Пример #1
/** determine if any of the ancestors or $node_id itself is already expired
 * This climbs the tree upward, starting at $node_id, to see if any nodes
 * are expired. If an expired node is detected, TRUE is returned.
 * If none of the nodes are expired, then FALSE is returned.
 * Note that this routine looks strictly at the expiry property, it is very
 * well possible that a node is under embargo, see {@link is_under_embargo()}.
 * Also note that this routine currently also tries to 'fix' the node database
 * when a circular reference is detected. This doesn't really belong here, but
 * for the time being it is convenient to have this auto-repair mechanism here.
 * The node that is fixed is the section we are looking at after MAXIMUM_ITERATIONS
 * tries, which is not necessarily the node we started with.
 * @param int $node_id 
 * @param array &$tree family tree
 * @return bool TRUE if any ancestor (or node_id) is expired, otherwise FALSE
 * @todo this function also 'repairs' circular references. This should move to a separate
 *       tree-repair function but for the time being it is "convenient" to have automatic repairs...
 * @uses $DB
function is_expired($node_id, &$tree)
    global $DB;
    $now = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %T');
    $node_id = intval($node_id);
    for ($next_id = $node_id; $next_id != 0 && --$tries > 0; $next_id = $tree[$next_id]['parent_id']) {
        if ($tree[$next_id]['record']['expiry'] < $now) {
            return TRUE;
    if ($tries <= 0) {
        // circular reference detected, try to fix it
        // insert offending node before first node at the top level
        // this becomes visible the _next_ time the tree is read from the database
        $first_id = $tree[0]['first_child_id'];
        $sort_order = $first_id != 0 ? intval($tree[$first_id]['record']['sort_order']) - 10 : 10;
        $fields = array('parent_id' => $next_id, 'sort_order' => $sort_order);
        $where = array('node_id' => $next_id);
        $sql = db_update_sql('nodes', $fields, $where);
        $parent_id = intval($tree[$node_id]['parent_id']);
        logger("is_expired(): circular reference '{$node_id}' (parent '{$parent_id}') fixed with '{$sql}'", WLOG_DEBUG);
    return FALSE;
/** update one or more fields in a table
 * @param string the name of the table to update (without prefix)
 * @param array an associative array with fieldnames and fieldvalues
 * @param mixed a single clause or an array with fieldnames => values ((without the WHERE keyword)
 * @return bool|int FALSE on failure or the number of affected rows
 * @uses db_update_sql()
function db_update($tablename, $fields, $where = '')
    global $DB;
    return $DB->exec(db_update_sql($tablename, $fields, $where));