function admin_controller() { global $mysqli, $session, $route, $updatelogin; // Allow for special admin session if updatelogin property is set to true in settings.php // Its important to use this with care and set updatelogin to false or remove from settings // after the update is complete. if ($updatelogin || $session['admin']) { $sessionadmin = true; } if ($sessionadmin) { if ($route->action == 'view') { $result = view("Modules/admin/admin_main_view.php", array()); } if ($route->action == 'db') { $applychanges = get('apply'); if (!$applychanges) { $applychanges = false; } else { $applychanges = true; } require_once "Lib/dbschemasetup.php"; $updates = array(); $updates[] = array('title' => "Database schema", 'description' => "", 'operations' => db_schema_setup($mysqli, load_db_schema(), $applychanges)); $result = view("Modules/admin/update_view.php", array('applychanges' => $applychanges, 'updates' => $updates)); } if ($route->action == 'users' && $session['write'] && $session['admin']) { $result = view("Modules/admin/userlist_view.php", array()); } if ($route->action == 'userlist' && $session['write'] && $session['admin']) { $data = array(); $result = $mysqli->query("SELECT id,username,email FROM users"); while ($row = $result->fetch_object()) { $data[] = $row; } $result = $data; } if ($route->action == 'setuser' && $session['write'] && $session['admin']) { $_SESSION['userid'] = intval(get('id')); header("Location: ../user/view"); } if ($route->action == 'emonpiupdate' && $session['write'] && $session['admin']) { $route->format = "text"; $fh = fopen("/tmp/emonpiupdate", "w"); fclose($fh); $nextcroncall = 60 - time() % 60; $result = "/tmp/emonpiupdate file flag created, update will run on next cron call in: " . $nextcroncall . "s\n"; } if ($route->action == 'getemonpiupdatelog' && $session['write'] && $session['admin']) { $route->format = "text"; ob_start(); passthru("cat /var/log/emonpiupdate.log"); $result = trim(ob_get_clean()); } } return array('content' => $result); }
function admin_controller() { global $mysqli, $session, $route, $updatelogin; // Allow for special admin session if updatelogin property is set to true in settings.php // Its important to use this with care and set updatelogin to false or remove from settings // after the update is complete. if ($updatelogin || $session['admin']) { $sessionadmin = true; } // if ($session['userid']==4) $sessionadmin = true; if ($sessionadmin) { if ($route->action == 'view') { $result = view("Modules/admin/admin_main_view.php", array()); } if ($route->action == 'db') { $applychanges = get('apply'); if (!$applychanges) { $applychanges = false; } else { $applychanges = true; } require "Modules/admin/update_class.php"; require_once "Lib/dbschemasetup.php"; $update = new Update($mysqli); $updates = array(); $updates[] = array('title' => "Database schema", 'description' => "", 'operations' => db_schema_setup($mysqli, load_db_schema(), $applychanges)); if (!$updates[0]['operations']) { // In future versions we could check against db version number as to what updates should be applied $updates[] = $update->u0001($applychanges); //$updates[] = $update->u0002($applychanges); $updates[] = $update->u0003($applychanges); $updates[] = $update->u0004($applychanges); } $result = view("Modules/admin/update_view.php", array('applychanges' => $applychanges, 'updates' => $updates)); } if ($route->action == 'users' && $session['write'] && $session['admin']) { $result = view("Modules/admin/userlist_view.php", array()); } if ($route->action == 'userlist' && $session['write'] && $session['admin']) { $data = array(); $result = $mysqli->query("SELECT id,username,email FROM users"); while ($row = $result->fetch_object()) { $data[] = $row; } $result = $data; } if ($route->action == 'setuser' && $session['write'] && $session['admin']) { $_SESSION['userid'] = intval(get('id')); header("Location: ../user/view"); } } return array('content' => $result); }
die; } $mysqli = @new mysqli($server, $username, $password, $database, $port); if ($mysqli->connect_error) { echo "Can't connect to database, please verify credentials/configuration in settings.php<br />"; if ($display_errors) { echo "Error message: <b>" . $mysqli->connect_error . "</b>"; } die; } // Set charset to utf8 $mysqli->set_charset("utf8"); if (!$mysqli->connect_error && $dbtest == true) { require "Lib/dbschemasetup.php"; if (!db_check($mysqli, $database)) { db_schema_setup($mysqli, load_db_schema(), true); } } // 3) User sessions require "Modules/user/user_model.php"; $user = new User($mysqli, $redis); $apikey = false; $devicekey = false; if (isset($_GET['apikey'])) { $apikey = $_GET['apikey']; } else { if (isset($_POST['apikey'])) { $apikey = $_POST['apikey']; } else { if (isset($_GET['devicekey'])) { $devicekey = $_GET['devicekey'];
function admin_controller() { global $mysqli, $session, $route, $updatelogin, $allow_emonpi_admin, $log_filename, $log_enabled, $redis; $result = "<br><div class='alert-error' style='top:0px; left:0px; width:100%; height:100%; text-align:center; padding-top:100px; padding-bottom:100px; border-radius:4px;'><h4>" . _('Admin re-authentication required') . "</h4></div>"; // Allow for special admin session if updatelogin property is set to true in settings.php // Its important to use this with care and set updatelogin to false or remove from settings // after the update is complete. if ($updatelogin || $session['admin']) { if ($route->format == 'html') { if ($route->action == 'view') { $result = view("Modules/admin/admin_main_view.php", array()); } else { if ($route->action == 'db') { $applychanges = get('apply'); if (!$applychanges) { $applychanges = false; } else { $applychanges = true; } require_once "Lib/dbschemasetup.php"; $updates = array(); $updates[] = array('title' => "Database schema", 'description' => "", 'operations' => db_schema_setup($mysqli, load_db_schema(), $applychanges)); $result = view("Modules/admin/update_view.php", array('applychanges' => $applychanges, 'updates' => $updates)); } else { if ($route->action == 'users' && $session['write']) { $result = view("Modules/admin/userlist_view.php", array()); } else { if ($route->action == 'setuser' && $session['write']) { $_SESSION['userid'] = intval(get('id')); header("Location: ../user/view"); } else { if ($route->action == 'getlog') { $route->format = "text"; if ($log_enabled) { ob_start(); passthru("tail -25 " . $log_filename); $result = trim(ob_get_clean()); } else { $result = "Log is disabled."; } } else { if ($allow_emonpi_admin && $route->action == 'emonpi') { if ($route->subaction == 'update' && $session['write'] && $session['admin']) { $route->format = "text"; $file = "/tmp/emonpiupdate"; $fh = @fopen($file, "w"); if (!$fh) { $result = "ERROR: Can't write the flag {$file}."; } else { $result = "Update flag file {$file} created. Update will start on next cron call in " . (60 - time() % 60) . "s..."; } @fclose($fh); } if ($route->subaction == 'getupdatelog') { $route->format = "text"; ob_start(); passthru("cat /home/pi/data/emonpiupdate.log"); $result = trim(ob_get_clean()); } if ($route->subaction == 'backup' && $session['write'] && $session['admin']) { $route->format = "text"; $file = "/tmp/emonpibackup"; $fh = @fopen($file, "w"); if (!$fh) { $result = "ERROR: Can't write the flag {$file}."; } else { $result = "Update flag file {$file} created. Update will start on next cron call in " . (60 - time() % 60) . "s..."; } @fclose($fh); } if ($route->subaction == 'getbackuplog') { $route->format = "text"; ob_start(); passthru("cat /home/pi/data/emonpibackup.log"); $result = trim(ob_get_clean()); } if ($route->subaction == "downloadbackup" && $session['write'] && $session['admin']) { header("Content-type: application/zip"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=backup.tar.gz"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); readfile("/home/pi/data/backup.tar.gz"); exit; } } } } } } } } else { if ($route->format == 'json') { if ($route->action == 'redisflush' && $session['write']) { $redis->flushDB(); $result = array('used' => $redis->info()['used_memory_human'], 'dbsize' => $redis->dbSize()); } else { if ($route->action == 'userlist' && $session['write']) { $data = array(); $result = $mysqli->query("SELECT id,username,email FROM users"); while ($row = $result->fetch_object()) { $data[] = $row; } $result = $data; } } } } } return array('content' => $result); }
<?php // Update Emoncms database $applychanges = true; define('EMONCMS_EXEC', 1); chdir("/var/www/emoncms"); require "process_settings.php"; require "core.php"; $mysqli = @new mysqli($server, $username, $password, $database); require_once "Lib/dbschemasetup.php"; print json_encode(db_schema_setup($mysqli, load_db_schema(), $applychanges)) . "\n";
function admin_controller() { global $mysqli, $session, $route, $updatelogin, $allow_emonpi_admin, $log_filename, $log_enabled, $redis; $result = "<br><div class='alert-error' style='top:0px; left:0px; width:100%; height:100%; text-align:center; padding-top:100px; padding-bottom:100px; border-radius:4px;'><h4>" . _('Admin re-authentication required') . "</h4></div>"; // Allow for special admin session if updatelogin property is set to true in settings.php // Its important to use this with care and set updatelogin to false or remove from settings // after the update is complete. if ($updatelogin || $session['admin']) { if ($route->format == 'html') { if ($route->action == 'view') { $result = view("Modules/admin/admin_main_view.php", array()); } else { if ($route->action == 'db') { $applychanges = get('apply'); if (!$applychanges) { $applychanges = false; } else { $applychanges = true; } require_once "Lib/dbschemasetup.php"; $updates = array(); $updates[] = array('title' => "Database schema", 'description' => "", 'operations' => db_schema_setup($mysqli, load_db_schema(), $applychanges)); $result = view("Modules/admin/update_view.php", array('applychanges' => $applychanges, 'updates' => $updates)); } else { if ($route->action == 'users' && $session['write']) { $result = view("Modules/admin/userlist_view.php", array()); } else { if ($route->action == 'setuser' && $session['write']) { $_SESSION['userid'] = intval(get('id')); header("Location: ../user/view"); } else { if ($route->action == 'downloadlog') { if ($log_enabled) { header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary"); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . basename($log_filename) . "\""); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); flush(); if (file_exists($log_filename)) { readfile($log_filename); } else { echo $log_filename . " does not exist!"; } exit; } } else { if ($route->action == 'getlog') { $route->format = "text"; if ($log_enabled) { ob_start(); // PHP replacement for tail starts here // full path to text file define("TEXT_FILE", $log_filename); // number of lines to read from the end of file define("LINES_COUNT", 25); function read_file($file, $lines) { //global $fsize; $handle = fopen($file, "r"); $linecounter = $lines; $pos = -2; $beginning = false; $text = array(); while ($linecounter > 0) { $t = " "; while ($t != "\n") { if (fseek($handle, $pos, SEEK_END) == -1) { $beginning = true; break; } $t = fgetc($handle); $pos--; } $linecounter--; if ($beginning) { rewind($handle); } $text[$lines - $linecounter - 1] = fgets($handle); if ($beginning) { break; } } fclose($handle); return array_reverse($text); } $fsize = round(filesize(TEXT_FILE) / 1024 / 1024, 2); $lines = read_file(TEXT_FILE, LINES_COUNT); foreach ($lines as $line) { echo $line; } //End PHP replacement for Tail $result = trim(ob_get_clean()); } else { $result = "Log is disabled."; } } else { if ($allow_emonpi_admin && $route->action == 'emonpi') { //put $update_logfile here so it can be referenced in other if statements //before it was only accesable in the update subaction //placed some other variables here as well so they are grouped //together for the emonpi action even though they might not be used //in the subaction $update_logfile = "/home/pi/data/emonpiupdate.log"; $backup_logfile = "/home/pi/data/emonpibackup.log"; $update_flag = "/tmp/emoncms-flag-update"; $backup_flag = "/tmp/emonpibackup"; $update_script = "/home/pi/emonpi/"; $backup_file = "/home/pi/data/backup.tar.gz"; if ($route->subaction == 'update' && $session['write'] && $session['admin']) { $route->format = "text"; $fh = @fopen($update_flag, "w"); if (!$fh) { $result = "ERROR: Can't write the flag {$update_flag}."; } else { fwrite($fh, "{$update_script}>{$update_logfile}"); $result = "Update flag set"; } @fclose($fh); } if ($route->subaction == 'getupdatelog' && $session['admin']) { $route->format = "text"; ob_start(); passthru("cat " . $update_logfile); $result = trim(ob_get_clean()); } if ($route->subaction == 'downloadupdatelog' && $session['admin']) { header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary"); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . basename($update_logfile) . "\""); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); flush(); if (file_exists($update_logfile)) { ob_start(); readfile($update_logfile); echo trim(ob_get_clean()); } else { echo $update_logfile . " does not exist!"; } exit; } if ($route->subaction == 'backup' && $session['write'] && $session['admin']) { $route->format = "text"; $fh = @fopen($backup_flag, "w"); if (!$fh) { $result = "ERROR: Can't write the flag {$backup_flag}."; } else { $result = "Update flag file {$backup_flag} created. Update will start on next cron call in " . (60 - time() % 60) . "s..."; } @fclose($fh); } if ($route->subaction == 'getbackuplog' && $session['admin']) { $route->format = "text"; ob_start(); passthru("cat " . $backup_logfile); $result = trim(ob_get_clean()); } if ($route->subaction == 'downloadbackuplog' && $session['admin']) { header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary"); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . basename($backup_logfile) . "\""); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); flush(); if (file_exists($backup_logfile)) { ob_start(); readfile($backup_logfile); echo trim(ob_get_clean()); } else { echo $backup_logfile . " does not exist!"; } exit; } if ($route->subaction == "downloadbackup" && $session['write'] && $session['admin']) { header("Content-type: application/zip"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . basename($backup_file) . "\""); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); readfile($backup_file); exit; } } } } } } } } } else { if ($route->format == 'json') { if ($route->action == 'redisflush' && $session['write']) { $redis->flushDB(); $result = array('used' => $redis->info()['used_memory_human'], 'dbsize' => $redis->dbSize()); } else { if ($route->action == 'userlist' && $session['write']) { $data = array(); $result = $mysqli->query("SELECT id,username,email FROM users"); while ($row = $result->fetch_object()) { $data[] = $row; } $result = $data; } } } } } return array('content' => $result); }