Пример #1
  *  Automated report setup.  Establishes all hardcoded
  *  defaults, all overrides from YAML file, captions, column
  *  sizes, page orientation, and so forth and so on.
  *  @param string $yamlP2  The processed page definition     
  *  @since 12/16/07
 function mainSetup($yamlP2)
     // Default UOM is points, so these are 1/2 inch margins
     $this->margin_left = 36;
     $this->margin_top = 36;
     $this->SetMargins($this->margin_left, $this->margin_top);
     // Set defaults.  As of 1/20/08 they are all hardcoded, but
     // the idea is to let them be set in the YAML file.
     $this->fontname = 'Arial';
     $this->fontsize = 12;
     $this->linespacing = 1;
     $this->cpi = 120 / $this->fontsize;
     $this->lineheight = $this->fontsize * $this->linespacing;
     // Pull options from Yamlp2
     $this->title1 = $yamlP2['options']['title'];
     // Determine if there are filters to list:
     $uifilters = ArraySafe($yamlP2, 'uifilter', array());
     $atitle2 = array();
     foreach ($uifilters as $name => $info) {
         $atitle2[] = $info['description'] . ':' . trim(gp('ap_' . $name));
     $this->title2 = count($atitle2) == 0 ? '' : implode(", ", $atitle2);
     // Tell the fpdf parent class about our setting choices
     $this->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
     // Set up titles and columns by looping through and figuring
     // out justification and size
     $setupArr = array();
     $width = 0;
     foreach ($yamlP2['table'] as $table => $columns) {
         $dd = dd_tableRef($table);
         foreach ($columns['column'] as $colname => $colinfo) {
             if (ArraySafe($colinfo, 'uino', 'N') == 'Y') {
             // Use type to figure out if right or left
             $type_id = $dd['flat'][$colname]['type_id'];
             $suffix = '';
             if (in_array(trim($type_id), array('money', 'numb', 'int'))) {
                 $suffix .= ':R';
                 $suffix .= ':' . trim($dd['flat'][$colname]['colscale']);
             if (trim($type_id) == 'money') {
                 $suffix .= ':M';
             if (ArraySafe($colinfo, 'dispsize', '') != '') {
                 $suffix .= ':C' . $colinfo['dispsize'];
             // Work out size using cpi setting
             $dispsize = ArraySafe($colinfo, 'dispsize', '');
             $dispsize = $dispsize != '' ? $dispsize : $dd['flat'][$colname]['dispsize'];
             $setupArr[] = round($dispsize / $this->cpi, 1) . $suffix;
             $width += $dispsize * $this->cpi + 0.1;
             // Save the captions for displaying in header
             $caption = ArraySafe($colinfo, 'description', '');
             $caption = $caption != '' ? $caption : $dd['flat'][$colname]['description'];
             $this->captions[] = $caption;
     $this->setupColumns(0.1, implode(',', $setupArr));
     // Finally, establish orientation by looking at size of report
     if ($width / 72 < 7.5) {
         $this->orientation = 'P';
     } else {
         $this->orientation = 'L';
Пример #2
function hSelectFiltered($table_id, $columns, $name = '', $selected = '', $extra = '', $failsafe = array())
    // Make an empty select to return on failure
    // Get the correct table_id
    $table_id_resolved = DDTable_IDResolve($table_id);
    // Send this if we fail;
    $failed = count($failsafe) > 0 ? hSelectFromAA($failsafe, $name, $selected, $extra) : hSelect($name, $selected, '', $extra);
    // Quit on obvious problem
    if (count($columns) == 0 || !$table_id) {
        return $failed;
    // Find out what column we are missing
    // And generate the where clause for the upcoming select
    $dd_ref = dd_tableRef($table_id);
    $pkeys = explode(',', $dd_ref['pks']);
    $missing = array();
    $where = array();
    foreach ($pkeys as $index => $pkey) {
        if (isset($columns[$pkey])) {
            $where[] = $pkey . " = '" . $columns[$pkey] . "'";
        } else {
            $missing[] = $pkey;
    $where = implode(' AND ', $where);
    // Quit if we are not missing exactly 1 column
    if (count($missing) != 1) {
        return $failed;
    $missing = implode($missing, ',');
    // Find the possible values of the missing key
    $possible_sq = "SELECT distinct {$missing}\n                       FROM {$table_id_resolved}\n                      WHERE {$where}";
    $possibles = SQL_AllRows($possible_sq, $missing);
    $retval = $failsafe;
    // Let's rearrange the array to hand it to hSelectFromAA
    foreach ($possibles as $val => $aMissing) {
        $retval[$val] = $val;
    return hSelectFromAA($retval, $name, $selected, $extra);