function image_upload_function($field_name = "", $upload_path = './', $width = 0, $height = 0, $max_width = 800, $max_height = 800, $max_size = 500, $maintain_ratio = TRUE, $encrypt_name = TRUE, $create_thumb = FALSE, $thumb_width = 280, $thumb_height = 160, $thumb_maintain_ration = TRUE, $is_watermark = FALSE) { $ci =& get_instance(); $return_arr = array(true, "error_msg" => "Undefined error!"); $config['upload_path'] = $upload_path; $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png|jpeg'; $config['max_size'] = $max_size; $config['max_width'] = $max_width; $config['max_height'] = $max_height; $config['encrypt_name'] = $encrypt_name; $config['remove_spaces'] = TRUE; $ci->load->library('upload', $config); if (!$ci->upload->do_upload($field_name)) { $return_arr["error_msg"] = $ci->upload->display_errors(); } else { $upload_data = $ci->upload->data(); //create thumbnail in same folder with thumb_ prefix if ($create_thumb) { create_image_thumb($upload_data["full_path"], $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $thumb_maintain_ration); } //End if ($is_watermark) { create_watermark($upload_data["full_path"]); } $return_arr = array(false, 'upload_data' => $upload_data); } return $return_arr; }
/** * Loads the data for the user from the database * This will not return a "group" (even though groups are * stored in the Users table) * * @param String $style (optional - default 'long') may be 'short' or 'long' * @return User object (this) (or Error object) */ function load($style = 'long') { global $DB, $USER, $CFG, $ERROR, $HUB_FLM, $HUB_SQL, $HUB_CACHE; $this->style = $style; if (isset($HUB_CACHE)) { $cachedused = $HUB_CACHE->getObjData($this->userid . $style); if ($cachedused !== FALSE) { return $cachedused; } } $params = array(); $params[0] = $this->userid; $resArray = $DB->select($HUB_SQL->DATAMODEL_USER_SELECT, $params); if ($resArray !== false) { $count = count($resArray); if ($count == 0) { $ERROR = new error(); $ERROR->createUserNotFoundError($this->userid); return $ERROR; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $array = $resArray[$i]; $this->name = stripslashes($array['Name']); $this->isgroup = $array['IsGroup']; $this->creationdate = $array['CreationDate']; $this->testgroup = $array['TestGroup']; if ($array['Photo']) { //set user photo and thumb the thumb creation is done during registration $originalphotopath = $HUB_FLM->createUploadsDirPath($this->userid . "/" . stripslashes($array['Photo'])); if (file_exists($originalphotopath)) { $this->photo = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath($this->userid . "/" . stripslashes($array['Photo'])); $this->thumb = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath($this->userid . "/" . str_replace('.', '_thumb.', stripslashes($array['Photo']))); if (!file_exists($this->thumb)) { create_image_thumb($array['Photo'], $CFG->IMAGE_THUMB_WIDTH, $this->userid); } } else { //if the file does not exists how to get it from a upper level? change it to //if file doesnot exists directly using default photo if ($this->isgroup == "Y") { $this->photo = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath($CFG->DEFAULT_GROUP_PHOTO); $this->thumb = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath(str_replace('.', '_thumb.', stripslashes($CFG->DEFAULT_GROUP_PHOTO))); } else { $this->photo = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath($CFG->DEFAULT_USER_PHOTO); $this->thumb = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath(str_replace('.', '_thumb.', stripslashes($CFG->DEFAULT_USER_PHOTO))); } } } else { if ($this->isgroup == "Y") { $this->photo = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath($CFG->DEFAULT_GROUP_PHOTO); $this->thumb = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath(str_replace('.', '_thumb.', stripslashes($CFG->DEFAULT_GROUP_PHOTO))); } else { $this->photo = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath($CFG->DEFAULT_USER_PHOTO); $this->thumb = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath(str_replace('.', '_thumb.', stripslashes($CFG->DEFAULT_USER_PHOTO))); } } $this->lastlogin = $array['LastLogin']; $this->followsendemail = $array['FollowSendEmail']; $this->followruninterval = $array['FollowRunInterval']; $this->followlastrun = $array['FollowLastRun']; if (isset($array['Newsletter'])) { $this->newsletter = $array['Newsletter']; } if (isset($array['RecentActivitiesEmail'])) { $this->recentactivitiesemail = $array['RecentActivitiesEmail']; } if (isset($array['CurrentStatus'])) { $this->status = $array['CurrentStatus']; } if ($style == 'long') { $this->description = stripslashes($array['Description']); $this->modificationdate = $array['ModificationDate']; $this->privatedata = $array['Private']; $this->isadmin = $array['IsAdministrator']; $this->authtype = $array['AuthType']; $this->password = $array['Password']; $this->website = $array['Website']; $this->email = $array['Email']; if (isset($array['Interest'])) { $this->interest = $array['Interest']; } if (isset($array['LocationText'])) { $this->location = $array['LocationText']; } else { $this->location = ""; } if (isset($array['LocationCountry'])) { $cs = getCountryList(); $this->countrycode = $array['LocationCountry']; if (isset($cs[$array['LocationCountry']])) { $this->country = $cs[$array['LocationCountry']]; } } else { $this->countrycode = ""; } if (isset($array['LocationLat'])) { $this->locationlat = $array['LocationLat']; } if (isset($array['LocationLng'])) { $this->locationlng = $array['LocationLng']; } // REPAIR MISSING COODINATES if (isset($this->location) && isset($this->countrycode) && $this->location != "" && $this->countrycode != "" && ((!isset($array['LocationLng']) || $array['LocationLng'] == "") && (!isset($array['LocationLat']) || $array['LocationLat'] == ""))) { $coords = geoCode($this->location, $this->countrycode); if ($coords["lat"] != "" && $coords["lng"] != "") { $params = array(); $params[0] = $coords["lat"]; $params[1] = $coords["lng"]; $params[2] = $this->userid; $res = $DB->insert($HUB_SQL->DATAMODEL_USER_LATLONG_UPDATE, $params); $this->locationlat = $coords["lat"]; $this->locationlng = $coords["lng"]; } } } } } } else { return database_error(); } //now add in any tags if ($style == 'long') { $params = array(); $params[0] = $this->userid; $resArray = $DB->select($HUB_SQL->DATAMODEL_USER_TAGS, $params); if ($resArray !== false) { $count = count($resArray); if ($count > 0) { $this->tags = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $array = $resArray[$i]; $tag = new Tag(trim($array['TagID'])); array_push($this->tags, $tag->load()); } } } else { return database_error(); } } //load the current user's following for this user if any $this->userfollow = "N"; $currentuser = ''; if (isset($USER->userid)) { $currentuser = $USER->userid; } $params = array(); $params[0] = $currentuser; $params[1] = $this->userid; $resArray = $DB->select($HUB_SQL->DATAMODEL_USER_FOLLOW, $params); if ($resArray !== false) { $count = count($resArray); if ($count > 0) { $this->userfollow = "Y"; } } else { return database_error(); } if (isset($HUB_CACHE)) { $HUB_CACHE->setObjData($this->userid . $style, $this, $CFG->CACHE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); } return $this; }
/** * Loads the data for the node from the database * * @param String $style (optional - default 'long') may be 'short' or 'long' or 'mini' or 'full' or 'shortactivity' (mini used for graphs) * 'mini' include the base information like name, description, role, user, private, creation and modifications dates, connectedness, image, thumb. * 'short' includes 'mini' plus address information, start and end date, otherconnections, userfollow. * 'long' includes 'short' and associated website objects, tag objects, group onjects, votes, view counts and extra properties. * 'full' includes 'long' and all activity and voting data. This is likely to be very heavy. Use wisely. * 'shortactivity' includes 'short' plus the activity and voting data. * 'cif' just what is needed for cif. * @return Node object (this) */ function load($style = 'long') { global $DB, $CFG, $USER, $ERROR, $HUB_FLM, $HUB_SQL; try { $this->canview(); } catch (Exception $e) { return access_denied_error(); } $this->style = $style; $params = array(); $params[0] = $this->nodeid; $resArray = $DB->select($HUB_SQL->DATAMODEL_NODE_SELECT, $params); if ($resArray !== false) { $count = count($resArray); if ($count == 0) { $ERROR = new error(); $ERROR->createNodeNotFoundError($this->nodeid); return $ERROR; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $array = $resArray[$i]; $this->name = stripslashes(trim($array['Name'])); $this->creationdate = $array['CreationDate']; $this->modificationdate = $array['ModificationDate']; if (isset($array['NodeTypeID'])) { $this->role = new Role($array['NodeTypeID']); $this->role = $this->role->load(); } if (trim($array['Description']) != "") { $this->hasdesc = true; } if ($style == 'long' || $style == 'cif') { $this->description = stripslashes(trim($array['Description'])); } $this->users = array(); if ($style == 'cif') { //CIF does not need the whole user info at present // or just userid at this level? $this->users[0] = new User($array['UserID']); } else { $maps = getMapsForNode($this->nodeid, 0, 0); $this->mapcount = $maps->totalno; $this->connectedness = $array['connectedness']; $this->private = $array['Private']; $this->users[0] = getUser($array['UserID'], $style); if ($array['Image']) { $this->filename = $array['Image']; $imagedir = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsNodeDir($this->nodeid, $array['UserID']); $originalphotopath = $HUB_FLM->createUploadsDirPath($imagedir . "/" . stripslashes($array['Image'])); if (file_exists($originalphotopath)) { $this->image = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath($imagedir . "/" . stripslashes($array['Image'])); $this->thumb = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath($imagedir . "/" . str_replace('.', '_thumb.', stripslashes($array['Image']))); if (!file_exists($this->thumb)) { create_image_thumb($array['Image'], $CFG->IMAGE_THUMB_WIDTH, $imagedir); } } else { if ($this->role->name == 'Map') { $this->image = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath($CFG->DEFAULT_ISSUE_PHOTO); $this->thumb = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath(str_replace('.', '_thumb.', stripslashes($CFG->DEFAULT_ISSUE_PHOTO))); } } } else { if ($this->role->name == 'Map') { $this->image = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath($CFG->DEFAULT_ISSUE_PHOTO); $this->thumb = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath(str_replace('.', '_thumb.', stripslashes($CFG->DEFAULT_ISSUE_PHOTO))); } } //if(isset($array['Image'])){ // $this->imageurlid = $array['Image']; //} //if(isset($array['ImageThumbnail'])){ // $this->thum = $array['ImageThumbnail']; //} if ($style != 'mini') { if (isset($array['StartDate']) && $array['StartDate'] != 0) { $this->startdatetime = $array['StartDate']; } if (isset($array['EndDate']) && $array['EndDate'] != 0) { $this->enddatetime = $array['EndDate']; } if (isset($array['LocationText'])) { $this->location = $array['LocationText']; } else { $this->location = ''; } if (isset($array['LocationCountry'])) { $cs = getCountryList(); $this->countrycode = $array['LocationCountry']; if (isset($cs[$array['LocationCountry']])) { $this->country = $cs[$array['LocationCountry']]; } } if (isset($array['LocationLat'])) { $this->locationlat = $array['LocationLat']; } if (isset($array['LocationLng'])) { $this->locationlng = $array['LocationLng']; } if (isset($array['LocationAddress1'])) { $this->locationaddress1 = $array['LocationAddress1']; } if (isset($array['LocationAddress2'])) { $this->locationaddress2 = $array['LocationAddress2']; } if (isset($array['LocationPostCode'])) { $this->locationpostcode = $array['LocationPostCode']; } if (isset($array['AdditionalIdentifier'])) { $this->identifier = $array['AdditionalIdentifier']; } if (isset($array['CurrentStatus'])) { $this->status = $array['CurrentStatus']; } } } } } } else { return database_error(); } $currentuser = ''; if (isset($USER->userid)) { $currentuser = $USER->userid; } if ($style != 'mini' && $style != 'cif') { $params = array(); $params[0] = $this->nodeid; $params[1] = $this->nodeid; $params[2] = $currentuser; $resArray = $DB->select($HUB_SQL->DATAMODEL_NODE_EXTERNAL_CONNECTIONS, $params); if ($resArray !== false) { if (count($resArray) > 0) { $this->otheruserconnections = $resArray[0]['connectedness']; } else { $this->otheruserconnections = 0; } } $this->userfollow = "N"; //load the current user's following status for this node if any $params = array(); $params[0] = $currentuser; $params[1] = $this->nodeid; $resArray = $DB->select($HUB_SQL->DATAMODEL_NODE_USER_FOLLOW, $params); if ($resArray !== false) { if (count($resArray) > 0) { $this->userfollow = "Y"; } } } if ($style == 'long' || $style == 'full' || $style == 'cif') { $this->loadWebsites($style); } if ($style == 'long' || $style == 'full') { $this->loadTags(); $this->loadGroups(); $this->loadVotes(); $this->loadProperties(); $this->loadViewCount(); } if ($style == 'full' || $style == 'shortactivity') { $this->activity = getAllNodeActivity($this->nodeid, 0, 0, -1); $this->votes = getVotes($this->nodeid); } //load comments, pro count and con count if Solution. /*if ($this->role->name == "Solution") { $this->haschildren = 'N'; $conSetKids = getConnectionsByNode($this->nodeid,0,0,'date','ASC', 'all', '', 'Pro,Con,Comment'); if (!$conSetKids instanceof Error) { if ($conSetKids->totalno > 0) { $this->haschildren = 'Y'; } } else { return database_error(); } }*/ return $this; }
/** * Loads the data for the group from the database * * @return Group object (this) */ function load() { global $DB, $CFG, $HUB_FLM, $HUB_SQL, $LNG; $params = array(); $params[0] = $this->groupid; $resArray = $DB->select($HUB_SQL->DATAMODEL_GROUP_SELECT, $params); if ($resArray !== false) { $count = count($resArray); if ($count == 0) { global $ERROR; $ERROR = new Error(); $ERROR->createGroupNotFoundError($this->groupid); return $ERROR; } for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $array = $resArray[$i]; $this->name = stripslashes($array['Name']); $this->description = stripslashes($array['Description']); $this->website = stripslashes($array['Website']); $this->isopenjoining = $array['IsOpenJoining']; if ($array['Photo']) { //set user photo and thumb the thumb creation is done during registration $originalphotopath = $HUB_FLM->createUploadsDirPath($this->groupid . "/" . stripslashes($array['Photo'])); if (file_exists($originalphotopath)) { $this->photo = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath($this->groupid . "/" . stripslashes($array['Photo'])); $this->thumb = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath($this->groupid . "/" . str_replace('.', '_thumb.', stripslashes($array['Photo']))); if (!file_exists($this->thumb)) { create_image_thumb($array['Photo'], $CFG->IMAGE_THUMB_WIDTH, $this->groupid); } } else { //if the file does not exists how to get it from a upper level? change it to //if file doesnot exists directly using default photo $this->photo = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath($CFG->DEFAULT_GROUP_PHOTO); $this->thumb = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath(str_replace('.', '_thumb.', stripslashes($CFG->DEFAULT_GROUP_PHOTO))); } } else { $this->photo = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath($CFG->DEFAULT_GROUP_PHOTO); $this->thumb = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath(str_replace('.', '_thumb.', stripslashes($CFG->DEFAULT_GROUP_PHOTO))); } if (isset($array['LocationText'])) { $this->location = $array['LocationText']; } else { $this->location = ""; } if (isset($array['LocationCountry'])) { $cs = getCountryList(); $this->countrycode = $array['LocationCountry']; if (isset($cs[$array['LocationCountry']])) { $this->country = $cs[$array['LocationCountry']]; } } else { $this->countrycode = ""; $this->country = ""; } if (isset($array['LocationLat'])) { $this->locationlat = $array['LocationLat']; } if (isset($array['LocationLng'])) { $this->locationlng = $array['LocationLng']; } } } else { return database_error(); } $this->loadmembers(); $this->loadpendingmembers(); $this->getDebateCount(); $this->getVoteCount(); return $this; }
$array = $registeredUsers[$i]; $name = $array['Name']; $userid = $array['UserID']; $date = $array['CreationDate']; $desc = $array['Description']; $website = $array['Website']; $lastlogin = $array['LastLogin']; $photo = ''; $thumb = ''; if ($array['Photo']) { $originalphotopath = $HUB_FLM->createUploadsDirPath($userid . "/" . stripslashes($array['Photo'])); if (file_exists($originalphotopath)) { $photo = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath($userid . "/" . stripslashes($array['Photo'])); $thumb = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath($userid . "/" . str_replace('.', '_thumb.', stripslashes($array['Photo']))); if (!file_exists($thumb)) { create_image_thumb($array['Photo'], $CFG->IMAGE_THUMB_WIDTH, $userid); } } else { $photo = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath($CFG->DEFAULT_USER_PHOTO); $thumb = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath(str_replace('.', '_thumb.', stripslashes($CFG->DEFAULT_USER_PHOTO))); } } else { $photo = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath($CFG->DEFAULT_USER_PHOTO); $thumb = $HUB_FLM->getUploadsWebPath(str_replace('.', '_thumb.', stripslashes($CFG->DEFAULT_USER_PHOTO))); } $location = ""; $country = ""; if (isset($array['LocationText'])) { $location = $array['LocationText']; } if (isset($array['LocationCountry'])) {
/** * Upload an image and place in current user's uploads folder. * checking it's actually an image and get it resized to default comment image size * on success return file name; * of failure return empty string. Error message go into $error passed in. * * @param string $field * @param array $errors * @return filename or empty string */ function uploadImageToFitComments($field, &$errors, $directory = "", $maxwidth, $maxheight) { global $CFG, $USER, $LNG, $HUB_FLM; if ($directory == "") { if (!isset($USER->userid)) { array_push($errors, $LNG->CORE_UNKNOWN_USER_ERROR); return ""; } else { $directory = $USER->userid; } } if ($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'] != "") { $target_path = $HUB_FLM->createUploadsDirPath($directory . "/"); if (!file_exists($target_path)) { mkdir($target_path, 0777, true); } $t_filename = basename(preg_replace('/([^A-Za-z0-9.])/i', '', $_FILES[$field]['name'])); //replace the filetype with png (as the resize image code makes everything a png) $filename = preg_replace('/(.[B|b][m|M][p|P]$)/i', '.png', $t_filename); $filename = preg_replace('/(.[G|g][i|I][f|F]$)/i', '.png', $t_filename); $filename = preg_replace('/(.[J|j][p|P][g|G]$)/i', '.png', $t_filename); $filename = preg_replace('/(.[J|j][p|P][e|E][g|G]$)/i', '.png', $t_filename); $target_path = $target_path . $filename; if (!getimagesize($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'])) { array_push($errors, $LNG->CORE_NOT_IMAGE_ERROR); return ""; } else { if (filesize($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name']) > $CFG->IMAGE_MAX_FILESIZE) { array_push($errors, $LNG->CORE_NOT_IMAGE_TOO_LARGE_ERROR); return ""; } else { if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'], $target_path)) { array_push($errors, $LNG->CORE_NOT_IMAGE_UPLOAD_ERROR); return ""; } } } $imageinfo = getimagesize($target_path); $width = $imageinfo[0]; $height = $imageinfo[1]; //resize image if (!resize_image($target_path, $target_path, $width)) { //delete the file, it could be dodgy unlink($target_path); array_push($errors, $LNG->CORE_NOT_IMAGE_RESIZE_ERROR); return ""; } $size = calculateAspectRatioFit($width, $height, $maxwidth, $maxheight); if (!create_image_thumb($filename, $size['width'], $directory)) { //delete the file, it could be dodgy unlink($target_path); array_push($errors, $LNG->CORE_NOT_IMAGE_SCALE_ERROR); return ""; } return $filename; } return ""; }
/** * Upload an image and place in current user's uploads folder. * checking it's actually an image and get it resized to default image size * on success return file name; * of failure return empty string. Error message go inot $error passed in. * * @param string $field * @param array $errors * @return filename or empty string */ function uploadImageToFit($field, &$errors, $directory = "") { global $CFG, $USER, $LNG, $HUB_FLM; if ($directory == "") { if (!isset($USER->userid)) { array_push($errors, $LNG->CORE_UNKNOWN_USER_ERROR); return ""; } else { $directory = $USER->userid; } } if ($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'] != "") { $target_path = $HUB_FLM->createUploadsDirPath($directory . "/"); if (!file_exists($target_path)) { mkdir($target_path, 0777, true); } //$dt = time(); //replace any non alphanum chars in filename //should warn user about the file type Gary 2009. 01. 13 //$t_filename = $dt ."_". basename( preg_replace('/([^A-Za-z0-9.])/i', '',$_FILES[$field]['name'])); $t_filename = basename(preg_replace('/([^A-Za-z0-9.])/i', '', $_FILES[$field]['name'])); //echo "t-filename: " . $t_filename; //replace the filetype with png (as the resize image code makes everything a png) $filename = preg_replace('/(.[B|b][m|M][p|P]$)/i', '.png', $t_filename); $filename = preg_replace('/(.[G|g][i|I][f|F]$)/i', '.png', $t_filename); $filename = preg_replace('/(.[J|j][p|P][g|G]$)/i', '.png', $t_filename); $filename = preg_replace('/(.[J|j][p|P][e|E][g|G]$)/i', '.png', $t_filename); //echo "filename: ".$filename; //exit(); $target_path = $target_path . $filename; if (!getimagesize($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'])) { array_push($errors, $LNG->CORE_NOT_IMAGE_ERROR); return ""; } else { if (filesize($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name']) > $CFG->IMAGE_MAX_FILESIZE) { array_push($errors, $LNG->CORE_NOT_IMAGE_TOO_LARGE_ERROR); return ""; } else { if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'], $target_path)) { array_push($errors, $LNG->CORE_NOT_IMAGE_UPLOAD_ERROR); return ""; } } } $imageinfo = getimagesize($target_path); $width = $imageinfo[0]; $height = $imageinfo[1]; //scale if ($width > $CFG->IMAGE_WIDTH || $height > $CFG->IMAGE_HEIGHT) { $new_width = floatval($CFG->IMAGE_WIDTH); $new_height = $height * ($new_width / $width); if ($new_height < $CFG->IMAGE_HEIGHT) { $new_height = floatval($CFG->IMAGE_HEIGHT); $new_width = $width * ($new_height / $height); if ($new_width >= $CFG->IMAGE_WIDTH) { if (!resize_image($target_path, $target_path, $CFG->IMAGE_HEIGHT)) { //delete the file, it could be dodgy unlink($target_path); array_push($errors, $LNG->CORE_NOT_IMAGE_RESIZE_ERROR); return ""; } } } else { if (!resize_image($target_path, $target_path, $CFG->IMAGE_WIDTH)) { //delete the file, it could be dodgy unlink($target_path); array_push($errors, $LNG->CORE_NOT_IMAGE_RESIZE_ERROR); return ""; } } } $imageinfo = getimagesize($target_path); $width = $imageinfo[0]; $height = $imageinfo[1]; //error_log($width); //error_log($height); if ($width < $CFG->IMAGE_WIDTH || $height < $CFG->IMAGE_HEIGHT) { if (!image_scale_up($target_path, $target_path, $CFG->IMAGE_WIDTH, $CFG->IMAGE_HEIGHT)) { //delete the file, it could be dodgy unlink($target_path); array_push($errors, $LNG->CORE_NOT_IMAGE_RESIZE_ERROR); return ""; } } else { if ($width > $CFG->IMAGE_WIDTH || $height > $CFG->IMAGE_HEIGHT) { if (!crop_image($target_path, $target_path, 0, 0, $CFG->IMAGE_WIDTH, $CFG->IMAGE_HEIGHT)) { //delete the file, it could be dodgy unlink($target_path); array_push($errors, $LNG->CORE_NOT_IMAGE_RESIZE_ERROR); return ""; } } } if (!create_image_thumb($filename, $CFG->IMAGE_THUMB_WIDTH, $directory)) { //delete the file, it could be dodgy unlink($target_path); array_push($errors, $LNG->CORE_NOT_IMAGE_SCALE_ERROR); return ""; } return $filename; } return ""; }