function cw_payment_delete($payment_id)
    global $tables;
    db_query("delete from {$tables['payment_methods']} where payment_id='{$payment_id}'");
    db_query("delete from {$tables['payment_methods_lng']} where payment_id='{$payment_id}'");
    db_query("delete from {$tables['payment_quotes']} where payment_id='{$payment_id}'");
    db_query("delete from {$tables['payment_methods_memberships']} where payment_id='{$payment_id}'");
    db_query("delete from {$tables['payment_settings']} where payment_id='{$payment_id}'");
    if ($tables['payments_shippings']) {
        db_query("delete from {$tables['payments_shippings']} where payment_id='{$payment_id}'");
    cw_attributes_cleanup($payment_id, 'G');
function cw_shipping_delete($shipping_id)
    global $tables;
    $shipping_id = cw_query_first_cell($sql = "select shipping_id from {$tables['shipping']} as s, {$tables['shipping_carriers']} as sc where sc.addon = '' and sc.carrier_id =  s.carrier_id and shipping_id='{$shipping_id}'");
    if ($shipping_id) {
        db_query("delete from {$tables['shipping']} where shipping_id='{$shipping_id}'");
        db_query("delete from {$tables['shipping_rates']} where shipping_id='{$shipping_id}'");
        db_query("delete from {$tables['products_shipping']} where shipping_id='{$shipping_id}'");
        db_query("delete from {$tables['shipping_cods']} where shipping_id='{$shipping_id}'");
        db_query("delete from {$tables['payments_shippings']} where shipping_id='{$shipping_id}'");
        cw_attributes_cleanup($shipping_id, 'D');
Пример #3
function cw_dod_generate()
    global $tables, $config, $current_language;
    $generator = cw_query_first("select * from {$tables['dod_generators']} where active=1 and startdate<='" . time() . "' and enddate>'" . time() . "'  and dod_interval<>0 order by position asc, generator_id asc");
    if (!empty($generator)) {
        //check last generation date
        $last_gen_date = $generator['current_offer_date'];
        $hrs_since_last_generation = intval((time() - $last_gen_date) / 3600);
        $generate_again = false;
        if ($generator['dod_interval_type'] == 'D') {
            $generate_again = $hrs_since_last_generation >= $generator['dod_interval'] * 24;
            $offer_enddate = min($generator['enddate'], time() + $generator['dod_interval'] * 24 * 3600);
        } elseif ($generator['dod_interval_type'] == 'T') {
            $dod_period_hrs = intval(($generator['enddate'] - $generator['startdate']) / 3600);
            $hrs_interval = intval($dod_period_hrs / $generator['dod_interval']);
            $generate_again = $hrs_since_last_generation >= $hrs_interval;
            $offer_enddate = min($generator['enddate'], time() + $dod_period_hrs / $generator['dod_interval'] * 3600);
        if ($generate_again || $_GET['force_generate']) {
            if (!empty($generator['used_pids'])) {
                $used_pids = explode(';', $generator['used_pids']);
            } else {
                $used_pids = array();
            $dod_products = cw_query_column("select dbd.object_id from {$tables['dod_bonus_details']} dbd inner join {$tables['dod_bonuses']} db on db.generator_id=dbd.generator_id and db.bonus_id=dbd.bonus_id and db.type='" . DOD_DISCOUNT . "' where dbd.generator_id='{$generator['generator_id']}' and dbd.object_type='" . DOD_OBJ_TYPE_PRODS . "'");
            $dod_categories = cw_query_column("select dbd.object_id from {$tables['dod_bonus_details']} dbd inner join {$tables['dod_bonuses']} db on db.generator_id=dbd.generator_id and db.bonus_id=dbd.bonus_id and db.type='" . DOD_DISCOUNT . "' where dbd.generator_id='{$generator['generator_id']}' and dbd.object_type='" . DOD_OBJ_TYPE_CATS . "'");
            $dod_manufacturers = cw_query_column("select dbd.object_id from {$tables['dod_bonus_details']} dbd inner join {$tables['dod_bonuses']} db on db.generator_id=dbd.generator_id and db.bonus_id=dbd.bonus_id and db.type='" . DOD_DISCOUNT . "' where dbd.generator_id='{$generator['generator_id']}' and dbd.object_type='" . DOD_OBJ_TYPE_MANS . "'");
            $dod_attributes = cw_query("select dbd.*  from {$tables['dod_bonus_details']} dbd inner join {$tables['dod_bonuses']} db on db.generator_id=dbd.generator_id and db.bonus_id=dbd.bonus_id and db.type='" . DOD_DISCOUNT . "' where dbd.generator_id='{$generator['generator_id']}' and dbd.object_type='" . DOD_OBJ_TYPE_ATTR . "'");
            //select products by dod conditions
            $data = array();
            $dod_data_where_pids = '';
            if ($dod_products) {
                $dod_data_where_pids = "{$tables['products']}.product_id in ('" . implode("','", $dod_products) . "')";
            if ($dod_categories) {
                $data['search_in_subcategories'] = 1;
                $data['category_ids'] = $dod_categories;
            if ($dod_manufacturers) {
                $manufacturer_id_attribute = cw_query_first_cell("select attribute_id from {$tables['attributes']} where field='manufacturer_id' and addon='manufacturers'");
                if ($manufacturer_id_attribute) {
                    if (!isset($ret_params)) {
                        $ret_params = array();
                    if (!isset($ret_params['query_joins'])) {
                        $ret_params['query_joins'] = array();
                    $ret_params['query_joins']['atv_manufacturer'] = array('tblname' => 'attributes_values', 'on' => "{$tables['products']}.product_id=atv_manufacturer.item_id and atv_manufacturer.item_type='P' and atv_manufacturer.attribute_id = '{$manufacturer_id_attribute}' and atv_manufacturer.code in ('{$current_language}', '') and atv_manufacturer.value in ('" . implode("','", $dod_manufacturers) . "')", 'is_inner' => 1);
            if ($dod_attributes) {
                $param2_sql = array('eq' => '=', 'lt' => '<', 'le' => '<=', 'gt' => '>', 'ge' => '=>');
                foreach ($dod_attributes as $attr_data_k => $attr_data) {
                    $is_def_values = cw_query_first("select * from {$tables['attributes_default']} where attribute_value_id='{$attr_data['param1']}' and attribute_id='{$attr_data['object_id']}'");
                    $sql_operation = $param2_sql[$attr_data['param2']];
                    if (empty($sql_operation)) {
                    if (!isset($ret_params)) {
                        $ret_params = array();
                    if (!isset($ret_params['query_joins'])) {
                        $ret_params['query_joins'] = array();
                    if ($is_def_values) {
                        $ret_params['query_joins']['atv_dod_' . $attr_data_k] = array('tblname' => 'attributes_values', 'on' => "{$tables['products']}.product_id=atv_dod_{$attr_data_k}.item_id and atv_dod_{$attr_data_k}.item_type='P' and atv_dod_{$attr_data_k}.attribute_id = '{$attr_data['object_id']}' and atv_dod_{$attr_data_k}.code in ('{$current_language}', '')", 'is_inner' => 1);
                        $ret_params['query_joins']['atd_dod_' . $attr_data_k] = array('tblname' => 'attributes_default', 'on' => "atd_dod_{$attr_data_k}.attribute_value_id=atv_dod_{$attr_data_k}.value and atv_dod_{$attr_data_k}.attribute_id=atd_dod_{$attr_data_k}.attribute_id and atd_dod_{$attr_data_k}.value{$sql_operation}'" . addslashes($is_def_values['value']) . "'", 'is_inner' => 1);
                    } else {
                        $ret_params['query_joins']['atv_dod_' . $attr_data_k] = array('tblname' => 'attributes_values', 'on' => "{$tables['products']}.product_id=atv_dod_{$attr_data_k}.item_id and atv_dod_{$attr_data_k}.item_type='P' and atv_dod_{$attr_data_k}.attribute_id = '{$attr_data['object_id']}' and atv_dod_{$attr_data_k}.code in ('{$current_language}', '') and atv_dod_{$attr_data_k}.value{$sql_operation}'{$attr_data['param1']}'", 'is_inner' => 1);
            global $user_account, $current_area, $items_per_page_targets, $target;
            $items_per_page_targets[$target] = 1;
            $new_pid = 0;
            $safety_cnt = 1000;
            while (!$new_pid && $safety_cnt > 0) {
                if (!empty($data) || !empty($dod_data_where_pids)) {
                    $data['sort_field'] = 'rand';
                    $data['flat_search'] = 1;
                    $dod_data_where = array();
                    if (!empty($dod_data_where_pids)) {
                        $dod_data_where[] = $dod_data_where_pids;
                    if (!empty($used_pids)) {
                        $dod_data_where[] = "{$tables['products']}.product_id not in ('" . implode("','", $used_pids) . "')";
                    $data['where'] = implode(' and ', $dod_data_where);
                    list($products, $nav, $product_filter) = cw_func_call('cw_product_search', array('data' => $data, 'user_account' => $user_account, 'current_area' => $current_area, 'info_type' => 8, 'product_id_only' => 1), $ret_params);
                $product = reset($products);
                $new_pid = $product['product_id'];
                if (!$new_pid) {
                    if ($generator['no_item_repeat']) {
                    } else {
                        if (!empty($used_pids)) {
                        } else {
            if ($new_pid) {
                $used_pids[] = $new_pid;
            $generator['used_pids'] = implode(';', $used_pids);
            $regenerate_offer = true;
            if ($regenerate_offer) {
                //regenerate offer
                if (!empty($generator['current_offer_id'])) {
                    $offer_ids = array($generator['current_offer_id']);
                    $offer_ids_query = implode("', '", $offer_ids);
                    db_query("DELETE FROM {$tables['ps_offers']} WHERE offer_id IN ('" . $offer_ids_query . "')");
                    db_query("DELETE FROM {$tables['ps_bonuses']} WHERE offer_id IN ('" . $offer_ids_query . "')");
                    db_query("DELETE FROM {$tables['ps_bonus_details']} WHERE offer_id IN ('" . $offer_ids_query . "')");
                    db_query("DELETE FROM {$tables['ps_conditions']} WHERE offer_id IN ('" . $offer_ids_query . "')");
                    db_query("DELETE FROM {$tables['ps_cond_details']} WHERE offer_id IN ('" . $offer_ids_query . "')");
                    db_query("DELETE FROM {$tables['attributes_values']} WHERE item_id IN ('" . $offer_ids_query . "') and item_type='PS'");
                    foreach ($offer_ids as $offer_id) {
                        cw_image_delete($offer_id, PS_IMG_TYPE);
                    cw_attributes_cleanup($offer_ids, PS_ATTR_ITEM_TYPE);
                if ($new_pid) {
                    cw_log_add('dod_generator', array('new DOD product selected' => $new_pid));
                    $new_offer_id = cw_array2insert('ps_offers', array('title' => 'Deal Of The Day', 'description' => $generator['description'], 'startdate' => time(), 'enddate' => $offer_enddate, 'active' => 1));
                $current_offer_id = 0;
                if ($new_offer_id) {
                    $mdm_attribute_id = cw_query_first_cell("select attribute_id from {$tables['attributes']} where addon='multi_domains' and item_type='PS'");
                    if ($mdm_attribute_id) {
                        cw_array2insert('attributes_values', array('item_id' => $new_offer_id, 'attribute_id' => $mdm_attribute_id, 'value' => 0, 'code' => '', 'item_type' => 'PS'));
                    //copy bonus and bonus details
                    $dod_bonuses = cw_query("select * from {$tables['dod_bonuses']} where generator_id='{$generator['generator_id']}' and unused=0");
                    foreach ($dod_bonuses as $dod_bonus) {
                        $_dod_bonus = $dod_bonus;
                        $_dod_bonus['offer_id'] = $new_offer_id;
                        $new_bonus_id = cw_array2insert('ps_bonuses', $_dod_bonus);
                        if ($_dod_bonus['type'] == 'D' && $_dod_bonus['apply'] == 3) {
                            cw_array2insert('ps_bonus_details', array('bonus_id' => $new_bonus_id, 'offer_id' => $new_offer_id, 'object_id' => $new_pid, 'quantity' => 1, 'object_type' => DOD_OBJ_TYPE_PRODS));
                        } else {
                            $dod_bonus_details = cw_query("select * from {$tables['dod_bonus_details']} where generator_id='{$generator['generator_id']}' and bonus_id='{$dod_bonus['bonus_id']}'");
                            if (!empty($dod_bonus_details)) {
                                foreach ($dod_bonus_details as $dod_bonus_detail) {
                                    $_dod_bonus_detail = $dod_bonus_detail;
                                    $_dod_bonus_detail['offer_id'] = $new_offer_id;
                                    $_dod_bonus_detail['bonus_id'] = $new_bonus_id;
                                    cw_array2insert('ps_bonus_details', $_dod_bonus_detail);
                    $new_cond_id = cw_array2insert('ps_conditions', array('type' => 'P', 'total' => '0.00', 'offer_id' => $new_offer_id));
                    if ($new_cond_id) {
                        cw_array2insert('ps_cond_details', array('cond_id' => $new_cond_id, 'offer_id' => $new_offer_id, 'object_id' => $new_pid, 'quantity' => 1, 'object_type' => DOD_OBJ_TYPE_PRODS));
                    $current_offer_id = $new_offer_id;
            //update dod_generator fields
            cw_array2update('dod_generators', array('current_offer_id' => $current_offer_id, 'used_pids' => $generator['used_pids'], 'current_offer_date' => $current_offer_id ? time() : 0), "generator_id='{$generator['generator_id']}'");
            if ($current_offer_id && !empty($config['deal_of_day']['dod_news_template']) && $config['deal_of_day']['dod_newslist']) {
                $newslist = cw_query_first("select * from {$tables['newslists']} where list_id='" . $config['deal_of_day']['dod_newslist'] . "' and avail=1");
                if (!empty($newslist)) {
                    //create message
                    global $smarty;
                    $smarty->assign('promotion', $generator);
                    $smarty->assign('product_id', $new_pid);
                    $product_info = cw_func_call('cw_product_get', array('id' => $new_pid, 'user_account' => $user_account, 'info_type' => 65535));
                    $smarty->assign('product', $product_info);
                    $smarty->assign('news_message', $config['deal_of_day']['dod_news_template']);
                    $message = cw_display("addons/deal_of_day/admin/generate_news.tpl", $smarty, false, $newslist['lngcode']);
                    $smarty->assign('news_message', $config['deal_of_day']['dod_news_template_subject']);
                    $message_subject = cw_display("addons/deal_of_day/admin/generate_news.tpl", $smarty, false, $newslist['lngcode']);
                    //                    $message = $smarty->display('addons/deal_of_day/admin/generate_news.tpl');
                    print $message_subject . "<hr />" . $message;
                    if (!empty($message)) {
                        cw_array2insert('newsletter', array('subject' => $message_subject, 'body' => $message, 'created_date' => time(), 'send_date' => time(), 'updated_date' => time(), 'status' => 'N', 'list_id' => $config['deal_of_day']['dod_newslist'], 'show_as_news' => 1, 'allow_html' => 1));
    return $new_pid;
function cw_review_recalculate_avg_rating($product_id, $attribute_id = 0)
    global $tables;
    $query = "";
    $field = "rating";
    if (!empty($attribute_id)) {
        $query = " AND attribute_id = " . $attribute_id;
    } else {
        $attribute_id = cw_query_first_cell("\n            SELECT attribute_id\n            FROM {$tables['attributes']}\n            WHERE field = 'rating' AND addon = 'estore_products_review'\n        ");
    // recalculate avg rating
    $avg = cw_query_first_cell("\n        SELECT avg(vote_value)\n        FROM {$tables['products_votes']}\n        WHERE product_id = '{$product_id}' {$query} AND vote_value>0\n    ");
    // the average rating is stored with the attributes
    $item_id = $product_id;
    $item_type = 'P';
    cw_attributes_cleanup($item_id, $item_type, null, $attribute_id);
    cw_array2insert('attributes_values', array('item_id' => $item_id, 'item_type' => $item_type, 'attribute_id' => $attribute_id, 'value' => $avg));
function ps_delete()
    global $tables, $top_message;
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST') {
    global $offer_ids;
    if (empty($offer_ids) || !is_array($offer_ids)) {
    $offer_ids = array_unique(array_map('ps_process_ids', array_keys($offer_ids)));
    $offer_ids_query = implode('\', \'', $offer_ids);
    db_query("DELETE FROM {$tables['ps_offers']} WHERE offer_id IN ('" . $offer_ids_query . "')");
    db_query("DELETE FROM {$tables['ps_bonuses']} WHERE offer_id IN ('" . $offer_ids_query . "')");
    db_query("DELETE FROM {$tables['ps_bonus_details']} WHERE offer_id IN ('" . $offer_ids_query . "')");
    db_query("DELETE FROM {$tables['ps_conditions']} WHERE offer_id IN ('" . $offer_ids_query . "')");
    db_query("DELETE FROM {$tables['ps_cond_details']} WHERE offer_id IN ('" . $offer_ids_query . "')");
    foreach ($offer_ids as $offer_id) {
        cw_image_delete($offer_id, PS_IMG_TYPE);
    cw_attributes_cleanup($offer_ids, PS_ATTR_ITEM_TYPE);
    $top_message['content'] = cw_get_langvar_by_name('msg_ps_deleted');
function cw_product_options_product_build_flat_post($params, $return)
    global $config, $tables;
    $where = "";
    if (!$product_id) {
        $product_id = cw_query_column("select product_id from {$tables['products']}");
    if (!is_array($product_id)) {
        $product_id = array($product_id);
    $index = 0;
    foreach ($product_id as $pid) {
        # kornev, only available options - we are preparing the customer data
        # kronev, since it's duplicates - we ahould make it short
        $options = cw_query("select field, name, product_option_id from {$tables['product_options']} where product_id='{$pid}' and avail=1");
        if (!$options) {
        foreach ($options as $option) {
            $field = cw_call('cw_attributes_cleanup_field', array('product_options_' . $option['field']));
            $att = cw_call('cw_attributes_filter', array(array('field' => $field, 'addon' => 'product_options'), true));
            $att_id = $att['attribute_id'];
            if ($attribute_field && !$att_id) {
                $att_id = cw_call('cw_attributes_get_attribute_by_field', array($attribute_field));
                if ($att_id) {
                    cw_array2update('attributes', array('name' => $option['name'], 'field' => $field, 'orderby' => $option['orderby']), "attribute_id='{$att_id}'");
            # kornev, we are making this if there are no attribute only
            # kornev, then the customer is able to re-name it
            if (!$att_id) {
                $att_id = cw_func_call('cw_attributes_create_attribute', array('data' => array('name' => $option['name'], 'field' => 'product_options_' . $option['field'], 'type' => 'multiple_selectbox', 'active' => 1, 'is_show' => 1, 'orderby' => $option['orderby'], 'addon' => 'product_options', 'item_type' => 'P', 'is_show_addon' => 0, 'protection' => ATTR_PROTECTION_FIELD | ATTR_PROTECTION_TYPE | ATTR_PROTECTION_DELETE), 'language' => $config['default_admin_language']));
            $lngs = cw_query("select name, code from {$tables['product_options_lng']} where product_option_id='{$option['product_option_id']}'");
            if ($lngs) {
                foreach ($lngs as $lng) {
                    if (!cw_query_first_cell("select count(*) from {$tables['attributes_lng']} where code='{$lng['code']}' and attribute_id='{$att_id}'")) {
                        cw_func_call('cw_attributes_update_lng', array('attribute_id' => $att_id, 'data' => $lng, 'language' => $lng['code']));
            $values = cw_query("select orderby, avail as active, name as value, option_id from {$tables['product_options_values']} where product_option_id='{$option['product_option_id']}' and avail=1");
            # kornev, in the product_options case we should remove all of the values firstly
            # kornev, we should cleanup the appropriate attribute only;
            cw_attributes_cleanup($pid, 'P', null, $att_id);
            # kornev, we should add the default values - because in the multi-select the translation is stored here
            # kornev, the attributes values store the attribute_value_id actually in the value field
            $att_values = array();
            if ($values) {
                foreach ($values as $att_value) {
                    # kornev, try to define the attribute_value_id by value
                    $att_value['attribute_value_id'] = cw_query_first_cell("select attribute_value_id from {$tables['attributes_default']} where attribute_id='{$att_id}' and value='" . addslashes($att_value['value']) . "'");
                    $att_values[] = $att_value['attribute_value_id'] = cw_call('cw_attributes_update_default_value', array('attribute_id' => $att_id, 'data' => $att_value, 'language' => $config['default_admin_language']));
                    $lngs = cw_query("select name as value, code from {$tables['product_options_values_lng']} where option_id='{$att_value['option_id']}'");
                    if ($lngs) {
                        foreach ($lngs as $lng) {
                            $att_value = array_merge($att_value, $lng);
                            cw_call('cw_attributes_update_default_value', array('attribute_id' => $att_id, 'data' => $att_value, 'language' => $lng['code']));
                    # kornev, now store the value
            if ($att_values) {
                cw_func_call('cw_attributes_save_attribute', array('item_id' => $pid, 'item_type' => 'P', 'attributes' => array($field => $att_values)));
            if ($tick > 0 && $updated % $tick == 0) {
            if ($tick > 0 && $updated / $tick % 100 == 0) {
function cw_attributes_save($item_id, $item_type, $attributes, $language = null, $extra = array())
    global $config, $current_language, $tables;
    $all_languages = cw_func_call('cw_core_get_available_languages');
    if ($extra['update_posted_only']) {
        $prefilled_attributes = $attributes;
    $attributes = cw_func_call('cw_attributes_get', array('item_id' => $item_id, 'item_type' => $item_type, 'prefilled' => $attributes, 'is_default' => $extra['is_default']));
    if ($extra['update_posted_only']) {
        $_attributes = array();
        foreach ($prefilled_attributes as $attr_name => $posted_attr) {
            $_attributes[$attr_name] = $attributes[$attr_name];
        $attributes = $_attributes;
    # kornev, cannot make it - because the hidden attributes;
    $language = $language ? $language : $current_language;
    # kornev, store the default values with '' language - this way we are able to select it in the right way
    //    if ($language == $config['default_admin_language']) $language = '';
    if (is_array($attributes)) {
        foreach ($attributes as $v) {
            # kornev, do not update the hidden values here, the hidden values have to be updated by cw_attributes_save_attribute
            if ($v['type'] == 'hidden') {
            # kornev, only the text data is multi-lng - clean it with language
            if (in_array($v['type'], array('text', 'textarea'))) {
                cw_attributes_cleanup($item_id, $item_type, $language, $v['attribute_id']);
            } else {
                cw_attributes_cleanup($item_id, $item_type, null, $v['attribute_id']);
            foreach ($v['values'] as $value) {
                # kornev, the text attribute might be multilng on this stage
                # kornev, the selectbox are store the attribute value # - so it's translated on the set attribute stage
                if (in_array($v['type'], array('text', 'textarea'))) {
                    cw_array2insert('attributes_values', array('item_id' => $item_id, 'item_type' => $item_type, 'attribute_id' => $v['attribute_id'], 'value' => $value, 'code' => $language));
                    # kornev, we should check the amount of the values - because the multi-lng values might be required to save as default
                    if (count($all_languages) != cw_query_first_cell("select count(*) from {$tables['attributes_values']} where item_id = '{$item_id}' and item_type = '{$item_type}' and attribute_id = '{$v['attribute_id']}'")) {
                        foreach ($all_languages as $code => $tmp) {
                            if (!cw_query_first_cell("select count(*) from {$tables['attributes_values']} where item_id = '{$item_id}' and item_type = '{$item_type}' and attribute_id = '{$v['attribute_id']}' and code = '{$code}'")) {
                                $dfv = cw_call('cw_attributes_get_attribute_default_value', array('attribute_id' => $v['attribute_id'], 'language' => $code));
                                if ($dfv[0]['value']) {
                                    cw_array2insert('attributes_values', array('item_id' => $item_id, 'item_type' => $item_type, 'attribute_id' => $v['attribute_id'], 'value' => $dfv[0]['value'], 'code' => $code));
                } else {
                    cw_array2insert('attributes_values', array('item_id' => $item_id, 'item_type' => $item_type, 'attribute_id' => $v['attribute_id'], 'value' => $value));
    return $attributes;