Пример #1
    if ($CHDB) {
        $query = $CHDB->select("SELECT * FROM `characters` {$filter} ORDER BY `name` LIMIT {$limit_start},{$items_per_pages}");
    foreach ($query as $result) {
        $my_char = new character($result, $mangos_field);
        $item_res[$cc]["name"] = $my_char->name;
        $item_res[$cc]["race"] = $my_char->race;
        $item_res[$cc]["class"] = $my_char->class;
        $item_res[$cc]["gender"] = $my_char->gender;
        $item_res[$cc]["level"] = $my_char->level;
        $item_res[$cc]["pos"] = get_zone_name($my_char->map, $my_char->position_x, $my_char->position_y);
        $item_res[$cc]["current_xp"] = $my_char->current_xp;
        $item_res[$cc]["next_level_xp"] = $my_char->next_level_xp;
        $item_res[$cc]["xp_perc"] = $my_char->xp_perc;
    if ($CHDB) {
        $query = $CHDB->selectcell("SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM `characters` {$filter} ORDER BY `name`");
    $pnum = ceil($query / $items_per_pages);
    $pages_str = default_paginate($pnum, $p, "index.php?n=server&sub=chars&realm=" . $_GET['realm'] . "&char=" . $_GET['char']);
    unset($CHDB, $query, $result, $my_char);

Пример #2

if (INCLUDED !== true) {
$screensize = (string) $MW->getConfig->components->left_section->Screenshotsize;
$pathway_info[] = array('title' => $lang['GallWalp'], 'link' => '');
//===== Calc pages1 =====//
$items_per_pages = (int) $MW->getConfig->generic->images_per_page;
$limit_start = ($p - 1) * $items_per_pages;
$cc = $DB->selectCell("SELECT count(*) FROM `gallery` WHERE cat='wallpaper'");
//===== Calc pages2 =====//
$pnum = ceil($cc / $items_per_pages);
$pages_str = default_paginate($pnum, $p, "index.php?n=media&sub=wallp");
Пример #3
        $txt['daylist'] = "\n";
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) {
            $txt['daylist'] .= "<option value='{$i}'" . ($i == $profile['bd_day'] ? ' selected' : '') . "> {$i} </option>\n";
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
            $txt['monthlist'] .= "<option value='{$i}'" . ($i == $profile['bd_month'] ? ' selected' : '') . "> {$i} </option>\n";
        for ($i = 1950; $i <= date('Y'); $i++) {
            $txt['yearlist'] .= "<option value='{$i}'" . ($i == $profile['bd_year'] ? ' selected' : '') . "> {$i} </option>\n";
        $profile['signature'] = str_replace('<br />', '', $profile['signature']);
} else {
    $pathway_info[] = array('title' => $lang['userlist'], 'link' => '');
    //===== Filter ==========//
    if ($_GET['char'] && preg_match("/[a-z]/", $_GET['char'])) {
        $filter = "WHERE `username` LIKE '" . escape_string($_GET['char']) . "%'";
    } elseif ($_GET['char'] == 1) {
        $filter = "WHERE `username` REGEXP '^[^A-Za-z]'";
    } else {
        $filter = '';
    //===== Calc pages =====//
    $items_per_pages = (int) $MW->getConfig->generic->users_per_page;
    $itemnum = $DB->selectCell("SELECT count(*) FROM account {$filter}");
    $pnum = ceil($itemnum / $items_per_pages);
    $pages_str = default_paginate($pnum, $p, "index.php?n=account&sub=userlist&char=" . $_GET['char']);
    $limit_start = ($p - 1) * $items_per_pages;
    $items = $DB->select("\r\n        SELECT * FROM account\r\n        LEFT JOIN account_extend ON account.id=account_extend.account_id\r\n        {$filter}\r\n        ORDER BY username\r\n        LIMIT {$limit_start},{$items_per_pages}");
##   output_message('alert',$itemnum);
Пример #4
        $DB->query("DELETE FROM account WHERE id=?d LIMIT 1", $_GET['id']);
        $DB->query("DELETE FROM account_extend WHERE account_id=?d LIMIT 1", $_GET['id']);
        $DB->query("DELETE FROM pms WHERE owner_id=?d LIMIT 1", $_GET['id']);
        redirect('index.php?n=admin&sub=members', 1);
} else {
    if ($_GET['action'] == 'deleteinactive') {
        $cur_timestamp = date('YmdHis', time() - $oldInactiveTime);
        $accids = $DB->selectCol("\n            SELECT account_id FROM account_extend \n            JOIN account ON account.id=account_extend.account_id \n            WHERE activation_code IS NOT NULL AND joindate < ?\n        ", $cur_timestamp);
        // print_r($accids);
        $DB->query("DELETE FROM account WHERE id IN(?a)", $accids);
        $DB->query("DELETE FROM account_extend WHERE account_id IN(?a)", $accids);
        redirect('index.php?n=admin&sub=members', 1);
    $pathway_info[] = array('title' => $lang['users_manage'], 'link' => '');
    //===== Filter ==========//
    if ($_GET['char'] && preg_match("/[a-z]/", $_GET['char'])) {
        $filter = "WHERE `username` LIKE '" . $_GET['char'] . "%'";
    } elseif ($_GET['char'] == 1) {
        $filter = "WHERE `username` REGEXP '^[^A-Za-z]'";
    } else {
        $filter = '';
    //===== Calc pages =====//
    $items_per_pages = $config['users_per_page'];
    $itemnum = $DB->selectCell("SELECT count(*) FROM account {$filter}");
    $pnum = ceil($itemnum / $items_per_pages);
    $pages_str = default_paginate($pnum, $p, "index.php?n=admin&sub=members&char=" . $_GET['char']);
    $limit_start = ($p - 1) * $items_per_pages;
    $items = $DB->select("\n        SELECT `account`.`id`,`username`,`email`,`homepage`,`icq`,`joindate`,`locked`,COALESCE(`active`,0) as `active` FROM account \n        LEFT JOIN account_extend ON account.id=account_extend.account_id \n\t\t    LEFT JOIN account_banned ON (account_banned.id=account.id AND account_banned.active=1)\n        {$filter} \n        ORDER BY username \n        LIMIT {$limit_start},{$items_per_pages}");
Пример #5
if (INCLUDED !== true) {
$screensize = (string) $MW->getConfig->components->left_section->Screenshotsize;
$pathway_info[] = array('title' => $lang['GallScreen'], 'link' => '');
//===== Calc pages1 =====//
$items_per_pages = (int) $MW->getConfig->generic->images_per_page;
$limit_start = ($p - 1) * $items_per_pages;
$cc = $DB->selectCell("SELECT count(*) FROM `gallery` WHERE cat='screenshot'");
//===== Calc pages2 =====//
$pnum = ceil($cc / $items_per_pages);
$pages_str = default_paginate($pnum, $p, "index.php?n=media&sub=screen");