public function deleteComment($commentId = -1) { $response['signed'] = false; $response['succeeded'] = false; if (isset($_SESSION["user_id"]) && strlen(trim($_SESSION["user_id"])) > 0 && $commentId != -1) { $response['signed'] = true; deleteComment($commentId); $response['succeeded'] = true; } echo json_encode($response); }
function commentCon($id, $action) { switch ($action) { case '1': deleteComment($id); break; case '2': cancleInformComment($id); default: break; } }
function admin_plugin_comments_run(&$loq) { // Again, the plugin API needs work. $commentAmount = 50; if (isset($_POST['commentsQuantity'])) { if ($_POST['commentsQuantity'] == 'ALL') { $commentAmount = 'ALL'; } else { $commentAmount = intval($_POST['commentsQuantity']); } } $commentAmount = isset($_POST['commentsQuantity']) ? intval($_POST['commentsQuantity']) : 50; $articles = null; if (isset($_POST['commentsPosts'])) { $articles = $_POST['commentsPosts'] === 'All' ? null : intval($_POST['commentsPosts']); } $commentdo = isset($_POST['commentdo']) ? strtolower($_POST['commentdo']) : ''; if ($commentdo == '') { $commentdo = isset($_GET['commentdo']) ? strtolower($_GET['commentdo']) : ''; } switch ($commentdo) { case "delete": // delete comments if (is_array($_POST['commentid'])) { foreach ($_POST['commentid'] as $key => $val) { deleteComment($loq, $val, $_POST['postid'][$val]); } } break; case "edit": $commentid = intval($_GET['editComment']); $postid = intval($_GET['postid']); editComment($loq, $commentid, $postid); break; case "editsave": saveEdit($loq); break; case "approve": if (is_array($_POST['commentid'])) { foreach ($_POST['commentid'] as $key => $val) { $loq->_adb->Execute("UPDATE " . T_COMMENTS . " SET onhold='0' WHERE commentid='" . intval($val) . "'"); } } break; case "filter": default: // show form break; } retrieveComments($loq, $commentAmount, $articles); populateSelectList($loq); }
/** * Main function of plugin * * @param object $bBlog Instance of bBlog object * @return void * */ function admin_plugin_comments_run(&$bBlog) { // Again, the plugin API needs work. $commentAmount = 50; if (isset($_GET['commentdo'])) { $commentdo = $_GET['commentdo']; } elseif (isset($_POST['commentdo'])) { $commentdo = $_POST['commentdo']; } else { $commentdo = ""; } switch ($commentdo) { case "Delete": // delete comments if (is_array($_POST['commentid'])) { foreach ($_POST['commentid'] as $key => $val) { deleteComment(&$bBlog, $val); } } break; case "Edit": $commentid = intval($_GET['editComment']); $postid = intval($_GET['postid']); editComment(&$bBlog, $commentid, $postid); break; case "editsave": saveEdit(&$bBlog); break; case "Approve": if (is_array($_POST['commentid'])) { foreach ($_POST['commentid'] as $key => $val) { $bBlog->query("UPDATE " . T_COMMENTS . " SET onhold='0' WHERE commentid='" . intval($val) . "'"); } } break; case "25": case "50": case "100": case "150": case "200": $commentAmount = intval($commentdo); break; default: // show form break; } retrieveComments(&$bBlog, $commentAmount); populateSelectList(&$bBlog); }
<?php include "../util/DbUtil.php"; session_start(); $commentid = $_POST['commentid']; $response = ""; $db_conn = getConnectedDb(); if (is_null($db_conn)) { $response = "Error connecting to database. Try again later."; } elseif (!deleteComment($db_conn, $commentid)) { $response = "Comment unable to be deleted for unknown reason."; } else { $response = "success"; } echo $response;
define('__TEXTCUBE_MOBILE__', true); if (empty($suri['id'])) { $IV = array('POST' => array('replyId' => array('id'), 'password' => array('string', 'mandatory' => false))); } require ROOT . '/library/preprocessor.php'; requireView('mobileView'); requireStrictRoute(); if (empty($suri['id'])) { list($entryId) = getCommentAttributes($blogid, $_POST['replyId'], 'entry'); if (deleteComment($blogid, $_POST['replyId'], $entryId, isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : '') === false) { printMobileErrorPage(_text('댓글을 삭제할 수 없습니다.'), _text('비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다.'), $context->getProperty('') . "/comment/delete/{$_POST['replyId']}"); exit; } } else { list($entryId) = getCommentAttributes($blogid, $suri['id'], 'entry'); if (deleteComment($blogid, $suri['id'], $entryId, '') === false) { printMobileErrorPage(_t('댓글을 삭제할 수 없습니다'), _t('관리자가 아닙니다'), $context->getProperty('') . "/comment/delete/{$suri['id']}"); exit; } } list($entries, $paging) = getEntryWithPaging($blogid, $entryId); $entry = $entries ? $entries[0] : null; printMobileHtmlHeader(); ?> <div id="content"> <h2><?php echo _t('댓글이 삭제됐습니다'); ?> </h2> </div> <?php
} $responce['content'] = $content; } else { $responce['result'] = ''; } echo json_encode($responce); break; case 'report-project': require_once DIR_APP . 'projects.php'; reportProject($_POST['project_id'], $_POST['copyright'], $_POST['spam'], $_POST['violent'], $_POST['abusive'], $_POST['impersonation'], $_POST['harassment']); $responce['result'] = 'OK'; echo json_encode($responce); break; case 'delete-comment': require_once DIR_APP . 'projects.php'; deleteComment($_POST['comment_id']); $responce['result'] = 'OK'; echo json_encode($responce); break; case 'delete-idea-comment': require_once DIR_APP . 'projects.php'; deleteIdeaComment($_POST['comment_id']); minusInteraction($_POST['ideathread_id']); $responce['result'] = 'OK'; echo json_encode($responce); break; case 'delete-idea': require_once DIR_APP . 'projects.php'; deleteIdea($_POST['ideathread_id']); $response['result'] = 'OK'; echo json_encode($response);
/* ** Controls all User-specific functionalities ** E.g Create user, Delete user, Edit user, Search user, Logout user */ include "config.php"; session_start(); //get action var: action|'' $action = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : ""; //controls what to show in the front page switch ($action) { case 'addComment': addComment(); break; case 'deleteComment': deleteComment(); break; case 'editComment': editComment(); break; default: homepage(); } function addComment() { $comment = new Comment(); $comment->storeFormValues($_POST); $comment->insertComment(); } function deleteComment() {
if ($act === 'signup') { $msg = signup(); } elseif ($act === 'login') { $msg = login(); } elseif ($act === 'logout') { $msg = logout(); } elseif ($act === 'post') { $msg = post(); } elseif ($act === 'deletePost') { $msg = deletePost(); } elseif ($act === 'likePost') { $msg = likePost(); } elseif ($act === 'commentPost') { $msg = commentPost(); } elseif ($act === 'deleteComment') { $msg = deleteComment(); } elseif ($act === 'changeInfo') { $msg = changeInfo(); } elseif ($act === 'readNotify') { $msg = readNotify(); } elseif ($act === 'markAllRead') { $msg = markAllRead(); } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="description" content=""> <meta name="keywords" content=""> <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0" name="viewport">
} if (isset($_POST['reply'])) { print replyComment(); } if (isset($_POST['profile_pic'])) { print changeProfilePic(); } if (isset($_POST['changeInfo'])) { print changeInfo(); } if (isset($_POST['del_user'])) { deleteUser(); } if (isset($_POST['del_post'])) { print deletePost(); } if (isset($_POST['del_comment'])) { print deleteComment(); } if (isset($_POST['recycle'])) { print recycle(); } if (isset($_POST['follow'])) { print follow(); } if (isset($_POST['unfollow'])) { print follow(); } print '</h3><button type="button" id="hide_btn" class="button">close</button>'; print '</div>'; }
} $currentNews = getNewsData($newsId); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $postNewsId = intval($_POST['newsId']); $postCommentId = intval($_POST['commentId']); if ($postCommentId == -1) { sendComments($postNewsId, $_POST['userComment']); } else { updateComment($postCommentId, $_POST['userComment']); } header("Location: comments.php?news={$postNewsId}"); exit; } if (isset($_POST['delete'])) { $postCommentId = intval($_POST['commentId']); deleteComment($postCommentId); } ?> <script> function deleteComment(newsId, commentId) { $.post ( "comments.php", { 'commentId' : commentId, 'delete' : true } ).done(function() {
<?php if (isset($_POST['NewComment']) && $_SESSION['csrf'] == $_POST['csrf']) { newComment($_POST['Event_ID'], $_POST['User_ID'], $_POST['NewCommentText']); } if (isset($_POST['DeleteComment']) && $_SESSION['csrf'] == $_POST['csrf']) { if (checkIfCommentExists($_POST['Comment_ID'])) { deleteComment($_POST['Comment_ID']); } }
$response = getVotes($itemid); break; /** FOLLOWING **/ /** FOLLOWING **/ case "addfollowing": $itemid = required_param('itemid', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); $response = addFollowing($itemid); break; case "deletefollowing": $itemid = required_param('itemid', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); $response = deleteFollowing($itemid); break; case "deletecomment": $nodeid = required_param('nodeid', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); $parentconnid = optional_param('parentconnid', "", PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); $response = deleteComment($nodeid, $parentconnid); break; case "connectnodetocomment": $comment = required_param('comment', PARAM_TEXT); $nodeid = required_param('nodeid', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); $nodetypename = required_param('nodetypename', PARAM_TEXT); $parentconnid = optional_param('parentconnid', "", PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); $parentid = optional_param('parentid', "", PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); $response = connectNodeToComment($nodeid, $nodetypename, $comment, $parentconnid, $parentid, $style); break; case "auditsearch": $query = required_param('q', PARAM_TEXT); $tagsonlyoption = optional_param('tagsonly', 'N', PARAM_TEXT); $type = optional_param('type', 'main', PARAM_ALPHA); $typeitemid = optional_param('typeitemid', '', PARAM_TEXT); $searchid = "";
$message = json_encode($message); $gcm = new GCMmanager(); $type = "Group Feed Comment"; $gcm->sendPush($deviceIDs, $message, $type); //echo alertForDevotionComment($cid,$devotionDetails,$churchID,$memberID,$username); echo trim('Saved'); exit; } else { echo "Not saved"; exit; } } else { if ($reason == "Delete Feed Comment") { $cid = $_POST['topicid']; //$query="Delete from `daily_guide_lessons_comments` where `daily_guide_lessons_comment_id`='$cid' "; echo $results = deleteComment($cid); exit; } else { if ($reason == "Save Nsore Group Feed") { $username = "******"; $title = ""; if (isset($_POST['reason'])) { $cid = $_POST['GID']; $data = $_POST['userpost']; if (isset($_POST['UN'])) { $uname = $_POST['UN']; } $date = date('Y-m-d'); $memberID = $_POST['senderid']; } else { $cid = $_GET['GID'];
include_once 'modele/news/getComments.php'; $commentArray = getComment($id); foreach ($commentArray as $com) { $pseudo = $com['pseudo']; $id_user = $com['ID_membre']; $id_news = $com['ID_news']; } if (!isset($pseudo)) { $js = false; $redirect[0] = 'javascript:history.go(-1)'; $redirect[1] = '1'; $page = 'accueil'; $titreErreur = 'news - erreur'; $erreur = 'Ce commentaire n\'existe pas !'; include_once 'vue/erreur.php'; die; } $admin = areYouAdmin(); if (!$admin and (!$_SESSION['login'] or $id_user != $_SESSION['ID'])) { $js = false; $redirect[0] = 'javascript:history.go(-1)'; $redirect[1] = '1'; $page = 'accueil'; $titreErreur = 'news - erreur'; $erreur = 'Vous n\'êtes pas autorisé à supprimer un commentaire qui ne vous appartient pas!'; include_once 'vue/erreur.php'; die; } include_once 'modele/news/ajoutComment.php'; deleteComment($id); include_once 'vue/news/delete-comment.php';
<?php include "../universal/config.php"; //---saveComment---// if (isset($_POST["saveComment"])) { include "saveComment.php"; $result = saveComment($_POST["commentid"], $_POST["q"], $_POST["commentText"]); echo $result; } elseif (isset($_POST["editComment"])) { include "editComment.php"; $result = editComment($_POST["commentid"]); echo $result; } elseif (isset($_POST["deleteComment"])) { include "deleteComment.php"; $result = deleteComment($_POST["commentid"]); echo $result; } elseif (isset($_POST["showComments"])) { include "showComments.php"; $result = showComments($_POST["q"]); echo $result; }
$dbname = "dev"; $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname); if ($conn->connect_error) { die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); } $error = false; $error_message = ""; $data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true); $user = $data["username"]; $poster = $data["poster"]; $time = $data["time"]; $pid = $data["pid"]; $channelname = $data["channelname"]; $channelowner = $data["channelowner"]; if (isAdmin($conn, $user) || isOwner($conn, $user, $channelname, $channelowner) || isModerator($conn, $user, $channelname, $channelowner)) { deleteComment($conn, $poster, $time, $pid, $channelname, $channelowner); } else { $error = true; $error_message = "You do not have permission to delete posts from this channel"; } $conn->close(); $response = array('error' => $error, 'error_message' => $error_message, 'channelname' => $channelname, 'channelowner' => $channelowner, 'pid' => $pid, 'poster' => $poster, 'time' => $time); echo json_encode($response); function deleteComment($conn, $user, $time, $pid, $channelname, $channelowner) { global $error, $error_message; $stmt = $conn->prepare("DELETE FROM post_comments WHERE \n pc_username=? AND pc_time=? AND pc_chname=? AND pc_chowner=? AND pc_number=?"); $stmt->bind_param("ssssi", $user, $time, $channelname, $channelowner, $pid); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->close(); }
<?php include 'db-connection.php'; require 'posts.php'; session_start(); $comment_id = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'commentId'); $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; $status = deleteComment($comment_id, $user_id); echo $status;
$kommentariUtils = KommentariUtils::getInstance(); $cid = $utils->iStr($app->request()->post('id'), 64); $lnk = $kommentariUtils->placeTmpLink($cid); $res = array('req' => 'callTmpTarget', 'cid' => $cid, 'lnk' => $lnk); break; case 'profile-image-upload': $res = uploadProfileImage($app); break; case 'release-comment': $res = releaseComment($app); break; case 'list-comments': $res = listTenantComments($app); break; case 'delete-comment': $res = deleteComment($app); break; case 'update-user': $uid = $utils->iStr($app->request()->post('uid'), 128); $mail = $utils->iStr($app->request()->post('mail'), 128); $name = $utils->iStr($app->request()->post('name'), 128); $pass = $utils->iStr($app->request()->post('pass'), 128); $mble = $utils->iStr($app->request()->post('mobile'), 128); $targetUser = new User($uid); $m = $targetUser->getModel(); $m['mail'] = $mail; $m['name'] = $name; $m['password'] = $pass; $m['mobile'] = $mble; $res = $targetUser->update($m); $res = ['req' => 'updateUser', 'res' => 'false', 'uid' => $uid, 'err' => L::__('Not implemented.')];
/** APPROVE COMMENT **/ if (isset($_GET['approve'])) { $comment_id = $_GET['approve']; approveComment($comment_id); $success_message = "Comment approved successfully"; } /** UNAPPROVE COMMENT **/ if (isset($_GET['unapprove'])) { $comment_id = $_GET['unapprove']; unapproveComment($comment_id); $success_message = "Comment unapproved successfully"; } /** DELETE COMMENT **/ if (isset($_GET['delete'])) { $comment_id = $_GET['delete']; deleteComment($comment_id); $success_message = "Comment deleted successfully"; } ?> <div id="wrapper"> <?php require "includes/admin_navigation.php"; ?> <div id="page-wrapper"> <div class="container-fluid"> <!-- Page Heading -->
<?php session_start(); include "carpoolingDAO.php"; $commentId = $_POST["commentId"]; deleteComment($commentId); ?>
break; case "comments": switch ($method) { case "GET": $results = getComments($data); break; case "POST": $results = addComment($data); break; case "PATCH": $data["commentID"] = $path[1]; $results = editComment($data); break; case "DELETE": $data["commentID"] = $path[1]; $results = deleteComment($data); break; default: $results["meta"] = methodNotAllowed($method, $path); } break; case "follows": switch ($method) { case "POST": $results = addFriend($data); break; case "DELETE": $results = deleteFriend($data); break; default: $results["meta"] = methodNotAllowed($method, $path);
//Inclusion des fonctions relatives aux membres include_once "modele/fonctionsdb.php"; //Test si maintenance if (returnValueFromParam("maintenanceMode") == "true") { header("Location: maintenance.php"); } //Session checker 3000 if (empty($_SESSION)) { header("Location: connexion.php"); } else { //Affichage "Bienvenue, pseudo" + déco $menu = true; } //Test permissions $access = RankingComment($_SESSION["pseudo"]); if ($access["miaounet_mod"] == "0") { header("Location: index.php"); } if (isset($_GET["id"])) { $postToEdit = AffichageComment($_GET["id"]); if (!empty($postToEdit)) { deleteComment($_GET["id"]); $deleted = true; } else { $deleted = false; } } else { $deleted = false; } $title = "Suppression de commentaire"; include_once "vue/delete_comment.php";
<?php $page_title = "Kommentaaride modereerimine"; $page_file_name = "moderate.php"; require_once("../header.php"); require_once("../functions.php"); ?> <Title><?php echo $page_title?></title> <?php if(isset($_GET["delete"])) { deleteComment($_GET["delete"]); } if(isset($_GET["accept"])) { acceptComment($_GET["accept"]); } $keyword = ""; if(isset($_GET["keyword"])){ $keyword = $_GET["keyword"]; $procomments_array = getAllData($keyword); }else{ $procomments_array = getAllData(); } ?> <h1>Kommentaarid</h1> <form action="moderate.php" method="get"> <div class="col-sm-6">
if ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] !== "off") { $commentId = $rm->cleanData($_POST['commentId']); $postId = $rm->cleanData($_POST['postId']); $getArrayList = array(); //echo $ENCRYPTEDPWD = md5($PASSWORD); //echo $ENCRYPTEDPWD = base64_decode($PASSWORD); //$ENCRYPTEDPWD=$PASSWORD; if ($commentId == "" || $postId == "") { $result = $rm->fields_validation(); return $result; } else { $affectedRowsDeleteComment = $rm->deleteComment($commentId); if ($affectedRowsDeleteComment > 0) { $result = $rm->deleteCommentSuccessJson($postId); return $result; } else { $result = $rm->deleteCommentFailJson(); return $result; } } } else { $result = $rm->ssl_error(); return $result; } } else { $result = $rm->ssl_error(); return $result; } } echo deleteComment();
function deleteComment($commentID) { global $logged; global $oProfile; $commentID = (int) $commentID; if ($oProfile->owner || $logged['admin']) { $del = db_res("SELECT `ID` FROM `ProfilesComments` WHERE `ReplyTO` = '{$commentID}' "); while ($del_arr = mysql_fetch_array($del)) { deleteComment($del_arr['ID']); } db_res("DELETE FROM `ProfilesComments` WHERE `ID` = '{$commentID}'"); } }
if ($action == 'd') { if ($target == 's') { $story = getStory($item_ID); if ($uid == $story["poster_id"]) { deleteStory($item_ID); header("Location: ../index.php"); exit; } else { header("Location: ../index.php?error=1"); exit; } } else { if ($target == 'c') { $comment = getComment($item_ID); if ($uid == $comment["commenter_id"]) { deleteComment($item_ID); header("Location: ../story.php?id=" . $origin); exit; } else { header("Location: ../index.php?error=1"); exit; } } } } else { if ($action == 'e') { if (isset($_POST['content'])) { if ($target == 's') { $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("update stories set commentary = ? where story_id = ?"); if (!$stmt) { printf("Query Prep Failed: %s\n", $mysqli->error);
<?php session_start(); if (!session_is_registered("BLOG_LOGIN")) { header("location:login.php"); } ?> <?php require_once 'header.php'; require_once 'functions.php'; ob_start(); require_once 'db_connection.php'; if ($_GET['action'] == 'delete') { deleteComment($_GET['commentid']); //header("location:admin.php"); } ?> <table style="width:100%;"> <tr valign="top"> <td class="mainleft"> <div align="center"><h1>Admin area - View Comments</h1></div> <table style="width: 100%" border="0" cellpadding="5" align="center"> <tr> <td style="width: 20%"><b>Comment By</b></td> <td style="width: 50%" align="center"><b>Text</b></td> <td style="width: 20%" align="center"><b>Created</b></td> <td align="center"><b>Actions</b></td> </tr> <?php
/** * Processes loading of this sample code through a web browser. Uses AuthSub * authentication and outputs a list of a user's albums if succesfully * authenticated. * * @return void */ function processPageLoad() { global $_SESSION, $_GET; if (!isset($_SESSION['sessionToken']) && !isset($_GET['token'])) { requestUserLogin('Please login to your Google Account.'); } else { $client = getAuthSubHttpClient(); if (!empty($_REQUEST['command'])) { switch ($_REQUEST['command']) { case 'retrieveSelf': outputUserFeed($client, "default"); break; case 'retrieveUser': outputUserFeed($client, $_REQUEST['user']); break; case 'retrieveAlbumFeed': outputAlbumFeed($client, $_REQUEST['user'], $_REQUEST['album']); break; case 'retrievePhotoFeed': outputPhotoFeed($client, $_REQUEST['user'], $_REQUEST['album'], $_REQUEST['photo']); break; } } // Now we handle the potentially destructive commands, which have to // be submitted by POST only. if (!empty($_POST['command'])) { switch ($_POST['command']) { case 'addPhoto': addPhoto($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_FILES['photo']); break; case 'deletePhoto': deletePhoto($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_POST['photo']); break; case 'addAlbum': addAlbum($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['name']); break; case 'deleteAlbum': deleteAlbum($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album']); break; case 'addComment': addComment($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_POST['photo'], $_POST['comment']); break; case 'addTag': addTag($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_POST['photo'], $_POST['tag']); break; case 'deleteComment': deleteComment($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_POST['photo'], $_POST['comment']); break; case 'deleteTag': deleteTag($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_POST['photo'], $_POST['tag']); break; default: break; } } // If a menu parameter is available, display a submenu. if (!empty($_REQUEST['menu'])) { switch ($_REQUEST['menu']) { case 'user': displayUserMenu(); break; case 'photo': displayPhotoMenu(); break; case 'album': displayAlbumMenu(); break; case 'logout': logout(); break; default: header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request'); echo "<h2>Invalid menu selection.</h2>\n"; echo "<p>Please check your request and try again.</p>"; } } if (empty($_REQUEST['menu']) && empty($_REQUEST['command'])) { displayMenu(); } } }
<? include_once('../database/eventFunc.php'); try { $c = deleteComment($_POST['id']); if ($c === false){ echo "fail"; } else if ($c === true){ echo "success"; } } catch (PDOException $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } ?>