function dec2IP($dec) { $hex = dec2hex($dec); if (strlen($hex) == 7) { $hex = "0" . $hex; } $one = hexdec(substr($hex, 0, 2)); $two = hexdec(substr($hex, 2, 2)); $three = hexdec(substr($hex, 4, 2)); $four = hexdec(substr($hex, 6, 2)); $ip = $one . "." . $two . "." . $three . "." . $four; return $ip; }
function oid2hex($n) { if (is_int($n)) { $oidHex = $n > 127 ? dec2hex(128 | $n / 128) . dec2hex($n % 128) : dec2hex($n); } else { $oidHex = ''; $oid = explode('.', $n); $n1 = 40 * $oid[0] + $oid[1]; $oidHex .= dec2hex($n1); unset($oid[0], $oid[1]); foreach ($oid as $n) { $oidHex .= oid2hex((int) $n); } } return $oidHex; }
private function _computeK() { $hash_input = str_pad($this->_Ahex, strlen($this->_srp->Nhex()), "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad($this->_Bhex, strlen($this->_srp->Nhex()), "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $hash_input = pack("H*", $hash_input); $this->_uhex = $this->_srp->hash($hash_input); $this->_udec = hex2dec($this->_uhex); $Stmp = bcpowmod($this->_vdec, $this->_udec, $this->_srp->Ndec()); // v^u (mod N) $Stmp = bcmod(bcmul($Stmp, $this->_Adec), $this->_srp->Ndec()); //v^u*A (mod N) $Stmp = bcpowmod($Stmp, $this->_bdec, $this->_srp->Ndec()); // (v^u*A)^b (mod N) $this->_Sdec = $Stmp; $this->_Shex = dec2hex($this->_Sdec); $this->_Shex = str_pad($this->_Shex, strlen($this->_srp->Nhex()), "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $this->_Khex = $this->_srp->keyHash(pack("H*", $this->_Shex)); }
function streamContents($path, $include_target, $start_time, $count, $order, $exclude_target, $continuation) { // // logMe("streamContents({$path}, {$include_target}, {$start_time}, {$count}, {$order}, {$exclude_target}, {$continuation})\n"); header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'); $feedDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createFeedDao(); $arrayFeedCategoryNames = $feedDAO->arrayFeedCategoryNames(); switch ($path) { case 'reading-list': $type = 'A'; break; case 'starred': $type = 's'; break; case 'feed': $type = 'f'; break; case 'label': $type = 'c'; $categoryDAO = new FreshRSS_CategoryDAO(); $cat = $categoryDAO->searchByName($include_target); $include_target = $cat == null ? -1 : $cat->id(); break; default: $type = 'A'; break; } switch ($exclude_target) { case 'user/-/state/': $state = FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_NOT_READ; break; default: $state = FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_ALL; break; } if (!empty($continuation)) { $count++; //Shift by one element } $entryDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createEntryDao(); $entries = $entryDAO->listWhere($type, $include_target, $state, $order === 'o' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC', $count, $continuation, '', $start_time); $items = array(); foreach ($entries as $entry) { $f_id = $entry->feed(); if (isset($arrayFeedCategoryNames[$f_id])) { $c_name = $arrayFeedCategoryNames[$f_id]['c_name']; $f_name = $arrayFeedCategoryNames[$f_id]['name']; } else { $c_name = '_'; $f_name = '_'; } $item = array('id' => dec2hex($entry->id()), 'crawlTimeMsec' => substr($entry->id(), 0, -3), 'timestampUsec' => $entry->id(), 'published' => $entry->date(true), 'title' => $entry->title(), 'summary' => array('content' => $entry->content()), 'alternate' => array(array('href' => $entry->link())), 'categories' => array('user/-/state/', 'user/-/label/' . $c_name), 'origin' => array('streamId' => 'feed/' . $f_id, 'title' => $f_name)); if ($entry->author() != '') { $item['author'] = $entry->author(); } if ($entry->isRead()) { $item['categories'][] = 'user/-/state/'; } if ($entry->isFavorite()) { $item['categories'][] = 'user/-/state/'; } $items[] = $item; } if (!empty($continuation)) { array_shift($items); //Discard first element that was already sent in the previous response } $response = array('id' => 'user/-/state/', 'updated' => time(), 'items' => $items); if (count($entries) >= $count && !empty($entry)) { $response['continuation'] = $entry->id(); } echo json_encode($response), "\n"; exit; }
/** * getSignature * Get the base64 signature of a dictionary * @param array Associative array (i.e. dictionary) of key-value pairs * @param string Hexadecimal string of public key * @param string Hexadecimal string the private key * @return string Base64 encoded signature */ function getSignature($dict, $key, $privKey) { // Sort keys alphabetically uksort($dict, "strcasecmp"); // Concatenate all values $total = ''; foreach ($dict as $value) { $total .= $value; } // Escape apostrophes by un-quoting, adding apos, then re-quoting // so this turns ' into '\'' ... we have to double-slash for this php. // Switch to UTF8 before otherwise escapeshellarg will strip out non-ASCII characters $oldlocale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 0); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "en_US.UTF-8"); $fixedApostrophes = escapeshellarg($total); // restore localte setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $oldlocale); // This part is the most expensive below // We try to do it with native code first $aquatic_root = preg_replace('!((/[A-Za-z._-]+)+)/AquaticPrime\\.php!', '$1', __FILE__); ob_start(); $passthruString = $aquatic_root . "/aquaticprime {$key} {$privKey} {$fixedApostrophes}"; passthru($passthruString, $err); $sig = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if ($err) { error_log("passthrough yielded {$err}: {$passthruString}"); } // If that fails, do it in php if ($sig != "") { $sig = base64_encode($sig); } else { // Get the hash $hash = sha1(utf8_encode($total)); // OpenSSL-compatible PKCS1 Padding // 128 bytes - 20 bytes hash - 3 bytes extra padding = 105 bytes '0xff' $paddedHash = '0001'; for ($i = 0; $i < 105; $i++) { $paddedHash .= 'ff'; } $paddedHash .= '00' . $hash; $decryptedSig = hex2dec($paddedHash); // Encrypt into a signature $sig = powmod($decryptedSig, hex2dec($privKey), hex2dec($key)); $sig = base64_encode(ap_hex2bin(dec2hex($sig))); } return $sig; }
function computverifier($srp, $user, $pwd, $salt) { // private key $innerHash = $srp->hashHex(strToHex($user) . '3a' . strToHex($pwd)); $privateKey = $srp->hashHex($salt . $innerHash); // verifier $tmp = dec2hex(bcpowmod($srp->gdec(), hex2dec($privateKey), $srp->Ndec())); $verifier = str_pad($tmp, strlen($srp->Nhex()), "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); return $verifier; }
function enterasys_N7_convert_macs($oldmac) { // print ("==oldmac=[$oldmac] \n"); $oldmac = substr($oldmac, stripos($oldmac, '.') + 1); // print ("==old___=[$oldmac] \n"); $oldmac = substr($oldmac, stripos($oldmac, '.')); // print ("==o_____=[$oldmac] \n"); $piece = explode(".", $oldmac); $newmac = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) { $newmac = $newmac . dec2hex($piece[$i], 2) . ":"; } $newmac = substr($newmac, 0, strlen($newmac) - 1); //print ("=newmac=$newmac\n"); return $newmac; }
$conn['port'] = $parts[1]; } $conn['db'] = 'mysql'; if ($sample['db_max'] != '') { $conn['db'] = $sample['db_max']; } $conn['user'] = '******'; $conn['password'] = ''; return $conn; }); /** * This is configuration information for how the actual sql queries are built * from the form values. It shouldn't be necessary to modify any of these * values, and you can possibly break reporting functionality by doing so. * * For more information, see the phpDoc or comments in the MySQLTableReport class. */ $conf['reports']['slow_query_log'] = array('join' => array('dimension' => 'USING (`checksum`)'), 'fields' => array('fact' => array('group' => 'group', 'order' => 'order', 'having' => 'having', 'limit' => 'limit', 'first_seen' => 'clear|reldate|ge|where', 'where' => 'raw_where', 'sample' => 'clear|like|where', 'checksum' => 'clear|where', 'reviewed_status' => 'clear|where'), 'dimension' => array('extra_fields' => 'where', 'hostname_max' => 'clear|where', 'ts_min' => 'date_range|reldate|clear|where', 'pivot-hostname_max' => 'clear|pivot|select', 'pivot-checksum' => 'clear|pivot|select')), 'custom_fields' => array('checksum' => 'checksum', 'date' => 'DATE(ts_min)', 'hour' => 'substring(ts_min,1,13)', 'hour_ts' => 'round(unix_timestamp(substring(ts_min,1,13)))', 'minute_ts' => 'round(unix_timestamp(substring(ts_min,1,16)))', 'minute' => 'substring(ts_min,1,16)', 'snippet' => 'LEFT(dimension.sample,20)', 'index_ratio' => 'ROUND(SUM(Rows_examined_sum)/SUM(rows_sent_sum),2)', 'query_time_avg' => 'SUM(Query_time_sum) / SUM(ts_cnt)', 'rows_sent_avg' => 'ROUND(SUM(Rows_sent_sum)/SUM(ts_cnt),0)'), 'callbacks' => array('table' => array('date' => function ($x) { $type = ''; if (date('N', strtotime($x)) >= 6) { $type = 'weekend'; } return array($x, $type); }, 'checksum' => function ($x) { return array(dec2hex($x), ''); }))); $conf['reports']['performance_schema'] = array('fields' => array('fact' => array('order' => 'order', 'having' => 'having', 'limit' => 'limit', 'first_seen' => 'date_range|reldate|clear|where', 'where' => 'raw_where', 'DIGEST' => 'clear|where', 'DIGEST_TEXT' => 'clear|like|where', 'group' => 'group')), 'custom_fields' => array('snippet' => 'LEFT(fact.DIGEST_TEXT,20)', 'index_ratio' => 'ROUND(SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED/SUM_ROWS_SENT,2)', 'rows_sent_avg' => 'ROUND(SUM_ROWS_SENT/COUNT_STAR,0)'), 'special_field_names' => array('time' => 'FIRST_SEEN', 'checksum' => 'DIGEST', 'sample' => 'DIGEST_TEXT', 'fingerprint' => 'DIGEST_TEXT')); $conf['reports']['performance_schema_history'] = array('join' => array('dimension' => 'USING (`DIGEST`)'), 'fields' => array('fact' => array('group' => 'group', 'order' => 'order', 'having' => 'having', 'limit' => 'limit', 'first_seen' => 'clear|reldate|ge|where', 'where' => 'raw_where', 'DIGEST_TEXT' => 'clear|like|where', 'DIGEST' => 'clear|where', 'reviewed_status' => 'clear|where'), 'dimension' => array('extra_fields' => 'where', 'hostname' => 'clear|where', 'FIRST_SEEN' => 'date_range|reldate|clear|where', 'pivot-hostname' => 'clear|pivot|select')), 'custom_fields' => array('date' => 'DATE(fact.FIRST_SEEN)', 'snippet' => 'LEFT(fact.DIGEST_TEXT,20)', 'index_ratio' => 'ROUND(SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED/SUM_ROWS_SENT,2)', 'rows_sent_avg' => 'ROUND(SUM_ROWS_SENT/COUNT_STAR,0)', 'hour' => 'substring(dimension.FIRST_SEEN,1,13)', 'hour_ts' => 'round(unix_timestamp(substring(dimension.FIRST_SEEN,1,13)))', 'minute_ts' => 'round(unix_timestamp(substring(dimension.FIRST_SEEN,1,16)))', 'minute' => 'substring(dimension.FIRST_SEEN,1,16)'), 'special_field_names' => array('time' => 'FIRST_SEEN', 'checksum' => 'DIGEST', 'hostname' => 'hostname', 'sample' => 'DIGEST_TEXT')); /** * end of configuration settings */
/** * getSignature * Get the base64 signature of a dictionary * @param array Associative array (i.e. dictionary) of key-value pairs * @param string Hexadecimal string of public key * @param string Hexadecimal string the private key * @return string Base64 encoded signature */ function getSignature($dict, $key, $privKey) { // Sort keys alphabetically uksort($dict, "strcasecmp"); // Concatenate all values $total = ''; foreach ($dict as $value) { $total .= $value; } // Get the hash $hash = sha1(utf8_encode($total)); // OpenSSL-compatible PKCS1 Padding // 128 bytes - 20 bytes hash - 3 bytes extra padding = 105 bytes '0xff' $paddedHash = '0001'; for ($i = 0; $i < 105; $i++) { $paddedHash .= 'ff'; } $paddedHash .= '00' . $hash; $decryptedSig = hex2dec($paddedHash); // Encrypt into a signature $sig = powmod($decryptedSig, hex2dec($privKey), hex2dec($key)); $sig = base64_encode(hex2bin(dec2hex($sig))); return $sig; }
function dec2mac($mac) { $mac = dec2hex($mac); $mac = str_pad($mac, 12, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $mac = substr_replace($mac, ':', 10, 0); $mac = substr_replace($mac, ':', 8, 0); $mac = substr_replace($mac, ':', 6, 0); $mac = substr_replace($mac, ':', 4, 0); $mac = substr_replace($mac, ':', 2, 0); return $mac; }
/** * Send a check-in request to google. * * @return String * The device id of the new device as hex string. * * @throws CheckinException * If the check-in request fails. */ public function checkin() { $deviceid = ''; $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, ''); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, 'gzip'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Android-Checkin/2.0 (maguro JRO03L); gzip'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/x-protobuffer', 'Content-Encoding: gzip')); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, gzencode($this->checkinMessage())); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5); // Get result and status code of request. $httpresult = curl_exec($curl); $httpstatus = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if ($httpstatus === 28) { throw new CheckinException(_('Failed to check-in device: Request timed out.')); } elseif ($httpstatus !== 200) { throw new CheckinException(_f('Failed to check-in device: %s', $httpresult)); } if ($httpstatus === 200) { $response = new AndroidCheckinResponse($httpresult); $deviceid = $response->getAndroidId(); if (empty($response) || !is_numeric($deviceid)) { throw new CheckinException(_('Failed to check-in device: Received no deviceid.')); } } curl_close($curl); return dec2hex($deviceid); }
protected static function hexlen($s, $showPrefix = false) { $len = strlen($s); $prefix = $showPrefix ? '81' : ''; if ($len > 255) { $prefix = '82'; } if ($len > 65535) { $prefix = '83'; } return $prefix . dec2hex($len); }
// allgemeine settings //include blocks from template config include_once GC_IPATH . 'templates/' . $_POST['Template'] . '/config.php'; $TPLBlocks = explode(';', $TemplateSettings); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Step 3: Save new Site if ($Step == "3") { //get Template Settings include_once GC_IPATH . 'templates/' . $_POST['Template'] . '/config.php'; $TPLBlocks = explode(';', $TemplateSettings); include_once GC_IPATH . 'functions.php'; include GC_IPATH . '_base/site-index.php'; //filename $filename = extractName($_POST['path']); $filehandle = fopen(GC_IPATH . "_base/sites/" . dec2hex($SLastID + 1) . '-' . $filename . '.php', "w"); //write header fwrite($filehandle, "<?php \r\n"); fwrite($filehandle, '$SSettings = array();' . "\r\n"); fwrite($filehandle, '$SBlocks = array();' . "\r\n"); //write settings fwrite($filehandle, '$SSettings' . "['template'] = '" . $_POST['Template'] . '/standard.tpl' . "'; \r\n"); fwrite($filehandle, '$SSettings' . "['title'] = '" . $_POST['title'] . "'; \r\n"); fwrite($filehandle, '$SSettings' . "['path'] = '" . $_POST['path'] . "'; \r\n"); //write blocks foreach ($TPLBlocks as $BlockEntry) { if (empty($_POST[$BlockEntry])) { continue; } fwrite($filehandle, '$SBlocks' . "['" . $BlockEntry . "'] = '" . $_POST[$BlockEntry] . "'; \r\n"); }
/** * getSignature * Get the base64 signature of a dictionary * @param array Associative array (i.e. dictionary) of key-value pairs * @param string Hexadecimal string of public key * @param string Hexadecimal string the private key * @return string Base64 encoded signature */ function getSignature($dict, $key, $privKey) { // Sort keys alphabetically uksort($dict, "strcasecmp"); // Concatenate all values $total = ''; foreach ($dict as $value) { $total .= $value; } // Escape apostrophes by un-quoting, adding apos, then re-quoting // so this turns ' into '\'' ... we have to double-slash for this php. $fixedApostrophes = str_replace("'", "'\\''", $total); // This part is the most expensive below // We try to do it with native code first ob_start(); $passthruString = DOC_ROOT . "/includes/aquaticprime {$key} {$privKey} '{$fixedApostrophes}'"; //passthru($passthruString, $err); $sig = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (true) { // Get the hash $hash = sha1(utf8_encode($total)); // OpenSSL-compatible PKCS1 Padding // 128 bytes - 20 bytes hash - 3 bytes extra padding = 105 bytes '0xff' $paddedHash = '0001'; for ($i = 0; $i < 105; $i++) { $paddedHash .= 'ff'; } $paddedHash .= '00' . $hash; $decryptedSig = hex2dec($paddedHash); // Encrypt into a signature $sig = powmod($decryptedSig, hex2dec($privKey), hex2dec($key)); $sig = base64_encode(hex2bin(dec2hex($sig))); } return $sig; }
$wtfdata = array(); if (count($result)) { if (preg_match("/^\\d+\$/", $result[0][$group])) { $is_datetime = false; } else { $is_datetime = true; } } foreach ($result as $row) { foreach ($series as $col) { $date = $row[$group]; if ($is_datetime) { $parts = strptime($date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); $date = mktime($parts['tm_hour'], $parts['tm_min'], $parts['tm_sec'], $parts['tm_mon'] + 1, $parts['tm_mday'], $parts['tm_year'] + 1900); } $wtfdata[$col][] = array($date, $row[$col]); } } foreach ($series as $col) { // this is intended to capture checksum values when we pivot on checksums // and convert them to hex. Done here because Javascript can't handle large enough // int values to convert them w/out loss of precision. // this may have some unintended consequences, but it's the easist way to solve the JS // limitation for now $col_label = $col; if (is_numeric($col_label)) { $col_label = dec2hex($col_label); } $finalfingdata[] = array('label' => $col_label, 'data' => $wtfdata[$col]); } print json_encode($finalfingdata);
function convert_color($color, $bHex = false, $default_color = '000000') { $rgb = array(); if (preg_match('#(([0-9]{1,3}),\\s*([0-9]{1,3}),\\s*([0-9]{1,3})(,\\s*([0-9]{1,3}))?)#i', $color, $m)) { $rgb['red'] = $m[2]; $rgb['green'] = $m[3]; $rgb['blue'] = $m[4]; } elseif (preg_match('#^[a-f0-9]{3}|[a-f0-9]{6}$#i', trim($color))) { if (strlen($color) == 3) { $color = $color[0] . $color[0] . $color[1] . $color[1] . $color[2] . $color[2]; } $colors = explode(',', substr(chunk_split($color, 2, ','), 0, -1)); $rgb['red'] = hexdec($colors[0]); $rgb['green'] = hexdec($colors[1]); $rgb['blue'] = hexdec($colors[2]); } else { $rgb = css2hex($color, $default_color); } return $bHex ? dec2hex($rgb['red'], $rgb['green'], $rgb['blue']) : $rgb; }
unlink(FULL_CACHE_PATH); } $image = false; if ($FLIR['text'][0] == '@') { $FLIR['text'] = '\\' . $FLIR['text']; } $bounds = bounding_box($FLIR['text']); // convertBoundingBox(imagettfbbox($FLIR['size_pts'], 0, $FLIR['font'], $FLIR['text'])); $fulltrim = ''; if ($FStyle['fixBaseline'] != 'true') { $bounds['height'] += 200; $REAL_HEIGHT_BOUNDS = $bounds; $fulltrim = '-trim +repage'; } $fore_hex = dec2hex($FLIR['color']['red'], $FLIR['color']['green'], $FLIR['color']['blue']); $bkg_hex = $FLIR['output'] == 'png' ? 'transparent' : '"#' . dec2hex($FLIR['bkgcolor']['red'], $FLIR['bkgcolor']['green'], $FLIR['bkgcolor']['blue']) . '"'; $opacity = ''; if ($FLIR['opacity'] < 100 && $FLIR['opacity'] >= 0) { $opacity = strlen($FLIR['opacity']) == 1 ? '0' . $FLIR['opacity'] : (strlen($FLIR['opacity']) > 2 ? substr($FLIR['opacity'], 0, 2) : $FLIR['opacity']); } switch ($FStyle['cAlign']) { case 'center': $align = 'center'; break; default: $align = 'west'; break; case 'right': $align = 'east'; break; }