function array_to_chart($data, $args = false) { if (!is_array($args)) { $args = array(); } $fields = array('axis_color', 'background_color', 'bar_group_width', 'border_color', 'border_width', 'capitalize_headers', 'category_filter', 'chart', 'chart_div', 'colors', 'custom_headers', 'div_style', 'first_column_numeric', 'format_strings', 'height', 'hide_legend', 'legend_position', 'margins', 'region', 'resolution', 'responsive', 'smooth', 'style_column', 'text_style', 'title', 'tooltips_column', 'tooltips_html', 'width'); $axis_fields = array('baseline', 'color', 'gridlines', 'max', 'min', 'text_position', 'text_style', 'title'); foreach ($axis_fields as $key) { $fields[] = 'x_axis_' . $key; $fields[] = 'y_axis_' . $key; } foreach ($fields as $key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $args)) { ${$key} = $args[$key]; } else { ${$key} = false; } } if (!$chart) { $chart = 'LineChart'; } if (!$width) { $width = 1000; } //pixels if (!$height) { $height = 600; } //pixels if (!$chart_div) { $chart_div = 'chart_div'; } foreach (array('text_style', 'x_axis_text_style', 'y_axis_text_style') as $key) { if (!is_array(${$key})) { if (${$key}) { custom_die('Chart function requires ' . $key . ' to be an array.'); } ${$key} = array(); } } //more might be added to this later, but for now, categoryFilter is the only type of dashboard-requiring control that this function supports if ($category_filter) { $dashboard = true; } else { $dashboard = false; } $eol = "\n"; //get rid of headers row, if it exists (headers should exist as keys) if (array_key_exists('headers', $data)) { unset($data['headers']); } //the JavaScript starts here if (!array_key_exists('jsapi_called', $GLOBALS) || !$GLOBALS['jsapi_called']) { $script = '<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>' . $eol; } else { $script = ''; //we only need to call it once } $script .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . $eol; //if repsonsive is set to true, make the width/height dependent on screen size if ($responsive) { $script .= ' if (screen.width < ' . $width . ') { window.' . $chart_div . '_width = screen.width; } else { window.' . $chart_div . '_width = ' . $width . '};' . $eol; $script .= ' window.' . $chart_div . '_height = Math.round((window.' . $chart_div . '_width / ' . $width . ') * ' . $height . ');' . $eol; } if ($dashboard) { $script .= 'google.load(\'visualization\', \'1.0\', {\'packages\':[\'controls\']});' . $eol; } else { $script .= 'google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["corechart"]});' . $eol; } $script .= 'google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);' . $eol; $script .= 'function drawChart() {' . $eol; if ($responsive) { $script .= ' var chart_width = window.' . $chart_div . '_width;' . $eol; $script .= ' var chart_height = window.' . $chart_div . '_height;' . $eol; } $script .= ' var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();' . $eol; //SET UP COLUMNS $column_numbers = array(); //we use this later, for formatting foreach ($data as $row) { $j = 0; foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $column_numbers[$key] = $j; $j++; if (is_array($custom_headers) && array_key_exists($key, $custom_headers) && $custom_headers[$key]) { $header = $custom_headers[$key]; } elseif ($capitalize_headers) { $header = ucwords($key); } else { $header = $key; } $label = '\'' . addslashes($header) . '\''; if ($j == 1) { if ($first_column_numeric) { $type = '\'number\''; } else { $type = '\'string\''; } } elseif ($j == $tooltips_column) { $type = '{type:\'string\',role:\'tooltip\''; if ($tooltips_html) { $type .= ', p:{html:true}'; } $type .= '}'; } elseif ($j == $style_column) { $type = '{type:\'string\',role:\'style\'}'; } else { $type = '\'number\''; } $script .= ' data.addColumn(' . $type . ',' . $label . ');' . $eol; } break; } $script .= ' data.addRows([' . $eol; //SET UP DATA $i = 0; foreach ($data as $row) { $i++; //data $c = ''; $j = 0; $script .= ' ['; foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $j++; if (is_numeric($value)) { $script .= $c . preg_replace('/[^0-9.-]/', '', $value); } else { $script .= $c . '\'' . addslashes($value) . '\''; } //add quotes $c = ','; } $script .= '],' . $eol; } $script = substr($script, 0, strlen(',' . $eol) * -1); //get rid of that last comma $script .= $eol . ' ]);' . $eol; //generate dashboard if ($dashboard) { $script .= ' var dashboard = new google.visualization.Dashboard(document.getElementById(\'' . $chart_div . '_dashboard\'));' . $eol; } if ($category_filter) { if (!is_array($category_filter)) { return false; } //$category_filter must be an array with filterRowIndex and label set $script .= ' var categoryPicker = new google.visualization.ControlWrapper({' . $eol; $script .= ' \'controlType\': \'CategoryFilter\',' . $eol; $script .= ' \'containerId\': \'' . $chart_div . '_filter\',' . $eol; $script .= ' \'options\': {' . $eol; $script .= ' \'filterRowIndex\': ' . $category_filter['filterRowIndex'] . ',' . $eol; $script .= ' \'ui\': {' . $eol; $script .= ' \'labelStacking\': \'vertical\',' . $eol; $script .= ' \'label\': \'' . $category_filter['label'] . '\',' . $eol; $script .= ' \'allowTyping\': false,' . $eol; $script .= ' \'allowMultiple\': true' . $eol; $script .= ' }' . $eol; $script .= ' }' . $eol; $script .= ' });' . $eol; } if (is_array($format_strings)) { $unique_formats = array(); //first, find all unique format patterns, and which columns they are associated with foreach ($format_strings as $column => $format) { if (array_key_exists($column, $column_numbers)) { //if data column itself exists $cn = $column_numbers[$column]; if (!array_key_exists($format, $unique_formats)) { $unique_formats[$format] = array($cn); } else { $unique_formats[$format][] = $cn; } } } $i = 0; foreach ($unique_formats as $format => $columns) { $i++; $script .= ' var formatter_' . $i . ' = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({' . $format . '}); ' . $eol; //define the format pattern foreach ($columns as $cn) { $script .= ' formatter_' . $i . '.format(data, ' . $cn . ');' . $eol; } //apply the pattern to all relevant columns } } //SET UP OPTIONS $options = array(); if ($responsive) { $options[] = 'width:chart_width'; } elseif ($width) { $options[] = 'width:' . $width; } if ($responsive) { $options[] = 'height:chart_height'; } elseif ($height) { $options[] = 'height:' . $height; } if ($title) { $options[] = 'title: \'' . addslashes($title) . '\''; } if (array_key_exists('fontName', $text_style) && $text_style['fontName']) { $options[] = 'fontName: \'' . $text_style['fontName'] . '\''; } if (array_key_exists('fontSize', $text_style) && $text_style['fontSize']) { $options[] = 'fontSize: ' . $text_style['fontSize']; } //this should be numeric (pixels) $axes = array('x_axis' => 'hAxis', 'y_axis' => 'vAxis'); foreach ($axes as $incoming => $outgoing) { $axis_options = array(); if (${$incoming . '_title'}) { $axis_options[] = 'title: \'' . addslashes(${$incoming . '_title'}) . '\', titleTextStyle: {fontSize:12,italic:\'false\'}'; } if (${$incoming . '_baseline'} !== false) { $axis_options[] = 'baseline: ' . ${$incoming . '_baseline'}; } if (${$incoming . '_text_position'}) { $allowed = array('out', 'in', 'none'); if (!in_array(${$incoming . '_text_position'}, $allowed)) { custom_die('Invalid ' . $incoming . '_text_position selected.'); } $axis_options[] = 'textPosition: \'' . ${$incoming . '_text_position'} . '\''; } $sub_options = array(); if (array_key_exists('fontName', ${$incoming . '_text_style'}) && ${$incoming . '_text_style'}['fontName']) { $sub_options[] = 'fontName: \'' . ${$incoming . '_text_style'}['fontName'] . '\''; } if (array_key_exists('fontSize', ${$incoming . '_text_style'}) && ${$incoming . '_text_style'}['fontSize']) { $sub_options[] = 'fontSize: ' . ${$incoming . '_text_style'}['fontSize']; } //this should be numeric (pixels) if (array_key_exists('color', ${$incoming . '_text_style'}) && ${$incoming . '_text_style'}['color']) { $sub_options[] = 'color: \'' . ${$incoming . '_text_style'}['color'] . '\''; } if (array_key_exists('bold', ${$incoming . '_text_style'}) && ${$incoming . '_text_style'}['bold']) { $sub_options[] = 'bold: \'true\''; } elseif (array_key_exists('bold', ${$incoming . '_text_style'})) { $sub_options[] = 'bold: \'false\''; } if (array_key_exists('italic', ${$incoming . '_text_style'}) && ${$incoming . '_text_style'}['italic']) { $sub_options[] = 'italic: \'true\''; } elseif (array_key_exists('italic', ${$incoming . '_text_style'})) { $sub_options[] = 'italic: \'false\''; } if (count($sub_options) > 0) { $axis_options[] = 'textStyle: {' . implode(', ', $sub_options) . '}'; } $sub_options = array(); if (${$incoming . '_min'} !== false) { $sub_options[] = 'min: ' . ${$incoming . '_min'}; } if (${$incoming . '_max'} !== false) { $sub_options[] = 'max: ' . ${$incoming . '_max'}; } if (count($sub_options) > 0) { $axis_options[] = 'viewWindow: {' . implode(', ', $sub_options) . '}'; } if (${$incoming . '_color'}) { $axis_options[] = 'baselineColor: \'' . ${$incoming . '_color'} . '\''; } //x_axis_color and y_axis_color $sub_options = array(); if (${$incoming . '_gridlines'} !== false) { $sub_options[] = 'count: ' . round(${$incoming . '_gridlines'}); } if (${$incoming . '_color'}) { $sub_options[] = 'color: \'' . ${$incoming . '_color'} . '\''; } //use axis color for gridlines too if (count($sub_options) > 0) { $axis_options[] = 'gridlines: {' . implode(', ', $sub_options) . '}'; } if (count($axis_options) > 0) { $options[] = $outgoing . ': {' . implode(', ', $axis_options) . '}'; } } $bc_options = array(); if ($y_axis_title) { $bc_options[] = 'title: \'' . addslashes($y_axis_title) . '\', titleTextStyle: {fontSize:12,italic:\'false\'}'; } if ($background_color) { $bc_options[] = 'fill: \'' . $background_color . '\''; } if ($border_color) { $bc_options[] = 'stroke: \'' . $border_color . '\''; } if ($border_width) { $bc_options[] = 'strokeWidth: \'' . $border_width . '\''; } if (count($bc_options) > 0) { $options[] = 'backgroundColor: {' . implode(', ', $bc_options) . '}'; } if ($region) { $options[] = 'region: \'' . $region . '\''; } //only works on geo charts if ($resolution) { $options[] = 'resolution: \'' . $resolution . '\''; } //only works on geo charts if ($smooth) { $options[] = 'curveType: \'function\''; } //only works on line charts if ($bar_group_width) { $options[] = 'bar: {groupWidth: \'' . $bar_group_width . '\'}'; } if (is_array($colors)) { $color_option = 'colors:['; $c = ''; foreach ($colors as $color) { $color_option .= $c . '\'' . $color . '\''; $c = ','; } $color_option .= ']'; if ($chart == 'GeoChart') { $color_option = 'colorAxis: {' . $color_option . '}'; } $options[] = $color_option; } if ($hide_legend) { $options[] = 'legend:\'none\''; } else { $legend_options = array(); if ($legend_position) { $legend_options[] = 'position:\'' . $legend_position . '\''; } if (count($legend_options) > 0) { $options[] = 'legend: {' . implode(', ', $legend_options) . '}'; } } if (is_numeric($margins)) { $margins = array($margins, $margins, $margins, $margins); } //if a single value, set it for all 4 sides if (is_array($margins) && count($margins) == 4) { list($top, $right, $bottom, $left) = $margins; $chartarea = array(); $chartarea['top'] = $top; $chartarea['left'] = $left; $chartarea['width'] = $width - $left - $right; $chartarea['height'] = $height - $top - $bottom; foreach ($chartarea as $key => $value) { $chartarea[$key] = $key . ':' . $value; } $options[] = 'chartArea: {' . implode(',', $chartarea) . '}'; } if ($tooltips_html) { $options[] = 'tooltip:{isHtml:true}'; } $script .= ' var options = {' . implode(',', $options) . '};' . $eol; if ($dashboard) { $script .= ' var chart = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({' . $eol; $script .= ' \'chartType\': \'' . $chart . '\',' . $eol; $script .= ' \'containerId\': \'' . $chart_div . '\',' . $eol; $script .= ' \'options\': options' . $eol; $script .= ' });' . $eol; if ($category_filter) { $script .= ' dashboard.bind(categoryPicker, chart);' . $eol; } $script .= ' dashboard.draw(data);' . $eol; } else { $script .= ' var chart = new google.visualization.' . $chart . '(document.getElementById(\'' . $chart_div . '\'));' . $eol; $script .= ' chart.draw(data, options);' . $eol; } $script .= '}' . $eol; $script .= '</script>' . $eol; $div = '' . $eol; if ($dashboard) { $div .= '<div id="' . $chart_div . '_dashboard">' . $eol; } if ($responsive) { $div_width = 300; } else { $div_width = $width; } $div .= '<div id="' . $chart_div . '" style="width:' . $div_width . 'px;height:' . $height . 'px;' . $div_style . '"></div> ' . $eol; if ($category_filter) { $div .= '<div id="' . $chart_div . '_filter"></div>' . $eol; } if ($dashboard) { $div .= '</div>' . $eol; } if ($responsive) { //resize the div itself (with JavaScript) $div .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . $eol; $div .= ' var new_width = window.' . $chart_div . '_width + \'px\';' . $eol; $div .= ' var new_height = window.' . $chart_div . '_height + \'px\';' . $eol; $div .= ' document.getElementById(\'' . $chart_div . '\').style.width = new_width;' . $eol; $div .= ' document.getElementById(\'' . $chart_div . '\').style.height = new_height;' . $eol; $div .= '</script>' . $eol; } $html = '<html>' . $eol; $html .= '<head>' . $eol; $html .= $script; $html .= '</head>' . $eol; $html .= '<body>' . $eol; $html .= $div; $html .= '</body>' . $eol; $html .= '</html>' . $eol; return array('script' => $script, 'div' => $div, 'html' => $html); }
display_message('error_nocross', $message); $errflag = true; } } // Check for required php extensions $extensionArr = array('curl', 'gettext', 'gd', 'openssl', 'mbstring'); foreach ($extensionArr as $ext) { if (!extension_loaded($ext)) { $message = "The <em>" . $ext . "</em> extension is <strong>NOT</strong> loaded.\n <a href='../doc/_build/html/common-errors.html#extension-is-not-loaded'>Click here to read how to fix this.</a>"; display_message('error_nocross', $message); $errflag = true; } } // we die here and not before so we have display of several errors if ($errflag) { custom_die(); } else { $message = 'Everything is good on your server. You can install eLabFTW :)'; display_message('info_nocross', $message); } ?> <h3>Configuration</h3> <!-- MYSQL --> <form action='install.php' method='post'> <fieldset> <legend><strong>MySQL</strong></legend> <p>MySQL is the database that will store everything. eLabFTW need to connect to it with a username/password. This is <strong>NOT</strong> your account with which you'll use eLabFTW. If you followed the installation instructions, you should have created a database <em>elabftw</em> with a user <em>elabftw</em> that have all the rights on it.</p> <p> <label for='db_host'>Host for mysql database:</label><br />
function tsv_to_array($file, $args = array()) { //key => default $fields = array('header_row' => true, 'remove_header_row' => true, 'trim_headers' => true, 'trim_values' => true, 'debug' => false, 'lb' => "\n", 'tab' => "\t"); foreach ($fields as $key => $default) { if (array_key_exists($key, $args)) { ${$key} = $args[$key]; } else { ${$key} = $default; } } if (!file_exists($file)) { if ($debug) { $error = 'File does not exist: ' . htmlspecialchars($file) . '.'; } else { $error = 'File does not exist.'; } custom_die($error); } if ($debug) { echo '<p>Opening ' . htmlspecialchars($file) . '…</p>'; } $data = array(); if (($handle = fopen($file, 'r')) !== false) { $contents = fread($handle, filesize($file)); fclose($handle); } else { custom_die('There was an error opening the file.'); } $lines = explode($lb, $contents); if ($debug) { echo '<p>Reading ' . count($lines) . ' lines…</p>'; } $row = 0; foreach ($lines as $line) { $row++; if ($header_row && $row == 1) { $data['headers'] = array(); } else { $data[$row] = array(); } $values = explode($tab, $line); foreach ($values as $c => $value) { if ($header_row && $row == 1) { //if this is part of the header row if (in_array($value, $data['headers'])) { custom_die('There are duplicate values in the header row: ' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '.'); } else { if ($trim_headers) { $value = trim($value); } $data['headers'][$c] = $value . ''; //the .'' makes sure it's a string } } elseif ($header_row) { //if this isn't part of the header row, but there is a header row $key = $data['headers'][$c]; if ($trim_values) { $value = trim($value); } $data[$row][$key] = $value; } else { //if there's not a header row at all $data[$row][$c] = $value; } } } if ($remove_header_row) { unset($data['headers']); } if ($debug) { echo '<pre>' . print_r($data, true) . '</pre>'; } return $data; }