public function __construct($name, $path, $definition, $native) { $this->name = $name; $this->path = $path; $this->definition = $definition; $this->definition->register_shortcodes = true; $this->definition->shortcodes = array(); if (isset($this->definition->shortcode_name) && is_scalar($this->definition->shortcode_name)) { $this->shortcode_name = $this->definition->shortcode_name; } else { if (isset($this->definition->shortcode_prefix) && is_scalar($this->definition->shortcode_prefix)) { $this->shortcode_prefix = $this->definition->shortcode_prefix; } $this->shortcode_name = $this->shortcode_prefix . str_replace('-', '_', $this->name); } $this->hook_prefix = "cs_element_{$this->name}_"; if ($native) { add_filter($this->hook_prefix . 'ui', array($this, 'native_icons'), 20); $this->definition->text_domain = csl18n(); } if (isset($this->definition->text_domain)) { $this->text_domain = $this->definition->text_domain; } if (isset($this->definition->preserve_content)) { $this->preserve_content = $this->definition->preserve_content; } }
public function __construct() { include_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'; deactivate_plugins(array('x-shortcodes/x-shortcodes.php')); remove_action('init', 'x_shortcodes_init'); Cornerstone_Admin_Notice::updated(__('<strong>X – Shortcodes has been deactivated</strong>. Cornerstone will now provide your site with those shortcodes, and many new ones.', csl18n()), true); }
public function controls() { // // Content. // $this->addControl('prefix', 'text', __('Prefix, Strings, & Suffix', csl18n()), __('Enter in your prefix text in the first input and suffix text in the last input. Typing strings go in the textarea and are separated by a new line.', csl18n()), __('This is the ', csl18n())); $this->addControl('strings', 'textarea', NULL, NULL, __('first string' . "\n" . 'second string' . "\n" . 'third string', csl18n()), array('expandable' => false)); $this->addControl('suffix', 'text', NULL, NULL, __(' of the sentence.', csl18n())); $this->addControl('tag', 'select', __('Tag', csl18n()), __('Specify the HTML tag you would like to use to output this shortcode.', csl18n()), 'h3', array('choices' => array(array('value' => 'h1', 'label' => __('h1', csl18n())), array('value' => 'h2', 'label' => __('h2', csl18n())), array('value' => 'h3', 'label' => __('h3', csl18n())), array('value' => 'h4', 'label' => __('h4', csl18n())), array('value' => 'h5', 'label' => __('h5', csl18n())), array('value' => 'h6', 'label' => __('h6', csl18n())), array('value' => 'p', 'label' => __('p', csl18n())), array('value' => 'div', 'label' => __('div', csl18n())), array('value' => 'span', 'label' => __('span', csl18n()))))); if (apply_filters('cornerstone_looks_like_support', false)) { $this->addControl('looks_like', 'select', __('Looks Like', csl18n()), __('Allows you to alter the appearance of the heading, while still outputting it as a different HTML tag.', csl18n()), 'h3', array('choices' => array(array('value' => 'h1', 'label' => __('h1', csl18n())), array('value' => 'h2', 'label' => __('h2', csl18n())), array('value' => 'h3', 'label' => __('h3', csl18n())), array('value' => 'h4', 'label' => __('h4', csl18n())), array('value' => 'h5', 'label' => __('h5', csl18n())), array('value' => 'h6', 'label' => __('h6', csl18n()))), 'condition' => array('tag' => array('h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6')))); } // // Timing. // $this->addControl('type_speed', 'number', __('Type Speed (ms)', csl18n()), __('How fast in milliseconds each character should appear.', csl18n()), 50); $this->addControl('start_delay', 'number', __('Start Delay (ms)', csl18n()), __('How long in milliseconds until typing should start.', csl18n()), 0); $this->addControl('back_speed', 'number', __('Back Speed (ms)', csl18n()), __('How fast in milliseconds each character should be deleted.', csl18n()), 50); $this->addControl('back_delay', 'number', __('Back Delay (ms)', csl18n()), __('How long in milliseconds each string should remain visible.', csl18n()), 3000); // // Functionality. // $this->addControl('loop', 'toggle', __('Loop', csl18n()), __('Enable to have the typing effect loop continuously.', csl18n()), false); $this->addControl('show_cursor', 'toggle', __('Show Cursor', csl18n()), __('Enable to display a cursor for your typing effect.', csl18n()), true); $this->addControl('cursor', 'text', __('Cursor', csl18n()), __('Specify the character you would like to use for your cursor.', csl18n()), '|', array('condition' => array('show_cursor' => true))); }
public function controls() { // // General. // $this->addControl('title', 'title', NULL, NULL, ''); $this->addControl('text', 'textarea', __('Content', csl18n()), __('Specify the content for your Feature List Item.', csl18n()), __('This is where the text for your Feature List Item should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.', csl18n()), array('expandable' => __('Content', csl18n()))); $this->addControl('title_color', 'color', __('Title & Content Colors', csl18n()), __('Optionally specify colors for your title and content.', csl18n()), ''); $this->addControl('text_color', 'color', NULL, NULL, ''); // // Graphic - icon and image. // $this->addControl('graphic_icon', 'icon-choose', __('Icon', csl18n()), __('Specify the icon you would like to use for your Feature List Item.', csl18n()), 'ship', array('condition' => array('parent:graphic' => 'icon'))); $this->addControl('graphic_image', 'image', __('Image', csl18n()), __('Specify the image you would like to use for your Feature List Item.', csl18n()), '', array('condition' => array('parent:graphic' => 'image'))); // // Graphic - colors. // $this->addControl('graphic_color', 'color', __('Graphic Color & Background Color', csl18n()), __('Specify the color and background color of your graphic.', csl18n()), '#ffffff'); $this->addControl('graphic_bg_color', 'color', NULL, NULL, '#2ecc71'); // // Graphic - shape. // $this->addControl('graphic_shape', 'select', __('Graphic Shape', csl18n()), __('Choose a shape for your Feature List Item graphic.', csl18n()), 'square', array('choices' => array(array('value' => 'square', 'label' => __('Square', csl18n())), array('value' => 'rounded', 'label' => __('Rounded', csl18n())), array('value' => 'circle', 'label' => __('Circle', csl18n())), array('value' => 'hexagon', 'label' => __('Hexagon (Icon and Numbers Only)', csl18n())), array('value' => 'badge', 'label' => __('Badge (Icon and Numbers Only)', csl18n()))))); // // Graphic - border. // $this->addSupport('border', array('name' => 'graphic_border_style', 'controlTitle' => __('Graphic Border', csl18n()), 'options' => array('condition' => array('graphic_shape:not' => array('hexagon', 'badge')))), array('name' => 'graphic_border_color', 'options' => array('condition' => array('graphic_shape:not' => array('hexagon', 'badge'), 'graphic_border_style:not' => 'none'))), array('name' => 'graphic_border_width', 'defaultValue' => array('2px', '2px', '2px', '2px', 'linked'), 'options' => array('condition' => array('graphic_shape:not' => array('hexagon', 'badge'), 'graphic_border_style:not' => 'none')))); // // Link. // $this->addControl('link_text', 'text', __('Link Text', csl18n()), __('Enter the text for your Feature List Item link. Leave blank to remove.', csl18n()), ''); $this->addSupport('link'); $this->addControl('link_color', 'color', __('Link Color', csl18n()), __('Specify a custom color for your Feature List Item link.', csl18n()), ''); }
/** * Instantiate element with supplied data */ public function __construct() { $this->data = wp_parse_args($this->data(), array('name' => '', 'title' => __('Generic Element', csl18n()), 'section' => 'content', 'description' => __('Generic Element', csl18n()), 'autofocus' => '', 'controls' => array(), 'empty' => false, 'context' => 'all', 'render' => true, 'htmlhint' => false, 'delegate' => false, 'childType' => false, 'childRender' => true, 'can_preview' => true, 'active' => $this->is_active())); if (!isset($this->data['icon'])) { $this->data['icon'] = 'elements/' . $this->data['name']; } }
public function controls() { $this->addControl('src', 'text', __('Src & Poster', csl18n()), __('Include your video URL(s) here. If using multiple sources, separate them using the pipe character (|) and place fallbacks towards the end (i.e. .webm then .mp4 then .ogv).', csl18n()), '', array('expandable' => false, 'placeholder' => home_url(__('video.mp4', csl18n())))); // $this->addControl( // 'm4v', // 'text', // __( 'MP4', csl18n() ), // __( 'Include a .mp4 version of your video.', csl18n() ), // '' // ); // $this->addControl( // 'ogv', // 'text', // __( 'OGV', csl18n() ), // __( 'Include a .ogv version of your video for additional native browser support.', csl18n() ), // '' // ); $this->addControl('poster', 'image', NULL, NULL, ''); $this->addControl('aspect_ratio', 'select', __('Aspect Ratio', csl18n()), __('Select your aspect ratio.', csl18n()), '16:9', array('choices' => array(array('value' => '16:9', 'label' => __('16:9', csl18n())), array('value' => '5:3', 'label' => __('5:3', csl18n())), array('value' => '5:4', 'label' => __('5:4', csl18n())), array('value' => '4:3', 'label' => __('4:3', csl18n())), array('value' => '3:2', 'label' => __('3:2', csl18n()))))); $this->addControl('hide_controls', 'toggle', __('Hide Controls', csl18n()), __('Select to hide the controls on your self-hosted video.', csl18n()), false); $this->addControl('autoplay', 'toggle', __('Autoplay', csl18n()), __('Select to automatically play your self-hosted video.', csl18n()), false); $this->addControl('no_container', 'toggle', __('No Container', csl18n()), __('Select to remove the container around the video.', csl18n()), false); $this->addControl('preload', 'select', __('Preload', csl18n()), __('Specifies if and how the video should be loaded when the page loads. "None" means the video is not loaded when the page loads, "Auto" loads the video entirely, and "Metadata" loads only metadata.', csl18n()), 'none', array('choices' => array(array('value' => 'none', 'label' => __('None', csl18n())), array('value' => 'auto', 'label' => __('Auto', csl18n())), array('value' => 'metadata', 'label' => __('Metadata', csl18n()))))); $this->addControl('advanced_controls', 'toggle', __('Advanced Controls', csl18n()), __('Enable video player\'s advanced controls.', csl18n()), false); $this->addControl('muted', 'toggle', __('Mute', csl18n()), __('Mute video player\'s audio.', csl18n()), false); }
public function controls() { $this->addControl('heading', 'text', __('Heading', csl18n()), __('Enter the heading of your Skill Bar.', csl18n()), __('Skill Bar Title', csl18n())); $this->addControl('percent', 'text', __('Percent', csl18n()), __('Enter the percentage of your skill and be sure to include the percentage sign (e.g. 90%).', csl18n()), '90%'); $this->addControl('bar_text', 'text', __('Bar Text', csl18n()), __('Enter in some alternate text in place of the percentage inside the Skill Bar.', csl18n()), ''); $this->addControl('bar_bg_color', 'color', __('Bar Background Color', csl18n()), __('Select the background color of your Skill Bar.', csl18n()), ''); }
public function controls() { $this->addControl('elements', 'sortable', __('Feature List Items', csl18n()), __('Add your Feature List Items here.', csl18n()), array(array('title' => __('Feature List Item', csl18n()), 'text' => __('This is an Feature List Item that is part of an Feature List. Notice the connector between the three graphics to show that they are related.', csl18n()), 'graphic_shape' => 'circle', 'graphic_icon' => 'diamond', 'graphic_icon_color' => '#3498db', 'graphic_icon_bg_color' => '#272727'), array('title' => __('Feature List Item', csl18n()), 'text' => __('This is an Feature List Item that is part of an Feature List. Notice the connector between the three graphics to show that they are related.', csl18n()), 'graphic_shape' => 'circle', 'graphic_icon' => 'bicycle', 'graphic_icon_color' => '#9b59b6', 'graphic_icon_bg_color' => '#272727'), array('title' => __('Feature List Item', csl18n()), 'text' => __('This is an Feature List Item that is part of an Feature List. Notice the connector between the three graphics to show that they are related.', csl18n()), 'graphic_shape' => 'circle', 'graphic_icon' => 'envelope-o', 'graphic_icon_color' => '#2ecc71', 'graphic_icon_bg_color' => '#272727')), array('element' => 'feature-list-item', 'newTitle' => __('Feature List Item %s', csl18n()))); // // Graphic. // $this->addControl('graphic', 'select', __('Graphic', csl18n()), __('Choose between an icon, a custom image, or incremental numbers for your graphic.', csl18n()), 'icon', array('choices' => array(array('value' => 'icon', 'label' => __('Icon', csl18n())), array('value' => 'image', 'label' => __('Image', csl18n())), array('value' => 'numbers', 'label' => __('Numbers', csl18n()))))); $this->addControl('graphic_size', 'text', __('Graphic Size', csl18n()), __('Specify the size of your graphic.', csl18n()), '60px'); // // Alignment. // $this->addControl('align_h', 'select', __('Horizontal Alignment', csl18n()), __('Select the horizontal alignment of the Feature List Item.', csl18n()), 'left', array('choices' => array(array('value' => 'left', 'label' => __('Left', csl18n())), array('value' => 'right', 'label' => __('Right', csl18n()))))); $this->addControl('align_v', 'select', __('Vertical Alignment', csl18n()), __('Select the vertical alignment of the Feature List Item.', csl18n()), 'top', array('choices' => array(array('value' => 'top', 'label' => __('Top', csl18n())), array('value' => 'middle', 'label' => __('Middle', csl18n()))))); $this->addControl('side_graphic_spacing', 'text', __('Graphic Spacing', csl18n()), __('Specify an amount of spacing you want between your side graphic and the content.', csl18n()), '20px'); $this->addControl('max_width', 'text', __('Max Width', csl18n()), __('Enter in a max width for your Feature List Item if desired. This will keep your Feature List Item from stretching out too far on smaller breakpoints.', csl18n()), 'none'); // // Connector. // $this->addControl('connector_style', 'select', __('Connector Style, Color, & Width', csl18n()), __('Specify the style of the connector between graphics.', csl18n()), 'dashed', array('choices' => array(array('value' => 'solid', 'label' => __('Solid', csl18n())), array('value' => 'dashed', 'label' => __('Dashed', csl18n())), array('value' => 'dotted', 'label' => __('Dotted', csl18n()))))); $this->addControl('connector_color', 'color', NULL, NULL, '#272727'); $this->addControl('connector_width', 'text', NULL, NULL, '1px'); // // Animations. // $this->addControl('graphic_animation', 'select', __('Graphic Animation', csl18n()), __('Optionally add animation to your element as users scroll down the page.', csl18n()), 'none', array('choices' => Cornerstone_Control_Mixins::animationChoices())); $this->addControl('connector_animation', 'select', __('Connector Animation', csl18n()), __('Optionally add animation to your element as users scroll down the page.', csl18n()), 'none', array('choices' => Cornerstone_Control_Mixins::animationChoices())); $this->addControl('animation_offset', 'text', __('Animation Offset (%)', csl18n()), __('Specify a percentage value where the element should appear on screen for the animation to take place.', csl18n()), '50', array('condition' => array('graphic_animation:not' => 'none', 'connector_animation:not' => 'none'))); $this->addControl('animation_delay_initial', 'text', __('Animation Initial Delay (ms)', csl18n()), __('Specify an amount of time before the graphic animation starts in milliseconds.', csl18n()), '0', array('condition' => array('graphic_animation:not' => 'none', 'connector_animation:not' => 'none'))); $this->addControl('animation_delay_between', 'text', __('Animation Delay Between (ms)', csl18n()), __('Specify an amount of time between graphic animations in milliseconds.', csl18n()), '300', array('condition' => array('graphic_animation:not' => 'none', 'connector_animation:not' => 'none'))); }
public function ajaxResponseSave() { if (!isset($_POST['post'])) { wp_send_json_error('Invalid request.'); } $post = json_decode(stripslashes(html_entity_decode($_POST['post'])), true); if (!isset($post['elements'])) { wp_send_json_error('Missing element data.'); } if (!isset($post['type'])) { $post['type'] = 'block'; } if (!isset($post['title'])) { $post['title'] = __('Untitled', csl18n()); } $post['slug'] = uniqid(sanitize_key($post['title']) . '_'); // SAVE $post_id = wp_insert_post(array('post_type' => 'cs_user_templates')); update_post_meta($post_id, 'cs_template_title', $post['title']); update_post_meta($post_id, 'cs_template_elements', $post['elements']); update_post_meta($post_id, 'cs_template_type', $post['type']); update_post_meta($post_id, 'cs_template_slug', $post['slug']); // Set section before responding so it can be added immediately $post['section'] = $post['type'] == 'page' ? 'user-pages' : 'user-blocks'; $result = array('template' => $post); // Suppress PHP error output unless debugging if (CS()->common()->isDebug()) { return wp_send_json_success($result); } return @wp_send_json_success($result); }
public function controls() { $this->addControl('title', 'title', NULL, NULL, ''); $this->addControl('type', 'icon-choose', __('Icon', csl18n()), __('Specify the icon you would like to use as the bullet for your Icon List Item.', csl18n()), 'check'); $this->addControl('icon_color', 'color', __('Icon Color', csl18n()), __('Choose a custom color for your Icon List Item\'s icon.', csl18n()), ''); $this->addSupport('link'); }
public function controls() { $this->addControl('image_style', 'select', __('Style', csl18n()), __('Select the image style.', csl18n()), 'none', array('choices' => array(array('value' => 'none', 'label' => __('None', csl18n())), array('value' => 'thumbnail', 'label' => __('Thumbnail', csl18n())), array('value' => 'rounded', 'label' => __('Rounded', csl18n())), array('value' => 'circle', 'label' => __('Circle', csl18n()))))); $this->addControl('src', 'image', __('Src', csl18n()), __('Enter your image.', csl18n()), ''); $this->addControl('alt', 'text', __('Alt', csl18n()), __('Enter in the alt text for your image', csl18n()), ''); $this->addControl('link', 'toggle', __('Link', csl18n()), __('Select to wrap your image in an anchor tag.', csl18n()), false); $this->addSupport('link'); $this->addControl('info', 'select', __('Info', csl18n()), __('Select whether or not you want to add a popover or tooltip to your image.', csl18n()), 'none', array('choices' => array(array('value' => 'none', 'label' => __('None', csl18n())), array('value' => 'popover', 'label' => __('Popover', csl18n())), array('value' => 'tooltip', 'label' => __('Tooltip', csl18n())))), array('condition' => array('link' => true))); $this->addControl('info_place', 'choose', __('Info Placement', csl18n()), __('Select where you want your popover or tooltip to appear.', csl18n()), 'top', array('columns' => '4', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'top', 'icon' => fa_entity('arrow-up'), 'tooltip' => __('Top', csl18n())), array('value' => 'right', 'icon' => fa_entity('arrow-right'), 'tooltip' => __('Right', csl18n())), array('value' => 'bottom', 'icon' => fa_entity('arrow-down'), 'tooltip' => __('Bottom', csl18n())), array('value' => 'left', 'icon' => fa_entity('arrow-left'), 'tooltip' => __('Left', csl18n())))), array('condition' => array('link' => true, 'info' => array('popover', 'tooltip')))); $this->addControl('info_trigger', 'select', __('Info Trigger', csl18n()), __('Select what actions you want to trigger the popover or tooltip.', csl18n()), 'hover', array('choices' => array(array('value' => 'hover', 'label' => __('Hover', csl18n())), array('value' => 'click', 'label' => __('Click', csl18n())), array('value' => 'focus', 'label' => __('Focus', csl18n()))), 'condition' => array('link' => true, 'info' => array('popover', 'tooltip')))); $this->addControl('info_content', 'text', __('Info Content', csl18n()), __('Extra content for the popover.', csl18n()), '', array('condition' => array('link' => true, 'info' => array('popover', 'tooltip')))); // $this->addControl( // 'lightbox_thumb', // 'image', // __( 'Lightbox Thumbnail', csl18n() ), // __( 'Use this option to select a different thumbnail for your lightbox thumbnail navigation or to set an image if you are linking out to a video. Will default to the "Src" image if nothing is set.', csl18n() ), // '' // ); // $this->addControl( // 'lightbox_video', // 'toggle', // __( 'Lightbox Video', csl18n() ), // __( 'Select if you are linking to a video from this image in the lightbox.', csl18n() ), // false // ); // $this->addControl( // 'lightbox_caption', // 'text', // __( 'Lightbox Caption', csl18n() ), // __( 'Lightbox caption text.', csl18n() ), // '' // ); }
public function xsg() { $this->sg_map(array('id' => 'x_tab_nav', 'title' => __('Tab Nav', csl18n()), 'weight' => 920, 'icon' => 'tab-nav', 'section' => __('Content', csl18n()), 'description' => __('Include a tab nav into your content', csl18n()), 'demo' => '', 'params' => array(array('param_name' => 'type', 'heading' => __('Tab Nav Items Per Row', csl18n()), 'description' => __('If your tab nav is on top, select how many tab nav items you want per row.', csl18n()), 'type' => 'dropdown', 'value' => array('Two' => 'two-up', 'Three' => 'three-up', 'Four' => 'four-up', 'Five' => 'five-up')), array('param_name' => 'float', 'heading' => __('Tab Nav Position', csl18n()), 'description' => __('Select the position of your tab nav.', csl18n()), 'type' => 'dropdown', 'value' => array('None' => 'none', 'Left' => 'left', 'Right' => 'right')), Cornerstone_Shortcode_Generator::map_default_id(), Cornerstone_Shortcode_Generator::map_default_class(), Cornerstone_Shortcode_Generator::map_default_style()))); $this->sg_map(array('id' => 'x_tab_nav_item', 'title' => __('Tab Nav Item', csl18n()), 'weight' => 910, 'icon' => 'tab-nav-item', 'section' => __('Content', csl18n()), 'description' => __('Include a tab nav item into your tab nav', csl18n()), 'demo' => '', 'params' => array(array('param_name' => 'title', 'heading' => __('Title', csl18n()), 'description' => __('Include a title for your tab nav item.', csl18n()), 'type' => 'textfield'), array('param_name' => 'active', 'heading' => __('Active', csl18n()), 'description' => __('Select to make this tab nav item active.', csl18n()), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => 'true'), Cornerstone_Shortcode_Generator::map_default_id(), Cornerstone_Shortcode_Generator::map_default_class(), Cornerstone_Shortcode_Generator::map_default_style()))); $this->sg_map(array('id' => 'x_tabs', 'title' => __('Tabs', csl18n()), 'weight' => 900, 'icon' => 'tabs', 'section' => __('Content', csl18n()), 'description' => __('Include a tabs container after your tab nav', csl18n()), 'demo' => '', 'params' => array(array('param_name' => 'id', 'heading' => __('ID', csl18n()), 'description' => __('(Optional) Enter a unique ID.', csl18n()), 'type' => 'textfield'), Cornerstone_Shortcode_Generator::map_default_class(), Cornerstone_Shortcode_Generator::map_default_style()))); $this->sg_map(array('id' => 'x_tab', 'title' => __('Tab', csl18n()), 'weight' => 890, 'icon' => 'tab', 'section' => __('Content', csl18n()), 'description' => __('Include a tab into your tabs container', csl18n()), 'demo' => '', 'params' => array(array('param_name' => 'content', 'heading' => __('Text', csl18n()), 'description' => __('Enter your text.', csl18n()), 'type' => 'textarea_html', 'value' => ''), array('param_name' => 'active', 'heading' => __('Active', csl18n()), 'description' => __('Select to make this tab active.', csl18n()), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => 'true'), Cornerstone_Shortcode_Generator::map_default_class(), Cornerstone_Shortcode_Generator::map_default_style()))); }
public function addMediaButton($editor_id) { $this->enqueue(); $title = sprintf(__('Insert Shortcodes', csl18n())); $contents = (include CS()->path('includes/builder/svg/nav-elements-solid.php')); echo "<button href=\"#\" title=\"{$title}\" id=\"cs-insert-shortcode-button\" class=\"button cs-insert-btn\">{$contents}</button>"; }
function x_shortcode_share($atts) { extract(shortcode_atts(array('id' => '', 'class' => '', 'style' => '', 'title' => '', 'facebook' => '', 'twitter' => '', 'google_plus' => '', 'linkedin' => '', 'pinterest' => '', 'reddit' => '', 'email' => ''), $atts, 'x_share')); $share_url = urlencode(get_permalink()); $share_title = urlencode(get_the_title()); $share_source = urlencode(get_bloginfo('name')); $share_image_info = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'full'); $share_image = function_exists('x_get_featured_image_with_fallback_url') ? urlencode(x_get_featured_image_with_fallback_url()) : urlencode($share_image_info[0]); if ($linkedin == 'true') { $share_content = urlencode(cs_get_raw_excerpt()); } $tooltip_attr = cs_generate_data_attributes_extra('tooltip', 'hover', 'bottom'); $id = $id != '' ? 'id="' . esc_attr($id) . '"' : ''; $class = $class != '' ? 'x-entry-share ' . esc_attr($class) : 'x-entry-share'; $style = $style != '' ? 'style="' . $style . '"' : ''; $title = $title != '' ? $title : __('Share this Post', csl18n()); $facebook = $facebook == 'true' ? "<a href=\"#share\" {$tooltip_attr} class=\"x-share\" title=\"" . __('Share on Facebook', csl18n()) . "\" onclick=\"'{$share_url}&t={$share_title}', 'popupFacebook', 'width=650, height=270, resizable=0, toolbar=0, menubar=0, status=0, location=0, scrollbars=0'); return false;\"><i class=\"x-icon-facebook-square\" data-x-icon=\"\"></i></a>" : ''; $twitter = $twitter == 'true' ? "<a href=\"#share\" {$tooltip_attr} class=\"x-share\" title=\"" . __('Share on Twitter', csl18n()) . "\" onclick=\"'{$share_title}&url={$share_url}', 'popupTwitter', 'width=500, height=370, resizable=0, toolbar=0, menubar=0, status=0, location=0, scrollbars=0'); return false;\"><i class=\"x-icon-twitter-square\" data-x-icon=\"\"></i></a>" : ''; $google_plus = $google_plus == 'true' ? "<a href=\"#share\" {$tooltip_attr} class=\"x-share\" title=\"" . __('Share on Google+', csl18n()) . "\" onclick=\"'{$share_url}', 'popupGooglePlus', 'width=650, height=226, resizable=0, toolbar=0, menubar=0, status=0, location=0, scrollbars=0'); return false;\"><i class=\"x-icon-google-plus-square\" data-x-icon=\"\"></i></a>" : ''; $linkedin = $linkedin == 'true' ? "<a href=\"#share\" {$tooltip_attr} class=\"x-share\" title=\"" . __('Share on LinkedIn', csl18n()) . "\" onclick=\"'{$share_url}&title={$share_title}&summary={$share_content}&source={$share_source}', 'popupLinkedIn', 'width=610, height=480, resizable=0, toolbar=0, menubar=0, status=0, location=0, scrollbars=0'); return false;\"><i class=\"x-icon-linkedin-square\" data-x-icon=\"\"></i></a>" : ''; $pinterest = $pinterest == 'true' ? "<a href=\"#share\" {$tooltip_attr} class=\"x-share\" title=\"" . __('Share on Pinterest', csl18n()) . "\" onclick=\"'{$share_url}&media={$share_image}&description={$share_title}', 'popupPinterest', 'width=750, height=265, resizable=0, toolbar=0, menubar=0, status=0, location=0, scrollbars=0'); return false;\"><i class=\"x-icon-pinterest-square\" data-x-icon=\"\"></i></a>" : ''; $reddit = $reddit == 'true' ? "<a href=\"#share\" {$tooltip_attr} class=\"x-share\" title=\"" . __('Share on Reddit', csl18n()) . "\" onclick=\"'{$share_url}', 'popupReddit', 'width=875, height=450, resizable=0, toolbar=0, menubar=0, status=0, location=0, scrollbars=0'); return false;\"><i class=\"x-icon-reddit-square\" data-x-icon=\"\"></i></a>" : ''; $email = $email == 'true' ? "<a href=\"mailto:?subject=" . get_the_title() . "&body=" . __('Hey, thought you might enjoy this! Check it out when you have a chance:', csl18n()) . " " . get_permalink() . "\" {$tooltip_attr} class=\"x-share email\" title=\"" . __('Share via Email', csl18n()) . "\"><span><i class=\"x-icon-envelope-square\" data-x-icon=\"\"></i></span></a>" : ''; $output = "<div {$id} class=\"{$class}\" {$style}>" . '<p>' . $title . '</p>' . '<div class="x-share-options">' . $facebook . $twitter . $google_plus . $linkedin . $pinterest . $reddit . $email . '</div>' . '</div>'; return $output; }
public function controls() { $this->addControl('heading', 'text', __('Heading & Content', csl18n()), __('Text for your alert heading and content.', csl18n()), __('Alert Title', csl18n())); $this->addControl('content', 'textarea', NULL, NULL, __('Click to inspect, then edit as needed.', csl18n()), array('expandable' => true)); $this->addControl('type', 'choose', __('Type', csl18n()), __('There are multiple alert types for different situations. Select the one that best suits your needs.', csl18n()), 'success', array('columns' => '5', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'muted', 'tooltip' => __('Muted', csl18n()), 'icon' => fa_entity('ban')), array('value' => 'success', 'tooltip' => __('Success', csl18n()), 'icon' => fa_entity('check')), array('value' => 'info', 'tooltip' => __('Info', csl18n()), 'icon' => fa_entity('info')), array('value' => 'warning', 'tooltip' => __('Warning', csl18n()), 'icon' => fa_entity('exclamation-triangle')), array('value' => 'danger', 'tooltip' => __('Danger', csl18n()), 'icon' => fa_entity('exclamation-circle'))))); $this->addControl('close', 'toggle', __('Close Button', csl18n()), __('Enabling the close button will make the alert dismissible, allowing your users to remove it if desired.', csl18n()), false); }
public function addMediaButton($editor_id) { $this->enqueue(); $title = sprintf(__('Insert Shortcodes', csl18n())); $contents = CS()->view('svg/nav-elements-solid', false); echo "<button href=\"#\" title=\"{$title}\" id=\"cs-insert-shortcode-button\" class=\"button cs-insert-btn\" data-editor=\"{$editor_id}\">{$contents}</button>"; }
public function controls() { $this->addControl('elements', 'sortable', __('Slides', csl18n()), __('Add a new slide to your carousel.', csl18n()), array(array('title' => __('Slide 1', csl18n()), 'content' => '<img src="" alt="Placeholder">'), array('title' => __('Slide 2', csl18n()), 'content' => '<img src="" alt="Placeholder">'), array('title' => __('Slide 3', csl18n()), 'content' => '<img src="" alt="Placeholder">'), array('title' => __('Slide 4', csl18n()), 'content' => '<img src="" alt="Placeholder">'), array('title' => __('Slide 5', csl18n()), 'content' => '<img src="" alt="Placeholder">'), array('title' => __('Slide 6', csl18n()), 'content' => '<img src="" alt="Placeholder">')), array('element' => 'cse_carousel_item', 'newTitle' => __('Slide %s', csl18n()), 'floor' => 1)); $this->addControl('slidesToShow', 'number', __('Slides to show', csl18n()), __('The number of slides to show in the carousel.', csl18n()), '4'); $this->addControl('slidesToScroll', 'number', __('Slides to scroll', csl18n()), __('The number of slides to scroll in the carousel.', csl18n()), '1'); $this->addControl('no_container', 'toggle', __('No Container', csl18n()), __('Select to remove the container around the slider.', csl18n()), false); }
public function controls() { $headingChoices = array(array('value' => 'h1', 'label' => __('h1', csl18n())), array('value' => 'h2', 'label' => __('h2', csl18n())), array('value' => 'h3', 'label' => __('h3', csl18n())), array('value' => 'h4', 'label' => __('h4', csl18n())), array('value' => 'h5', 'label' => __('h5', csl18n())), array('value' => 'h6', 'label' => __('h6', csl18n()))); $this->addControl('content', 'textarea', __('Text', csl18n()), __('Text to be placed inside the heading element.', csl18n()), __('Custom Headline', csl18n())); $this->addControl('level', 'select', __('Heading Level', csl18n()), __('Determines which heading level should be used in the actual HTML.', csl18n()), 'h2', array('choices' => $headingChoices)); $this->addControl('looks_like', 'select', __('Looks Like', csl18n()), __('Allows you to alter the appearance of the heading, while still outputting it as a different HTML tag.', csl18n()), 'h3', array('choices' => $headingChoices)); $this->addControl('accent', 'toggle', __('Accent', csl18n()), __('Select to activate the heading accent.', csl18n()), false); }
public function controls() { $this->addControl('title', 'title', NULL, NULL, ''); $this->addControl('lat', 'text', __('Latitude', csl18n()), __('Enter the latitude for your map marker.', csl18n()), '40.7056308'); $this->addControl('lng', 'text', __('Longitude', csl18n()), __('Enter the longitude for your map marker.', csl18n()), '-73.9780035'); $this->addControl('info', 'text', __('Text', csl18n()), __('Enter in optional text to appear if your map marker is hovered over.', csl18n()), ''); $this->addControl('image', 'image', __('Image', csl18n()), __('Upload an optional alternate image to use in place of the standard map marker.', csl18n()), ''); }
public function controls() { global $post; $url = add_query_arg(array('url' => get_the_permalink()), admin_url('customize.php')); $link = '<a href="' . $url . '">' . __('Customizer', csl18n()) . '</a>'; $html = '<ul class="cs-controls"><li class="cs-control cs-control-info-box"><h4>Looking for global styling?</h4><p>' . sprintf(__('Sitewide styles outside of the content area are managed via the %s.', csl18n()), $link) . '</p></li></ul>'; return array('customizer_message' => array('type' => 'custom-markup', 'ui' => array(), 'options' => array('html' => $html))); }
public function controls() { $headingChoices = array(array('value' => 'h1', 'label' => __('h1', csl18n())), array('value' => 'h2', 'label' => __('h2', csl18n())), array('value' => 'h3', 'label' => __('h3', csl18n())), array('value' => 'h4', 'label' => __('h4', csl18n())), array('value' => 'h5', 'label' => __('h5', csl18n())), array('value' => 'h6', 'label' => __('h6', csl18n()))); $this->addControl('content', 'textarea', __('Text', csl18n()), __('Text to be placed inside the heading element.', csl18n()), __('Feature Headline', csl18n())); $this->addControl('level', 'select', __('Heading Level', csl18n()), __('Determines which heading level should be used in the actual HTML.', csl18n()), 'h2', array('choices' => $headingChoices)); $this->addControl('looks_like', 'select', __('Looks Like', csl18n()), __('Allows you to alter the appearance of the heading, while still outputting it as a different HTML tag.', csl18n()), 'h3', array('choices' => $headingChoices)); $this->addControl('icon_type', 'icon-choose', __('Icon', csl18n()), __('Icon to be displayed next to the Feature Headline.', csl18n()), 'lightbulb-o'); }
public function controls() { $this->addControl('title', 'title', null, null, __('Responsive Text Item', csl18n())); $this->addControl('selector', 'text', __('Selector', csl18n()), __('Enter in the selector for your Responsive Text (e.g. if your class is "h-responsive" enter ".h-responsive").', csl18n()), '.h-responsive'); $this->addControl('compression', 'text', __('Compression', csl18n()), __('Enter the compression for your Responsive Text. Adjust up and down to desired level in small increments (e.g. 0.95, 1.15, et cetera).', csl18n()), '1.0'); $this->addControl('min_size', 'text', __('Minimum Size', csl18n()), __('Enter the minimum size of your Responsive Text.', csl18n()), ''); $this->addControl('max_size', 'text', __('Maximum Size', csl18n()), __('Enter the maximum size of your Responsive Text.', csl18n()), ''); }
public function controls() { $this->addControl('mp3', 'text', __('MP3', csl18n()), __('Include a .mp3 version of your audio.', csl18n()), ''); $this->addControl('oga', 'text', __('OGA', csl18n()), __('Include a .oga version of your audio for additional native browser support.', csl18n()), ''); $this->addControl('advanced_controls', 'toggle', __('Advanced Controls', csl18n()), __('Enable audio player\'s advanced controls.', csl18n()), false); $this->addControl('preload', 'select', __('Preload', csl18n()), __('Specifies if and how the audio should be loaded when the page loads. "None" means the audio is not loaded when the page loads, "Auto" loads the audio entirely, and "Metadata" loads only metadata.', csl18n()), 'none', array('choices' => array(array('value' => 'none', 'label' => __('None', csl18n())), array('value' => 'auto', 'label' => __('Auto', csl18n())), array('value' => 'metadata', 'label' => __('Metadata', csl18n()))))); $this->addControl('autoplay', 'toggle', __('Autoplay', csl18n()), __('Enable audio player\'s autoplay.', csl18n()), false); $this->addControl('loop', 'toggle', __('Loop', csl18n()), __('Enable audio player\'s loop.', csl18n()), false); }
public function controls() { $this->addControl('bg_color', 'color', __('Background Color', csl18n()), __('Select the background color of your Column.', csl18n()), ''); $this->addControl('padding', 'dimensions', __('Padding', csl18n()), __('Specify a custom padding for each side of this element. Can accept CSS units like px, ems, and % (default unit is px).', csl18n()), array('0px', '0px', '0px', '0px', 'linked')); $this->addSupport('border'); $this->addControl('fade', 'toggle', __('Enable Fade Effect', csl18n()), __('Activating will make this column fade into view when the user scrolls to it for the first time.', csl18n()), false); $this->addControl('fade_animation', 'choose', __('Fade Direction', csl18n()), __('Choose a direction to fade from. "None" will allow the column to fade in without coming from a particular direction.', csl18n()), 'in', array('condition' => array('fade' => true), 'columns' => '5', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'in', 'tooltip' => __('None', csl18n()), 'icon' => fa_entity('ban')), array('value' => 'in-from-bottom', 'tooltip' => __('Top', csl18n()), 'icon' => fa_entity('arrow-up')), array('value' => 'in-from-left', 'tooltip' => __('Right', csl18n()), 'icon' => fa_entity('arrow-right')), array('value' => 'in-from-top', 'tooltip' => __('Bottom', csl18n()), 'icon' => fa_entity('arrow-down')), array('value' => 'in-from-right', 'tooltip' => __('Left', csl18n()), 'icon' => fa_entity('arrow-left'))))); $this->addControl('fade_animation_offset', 'text', __('Offset', csl18n()), __('Determines how drastic the fade effect will be.', csl18n()), '45px', array('condition' => array('fade' => true, 'fade_animation' => array('in-from-top', 'in-from-left', 'in-from-right', 'in-from-bottom')))); }
public function controls() { $this->addControl('inner_container', 'toggle', __('Column Container', csl18n()), __('Disabling this control will allow your columns to be as wide as the browser window.', csl18n()), true); $this->addControl('marginless_columns', 'toggle', __('Marginless Columns', csl18n()), __('This will remove the margin around your columns, allowing their borders to be flush with one another. This is often used to create block or grid layouts.', csl18n()), false); $this->addControl('bg_color', 'color', __('Background Color', csl18n()), __('Select the background color of your Row.', csl18n()), ''); $this->addControl('margin', 'dimensions', __('Margin', csl18n()), __('Specify the margins for your Row utilizing the controls below. For most situations you will likely want no margin. Can accept CSS units like px, ems, and % (default unit is px).', csl18n()), array('0px', 'auto', '0px', 'auto', 'unlinked'), array('lock' => array('left' => 'auto', 'right' => 'auto'))); $this->addControl('padding', 'dimensions', __('Padding', csl18n()), __('Specify a custom padding for each side of this element. Can accept CSS units like px, ems, and % (default unit is px).', csl18n()), array('0px', '0px', '0px', '0px', 'unlinked')); $this->addSupport('border'); }
public function controls() { $this->addControl('type', 'icon-choose', __('Icon', csl18n()), __('Specify the icon you would like to use.', csl18n()), 'check'); $this->addControl('icon_color', 'color', __('Icon Color & Background Color', csl18n()), __('Specify custom colors for your icon if desired.', csl18n()), ''); $this->addControl('bg_color', 'color', NULL, NULL, ''); $this->addControl('icon_size', 'text', __('Icon Size & Background Size', csl18n()), __('Specify custom dimensions for your icon for use in situations other than inline.', csl18n()), ''); $this->addControl('bg_size', 'text', NULL, NULL, ''); $this->addControl('bg_border_radius', 'text', __('Background Border Radius', csl18n()), __('Give your icon\'s background a custom border radius.', csl18n()), ''); }
public function controls() { $this->addControl('title', 'title', NULL, NULL, ''); $this->addControl('content', 'editor', __('Content', csl18n()), __('Specify your pricing column content.', csl18n()), __("[x_icon_list]\n [x_icon_list_item type=\"check\"]First Feature[/x_icon_list_item]\n [x_icon_list_item type=\"times\"]Second Feature[/x_icon_list_item]\n [x_icon_list_item type=\"times\"]Third Feature[/x_icon_list_item]\n[/x_icon_list]\n\n[x_button href=\"#\" size=\"large\"]Buy Now![/x_button]", csl18n())); $this->addControl('featured', 'toggle', __('Featured Column', csl18n()), __('Enable to specify this column as your featured item.', csl18n()), false); $this->addControl('featured_sub', 'text', __('Featured Subheading', csl18n()), __('Enter text for your featured column subheading here.', csl18n()), '', array('condition' => array('featured' => true))); $this->addControl('currency', 'text', __('Currency', csl18n()), __('Enter your desired currency symbol here.', csl18n()), '$'); $this->addControl('price', 'text', __('Price', csl18n()), __('Enter the price for this column.', csl18n()), '29'); $this->addControl('interval', 'text', __('Interval', csl18n()), __('Enter the duration for this payment (e.g. "Weekly," "Per Year," et cetera).', csl18n()), __('Per Month', csl18n())); }
public function controls() { $this->addControl('heading', 'text', __('Title & Message', csl18n()), __('Enter the title and message for your Callout below.', csl18n()), __('Callout Title', csl18n())); $this->addControl('message', 'textarea', NULL, NULL, __('The message text for your Callout goes here.', csl18n()), array('expandable' => __('Message', csl18n()))); $this->addControl('button_text', 'text', __('Button Text', csl18n()), __('Enter the text for your Callout button.', csl18n()), __('Enter Your Text', csl18n())); $this->addControl('button_icon', 'icon-choose', __('Button Icon', csl18n()), __('Optionally enter the button icon.', csl18n()), 'lightbulb-o'); $this->addControl('circle', 'toggle', __('Marketing Circle', csl18n()), __('Select to include a marketing circle around your button.', csl18n()), false); $this->addSupport('link'); $this->addControl('type', 'choose', __('Alignment', csl18n()), __('Select the alignment for your Callout.', csl18n()), 'left', array('columns' => '3', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'left', 'tooltip' => __('Left', csl18n()), 'icon' => fa_entity('align-left')), array('value' => 'center', 'tooltip' => __('Center', csl18n()), 'icon' => fa_entity('align-center')), array('value' => 'right', 'tooltip' => __('Right', csl18n()), 'icon' => fa_entity('align-right'))))); }
public function controls() { $this->addControl('heading', 'text', __('Title & Content', csl18n()), __('Enter the title and content for your Prompt.', csl18n()), __('Prompt Title', csl18n())); $this->addControl('message', 'textarea', NULL, NULL, __('This is where the main content for your Prompt can go.', csl18n()), array('expandable' => __('Content', csl18n()))); $this->addControl('button_text', 'text', __('Button Text', csl18n()), __('Enter the text for your Prompt button.', csl18n()), __('Click Me!', csl18n())); $this->addControl('button_icon', 'icon-choose', __('Button Icon', csl18n()), __('Optionally enter the button icon.', csl18n()), 'lightbulb-o'); $this->addControl('circle', 'toggle', __('Marketing Circle', csl18n()), __('Select to include a marketing circle around your button', csl18n()), false); $this->addSupport('link'); $this->addControl('align', 'choose', __('Alignment', csl18n()), __('Select the alignment of your Prompt.', csl18n()), 'left', array('columns' => '2', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'left', 'label' => __('Left', csl18n()), 'icon' => fa_entity('align-left')), array('value' => 'right', 'label' => __('Right', csl18n()), 'icon' => fa_entity('align-right'))))); }
public function controls() { $this->addControl('heading', 'text', __('Title', csl18n()), __('Enter in a title for your social links.', csl18n()), __('Share this Post', csl18n())); $this->addControl('facebook', 'toggle', __('Facebook', csl18n()), __('Select to activate the Facebook sharing link.', csl18n()), false); $this->addControl('twitter', 'toggle', __('Twitter', csl18n()), __('Select to activate the Twitter sharing link.', csl18n()), false); $this->addControl('google_plus', 'toggle', __('Google Plus', csl18n()), __('Select to activate the Google Plus sharing link.', csl18n()), false); $this->addControl('linkedin', 'toggle', __('LinkedIn', csl18n()), __('Select to activate the LinkedIn sharing link.', csl18n()), false); $this->addControl('pinterest', 'toggle', __('Pinterest', csl18n()), __('Select to activate the Pinterest sharing link.', csl18n()), false); $this->addControl('reddit', 'toggle', __('Reddit', csl18n()), __('Select to activate the Reddit sharing link.', csl18n()), false); $this->addControl('email', 'toggle', __('Email', csl18n()), __('Select to activate the email sharing link.', csl18n()), false); }