function create_poll_table() { global $wpdb; polls_textdomain(); if (@is_file(ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php')) { include_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php'; } elseif (@is_file(ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/upgrade-functions.php')) { include_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/upgrade-functions.php'; } elseif (@is_file(ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php')) { include_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php'; } else { die('We have problem finding your \'/wp-admin/upgrade-functions.php\' and \'/wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php\''); } // Create Poll Tables (3 Tables) $charset_collate = ''; if ($wpdb->supports_collation()) { if (!empty($wpdb->charset)) { $charset_collate = "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET {$wpdb->charset}"; } if (!empty($wpdb->collate)) { $charset_collate .= " COLLATE {$wpdb->collate}"; } } $create_table = array(); $create_table['pollsq'] = "CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->pollsq} (" . "pollq_id int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment," . "pollq_question varchar(200) character set utf8 NOT NULL default ''," . "pollq_timestamp varchar(20) NOT NULL default ''," . "pollq_totalvotes int(10) NOT NULL default '0'," . "pollq_active tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1'," . "pollq_expiry varchar(20) NOT NULL default ''," . "pollq_multiple tinyint(3) NOT NULL default '0'," . "pollq_totalvoters int(10) NOT NULL default '0'," . "PRIMARY KEY (pollq_id)) {$charset_collate};"; $create_table['pollsa'] = "CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->pollsa} (" . "polla_aid int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment," . "polla_qid int(10) NOT NULL default '0'," . "polla_answers varchar(200) character set utf8 NOT NULL default ''," . "polla_votes int(10) NOT NULL default '0'," . "PRIMARY KEY (polla_aid)) {$charset_collate};"; $create_table['pollsip'] = "CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->pollsip} (" . "pollip_id int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment," . "pollip_qid varchar(10) NOT NULL default ''," . "pollip_aid varchar(10) NOT NULL default ''," . "pollip_ip varchar(100) NOT NULL default ''," . "pollip_host VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL default ''," . "pollip_timestamp varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00'," . "pollip_user tinytext NOT NULL," . "pollip_userid int(10) NOT NULL default '0'," . "PRIMARY KEY (pollip_id)," . "KEY pollip_ip (pollip_id)," . "KEY pollip_qid (pollip_qid)" . ") {$charset_collate};"; maybe_create_table($wpdb->pollsq, $create_table['pollsq']); maybe_create_table($wpdb->pollsa, $create_table['pollsa']); maybe_create_table($wpdb->pollsip, $create_table['pollsip']); // Check Whether It is Install Or Upgrade $first_poll = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT pollq_id FROM {$wpdb->pollsq} LIMIT 1"); // If Install, Insert 1st Poll Question With 5 Poll Answers if (empty($first_poll)) { // Insert Poll Question (1 Record) $insert_pollq = $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO {$wpdb->pollsq} VALUES (1, '" . __('How Is My Site?', 'wp-polls') . "', '" . current_time('timestamp') . "', 0, 1, '', 0, 0);"); if ($insert_pollq) { // Insert Poll Answers (5 Records) $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO {$wpdb->pollsa} VALUES (1, 1, '" . __('Good', 'wp-polls') . "', 0);"); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO {$wpdb->pollsa} VALUES (2, 1, '" . __('Excellent', 'wp-polls') . "', 0);"); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO {$wpdb->pollsa} VALUES (3, 1, '" . __('Bad', 'wp-polls') . "', 0);"); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO {$wpdb->pollsa} VALUES (4, 1, '" . __('Can Be Improved', 'wp-polls') . "', 0);"); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO {$wpdb->pollsa} VALUES (5, 1, '" . __('No Comments', 'wp-polls') . "', 0);"); } } // Add In Options (16 Records) add_option('poll_template_voteheader', '<p style="text-align: center;"><strong>%POLL_QUESTION%</strong></p>' . '<div id="polls-%POLL_ID%-ans" class="wp-polls-ans">' . '<ul class="wp-polls-ul">'); add_option('poll_template_votebody', '<li><input type="%POLL_CHECKBOX_RADIO%" id="poll-answer-%POLL_ANSWER_ID%" name="poll_%POLL_ID%" value="%POLL_ANSWER_ID%" /> <label for="poll-answer-%POLL_ANSWER_ID%">%POLL_ANSWER%</label></li>'); add_option('poll_template_votefooter', '</ul>' . '<p style="text-align: center;"><input type="button" name="vote" value=" ' . __('Vote', 'wp-polls') . ' " class="Buttons" onclick="poll_vote(%POLL_ID%);" /></p>' . '<p style="text-align: center;"><a href="#ViewPollResults" onclick="poll_result(%POLL_ID%); return false;" title="' . __('View Results Of This Poll', 'wp-polls') . '">' . __('View Results', 'wp-polls') . '</a></p>' . '</div>'); add_option('poll_template_resultheader', '<p style="text-align: center;"><strong>%POLL_QUESTION%</strong></p>' . '<div id="polls-%POLL_ID%-ans" class="wp-polls-ans">' . '<ul class="wp-polls-ul">'); add_option('poll_template_resultbody', '<li>%POLL_ANSWER% <small>(%POLL_ANSWER_PERCENTAGE%%' . __(',', 'wp-polls') . ' %POLL_ANSWER_VOTES% ' . __('Votes', 'wp-polls') . ')</small><div class="pollbar" style="width: %POLL_ANSWER_IMAGEWIDTH%%;" title="%POLL_ANSWER_TEXT% (%POLL_ANSWER_PERCENTAGE%% | %POLL_ANSWER_VOTES% ' . __('Votes', 'wp-polls') . ')"></div></li>'); add_option('poll_template_resultbody2', '<li><strong><i>%POLL_ANSWER% <small>(%POLL_ANSWER_PERCENTAGE%%' . __(',', 'wp-polls') . ' %POLL_ANSWER_VOTES% ' . __('Votes', 'wp-polls') . ')</small></i></strong><div class="pollbar" style="width: %POLL_ANSWER_IMAGEWIDTH%%;" title="' . __('You Have Voted For This Choice', 'wp-polls') . ' - %POLL_ANSWER_TEXT% (%POLL_ANSWER_PERCENTAGE%% | %POLL_ANSWER_VOTES% ' . __('Votes', 'wp-polls') . ')"></div></li>'); add_option('poll_template_resultfooter', '</ul>' . '<p style="text-align: center;">' . __('Total Voters', 'wp-polls') . ': <strong>%POLL_TOTALVOTERS%</strong></p>' . '</div>'); add_option('poll_template_resultfooter2', '</ul>' . '<p style="text-align: center;">' . __('Total Voters', 'wp-polls') . ': <strong>%POLL_TOTALVOTERS%</strong></p>' . '<p style="text-align: center;"><a href="#VotePoll" onclick="poll_booth(%POLL_ID%); return false;" title="' . __('Vote For This Poll', 'wp-polls') . '">' . __('Vote', 'wp-polls') . '</a></p>' . '</div>'); add_option('poll_template_disable', __('Sorry, there are no polls available at the moment.', 'wp-polls')); add_option('poll_template_error', __('An error has occurred when processing your poll.', 'wp-polls')); add_option('poll_currentpoll', 0); add_option('poll_latestpoll', 1); add_option('poll_archive_perpage', 5); add_option('poll_ans_sortby', 'polla_aid'); add_option('poll_ans_sortorder', 'asc'); add_option('poll_ans_result_sortby', 'polla_votes'); add_option('poll_ans_result_sortorder', 'desc'); // Database Upgrade For WP-Polls 2.1 add_option('poll_logging_method', '3'); add_option('poll_allowtovote', '2'); maybe_add_column($wpdb->pollsq, 'pollq_active', "ALTER TABLE {$wpdb->pollsq} ADD pollq_active TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';"); // Database Upgrade For WP-Polls 2.12 maybe_add_column($wpdb->pollsip, 'pollip_userid', "ALTER TABLE {$wpdb->pollsip} ADD pollip_userid INT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); add_option('poll_archive_url', site_url('pollsarchive')); // Database Upgrade For WP-Polls 2.13 add_option('poll_bar', array('style' => 'default', 'background' => 'd8e1eb', 'border' => 'c8c8c8', 'height' => 8)); // Database Upgrade For WP-Polls 2.14 maybe_add_column($wpdb->pollsq, 'pollq_expiry', "ALTER TABLE {$wpdb->pollsq} ADD pollq_expiry varchar(20) NOT NULL default '';"); add_option('poll_close', 1); // Database Upgrade For WP-Polls 2.20 add_option('poll_ajax_style', array('loading' => 1, 'fading' => 1)); add_option('poll_template_pollarchivelink', '<ul>' . '<li><a href="%POLL_ARCHIVE_URL%">' . __('Polls Archive', 'wp-polls') . '</a></li>' . '</ul>'); add_option('poll_archive_displaypoll', 2); add_option('poll_template_pollarchiveheader', ''); add_option('poll_template_pollarchivefooter', '<p>' . __('Start Date:', 'wp-polls') . ' %POLL_START_DATE%<br />' . __('End Date:', 'wp-polls') . ' %POLL_END_DATE%</p>'); maybe_add_column($wpdb->pollsq, 'pollq_multiple', "ALTER TABLE {$wpdb->pollsq} ADD pollq_multiple TINYINT( 3 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); $pollq_totalvoters = maybe_add_column($wpdb->pollsq, 'pollq_totalvoters', "ALTER TABLE {$wpdb->pollsq} ADD pollq_totalvoters INT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); if ($pollq_totalvoters) { $pollq_totalvoters = intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT SUM(pollq_totalvoters) FROM {$wpdb->pollsq}")); if ($pollq_totalvoters == 0) { $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->pollsq} SET pollq_totalvoters = pollq_totalvotes"); } } // Database Upgrade For WP-Polls 2.30 add_option('poll_cookielog_expiry', 0); add_option('poll_template_pollarchivepagingheader', ''); add_option('poll_template_pollarchivepagingfooter', ''); // Database Upgrade For WP-Polls 2.50 delete_option('poll_archive_show'); // Database Upgrade For WP-Polls 2.61 $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE {$wpdb->pollsip} ADD INDEX pollip_ip (pollip_id);"); $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE {$wpdb->pollsip} ADD INDEX pollip_qid (pollip_qid);"); // Set 'manage_polls' Capabilities To Administrator $role = get_role('administrator'); if (!$role->has_cap('manage_polls')) { $role->add_cap('manage_polls'); } cron_polls_place(); }
$update_poll_text[] = __('Poll Close Option', 'wp-polls'); $update_poll_text[] = __('Logging Method', 'wp-polls'); $update_poll_text[] = __('Cookie And Log Expiry Option', 'wp-polls'); $update_poll_text[] = __('Allow To Vote Option', 'wp-polls'); $i = 0; $text = ''; foreach ($update_poll_queries as $update_poll_query) { if ($update_poll_query) { $text .= '<p style="color: green;">' . $update_poll_text[$i] . ' ' . __('Updated', 'wp-polls') . '</p>'; } $i++; } if (empty($text)) { $text = '<p style="color: red;">' . __('No Poll Option Updated', 'wp-polls') . '</p>'; } cron_polls_place(); } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[*/ function set_pollbar_height(height) { jQuery("#poll_bar_height").val(height); } function update_pollbar(where) { pollbar_background = "#" + jQuery("#poll_bar_bg").val(); pollbar_border = "#" + jQuery("#poll_bar_border").val(); pollbar_height = jQuery("#poll_bar_height").val() + "px"; if(where == "background") { jQuery("#wp-polls-pollbar-bg").css("background-color", pollbar_background); } else if(where == "border") { jQuery("#wp-polls-pollbar-border").css("background-color", pollbar_border);