Пример #1

include '../scat.php';
include '../lib/person.php';
$person_id = (int) $_REQUEST['person'];
$person = person_load($db, $person_id);
if (!$person) {
    die_jsonp('No such person.');
echo jsonp(array('person' => $person));
Пример #2

include '../scat.php';
include '../lib/txn.php';
$id = (int) $_REQUEST['txn'];
if (!$id) {
    die_jsonp("no transaction specified.");
if (!txn_apply_discounts($db, $id)) {
    die_jsonp("Unable to apply discounts.");
$txn = txn_load_full($db, $id);
echo jsonp($txn);
Пример #3

include '../scat.php';
include '../lib/txn.php';
$txn_id = (int) $_REQUEST['txn'];
$txn = txn_load($db, $txn_id);
if (!$txn['paid']) {
    die_jsonp("Can't return an order that hasn't been paid for!");
$q = "SELECT 1 + MAX(number) AS number FROM txn WHERE type = 'customer'";
$r = $db->query($q);
if (!$r) {
    die_query($db, $q);
$row = $r->fetch_assoc();
$q = "INSERT INTO txn\n        SET created= NOW(),\n            type = 'customer',\n            number = {$row['number']},\n            returned_from = {$txn_id},\n            tax_rate = " . DEFAULT_TAX_RATE;
$r = $db->query($q);
if (!$r) {
    die_query($db, $q);
$new_txn_id = $db->insert_id;
$q = "INSERT INTO txn_line (txn, item, ordered, allocated, override_name,\n                           retail_price, discount_type, discount, taxfree)\n     SELECT {$new_txn_id} AS txn,\n            item,\n            -ordered AS ordered,\n            -allocated AS allocated,\n            override_name,\n            retail_price, discount_type, discount,\n            taxfree\n       FROM txn_line WHERE txn = {$txn_id}";
$r = $db->query($q);
if (!$r) {
    die_query($db, $q);
echo jsonp(array('txn' => txn_load($db, $new_txn_id), 'items' => txn_load_items($db, $new_txn_id), 'payments' => array(), 'notes' => array()));
Пример #4
        $price = 'item.retail_price';
        $discount_manual = 0;
    } else {
        die_jsonp("Did not understand price.");
    $q = "UPDATE txn_line, item\n          SET txn_line.retail_price = {$price},\n              txn_line.discount_type = {$discount_type},\n              txn_line.discount = {$discount},\n              txn_line.discount_manual = {$discount_manual}\n        WHERE txn = {$txn_id} AND txn_line.id = {$id} AND txn_line.item = item.id";
    $r = $db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
if (!empty($_REQUEST['quantity'])) {
    /* special case: #/# lets us split line with two quantities */
    if (preg_match('!^(\\d+)/(\\d+)$!', $_REQUEST['quantity'], $m)) {
        $quantity = (int) $m[2] * ($txn['type'] == 'customer' ? -1 : 1);
        $q = "INSERT INTO txn_line (txn, item, ordered, override_name,\n                               retail_price, discount_type, discount,\n                               discount_manual, taxfree)\n         SELECT txn, item, {$quantity}, override_name,\n                retail_price, discount_type, discount, discount_manual, taxfree\n           FROM txn_line WHERE txn = {$txn_id} AND txn_line.id = {$id}";
        $r = $db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
        $quantity = (int) $m[1];
    } else {
        $quantity = (int) $_REQUEST['quantity'];
    $q = "UPDATE txn_line\n          SET ordered = -1 * {$quantity}\n        WHERE txn = {$txn_id} AND txn_line.id = {$id}";
    $r = $db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
if (isset($_REQUEST['name'])) {
    $name = $db->real_escape_string($_REQUEST['name']);
    $q = "UPDATE txn_line\n          SET override_name = IF('{$name}' = '', NULL, '{$name}')\n        WHERE txn = {$txn_id} AND txn_line.id = {$id}";
    $r = $db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
txn_apply_discounts($db, $txn_id) or die_jsonp("Failed to apply discounts.");
$db->commit() or die_query($db, "COMMIT");
$items = txn_load_items($db, $txn_id);
$txn = txn_load($db, $txn_id);
echo jsonp(array('txn' => $txn, 'items' => $items));
Пример #5

include '../scat.php';
include '../lib/item.php';
$item_id = (int) $_REQUEST['item'];
$item = item_load($db, $item_id);
if (!$item) {
    die_jsonp('No such item.');
if (!$_REQUEST['code']) {
    die_jsonp('No barcode.');
$quantity = (int) $_REQUEST['quantity'];
if (!$quantity) {
    $quantity = 1;
$code = $db->escape($_REQUEST['code']);
$q = "INSERT INTO barcode\n        SET item = {$item_id}, code = '{$code}', quantity = {$quantity}\n         ON DUPLICATE KEY\n     UPDATE quantity = VALUES(quantity)";
$db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
$item = item_load($db, $item_id);
echo jsonp(array('item' => $item));
Пример #6

include '../scat.php';
include '../lib/eps-express.php';
$person = (int) $_REQUEST['person'];
$payment_account_id = $_REQUEST['payment_account_id'];
if (!$person) {
    die_jsonp("Person was not specified.");
$ReturnURL = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? "https://" : "http://") . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '/cc-attach-finish.php';
$eps = new EPS_Express();
if ($payment_account_id) {
    $response = $eps->PaymentAccountUpdateHosted($person, $payment_account_id, $ReturnURL);
} else {
    $response = $eps->PaymentAccountCreateHosted($person, $ReturnURL);
$payment = $db->escape($response->Transaction->TransactionSetupID);
$valid = $db->escape($response->TransactionSetup->ValidationCode);
$q = "INSERT INTO hostedpayment_txn\n        SET txn = {$person},\n            hostedpayment = '{$payment}',\n            validationcode = '{$valid}',\n            created = NOW()";
$db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
$url = "https://certtransaction.hostedpayments.com/?TransactionSetupID=" . $response->Transaction->TransactionSetupID;
echo jsonp(array('url' => $url, 'response' => $response));
Пример #7

include '../scat.php';
include '../lib/txn.php';
include '../lib/eps-express.php';
$id = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
$amount = $_REQUEST['amount'];
$partial = (int) $_REQUEST['partial'];
if (!$id || !$amount) {
    die_jsonp("Either transaction or amount was not specified.");
$txn = new Transaction($db, $id);
if (!$txn->canPay('credit', $amount)) {
    die_jsonp("Amount is too much.");
$ReturnURL = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? "https://" : "http://") . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '/cc-paid.php';
$eps = new EPS_Express();
$response = $eps->CreditCardSaleHosted($id, $amount, $partial, $ReturnURL);
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response);
$payment = $db->escape($xml->Response->Transaction->TransactionSetupID);
$valid = $db->escape($xml->Response->TransactionSetup->ValidationCode);
$q = "INSERT INTO hostedpayment_txn\n        SET txn = {$id},\n            hostedpayment = '{$payment}',\n            validationcode = '{$valid}',\n            created = NOW()";
$db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
$url = "https://certtransaction.hostedpayments.com/?TransactionSetupID=" . $xml->Response->Transaction->TransactionSetupID;
$dom = dom_import_simplexml($xml);
$dom->ownerDocument->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$dom->ownerDocument->formatOutput = true;
echo jsonp(array('url' => $url, 'xml' => $dom->ownerDocument->saveXML()));
Пример #8
include '../scat.php';
include '../lib/txn.php';
include '../lib/pole.php';
$id = (int) $_REQUEST['txn'];
if (!$id) {
    die_jsonp("no transaction specified.");
$txn = txn_load($db, $id);
if ($txn['paid']) {
    die_jsonp("This order is already paid!");
$line = (int) $_REQUEST['line'];
if ($line) {
    $q = "UPDATE txn_line SET allocated = ordered WHERE txn = {$id} AND id = {$line}";
    $r = $db->query($q) or die_jsonp($db->error);
    $lines = $db->affected_rows;
} else {
    $q = "UPDATE txn_line SET allocated = ordered WHERE txn = {$id}";
    $r = $db->query($q) or die_jsonp($db->error);
    $lines = $db->affected_rows;
    if ($lines || !$txn['filled']) {
        $q = "UPDATE txn SET filled = NOW() WHERE id = {$id}";
        $r = $db->query($q) or die_jsonp($db->error);
$txn = txn_load($db, $id);
if ($txn['total']) {
    pole_display_price('Total Due', $txn['total']);
echo jsonp(array("success" => "Allocated all lines.", "txn" => $txn, "lines" => $lines, "items" => txn_load_items($db, $id)));
Пример #9

include '../scat.php';
$name = $_REQUEST['name'];
$company = $_REQUEST['company'];
if (empty($name) && empty($company)) {
    die_jsonp("You need to supply at least a name or company.");
if ($name) {
    $q = "SELECT id\n         FROM person\n        WHERE name = '" . $db->escape($name) . "'";
    $r = $db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
    if ($r->num_rows) {
        die_jsonp("Someone by that name already exists.");
$list = array();
foreach (array('name', 'company', 'address', 'email', 'phone', 'tax_id') as $field) {
    $list[] = "{$field} = '" . $db->real_escape_string($_REQUEST[$field]) . "', ";
$fields = join('', $list);
// add payment record
$q = "INSERT INTO person\n        SET {$fields}\n        active = 1";
$r = $db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
echo jsonp(array('person' => $db->insert_id));
Пример #10

include '../scat.php';
include '../lib/txn.php';
include '../lib/item.php';
$txn_id = (int) $_REQUEST['txn'];
if ($txn_id) {
    $txn = txn_load($db, $txn_id);
    if ($txn['paid']) {
        die_jsonp("This order is already paid!");
foreach ($_REQUEST['items'] as $item => $qty) {
    $q = "INSERT INTO txn_line (txn, item, ordered, retail_price, taxfree)\n       SELECT {$txn_id} AS txn, {$item} AS item, {$qty} AS ordered,\n              (SELECT net_price\n                 FROM vendor_item\n                WHERE item = {$item} AND vendor = {$txn['person']}), taxfree\n         FROM item WHERE id = {$item}";
    $r = $db->query($q);
    if (!$r) {
        die_query($db, $q);
$txn = txn_load($db, $txn_id);
$items = txn_load_items($db, $txn_id);
echo jsonp(array('txn' => $txn, 'items' => $items));
Пример #11

include '../scat.php';
include '../lib/txn.php';
$id = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
if (!$id) {
    die_jsonp("No transaction specified.");
$note = $_REQUEST['note'];
if (!$note) {
    die_jsonp("No note given.");
$note = $db->escape($note);
$q = "INSERT INTO txn_note SET entered = NOW(), txn = {$id}, content = '{$note}'";
$db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
echo jsonp(array('txn' => txn_load($db, $id), 'notes' => txn_load_notes($db, $id)));
Пример #12
function die_query($db, $query)
    die_jsonp(array('error' => 'Query failed.', 'explain' => $db->error, 'query' => $query));
Пример #13
$db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
# Make sure we have all the items
$q = "INSERT IGNORE INTO item (code, brand, name, retail_price, active)\n     SELECT item_no AS code,\n            {$new_item} AS brand,\n            description AS name,\n            msrp AS retail_price,\n            1 AS active\n       FROM vendor_order\n      WHERE msrp > 0 AND IFNULL(unit,'') != 'AS'";
$db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
echo "Loaded ", $db->affected_rows, " items from order.<br>";
# Make sure all the items are active and update order with item ids
$q = "UPDATE item, vendor_order\n        SET item.active = 1,\n            vendor_order.item = item.id\n      WHERE item_no = code";
$db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
echo "Activated ", $db->affected_rows, " items from order.<br>";
# Make sure we know all the barcodes
$q = "INSERT IGNORE INTO barcode (item, code, quantity)\n     SELECT (SELECT id FROM item WHERE item_no = code) AS item,\n            REPLACE(REPLACE(barcode, 'E-', ''), 'U-', '') AS code,\n            1 AS quantity\n      FROM vendor_order\n     WHERE barcode != ''";
$db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
echo "Loaded ", $db->affected_rows, " new barcodes from order.<br>";
# Link items to vendor items
$q = "UPDATE vendor_item, vendor_order\n        SET vendor_item.item = vendor_order.item\n      WHERE vendor_item.code = vendor_order.item_no";
$db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
echo "Linked ", $db->affected_rows, " items to vendor items.<br>";
# Add items to order
$q = "INSERT INTO txn_line (txn, item, ordered, allocated, retail_price)\n     SELECT {$txn_id} txn, item,\n            ordered, shipped, net\n       FROM vendor_order\n      WHERE (shipped OR backordered) AND item IS NOT NULL";
$db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
echo "Loaded ", $db->affected_rows, " rows into purchase order.<br>";
$db->commit() or die_jsonp($db->error);
$q = "SELECT CAST((SUM(shipped) / SUM(ordered)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(9,1))\n       FROM vendor_order";
$item_rate = $db->get_one($q);
$q = "SELECT CAST((SUM(shipped > 0) / SUM(ordered > 0)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(9,1))\n       FROM vendor_order";
$sku_rate = $db->get_one($q);
echo "Fill rate by item: {$item_rate}%, by SKU: {$sku_rate}%.";
$out = ob_get_contents();
$db->query("INSERT INTO txn_note\n               SET txn = {$txn_id},\n                   entered = NOW(),\n                   content = '" . $db->escape($out) . "'") or die_jsonp($db->error);
echo jsonp(array("result" => $out));
Пример #14

include '../scat.php';
include '../lib/txn.php';
$txn_id = (int) $_REQUEST['txn'];
if (!$txn_id) {
    die_jsonp("No transaction specified.");
$txn = txn_load($db, $txn_id);
$person = (int) $_REQUEST['person'];
if (!$person) {
    die_jsonp("No person specified.");
$q = "SELECT id FROM person WHERE id = {$person}";
$r = $db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
if (!$r->num_rows) {
    die_jsonp("No such person.");
$q = "UPDATE txn SET person = {$person} WHERE id = {$txn_id}";
$r = $db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
$txn = txn_load($db, $txn_id);
$person = person_load($db, $person);
echo jsonp(array("success" => "Updated person.", "txn" => $txn, "person" => $person));
Пример #15
    $discount = preg_replace('/^\\$/', '', $_REQUEST['discount']);
    $discount = $db->real_escape_string($discount);
    if (preg_match('/^(\\d*)(\\/|%)( off)?$/', $discount, $m)) {
        $discount = (double) $m[1];
        $discount_type = "'percentage'";
    } elseif (preg_match('/^(\\d*\\.?\\d*)$/', $discount, $m)) {
        $discount = (double) $m[1];
        $discount_type = "'fixed'";
    } elseif (preg_match('/^\\$?(\\d*\\.?\\d*)( off)?$/', $discount, $m)) {
        $discount = (double) $m[1];
        $discount_type = "'relative'";
    } elseif (preg_match('/^(def|\\.\\.\\.)$/', $discount)) {
        $discount = 'NULL';
        $discount_type = 'NULL';
    } else {
        die_jsonp("Did not understand discount.");
    $q = "UPDATE item\n          SET \n              discount_type = {$discount_type},\n              discount = {$discount} \n        WHERE id = {$item_id}";
    $r = $db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
if (isset($_REQUEST['minimum_quantity'])) {
    $minimum_quantity = (int) $_REQUEST['minimum_quantity'];
    $q = "UPDATE item\n          SET minimum_quantity = {$minimum_quantity}\n        WHERE id = {$item_id}";
    $r = $db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
if (isset($_REQUEST['active'])) {
    $active = (int) $_REQUEST['active'];
    $q = "UPDATE item\n          SET active = {$active}\n        WHERE id = {$item_id}";
    $r = $db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
if (isset($_REQUEST['stock'])) {
Пример #16

require '../scat.php';
$vendor_id = (int) $_REQUEST['vendor'];
if (!$vendor_id) {
    die_jsonp("No vendor specified.");
$fn = $_FILES['src']['tmp_name'];
if (!$fn) {
    die_jsonp("No file uploaded");
$file = fopen($fn, 'r');
$line = fgets($file);
if (preg_match('/MACITEM.*\\.zip$/i', $_FILES['src']['name'])) {
    $q = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE macitem (\n    item_no VARCHAR(32),\n    sku VARCHAR(10),\n    name VARCHAR(255),\n    retail_price DECIMAL(9,2),\n    net_price DECIMAL(9,2),\n    promo_price DECIMAL(9,2),\n    pending_msrp DECIMAL(9,2),\n    pending_date VARCHAR(32),\n    pending_net DECIMAL(9,2),\n    barcode VARCHAR(32),\n    purchase_quantity INT,\n    category VARCHAR(64))";
    $db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
    $base = basename($_FILES['src']['name'], '.zip');
    $q = "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'zip://{$fn}#{$base}.txt'\n            INTO TABLE macitem\n          FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t'\n          IGNORE 1 LINES\n          (@changed, @change_date, item_no, sku, name, @unit_of_sale,\n           retail_price, net_price, @customer, @product_code_type,\n           barcode, @reno, @elgin, @atl, @catalog_code,\n           @purchase_unit, purchase_quantity,\n           @customer_item_no, pending_msrp, pending_date, pending_net,\n           promo_price, @promo_name,\n           @abc_flag, @vendor, @group_code, category)";
    $r = $db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
} elseif (preg_match('/\\.zip$/i', $_FILES['src']['name'])) {
    /* Update pricing from Mac */
    $q = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE macitem (\n    item_no VARCHAR(32),\n    sku VARCHAR(10),\n    name VARCHAR(255),\n    retail_price DECIMAL(9,2),\n    promo_price DECIMAL(9,2),\n    PRIMARY KEY (item_no))";
    $db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
    $base = basename($_FILES['src']['name'], '.zip');
    $q = "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'zip://{$fn}#{$base}.txt'\n            INTO TABLE macitem\n          FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t'\n          IGNORE 1 LINES\n          (item_no, sku, name, @retail_price, @unit,\n           @reno, @atlanta,\n           @minimum_qty, @sale_discount_pct, @cost_factor, @promo_price)\n          SET retail_price = SUBSTRING(@retail_price, 2),\n              promo_price = SUBSTRING(@promo_price, 2)";
    $r = $db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
    // Find by barcode
    $q = "UPDATE vendor_item, macitem\n          SET vendor_item.promo_price = macitem.promo_price\n        WHERE vendor = {$vendor_id} AND vendor_item.code = macitem.item_no\n          AND macitem.promo_price";
    $r = $db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
Пример #17

include '../scat.php';
include '../lib/item.php';
$code = $_REQUEST['code'];
$name = $_REQUEST['name'];
$msrp = $_REQUEST['retail_price'];
if (!$code) {
    die_jsonp('Must specify a code.');
if (!$name) {
    die_jsonp('Must specify a name.');
if (!$msrp) {
    die_jsonp('Must specify a price.');
$code = $db->escape($code);
$name = $db->escape($name);
$msrp = $db->escape($msrp);
$brand = $db->get_one("SELECT id FROM brand WHERE name = 'New Item'");
$q = "INSERT INTO item\n        SET code = '{$code}', name = '{$name}', retail_price = '{$msrp}',\n            brand = {$brand},\n            taxfree = 0, minimum_quantity = 1, active = 1";
$r = $db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
$item_id = $db->insert_id;
if ($_REQUEST['barcode']) {
    $bar = $db->escape($_REQUEST['barcode']);
    $q = "INSERT INTO barcode SET code = '{$bar}', item = {$item_id}, quantity = 1";
    $r = $db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
/* Link to vendor items */
$q = "UPDATE vendor_item\n        SET vendor_item.item = {$item_id}\n      WHERE vendor_item.code = '{$code}'";
$db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
Пример #18

include '../scat.php';
include '../lib/txn.php';
$txn_id = (int) $_REQUEST['txn'];
$id = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
$admin = (int) $_REQUEST['admin'];
if (!$txn_id || !$id) {
    die_jsonp("No transaction or payment specified.");
$txn = new Transaction($db, $txn_id);
try {
    $txn->removePayment($id, $admin);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo jsonp(array('txn' => txn_load($db, $txn_id), 'payments' => txn_load_payments($db, $txn_id)));
Пример #19

include '../scat.php';
include '../lib/txn.php';
$id = (int) $_REQUEST['txn'];
if (!$id) {
    die_jsonp("No transaction specified.");
$txn = new Transaction($db, $id);
if (!$txn) {
    die_jsonp("No such transaction..");
if ($txn->hasPayments()) {
    die_jsonp("Can't delete transaction with payments.");
if ($txn->hasItems()) {
    die_jsonp("Can't delete transaction with items.");
$q = "DELETE FROM txn WHERE id = {$id}";
$r = $db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
echo jsonp(array('message' => 'Transaction deleted.'));
Пример #20

include '../scat.php';
include '../lib/txn.php';
$id = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
$type = $_REQUEST['type'];
$number = (int) $_REQUEST['number'];
if (!$id && $type) {
    $q = "SELECT id FROM txn\n        WHERE type = '" . $db->real_escape_string($type) . "'\n          AND number = {$number}";
    $r = $db->query($q);
    if (!$r->num_rows) {
        die_jsonp("No such transaction.");
    $row = $r->fetch_row();
    $id = $row[0];
if (!$id) {
    die_jsonp("No transaction specified.");
echo jsonp(txn_load_full($db, $id));
Пример #21

include '../scat.php';
include '../lib/txn.php';
$details = array();
$txn_id = (int) $_REQUEST['txn'];
$id = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
if (!$txn_id || !$id) {
    die_jsonp('No transaction or item specified');
$txn = txn_load($db, $txn_id);
if ($txn['paid']) {
    die_jsonp("This order is already paid!");
$q = "DELETE FROM txn_line WHERE txn = {$txn_id} AND id = {$id}";
$r = $db->query($q);
if (!$r) {
    die_query($db, $q);
if (!$db->affected_rows) {
    die_jsonp("Unable to delete line.");
// XXX error handling
txn_apply_discounts($db, $txn_id);
$txn = txn_load_full($db, $txn_id);
$txn['removed'] = $id;
echo jsonp($txn);
Пример #22

include '../scat.php';
include '../lib/item.php';
$id = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
$code = $_REQUEST['code'];
if (!$id && $code) {
    $code = $db->escape($code);
    $q = "SELECT id FROM item WHERE code = '{$code}'";
    $id = $db->get_one($q);
if (!$id) {
    die_jsonp("No item specified.");
$item = item_load($db, $id);
echo jsonp(array('item' => $item));
Пример #23

include '../scat.php';
include '../lib/person.php';
include '../lib/eps-express.php';
$person_id = (int) $_REQUEST['person'];
$person = $person_id ? person_load($db, $person_id) : false;
if (!$person_id || !$person || !$person['payment_account_id']) {
    die_jsonp("No person specified or no card stored for person.");
$eps = new EPS_Express();
$response = $eps->PaymentAccountDelete($person['payment_account_id']);
if ($response->ExpressResponseCode != 0) {
    die_jsonp((string) $response->ExpressResponseMessage);
// remove payment account info from person
$q = "UPDATE person\n        SET payment_account_id = NULL\n      WHERE id = {$person_id}";
$r = $db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
echo jsonp(array('person' => person_load($db, $person_id), 'response' => $response));