function doSalesDiv($anID, $aRow) { print "<div id='" . $anID . "' class='ui-widget tooltip' style='color: darkgreen;'>\n"; print "<div class='tooltip-bg'><img src='images/hover.png' width='100%' height='100%' alt='' title=''/></div>\n"; print "<center>Recent Sales</center><br />\n"; if (trim($aRow['SalesCount']) > 0) { $querys = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM salesview " . "WHERE (PARID = '" . trim($aRow['PARID']) . "') AND (SALEDT <> '') ORDER BY SALEDT desc LIMIT 6) as tbl ORDER BY tbl.SALEDT"; //print $querys; $results = mysql_query($querys); if (!$results) { dieMsg($homeframe, "Error in Querys: " . mysql_error() . " ..."); } while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($results)) { if ($rows['INSTRTYP'] == 'TD') { echo "(Foreclosure) "; } print "\$" . number_format(trim($rows['PRICE']), 2, ".", ",") . " " . trim(date("m/d/Y", strtotime($rows['SALEDT']))) . "<br />\n"; } } print "<br /></div>\n"; }
function dm($var) { if (is_user_logged_in()) { dieMsg($var); } }
} $qscoretarg = $qscoretarg + substr_count($qaddress, " "); if ($qaddress != "") { $qaddress = "(MATCH (ADDRESS) AGAINST (\"" . trim($qaddress) . "\" IN BOOLEAN MODE))"; } else { $qaddress = '1'; } $qlname = "(1=1)"; if (trim($lname) != '') { $qlname = "(OWN1 like '" . trim($lname) . "%')"; } $query = " SELECT *, " . $qaddress . " as SCORE FROM propview " . "WHERE (" . $qaddress . " > " . $qscoretarg . ") AND " . $qparcelid . " AND " . $qlname . $anOrder . " LIMIT 0, 100"; //print $query; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { dieMsg($homeframe, "Error in Query: " . mysql_error() . " ..."); } // start over print "<div class='info-msg'><a style='text-decoration: none;' href='" . $homeframe . "' target='_parent'><span id='home_button' alt='Start Over' title='Start Over' style='cursor: pointer;'><img src='images/ca_icon_startover.gif' style='vertical-align: middle; border: 0;'/> Start Over</span></a></div>\n"; print "<table class='ui-widget property-compare' width='100%'>\n"; print "<thead class='ui-widget-header property-compare'>\n"; print "<tr><th colspan='6'>Click a Parcel ID for More Information and Comparisons</th></tr>\n"; print "<tr><th>Owner</th><th>Parcel</th><th>2009 Appraisal</th><th>Address</th><th>City</th><th>Zip</th></tr>\n"; print "</thead>\n<tbody class='ui-widget-content property-compare'>\n"; if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { print "<tr><td>(No Parcels Found)</td></tr>\n"; } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $ownstring = trim($row['OWN1']); if (trim($row['OWN2']) != '') { $ownstring = trim($row['OWN1']) . " " . trim($row['OWN2']);