Пример #1
function showBody()
    global $chosenPersonId;
    // simple validation first...
    if (!preg_match('/\\d{4}\\w{4}\\d{2}/', $chosenPersonId)) {
        showErrorMessage('Invalid WCA id Format <strong>[</strong>' . o($chosenPersonId) . '<strong>]</strong>');
        print '<p><a href="persons.php">Click here to search for people.</a></p>';
    #--- Get all incarnations of the person.
    $persons = dbQuery("\n    SELECT person.name personName, country.name countryName, day, month, year, gender\n    FROM Persons person, Countries country\n    WHERE person.id = '{$chosenPersonId}' AND country.id = person.countryId\n    ORDER BY person.subId\n  ");
    #--- If there are none, show an error and do no more.
    if (!count($persons)) {
        showErrorMessage('Unknown person id <strong>[</strong>' . o($chosenPersonId) . '<strong>]</strong>');
        $namepart = substr($chosenPersonId, 4, 4);
        print '<p><a href="persons.php?pattern=' . urlEncode($namepart) . '">Click to search for people with `' . o($namepart) . '` in their name.</a></p>';
    #--- Get and show the current incarnation.
    $currentPerson = array_shift($persons);
    echo "<h1>{$personName}</h1>";
    #--- Show previous incarnations if any.
    if (count($persons)) {
        echo "<p class='subtitle'>(previously ";
        foreach ($persons as $person) {
            $previous[] = "{$person['personName']}/{$person['countryName']}";
        echo implode(', ', $previous) . ")</p>";
    #--- Show the picture if any.
    $picture = getCurrentPictureFile($chosenPersonId);
    if ($picture) {
        echo "<center><img class='person' src='{$picture}' /></center>";
    #--- Show the In Memoriam if any.
    $inMemoriamArray = array("2008COUR01" => "https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2028", "2003LARS01" => "https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1982", "2012GALA02" => "https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1044", "2008LIMR01" => "https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=945", "2008KIRC01" => "https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=470");
    if (array_key_exists($chosenPersonId, $inMemoriamArray)) {
        echo "<center><a target='_blank' href='{$inMemoriamArray[$chosenPersonId]}'>In Memoriam</a></center>";
    #--- Show the details.
    tableBegin('results', 4);
    tableCaption(false, 'Details');
    tableHeader(explode('|', 'Country|WCA Id|Gender|Competitions'), array(3 => 'class="f"'));
    $gender_text = genderText($gender);
    $numberOfCompetitions = dbValue("SELECT count(distinct competitionId) FROM Results where personId='{$chosenPersonId}'");
    tableRow(array($countryName, $chosenPersonId, $gender_text, $numberOfCompetitions));
    #--- Try the cache for the results
    # tryCache( 'person', $chosenPersonId );
    #--- Now the results.
    require 'includes/person_personal_records_current.php';
    require 'includes/person_world_championship_podiums.php';
    require 'includes/person_world_records_history.php';
    require 'includes/person_continent_records_history.php';
    require 'includes/person_events.php';
Пример #2
function showPages () {
  echo "<dl>\n";

  // most common tasks

  showPage( 'upload_results',
            "Upload results for a competition." );

  showPage( 'create_competition', "Create competition.", '/competitions/new' );

  showPage( 'list_competitions', "List all competitions.", '/competitions' );

  showPage( 'change_person',
            'Fix or update a person\'s data.' );

  showPage( 'fix_results',
            'Fix individual results.' );

  $waiting = dbValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE pending_avatar IS NOT NULL");
  $color = $waiting ? 'red' : 'green';
  showPage( 'persons_picture',
    "Validates pictures that have been submitted. <span style='color:$color'>[$waiting waiting]</span>",

  $waiting = dbValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CompetitionsMedia WHERE status='pending'");
  $color = $waiting ? 'red' : 'green';
  showPage( 'validate_media',
            "Validates media that have been submitted. <span style='color:$color'>[$waiting waiting]</span>" );

  echo "</dl><hr /><dl>\n";

  showPage( 'check_results',
            'Checks the Results table data.' );

  showPage( 'persons_check_finished',
            'Checks the finished persons in the Persons/Results tables.' );

  showPage( 'persons_finish_unfinished',
            'Lets you finish persons in Results by adding personId.' );

  showPage( 'check_rounds',
            'Checks for rounds and events.' );

  showPage( 'check_regional_record_markers',
            'Computes regional record markers, compares them to the stored ones.' );

  showPage( 'compute_auxiliary_data',
            'Computes auxiliary database data.' );

  showPage( 'update_statistics_page',
            'Updates the statistics page that normal users can see (youngest/oldest solvers, etc).',
            '../statistics.php?update8392=1' );

  showPage( 'export_public',
            'Exports the database to the public.' );

  echo "</dl><hr /><dl>\n";

  showPage( 'add_local_names',
            "Add local names to persons." );

  echo "</dl>\n";