Пример #1
function teltree_handle($c_uid, $sms_datetime, $sms_sender, $sms_receiver, $teltree_keyword, $teltree_param = '', $smsc = '', $raw_message = '')
    $ps = explode(" ", $raw_message, 2);
    $kk = strtoupper($ps[0]);
    $username = "******";
    if ($teltree_keyword == 'DAFTAR') {
        $pecah = preg_split("/#/", $ps[1], null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
        $data = array();
        $data['name'] = trim($pecah[0]);
        $data['username'] = trim($pecah[0]);
        $data['mobile'] = $sms_sender;
        $data['email'] = str_replace(' ', '', $data['name']) . "@noreply.org";
        $data['parent_uid'] = 1;
        //----- ini parentnya admin
        $data['status'] = 4;
        //---ini artinya ditambahkan ke sub user
        $ret = user_add($data);
        $ok = $ret['status'] ? TRUE : FALSE;
        if ($ok) {
            echo "okee";
            $items = array('uid' => 1, 'name' => $data['name'], 'mobile' => $data['mobile'], 'email' => $data['email'], 'tags' => $tags);
            if ($c_pid = dba_add(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook', $items)) {
                $save_to_group = TRUE;
                _log('Success to add contact pid:' . $c_pid . ' m:' . $data['mobile'] . ' n:' . $data['name'] . ' e:' . $data['email'] . ' tags:[' . $data['tags'] . ']', 2, 'teltree');
            } else {
                _log('Fail to add contact pid:' . $c_pid . ' m:' . $data['mobile'] . ' n:' . $data['name'] . ' e:' . $data['email'] . ' tags:[' . $data['tags'] . ']', 2, 'teltree');
            $balasan = "Selamat anda telah terdaftar di Telephone Tree";
            $gagal = "Maaf Sistem sedang mengalami gangguan, silahkan coba beberapa saat lagi";
            if ($save_to_group) {
                $unicode = core_detect_unicode($balasan);
                $balasan = addslashes($balasan);
                // $username = "******";
                //$smsc = "dev";
                _log("returns:" . $balasan, 2, "teltree");
                sendsms_helper($username, $sms_sender, $balasan, 'text', $unicode, $smsc);
            } else {
                $unicode = core_detect_unicode($gagal);
                $balasan = addslashes($gagal);
                _log("returns:" . $gagal, 2, "teltree");
                sendsms_helper($username, $sms_sender, $balasan, 'text', $unicode, $smsc);
                _log_print("returns empty", 2, "teltree");
        } else {
            echo "gagal";
        return $ret;
        //$ok = true;
    } elseif ($kk == 'GABUNG') {
        /*$gpids = dba_search(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group','code',array(
        $uid = user_mobile2uid($sms_sender);
        $group_code = strtoupper($ps[1]);
        $list = dba_search(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook', 'id', array('uid' => 1, 'mobile' => $sms_sender));
        if ($group_code && $sms_sender) {
            /*--dummy code--*/
            $c_pid = dba_search(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook', 'id', array('uid' => 1, 'mobile' => $sms_sender));
            $gpids = dba_search(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group', 'id', array('uid' => 1, 'code' => $group_code));
            foreach ($gpids as $gpid) {
                foreach ($gpid as $key => $val) {
                    $items = array('gpid' => $val, 'pid' => $c_pid[0]['id']);
                    if (dba_isavail(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group_contacts', $items, 'AND')) {
                        if (dba_add(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group_contacts', $items)) {
                            $list = dba_search(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group', 'code', array('uid' => 1));
                            _log('contact added to group gpid:' . $gpid . ' pid:' . $c_pid . ' m:' . $mobile . ' n:' . $name . ' e:' . $email, 2, 'phonebook_edit');
                            if ($iid = $c_pid[0]['id']) {
                                $bal_grup = "selamat anda telah tergabung di grup" . $list[$iid]['code'];
                                $unicode = core_detect_unicode($bal_grup);
                                $bal_grup = addslashes($bal_grup);
                                _log("returns:" . $bal_grup, 2, "telek");
                                sendsms_helper($username, $sms_sender, $bal_grup, 'text', $unicode, $smsc);
                                _log("returns empty", 2, "sms custom");
                        } else {
                            _log('contact edited but fail to save in group gpid:' . $gpid . ' pid:' . $c_pid . ' m:' . $mobile . ' n:' . $name . ' e:' . $email, 2, 'phonebook_edit');
        //$ok = true;
    } elseif ($kk == 'KELUAR') {
        $uid = user_mobile2uid($sms_sender);
        $group_code = strtoupper($ps[1]);
        //_log($sms_sender . ' '. $group_code, 2 , 'test');
        if ($group_code && $sms_sender) {
            //		_log($sms_sender . ' '. $group_code, 2 , 'test');
            $c_pid = dba_search(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook', 'id', array('uid' => 1, 'mobile' => $sms_sender));
            $gpids = dba_search(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group', 'id', array('uid' => 1, 'code' => $group_code));
            foreach ($gpids as $gpid) {
                foreach ($gpid as $key => $val) {
                    $items = array('gpid' => $val, 'pid' => $c_pid[0]['id']);
                    //				_log($sms_sender . ' '. $group_code, 2 , 'test');
                    if (!dba_isavail(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group_contacts', $items, 'AND')) {
                        if (dba_remove(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group_contacts', $items)) {
                            if ($iid = $c_pid[0]['id']) {
                                $bal_grup = "anda telah keluar dari grup" . $list[$iid]['code'];
                                $unicode = core_detect_unicode($bal_grup);
                                $bal_grup = addslashes($bal_grup);
                                _log("returns:" . $bal_grup, 2, "telek");
                                sendsms_helper($username, $sms_sender, $bal_grup, 'text', $unicode, $smsc);
                                _log("returns empty", 2, "sms custom");
                            _log('contact removed from group gpid:' . $gpid . ' pid:' . $c_pid . ' m:' . $mobile . ' n:' . $name . ' e:' . $email, 2, 'teltree_phonebook_edit');
                        } else {
                            _log('contact fail to remove from group gpid:' . $gpid . ' pid:' . $c_pid . ' m:' . $mobile . ' n:' . $name . ' e:' . $email, 2, 'teltree_phonebook_edit');
                    } else {
                        _log('failed ' . $val . ' ' . $c_pid[0]['id'], 2, 'test');
Пример #2
 * Add country
 * @param string $name Country name
 * @param string $code Country code
 * @param string $prefix Country prefix
 * @return boolean
function country_add($name, $code, $prefix = '')
    $ret = FALSE;
    if (!$name) {
        return FALSE;
    $code = substr(0, 2, core_sanitize_alpha(strtolower(trim($code))));
    if (!$code) {
        return FALSE;
    $prefix = trim($prefix) ? core_sanitize_numeric($prefix) : '';
    $db_table = _DB_PREF_ . '_tblCountry';
    if (dba_isavail($db_table, array('country_name' => $name, 'country_code' => $code))) {
        $items = array('name' => $name, 'code' => $code, 'prefix' => $prefix);
        if ($result = dba_add($db_table, $items)) {
            logger_print('id:' . $result . ' name:' . $name . ' code:' . $code . ' prefix:' . $prefix, 3, 'country_add');
            $ret = TRUE;
    return $ret;
Пример #3
$r = $_REQUEST;
$c_uid = $r['uid'];
$list = registry_search($c_uid, 'feature', 'sms_sync');
$sms_sync_secret = $list['feature']['sms_sync']['secret'];
$sms_sync_enable = $list['feature']['sms_sync']['enable'];
$message_id = $r['message_id'];
$sms_datetime = core_display_datetime(core_get_datetime());
$sms_sender = $r['from'];
$message = $r['message'];
$sms_receiver = $r['sent_to'];
$ok = FALSE;
if ($sms_sync_enable && $c_uid && $r['secret'] == $sms_sync_secret && $message_id && $sms_sender && $message) {
    $db_table = _DB_PREF_ . '_featureSmssysnc';
    $conditions = array('uid' => $c_uid, 'message_id' => $message_id);
    if (dba_isavail($db_table, $conditions, 'AND')) {
        _log("saving uid:" . $c_uid . " dt:" . $sms_datetime . " ts:" . $r['sent_timestamp'] . " message_id:" . $message_id . " s:" . $sms_sender . " m:" . $message . " r:" . $sms_receiver, 3, "sms_sync sync");
        // if keyword does not exists (checkavailablekeyword == TRUE)
        // then prefix the message with an @username so that it will be routed to $c_uid's inbox
        $m = explode(' ', $message);
        $c_m = str_replace('#', '', $m[0]);
        if (checkavailablekeyword($c_m)) {
            _log("forwarded to inbox uid:" . $c_uid . " message_id:" . $message_id, 3, "sms_sync sync");
            $message = "@" . user_uid2username($c_uid) . " " . $message;
        // route it
        if ($recvsms_id = recvsms($sms_datetime, $sms_sender, $message, $sms_receiver)) {
            $items = array('uid' => $c_uid, 'message_id' => $message_id, 'recvsms_id' => $recvsms_id);
            dba_add($db_table, $items);
            _log("saved uid:" . $c_uid . " message_id:" . $message_id . " recvsms_id:" . $recvsms_id, 3, "sms_sync sync");
            $ret = array('payload' => array('success' => "true", 'error' => NULL));
Пример #4
function dba_isexists($db_table, $conditions = '', $operand = 'OR')
    $ret = dba_isavail($db_table, $conditions, $operand) ? false : true;
    return $ret;
Пример #5
                } else {
                    $_SESSION['error_string'] = _('You must fill mandatory fields');
                    header("Location: " . _u('index.php?app=main&inc=feature_phonebook&op=phonebook_list'));
                foreach ($gpids as $gpid) {
                    $maps[][$c_pid] = $gpid;
                dba_remove(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group_contacts', array('pid' => $c_pid));
                foreach ($maps as $map) {
                    foreach ($map as $key => $val) {
                        $gpid = $val;
                        $c_pid = $key;
                        $items = array('gpid' => $gpid, 'pid' => $c_pid);
                        if (dba_isavail(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group_contacts', $items, 'AND')) {
                            if (dba_add(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group_contacts', $items)) {
                                logger_print('contact added to group gpid:' . $gpid . ' pid:' . $c_pid . ' m:' . $mobile . ' n:' . $name . ' e:' . $email, 3, 'phonebook_edit');
                            } else {
                                logger_print('contact edited but fail to save in group gpid:' . $gpid . ' pid:' . $c_pid . ' m:' . $mobile . ' n:' . $name . ' e:' . $email, 3, 'phonebook_edit');
                $_SESSION['error_string'] = _('Contact has been edited');
                header("Location: " . _u('index.php?app=main&inc=feature_phonebook&op=phonebook_list'));
Пример #6
    case 'delete':
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            if (dba_remove(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook', array('uid' => $user_config['uid'], 'id' => $item))) {
                dba_remove(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group_contacts', array('pid' => $item));
                $_SESSION['dialog']['info'][] = _('Selected contact has been deleted');
$gpid = 0;
$ops = explode('_', _OP_);
if ($ops[0] == 'move' && $ops[1]) {
    $gpid = $ops[1];
if ($gpid && dba_valid(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group', 'id', $gpid)) {
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        if (dba_valid(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook', 'id', $item)) {
            if (dba_remove(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group_contacts', array('pid' => $item)) or dba_isavail(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group_contacts', array('pid' => $item))) {
                $data = array('pid' => $item, 'gpid' => $gpid);
                if (dba_add(_DB_PREF_ . '_featurePhonebook_group_contacts', $data)) {
                    $_SESSION['dialog']['info'][] = _('Selected contact moved to new group');
$search = themes_search_session();
$nav = themes_nav_session();
$ref = $search['url'] . '&search_keyword=' . $search['keyword'] . '&search_category=' . $search['category'] . '&page=' . $nav['page'] . '&nav=' . $nav['nav'];
header("Location: " . _u($ref));