Пример #1
  * dataSize
  * A more readable way of viewing the returned float when polling disk size
  * @param string $cmd command to execute for data
  * @return array $results array of command execution results
 public function getTotalMemory()
     try {
         $Bytes = disk_total_space($drive);
         $totalBytes = dataSize($Bytes);
         return $totalBytes;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
Пример #2

require "ettercap_vars.php";
if (isset($_GET[history])) {
    $log_list = array_reverse(glob($module_path . "log/*.pcap"));
    if (count($log_list) == 0) {
        echo "<em>No log history...</em>";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($log_list); $i++) {
        $file = basename($log_list[$i], ".pcap");
        $info = explode("_", basename($log_list[$i]));
        echo date('Y-m-d H-i-s', $info[1]) . " - ";
        echo dataSize($module_path . "log/" . basename($log_list[$i])) . " [";
        echo "<a href=\"javascript:load_file('" . $file . ".log');\">view</a> | ";
        echo "<a href=\"javascript:javascript:location.href='log/" . $file . ".log'\">download</a> | ";
        echo "<a href=\"javascript:javascript:location.href='log/" . $file . ".pcap'\">pcap</a> | ";
        echo "<a href=\"javascript:delete_file('" . $file . "');\">delete</a>]<br />";
if (isset($_GET[lastlog])) {
    if ($is_ettercap_running) {
        $path = $module_path . "log";
        $latest_ctime = 0;
        $latest_filename = '';
        $d = dir($path);
        while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
            $filepath = "{$path}/{$entry}";
            if (is_file($filepath) && filectime($filepath) > $latest_ctime) {
                $latest_ctime = filectime($filepath);
                $latest_filename = $entry;
Пример #3

require "tcpdump_vars.php";
if (isset($_GET[history])) {
    $dumps_list = array_reverse(glob($module_path . "dumps/*.pcap"));
    if (count($dumps_list) == 0) {
        echo "<em>No dump history...</em>";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($dumps_list); $i++) {
        if (basename($dumps_list[$i]) != "capture.log") {
            $info = explode("_", basename($dumps_list[$i]));
            echo date('Y-m-d H-i-s', $info[1]) . " - ";
            echo dataSize($module_path . "dumps/" . basename($dumps_list[$i])) . " [";
            echo "<a href=\"javascript:javascript:location.href='dumps/" . basename($dumps_list[$i]) . "'\">download</a> | ";
            echo "<a href=\"javascript:delete_file('" . basename($dumps_list[$i]) . "');\">delete</a>]<br />";
$data = _data();
_step("Creating multiple data ...");
$all = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
    $all[] = $data;
_step("Pass string value to read");
_step("Pass array value to read");
_step("Pass string value to change");
_step("Pass array value to change");
// passing by reference to immutable values uses more memory in this case!
_step("Pass string reference to change");
            echo "<a href=\"javascript:delete_file('log','" . basename($log_list[$i]) . "');\">delete</a>]<br />";
if (isset($_GET[captures])) {
    $captures_list = array_reverse(glob($module_path . "captures/*.cap"));
    if (count($captures_list) == 0) {
        echo "<em>No capture history...</em>";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($captures_list); $i++) {
        $info = explode("_", basename($captures_list[$i]));
        $BSSID = exec("awk -F, '/BSSID/ {i=1; next} i {print \$1}' " . $module_path . "captures/" . basename($captures_list[$i], ".cap") . ".csv | head -1");
        $ESSID = exec("awk -F, '/BSSID/ {i=1; next} i {print \$14}' " . $module_path . "captures/" . basename($captures_list[$i], ".cap") . ".csv | head -1");
        $IVS = exec("awk -F, '/BSSID/ {i=1; next} i {print \$11}' " . $module_path . "captures/" . basename($captures_list[$i], ".cap") . ".csv | head -1");
        echo date('Y-m-d H-i-s', $info[1]) . " [" . $BSSID . " - " . $ESSID . "] #IVS " . $IVS . " ";
        echo "| " . dataSize($module_path . "captures/" . basename($captures_list[$i], ".cap") . ".*") . " ";
        echo "| <a href=\"javascript:delete_file('cap','" . basename($captures_list[$i], ".cap") . "');\">delete</a><br/>";
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($output_types); $j++) {
            $file = basename($captures_list[$i], ".cap") . "." . $output_types[$j];
            $tags = array("FILENAME" => $module_path . "captures/" . $file);
            $custom_command = addslashes(replace_tags($tags, $custom_commands[1]));
            echo $output_types[$j] . " ";
            echo "[<a href=\"javascript:location.href='captures/" . $file . "'\">load</a> - ";
            echo "<a href=\"javascript:execute_custom_script('" . base64_encode($custom_command) . "');\">exec</a>] ";
        echo "<br /><br />";
if (isset($_GET[deauthtarget])) {
    if (isset($_GET[deauthtargetClient]) && $_GET[deauthtargetClient] != "") {
        $cmd = "aireplay-ng -0 " . $_GET[deauthtimes] . " --ignore-negative-one -D -c {$_GET['deauthtargetClient']} -a {$_GET['deauthtarget']} " . $monitorInterface . " &";