public function actionSetCount() { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS count_img, id_object FROM {{images}} GROUP BY id_object"; $res = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll(); foreach ($res as $item) { $model = Apartment::model()->findByPk($item['id_object']); if ($model) { $model->count_img = $item['count_img']; $model->update(array('count_img')); } else { echo 'not found model with id = ' . $item['id_object'] . '<br>'; } } deb($res); }
// ******************************** $s3 = new Aws\S3\S3Client(['version' => 'latest', 'region' => 'us-east-1']); $bucket = strtolower('phpmys3backup' . '-' . $now); deb("Creating Bucket {$bucket}"); $create_bucket_response = $s3->createBucket(['ACL' => 'public-read', 'Bucket' => $bucket]); deb("created bucket {$bucket}"); deb("bucket created - doing file add"); foreach ($alldb as $db) { $filename = "{$db}.sql.gz"; $path = "/tmp/{$now}/"; $uploadfile = $path . $filename; $result = $s3->putObject(['ACL' => 'public-read', 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $uploadfile, 'SourceFile' => $uploadfile]); $objUrl = $result['ObjectURL']; deb("Uploaded Object URL: {$objUrl}"); } // ******************************** // Cleanup the local filesystem // ******************************** system("rm -rf /tmp/{$now}/"); deb("DONE"); syslog(LOG_INFO, "phpMyS3Backup - completed run ID {$now}"); // ******************************** // Done! // ******************************** function deb($msg) { if (DEBUG_ON) { print $msg . "\n</p>"; } } //header('Location: /introspection.php');
<?php $user_ip = zbs_UserDetectIp('debug'); $user_login = zbs_UserGetLoginByIp($user_ip); $us_config = zbs_LoadConfig(); if (@$us_config['MG_ENABLED']) { $megogo = new MegogoFrontend(); deb($megogo->renderSubscribeForm()); } else { show_window(__('Sorry'), __('This module is disabled')); }
function catv_ActivityCreateCustomDate($userid, $state, $customdate) { $userid = vf($userid, 3); $state = vf($state, 3); $admin = whoami(); $query = "\r\n INSERT INTO `catv_activity` (\r\n `id` ,\r\n `userid` ,\r\n `state` ,\r\n `date` ,\r\n `admin`\r\n )\r\n VALUES (NULL , '" . $userid . "', '" . $state . "', '" . $customdate . "', '" . $admin . "');\r\n "; nr_query($query); deb($query); log_register("CATV ACTIVITY CHANGE (" . $userid . ") " . $state); }
if (wf_CheckGet(array('userid'))) { $userid = vf($_GET['userid']); //collect all data $alluseractivity = catv_ActivityGetAllByUser($userid); $lasuseractivity = catv_ActivityGetLastByUser($userid); $lasuseractivitytime = catv_ActivityGetTimeLastByUser($userid); $userdata = catv_UserGetData($userid); $curyear = curyear(); $curmonth = date("m"); $curday = date("d"); $curtime = curtime(); $address = $userdata['street'] . ' ' . $userdata['build'] . '/' . $userdata['apt']; //if creating new activity if (wf_CheckPost(array('newacttime', 'newactday'))) { $customdate = $_POST['newactyear'] . '-' . $_POST['newactmonth'] . '-' . $_POST['newactday'] . ' ' . $_POST['newacttime']; deb($customdate); catv_ActivityCreateCustomDate($userid, $_POST['newactivity'], $customdate); rcms_redirect('?module=catv_useractivity&userid=' . $userid); } //edit form construct $actinputs = ''; $actinputs .= wf_Trigger('newactivity', 'Connected', $lasuseractivity, true) . '<hr>'; $actinputs .= wf_TextInput('newactday', 'Day', $curday, false, '2'); $actinputs .= wf_MonthSelector('newactmonth', 'Month', $curmonth, false); $actinputs .= wf_YearSelector('newactyear', 'Year', true) . '<br>'; $actinputs .= wf_HiddenInput('newacttime', $curtime); $actinputs .= wf_Submit('Change'); $actform = wf_Form('', 'POST', $actinputs, 'glamour'); show_window(__('User activity') . ' ' . $address, $actform); catv_ActivityShowAll($userid); catv_ProfileBack($userid);
function getKursDepartment($LR) { if (isset($this->faculty[$LR["ccategory"]])) { $ret = "00"; $cc = $LR["ccategory"]; #echo "<br>".$cc; deb($LR,1); if ($cc == "00" or $cc == "20" or $cc == "30" or $cc == "50" or $cc == "60") { $ret = $cc; } else { foreach ($this->kurskat as $dep => $kukatlist) { #deb( $cc);deb( $kukatlist); if ($cc == 165 and in_array($cc, $kukatlist)) { deb($LR, 1); $ret = $this->dep[$dep][2]; } } } return $ret; } foreach ($this->kurskat as $kuka => $depa) { if (in_array($LR["ccategory"], $depa)) { $this->cdep = $kuka; break; } } }
<?php $a['title'] = "Adicionar Empresa"; escape(); if (!empty($_POST['name']) && !empty($_POST['tel']) && !empty($_POST['email']) && !empty($_POST['crm'])) { $sql = "INSERT INTO companys (name, address, tel, email, notes, crm) VALUES (" . '"' . $_POST['name'] . '", "' . $_POST['address'] . '", "' . $_POST['tel'] . '", "' . $_POST['email'] . '", "' . $_POST['notes'] . '", "' . $_POST['crm'] . '")'; deb($sql); mysql_query($sql); header("Location: " . $a['path'] . "/?load=list_billing"); }
public function actionIndex() { Currency::model()->parseCbr(); deb('ok'); }
<?php if ($_SESSION['id']) { ?> <div id="toolbar"> <a href="<?php echo $a['path']; ?> ?load=user">(<?php echo $_SESSION['username']; ?> )</a> <a href="<?php echo $a['path']; ?> ?logout">Sair</a><br /> <?php echo date("d/m/y"); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php deb($a['debvar']); ?> </body> </html>