/** * getting store hanging methods array from databas * @param int $store_id * @return array */ function get_store_hanging_methods($store_id) { $store_id = abs((int) $store_id); $query = "SELECT h.* FROM stores_hanging_methods as s INNER JOIN hanging_methods AS h ON h.id = s.hanging_method_id WHERE s.store_id = {$store_id}"; $result = db_query_to_array($query); return $result; }
/** * Gets the system settings from the database * * @return array list with system settings * the KEY column becomes the array key and * the VALUE column becomes the corresponding value * for that key */ function get_settings() { $return = []; $query = "SELECT * FROM system_settings"; $data = db_query_to_array($query); if (!empty($data)) { foreach ($data as $_row) { $return[$_row['KEY']] = $_row['VALUE']; } } return $return; }
/** * Gets the attibutes of a contact * * @param string $contact_mech_id the id of the contact mech * @return array list with attribures and their values */ function contact_mech_get_attributes($contact_mech_id) { $query = "SELECT ATTR_NAME, ATTR_VALUE\n\t\t\t FROM contact_mech_attribute\n\t\t\t WHERE CONTACT_MECH_ID = '" . esc($contact_mech_id) . "'"; return db_query_to_array($query); }
/** * getting order week numbers by order id * @return array $weeks */ function get_order_weeks($order_id) { $week_numbers = db_query_to_array("SELECT week_number, type FROM orders_weeks WHERE order_id = {$order_id} ORDER BY type"); $weeks = array(); foreach ($week_numbers as $w) { $weeks[$w['type']] = $w['week_number']; } return $weeks; }
/** * Gets the categories that are part of a catalog * * @param string $catalog_id the id of the product catalog * @return array list with categories and their data */ function catalog_categories_get($catalog_id) { $query = "SELECT pcc.PROD_CATALOG_ID, pcc.PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID, pc.DESCRIPTION, pc.CATEGORY_NAME\n\t\t\t FROM prod_catalog_category pcc\n\t\t\t JOIN product_category pc ON pcc.PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID = pc.PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID\n\t\t\t WHERE pcc.PROD_CATALOG_ID ='" . esc($catalog_id) . "'\n\t\t\t ORDER BY pcc.SEQUENCE_NUM ASC"; return db_query_to_array($query); }
/** * Gets all possible product features * * @param boolean $list if we want a list with PRODUCT_FEATURE_ID-s only * @return array list with product features */ function product_feature_all($list = false) { $query = "SELECT PRODUCT_FEATURE_ID, PRODUCT_FEATURE_TYPE_ID, DESCRIPTION\n\t\t\t FROM product_feature\n\t\t\t ORDER BY PRODUCT_FEATURE_ID ASC"; if ($list) { return db_query_to_list($query, 'PRODUCT_FEATURE_ID'); } return db_query_to_array($query); }
/** * Returns a list with values from the result * of the specified query * * @param string $query the MySQL query * @param string $column the column from the result * @return array list with values */ function db_query_to_list($query, $column) { $return = array(); $data = db_query_to_array($query); if (!empty($data)) { foreach ($data as $row) { if (isset($row[$column])) { $return[] = $row[$column]; } } } return $return; }
/** * Gets orders on a page * * @param int $page - number of the page * @param str $status_id - status of the orders * @param str $type - type of the orders * @param str $search - a search keyphrase * @param date $from_date - starting date of the orders * @param date $to_date - ending date of the orders * @param bool $delivery_date - whether a delivery date(true) or order date (fasle) * @return arr - list with orders */ function orders_get($page, $status_id, $type, $search, $from_date, $to_date, $delivery_date) { $where = order_search_build_where_clause($search, $from_date, $to_date, $delivery_date); if (is_array($status_id)) { $status_check = "AND oh.STATUS_ID IN ('" . implode("','", $status_id) . "')"; } else { $status_check = "AND oh.STATUS_ID = '" . esc($status_id) . "'"; } $query = "SELECT oh.ORDER_ID, oh.COMPANY, oh.CREATED_BY, oh.LOCATION, oh.EXTERNAL_ID, oh.ORDER_DATE, oh.DELIVERY_DATE, oh.STATUS_ID, oro.PARTY_ID, oh.GRAND_TOTAL, oh.DPD_TEXT,\n\t\t\t\t\t oh.GRAND_TOTAL_NO_TAX, oh.CURRENCY_UOM, oh.SYNC_STATUS_ID, oh.COMMENTS, oh.SESSION_SERILIALIZE\n\t\t\t FROM order_header oh JOIN order_role oro\n\t\t\t ON oh.ORDER_ID = oro.ORDER_ID\n\t\t\t WHERE oh.ORDER_TYPE_ID='" . esc($type) . "' {$status_check} AND oro.ROLE_TYPE_ID = '" . ORDER_CUSTOMER . "' {$where}\n\t\t\t ORDER BY oh.ORDER_DATE DESC "; if ($page !== false) { $query .= db_get_limit($page); } return db_query_to_array($query); }
if (empty($weeks)) { insert_to_db('orders_weeks', array('order_id' => $order_id, 'week_number' => $week_number, 'type' => $type_key)); } else { update_in_db('orders_weeks', array('week_number' => $week_number), 'id = ' . $weeks['id']); } $_SESSION['order_id'] = $order_id; header('location: /test/checkout'); exit; } import('store'); import('checkout'); $template_name = 'additional_' . $type; // if user clicked last button getting last order details and showing last order template if ('last' == get_url_param(3)) { $additional_orders = get_last_additional_banner_order($_SESSION['user']['id'], $type_key); if ($additional_orders) { $template_name .= '_last'; } else { header('location: /test/additional/' . $type); exit; } } //setting view template $template = set_template('test', $template_name); $link = THEME . 'template2.php'; $stores = db_query_to_array("SELECT * FROM stores"); $stores_methods = array(); foreach ($stores as $store) { $stores_methods[$store['id']] = get_store_hanging_methods($store['id']); } require_once $link;
/** * Gets a list of documents by their associated order * * @param string $order_id the id of the order * @return array list with documents */ function documents_get($order_id) { $query = "SELECT * FROM document WHERE DOCUMENT_ID LIKE 'DOC_{$order_id}%'"; return db_query_to_array($query); }
/** * * Gets a list of customers * @param int $page - number of page * @param str $order_by - the column to be ordered by * @param str $asc - the orientation of the sorting * @return arr - list wiht clients */ function users_get_clients($page, $order_by, $asc) { if ($order_by == '') { $order_by = 'pe.FIRST_NAME'; } if ($order_by == 'pe.PARTY_ID') { $order_by = 'CAST( SUBSTR(pe.PARTY_ID FROM 3) as SIGNED INTEGER)'; } if ($asc == '') { $asc = 'ASC'; } $query = "SELECT p.DATA_SOURCE_ID,\n\t\t\t\t\t pe.PARTY_ID, pe.COMPANY, pe.FIRST_NAME, pe.LAST_NAME, pe.STATUS_ID,\n\t\t\t\t\t ul.ENABLED\n\t\t\t FROM party p JOIN person pe JOIN user_login ul JOIN party_role pr\n\t\t\t ON p.PARTY_ID = pe.PARTY_ID AND pe.PARTY_ID = ul.PARTY_ID AND pr.PARTY_ID = p.PARTY_ID\n\t\t\t WHERE pr.ROLE_TYPE_ID = '" . ROLE_CLIENT . "' AND pe.STATUS_ID != '" . DELETED . "'\n\t\t\t ORDER BY {$order_by} {$asc}"; if ($page) { $query .= db_get_limit($page); } return db_query_to_array($query); }
<?php $store_list = db_query_to_array("SELECT * FROM `stores`"); ?> <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title><?php echo WEBSITE; ?> :: Customer Universe</title> <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" name="viewport"> <meta content="" name="description"> <meta content="" name="author"> <!-- Le styles --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/themes/<?php echo THEME_NAME; ?> /css/bootstrap.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/themes/<?php echo THEME_NAME; ?> /css/bootstrap-responsive.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/themes/<?php echo THEME_NAME; ?> /css/bootstrap-responsive-480px.min.css"> <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="/themes/--><?//=THEME_NAME?><!--/css/bootstrap3.css">-->