<div class="config_item"><label for="mysql_dbname">MySQL database name</label>
 <input type="text" name="mysql_dbname" value="<?php 
    echo $mysql_dbname;
<div class="config_item"><label for="mysql_username">MySQL username</label>
 <input type="text" name="mysql_username" value="<?php 
    echo $mysql_username;
<div class="config_item"><label for="mysql_password">MySQL password</label>
 <input type="password" name="mysql_password" value="<?php 
    echo $mysql_password;
    if (!$mysql_password) {
        echo " &larr; must not be blank!";

<p>If the database has not been created yet, you can enter your database administrator ("root") login details here to have it created automatically:</p>

<div class="config_item"><label for="mysql_root_username">Administrator username</label>
 <input type="text" name="mysql_root_username" value="<?php 
    echo $mysql_root_username;
<div class="config_item"><label for="mysql_root_password">Administrator password</label>
 <input type="password" name="mysql_root_password" value="<?php 
    echo $mysql_root_password;

<p><input type="submit" value="Set up PeopleAggregator"></p>

    // only exec the rest after someone clicks 'setup'
    if (!$_POST) {
    // wrap install process in exception handler so we can roll back
    $rollback_cmds = array();
    try {
<h2 id="check">Checking config details</h2>

        if (!$admin_password) {
            dienow("You must supply an admin password");
        if ($admin_password != $admin_password2) {
            dienow("Both admin paswords must be the same");
        if (!$mysql_password) {
            dienow("You may not use a blank password for the MySQL connection");
        $user_link = @mysql_connect($mysql_server, $mysql_username, $mysql_password);
        if ($user_link) {
            note("Able to connect to the MySQL server at {$mysql_server} with supplied login details.");
            // make sure the DB isn't already populated
            if (!mysql_select_db($mysql_dbname, $user_link)) {
                note("Database does not exist or is inaccessible");
                $user_link = FALSE;
            } else {
                $sth = run_query("SHOW TABLES", $user_link);
                if (mysql_num_rows($sth)) {
                    throw new Installation_Failure("The database {$mysql_dbname} already contains data.  Please wipe it out or recreate the database before installing PeopleAggregator.  If PeopleAggregator is already installed here, you will have to create your local_config.php file manually.");
        } else {
            note("Unable to connect to the MySQL server using the supplied login details");
        if (!$user_link) {
            note("Trying administrator login...");
            $admin_link = @mysql_connect($mysql_server, $mysql_root_username, $mysql_root_password);
            if (!$admin_link) {
                dienow("Unable to connect to the MySQL server with the supplied login details or as an administrator");
            note("Able to connect to the MySQL server with the supplied administrator login details - a new database will be created.");
            // make sure the db doesn't already exist
            if (mysql_select_db($mysql_dbname, $admin_link)) {
                throw new Installation_Failure("Database {$mysql_dbname} already exists");
            // create it
            $sql = "CREATE DATABASE " . db_esc($mysql_dbname);
            $rollback_cmds[] = array("sql", "DROP DATABASE " . db_esc($mysql_dbname), $admin_link);
            run_query($sql, $admin_link);
            // now grant permissions with successively looser hostnames until
            // we find one that lets the web server access the database.
            foreach (array("localhost", "localhost.localdomain", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], gethostbyname($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']), "%") as $server_host) {
                $sql = "GRANT ALL ON " . db_esc($mysql_dbname) . ".* TO " . db_esc($mysql_username) . "@" . db_esc($server_host) . " IDENTIFIED BY '" . mysql_real_escape_string($mysql_password) . "'";
                run_query($sql, $admin_link);
                if (($user_link = mysql_connect($mysql_server, $mysql_username, $mysql_password)) && mysql_select_db($mysql_dbname, $user_link)) {
                    note("Successfully logged in to new database using credentials from host {$server_host}");
            if (!$user_link) {
                throw new Installation_Failure("Failed to grant access credentials that would allow the web server to access the database.  Please try creating the database manually.");
        if (!$user_link) {
            throw new Installation_Failure("Something went wrong - we should have successfully connected to the DB by now");
        // set all local_config.php vars
        global $peepagg_dsn;
        $peepagg_dsn = "mysql://{$mysql_username}:{$mysql_password}@{$mysql_server}/{$mysql_dbname}";
        $logger_logFile = "{$path_prefix}/log/pa.log";
        $default_relation_id = 1;
        // now write out local_config.php
        $local_config_text = "<" . "?php\n\n// local_config.php: This file contains server-specific settings like\n// the database password, the base URL of this installation, and\n// debugging flags.  Anything in default_config.php can be overridden\n// here.\n\n// If you want to change project-specific things like the site name,\n// you can use project_config.php.\n\n// Global defaults, which are shared by all other PeopleAggregator\n// installations, are in default_config.php.\n\n// Database details.\n\$peepagg_dsn = \"{$peepagg_dsn}\";\n\n// URL to the root of the server.\n\$base_url = \"{$base_url_config}\";\n\n// Parent domain part of the URL.\n\$domain_suffix = \"{$domain_suffix}\";\n";
        if ($allow_spawning) {
            $local_config_text .= "\n// Network operation is enabled.  To disable, set \$_PA->enable_networks\n// to FALSE.  To disable network spawning without deactivating existing\n// networks, set \$_PA->enable_network_spawning to FALSE.\n";
        } else {
            $local_config_text .= "\n// Network operation disabled as wildcard domains are not configured.\n// Comment out the following line to enable network creation (after\n// configuring wildcard DNS, etc).\n\$_PA->enable_networks = FALSE;\n";
        $local_config_text .= "\n// Path to log file (you may wish to change this to /var/log/somewhere/pa.log).\n\$logger_logFile = \"\$path_prefix/log/pa.log\";\n\n// Administration password\n\$admin_password = \"{$admin_password}\";\n\n// When a new user registers on the site, they will automatically be marked as a friend of the user with this ID.\n// (The default is 1, so everyone will be a friend of the first user.)\n\$default_relation_id = {$default_relation_id};\n\n?" . ">\n";
        global $config_fn;
        note("Writing local_config.php");
        $rollback_cmds[] = array("delete", $config_fn);
        if (!file_put_contents($config_fn, $local_config_text)) {
            throw new Installation_Failure("Unable to write {$config_fn}");
        // define LOCAL_CONFIG_OVERRIDE to tell config.inc to load our new
        // temporary local_config.php rather than look for it in the global
        // location
        define("LOCAL_CONFIG_LOCATION_OVERRIDE", $config_fn);
        // now set up databases
        note("Initializing database ... ");
        run_query_file(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../db/PeepAgg.mysql", $user_link);
        note("Running database upgrade script and installing default module settings ... ");
        try {
            require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../update/run_scripts.php";
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            throw new Installation_Failure("Error updating database or installing default module settings: " . $e->getMessage());
        global $do_auto_update;
        if (!$do_auto_update) {
            note("Skipping auto-upgrade preparation as it is disabled for this installation.");
        } else {
            note("Preparing system for auto-upgradeability ... ");
            require_once "Subversion/PAStateStore.php";
            try {
                $store = new Subversion_PAStateStore($path_prefix);
                note("Subversion update root: <code>" . $store->get_repository_root() . "</code>; path: <code>" . $store->get_repository_path() . "</code>; revision: " . $store->get_revision());
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                throw new Installation_Failure("Error preparing auto-upgrade system: " . $e->getMessage());

<h2>All done!</h2>

<p class="good">Your database has been initialized and a <code>local_config.php</code> file has been written at <code><?php 
        echo $config_fn;
</code>.  To finish the installation, please move this file up into the parent of the 'web' directory, then <a href="../">click here</a>.</p>

<p>The following command will do this on Linux/UNIX:</p>

<p style="margin-left: 5em"><code>mv <?php 
        echo realpath($config_fn);
        echo $path_prefix;

        //throw new Installation_Failure("foo");
    } catch (Installation_Failure $e) {
        warn("Installation failed (" . $e->getMessage() . ") - undoing operations");
        foreach (array_reverse($rollback_cmds) as $cmd) {
            switch ($cmd[0]) {
                case 'sql':
                    list(, $sql, $link) = $cmd;
                    note("DB query: {$sql}");
                    mysql_query($sql, $link);
                case 'delete':
                    list(, $fn) = $cmd;
                    note("Delete: {$fn}");
                    warn("Unknown rollback command type: " . $cmd[0]);