} else { echo "Please Enter Shortcode"; } } } } /* Header Slider and Map Code start */ if (is_page()) { $page_element_header = 0; $cs_meta_page = cs_meta_page('cs_page_builder'); if (!empty($cs_meta_page)) { echo '<div class="header_element">'; foreach ($cs_meta_page->children() as $cs_node) { if ($cs_node->getName() == "map" and $cs_node->map_view == "header") { $page_element_header++; echo cs_map_page(); } elseif ($cs_node->getName() == "slider" and $cs_node->slider_view == "header" and $cs_node->slider_type != "Custom Slider") { get_template_part('page_slider', 'page'); $page_element_header++; $cs_position = 'absolute'; } } echo '</div>'; if ($page_element_header >= 1) { echo '<div class="clear"></div>'; } } } /* Header Slider and Map Code End */ } ?>
function cs_shortcode_pb_map($atts, $content = "") { global $cs_node, $cs_counter_node; $cs_counter_node++; if (!isset($atts['height'])) { $atts['height'] = ''; } if (!isset($atts['latitude'])) { $atts['latitude'] = ''; } if (!isset($atts['longitude'])) { $atts['longitude'] = ''; } if (!isset($atts['zoom'])) { $atts['zoom'] = ''; } if (!isset($atts['type'])) { $atts['type'] = ''; } if (!isset($atts['info_text'])) { $atts['info_text'] = ''; } if (!isset($atts['info_width'])) { $atts['info_width'] = ''; } if (!isset($atts['info_height'])) { $atts['info_height'] = ''; } if (!isset($atts['marker_icon_url'])) { $atts['marker_icon_url'] = ''; } if (!isset($atts['marker'])) { $atts['marker'] = ''; } if (!isset($atts['draggable'])) { $atts['draggable'] = ''; } if (!isset($atts['disable_controls'])) { $atts['disable_controls'] = ''; } if (!isset($atts['scrollwheel'])) { $atts['scrollwheel'] = ''; } if (!isset($atts['map_view'])) { $atts['map_view'] = 'content'; } $cs_node = new stdClass(); $cs_node->map_title = ''; $cs_node->map_element_size = ''; $cs_node->map_height = $atts['height']; $cs_node->map_lat = $atts['latitude']; $cs_node->map_lon = $atts['longitude']; $cs_node->map_zoom = $atts['zoom']; $cs_node->map_type = $atts['type']; $cs_node->map_info = $atts['info_text']; $cs_node->map_info_width = $atts['info_width']; $cs_node->map_info_height = $atts['info_height']; $cs_node->map_marker_icon = $atts['marker_icon_url']; $cs_node->map_show_marker = $atts['marker']; $cs_node->map_draggable = $atts['draggable']; $cs_node->map_controls = $atts['disable_controls']; $cs_node->map_scrollwheel = $atts['scrollwheel']; $cs_node->map_view = $atts['map_view']; return cs_map_page(); }