foreach ($file as $line) { $user = get_line_data('users', $line); $useremail = explode('=', $user['email']); if ($admin_email == '' || $admin_nick == '') { $admin_email = $useremail[1]; $admin_nick = $user['nickname']; } if ($user['username'] == $username || $useremail[1] == $email) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { trigger_error($ind362, E_USER_WARNING); } $new_password = strtolower(create_security_id(12)); $user['passwordhash'] = md5($new_password); $useremail = explode('=', $user['email']); $to = $useremail[1]; $message = sprintf($ind363, $user['nickname'], $furl, $user['username'], $new_password); $message = prepare_string_for_mail($message); $headers = 'From: ' . $admin_nick . ' <' . $admin_email . '>' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/ ' . phpversion() . "\r\n"; if (!@mail($to, $ind364, $message, $headers)) { trigger_error($ind365, E_USER_WARNING); } reset($file); foreach ($file as $line) { $user2 = get_line_data('users', $line); if ($user2['username'] == $user['username']) { $write .= implode('|<|', $user) . '|<|' . "\n"; } else {
/** * Creates a login session for the given user log in name. * @param string $uid Log in name of the user logging in * @param int $autologin Whether or not the user wishes to auto log in next time he/she visits the page * @return array User data array for the newly logged in user. */ function login_session_create($uid, $autologin = 0) { $file = file(FNEWS_ROOT_PATH . 'logins.php'); $write = array_shift($file); $user_ip = get_ip(); $current_time = time(); foreach ($file as $login_data) { $login = get_line_data('logins', $login_data); if ($login['user_id'] == $uid && $login['autologin'] != 1) { // Purge old existing security id continue; } if ($current_time <= $login['login_time'] + 1800) { $write .= $login_data; } } $security_id = create_security_id(); $write .= $security_id . '|<|' . $uid . '|<|' . $user_ip . '|<|' . $autologin . '|<|' . $current_time . '|<|' . "\n"; safe_write('logins.php', 'wb', $write); setcookie('fus_uid', $uid, $current_time + 365 * 86400); setcookie('fus_sid', $security_id, $current_time + 365 * 86400); $userfile = file(FNEWS_ROOT_PATH . 'users.php'); array_shift($userfile); $userdata = array(); foreach ($userfile as $userinfo) { $user = get_line_data('users', $userinfo); if ($user['username'] == $uid) { $email = explode('=', $user['email']); $userdata = array('user' => $user['username'], 'nick' => $user['nickname'], 'showemail' => $email[0], 'email' => $email[1], 'icon' => $user['icon'], 'offset' => (int) $user['timeoffset'], 'password' => $user['passwordhash'], 'level' => (int) $user['level']); break; } } return $userdata; }
* along with Fusion News. If not, see <>. */ if (!defined('FNEWS_ROOT_PATH')) { /**@ignore*/ define('FNEWS_ROOT_PATH', str_replace('\\', '/', dirname(__FILE__)) . '/'); include_once FNEWS_ROOT_PATH . 'common.php'; } $id = isset($VARS['fn_id']) ? (int) $VARS['fn_id'] : 0; $action = isset($VARS['fn_action']) ? $VARS['fn_action'] : ''; ob_start(); if (!file_exists(FNEWS_ROOT_PATH . 'news/news.' . $id . '.php')) { echo $com11; exit; } if (!$action) { $session_id = create_security_id(); $file = file(FNEWS_ROOT_PATH . "news/news." . $id . ".php"); $news_info = parse_news_to_view($file[1]); //replace user variables $tem = get_template('sendtofriend_temp.php', TRUE); $tem = '<script src="' . $furl . '/jsfunc.js" type="text/javascript"></script>' . "\n" . $tem; $tem = replace_masks($tem, array('post_id' => $news_info['post_id'], 'subject' => $news_info['subject'], 'user' => $news_info['writer'], 'date' => $news_info['date'], 'news' => $news_info['news'], 'icon' => $news_info['icon'], 'nrc' => $news_info['nrc'], 'com' => $news_info['link_comments'], 'fullstory' => $news_info['fullnews'], 'cat_name' => $news_info['cat_name'], 'cat_id' => $news_info['cat_id'], 'cat_icon' => $news_info['cat_icon'])); $qs = clean_query_string(); $tem = str_replace('[form]', '<form action="?fn_mode=send&fn_action=send&fn_id=' . $id . $qs . '" method="post" id="newsposting">', $tem); $tem = str_replace('[/form]', '</form>', $tem); $tem = str_replace('[buttons]', '<input type="hidden" name="confirm_id" value="' . $session_id . '" /> <input type="submit" value="' . $ind125 . '"> <input type="reset" value="' . $ind16 . '">', $tem); $tem = preg_replace('/\\[sendnamefld,\\s*([0-9]+)\\]/', '<input type="text" size="\\1" name="sender_name" />', $tem); $tem = preg_replace('/\\[recnamefld,\\s*([0-9]+)\\]/', '<input type="text" size="\\1" name="friend_name" />', $tem); $tem = preg_replace('/\\[sendmailfld,\\s*([0-9]+)\\]/', '<input type="text" size="\\1" name="sender_email" />', $tem); $tem = preg_replace('/\\[recmailfld,\\s*([0-9]+)\\]/', '<input type="text" size="\\1" name="friend_email" />', $tem);