Пример #1
 * @package Deyan
 * @author Angel Gabriel
 * @web http://angelgabriel.tk
 * @mail angel.wrt@gmail.com
 * @view panel/modules/login_menu/content
 * This file holds the login form of the panel

$login_url = elgg_get_site_url();
if (elgg_get_config('https_login')) {
	$login_url = str_replace("http", "https", elgg_get_site_url());

$body = elgg_view_form('login', array('action' => "{$login_url}action/login"), array('returntoreferer' => TRUE));

echo deyan_view_panel_module('login-menu', $body, 'small', deyan_view_icon('user-alt', 32));
Пример #2
 * @package Deyan
 * @author Angel Gabriel
 * @web http://angelgabriel.tk
 * @mail angel.wrt@gmail.com
 * @view panel/modules/messages/content
 * This file echo the link to messages and count unread messages.
 $icon = deyan_view_icon('mail', 32); 
$num_messages = (int)messages_count_unread();
		if ($num_messages != 0) {
			$icon .= "<span class=\"messages-new\">$num_messages</span>";
			$messages = deyan_get_unread_messages();
			$body_vars = array(
				'folder' => 'inbox',
				'list' => $messages,
			$content = elgg_view_form('messages/process', array(), $body_vars);
			echo deyan_view_panel_module('messages', $content, 'small', $icon);
		else {
		echo deyan_view_panel_link('messages/inbox/' . elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity()->username, $icon);

Пример #3
 * @package Deyan
 * @author Angel Gabriel
 * @web http://angelgabriel.tk
 * @mail angel.wrt@gmail.com
 * @view panel/modules/start_menu/content
 * This file shows the main menu

$content = elgg_view_menu('start', array('sort_by' => 'priority'));
$content .= "<div class=\"clearfloat\"></div>";

echo deyan_view_panel_module('start-menu', $content, 'full', deyan_view_icon('apps', 32));
Пример #4
 * @package Deyan
 * @author Angel Gabriel
 * @web http://angelgabriel.tk
 * @mail angel.wrt@gmail.com
 * @view panel/modules/user_menu/content
 * This file shows the user's menu
$user = elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity();
$icon_url = $user->getIconURL('small');
$icon = deyan_view_icon('user-alt', 32);
if(elgg_get_plugin_user_setting('avatar_panel', $user->guid, 'deyan')) {
	$icon = "<img src=\"$icon_url\" class=\"deyan-panel-avatar\"/>";
echo deyan_view_panel_module('user-menu', elgg_view_menu('user', array('sort_by' => 'priority')), 'small', $icon);
