: <span class="cvm_height" id="cvm_calc_height"><?php echo cvm_player_height($player_opt['aspect_ratio'], $player_opt['width']); ?> </span>px </td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="cvm_video_position"><?php _e('Display video in custom post', 'cvm_video'); ?> :</label></th> <td> <?php $args = array('options' => array('above-content' => __('Above post content', 'cvm_video'), 'below-content' => __('Below post content', 'cvm_video')), 'name' => 'video_position', 'id' => 'cvm_video_position', 'selected' => $player_opt['video_position']); cvm_select($args); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="cvm_volume"><?php _e('Volume', 'cvm_video'); ?> </label>:</th> <td> <input type="text" name="volume" id="cvm_volume" value="<?php echo $player_opt['volume']; ?> " size="1" maxlength="3" /> <label for="cvm_volume"><span class="description">( <?php
/** * Modal window post edit shortcode output */ function cvm_post_edit_modal() { global $post, $CVM_POST_TYPE; if (!$post || $CVM_POST_TYPE->get_post_type() == $post->post_type) { return; } $options = cvm_get_player_settings(); ?> <div id="CVMVideo_Modal_Window" style="display:none;"> <div class="wrap"> <div id="cvm-playlist-items"> <div class="inside"> <h2><?php _e('Playlist settings', 'cvm_video'); ?> </h2> <div id="cvm-playlist-settings" class="cvm-player-settings-options"> <table> <tr> <th><label for="cvm_playlist_theme"><?php _e('Theme', 'cvm_video'); ?> :</label></th> <td> <?php $playlist_themes = cvm_playlist_themes(); cvm_select(array('name' => 'cvm_playlist_theme', 'id' => 'cvm_playlist_theme', 'options' => $playlist_themes)); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="cvm_aspect_ratio"><?php _e('Aspect', 'cvm_video'); ?> :</label></th> <td> <?php $args = array('options' => array('4x3' => '4x3', '16x9' => '16x9'), 'name' => 'aspect_ratio', 'id' => 'aspect_ratio', 'class' => 'cvm_aspect_ratio'); cvm_select($args); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="width"><?php _e('Width', 'cvm_video'); ?> :</label></th> <td> <input type="text" class="cvm_width" name="width" id="width" value="<?php echo $options['width']; ?> " size="2" />px | <?php _e('Height', 'cvm_video'); ?> : <span class="cvm_height" id="cvm_calc_height"><?php echo cvm_player_height($options['aspect_ratio'], $options['width']); ?> </span>px </td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="volume"><?php _e('Volume', 'cvm_video'); ?> </label>:</th> <td> <input type="text" name="volume" id="volume" value="<?php echo $options['volume']; ?> " size="1" maxlength="3" /> <label for="volume"><span class="description"><?php _e('number between 0 (mute) and 100 (max)', 'cvm_video'); ?> </span></label> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="button" id="cvm-insert-playlist-shortcode" class="button primary" value="<?php _e('Insert playlist', 'cvm_video'); ?> " /> </div> <input type="hidden" name="cvm_selected_items" value="" /> <h2><?php _e('Videos in playlist', 'cvm_video'); ?> </h2> <div id="cvm-list-items"> <em><?php _e('No video selected', 'cvm_video'); ?> <br /><?php _e('To create a playlist check some videos from the list on the right.', 'cvm_video'); ?> </em> </div> </div> </div> <div id="cvm-display-videos"> <iframe src="edit.php?post_type=<?php echo $CVM_POST_TYPE->get_post_type(); ?> &page=cvm_videos" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe> </div> </div> </div> <?php }
public function post_video_settings_meta_box() { global $post; $settings = cvm_get_video_settings($post->ID); wp_nonce_field('cvm-save-video-settings', 'cvm-video-nonce'); ?> <table class="form-table cvm-player-settings-options"> <tbody> <tr> <th><label for="cvm_aspect_ratio"><?php _e('Player size', 'cvm_video'); ?> :</label></th> <td> <label for="cvm_aspect_ratio"><?php _e('Aspect ratio'); ?> :</label> <?php $args = array('options' => array('4x3' => '4x3', '16x9' => '16x9'), 'name' => 'aspect_ratio', 'id' => 'cvm_aspect_ratio', 'class' => 'cvm_aspect_ratio', 'selected' => $settings['aspect_ratio']); cvm_select($args); ?> <label for="cvm_width"><?php _e('Width', 'cvm_video'); ?> :</label> <input type="text" name="width" id="cvm_width" class="cvm_width" value="<?php echo $settings['width']; ?> " size="2" />px | <?php _e('Height', 'cvm_video'); ?> : <span class="cvm_height" id="cvm_calc_height"><?php echo cvm_player_height($settings['aspect_ratio'], $settings['width']); ?> </span>px </td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="cvm_video_position"><?php _e('Video position', 'cvm_video'); ?> :</label></th> <td> <?php $args = array('options' => array('above-content' => __('Above post content', 'cvm_video'), 'below-content' => __('Below post content', 'cvm_video')), 'name' => 'video_position', 'id' => 'cvm_video_position', 'selected' => $settings['video_position']); cvm_select($args); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="cvm_volume"><?php _e('Volume', 'cvm_video'); ?> :</label></th> <td> <input type="text" name="volume" id="cvm_volume" value="<?php echo $settings['volume']; ?> " size="1" maxlength="3" /> <label for="cvm_volume"><span class="description">( <?php _e('number between 0 (mute) and 100 (max)', 'cvm_video'); ?> )</span></label> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="cvm_autoplay"><?php _e('Autoplay', 'cvm_video'); ?> :</label></th> <td> <input name="autoplay" id="cvm_autoplay" type="checkbox" value="1"<?php cvm_check((bool) $settings['autoplay']); ?> /> <label for="cvm_autoplay"><span class="description">( <?php _e('when checked, video will start playing once page is loaded', 'cvm_video'); ?> )</span></label> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="title"><?php _e('Show video title', 'cvm_video'); ?> :</label></th> <td> <input name="title" id="cvm_title" class="cvm_title" type="checkbox" value="1"<?php cvm_check((bool) $settings['title']); ?> /> <label for="cvm_title"><span class="description">( <?php _e('when checked, player will display video title', 'cvm_video'); ?> )</span></label> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="cvm_fullscreen"><?php _e('Allow full screen', 'cvm_video'); ?> :</label></th> <td> <input name="fullscreen" id="cvm_fullscreen" type="checkbox" value="1"<?php cvm_check((bool) $settings['fullscreen']); ?> /> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="cvm_color"><?php _e('Player color', 'cvm_video'); ?> :</label></th> <td>#<input type="text" name="color" id="cvm_color" value="<?php echo $settings['color']; ?> " /></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><label for="byline"><?php _e('Show video author', 'cvm_video'); ?> :</label></th> <td> <input type="checkbox" value="1" id="byline" name="byline"<?php cvm_check((bool) $settings['byline']); ?> /> <span class="description"><?php _e('When checked, player will display video uploader.', 'cvm_video'); ?> </span> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><label for="portrait"><?php _e('Author portrait', 'cvm_video'); ?> :</label></th> <td> <input type="checkbox" value="1" id="portrait" name="portrait"<?php cvm_check((bool) $settings['portrait']); ?> /> <span class="description"><?php _e('When checked, player will display uploader image.', 'cvm_video'); ?> </span> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <?php }