Пример #1
function applyForTeamForm_submit($form, $form_state)
    global $user;
    $name = $form_state['values']['personName'];
    $email = $form_state['values']['email'];
    $teamName = dbGetTeamName($form_state['TID']);
    $note = $form_state['values']['message'];
    // fill in the fields of the application
    $application['UID'] = $user->uid;
    $application['TID'] = $form_state['TID'];
    $application['userEmail'] = stripTags($email, '');
    // do not allow tags
    $application['userMessage'] = stripTags($note);
    // allow some tags
    // add a notification for the team owner and admins
    if (dbApplyForTeam($application)) {
        // note that this does its own error checking
        $notification['dateCreated'] = dbDatePHP2SQL(time());
        $notification['dateTargeted'] = dbDatePHP2SQL(time());
        $notification['TID'] = $form_state['TID'];
        $notification['message'] = "{$name} has applied to join your team {$teamName}.";
        $notification['bttnTitle'] = 'View';
        $notification['bttnLink'] = '?q=viewUsersToBeApproved&TID=' . $form_state['TID'];
        notifyUsersByRole($notification, 'teamOwner');
        notifyUsersByRole($notification, 'teamAdmin');
        drupal_set_message('Your application has been sent! You will receive an email when you have been approved for the team.');
Пример #2
function rejectTeam($TID)
    $UID = dbGetOwnerForTeam($TID);
    drupal_mail('adminFunctions', 'teamRejected', dbGetUserPrimaryEmail($UID), variable_get('language_default'), $params = array('teamName' => dbGetTeamName($TID), 'fullName' => dbGetUserName($UID)), $from = NULL, $send = TRUE);
    drupal_set_message('The team has been rejected and the team owner has been notified!');
    if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
    } else {
Пример #3
function viewUserEventsForTeam()
    global $user;
    $params = drupal_get_query_parameters();
    // if user does not have a team
    if (dbGetTeamsForUser($user->uid) == NULL) {
        drupal_set_message("You don't have a team assigned.", 'error');
    if (isset($params['UID'])) {
        $UID = $params['UID'];
    } else {
        $UID = $user->uid;
    if (isset($params['TID'])) {
        $TID = $params['TID'];
    } else {
        $currentTeam = getCurrentTeam();
        $TID = $currentTeam['TID'];
    $outreaches = dbGetOutreachesForUserForTeam($UID, $TID);
    $teamName = dbGetTeamName($TID);
    // create page header and table
    $markup = "<table><h1>My Outreaches For {$teamName}</h1></table>";
    $markup .= '<table class="infoTable">';
    $markup .= '<tr>';
    $markup .= '<th colspan="3">Outreach Name</th>';
    $markup .= '<th colspan="3">Description</th>';
    $markup .= '<th colspan="2">Hours</th>';
    $markup .= "</tr>";
    // if user has outreaches for the current team
    if (!empty($outreaches)) {
        foreach ($outreaches as $outreach) {
            $markup .= "<tr>";
            $markup .= '<td colspan="3">' . '<a href="?q=viewOutreach&OID=' . $outreach['OID'] . '">' . chopString($outreach["name"], 30) . '</a>' . "</td>";
            $markup .= '<td colspan="3">' . chopString($outreach["description"], 30) . "</td>";
            $markup .= '<td colspan="2">' . dbGetHoursForUserFromOutreach($UID, $outreach['OID']) . "</tr>";
            $markup .= "</tr>";
        $markup .= "</table>";
    } else {
        // if the user does not have any outreaches for the current team
        $markup .= '<tr><td style="text-align:center" colspan="10"><em>[None]</em></td>';
        $markup .= "</tr>";
    $markup .= "</table>";
    $retArray = array();
    $retArray['#markup'] = $markup;
    return $retArray;
Пример #4
function deleteTeamPage_submit($form, $form_state)
    global $user;
    $UID = $user->uid;
    $TID = $form_state['TID'];
    if (dbUserHasPermissionForTeam($user->uid, 'deleteTeam', $TID)) {
    } else {
        drupal_set_message('You do not have permission to perform this action.', 'error');
    // send an email to the CROMA team detailing the team deletion
    $params['feedback'] = stripTags($form_state['values']['misc'], '');
    $params['userName'] = dbGetUserName($UID);
    $params['teamName'] = dbGetTeamName($TID);
    $params['teamNumber'] = dbGetTeamNumber($TID);
    drupal_mail('teams', 'teamDeleted', '*****@*****.**', variable_get('language_default'), $params, $from = NULL, $send = TRUE);
    drupal_set_message(dbGetTeamName($TID) . " has been deleted.");
Пример #5
function viewOutreach()
    global $user;
    $UID = $user->uid;
    $params = drupal_get_query_parameters();
    $markup = "<script src=\"https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.0.0-beta1/jquery.js\"></script>";
    $markup .= '<script src="numberCounting.js"></script>';
    $markup .= '<h1>Outreach</h1><br>';
    // if doing a custom search
    if (isset($params['query']) && $params['query'] == 'search') {
        $sql = generateSearchSQL($_SESSION['searchParams'], $_SESSION['proxyFields']);
        $outreaches = dbSearchOutreach($sql, $_SESSION['proxyFields']);
        $header = '<h2>Custom Search Results (';
        $header .= empty($outreaches) ? '0' : count($outreaches);
        $header .= ' matches)</h2>';
    } else {
        if (isset($params['tag'])) {
            $_SESSION['searchParams'] = array('tags' => array($params['tag']));
            $_SESSION['proxyFields'] = array();
            $sql = generateSearchSQL($_SESSION['searchParams'], $_SESSION['proxyFields']);
            $outreaches = dbSearchOutreach($sql, $_SESSION['proxyFields']);
            $header = '<h2>Outreaches Tagged "' . dbGetTagName($params['tag']) . '"</h2>';
        } else {
            if (isset($params['owned'])) {
                $outreaches = dbGetOwnedOutreachForUser($UID);
                $header = '<h2>Outreaches I Own</h2>';
            } else {
                if (isset($params['signedUp'])) {
                    $outreaches = dbGetOutreachForUser($UID);
                    $header = '<h2>Outreaches I Am Signed Up For</h2>';
                } else {
                    if (isset($params['allTeamOutreach'])) {
                        $TID = getCurrentTeam()['TID'];
                        $_SESSION['searchParams'] = array('TID' => array('value' => $TID, 'matchType' => 'exact'));
                        $_SESSION['proxyFields'] = array(':TID' => $TID);
                        $sql = generateSearchSQL($_SESSION['searchParams'], $_SESSION['proxyFields']);
                        $outreaches = dbSearchOutreach($sql, $_SESSION['proxyFields']);
                        $teamName = dbGetTeamName($TID);
                        $header = "<h2>All Outreach for {$teamName}</h2>";
                    } else {
                        $_SESSION['searchParams'] = array();
                        $_SESSION['proxyFields'] = array();
                        $header = "<h2>No Search Selected</h2>";
    if (isset($_SESSION['searchParams']['teams']) && count($_SESSION['searchParams']['teams']) > 1) {
        $multipleTeamsInResult = true;
    } else {
        $multipleTeamsInResult = false;
    $markup .= $header;
    // set $outreaches to an array rather than false (so that later functions don't have errors)
    if (empty($outreaches)) {
        $outreaches = array();
    $totalFilterOutreaches = count($outreaches);
    $totalFilterHours = 0;
    foreach ($outreaches as &$outreach) {
        $outreach['hours'] = dbGetHoursForOutreach($outreach['OID']);
        $totalFilterHours += $outreach['hours'];
    $sortParam = isset($params["sort"]) ? $params['sort'] : 'name';
    $isAscending = isset($params['isAscending']) ? true : false;
    orderByValue($outreaches, $sortParam, $isAscending);
    // custom function (see helperFunctions.inc)
    $markup .= '<table style="margin:0px">';
    $markup .= '<tr><td style="padding:0px; text-align:left"><b>Outreaches with Current Filters: </b><span class="countUp">' . $totalFilterOutreaches . '</span></td>';
    $markup .= '<td style="padding:0px; text-align:right" align="right"><b>Hours with Current Filters: </b><span class="countUp">' . $totalFilterHours . '</span></td></tr>';
    $markup .= '<tr><td style="padding:0px" align="left">Sort By: ';
    // remove special params (since they should not be added every time)
    $markup .= sortHeader($sortParam, $params, $isAscending, 'Name', 'name', 'outreach') . ' | ';
    $markup .= sortHeader($sortParam, $params, $isAscending, 'Status', 'status', 'outreach') . ' | ';
    $markup .= sortHeader($sortParam, $params, $isAscending, 'Hours', 'hours', 'outreach') . ' | ';
    $markup .= sortHeader($sortParam, $params, $isAscending, 'Event Date', 'eventDate', 'outreach');
    $markup .= '</td><td style="padding:0px; text-align:right">';
    if (!isset($params['owned'])) {
        $markup .= '<a href="?q=outreach&owned"><div class="help tooltip4"><button>Owned</button><span id="helptext"; class="helptext tooltiptext4">Click here to sort by outreach you own.</span></div></a>';
    } else {
        $markup .= '<a href="?q=outreach&allTeamOutreach"><button>All Team Outreach</button></a>';
    if (!isset($params['signedUp'])) {
        $markup .= '<a href="?q=outreach&signedUp"><div class="help tooltip3"><button>Signed Up</button><span id="helptext"; class="helptext tooltiptext3">Click here to sort by outreach you are signed up for.</span></div></a>';
    } else {
        $markup .= '<a href="?q=outreach&allTeamOutreach"><button>All Team Outreach</button></a>';
    $markup .= '</td></tr></table>';
    $markup .= '<table class="infoTable" style="margin:0px"><tr><th colspan="2">Status</th>';
    if ($multipleTeamsInResult) {
        $markup .= '<th colspan="2">Team</th>';
    $markup .= '<th colspan="4">Name</th>';
    $markup .= '<th colspan="2">Hours</th>';
    $markup .= '<th colspan="2">Event Date</th>';
    if (empty($outreaches)) {
        $markup .= '<tr><td colspan="11">No outreach found! Click <a href="?q=outreachForm">here</a> to create new outreach!</td></tr></table>';
        return array('#markup' => $markup);
    foreach ($outreaches as $outreach) {
        $OID = $outreach['OID'];
        $hours = dbGetHoursForOutreach($OID);
        switch ($outreach['status']) {
            case 'isOutreach':
                $status = '<span title="Outreach Event"><img class="eventIndicatorIcon" src="/images/icons/outreachBlue.png"></span>';
            case 'isIdea':
                $status = '<span title="Idea"><img class="eventIndicatorIcon" src="/images/icons/ideaBlue.png"></span>';
            case 'doingWriteUp':
                $status = '<span title="Write Up"><img class="eventIndicatorIcon" src="/images/icons/writeUpBlue.png"></span>
            case 'locked':
                $status = '<span title="Locked Event"><img class="eventIndicatorIcon" src="/images/icons/lockedBlue.png"></span>';
                drupal_set_message('Invalid outreach data.');
        $markup .= '<tr><td colspan="2" style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 14px;">';
        $markup .= showOutreachStatusIcon($outreach['status']) . '</td>';
        if ($multipleTeamsInResult) {
            $markup .= '<td colspan="2"><a href="?q=viewTeam&TID=' . $outreach['TID'] . '">' . dbGetTeamNumber($outreach['TID']) . '</a></td>';
        $markup .= '<td colspan="4"><a href="?q=viewOutreach&OID=' . $OID . '">' . chopString($outreach['name'], 15) . '</a></td>';
        $markup .= '<td colspan="2">' . $hours . '</td>';
        if (dbGetEarliestTimeForOutreach($OID) != false) {
            $markup .= '<td colspan="2">' . date(TIME_FORMAT, dbDateSQL2PHP(dbGetEarliestTimeForOutreach($OID))) . '</td>';
        } else {
            $markup .= '<td colspan="2">[none]</td>';
    $markup .= '</table>';
    return array('#markup' => $markup);
Пример #6
function viewUsersForTeam_submit($form, $form_state)
    $TID = $form_state['TID'];
    $roleChanged = false;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $form_state['numUsers']; $i++) {
        if (!isset($form_state['values']["RID-{$i}"])) {
        $UID = $form_state["UID-{$i}"];
        $newRID = $form_state['values']["RID-{$i}"];
        $oldRID = $form["RID-{$i}"]['#default_value'];
        // check if the RID changed
        if ($newRID != $oldRID) {
            // adding new role
            if ($oldRID == 0) {
                dbGiveUserRID($UID, $TID, $newRID);
            } else {
                if ($newRID != 0) {
                    $result = dbUpdateUserRole($UID, $TID, $newRID);
                } else {
                    dbRemoveAllUserRoles($UID, $TID);
            $userName = dbGetUserName($UID);
            drupal_set_message("{$userName}'s role has been updated.");
            $roleChanged = true;
            $notification = array('UID' => $UID, 'TID' => $TID, 'dateCreated' => date(DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT, time()), 'dateTargeted' => date(DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT, time()));
            // check if the user no longer has a role
            if (dbGetRoleName($newRID) == false) {
                $notification['message'] = "You are no longer a " . strtolower(dbGetRoleName($oldRID));
            } else {
                $notification['message'] = 'You are now a ' . strtolower(dbGetRoleName($newRID));
            $notification['message'] .= ' on team ' . dbGetTeamName($TID) . '.';
    if (!$roleChanged) {
        drupal_set_message('No changes were made. An issue occured.', 'error');
Пример #7
function rescindTeamApplication($TID)
    global $user;
    dbRescindTeamApplication($user->uid, $TID);
    $teamName = dbGetTeamName($TID);
    $userName = dbGetUserName($user->uid);
    $notification['message'] = "{$userName} is no longer applying to {$teamName}.";
    $notification['dateCreated'] = dbDatePHP2SQL(time());
    $notification['dateTargeted'] = dbDatePHP2SQL(time());
    $notification['TID'] = $TID;
    notifyUsersByRole($notification, 'teamAdmin');
    drupal_set_message("Your application to {$teamName} has been removed.");
    if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
    } else {
Пример #8
function viewHours()
    $params = drupal_get_query_parameters();
    global $user;
    // checks to make sure you are assigned to a team
    if (dbGetTeamsForUser($user->uid) == NULL) {
        drupal_set_message("You don't have a team assigned.", 'error');
    // setting all permissions to a default "false" value
    $canEdit = $canApprove = $myHours = false;
    $markup = '';
    // showing the hours if the UID is set for a user
    $filterParams = array();
    if (isset($params['UID'])) {
        $UID = $params['UID'];
        $myHours = $UID == $user->uid;
        $filterParams['hourCounting.UID'] = $UID;
        $userName = dbGetUserName($UID);
        $markup = "<table><tr><td><h1>Hours for {$userName}</h1></td></tr></table>";
    // showing the hours if the OID is set for an outreach
    if (isset($params['OID'])) {
        $OID = $params['OID'];
        $TID = getCurrentTeam()['TID'];
        $filterParams['OID'] = $OID;
        $canEdit = canEditHoursForOutreach($OID);
        // can be set for the entire page
        if (hasPermissionForTeam('manageOutreachTags', $TID)) {
            $canApprove = true;
            // can be set for the entire page
        $outreachName = dbGetOutreachName($OID);
        $markup = "<table><tr><td><h1>Hours for {$outreachName}</a></h1></td>";
    if (isset($params['OID']) && isset($params['UID']) && !isset($params['TID'])) {
        $markup = "<table><tr><td><h1>Hours contributed to {$outreachName} by {$userName}</h1></td></tr></table>";
    // showing the hours needing to be approved for a team if the TID is set
    if (isset($params['TID'])) {
        $TID = $params['TID'];
        $filterParams['TID'] = $TID;
        $filterParams['isApproved'] = 0;
        $teamName = dbGetTeamName($TID);
        $markup = "<table><tr><td><h1>Hours to be approved for {$teamName}</h1></td></tr></table>";
    // if the filters are not empty...
    if (!empty($filterParams)) {
        $hoursEntries = dbGetHours($filterParams);
        // get all the matching "hour" records
        if (isset($OID)) {
            $markup .= '<td style="text-align:right">';
            $markup .= "<a href=\"?q=logHours&OID={$OID}\"><button>Add Hours</button></a></td></tr></table>";
        $markup .= '<table class="infoTable">';
        // starting the table
        if (empty($OID)) {
            $markup .= '<th>Event</th>';
        if (!$myHours) {
            $markup .= '<th>Person</th>';
        $markup .= '<th>Type</th><th># Hours</th>';
        $markup .= '<th></th>';
        // create placeholder column
        foreach ($hoursEntries as $hours) {
            $markup .= '<tr>';
            if (!isset($OID)) {
                // permissions must be set per hour record
                $canEdit = canEditHours($hours['HID']);
                // can be set for the entire page
                $canApprove = canApproveHours($hours['HID']);
                // can be set for the entire page
                if (isset($TID) && !$canApprove) {
                    // if trying to approve hours for the team
                $outreachName = dbGetOutreachName($hours['OID']);
                $markup .= "<td><a href=\"?q=viewOutreach&OID={$hours['OID']}\">{$outreachName}</a></td>";
            // if the hours don't belong the current user, show the name of the person they do belong to
            if (!$myHours) {
                $markup .= '<td>';
                if ($hours['UID'] != null) {
                    $name = dbGetUserName($hours['UID']);
                    $email = dbGetUserPrimaryEmail($hours['UID']);
                    $markup .= "<a href=\"mailto:{$email}\" target=\"_top\">{$name}</a>";
                } else {
                    $markup .= '[none]';
                $markup .= '</td>';
            switch ($hours['type']) {
                // switch the type to be more formal
                case 'prep':
                    $formalType = "Preparation";
                case 'atEvent':
                    $formalType = "At Event";
                case 'writeUp':
                    $formalType = "Write Up";
                case 'followUp':
                    $formalType = "Follow Up";
                case 'other':
                    $formalType = "Other";
            $markup .= "<td>{$formalType}</td>";
            $markup .= "<td>{$hours['numberOfHours']}</td>";
            if ($canEdit || $canApprove) {
                $markup .= '<td>';
                if ($canEdit) {
                    // if user can edit...
                    $markup .= "<a href=\"?q=logHours&HID={$hours['HID']}\">";
                    $markup .= '<button><img class="editIcon" src="/images/icons/editWhite.png"></button></a>';
                    $markup .= "<a href=\"?q=deleteHours/{$hours['HID']}\">";
                    $markup .= '<button><img class="trashIcon" src="/images/icons/trashWhite.png"></button></a>';
                if ($canApprove && !$hours['isApproved']) {
                    // if user can approve hours and the hours are not approved...
                    $markup .= "<a href=\"?q=approveHours/{$hours['HID']}\">";
                    $markup .= '<button>Approve Hours</button></a>';
                } else {
                    if (!$hours['isApproved']) {
                        $markup .= '<button disabled>Approve Hours</button>';
                $markup .= '</td>';
            $markup .= '</tr>';
        if (empty($hoursEntries)) {
            $markup .= '<tr><td style="text-align:center" colspan="10"><em>[None]</em></td></tr>';
        $markup .= '</table>';
    } else {
        // no filter params
        drupal_set_message('No filter parameters selected.', 'error');
    return array('#markup' => $markup);
Пример #9
function hoursForm($form, &$form_state)
    global $user;
    $params = drupal_get_query_parameters();
    $new = isset($form_state['new']) ? $form_state['new'] : true;
    // checking that you are on a team
    if (dbGetTeamsForUser($user->uid) == NULL) {
        drupal_set_message("You don't have a team assigned.", 'error');
    if (isset($params['HID'])) {
        $new = false;
        // editing an existing hours record
        $form_state['new'] = $new;
        // update form_state to reflect this
    // setting values...
    // creating a new record
    if ($new) {
        if (isset($form_state['OID'])) {
            $OID = $form_state['OID'];
        } else {
            $OID = $params['OID'];
            $form_state['OID'] = $OID;
        $UID = $user->uid;
        // editing an existing hours record
    } else {
        if (isset($form_state['HID'])) {
            $HID = $form_state['HID'];
        } else {
            $HID = $params['HID'];
            $form_state['HID'] = $HID;
        $hour = dbGetHour($HID);
        $UID = $hour['UID'];
        $OID = $hour['OID'];
        $form_state['OID'] = $OID;
        if ($hour['isApproved']) {
            drupal_set_message('Note that this hour will have to be re-approved once changes are made.', 'error');
    // checking that you are accessing this page with a valid outreach
    if (!isset($OID) && !isset($params['HID'])) {
        drupal_set_message("No outreach selected.", 'error');
    // checking that you are associated with the team for which this outreach belongs to
    $TID = dbGetTeamForOutreach($OID);
    if (!isMyTeam($TID)) {
        $teamName = dbGetTeamName($TID);
        drupal_set_message("You are no longer on the team associated with this outreach ({$teamName}).", 'error');
    // checks if you have permission to edit hours
    if (!(hasPermissionForTeam('editAnyHours', dbGetTeamForOutreach($OID)) || isMyOutreach($OID) || dbIsUserSignedUp($user->uid, $OID))) {
        drupal_set_message("You don't have permission to log hours for this outreach.", 'error');
    if (isset($form_state['OID']) || isset($params['HID'])) {
        $outreachData = dbGetOutreach($OID);
        //begins form
        $form['fields'] = array('#prefix' => '<div id="rows-div">', '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t("Enter Hours For Outreach: \"{$outreachData['name']}\""), '#suffix' => '</div>');
        $users = dbGetUsersListFromTeam($TID);
        $users['0'] = '[none]';
        if (hasPermissionForTeam('editAnyHours', $TID)) {
            $form['fields']['UID'] = array('#prefix' => '<td>', '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('User:'******'#options' => $users, '#attributes' => array('style' => 'width:200px'), '#default_value' => $UID, '#chosen' => true, '#suffix' => '</td>');
        $form['fields']['tableHeader'] = array('#markup' => '<table>');
        if (empty($form_state['numRows'])) {
            $form_state['numRows'] = 1;
        if (!hasPermissionForTeam('editAnyHours', $TID)) {
            $signUpInfo = dbGetUserSignUpInfo($UID, $OID);
            $numSignUps = count($signUpInfo);
            $signUpCountLoop = 0;
            $type = array();
            foreach ($signUpInfo as $info) {
                if ($numSignUps > 1 && $signUpCountLoop != $numSignUps - 1 && $form_state['numRows'] != $numSignUps) {
                if ($info['type'] == 'prep') {
                    $type[$signUpCountLoop] = array('prep' => 'Preparation');
                } else {
                    if ($info['type'] == 'atEvent') {
                        $type[$signUpCountLoop] = array('atEvent' => 'At Event');
                    } else {
                        if ($info['type'] == 'writeUp') {
                            $type[$signUpCountLoop] = array('writeUp' => 'Write-Up');
                        } else {
                            if ($info['type'] == 'followUp') {
                                $type[$signUpCountLoop] = array('followUp' => 'Follow Up');
                            } else {
                                if ($info['type'] == 'other') {
                                    $type[$signUpCountLoop] = array('prep' => 'Other');
        // looping through the rows
        for ($i = 0; $i < $form_state['numRows']; $i++) {
            $rowMarkUp = "<tr id=\"row-{$i}\"";
            $rowMarkUp .= '>';
            $form['fields']["rowHeader-{$i}"] = array('#markup' => $rowMarkUp);
            $form['fields']["numberOfHours-{$i}"] = array('#prefix' => '<td  colspan="1" style="text-align:left;width:20%;">', '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Number Of Hours:'), '#suffix' => '</td>', '#default_value' => $new ? '' : $hour['numberOfHours']);
            if (hasPermissionForTeam('editAnyHours', $TID)) {
                $types = array('prep' => 'Preparation', 'atEvent' => 'At Event', 'writeUp' => 'Write-Up', 'followUp' => 'Follow Up', 'other' => 'Other');
            } else {
                $types = $type[$i];
            $form['fields']["type-{$i}"] = array('#prefix' => '<td colspan="1" style="text-align:left; width:20%;">', '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Type:'), '#options' => $types, '#suffix' => '</td>', '#default_value' => $new ? '' : $hour['type']);
            $form['fields']["description-{$i}"] = array('#prefix' => '<td colspan="3" style="text-align:left; width:50%;">', '#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => t('Description:'), '#suffix' => '</td>', '#default_value' => $new ? '' : $hour['description']);
            if ($i == $form_state['numRows'] - 1) {
                $form['fields']["addRowButton-{$i}"] = array('#prefix' => '<td colspan="1" style="width:5%">', '#type' => 'submit', '#submit' => array('addHourRow'), '#value' => '+', '#limit_validation_errors' => array(), '#ajax' => array('callback' => 'modifyHourRows_callback', 'wrapper' => 'rows-div'), '#suffix' => '</td>');
                $form['fields']["removeRowButton-{$i}"] = array('#prefix' => '<td colspan="1" style="width:5%">', '#type' => 'submit', '#submit' => array('removeHourRow'), '#value' => '-', '#limit_validation_errors' => array(), '#ajax' => array('callback' => 'modifyHourRows_callback', 'wrapper' => 'rows-div'), '#suffix' => '</td>');
            $form['fields']['rowFooter'] = array('#markup' => '</tr>');
            // end of for loop
        $form['fields']['submit'] = array('#prefix' => '<tr><td colspan="7" style="text-align:right">', '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Submit'), '#suffix' => '</td></tr>');
        $form['fields']['tableFooter'] = array('#markup' => '</table>');
    return $form;
Пример #10

  ---- widgets/fancyScrollingStats.php ----
  returns JSON-encoded stats data for a team (when called by fancyScrollingStats.js)
// quick check to determine if this is the release version
// normally this would be set through a define in Drupal
if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == ':80') {
    $basePath = '/var/www-croma/database-release';
} else {
    $basePath = '/var/www-croma/database';
include $basePath . '/croma_dbFunctions.php';
include $basePath . '/drupalCompatibility.php';
if (isset($_POST['teamNumber'])) {
    $teamNumber = $_POST['teamNumber'];
} else {
    echo 'errorTID';
$TID = dbGetTeamTIDByNumber($teamNumber);
$data['numHours'] = dbGetHoursForTeam($TID);
$data['teamName'] = dbGetTeamName($TID);
$data['numOutreaches'] = dbGetNumOutreachForTeam($TID);
$json = json_encode($data);
echo $json;
Пример #11
function oldHoursForm($form, &$form_state)
    global $user;
    $params = drupal_get_query_parameters();
    // initialization of values
    if (!isset($form_state['TID'])) {
        // first time on form
        $TID = $form_state['TID'] = $params['TID'];
        // set to url params
        $offset = dbGetOffsetHours($TID);
        if ($offset != null) {
            $new = $form_state['new'] = false;
            $form_state['numRows'] = count($offset);
            $form_state['initialNumTimes'] = count($offset);
            // record how many were there before (in case user deletes one)
        } else {
            $new = $form_state['new'] = true;
    } else {
        // not first time on form
        $TID = $form_state['TID'];
        $offset = dbGetOffsetHours($TID);
    // checking that user is on a team
    if (dbGetTeamsForUser($user->uid) == false) {
        drupal_set_message("You don't have a team assigned.", 'error');
    // checking that you are accessing this page with a team in mind
    if (!isset($TID)) {
        // if $TID is still null
        drupal_set_message("No team selected.", 'error');
    // checking to make sure you have permission to actually edit the offset hours
    if (!isMyTeam($TID) || !hasPermissionForTeam('editTeam', $TID)) {
        drupal_set_message("You don't have permission to edit the 'old hours' for this team.", 'error');
    // beginning the form itself
    $form['fields'] = array('#prefix' => '<div id="oldHourRows-div">', '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Enter Old Hours For Team: ' . dbGetTeamName($TID)), '#suffix' => '</div>');
    if (!$new) {
        // if user wants to cancel any changes they made
        $form['fields']['back'] = array('#prefix' => '<left>', '#limit_validation_errors' => array(), '#submit' => array('backToTeam'), '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => '⇦ Cancel Changes', '#attributes' => array('OnSubmit' => 'if(!confirm("Back?")){return false;}'), '#suffix' => '</left>');
    $form['fields']['tableHeader'] = array('#markup' => '<table>');
    if (empty($form_state['numRows'])) {
        $form_state['numRows'] = 1;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $form_state['numRows']; $i++) {
        $rowMarkUp = "<tr id=\"row-{$i}\"";
        $rowMarkUp .= '>';
        $form['fields']["rowHeader-{$i}"] = array('#markup' => $rowMarkUp);
        $form['fields']["hours-{$i}"] = array('#prefix' => '<td style="text-align:left;">', '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Number Of Hours:'), '#suffix' => '</td>', '#default_value' => $new ? '' : $offset[$i]['numberOfHours']);
        if (!$new) {
            $form_state['fields']["HTID-{$i}"] = $offset[$i]['HTID'];
        $form['fields']["year-{$i}"] = array('#prefix' => '<td style="text-align:left;">', '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Year:'), '#suffix' => '</td>', '#default_value' => $new ? '' : $offset[$i]['year']);
        if ($i == $form_state['numRows'] - 1) {
            $form['fields']["addRowButton-{$i}"] = array('#prefix' => '<td>', '#type' => 'submit', '#submit' => array('addOldHourRow'), '#value' => '+', '#limit_validation_errors' => array(), '#ajax' => array('callback' => 'modifyOldHourRows_callback', 'wrapper' => 'oldHourRows-div'), '#suffix' => '</td>');
        if ($i == $form_state['numRows'] - 1) {
            $form['fields']["removeRowButton-{$i}"] = array('#prefix' => '<td>', '#type' => 'submit', '#submit' => array('removeOldHourRow'), '#value' => '-', '#limit_validation_errors' => array(), '#ajax' => array('callback' => 'modifyOldHourRows_callback', 'wrapper' => 'oldHourRows-div'), '#suffix' => '</td>');
        $form['fields']['rowFooter'] = array('#markup' => '</tr>');
    // end of for loop
    $form['fields']['submit'] = array('#prefix' => '<tr><td colspan="4" style="text-align:right">', '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Submit'), '#suffix' => '</td></tr>');
    $form['fields']['tableFooter'] = array('#markup' => '</table>');
    return $form;
Пример #12
function createNewUser($form_state)
    //This will generate a random password, you could set your own here
    $password = user_password(8);
    $userName = $form_state['values']['firstName'] . ' ' . $form_state['values']['lastName'];
    //set up the user fields
    $fields = array('name' => $form_state['values']['primaryEmail'], 'mail' => $form_state['values']['primaryEmail'], 'pass' => $password, 'status' => 1, 'init' => 'email address', 'roles' => array(DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID => 'authenticated user'));
    //the first parameter is left blank so a new user is created
    $account = user_save('', $fields);
    // Manually set the password so it appears in the e-mail.
    $account->password = $fields['pass'];
    // Send the e-mail through the user module.
    $params['url'] = user_pass_reset_url($account);
    $params['teamName'] = dbGetTeamName($form_state['TID']);
    drupal_mail('users', 'userCreated', $form_state['values']['primaryEmail'], NULL, $params, '*****@*****.**');
    $fields = array('firstName', 'lastName');
    $profileData = getFields($fields, $form_state['values']);
    $profileData = stripTags($profileData, '');
    $profileData['UID'] = $account->uid;
    // creating new profile
    return $profileData['UID'];
Пример #13
function rejectUser($UID, $TID)
    if (teamIsIneligible($TID)) {
        drupal_set_message('Your team does not have permission to access this page.', 'error');
    // currently delete the user's application to the team
    dbRejectUser($UID, $TID);
    $notification = array('UID' => $UID, 'TID' => $TID, 'dateCreated' => dbDatePHP2SQL(time()), 'dateTargeted' => dbDatePHP2SQL(time()));
    $notification['message'] = 'You have been rejected from ' . dbGetTeamName($TID) . '.';
    $notification['bttnTitle'] = 'Reapply';
    $notification['bttnLink'] = "?q=applyForTeamForm";
    module_load_include('inc', 'mimemail');
    drupal_mail('teams', 'rejectedFromTeam', dbGetUserPrimaryEmail($UID), variable_get('language_default'), $params = array('teamName' => dbGetTeamName($TID), 'fullName' => dbGetUserName($UID)), $from = NULL, $send = TRUE);
    drupal_set_message("User has been rejected from your team.");
    if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
    } else {
        drupal_goto('viewUsersToBeApproved', array('query' => array('TID' => $TID)));