function get_elastic_crp_posts($args = array())
    global $post;
    // Are we matching only the title or the post content as well?
    $match_fields = array('post_title');
    $match_fields_content = array($post->post_title);
    if ($args['match_content']) {
        $match_fields[] = 'post_content';
        $match_fields_content[] = crp_excerpt($post->ID, $args['match_content_words'], false);
    // Limit the related posts by time
    $current_time = current_time('timestamp', 0);
    $from_date = $current_time - $args['daily_range'] * DAY_IN_SECONDS;
    $from_date = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $from_date);
    $limit = $args['strict_limit'] ? $args['limit'] : $args['limit'] * 3;
    $client = \Grupoadslzone\Singletons\ElasticSearchClient::i();
    /*$clientBuilder = Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder::create();
      $client = $clientBuilder->build();*/
    require_once plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/SearchQuery.php';
    $search_query = new SearchQuery();
    $params = ['index' => ep_get_index_name(), 'type' => 'post', 'body' => ['_source' => 'post_id', 'query' => ['more_like_this' => ["fields" => $search_query->getFields(), "like_text" => $search_query->getSearchQuery(), "min_term_freq" => $search_query->getMinTermFreq(), "max_query_terms" => $search_query->getMaxQueryTerms(), "min_word_length" => 2, "minimum_should_match" => $search_query->getMinimumShouldMatch(), "boost" => 9, "boost_terms" => 4]], 'filter' => ["bool" => ["should" => ['range' => ['post_date' => ['from' => $from_date]]], 'must_not' => ['term' => ["post.post_id" => $post->ID]]]], 'from' => 0, 'size' => $limit]];
    //$ret = json_encode($params['body']);
    $response = $client->search($params);
    $results = $response['hits']['hits'];
    return $results;
 * Fetch related posts IDs.
 * @since 1.9
 * @param array $args
 * @return object $results
function get_crp_posts_id($args = array())
    global $wpdb, $post, $single, $crp_settings;
    // Initialise some variables
    $fields = '';
    $where = '';
    $join = '';
    $groupby = '';
    $orderby = '';
    $having = '';
    $limits = '';
    $match_fields = '';
    $defaults = array('postid' => FALSE, 'strict_limit' => TRUE);
    $defaults = array_merge($defaults, $crp_settings);
    // Parse incoming $args into an array and merge it with $defaults
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
    // Declare each item in $args as its own variable i.e. $type, $before.
    extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
    // Fix the thumb size in case it is missing
    $crp_thumb_size = crp_get_all_image_sizes($thumb_size);
    if (isset($crp_thumb_size['width'])) {
        $thumb_width = $crp_thumb_size['width'];
        $thumb_height = $crp_thumb_size['height'];
    if (empty($thumb_width)) {
        $thumb_width = $crp_settings['thumb_width'];
    if (empty($thumb_height)) {
        $thumb_height = $crp_settings['thumb_height'];
    $post = empty($postid) ? $post : get_post($postid);
    $limit = $strict_limit ? $limit : $limit * 3;
    parse_str($post_types, $post_types);
    // Save post types in $post_types variable
     * Filter the post_type clause of the query.
     * @since 2.2.0
     * @param array  $post_types  Array of post types to filter by
     * @param int    $post->ID    Post ID
    $post_types = apply_filters('crp_posts_post_types', $post_types, $post->ID);
    // Are we matching only the title or the post content as well?
    if ($match_content) {
        $stuff = $post->post_title . ' ' . crp_excerpt($post->ID, $match_content_words, false);
        $match_fields = "post_title,post_content";
    } else {
        $stuff = $post->post_title;
        $match_fields = "post_title";
    // Make sure the post is not from the future
    $time_difference = get_option('gmt_offset');
    $now = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() + $time_difference * 3600);
    // Limit the related posts by time
    $current_time = current_time('timestamp', 0);
    $from_date = $current_time - $daily_range * DAY_IN_SECONDS;
    $from_date = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $from_date);
    // Create the SQL query to fetch the related posts from the database
    if (is_int($post->ID) && '' != $stuff) {
        // Fields to return
        $fields = " {$wpdb->posts}.ID ";
        // Create the base MATCH clause
        $match = $wpdb->prepare(" AND MATCH (" . $match_fields . ") AGAINST ('%s') ", $stuff);
        // FULLTEXT matching algorithm
         * Filter the MATCH clause of the query.
         * @since	2.1.0
         * @param string   $match  		The MATCH section of the WHERE clause of the query
         * @param string   $stuff  		String to match fulltext with
         * @param int	   $post->ID	Post ID
        $match = apply_filters('crp_posts_match', $match, $stuff, $post->ID);
        // Create the maximum date limit
        $now_clause = $wpdb->prepare(" AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_date < '%s' ", $now);
        // Show posts before today
         * Filter the Maximum date clause of the query.
         * @since	2.1.0
         * @param string   $now_clause  The Maximum date of the WHERE clause of the query.
         * @param int	   $post->ID	Post ID
        $now_clause = apply_filters('crp_posts_now_date', $now_clause, $post->ID);
        // Create the minimum date limit
        $from_clause = 0 == $daily_range ? '' : $wpdb->prepare(" AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_date >= '%s' ", $from_date);
        // Show posts after the date specified
         * Filter the Maximum date clause of the query.
         * @since	2.1.0
         * @param string   $from_clause  The Minimum date of the WHERE clause of the query.
         * @param int	   $post->ID	Post ID
        $from_clause = apply_filters('crp_posts_from_date', $from_clause, $post->ID);
        // Create the base WHERE clause
        $where = $match;
        $where .= $now_clause;
        $where .= $from_clause;
        $where .= " AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_status = 'publish' ";
        // Only show published posts
        $where .= $wpdb->prepare(" AND {$wpdb->posts}.ID != %d ", $post->ID);
        // Show posts after the date specified
        if ('' != $exclude_post_ids) {
            $where .= " AND {$wpdb->posts}.ID NOT IN (" . $exclude_post_ids . ") ";
        $where .= " AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_type IN ('" . join("', '", $post_types) . "') ";
        // Array of post types
        // Create the base LIMITS clause
        $limits .= $wpdb->prepare(" LIMIT %d ", $limit);
         * Filter the SELECT clause of the query.
         * @since	2.0.0
         * @param string   $fields  The SELECT clause of the query.
         * @param int	   $post->ID	Post ID
        $fields = apply_filters('crp_posts_fields', $fields, $post->ID);
         * Filter the JOIN clause of the query.
         * @since	2.0.0
         * @param string   $join  The JOIN clause of the query.
         * @param int	   $post->ID	Post ID
        $join = apply_filters('crp_posts_join', $join, $post->ID);
         * Filter the WHERE clause of the query.
         * @since	2.0.0
         * @param string   $where  The WHERE clause of the query.
         * @param int	   $post->ID	Post ID
        $where = apply_filters('crp_posts_where', $where, $post->ID);
         * Filter the GROUP BY clause of the query.
         * @since	2.0.0
         * @param string   $groupby  The GROUP BY clause of the query.
         * @param int	   $post->ID	Post ID
        $groupby = apply_filters('crp_posts_groupby', $groupby, $post->ID);
         * Filter the HAVING clause of the query.
         * @since	2.2.0
         * @param string  $having  The HAVING clause of the query.
         * @param int	    $post->ID	Post ID
        $having = apply_filters('crp_posts_having', $having, $post->ID);
         * Filter the ORDER BY clause of the query.
         * @since	2.0.0
         * @param string   $orderby  The ORDER BY clause of the query.
         * @param int	   $post->ID	Post ID
        $orderby = apply_filters('crp_posts_orderby', $orderby, $post->ID);
         * Filter the LIMIT clause of the query.
         * @since	2.0.0
         * @param string   $limits  The LIMIT clause of the query.
         * @param int	   $post->ID	Post ID
        $limits = apply_filters('crp_posts_limits', $limits, $post->ID);
        if (!empty($groupby)) {
            $groupby = 'GROUP BY ' . $groupby;
        if (!empty($having)) {
            $having = 'HAVING ' . $having;
        if (!empty($orderby)) {
            $orderby = 'ORDER BY ' . $orderby;
        $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT {$fields} FROM {$wpdb->posts} {$join} WHERE 1=1 {$where} {$groupby} {$having} {$orderby} {$limits}";
        $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
    } else {
        $results = false;
     * Filter object containing the post IDs.
     * @since	1.9
     * @param 	object   $results  Object containing the related post IDs
    return apply_filters('get_crp_posts_id', $results);
 * Fetch related posts IDs.
 * @since 1.9
 * @param array $args
 * @return object $results
function get_crp_posts_id($args = array())
    global $wpdb, $post, $single, $crp_settings;
    // Initialise some variables
    $fields = '';
    $where = '';
    $join = '';
    $groupby = '';
    $orderby = '';
    $limits = '';
    $match_fields = '';
    $defaults = array('postid' => FALSE, 'strict_limit' => FALSE);
    $defaults = array_merge($defaults, $crp_settings);
    // Parse incomming $args into an array and merge it with $defaults
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
    // Declare each item in $args as its own variable i.e. $type, $before.
    extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
    $post = empty($postid) ? $post : get_post($postid);
    $limit = $strict_limit ? $limit : $limit * 3;
    parse_str($post_types, $post_types);
    // Save post types in $post_types variable
    // Are we matching only the title or the post content as well?
    if ($match_content) {
        $stuff = $post->post_title . ' ' . crp_excerpt($post->ID, $match_content_words, false);
        $match_fields = "post_title,post_content";
    } else {
        $stuff = $post->post_title;
        $match_fields = "post_title";
    // Make sure the post is not from the future
    $time_difference = get_option('gmt_offset');
    $now = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() + $time_difference * 3600);
    // Limit the related posts by time
    $daily_range = $daily_range - 1;
    $from_date = strtotime('-' . $daily_range . ' DAY', strtotime($now));
    $from_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $from_date);
    // Create the SQL query to fetch the related posts from the database
    if (is_int($post->ID) && '' != $stuff) {
        // Fields to return
        $fields = " {$wpdb->posts}.ID ";
        // Create the base WHERE clause
        $where .= $wpdb->prepare(" AND MATCH (" . $match_fields . ") AGAINST ('%s') ", $stuff);
        // FULLTEXT matching algorithm
        $where .= $wpdb->prepare(" AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_date < '%s' ", $now);
        // Show posts before today
        $where .= $wpdb->prepare(" AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_date >= '%s' ", $from_date);
        // Show posts after the date specified
        $where .= " AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_status = 'publish' ";
        // Only show published posts
        $where .= $wpdb->prepare(" AND {$wpdb->posts}.ID != %d ", $post->ID);
        // Show posts after the date specified
        if ('' != $exclude_post_ids) {
            $where .= " AND {$wpdb->posts}.ID NOT IN (" . $exclude_post_ids . ") ";
        $where .= " AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_type IN ('" . join("', '", $post_types) . "') ";
        // Array of post types
        // Create the base LIMITS clause
        $limits .= $wpdb->prepare(" LIMIT %d ", $limit);
         * Filter the SELECT clause of the query.
         * @param string   $fields  The SELECT clause of the query.
        $fields = apply_filters('crp_posts_fields', $fields, $post->ID);
         * Filter the JOIN clause of the query.
         * @param string   $join  The JOIN clause of the query.
        $join = apply_filters('crp_posts_join', $join, $post->ID);
         * Filter the WHERE clause of the query.
         * @param string   $where  The WHERE clause of the query.
        $where = apply_filters('crp_posts_where', $where, $post->ID);
         * Filter the GROUP BY clause of the query.
         * @param string   $groupby  The GROUP BY clause of the query.
        $groupby = apply_filters('crp_posts_groupby', $groupby, $post->ID);
         * Filter the ORDER BY clause of the query.
         * @param string   $orderby  The ORDER BY clause of the query.
        $orderby = apply_filters('crp_posts_orderby', $orderby, $post->ID);
         * Filter the LIMIT clause of the query.
         * @param string   $limits  The LIMIT clause of the query.
        $limits = apply_filters('crp_posts_limits', $limits, $post->ID);
        if (!empty($groupby)) {
            $groupby = 'GROUP BY ' . $groupby;
        if (!empty($orderby)) {
            $orderby = 'ORDER BY ' . $orderby;
        $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT {$fields} FROM {$wpdb->posts} {$join} WHERE 1=1 {$where} {$groupby} {$orderby} {$limits}";
        $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
    } else {
        $results = false;
     * Filter object containing the post IDs.
     * @since	1.9
     * @param 	object   $results  Object containing the related post IDs
    return apply_filters('get_crp_posts_id', $results);
Пример #4
function get_crp($is_widget, $limit, $show_excerpt, $post_thumb_op, $thumb_height, $thumb_width) {
	global $wpdb, $post, $single;

	$crp_settings = crp_read_options();
	if (empty($limit)) $limit = stripslashes($crp_settings['limit']);
	if (empty($post_thumb_op)) $post_thumb_op = stripslashes($crp_settings['post_thumb_op']);
	if (!isset($show_excerpt)) $show_excerpt = $crp_settings['show_excerpt'];
	if (empty($thumb_height)) $thumb_height = stripslashes($crp_settings['thumb_height']);
	if (empty($thumb_width)) $thumb_width = stripslashes($crp_settings['thumb_width']);

	$exclude_categories = explode(',',$crp_settings['exclude_categories']);
	$rel_attribute = (($crp_settings['link_nofollow']) ? ' rel="nofollow" ' : ' ' );
	$target_attribute = (($crp_settings['link_nofollow']) ? ' target="_blank" ' : ' ' );
	// Make sure the post is not from the future
	$time_difference = get_option('gmt_offset');
	$now = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s",(time()+($time_difference*3600)));

	// Are we matching only the title or the post content as well?
	if($crp_settings['match_content']) {
		$stuff = addslashes($post->post_title. ' ' . $post->post_content);
	else {
		$stuff = addslashes($post->post_title);
	// Limit the related posts by time
	$daily_range = $crp_settings['daily_range'] - 1;
	$current_date = strtotime ( '-'.$daily_range. ' DAY' , strtotime ( $now ) );
	$current_date = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , $current_date );
	// Create the SQL query to fetch the related posts from the database
	if ((is_int($post->ID))&&($stuff != '')) {
		$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT ID,post_title,post_date "
		. " FROM ".$wpdb->posts." WHERE "
		. "MATCH (post_title,post_content) AGAINST ('".$stuff."') "
		. "AND post_date <= '".$now."' "
		. "AND post_date >= '".$current_date."' "
		. "AND post_status = 'publish' "
		. "AND ID != ".$post->ID." ";
		if ($crp_settings['exclude_post_ids']!='') $sql .= "AND ID NOT IN (".$crp_settings['exclude_post_ids'].") ";
		$sql .= "AND ( ";
		$multiple = false;
		foreach ($post_types as $post_type) {
			if ( $multiple ) $sql .= ' OR ';
			$sql .= " post_type = '".$post_type."' ";
			$multiple = true;
		$sql .=" ) ";
		$sql .= "LIMIT ".$limit*3;
		$search_counter = 0;
		$searches = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
	} else {
		$searches = false;
	$output = (is_singular()) ? '<div id="crp_related" class="crp_related">' : '<div class="crp_related">';
		if(!$is_widget) $output .= (stripslashes($crp_settings['title']));
		$output .= $crp_settings['before_list'];
		foreach($searches as $search) {
			$categorys = get_the_category($search->ID);	//Fetch categories of the plugin
			$p_in_c = false;	// Variable to check if post exists in a particular category
			$title = crp_max_formatted_content(get_the_title($search->ID),$crp_settings['title_length']);
			foreach ($categorys as $cat) {	// Loop to check if post exists in excluded category
				$p_in_c = (in_array($cat->cat_ID, $exclude_categories)) ? true : false;
				if ($p_in_c) break;	// End loop if post found in category

			if (!$p_in_c) {
				$output .= $crp_settings['before_list_item'];

				//$output .= '<a href="'.get_permalink($search->ID).'" class="crp_link">'; // Add beginning of link
				if ($post_thumb_op=='after') {
					$output .= '<a href="'.get_permalink($search->ID).'" '.$rel_attribute.' '.$target_attribute.'class="crp_title">'.$title.'</a>'; // Add title if post thumbnail is to be displayed after
				if ($post_thumb_op=='inline' || $post_thumb_op=='after' || $post_thumb_op=='thumbs_only') {
					$output .= '<a href="'.get_permalink($search->ID).'" '.$rel_attribute.' '.$target_attribute.'>';
					$output .= crp_get_the_post_thumbnail('postid='.$search->ID.'&thumb_height='.$thumb_height.'&thumb_width='.$thumb_width.'&thumb_meta='.$crp_settings['thumb_meta'].'&thumb_default='.$crp_settings['thumb_default'].'&thumb_default_show='.$crp_settings['thumb_default_show'].'&thumb_timthumb='.$crp_settings['thumb_timthumb'].'&thumb_timthumb_q='.$crp_settings['thumb_timthumb_q'].'&scan_images='.$crp_settings['scan_images'].'&class=crp_thumb&filter=crp_postimage');
					//$output .= crp_get_the_post_thumbnail($search->ID, $crp_settings);
					$output .= '</a>';
				if ($post_thumb_op=='inline' || $post_thumb_op=='text_only') {
					$output .= '<a href="'.get_permalink($search->ID).'" '.$rel_attribute.' '.$target_attribute.' class="crp_title">'.$title.'</a>'; // Add title when required by settings
				//$output .= '</a>'; // Close the link
				if ($show_excerpt) {
					$output .= '<span class="crp_excerpt"> '.crp_excerpt($search->ID,$crp_settings['excerpt_length']).'</span>';
				$output .= $crp_settings['after_list_item'];
			if ($search_counter == $limit) break;	// End loop when related posts limit is reached
		} //end of foreach loop
		if ($crp_settings['show_credit']) {
			$output .= $crp_settings['before_list_item'];
			$output .= __('Powered by',CRP_LOCAL_NAME);
			$output .= ' <a href="" rel="nofollow">Contextual Related Posts</a>'.$crp_settings['after_list_item'];
		$output .= $crp_settings['after_list'];
		$output .= ($crp_settings['blank_output']) ? ' ' : '<p>'.$crp_settings['blank_output_text'].'</p>'; 
		//$output .= '<p>'.strip_tags($sql).'</p>'; 
	if ((strpos($output, $crp_settings['before_list_item'])) === false) {
		$output = '<div id="crp_related">';
		$output .= ($crp_settings['blank_output']) ? ' ' : '<p>'.$crp_settings['blank_output_text'].'</p>'; 
	$output .= '</div>';
	return $output;