function widget_supporttickets_overview($vars) { global $chart; $title = "Support Tickets Overview"; $activestatuses = $replystatuses = array(); $result = select_query("tblticketstatuses", "title,showactive,showawaiting", "showactive=1"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($data['showactive']) { $activestatuses[] = $data['title']; } if ($data['showawaiting']) { $replystatuses[] = $data['title']; } } $ticketcount = 0; $awaitingReplyByDept = array(); if (count($replystatuses) > 0) { $query = "SELECT name,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbltickets WHERE AND tbltickets.status IN (" . db_build_in_array($replystatuses) . ")) FROM tblticketdepartments ORDER BY `order` ASC"; $result = full_query($query); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $awaitingReplyByDept[] = array('c' => array(array('v' => addcslashes(Sanitize::decode($data[0]), '"')), array('v' => $data[1], 'f' => $data[1]))); $ticketcount += $data[1]; } } $awaitingReplyByStatus = array(); $query = "SELECT tblticketstatuses.title,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbltickets WHERE tbltickets.status=tblticketstatuses.title) FROM tblticketstatuses WHERE showawaiting=1 ORDER BY sortorder ASC"; $result = full_query($query); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $awaitingReplyByStatus[] = array('c' => array(array('v' => addcslashes(Sanitize::decode($data[0]), '"')), array('v' => $data[1], 'f' => $data[1]))); $ticketcount += $data[1]; } if (!$ticketcount) { $content = <<<EOT <br /> <div align="center"> There are <strong>0</strong> Tickets Currently Awaiting a Reply </div> <br /> EOT; } else { // Awaiting Reply by Department $chartData = array('cols' => array(array('label' => 'Department', 'type' => 'string'), array('label' => 'Ticket Count', 'type' => 'number')), 'rows' => $awaitingReplyByDept); $content = '<div id="ticketOverviewDepartments">' . $chart->drawChart('Pie', $chartData, array('title' => 'Awaiting Reply by Department', 'legendpos' => 'right'), '250px') . '</div>'; // Awaiting Reply by Status $chartData = array('cols' => array(array('label' => 'Status', 'type' => 'string'), array('label' => 'Ticket Count', 'type' => 'number')), 'rows' => $awaitingReplyByStatus); $content .= '<div id="ticketOverviewStatuses">' . $chart->drawChart('Pie', $chartData, array('title' => 'Awaiting Reply by Status', 'legendpos' => 'right'), '250px') . '</div>'; } return array('title' => $title, 'content' => $content); }
public function getUpgradeProductOptions() { $upgradepackages = $this->getUpgradePIDs(); if (!count($upgradepackages)) { return array(); } $array = array(); $result = select_query("tblproducts", "id", "id IN (" . db_build_in_array($upgradepackages) . ")", "order` ASC,`name", "ASC"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $pid = $data['id']; $array[$pid] = getProductInfo($pid); $array[$pid]['pricing'] = getPricingInfo($pid, "", true); } return $array; }
function widget_supporttickets_overview($vars) { global $_ADMINLANG; $title = "Support Tickets Overview"; $activestatuses = $replystatuses = array(); $result = select_query("tblticketstatuses", "title,showactive,showawaiting", "showactive=1"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($data['showactive']) { $activestatuses[] = db_escape_string($data['title']); } if ($data['showawaiting']) { $replystatuses[] = db_escape_string($data['title']); } } $ticketcount = 0; $chartdata = array(); $query = "SELECT name,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbltickets WHERE AND tbltickets.status IN (" . db_build_in_array($replystatuses) . ")) FROM tblticketdepartments ORDER BY `order` ASC"; $result = full_query($query); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $chartdata[] = "['" . addslashes($data[0]) . "'," . $data[1] . "]"; $ticketcount += $data[1]; } $chartdata = implode(',', $chartdata); $chartdata2 = array(); $query = "SELECT tblticketstatuses.title,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbltickets WHERE tbltickets.status=tblticketstatuses.title) FROM tblticketstatuses WHERE showawaiting=1 ORDER BY sortorder ASC"; $result = full_query($query); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $chartdata2[] = "['" . $data[0] . "'," . $data[1] . "]"; $ticketcount += $data[1]; } $chartdata2 = implode(',', $chartdata2); if (!$ticketcount) { $content = '<br /><div align="center">There are <strong>0</strong> Tickets Currently Awaiting a Reply</div><br />'; } else { $content = <<<EOF <script type="text/javascript"> google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["corechart"]}); google.setOnLoadCallback(drawTicketChart1); function drawTicketChart1() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('string', 'Department'); data.addColumn('number', 'Ticket Count'); data.addRows([ {$chartdata} ]); var options = { chartArea: {left:0,top:20,width:"100%",height:"160"}, title: 'Awaiting Reply by Department' }; var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('ticketsoverview1')); chart.draw(data, options); } google.setOnLoadCallback(drawTicketChart2); function drawTicketChart2() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('string', 'Status'); data.addColumn('number', 'Ticket Count'); data.addRows([ {$chartdata2} ]); var options = { chartArea: {left:0,top:20,width:"100%",height:"160"}, title: 'Awaiting Reply by Status' }; var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('ticketsoverview2')); chart.draw(data, options); } </script> <div id="ticketsoverview1" style="float:left;width: 50%; height: 200px;"></div> <div id="ticketsoverview2" style="float:right;width: 50%; height: 200px;"></div> EOF; } return array('title' => $title, 'content' => $content); }
function getKBAutoSuggestionsQuery($field, $textparts, $limit, $existingkbarticles = "") { $kbarticles = array(); $where = ""; foreach ($textparts as $textpart) { $where .= "" . $field . " LIKE '%" . db_escape_string($textpart) . "%' OR "; } $where = !$where ? "id!=''" : substr($where, 0, 0 - 4); if (is_array($existingkbarticles)) { $existingkbids = array(); foreach ($existingkbarticles as $v) { $existingkbids[] = (int) $v['id']; } $where = "(" . $where . ")"; if (0 < count($existingkbids)) { $where .= " AND id NOT IN (" . db_build_in_array($existingkbids) . ")"; } } $result = full_query("SELECT id,parentid FROM tblknowledgebase WHERE " . $where . " ORDER BY useful DESC LIMIT 0," . (int) $limit); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $articleid = $data['id']; $parentid = $data['parentid']; if ($parentid) { $articleid = $parentid; } $result2 = full_query("SELECT tblknowledgebaselinks.categoryid FROM tblknowledgebase INNER JOIN tblknowledgebaselinks ON INNER JOIN tblknowledgebasecats ON WHERE (" . (int) $articleid . " OR tblknowledgebase.parentid=" . (int) $articleid . ") AND tblknowledgebasecats.hidden=''"); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result2); $categoryid = $data['categoryid']; if ($categoryid) { $result2 = full_query("SELECT * FROM tblknowledgebase WHERE (id=" . (int) $articleid . " OR parentid=" . (int) $articleid . ") AND (language='" . db_escape_string($_SESSION['Language']) . "' OR language='') ORDER BY language DESC"); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result2); $title = $data['title']; $article = $data['article']; $views = $data['views']; $kbarticles[] = array("id" => $articleid, "category" => $categoryid, "title" => $title, "article" => ticketsummary($article), "text" => $article); } } return $kbarticles; }
while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($data['showactive']) { $activestatuses[] = $data[0]; } if ($data['showawaiting']) { $awaitingreplystatuses[] = $data[0]; } } $deptfilter = ""; if (!$ignore_dept_assignments) { $result = select_query("tbladmins", "supportdepts", array("id" => $_SESSION['adminid'])); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $supportdepts = $data[0]; $supportdepts = explode(",", $supportdepts); $deptids = array(); foreach ($supportdepts as $id) { if (trim($id)) { $deptids[] = trim($id); continue; } } if (count($deptids)) { $deptfilter = "WHERE IN (" . db_build_in_array($deptids) . ") "; } } $result = full_query("SELECT id,name,(SELECT COUNT(id) FROM tbltickets WHERE AND status IN (" . db_build_in_array($awaitingreplystatuses) . ")) AS awaitingreply,(SELECT COUNT(id) FROM tbltickets WHERE AND status IN (" . db_build_in_array($activestatuses) . ")) AS opentickets FROM tblticketdepartments " . $deptfilter . "ORDER BY name ASC"); $apiresults = array("result" => "success", "totalresults" => mysql_num_rows($result)); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $apiresults['departments']['department'][] = array("id" => $data['id'], "name" => $data['name'], "awaitingreply" => $data['awaitingreply'], "opentickets" => $data['opentickets']); } $responsetype = "xml";
$todata = array(); $query = ""; if (!$type) { $type = "general"; } $queryMadeFromEmailType = ""; if ($type == "massmail") { $clientstatus = db_build_in_array($clientstatus); $clientgroup = db_build_in_array($clientgroup); $clientlanguage = db_build_in_array($clientlanguage, true); $productids = db_build_in_array($productids); $productstatus = db_build_in_array($productstatus); $server = db_build_in_array($server); $addonids = db_build_in_array($addonids); $addonstatus = db_build_in_array($addonstatus); $domainstatus = db_build_in_array($domainstatus); if ($emailtype == "General") { $type = "general"; $query = "SELECT id,id AS userid,tblclients.firstname,tblclients.lastname, FROM tblclients WHERE id!=''"; if ($clientstatus) { $query .= " AND tblclients.status IN (" . $clientstatus . ")"; } if ($clientgroup) { $query .= " AND tblclients.groupid IN (" . $clientgroup . ")"; } if ($clientlanguage) { $query .= " AND tblclients.language IN (" . $clientlanguage . ")"; } if (is_array($customfield)) { foreach ($customfield as $k => $v) { if ($v) {
while ($data_resultdeptids = mysql_fetch_array($resultdeptids)) { $deptnames[] = $data_resultdeptids[0]; } } if (!count($deptnames)) { $deptnames[] = $aInt->lang("global", "none"); } $tabledata[] = array($data['firstname'] . " " . $data['lastname'], "<a href=\"mailto:" . $data['email'] . "\">" . $data['email'] . "</a>", $data['username'], $data['name'], implode(", ", $deptnames), "<a href=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "?action=manage&id=" . $data['id'] . "\"><img src=\"images/edit.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Edit\"></a>", "<a href=\"#\" onClick=\"doDelete('" . $data['id'] . "')\"><img src=\"images/delete.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Delete\"></a>"); } echo $aInt->sortableTable(array($aInt->lang("fields", "name"), $aInt->lang("fields", "email"), $aInt->lang("fields", "username"), $aInt->lang("administrators", "adminrole"), $aInt->lang("administrators", "assigneddepts"), "", ""), $tabledata); echo "<h2>" . $aInt->lang("administrators", "inactive") . " </h2>"; $tabledata = array(); $result = select_query("tbladmins", "tbladmins.*,", array("disabled" => "1"), "firstname` ASC,`lastname", "ASC", "", "tbladminroles ON"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $departments = $deptnames = array(); $supportdepts = db_build_in_array(explode(",", $data['supportdepts'])); if ($supportdepts) { $resultdeptids = select_query("tblticketdepartments", "name", "id IN (" . $supportdepts . ")"); while ($data_resultdeptids = mysql_fetch_array($resultdeptids)) { $deptnames[] = $data_resultdeptids[0]; } } if (!count($deptnames)) { $deptnames[] = $aInt->lang("global", "none"); } $tabledata[] = array($data['firstname'] . " " . $data['lastname'], "<a href=\"mailto:" . $data['email'] . "\">" . $data['email'] . "</a>", $data['username'], $data['name'], implode(", ", $deptnames), "<a href=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "?action=manage&id=" . $data['id'] . "\"><img src=\"images/edit.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Edit\"></a>", "<a href=\"#\" onClick=\"doDelete('" . $data['id'] . "')\"><img src=\"images/delete.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Delete\"></a>"); } echo $aInt->sortableTable(array($aInt->lang("fields", "name"), $aInt->lang("fields", "email"), $aInt->lang("fields", "username"), $aInt->lang("administrators", "adminrole"), $aInt->lang("administrators", "assigneddepts"), "", ""), $tabledata); } else { if ($action == "manage") { if ($id) {
public function getTagCloudData() { if (!count($this->tagticketids)) { return array(); } $tags = array(); $result = full_query("SELECT `tag`, COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `tbltickettags` WHERE ticketid IN (" . db_build_in_array($this->tagticketids) . ") GROUP BY `tag` ORDER BY `count` DESC"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $tags[] = $data; } return $tags; }
function bulkpricingupdater_output($vars) { $modulelink = $vars['modulelink']; $step = isset($_REQUEST['step']) ? $_REQUEST['step'] : ""; if (!$step) { echo "\n<p>By default, changing the pricing of products & services in the product configuration area will not affect existing clients. They remain at the prices they agreed to at the time of signing up. However, if you want to apply price increases to your existing clients too, then this addon utility allows you to do that.</p>\n<p>(Use Ctrl+Click to select more than one criteria in any of the fields)</p>\n"; echo "\n<form method=\"post\" action=\""; echo $modulelink; echo "&step=2\">\n\n<p><b>Conditions</b></p>\n\n<table class=\"form\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"3\">\n<tr><td width=\"15%\" class=\"fieldlabel\">Product</td><td class=\"fieldarea\" colspan=\"3\">"; echo "<s"; echo "elect name=\"productids[]\" size=\"10\" multiple=\"true\" style=\"width:600px;\">"; $result = select_query("tblproducts", ",tblproducts.gid,, AS groupname", "", "tblproductgroups`.`order` ASC,`tblproducts`.`order` ASC,`name", "ASC", "", "tblproductgroups ON"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $pid = $data['id']; $pname = $data['name']; $ptype = $data['groupname']; echo "<option value=\"" . $pid . "\">" . $ptype . " - " . $pname . "</option>"; } $result = select_query("tbladdons", "", "", "name", "ASC"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $id = $data['id']; $name = $data['name']; $description = $data['description']; echo "<option value=\"A" . $id . "\">Addon - " . $name . "</option>"; } $result = select_query("tbldomainpricing", "DISTINCT extension", "", "extension", "ASC"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $tld = $data['extension']; echo "<option value=\"D" . $tld . "\">Domain - " . $tld . "</option>"; } echo "</select></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"fieldlabel\">Status</td><td class=\"fieldarea\">"; echo "<s"; echo "elect name=\"status[]\" size=\"5\" multiple=\"true\">\n<option>Pending</option>\n<option>Pending Transfer</option>\n<option selected>Active</option>\n<option selected>Suspended</option>\n<option>Terminated</option>\n<option>Cancelled</option>\n<option>Expired</option>\n<option>Fraud</option>\n</select></td><td width=\"15%\" class=\"fieldlabel\">Billing Cycle</td><td class=\"fieldarea\">"; echo "<s"; echo "elect name=\"billingcycle[]\" size=\"8\" multiple=\"true\">\n<option>Monthly</option>\n<option>Quarterly</option>\n<option>Semi-Annually</option>\n<option>Annually</option>\n<option>Biennially</option>\n<option>Triennially</option>\n"; $domainyears = 1; while ($domainyears <= 10) { echo "<option value=\"" . $domainyears . "\">Domain: " . $domainyears . " Year</option>"; ++$domainyears; } echo "</select></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"fieldlabel\">Currency</td><td class=\"fieldarea\">"; echo "<s"; echo "elect name=\"currid\">"; $result = select_query("tblcurrencies", "id,code", "", "code", "ASC"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<option value=\"" . $data['id'] . "\""; if ($data['id'] == $currency) { echo " selected"; } echo ">" . $data['code'] . "</option>"; } echo "</select></td><td class=\"fieldlabel\">Current Price</td><td class=\"fieldarea\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"currentprice\" size=\"10\" value=\"\" /> (Optional)</td></tr>\n</table>\n\n<p><b>Price</b></p>\n\n<table class=\"form\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"3\">\n<tr><td width=\"20%\" class=\"fieldlabel\">New Recurring Price</td><td class=\"fieldarea\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"newprice\" size=\"10\" value=\"0.00\" /></"; echo "td></tr>\n</table>\n\n<p align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Update Pricing\" class=\"button\" /></p>\n\n</form>\n\n"; return null; } check_token(); $productids = $_REQUEST['productids']; $status = $_REQUEST['status']; $billingcycle = $_REQUEST['billingcycle']; $currid = (int) $_REQUEST['currid']; $currentprice = $_REQUEST['currentprice']; $newprice = $_REQUEST['newprice']; $statusmatches = db_build_in_array($status); $billingcyclematches = db_build_in_array($billingcycle); if ($currentprice) { $currentprice = format_as_currency($currentprice); } $newprice = format_as_currency($newprice); echo "<p><b>Conditions</b></p><p>Statuses: " . $statusmatches . "<br />Billing Cycles: " . $billingcyclematches; if ($currentprice) { echo "<br />Current Price: " . $currentprice; } echo "</p><p><b>Pricing Update Results</b></p><ul>"; $currentprice = db_escape_string($currentprice); $newprice = db_escape_string($newprice); foreach ($productids as $pid) { $prodfirstletter = substr($pid, 0, 1); $prodrest = (int) substr($pid, 1); echo "<li>"; if ($prodfirstletter == "A") { $query = "UPDATE tblhostingaddons,tblhosting SET tblhostingaddons.recurring='" . $newprice . "' WHERE tblhostingaddons.addonid='" . $prodrest . "' AND tblhostingaddons.status IN (" . $statusmatches . ") AND tblhostingaddons.billingcycle IN (" . $billingcyclematches . ") AND AND tblhosting.userid IN (SELECT id FROM tblclients WHERE currency='" . $currid . "')"; if ($currentprice) { $query .= " AND tblhostingaddons.recurring='" . $currentprice . "'"; } echo "Updated Addon ID " . $prodrest; } else { if ($prodfirstletter == "D") { $query = "UPDATE tbldomains SET recurringamount='" . $newprice . "' WHERE domain LIKE '%" . $prodrest . "' AND status IN (" . $statusmatches . ") AND registrationperiod IN (" . $billingcyclematches . ") AND userid IN (SELECT id FROM tblclients WHERE currency='" . $currid . "')"; if ($currentprice) { $query .= " AND recurringamount='" . $currentprice . "'"; } echo "Updated Domains with TLD " . $prodrest; } else { $pid = (int) $pid; $query = "UPDATE tblhosting SET amount='" . $newprice . "' WHERE packageid='" . $pid . "' AND domainstatus IN (" . $statusmatches . ") AND billingcycle IN (" . $billingcyclematches . ") AND userid IN (SELECT id FROM tblclients WHERE currency='" . $currid . "')"; if ($currentprice) { $query .= " AND amount='" . $currentprice . "'"; } echo "Updated Product ID " . $pid; } } $result = full_query($query); $numaffected = mysql_affected_rows(); echo " - " . $numaffected . " Affected"; echo "</li>"; } }
* **/ if (!defined("WHMCS")) { exit("This file cannot be accessed directly"); } require_once ROOTDIR . "/includes/adminfunctions.php"; $description = "This graph shows the number of tasks incomplete compared with total number of tasks for each project"; $datefrom = fromMySQLDate(date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") - 7, date("Y")))); $dateto = fromMySQLDate(date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + 1, date("Y")))); if ($statsonly) { return false; } $chartdata = array(); $statuses = get_query_val("tbladdonmodules", "value", array("module" => "project_management", "setting" => "completedstatuses")); $statuses = explode(",", $statuses); $result = select_query("mod_project", "id,title", "status NOT IN (" . db_build_in_array($statuses) . ")"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $projectid = $data['id']; $title = $data['title']; $totaltasks = get_query_val("mod_projecttasks", "COUNT(*)", array("projectid" => $projectid)); $completedtasks = get_query_val("mod_projecttasks", "COUNT(*)", array("projectid" => $projectid, "completed" => "1")); $chartdata[$title] = $completedtasks; $chartdata2[$title] = $totaltasks; } $graph = new WHMCSGraph(1000, 400); $graph->setTitle("Task Status per Project"); $graph->setBarColor("220,57,18", "51,102,204"); $graph->addData($chartdata, $chartdata2); $graph->setLegendTitle("Completed Tasks", "Total Tasks"); $graph->setDataValues(true); $graph->setXValuesHorizontal(true);
echo $cdata['optionname'] . " => " . $cdata['subopname'] . ", "; continue; } if ($cdata['optiontype'] == 3) { echo $cdata['optionname'] . " => " . ($opid ? $aInt->lang("bundles", "enabled") : $aInt->lang("bundles", "disabled")) . ", "; continue; } if ($cdata['optiontype'] == 4) { echo $cdata['optionname'] . " => " . $opid . ", "; continue; } } } if ($data['addons']) { echo " - " . $aInt->lang("addons", "title") . ": "; $result = select_query("tbladdons", "name", "id IN (" . db_build_in_array($data['addons']) . ")"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $data[0] . ", "; } echo "<br />"; } if ($data['tlds']) { echo " - " . $aInt->lang("bundles", "tldrestrictions") . ": " . implode(", ", $data['tlds']) . "<br />"; } if ($data['regperiod']) { echo " - " . $aInt->lang("domains", "regperiod") . ": " . $data['regperiod'] . " " . $aInt->lang("domains", "years") . "<br />"; } if ($data['dompriceoverride']) { echo " - " . $aInt->lang("bundles", "domainpriceoverride") . ": " . formatCurrency($data['domprice']) . "<br />"; } if ($data['addons']) {
$addonids = array(); $result = select_query("tbladdons", "id,packages", ""); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $id = $data['id']; $packages = $data['packages']; $packages = explode(",", $packages); foreach ($productids as $productid) { if (in_array($productid, $productids) && !in_array($id, $addonids)) { $addonids[] = $id; continue; } } } $addons = array(); if (count($addonids)) { $result = select_query("tbladdons", "", "id IN (" . db_build_in_array($addonids) . ")", "weight` ASC,`name", "ASC"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $addonid = $data['id']; $packages = $data['packages']; $packages = explode(",", $packages); $name = $data['name']; $description = $data['description']; $billingcycle = $data['billingcycle']; $free = false; if ($billingcycle == "Free Account") { $free = true; } else { $result2 = select_query("tblpricing", "", array("type" => "addon", "currency" => $currency['id'], "relid" => $addonid)); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result2); $setupfee = $data['msetupfee']; $recurring = $data['monthly'];
} } } } $clientWhere = is_numeric($userid) && 0 < $userid ? "AND tblinvoices.userid=" . (int) $userid : ""; if ($filterby == "Date Created") { $filterby = "date"; } else { if ($filterby == "Due Date") { $filterby = "duedate"; } else { $filterby = "datepaid"; $dateto .= " 23:59:59"; } } $statuses_in_clause = db_build_in_array($statuses); $paymentmethods_in_clause = db_build_in_array($paymentmethods); $batchpdf_where_clause = "tblinvoices." . $filterby . " >= '" . toMySQLDate($datefrom) . ("' AND tblinvoices." . $filterby . "<='") . toMySQLDate($dateto) . "' AND tblinvoices.status IN (" . $statuses_in_clause . ")" . " AND tblinvoices.paymentmethod IN (" . $paymentmethods_in_clause . ")" . $clientWhere; $batchpdfresult = select_query("tblinvoices", "", $batchpdf_where_clause, $orderby, "ASC", "", "tblclients ON"); $numrows = mysql_num_rows($batchpdfresult); if (!$numrows) { redir("report=pdf_batch&noresults=1", "reports.php"); } else { header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $aInt->lang("reports", "pdfbatch") . " " . date("Y-m-d") . ".pdf\""); } while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($batchpdfresult)) { $invoice->pdfInvoicePage($data['id']); } $pdfdata = $invoice->pdfOutput(); echo $pdfdata; }
public function getAssociatedDownloads() { if (!count($this->associated_download_ids)) { return array(); } $downloadsarray = array(); $result = select_query("tbldownloads", "", "id IN (" . db_build_in_array(db_escape_numarray($this->associated_download_ids)) . ")", "id", "DESC"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $dlid = $data['id']; $category = $data['category']; $type = $data['type']; $title = $data['title']; $description = $data['description']; $downloads = $data['downloads']; $location = $data['location']; $fileext = explode(".", $location); $fileext = end($fileext); $type = "zip"; if ($fileext == "doc") { $type = "doc"; } if ($fileext == "gif" || $fileext == "jpg" || $fileext == "jpeg" || $fileext == "png") { $type = "picture"; } if ($fileext == "txt") { $type = "txt"; } $type = "<img src=\"images/" . $type . ".png\" align=\"absmiddle\" alt=\"\" />"; $downloadsarray[] = array("id" => $dlid, "catid" => $category, "type" => $type, "title" => $title, "description" => $description, "downloads" => $downloads, "link" => "dl.php?type=d&id=" . $dlid . "&serviceid=" . $this->getID()); } return $downloadsarray; }
/** * * @ WHMCS FULL DECODED & NULLED * * @ Version : 5.2.15 * @ Author : MTIMER * @ Release on : 2013-12-24 * @ Website : * **/ function select_query($table, $fields, $where, $orderby = "", $orderbyorder = "", $limit = "", $innerjoin = "") { global $CONFIG; global $query_count; global $mysql_errors; global $whmcsmysql; if (!$fields) { $fields = "*"; } $query = "SELECT " . $fields . " FROM " . db_make_safe_field($table); if ($innerjoin) { $query .= " INNER JOIN " . db_escape_string($innerjoin) . ""; } if ($where) { if (is_array($where)) { $criteria = array(); foreach ($where as $origkey => $value) { $key = db_make_safe_field($origkey); if (is_array($value)) { if ($key == "default") { $key = "`default`"; } if ($value['sqltype'] == "LIKE") { $criteria[] = "" . $key . " LIKE '%" . db_escape_string($value['value']) . "%'"; continue; } if ($value['sqltype'] == "NEQ") { $criteria[] = "" . $key . "!='" . db_escape_string($value['value']) . "'"; continue; } if ($value['sqltype'] == ">" && db_is_valid_amount($value['value'])) { $criteria[] = "" . $key . ">" . $value['value']; continue; } if ($value['sqltype'] == "<" && db_is_valid_amount($value['value'])) { $criteria[] = "" . $key . "<" . $value['value']; continue; } if ($value['sqltype'] == "<=" && db_is_valid_amount($value['value'])) { $criteria[] = "" . $origkey . "<=" . $value['value']; continue; } if ($value['sqltype'] == ">=" && db_is_valid_amount($value['value'])) { $criteria[] = "" . $origkey . ">=" . $value['value']; continue; } if ($value['sqltype'] == "TABLEJOIN") { $criteria[] = "" . $key . "=" . db_escape_string($value['value']) . ""; continue; } if ($value['sqltype'] == "IN") { $criteria[] = "" . $key . " IN (" . db_build_in_array($value['values']) . ")"; continue; } exit("Invalid input condition"); continue; } if (substr($key, 0, 3) == "MD5") { $key = explode("(", $origkey, 2); $key = explode(")", $key[1], 2); $key = db_make_safe_field($key[0]); $key = "MD5(" . $key . ")"; } else { $key = db_build_quoted_field($key); } $criteria[] = "" . $key . "='" . db_escape_string($value) . "'"; } $query .= " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $criteria); } else { $query .= " WHERE " . $where; } } if ($orderby) { $orderbysql = tokenizeOrderby($orderby, $orderbyorder); $query .= " ORDER BY " . implode(",", $orderbysql); } if ($limit) { if (strpos($limit, ",")) { $limit = explode(",", $limit); $limit = (int) $limit[0] . "," . (int) $limit[1]; } else { $limit = (int) $limit; } $query .= " LIMIT " . $limit; } $result = mysql_query($query, $whmcsmysql); if (!$result && ($CONFIG['SQLErrorReporting'] || $mysql_errors)) { logActivity("SQL Error: " . mysql_error($whmcsmysql) . " - Full Query: " . $query); } ++$query_count; return $result; }
function CalcPromoDiscount($pid, $cycle, $fpamount, $recamount, $setupfee = 0) { global $promo_data; global $currency; $id = $promo_data['id']; $promotioncode = $promo_data['code']; if (!$id) { return false; } if ($_SESSION['adminid'] && !defined("CLIENTAREA")) { } else { $newsignups = $promo_data['newsignups']; if ($newsignups && $_SESSION['uid']) { $result = select_query("tblorders", "COUNT(*)", array("userid" => $_SESSION['uid'])); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $previousorders = $data[0]; if (2 <= $previousorders) { return false; } } $existingclient = $promo_data['existingclient']; $onceperclient = $promo_data['onceperclient']; if ($existingclient) { $result = select_query("tblorders", "count(*)", array("status" => "Active", "userid" => $_SESSION['uid'])); $orderCount = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($orderCount[0] < 1) { return false; } } if ($onceperclient) { $result = select_query("tblorders", "count(*)", "promocode='" . db_escape_string($promotioncode) . "' AND userid=" . (int) $_SESSION['uid'] . " AND status IN ('Pending','Active')"); $orderCount = mysql_fetch_array($result); if (0 < $orderCount[0]) { return false; } } $applyonce = $promo_data['applyonce']; $promoapplied = $promo_data['promoapplied']; if ($applyonce && $promoapplied) { return false; } $appliesto = explode(",", $promo_data['appliesto']); if (!in_array($pid, $appliesto)) { return false; } $expiredate = $promo_data['expirationdate']; if ($expiredate != "0000-00-00") { $year = substr($expiredate, 0, 4); $month = substr($expiredate, 5, 2); $day = substr($expiredate, 8, 2); $validuntil = $year . $month . $day; $dayofmonth = date("d"); $monthnum = date("m"); $yearnum = date("Y"); $todaysdate = $yearnum . $monthnum . $dayofmonth; if ($validuntil < $todaysdate) { return false; } } $cycles = $promo_data['cycles']; if ($cycles) { $cycles = explode(",", $cycles); if (!in_array($cycle, $cycles)) { return false; } } $maxuses = $promo_data['maxuses']; if ($maxuses) { $uses = $promo_data['uses']; if ($maxuses <= $uses) { return false; } } $requires = $promo_data['requires']; $requiresexisting = $promo_data['requiresexisting']; if ($requires) { $requires = explode(",", $requires); $hasrequired = false; if (is_array($_SESSION['cart']['products'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['cart']['products'] as $values) { if (in_array($values['pid'], $requires)) { $hasrequired = true; } if (is_array($values['addons'])) { foreach ($values['addons'] as $addonid) { if (in_array("A" . $addonid, $requires)) { $hasrequired = true; continue; } } continue; } } } if (is_array($_SESSION['cart']['addons'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['cart']['addons'] as $values) { if (in_array("A" . $values['id'], $requires)) { $hasrequired = true; continue; } } } if (is_array($_SESSION['cart']['domains'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['cart']['domains'] as $values) { $domainparts = explode(".", $values['domain'], 2); $tld = $domainparts[1]; if (in_array("D." . $tld, $requires)) { $hasrequired = true; continue; } } } if (!$hasrequired && $requiresexisting) { $requiredproducts = $requiredaddons = array(); $requireddomains = ""; foreach ($requires as $v) { if (substr($v, 0, 1) == "A") { $requiredaddons[] = substr($v, 1); continue; } if (substr($v, 0, 1) == "D") { $requireddomains .= "domain LIKE '%" . substr($v, 1) . "' OR "; continue; } $requiredproducts[] = $v; } if (count($requiredproducts)) { $result = select_query("tblhosting", "COUNT(*)", "userid='" . (int) $_SESSION['uid'] . "' AND packageid IN (" . db_build_in_array($requiredproducts) . ") AND domainstatus='Active'"); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($data[0]) { $hasrequired = true; } } if (count($requiredaddons)) { $result = select_query("tblhostingaddons", "COUNT(*)", "tblhosting.userid='" . (int) $_SESSION['uid'] . "' AND addonid IN (" . db_build_in_array($requiredaddons) . ") AND status='Active'", "", "", "", "tblhosting ON"); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($data[0]) { $hasrequired = true; } } if ($requireddomains) { $result = select_query("tbldomains", "COUNT(*)", "userid='" . (int) $_SESSION['uid'] . "' AND status='Active' AND (" . substr($requireddomains, 0, 0 - 4) . ")"); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($data[0]) { $hasrequired = true; } } } if (!$hasrequired) { return false; } } } $type = $promo_data['type']; $value = $promo_data['value']; $onetimediscount = 0; if ($type == "Percentage") { $onetimediscount = $fpamount * ($value / 100); } else { if ($type == "Fixed Amount") { if ($currency['id'] != 1) { $promo_data['value'] = $value = convertCurrency($value, 1, $currency['id']); } if ($fpamount < $value) { $onetimediscount = $fpamount; } else { $onetimediscount = $value; } } else { if ($type == "Price Override") { if ($currency['id'] != 1) { $promo_data['value'] = convertCurrency($promo_data['value'], 1, $currency['id']); } if (!isset($promo_data['priceoverride'])) { $promo_data['priceoverride'] = $promo_data['value']; } $onetimediscount = $fpamount - $promo_data['priceoverride']; } else { if ($type == "Free Setup") { $onetimediscount = $setupfee; $promo_data['value'] += $setupfee; } } } } $recurringdiscount = 0; $recurring = $promo_data['recurring']; if ($recurring) { if ($type == "Percentage") { $recurringdiscount = $recamount * ($value / 100); } else { if ($type == "Fixed Amount") { if ($recamount < $value) { $recurringdiscount = $recamount; } else { $recurringdiscount = $value; } } else { if ($type == "Price Override") { $recurringdiscount = $recamount - $promo_data['priceoverride']; } } } } $onetimediscount = round($onetimediscount, 2); $recurringdiscount = round($recurringdiscount, 2); $promo_data['promoapplied'] = true; return array("onetimediscount" => $onetimediscount, "recurringdiscount" => $recurringdiscount); }
$where = array(); if ($serviceid) { if (is_numeric($serviceid)) { $where[] = "hostingid=" . (int) $serviceid; } else { $serviceids = explode(",", $serviceid); $serviceids = db_build_in_array(db_escape_numarray($serviceids)); if ($serviceids) { $where[] = "hostingid IN (" . $serviceids . ")"; } } } if ($clientid) { $result = select_query("tblhosting", "", array("userid" => $clientid)); $hostingids = array(); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $hostingids[] = (int) $data['id']; } $where[] = "hostingid IN (" . db_build_in_array($hostingids) . ")"; } if ($addonid) { $where[] = "addonid=" . (int) $addonid; } $result = select_query("tblhostingaddons", "", implode(" AND ", $where)); $apiresults = array("result" => "success", "serviceid" => $serviceid, "clientid" => $clientid, "totalresults" => mysql_num_rows($result)); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $aid = $data['id']; $addonarray = array("id" => $data['id'], "userid" => get_query_val("tblhosting", "userid", array("id" => $data['hostingid'])), "orderid" => $data['orderid'], "serviceid" => $data['hostingid'], "addonid" => $data['addonid'], "name" => $data['name'], "setupfee" => $data['setupfee'], "recurring" => $data['recurring'], "billingcycle" => $data['billingcycle'], "tax" => $data['tax'], "status" => $data['status'], "regdate" => $data['regdate'], "nextduedate" => $data['nextduedate'], "nextinvoicedate" => $data['nextinvoicedate'], "paymentmethod" => $data['paymentmethod'], "notes" => $data['notes']); $apiresults['addons']['addon'][] = $addonarray; } $responsetype = "xml";
if ($deptfilter) { $filters[] = "did IN (" . db_build_in_array(getAdminDepartmentAssignments()) . ")"; } $query .= implode(" AND ", $filters) . (" ORDER BY tbltickets." . $orderby . " " . $order); $numresultsquery = "SELECT COUNT(" . $query; $result = full_query($numresultsquery); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $numrows = $data[0]; $query = "SELECT tbltickets.*,tblclients.firstname,tblclients.lastname,tblclients.companyname,tblclients.groupid" . $query . " LIMIT " . (int) $page * $limit . "," . (int) $limit; $result = full_query($query); buildAdminTicketListArray($result); echo $aInt->sortableTable(array("checkall", "", $aInt->lang("support", "department"), array("title", $aInt->lang("fields", "subject")), $aInt->lang("support", "submitter"), array("status", $aInt->lang("fields", "status")), array("lastreply", $aInt->lang("support", "lastreply"))), $tabledata, $tableformurl, $tableformbuttons, true); $smartyvalues['tagcloud'] = $tickets->buildTagCloud(); } if ($action == "search") { $where = "tid='" . db_escape_string($ticketid) . "' AND did IN (" . db_build_in_array(db_escape_numarray(getAdminDepartmentAssignments())) . ")"; $result = select_query("tbltickets", "", $where); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $id = $data['id']; if (!$id) { echo "<p>" . $aInt->lang("support", "ticketnotfound") . " <a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\">" . $aInt->lang("support", "pleasetryagain") . "</a>.</p>"; } else { $action = "viewticket"; } } if ($action == "viewticket") { releaseSession(); $aInt->template = "viewticket"; $smartyvalues['inticket'] = true; $ticket = new WHMCS_Tickets(); $ticket->setID($id);
function createUpgradeOrder($id, $ordernotes, $promocode, $paymentmethod) { global $CONFIG; global $remote_ip; global $orderdescription; global $orderamount; if ($promocode && !$GLOBALS['qualifies']) { $promocode = ""; } if ($promocode) { $result = select_query("tblpromotions", "upgradeconfig", array("code" => $promocode)); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $upgradeconfig = $data['upgradeconfig']; $upgradeconfig = unserialize($upgradeconfig); $promo_type = $upgradeconfig['discounttype']; $promo_value = $upgradeconfig['value']; update_query("tblpromotions", array("uses" => "+1"), array("code" => $promocode)); } $order_number = generateUniqueID(); $orderid = insert_query("tblorders", array("ordernum" => $order_number, "userid" => $_SESSION['uid'], "date" => "now()", status => "Pending", "promocode" => $promocode, "promotype" => $promo_type, "promovalue" => $promo_value, "paymentmethod" => $paymentmethod, "ipaddress" => $remote_ip, "amount" => $orderamount, "notes" => $ordernotes)); foreach ($_SESSION['upgradeids'] as $upgradeid) { update_query("tblupgrades", array("orderid" => $orderid), array("id" => $upgradeid)); } sendMessage("Order Confirmation", $_SESSION['uid'], array("order_id" => $orderid, "order_number" => $order_number, "order_details" => $orderdescription)); logActivity("Upgrade Order Placed - Order ID: " . $orderid); if (!function_exists("createInvoices")) { include ROOTDIR . "/includes/processinvoices.php"; } $invoiceid = 0; $invoiceid = createInvoices($_SESSION['uid'], true); if ($invoiceid) { $result = select_query("tblinvoiceitems", "invoiceid", "type='Upgrade' AND relid IN (" . db_build_in_array(db_escape_numarray($_SESSION['upgradeids'])) . ")", "invoiceid", "DESC"); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $invoiceid = $data['invoiceid']; } if ($CONFIG['OrderDaysGrace']) { $new_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + $CONFIG['OrderDaysGrace'], date("Y")); $duedate = date("Y-m-d", $new_time); update_query("tblinvoices", array("duedate" => $duedate), array("id" => $invoiceid)); } if (!$CONFIG['NoInvoiceEmailOnOrder']) { sendMessage("Invoice Created", $invoiceid); } update_query("tblorders", array("invoiceid" => $invoiceid), array("id" => $orderid)); $result = select_query("tblclients", "firstname, lastname, companyname, email, address1, address2, city, state, postcode, country, phonenumber, ip, host", array("id" => $_SESSION['uid'])); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); list($firstname, $lastname, $companyname, $email, $address1, $address2, $city, $state, $postcode, $country, $phonenumber, $ip, $host) = $data; $nicegatewayname = get_query_val("tblpaymentgateways", "value", array("gateway" => $paymentmethod, "setting" => "Name")); $ordertotal = get_query_val("tblinvoices", "total", array("id" => $invoiceid)); $adminemailitems = ""; if ($invoiceid) { $result = select_query("tblinvoiceitems", "description", "type='Upgrade' AND relid IN (" . db_build_in_array(db_escape_numarray($_SESSION['upgradeids'])) . ")", "invoiceid", "DESC"); while ($invoicedata = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $adminemailitems .= $invoicedata['description'] . "<br />"; } } else { $adminemailitems .= "Upgrade/Downgrade"; } sendAdminMessage("New Order Notification", array("order_id" => $orderid, "order_number" => $order_number, "order_date" => date("d/m/Y H:i:s"), "invoice_id" => $invoiceid, "order_payment_method" => $nicegatewayname, "order_total" => formatCurrency($ordertotal), "client_id" => $_SESSION['uid'], "client_first_name" => $firstname, "client_last_name" => $lastname, "client_email" => $email, "client_company_name" => $companyname, "client_address1" => $address1, "client_address2" => $address2, "client_city" => $city, "client_state" => $state, "client_postcode" => $postcode, "client_country" => $country, "client_phonenumber" => $phonenumber, "order_items" => $adminemailitems, "order_notes" => "", "client_ip" => $ip, "client_hostname" => $host), "account"); return array("id" => $id, "orderid" => $orderid, "order_number" => $order_number, "invoiceid" => $invoiceid); }
if ($prodfiltertype == "beforedue") { $criteria[] = "nextduedate='" . date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + $prodnumdays, date("Y"))) . "'"; } } } if (count($prodstatus)) { $criteria[] = "status IN (" . db_build_in_array($prodstatus) . ")"; } if (count($prodexcludepid)) { if (implode($prodexcludepid)) { $criteria[] = "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblhosting h2 WHERE h2.userid=(SELECT userid FROM tblhosting WHERE AND h2.packageid IN (" . db_build_in_array($prodexcludepid) . ") AND h2.domainstatus='Active')=0"; } } if (count($prodexcludeaid)) { if (implode($prodexcludeaid)) { $criteria[] = "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblhostingaddons h2 WHERE h2.hostingid=tblhostingaddons.hostingid AND tblhostingaddons.addonid IN (" . db_build_in_array($prodexcludeaid) . ") AND tblhostingaddons.status='Active')=0"; } } if ($marketing) { $criteria[] = "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblclients h3 WHERE userid FROM tblhosting WHERE AND h3.emailoptout = '0')=1"; } $query1 .= implode(" AND ", $criteria); } } } $result2 = select_query("tblemailtemplates", "name", array("id" => $emailtplid)); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result2); $emailtplname = $data[0]; $count = 0; if ($query) { $result2 = full_query($query);
exit; } $selectedinvoices = db_escape_numarray($selectedinvoices); sort($selectedinvoices); $endinvoiceid = end($selectedinvoices); update_query("tblinvoiceitems", array("invoiceid" => $endinvoiceid), "invoiceid IN (" . db_build_in_array($selectedinvoices) . ")"); update_query("tblaccounts", array("invoiceid" => $endinvoiceid), "invoiceid IN (" . db_build_in_array($selectedinvoices) . ")"); update_query("tblorders", array("invoiceid" => $endinvoiceid), "invoiceid IN (" . db_build_in_array($selectedinvoices) . ")"); $result = select_query("tblinvoices", "SUM(credit)", "id IN (" . db_build_in_array($selectedinvoices) . ")"); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $totalcredit = $data[0]; update_query("tblinvoices", array("credit" => $totalcredit), array("id" => $endinvoiceid)); unset($selectedinvoices[count($selectedinvoices) - 1]); delete_query("tblinvoices", "id IN (" . db_build_in_array($selectedinvoices) . ")"); updateInvoiceTotal($endinvoiceid); logActivity("Merged Invoice IDs " . db_build_in_array($selectedinvoices) . (" to Invoice ID: " . $endinvoiceid), $userid); if ($page) { $userid .= "&page=" . $page; } redir("userid=" . $userid . "&filter=1"); } if ($masspay) { check_token("WHMCS.admin.default"); if (count($selectedinvoices) < 2) { if ($page) { $userid .= "&page=" . $page; } redir("userid=" . $userid . "&masspayerr=1"); exit; } $invoiceid = createInvoices($userid);
/** * * @ WHMCS FULL DECODED & NULLED * * @ Version : 5.2.15 * @ Author : MTIMER * @ Release on : 2013-12-24 * @ Website : * **/ function createInvoices($func_userid = "", $noemails = "", $nocredit = "", $specificitems = "") { global $whmcs; global $cron; global $CONFIG; global $_LANG; global $invoicecount; global $invoiceid; global $continuous_invoicing_active_only; $continvoicegen = $whmcs->get_config("ContinuousInvoiceGeneration"); $invoicedate = date("Ymd", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + $CONFIG['CreateInvoiceDaysBefore'], date("Y"))); $invoicedatemonthly = $CONFIG['CreateInvoiceDaysBeforeMonthly'] ? date("Ymd", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + $CONFIG['CreateInvoiceDaysBeforeMonthly'], date("Y"))) : $invoicedate; $invoicedatequarterly = $CONFIG['CreateInvoiceDaysBeforeQuarterly'] ? date("Ymd", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + $CONFIG['CreateInvoiceDaysBeforeQuarterly'], date("Y"))) : $invoicedate; $invoicedatesemiannually = $CONFIG['CreateInvoiceDaysBeforeSemiAnnually'] ? date("Ymd", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + $CONFIG['CreateInvoiceDaysBeforeSemiAnnually'], date("Y"))) : $invoicedate; $invoicedateannually = $CONFIG['CreateInvoiceDaysBeforeAnnually'] ? date("Ymd", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + $CONFIG['CreateInvoiceDaysBeforeAnnually'], date("Y"))) : $invoicedate; $invoicedatebiennially = $CONFIG['CreateInvoiceDaysBeforeBiennially'] ? date("Ymd", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + $CONFIG['CreateInvoiceDaysBeforeBiennially'], date("Y"))) : $invoicedate; $invoicedatetriennially = $CONFIG['CreateInvoiceDaysBeforeTriennially'] ? date("Ymd", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + $CONFIG['CreateInvoiceDaysBeforeTriennially'], date("Y"))) : $invoicedate; $domaininvoicedate = 0 < $whmcs->get_config("CreateDomainInvoiceDaysBefore") ? date("Ymd", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + $CONFIG['CreateDomainInvoiceDaysBefore'], date("Y"))) : $invoicedate; $matchfield = $continvoicegen ? "nextinvoicedate" : "nextduedate"; $statusfilter = "'Pending','Active'"; if (!$continuous_invoicing_active_only) { $statusfilter .= ",'Suspended'"; } $hostingquery = "paymentmethod!='' AND domainstatus IN (" . $statusfilter . ") AND billingcycle!='Free' AND billingcycle!='Free Account' AND nextduedate!='00000000' AND nextinvoicedate!='00000000' AND ((billingcycle='Monthly' AND " . $matchfield . "<='" . $invoicedatemonthly . ("') OR (billingcycle='Quarterly' AND " . $matchfield . "<='") . $invoicedatequarterly . ("') OR (billingcycle='Semi-Annually' AND " . $matchfield . "<='") . $invoicedatesemiannually . ("') OR (billingcycle='Annually' AND " . $matchfield . "<='") . $invoicedateannually . ("') OR (billingcycle='Biennially' AND " . $matchfield . "<='") . $invoicedatebiennially . ("') OR (billingcycle='Triennially' AND " . $matchfield . "<='") . $invoicedatetriennially . "') OR (billingcycle='One Time'))"; $domainquery = "paymentmethod!='' AND (donotrenew='' OR `status`='Pending') AND `status` IN (" . $statusfilter . ") AND " . $matchfield . "<='" . $domaininvoicedate . "'"; $hostingaddonsquery = "tblhostingaddons.paymentmethod!='' AND tblhostingaddons.billingcycle!='Free' AND tblhostingaddons.billingcycle!='Free Account' AND tblhostingaddons.status IN (" . $statusfilter . ") AND tblhostingaddons.nextduedate!='00000000' AND tblhostingaddons.nextinvoicedate!='00000000' AND ((tblhostingaddons.billingcycle='Monthly' AND tblhostingaddons." . $matchfield . "<='" . $invoicedatemonthly . ("') OR (tblhostingaddons.billingcycle='Quarterly' AND tblhostingaddons." . $matchfield . "<='") . $invoicedatequarterly . ("') OR (tblhostingaddons.billingcycle='Semi-Annually' AND tblhostingaddons." . $matchfield . "<='") . $invoicedatesemiannually . ("') OR (tblhostingaddons.billingcycle='Annually' AND tblhostingaddons." . $matchfield . "<='") . $invoicedateannually . ("') OR (tblhostingaddons.billingcycle='Biennially' AND tblhostingaddons." . $matchfield . "<='") . $invoicedatebiennially . ("') OR (tblhostingaddons.billingcycle='Triennially' AND tblhostingaddons." . $matchfield . "<='") . $invoicedatetriennially . "') OR (tblhostingaddons.billingcycle='One Time'))"; $i = 0; $billableitemqry = ""; if ($func_userid != "") { $hostingquery .= " AND userid=" . (int) $func_userid; $domainquery .= " AND userid=" . (int) $func_userid; $hostingaddonsquery .= " AND tblhosting.userid=" . (int) $func_userid; $billableitemqry = " AND userid=" . (int) $func_userid; } if (is_array($specificitems)) { $hostingquery = $domainquery = $hostingaddonsquery = ""; if ($specificitems['products']) { $hostingquery .= "(id IN (" . db_build_in_array(db_escape_numarray($specificitems['products'])) . ") AND billingcycle!='Free' AND billingcycle!='Free Account')"; } if ($specificitems['addons']) { $hostingaddonsquery .= " IN (" . db_build_in_array(db_escape_numarray($specificitems['addons'])) . ") AND tblhostingaddons.billingcycle!='Free' AND tblhostingaddons.billingcycle!='Free Account'"; } if ($specificitems['domains']) { $domainquery .= "id IN (" . db_build_in_array(db_escape_numarray($specificitems['domains'])) . ")"; } } $AddonsArray = $AddonSpecificIDs = array(); if ($hostingquery) { $servicecount = 0; $cancellationreqids = array(); $result = select_query("tblcancelrequests", "DISTINCT relid", ""); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $cancellationreqids[] = $data[0]; } $result = select_query("tblhosting", ",tblhosting.userid,tblhosting.nextduedate,tblhosting.nextinvoicedate,tblhosting.billingcycle,tblhosting.regdate,tblhosting.firstpaymentamount,tblhosting.amount,tblhosting.domain,tblhosting.paymentmethod,tblhosting.packageid,tblhosting.promoid,tblhosting.domainstatus", $hostingquery, "domain", "ASC"); $totalservicerows = mysql_num_rows($result); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $id = $serviceid = $data['id']; if (!in_array($serviceid, $cancellationreqids)) { $userid = $data['userid']; $nextduedate = $data[$matchfield]; $billingcycle = $data['billingcycle']; $status = $data['domainstatus']; $num_rows = get_query_val("tblinvoiceitems", "COUNT(id)", array("userid" => $userid, "type" => "Hosting", "relid" => $serviceid, "duedate" => $nextduedate)); $contblock = false; if (!$num_rows && $continvoicegen && $status == "Pending") { $num_rows = get_query_val("tblinvoiceitems", "COUNT(id)", array("userid" => $userid, "type" => "Hosting", "relid" => $serviceid)); $contblock = true; } if ($num_rows == 0) { $regdate = $data['regdate']; $amount = $regdate == $nextduedate ? $data['firstpaymentamount'] : $data['amount']; $domain = $data['domain']; $paymentmethod = $data['paymentmethod']; $pid = $data['packageid']; $promoid = $data['promoid']; $productdetails = getInvoiceProductDetails($id, $pid, $regdate, $nextduedate, $billingcycle, $domain); $description = $productdetails['description']; $tax = $productdetails['tax']; $recurringcycles = $productdetails['recurringcycles']; $recurringfinished = false; if ($recurringcycles) { $num_rows3 = get_query_val("tblinvoiceitems", "COUNT(id)", array("userid" => $userid, "type" => "Hosting", "relid" => $id)); if ($recurringcycles <= $num_rows3) { update_query("tblhosting", array("domainstatus" => "Completed"), array("id" => $id)); run_hook("ServiceRecurringCompleted", array("serviceid" => $id, "recurringinvoices" => $num_rows3)); $recurringfinished = true; } } if (!$recurringfinished) { $promovals = getInvoiceProductPromo($amount, $promoid, $userid, $id); if (isset($promovals['description'])) { $amount -= $promovals['amount']; } insert_query("tblinvoiceitems", array("userid" => $userid, "type" => "Hosting", "relid" => $id, "description" => $description, "amount" => $amount, "taxed" => $tax, "duedate" => $nextduedate, "paymentmethod" => $paymentmethod)); if (isset($promovals['description'])) { insert_query("tblinvoiceitems", array("userid" => $userid, "type" => "PromoHosting", "relid" => $id, "description" => $promovals['description'], "amount" => $promovals['amount'], "taxed" => $tax, "duedate" => $nextduedate, "paymentmethod" => $paymentmethod)); } } } else { if (!$contblock && $continvoicegen && $billingcycle != "One Time") { update_query("tblhosting", array("nextinvoicedate" => getInvoicePayUntilDate($nextduedate, $billingcycle, true)), array("id" => $id)); } } } if ($hostingaddonsquery) { $result3 = select_query("tblhostingaddons", "tblhostingaddons.*,tblhostingaddons.regdate AS addonregdate,tblhosting.userid,tblhosting.domain", $hostingaddonsquery . (" AND tblhostingaddons.hostingid='" . $id . "'"), "tblhostingaddons`.`name", "ASC", "", "tblhosting ON"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result3)) { $id = $data['id']; $userid = $data['userid']; $nextduedate = $data[$matchfield]; $status = $data['status']; $num_rows = get_query_val("tblinvoiceitems", "COUNT(id)", array("userid" => $userid, "type" => "Addon", "relid" => $id, "duedate" => $nextduedate)); $contblock = false; if (!$num_rows && $continvoicegen && $status == "Pending") { $num_rows = get_query_val("tblinvoiceitems", "COUNT(id)", array("userid" => $userid, "type" => "Addon", "relid" => $id)); $contblock = true; } if ($num_rows == 0) { $hostingid = $serviceid = $data['hostingid']; $addonid = $data['addonid']; $domain = $data['domain']; $regdate = $data['addonregdate']; $name = $data['name']; $setupfee = $data['setupfee']; $amount = $data['recurring']; $paymentmethod = $data['paymentmethod']; $billingcycle = $data['billingcycle']; $tax = $data['tax']; if (!$name) { if (isset($AddonsArray[$addonid])) { $name = $AddonsArray[$addonid]; } else { $AddonsArray[$addonid] = $name = get_query_val("tbladdons", "name", array("id" => $addonid)); } } $tax = $CONFIG['TaxEnabled'] && $tax ? "1" : "0"; $invoicepayuntildate = getInvoicePayUntilDate($nextduedate, $billingcycle); $paydates = ""; if ($billingcycle != "One Time") { $paydates = "(" . fromMySQLDate($nextduedate) . " - " . fromMySQLDate($invoicepayuntildate) . ")"; } $num_rows = get_query_val("tblinvoiceitems", "COUNT(id)", array("userid" => $userid, "type" => "Addon", "relid" => $id, "duedate" => $nextduedate)); if ($num_rows == 0) { if (!in_array($serviceid, $cancellationreqids)) { if ($regdate == $nextduedate) { $amount = $amount + $setupfee; } if ($domain) { $domain = "(" . $domain . ") "; } $description = $_LANG['orderaddon'] . (" " . $domain . "- " . $name . " " . $paydates); insert_query("tblinvoiceitems", array("userid" => $userid, "type" => "Addon", "relid" => $id, "description" => $description, "amount" => $amount, "taxed" => $tax, "duedate" => $nextduedate, "paymentmethod" => $paymentmethod)); $AddonSpecificIDs[] = $id; } } if (!$contblock && $continvoicegen) { update_query("tblhostingaddons", array("nextinvoicedate" => getInvoicePayUntilDate($nextduedate, $billingcycle, true)), array("id" => $id)); } } } } ++$servicecount; if (is_object($cron)) { $cron->logActivityDebug("Invoicing Loop Service ID " . $serviceid . " - " . $servicecount . " of " . $totalservicerows); } } } if ($hostingaddonsquery) { $addoncount = 0; if (count($AddonSpecificIDs)) { $hostingaddonsquery .= " AND NOT IN (" . db_build_in_array(db_escape_numarray($AddonSpecificIDs)) . ")"; } $result = select_query("tblhostingaddons", "tblhostingaddons.*,tblhostingaddons.regdate AS addonregdate,tblhosting.userid,tblhosting.domain", $hostingaddonsquery, "tblhostingaddons`.`name", "ASC", "", "tblhosting ON"); $totaladdonrows = mysql_num_rows($result); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $id = $data['id']; $userid = $data['userid']; $nextduedate = $data[$matchfield]; $status = $data['status']; $num_rows = get_query_val("tblinvoiceitems", "COUNT(id)", array("userid" => $userid, "type" => "Addon", "relid" => $id, "duedate" => $nextduedate)); $contblock = false; if (!$num_rows && $continvoicegen && $status == "Pending") { $num_rows = get_query_val("tblinvoiceitems", "COUNT(id)", array("userid" => $userid, "type" => "Addon", "relid" => $id)); $contblock = true; } if ($num_rows == 0) { $hostingid = $serviceid = $data['hostingid']; $addonid = $data['addonid']; $domain = $data['domain']; $regdate = $data['addonregdate']; $name = $data['name']; $setupfee = $data['setupfee']; $amount = $data['recurring']; $paymentmethod = $data['paymentmethod']; $billingcycle = $data['billingcycle']; $tax = $data['tax']; if (!$name) { if ($AddonsArray[$addonid]) { $name = $AddonsArray[$addonid]; } else { $AddonsArray[$addonid] = $name = get_query_val("tbladdons", "name", array("id" => $addonid)); } } $tax = $CONFIG['TaxEnabled'] && $tax ? "1" : "0"; $invoicepayuntildate = getInvoicePayUntilDate($nextduedate, $billingcycle); $paydates = ""; if ($billingcycle != "One Time") { $paydates = "(" . fromMySQLDate($nextduedate) . " - " . fromMySQLDate($invoicepayuntildate) . ")"; } if (!in_array($serviceid, $cancellationreqids)) { if ($regdate == $nextduedate) { $amount = $amount + $setupfee; } if ($domain) { $domain = "(" . $domain . ") "; } $description = $_LANG['orderaddon'] . (" " . $domain . "- " . $name . " " . $paydates); insert_query("tblinvoiceitems", array("userid" => $userid, "type" => "Addon", "relid" => $id, "description" => $description, "amount" => $amount, "taxed" => $tax, "duedate" => $nextduedate, "paymentmethod" => $paymentmethod)); } } else { if (!$contblock && $continvoicegen) { update_query("tblhostingaddons", array("nextinvoicedate" => getInvoicePayUntilDate($nextduedate, $billingcycle, true)), array("id" => $id)); } } ++$addoncount; if (is_object($cron)) { $cron->logActivityDebug("Invoicing Loop Addon ID " . $id . " - " . $addoncount . " of " . $totaladdonrows); } } } if ($domainquery) { $domaincount = 0; $result = select_query("tbldomains", "", $domainquery, "domain", "ASC"); $totaldomainrows = mysql_num_rows($result); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $id = $data['id']; $userid = $data['userid']; $nextduedate = $data[$matchfield]; $status = $data['status']; $num_rows = get_query_val("tblinvoiceitems", "COUNT(id)", "userid='" . $userid . "' AND type IN ('Domain','DomainRegister','DomainTransfer') AND relid='" . $id . "' AND duedate='" . $nextduedate . "'"); $contblock = false; if (!$num_rows && $continvoicegen && $status == "Pending") { $num_rows = get_query_val("tblinvoiceitems", "COUNT(id)", "userid='" . $userid . "' AND type IN ('Domain','DomainRegister','DomainTransfer') AND relid='" . $id . "'"); $contblock = true; } if ($num_rows == 0) { $type = $data['type']; $domain = $data['domain']; $registrationperiod = $data['registrationperiod']; $regdate = $data['registrationdate']; $expirydate = $data['expirydate']; $paymentmethod = $data['paymentmethod']; $dnsmanagement = $data['dnsmanagement']; $emailforwarding = $data['emailforwarding']; $idprotection = $data['idprotection']; $promoid = $data['promoid']; getUsersLang($userid); if ($expirydate == "0000-00-00") { $expirydate = $nextduedate; } if ($regdate == $nextduedate) { $amount = $data['firstpaymentamount']; if ($type == "Transfer") { $domaindesc = $_LANG['domaintransfer']; } else { $domaindesc = $_LANG['domainregistration']; $type = "Register"; } } else { $amount = $data['recurringamount']; $domaindesc = $_LANG['domainrenewal']; $type = ""; } $tax = $CONFIG['TaxEnabled'] && $CONFIG['TaxDomains'] ? "1" : "0"; $domaindesc .= " - " . $domain . " - " . $registrationperiod . " " . $_LANG['orderyears']; if ($type != "Transfer") { $domaindesc .= " (" . fromMySQLDate($expirydate) . " - " . fromMySQLDate(getInvoicePayUntilDate($expirydate, $registrationperiod)) . ")"; } if ($dnsmanagement) { $domaindesc .= "\r\n + " . $_LANG['domaindnsmanagement']; } if ($emailforwarding) { $domaindesc .= "\r\n + " . $_LANG['domainemailforwarding']; } if ($idprotection) { $domaindesc .= "\r\n + " . $_LANG['domainidprotection']; } $promo_description = $promo_amount = 0; if ($promoid) { $data = get_query_vals("tblpromotions", "", array("id" => $promoid)); $promo_id = $data['id']; if ($promo_id) { $promo_code = $data['code']; $promo_type = $data['type']; $promo_recurring = $data['recurring']; $promo_value = $data['value']; if ($promo_recurring || !$promo_recurring && $regdate == $nextduedate) { if ($promo_type == "Percentage") { $promo_amount = round($amount / (1 - $promo_value / 100), 2) - $amount; $promo_value .= "%"; } else { if ($promo_type == "Fixed Amount") { $promo_amount = $promo_value; $currency = getCurrency($userid); $promo_value = formatCurrency($promo_value); } } $amount += $promo_amount; $promo_recurring = $promo_recurring ? $_LANG['recurring'] : $_LANG['orderpaymenttermonetime']; $promo_description = $_LANG['orderpromotioncode'] . (": " . $promo_code . " - " . $promo_value . " " . $promo_recurring . " ") . $_LANG['orderdiscount']; $promo_amount *= 0 - 1; } } } insert_query("tblinvoiceitems", array("userid" => $userid, "type" => "Domain" . $type, "relid" => $id, "description" => $domaindesc, "amount" => $amount, "taxed" => $tax, "duedate" => $nextduedate, "paymentmethod" => $paymentmethod)); if ($promo_description) { insert_query("tblinvoiceitems", array("userid" => $userid, "type" => "PromoDomain", "relid" => $id, "description" => $promo_description, "amount" => $promo_amount, "taxed" => $tax, "duedate" => $nextduedate, "paymentmethod" => $paymentmethod)); } } else { if (!$contblock && $continvoicegen) { $year = substr($nextduedate, 0, 4); $month = substr($nextduedate, 5, 2); $day = substr($nextduedate, 8, 2); $new_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year + $registrationperiod); $nextinvoicedate = date("Ymd", $new_time); update_query("tbldomains", array("nextinvoicedate" => $nextinvoicedate), array("id" => $id)); } } getUsersLang(0); ++$domaincount; if (is_object($cron)) { $cron->logActivityDebug("Invoicing Loop Domain ID " . $id . " - " . $domaincount . " of " . $totaldomainrows); } } } if (!is_array($specificitems)) { $billableitemstax = $CONFIG['TaxEnabled'] && $CONFIG['TaxBillableItems'] ? "1" : "0"; $result = select_query("tblbillableitems", "", "((invoiceaction='1' AND invoicecount='0') OR (invoiceaction='3' AND invoicecount='0' AND duedate<='" . $invoicedate . "') OR (invoiceaction='4' AND duedate<='" . $invoicedate . "' AND (recurfor='0' OR invoicecount<recurfor)))" . $billableitemqry); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $paymentmethod = getClientsPaymentMethod($data['userid']); if ($data['invoiceaction'] != "4") { insert_query("tblinvoiceitems", array("userid" => $data['userid'], "type" => "Item", "relid" => $data['id'], "description" => $data['description'], "amount" => $data['amount'], "taxed" => $billableitemstax, "duedate" => $data['duedate'], "paymentmethod" => $paymentmethod)); } $updatearray = array("invoicecount" => "+1"); if ($data['invoiceaction'] == "4") { $num_rows = get_query_val("tblinvoiceitems", "COUNT(id)", array("type" => "Item", "relid" => $data['id'], "duedate" => $data['duedate'])); if ($num_rows == 0) { insert_query("tblinvoiceitems", array("userid" => $data['userid'], "type" => "Item", "relid" => $data['id'], "description" => $data['description'], "amount" => $data['amount'], "taxed" => $billableitemstax, "duedate" => $data['duedate'], "paymentmethod" => $paymentmethod)); } $adddays = $addmonths = $addyears = 0; if ($data['recurcycle'] == "Days") { $adddays = $data['recur']; } else { if ($data['recurcycle'] == "Weeks") { $adddays = $data['recur'] * 7; } else { if ($data['recurcycle'] == "Months") { $addmonths = $data['recur']; } else { if ($data['recurcycle'] == "Years") { $addyears = $data['recur']; } } } } $year = substr($data['duedate'], 0, 4); $month = substr($data['duedate'], 5, 2); $day = substr($data['duedate'], 8, 2); $updatearray['duedate'] = date("Ymd", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month + $addmonths, $day + $adddays, $year + $addyears)); } update_query("tblbillableitems", $updatearray, array("id" => $data['id'])); } } $invoicecount = $invoiceid = 0; $where = array(); $where[] = "invoiceid=0"; if ($func_userid) { $where[] = "userid=" . (int) $func_userid; } if (!is_array($specificitems)) { $where[] = "tblclients.separateinvoices=''"; $where[] = "(tblclientgroups.separateinvoices='' OR tblclientgroups.separateinvoices is null)"; } $result = select_query("tblinvoiceitems", "DISTINCT tblinvoiceitems.userid,tblinvoiceitems.duedate,tblinvoiceitems.paymentmethod", implode(" AND ", $where), "duedate", "ASC", "", "tblclients ON LEFT JOIN tblclientgroups ON"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { createInvoicesProcess($data, $noemails, $nocredit); } if (!is_array($specificitems)) { $where = array(); $where[] = "invoiceid=0"; if ($func_userid) { $where[] = "userid=" . (int) $func_userid; } $where[] = "(tblclients.separateinvoices='on' OR tblclientgroups.separateinvoices='on')"; $result = select_query("tblinvoiceitems", ",tblinvoiceitems.userid,tblinvoiceitems.type,tblinvoiceitems.relid,tblinvoiceitems.duedate,tblinvoiceitems.paymentmethod", implode(" AND ", $where), "duedate", "ASC", "", "tblclients ON LEFT JOIN tblclientgroups ON"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { createInvoicesProcess($data, $noemails, $nocredit); } } if (is_object($cron)) { $cron->logActivity("" . $invoicecount . " Invoices Created", true); $cron->emailLog($invoicecount . " Invoices Created"); } if ($func_userid) { return $invoiceid; } }
} } $tplvars['tickets'] = $tickets; $invoiceids = explode(",", $invoiceids); foreach ($invoiceids as $k => $invoiceid) { if (!$invoiceid) { unset($invoiceids[$k]); continue; } } if (!function_exists("getGatewaysArray")) { require ROOTDIR . "/includes/gatewayfunctions.php"; } $gateways = getGatewaysArray(); $ticketinvoicesquery = !empty($ticketinvoicelinks) ? "(" . implode(" OR ", $ticketinvoicelinks) . ") OR " : ""; $result = select_query("tblinvoices", "", "id IN (SELECT invoiceid FROM tblinvoiceitems WHERE description LIKE '%Project #" . $projectid . "%' OR " . $ticketinvoicesquery . " (type='Project' AND relid='" . $projectid . "')) OR id IN (" . db_build_in_array(db_escape_numarray($invoiceids)) . ")", "id", "ASC"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $invoices[] = array("id" => $data['id'], "date" => fromMySQLDate($data['date'], 0, 1), "duedate" => fromMySQLDate($data['duedate'], 0, 1), "datepaid" => fromMySQLDate($data['datepaid'], 0, 1), "total" => formatCurrency($data['total']), "paymentmethod" => $gateways[$data['paymentmethod']], "status" => $data['status'], "rawstatus" => strtolower($data['status'])); } $tplvars['invoices'] = $invoices; $attachments = explode(",", $attachments); foreach ($attachments as $i => $attachment) { $attachment = substr($attachment, 7); if ($attachment) { $attachmentsarray[$i] = array("filename" => $attachment); continue; } } $tplvars['attachments'] = $attachmentsarray; $totaltimecount = 0; $i = 1;
public function display() { global $templates_compiledir; global $CONFIG; global $disable_admin_ticket_page_counts; global $_ADMINLANG; $this->smarty = new Smarty(); $this->smarty->template_dir = $this->getTemplatePath(); $this->smarty->compile_dir = $templates_compiledir; if ($this->inClientsProfile) { $this->title = "Clients Profile"; $this->sidebar = "clients"; $this->icon = "clientsprofile"; } if (count($this->chartFunctions)) { $chartredrawjs = "function redrawCharts() { "; foreach ($this->chartFunctions as $chartfunc) { $chartredrawjs .= $chartfunc . "(); "; } $chartredrawjs .= "}"; $this->extrajscode[] = $chartredrawjs; $this->extrajscode[] = "\$(window).bind(\"resize\", function(event) { redrawCharts(); });"; } $jquerycode = count($this->internaljquerycode) ? implode("\r\n", $this->internaljquerycode) : ""; if ($this->jquerycode) { $jquerycode .= "\r\n" . $this->jquerycode; } $this->assign("charset", $CONFIG['Charset']); $this->assign("template", $this->adminTemplate); $this->assign("pagetemplate", $this->template); if (isset($_SESSION['adminid'])) { $this->assign("adminid", $_SESSION['adminid']); } $this->assign("filename", $this->filename); $this->assign("pagetitle", $this->title); $this->assign("helplink", str_replace(" ", "_", $this->helplink)); $this->assign("sidebar", $this->sidebar); $this->assign("minsidebar", isset($_COOKIE['WHMCSMinSidebar']) ? true : false); $this->assign("pageicon", $this->icon); $this->assign("jquerycode", $jquerycode); $this->assign("jscode", $this->jscode . implode("\r\n", $this->extrajscode)); $this->assign("_ADMINLANG", $_ADMINLANG); $this->assign("csrfToken", generate_token("plain")); $addonmodulesperms = unserialize($CONFIG['AddonModulesPerms']); $this->assign("datepickerformat", str_replace(array("DD", "MM", "YYYY"), array("dd", "mm", "yy"), $CONFIG['DateFormat'])); if (isset($_SESSION['adminid'])) { $result = select_query("tbladmins", "firstname,lastname,notes,supportdepts,roleid", array("id" => $_SESSION['adminid'])); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $admin_username = $data['firstname'] . " " . $data['lastname']; $admin_notes = $data['notes']; $admin_supportdepts = $data['supportdepts']; $admin_roleid = $data['roleid']; $this->assign("admin_username", ucfirst($admin_username)); $this->assign("admin_notes", $admin_notes); $admin_perms = array(); $adminpermsarray = getAdminPermsArray(); $result = select_query("tbladminperms", "permid", array("roleid" => $admin_roleid)); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $admin_perms[] = $adminpermsarray[$data[0]]; } $this->assign("admin_perms", $admin_perms); $this->assign("addon_modules", $addonmodulesperms[$admin_roleid]); } $admins = ""; $query = "SELECT DISTINCT adminusername FROM tbladminlog WHERE lastvisit>='" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime(date("H"), date("i") - 15, date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"))) . "' AND logouttime='0000-00-00' ORDER BY lastvisit ASC"; $result = full_query($query); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $admins .= $data['adminusername'] . ", "; } $this->assign("adminsonline", substr($admins, 0, 0 - 2)); $flaggedticketschecked = false; $flaggedtickets = 0; if ($this->sidebar == "support") { $allactive = $awaitingreply = 0; $ticketcounts = array(); $admin_supportdepts_qry = array(); $admin_supportdepts = explode(",", $admin_supportdepts); foreach ($admin_supportdepts as $deptid) { if (trim($deptid)) { $admin_supportdepts_qry[] = (int) $deptid; continue; } } if (count($admin_supportdepts_qry) < 1) { $admin_supportdepts_qry[] = 0; } if ($disable_admin_ticket_page_counts) { $query = "SELECT tblticketstatuses.title,'x',showactive,showawaiting FROM tblticketstatuses ORDER BY sortorder ASC"; } else { $query = "SELECT tblticketstatuses.title,(SELECT COUNT( FROM tbltickets WHERE did IN (" . db_build_in_array($admin_supportdepts_qry) . ") AND tbltickets.status=tblticketstatuses.title),showactive,showawaiting FROM tblticketstatuses ORDER BY sortorder ASC"; } $result = full_query($query); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $ticketcounts[] = array("title" => $data[0], "count" => $data[1]); if ($data['showactive']) { $allactive += $data[1]; } if ($data['showawaiting']) { $awaitingreply += $data[1]; } } if (!$disable_admin_ticket_page_counts) { $result = select_query("tbltickets", "COUNT(*)", "status!='Closed' AND flag='" . (int) $_SESSION['adminid'] . "'"); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $flaggedtickets = $data[0]; $flaggedticketschecked = true; } $this->assign("ticketsallactive", $allactive); $this->assign("ticketsawaitingreply", $awaitingreply); $this->assign("ticketsflagged", $flaggedtickets); $this->assign("ticketcounts", $ticketcounts); $this->assign("ticketstatuses", $ticketcounts); $departments = array(); $result = select_query("tblticketdepartments", "id,name", "id IN (" . db_build_in_array($admin_supportdepts_qry) . ")", "order", "ASC"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $departments[] = array("id" => $data['id'], "name" => $data['name']); } $this->assign("ticketdepts", $departments); } if (checkPermission("Sidebar Statistics", true)) { $templatevars = array(); $pendingorderstatuses = array(); $result = select_query("tblorderstatuses", "title", "showpending=1"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $pendingorderstatuses[] = $data['title']; } $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblorders INNER JOIN tblclients ON WHERE tblorders.status IN (" . db_build_in_array($pendingorderstatuses) . ")"; $result = full_query($query); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $templatevars['orders']['pending'] = $data[0]; $templatevars['clients']['active'] = $templatevars['clients']['inactive'] = $templatevars['clients']['closed'] = 0; $query = "SELECT status,COUNT(*) FROM tblclients GROUP BY status"; $result = full_query($query); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $templatevars['clients'][strtolower($data[0])] = $data[1]; } $templatevars['services']['pending'] = $templatevars['services']['active'] = $templatevars['services']['suspended'] = $templatevars['services']['terminated'] = $templatevars['services']['cancelled'] = $templatevars['services']['fraud'] = 0; $query = "SELECT domainstatus,COUNT(*) FROM tblhosting GROUP BY domainstatus"; $result = full_query($query); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $templatevars['services'][strtolower($data[0])] = $data[1]; } $templatevars['domains']['pending'] = $templatevars['domains']['active'] = $templatevars['domains']['pendingtransfer'] = $templatevars['domains']['expired'] = $templatevars['domains']['cancelled'] = $templatevars['domains']['fraud'] = 0; $query = "SELECT status,COUNT(*) FROM tbldomains GROUP BY status"; $result = full_query($query); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $templatevars['domains'][str_replace(" ", "", strtolower($data[0]))] = $data[1]; } $query = "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM tblinvoices WHERE status='Unpaid'"; $result = full_query($query); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $templatevars['invoices']['unpaid'] = $data[0]; $query = "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM tblinvoices WHERE status='Unpaid' AND duedate<'" . date("Ymd") . "'"; $result = full_query($query); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $templatevars['invoices']['overdue'] = $data[0]; if (!$disable_admin_ticket_page_counts) { $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbltickets WHERE status!='Closed'"; $result = full_query($query); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $templatevars['tickets']['active'] = $data[0]; $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbltickets WHERE status IN (SELECT title FROM `tblticketstatuses` WHERE showawaiting = '1')"; $result = full_query($query); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $templatevars['tickets']['awaitingreply'] = $data[0]; if ($flaggedticketschecked) { $templatevars['tickets']['flagged'] = $flaggedtickets; } else { $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbltickets WHERE status!='Closed' AND flag='" . (int) $_SESSION['adminid'] . "'"; $result = full_query($query); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $templatevars['tickets']['flagged'] = $data[0]; } $ticketstats = array(); $query = "SELECT status,COUNT(*) FROM tbltickets GROUP BY status"; $result = full_query($query); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $ticketstats[$data[0]] = $data[1]; } $templatevars['tickets']['onhold'] = array_key_exists("On Hold", $ticketstats) ? $ticketstats["On Hold"] : "0"; $templatevars['tickets']['inprogress'] = array_key_exists("In Progress", $ticketstats) ? $ticketstats["In Progress"] : "0"; } $this->assign("sidebarstats", $templatevars); } $this->assignToSmarty(); $this->output(); }
$smarty->assign("breadcrumbnav", $breadcrumbnav); $kbarticles = array(); $smartyvalues['searchterm'] = $search; $searchterms = array(); $searchparts = explode(" ", html_entity_decode($search)); foreach ($searchparts as $searchpart) { if ($searchpart) { $searchterms[] = "(title LIKE '%" . db_escape_string($searchpart) . "%' OR article LIKE '%" . db_escape_string($searchpart) . "%')"; continue; } } $searchqry = implode(" AND ", $searchterms); if (!$searchqry) { $searchqry = "id='x'"; } $query = "SELECT DISTINCT id FROM tblknowledgebase WHERE " . $searchqry . " AND (SELECT categoryid FROM tblknowledgebaselinks WHERE (( OR (articleid=tblknowledgebase.parentid)) LIMIT 1) IN (" . db_build_in_array($idnumbers) . ") ORDER BY `order` ASC,`title` ASC"; $result = full_query($query); $articleids = array(); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $id = $data['id']; $result2 = select_query("tblknowledgebase", "", array("id" => $id)); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result2); $title = $data['title']; $article = $data['article']; $views = $data['views']; $parentid = $data['parentid']; if ($parentid) { $result2 = select_query("tblknowledgebase", "", array("id" => $parentid)); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result2); $id = $data['id']; $title = $data['title'];
// Generate report if period is selected. if ($queryStartDate && $queryEndDate) { $reportdata['currencyselections'] = true; // Define table headings. $reportdata['tableheadings'] = array('Country Name', 'Country Code', 'VAT Rate', 'Number of Invoices', 'Total Value Invoiced (Excl. VAT)', 'Total VAT Collected', 'Currency'); // Output reporting period. $reportdata['headertext'] .= '<h2 style="margin:0;">For Period ' . date("jS F Y", $queryStartDate) . ' to ' . date("jS F Y", $queryEndDate) . '</h2>'; // Fetch country names. $countries = array(); require ROOTDIR . '/includes/countries.php'; // Fetch all configured country based tax rates. $taxRates = array(); $result = select_query('tbltax', 'country,taxrate', "state='' AND country!=''"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $taxRates[$data['country']] = $data['taxrate']; } // Build query to calculate data for report. $query = "SELECT, COUNT( as invoicecount, " . "SUM(tblinvoices.subtotal) as totalinvoiced, " . "SUM( + tblinvoices.tax2) as totalvat " . "FROM tblinvoices " . "INNER JOIN tblclients ON = tblinvoices.userid " . "WHERE ( > 0 OR tblinvoices.tax2 > 0) " . "AND IN (" . db_build_in_array($euCountries) . ") " . "AND datepaid >= '" . date("Y-m-d", $queryStartDate) . "' " . "AND datepaid <= '" . date("Y-m-d", $queryEndDate) . " 23:59:59' " . "AND tblinvoices.status = 'Paid' " . "AND currency = " . (int) $currencyid . " " . "AND (SELECT count( " . "FROM tblinvoiceitems " . "WHERE invoiceid = " . "AND (type = 'AddFunds' OR type = 'Invoice') " . ") = 0 " . "GROUP BY " . "ORDER BY ASC"; $result = full_query($query); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $countryCode = $data['country']; $invoiceCount = $data['invoicecount']; $totalInvoiced = $data['totalinvoiced']; $totalVat = $data['totalvat']; $countryName = isset($countries[$countryCode]) ? $countries[$countryCode] : 'Unrecognised Country'; $taxRate = isset($taxRates[$countryCode]) ? $taxRates[$countryCode] . '%' : 'Tax Rate Not Found'; $reportdata['tablevalues'][] = array($countryName, $countryCode, $taxRate, $invoiceCount, $totalInvoiced, $totalVat, $currencyCode); } $reportdata['footertext'] = "* If a country does not appear in the report, then no VAT was collected " . "from customers in that country during the period selected."; $reportdata['footertext'] .= "<br />Isle of Man (GB) and Monaco (FR) are listed in this report as " . "EU Overseas Territories of their respective countries and should be included in any figures " . "provided to tax authorities. " . "<a href='' target='_blank'>" . "More Information</a>"; }
$filters->redir(); } if ($whmcs->get_req_var("massdelete")) { check_token("WHMCS.admin.default"); checkPermission("Delete Order"); if (is_array($selectedorders)) { foreach ($selectedorders as $orderid) { deleteOrder($orderid); } } $filters->redir(); } if ($whmcs->get_req_var("sendmessage")) { check_token("WHMCS.admin.default"); $clientslist = ""; $result = select_query("tblorders", "DISTINCT userid", "id IN (" . db_build_in_array($selectedorders) . ")"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $clientslist .= "selectedclients[]=" . $data['userid'] . "&"; } redir("type=general&multiple=true&" . substr($clientslist, 0, 0 - 1), "sendmessage.php"); } ob_start(); if (!$action) { releaseSession(); echo $aInt->Tabs(array($aInt->lang("global", "searchfilter")), true); $client = $filters->get("client"); $clientid = $filters->get("clientid"); if (!$clientid && $client) { $clientid = $client; } $clientname = $filters->get("clientname");
$filters[] = "title LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($subject) . "%'"; } if (!$ignore_dept_assignments) { $result = select_query("tbladmins", "supportdepts", array("id" => $_SESSION['adminid'])); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $supportdepts = $data[0]; $supportdepts = explode(",", $supportdepts); $deptids = array(); foreach ($supportdepts as $id) { if (trim($id)) { $deptids[] = trim($id); continue; } } if (count($deptids)) { $filters[] = "did IN (" . db_build_in_array(db_escape_numarray($deptids)) . ")"; } } $where = implode(" AND ", $filters); $result = select_query("tbltickets", "COUNT(id)", $where); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $totalresults = $data[0]; $apiresults = array("result" => "success", "totalresults" => $totalresults, "startnumber" => $limitstart); $result = select_query("tbltickets", "", $where, "lastreply", "DESC", "" . $limitstart . "," . $limitnum); $apiresults['numreturned'] = mysql_num_rows($result); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $id = $data['id']; $tid = $data['tid']; $deptid = $data['did']; $userid = $data['userid']; $name = $data['name'];
function widget_system_overview($vars) { global $whmcs, $_ADMINLANG; $title = $_ADMINLANG['home']['sysoverview']; if ($whmcs->get_req_var('getsystemoverview')) { $activeclients = get_query_val("tblclients", "COUNT(id)", "status='Active'"); $totalclients = get_query_val("tblclients", "COUNT(id)", ""); $clientsactive = $activeclients == 0 || $totalclients == 0 ? '0' : round($activeclients / $totalclients * 100, 0); $activeservices = get_query_val("tblhosting", "COUNT(id)", "domainstatus='Active'"); $totalservices = get_query_val("tblhosting", "COUNT(id)", ""); $servicesactive = $activeservices == 0 || $totalservices == 0 ? '0' : round($activeservices / $totalservices * 100, 0); $unpaidinvoices = get_query_val("tblinvoices", "COUNT(id)", "status='Unpaid'"); $overdueinvoices = get_query_val("tblinvoices", "COUNT(id)", "status='Unpaid' AND duedate<'" . date("Ymd") . "'"); $overduestatus = $overdueinvoices == 0 || $unpaidinvoices == 0 ? '0' : round($overdueinvoices / $unpaidinvoices * 100, 0); echo ' <table width="100%"> <tr> <td width="150">Clients</td> <td> <div class="percentbar"> <div class="active" style="width:' . $clientsactive . '%">' . $clientsactive . '% Active</div> </div> </td> <td class="totals">' . $totalclients . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Services</td> <td> <div class="percentbar"> <div class="active" style="width:' . $servicesactive . '%">' . $servicesactive . '% Active</div> </div> </td> <td class="totals">' . $totalservices . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Unpaid Invoices</td> <td> <div class="percentbar"> <div class="overdue" style="width:' . $overduestatus . '%">' . $overduestatus . '% Overdue</div> </div> </td> <td class="totals">' . $unpaidinvoices . '</td> </tr> </table> '; exit; } $adminusername = get_query_val("tbladmins", "username", array("id" => $vars['adminid'])); $lastlogin = get_query_vals("tbladminlog", "lastvisit,ipaddress", array("adminusername" => $adminusername), "lastvisit", "DESC", "1,1"); $lastlogindate = $lastlogin[0] ? fromMySQLDate($lastlogin[0], true) : '(None Recorded)'; $lastloginip = $lastlogin[1] ? $lastlogin[1] : '-'; $content = ' <style> #systemoverviewstats { display: none; } #systemoverviewstats div.percentbar { width: 100%; height: 24px; border: 1px solid #ccc; background-color: #efefef; } #systemoverviewstats div.percentbar { height: 24px; line-height: 24px; background-color: #84B429; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; overflow: hidden; } #systemoverviewstats div.percentbar div.overdue { height: 24px; line-height: 24px; background-color: #cc0000; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; } #systemoverviewstats td { text-align: center; font-weight: bold; height: 35px; } .lastlogin { margin-bottom:5px; padding:3px; text-align: center; } </style> <div id="systemoverviewstats">' . $vars['loading'] . '</div> <div class="lastlogin">' . $_ADMINLANG['home']['lastlogin'] . ': <strong>' . $lastlogindate . '</strong> ' . $_ADMINLANG['home']['lastloginip'] . ' <strong>' . $lastloginip . '</strong></div> '; $statusfilter = array(); $result = select_query("tblticketstatuses", "title", array("showawaiting" => "1")); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $statusfilter[] = $data[0]; } $result = full_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbltickets WHERE status IN (" . db_build_in_array($statusfilter) . ")"); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $ticketsawaitingreply = $data[0]; $result = full_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblcancelrequests INNER JOIN tblhosting ON WHERE (tblhosting.domainstatus!='Cancelled' AND tblhosting.domainstatus!='Terminated')"); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $cancellationrequests = $data[0]; $result = full_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbltodolist WHERE status!='Completed' AND status!='Postponed' AND duedate<='" . date("Y-m-d") . "'"); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $todoitemsdue = $data[0]; $result = full_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblnetworkissues WHERE status!='Scheduled' AND status!='Resolved'"); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $opennetworkissues = $data[0]; $jquerycode = '"index.php", { getsystemoverview: 1 }, function(data){ jQuery("#systemoverviewstats").html(data); jQuery("#systemoverviewstats").slideDown(); jQuery("#sysoverviewbanner").html("<div style=\\"margin:0 0 -5px 0;padding: 10px;background-color: #FBEEEB;border: 1px dashed #cc0000;font-weight: bold;color: #cc0000;font-size:14px;text-align: center;-moz-border-radius: 10px;-webkit-border-radius: 10px;-o-border-radius: 10px;border-radius: 10px;\\">' . $_ADMINLANG['global']['attentionitems'] . ': <a href=\\"supporttickets.php\\">' . $ticketsawaitingreply . ' ' . $_ADMINLANG['stats']['ticketsawaitingreply'] . '</a> - <a href=\\"cancelrequests.php\\">' . $cancellationrequests . ' ' . $_ADMINLANG['stats']['pendingcancellations'] . '</a> - <a href=\\"todolist.php\\">' . $todoitemsdue . ' ' . $_ADMINLANG['stats']['todoitemsdue'] . '</a> - <a href=\\"networkissues.php\\">' . $opennetworkissues . ' ' . $_ADMINLANG['stats']['opennetworkissues'] . '</a></div>"); });'; return array('title' => $title, 'content' => $content, 'jquerycode' => $jquerycode); }
function doFraudCheck($params, $checkonly = false) { global $_LANG; global $cc_encryption_hash; $availablelanguages = array("English", "Arabic", "Cantonese", "Croatian", "Czech", "Danish", "Dutch", "Estonian", "Finnish", "French", "German", "Greek", "Hebrew", "Hindi", "Hungarian", "Italian", "Japanese", "Korean", "Mandarin", "Norwegian", "Polish", "Portuguese", "Portugueseeu", "Romanian", "Russian", "Slovakian", "Spanish", "Swedish", "Thai", "Turkish", "Ukrainian", "Vietnamese"); if (in_array($_SESSION['Language'], $availablelanguages)) { $params['Language'] = $_SESSION['Language']; } if ($params['Language'] == "Portuguese-br") { $params['Language'] = "PT_BR"; } if ($params['Language'] == "Portuguese-pt") { $params['Language'] = "PT_PT"; } $phonecc = $params['clientsdetails']['countrycode']; $phonenumber = $params['clientsdetails']['phonenumber']; if ($phonecc == "44" && substr($phonenumber, 0, 1) == "0") { $phonenumber = substr($phonenumber, 1); } $phonecclen = strlen($phonecc); if (substr($phonenumber, 0, $phonecclen) == $phonecc) { $phonenumber = "+" . $phonenumber; } else { $phonenumber = "+" . $phonecc . $phonenumber; } $emaildomain = explode("@", $params['clientsdetails']['email'], 2); $emaildomain = $emaildomain[1]; $cchash = md5($cc_encryption_hash . $params['clientsdetails']['userid']); $cardnum = get_query_val("tblclients", "AES_DECRYPT(cardnum,'" . $cchash . "') as cardnum", array("id" => $params['clientsdetails']['userid'])); $url = ""; $postfields = array(); $postfields['license_key'] = $params["MaxMind License Key"]; $postfields['requested_type'] = isset($params["Service Type"]) && $params["Service Type"] == "Premium" ? "premium" : "standard"; $postfields['i'] = $params['ip']; $postfields['EmailMD5'] = md5($params['clientsdetails']['email']); $postfields['PasswordMD5'] = md5($params['clientsdetails']['password']); $postfields['city'] = $params['clientsdetails']['city']; $postfields['region'] = $params['clientsdetails']['state']; $postfields['postal'] = $params['clientsdetails']['postcode']; $postfields['country'] = $params['clientsdetails']['country']; $postfields['domain'] = $emaildomain; $postfields['custPhone'] = $phonenumber; if ($cardnum) { $postfields['bin'] = substr($cardnum, 0, 6); } $postfields['shipAddr'] = $params['clientsdetails']['address1']; $postfields['shipCity'] = $params['clientsdetails']['city']; $postfields['shipRegion'] = $params['clientsdetails']['state']; $postfields['shipPostal'] = $params['clientsdetails']['postcode']; $postfields['shipCountry'] = $params['clientsdetails']['country']; $postfields['txnID'] = $_SESSION['orderdetails']['OrderID']; $postfields['sessionID'] = session_id(); $postfields['user_agent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $postfields['accept_language'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']; if ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) { $postfields['forwardedIP'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } $content = curlCall($url, $postfields); if (substr($content, 0, 10) == "CURL Error") { $results['err'] = $content; } else { if (!$content) { $results['err'] = "No Response Received"; } else { $results = array(); $keyvaluepairs = explode(";", $content); foreach ($keyvaluepairs as $v) { $v = explode("=", $v); $results[$v[0]] = $v[1]; } } } if ($checkonly) { return $results; } if ($params["Reject Free Email Service"] == "on" && $results['freeMail'] == "Yes") { $results['error']['title'] = $_LANG['maxmind_title'] . " " . $_LANG['maxmind_error']; $results['error']['description'] = $_LANG['maxmind_rejectemail']; } if ($params["Reject Country Mismatch"] == "on" && $results['countryMatch'] == "No") { $results['error']['title'] = $_LANG['maxmind_title'] . " " . $_LANG['maxmind_error']; $results['error']['description'] = $_LANG['maxmind_countrymismatch']; } if ($params["Reject Anonymous Proxy"] == "on" && $results['anonymousProxy'] == "Yes") { $results['error']['title'] = $_LANG['maxmind_title'] . " " . $_LANG['maxmind_error']; $results['error']['description'] = $_LANG['maxmind_anonproxy']; } if ($params["Reject High Risk Country"] == "on" && $results['highRiskCountry'] == "Yes") { $results['error']['title'] = $_LANG['maxmind_title'] . " " . $_LANG['maxmind_error']; $results['error']['description'] = $_LANG['maxmind_highriskcountry']; } $score = $params["Use New Risk Score"] ? $results['riskScore'] : $results['score']; if ($params["MaxMind Fraud Risk Score"] != "" && $params["MaxMind Fraud Risk Score"] < $score) { $results['error']['title'] = $_LANG['maxmind_title'] . " " . $_LANG['maxmind_error']; $results['error']['description'] = $_LANG['maxmind_highfraudriskscore']; } $forcephoneverify = false; $forcepids = $params["Force Phone Verify Products"]; if ($forcepids) { $forcepids = explode(",", $forcepids); foreach ($forcepids as $k => $v) { $forcepids[$k] = trim($v); } $result = select_query("tblhosting", "COUNT(id)", "orderid=" . (int) $_SESSION['orderdetails']['OrderID'] . " AND packageid IN (" . db_build_in_array(db_escape_numarray($forcepids)) . ")"); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($data[0]) { $forcephoneverify = true; } } if (!$params['error']['title'] && $params["Perform Telephone Verification"] && ($params["Telephone Fraud Score"] <= $score || $forcephoneverify)) { if ($_POST['pin']) { if ($_POST['pin'] != $_SESSION['maxmindpin']) { $results['error']['title'] = $_LANG['maxmind_title'] . " " . $_LANG['maxmind_incorrectcode']; $results['error']['description'] = "<p>" . $_LANG['maxmind_faileddescription'] . "</p>"; $results['code'] = $_SESSION['maxmindpin']; $results['message'] = "Pin Code Verification Failed"; } } else { $pin = ""; $i = 0; while ($i < 4) { $pin .= mt_rand(1, 9); ++$i; } $_SESSION['maxmindpin'] = $pin; $url = ""; $postfields = array(); $postfields['l'] = $params["MaxMind License Key"]; $postfields['phone'] = $phonenumber; $postfields['verify_code'] = $pin; if ($params['Language'] != "English") { $postfields['language'] = $params['Language']; } $content = curlCall($url, $postfields); if (substr($content, 0, 10) == "CURL Error") { $results['err'] = $content; } else { if (!$content) { $results['err'] = "No Response Received"; } else { $keyvaluepairs = explode(";", $content); foreach ($keyvaluepairs as $v) { $v = explode("=", $v); $results[$v[0]] = $v[1]; } } } $results['userinput'] = "true"; $results['title'] = $_LANG['maxmind_title']; $results['description'] = "<p>" . $_LANG['maxmind_callingnow'] . "</p>\n<form method=\"post\" action=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?step=fraudcheck\">\n<center><div id=\"pinnumber\" align=\"center\">" . $_LANG['maxmind_pincode'] . ": <input type=\"text\" name=\"pin\" size=\"10\"></div></center>\n<p align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . $_LANG['ordercontinuebutton'] . "\"></p>\n</form>"; } } return $results; }