 * Clone accessories when product cloned
 * POST hook
 * @see include/func/cw.product.php: cw_product_clone()
function cw_ac_product_clone($product_id)
    $new_product_id = cw_get_return();
    if (!empty($new_product_id)) {
        cw_core_copy_tables('linked_products', 'product_id', $product_id, $new_product_id);
    return $new_product_id;
 * what function does
 * @see POST hook for cw_original_hooked_function
 * ...
function cw_original_hooked_function($param1, $param2)
    $return = cw_get_return();
    // Get return of previous hook
    // Do something usgin $return
    return $return;
    // Do not forget return same value
 * Clone tabs when product cloned
 * POST hook
 * @see include/func/cw.product.php: cw_product_clone()
function cw_pt_product_clone($product_id)
    global $_pt_addon_tables;
    $new_product_id = cw_get_return();
    if (!empty($new_product_id)) {
        cw_core_copy_tables($_pt_addon_tables['product'], 'product_id', $product_id, $new_product_id);
    return $new_product_id;
Пример #4
function cw_error_check(&$array_to_check, $rules, $attributes_type = '')
    $result = cw_get_return();
    // get array of errors returned by core cw_error_check()
    if ($attributes_type != 'P' || is_null($result)) {
        return $result;
    // hook for products only
    if (!cw_is_catalog_product($array_to_check)) {
        return $result;
    // do not check other product types
    if (empty($array_to_check['attributes']['original_url'])) {
        cw_add_top_message(cw_get_langvar_by_name('err_field_catalog_products', '', false, true), 'W');
    return $result;
function cw_flexible_import_validate_import_file($params, $rules)
    $error = cw_get_return();
    global $action;
    if ($action != "import_file") {
        return $error;
    $index = substr_count($error, "\n") + ($error != '' ? 1 : 0);
    if (isset($params['import_file']['error']) && $params['import_file']['error'] != 0 && $params['import_type'] == 'pc') {
        if ($params['import_file']['error'] == 4) {
            $error .= "\n" . ++$index . 'b . ' . cw_get_langvar_by_name('err_field_select_file');
        } else {
            $error .= "\n" . ++$index . '. ' . cw_get_langvar_by_name('lbl_upld_err') . ' ' . $params['import_file']['error'];
    } elseif (empty($params['import_file'])) {
        $error .= "\n" . ++$index . 'c . ' . cw_get_langvar_by_name('err_field_select_file');
    $error = str_replace('<br/>', '', $error);
    return $error;
Пример #6
function cw_ps_aom_recalculate_totals_extra($order)
    $cart = cw_get_return();
    $extra = cw_call('cw_ps_on_place_order_extra', array(array()));
    $cart['info']['extra'] = array_merge($cart['info']['extra'], $extra);
    return $cart;
function cw_core_get_meta($tag)
    global $smarty, $location, $config;
    if ($ret = cw_get_return()) {
        return $ret;
    if ($tag == 'title') {
        //      if ($config['SEO']['page_title_format'] == 'D') $location = array_reverse($location);
        $tmp = array();
        if ($location) {
            //        foreach($location as $v) $tmp[] = $v[0];
            $tmp[] = $location[0][0];
            $last_title_part = cw_call('cw_core_get_last_title_part', array($location));
            if (!empty($last_title_part)) {
                $tmp[] = $last_title_part;
            //            if (($cnt=count($location))>1)
            //                $tmp[] = $location[$cnt-1][0];
        if ($config['SEO']['page_title_format'] == 'D') {
            $tmp = array_reverse($tmp);
        $ret = strip_tags(implode(' | ', $tmp));
    } elseif ($tag == 'keywords') {
        $ret = cw_get_langvar_by_name('lbl_site_meta_keywords');
    } elseif ($tag == 'description') {
        if ($smarty->_tpl_vars['product']) {
            $ret = $smarty->_tpl_vars['product']['descr'];
        } elseif ($smarty->_tpl_vars['manufacturer']) {
            $ret = $smarty->_tpl_vars['manufacturer']['descr'];
        } elseif ($smarty->_tpl_vars['page_data']) {
            $ret = $smarty->_tpl_vars['page_data']['content'];
        } elseif ($smarty->_tpl_vars['current_category']) {
            $ret = $smarty->_tpl_vars['current_category']['description'];
        $ret = substr(strip_tags($ret . cw_get_langvar_by_name('lbl_site_meta_descr')), 0, 255);
    return $ret;
function cw_review_doc_get($doc_id, $info_type = 0)
    global $tables, $current_location;
    $return = cw_get_return();
    if (!empty($return) && $return['type'] == 'O' && (!empty($return['products']) || !empty($return['giftcerts'])) && !empty($return['userinfo']['customer_id'])) {
        if (!empty($return['giftcerts']) && is_array($return['giftcerts'])) {
            foreach ($return['giftcerts'] as $key => $giftcert) {
                $return['giftcerts'][$key]['review_note'] = '';
        if (!empty($return['products']) && is_array($return['products'])) {
            foreach ($return['products'] as $key => $product) {
                $product_id = $product['product_id'];
                $customer_id = $return['userinfo']['customer_id'];
                $result = cw_query_first_cell("\n                    SELECT review_id\n                    FROM {$tables['products_reviews']}\n                    WHERE product_id='{$product_id}' AND customer_id='{$customer_id}'\n                ");
                $review_note = '';
                if (!$result) {
                    $review_note = "<a href='{$current_location}/index.php?target=product&product_id={$product_id}' target='_blank'>Place review</a>";
                $return['products'][$key]['review_note'] = $review_note;
        return new EventReturn($return);
    return $return;
function cw_ps_on_place_order_extra($params)
    global $cart;
    $special_offers_apply =& cw_session_register("special_offers_apply");
    $extra = cw_get_return();
    if (!empty($special_offers_apply)) {
        $extra['promotion_suite'] = $special_offers_apply;
    if (!empty($cart['info']['shipping_no_offer'])) {
        $extra['shipping_no_offer'] = $cart['info']['shipping_no_offer'];
    return $extra;
function cw_manufacturers_doc_get_extras_data($doc_id)
    global $tables;
    $return = cw_get_return();
    $attribute_id = cw_call('cw_attributes_get_attribute_by_field', array('field' => 'manufacturer_id'));
    $return['manufacturers'] = cw_query_first_cell("SELECT  GROUP_CONCAT(manufacturer) as manufacturers\n                                 FROM {$tables['manufacturers']}\n                                 INNER JOIN {$tables['attributes_values']} on {$tables['attributes_values']}.value = {$tables['manufacturers']}.manufacturer_id\n                                 INNER JOIN {$tables['docs_items']}  on {$tables['docs_items']}.product_id = {$tables['attributes_values']}.item_id\n                                 WHERE cw_docs_items.doc_id = '" . $doc_id . "'\n                                 AND cw_attributes_values.attribute_id = " . $attribute_id);
    $return['manufacturers'] = str_replace(',', ', ', $return['manufacturers']);
    return $return;
 * get mail lists
 * @return array|null
function cw_vertical_response_get_newslists()
    global $config;
    $return = cw_get_return();
    $vertical_response_data = cw_session_register('vertical_response_data');
    if (isset($vertical_response_data['lists']) && !empty($vertical_response_data['lists'])) {
        foreach ($vertical_response_data['lists'] as $list) {
            if ($list->status == 'active') {
                $return[] = array('id' => $list->id, 'list_id' => 'vr_' . $list->id, 'name' => $list->name, 'descr' => $list->name);
    } else {
        $vertical_response_email = trim($config[vertical_response_addon_name]['vertical_response_email']);
        $vertical_response_password = trim($config[vertical_response_addon_name]['vertical_response_password']);
        try {
            $vr = new SoapClient(vertical_response_wsdl, array('connection_timeout' => 5));
            $sid = $vr->login(array('username' => "{$vertical_response_email}", 'password' => "{$vertical_response_password}", 'session_duration_minutes' => vertical_response_ses_time));
            // get all lists
            $lists = $vr->enumerateLists(array('session_id' => $sid, 'type' => 'email', 'include_field_info' => false, 'limit' => 20));
            if (!empty($lists) && count($lists)) {
                foreach ($lists as $list) {
                    if ($list->status == 'active') {
                        $return[] = array('id' => $list->id, 'list_id' => 'vr_' . $list->id, 'name' => $list->name, 'descr' => $list->name);
        } catch (SoapFault $exception) {
            //exit ('fault: "' . $exception->faultcode . '" - ' . $exception->faultstring . "\n");
    return $return;
function cw_product_options_clone($product_id)
    global $tables, $addons, $config;
    $new_product_id = cw_get_return();
    cw_core_copy_tables('product_options_js', 'product_id', $product_id, $new_product_id);
    $hash = array();
    $classes = cw_query("SELECT * FROM {$tables['product_options']} WHERE product_id = '{$product_id}'");
    if (!empty($classes)) {
        foreach ($classes as $v) {
            $options = cw_query("SELECT * FROM {$tables['product_options_values']} WHERE product_option_id = '{$v['product_option_id']}'");
            $old_classid = $v['product_option_id'];
            $v['product_id'] = $new_product_id;
            $v = cw_addslashes($v);
            $classid = cw_array2insert('product_options', $v);
            if ($options) {
                foreach ($options as $o) {
                    $old_optionid = $o['option_id'];
                    $o['product_option_id'] = $classid;
                    $o = cw_addslashes($o);
                    $optionid = cw_array2insert('product_options_values', $o);
                    $hash[$old_optionid] = $optionid;
                    cw_core_copy_tables('product_options_values_lng', 'option_id', $old_optionid, $optionid);
            cw_core_copy_tables('product_options_lng', 'product_option_id', $old_classid, $classid);
    // Clone product option exceptions
    if (!empty($hash)) {
        $hash_ex = array();
        $exceptions = cw_query("SELECT * FROM {$tables['products_options_ex']} WHERE option_id IN ('" . implode("','", array_keys($hash)) . "')");
        if (!empty($exceptions)) {
            foreach ($exceptions as $v) {
                if (empty($hash[$v['option_id']])) {
                $v['option_id'] = $hash[$v['option_id']];
                if (empty($hash_ex[$v['exception_id']])) {
                    $hash_ex[$v['exception_id']] = cw_query_first_cell("SELECT MAX(exception_id) FROM {$tables['product_options_ex']}") + 1;
                $v['exception_id'] = $hash_ex[$v['exception_id']];
                cw_array2insert('products_options_ex', $v);
    // Clone product option variants
    $variants = db_query("SELECT * FROM {$tables['product_variants']} WHERE product_id = '{$product_id}' ORDER BY variant_id");
    if ($variants) {
        while ($v = db_fetch_array($variants)) {
            $old_variantid = $v['variant_id'];
            $v['product_id'] = $new_product_id;
            $v['productcode'] = cw_product_generate_sku();
            if ($addons['barcode'] && $config['barcode']['gen_product_code']) {
                $v['eancode'] = cw_product_generate_sku($config['barcode']['gen_product_code'], 'eancode');
            } else {
                $v['eancode'] = cw_product_generate_sku(0, 'eancode');
            $v = cw_addslashes($v);
            $variantid = cw_array2insert('product_variants', $v);
            // Add Variant items
            $items = cw_query("SELECT option_id FROM {$tables['product_variant_items']} WHERE variant_id = '{$old_variantid}'");
            if (!empty($items)) {
                foreach ($items as $i) {
                    if (isset($hash[$i['option_id']])) {
                        db_query("INSERT INTO {$tables['product_variant_items']} (variant_id, option_id) VALUES ('{$variantid}', '" . $hash[$i['option_id']] . "')");
            // warehouse
            if ($addons['warehouse']) {
                $items = cw_query("SELECT * FROM {$tables['products_warehouses_amount']} WHERE variant_id = '{$old_variantid}' AND product_id = '{$product_id}'");
                if (!empty($items)) {
                    foreach ($items as $i) {
                        db_query("INSERT INTO {$tables['products_warehouses_amount']} (product_id, warehouse_customer_id, avail, avail_ordered, avail_sold, avail_reserved, variant_id) VALUES ('{$new_product_id}', '" . $i['warehouse_customer_id'] . "', '" . $i['avail'] . "', '" . $i['avail_ordered'] . "', '" . $i['avail_sold'] . "', '" . $i['avail_reserved'] . "', '{$variantid}')");
            // Add Variant prices
            $prices = cw_query("SELECT * FROM {$tables['products_prices']} WHERE variant_id = '{$old_variantid}' AND product_id = '{$product_id}'");
            if ($prices) {
                foreach ($prices as $p) {
                    $p['variant_id'] = $variantid;
                    $p['product_id'] = $new_product_id;
                    cw_array2insert('products_prices', $p);
            // Add Variant thumbnails & variant images
            cw_core_copy_tables('products_images_var', 'id', $old_variantid, $variantid);
    return $new_product_id;
function cw_md_core_get_config()
    global $tables, $current_domain;
    $return = cw_get_return();
    if (APP_AREA != 'customer') {
        return $return;
    if ($config_tmp = db_query("select name, value, category from {$tables['domains_config']} as dc, {$tables['config_categories']} as cc where cc.config_category_id = dc.config_category_id and dc.domain_id = '{$current_domain}'")) {
        while ($arr = db_fetch_array($config_tmp)) {
            if ($arr['category'] == 'main') {
                if (isset($return[$arr['name']])) {
                    $return[$arr['name']] = $arr['value'];
            } elseif ($arr['type'] == 'multiselector') {
                if (isset($return[$arr['category']][$arr['name']])) {
                    $return[$arr['category']][$arr['name']] = explode(';', $arr['value']);
            } else {
                if (isset($return[$arr['category']][$arr['name']])) {
                    $return[$arr['category']][$arr['name']] = $arr['value'];
    return $return;
function cw_attributes_get_attribute_by_field($field)
    global $tables;
    if ($ret = cw_get_return()) {
        return $ret;
    // pre-hook can override this function for certain field by returning own value
    if (!is_array($field)) {
        $fields = array($field);
    } else {
        $fields = $field;
    $ret = array();
    foreach ($fields as $f) {
        $att = cw_call('cw_attributes_filter', array(array('field' => $f), true));
        if ($att) {
            $ret[$att['field']] = $att['attribute_id'];
    if (!is_array($field)) {
        return array_pop($ret);
    return $ret;
Пример #15
function cw_product_shipping_option_get_layout($layout)
    $return = cw_get_return();
    if (!empty($return) && $return['layout'] == 'docs_O' && !empty($return['data']) && !empty($return['data']['elements'])) {
        $elems = array();
        foreach ($return['data']['elements'] as $key => $val) {
            $elems[] = $val;
            if ($val == 'amount') {
                $elems[] = 'product_shipping_option';
        $return['data']['elements'] = $elems;
        return new EventReturn($return);
    return $return;
function cw_clean_url_category_delete($cat, $is_show_process = false)
    global $tables, $config;
    $return = cw_get_return();
    $orphaned_cats = cw_query_column("SELECT u.item_id FROM {$tables['clean_urls_history']} u \n\tLEFT JOIN {$tables['categories']} c ON c.category_id=u.item_id WHERE u.item_type='C' AND c.category_id IS NULL");
    if ($cat != 0) {
        $orphaned_cats[] = $cat;
    if (!empty($subcats) && is_array($subcats)) {
        db_exec("DELETE FROM {$tables['clean_urls_history']} WHERE item_type = 'C' AND item_id IN (?)", array($orphaned_cats));
    return $return;