function do_upload() { $config['upload_path'] = $this->photos_path; $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png|jpeg'; $fileNameParsed = explode('.', $_FILES['userfile']['name']); $ext = array_pop($fileNameParsed); $config['file_name'] = implode('.', [slug(implode('.', $fileNameParsed)), $ext]); $this->load->library('upload', $config); if ($this->upload->do_upload()) { //Get DATA $file_data = $this->upload->data(); if ($file_data["image_width"] > 900) { //RESIZE $config = array('source_image' => $file_data['full_path'], 'maintain_ratio' => true, 'width' => 900, 'height' => 600); $this->image_lib->initialize($config); if (!$this->image_lib->resize()) { return false; } } // GET COLOR $color = get_main_color($file_data); //SAVE IN DB $data = array('title' => humanize($file_data['raw_name']), 'filename' => $file_data['file_name'], 'origin_width' => $file_data['image_width'], 'origin_height' => $file_data['image_height'], 'created' => $this->now, 'updated' => $this->now, 'type' => $file_data['image_type'], 'r' => $color['r'], 'g' => $color['g'], 'b' => $color['b']); //CREATE Header create_header($data); //CREATE THUMB create_thumbnail($data); if ($this->db->insert('photos', $data)) { return true; } else { $this->session->set_flashdata('message', array('title' => 'Error', 'content' => 'Unexpected Error', 'type' => 'error')); return false; } } else { //ERROR $this->session->set_flashdata('message', array('title' => 'Error', 'content' => $this->upload->display_errors(), 'type' => 'error')); return false; // $this->upload->display_errors(); } }
$crop_x = round($_SESSION["crop_x"]); $crop_y = round($_SESSION["crop_y"]); $crop_w = $crop_x + round($_SESSION["crop_w"]); $crop_h = $crop_y + round($_SESSION["crop_h"]); } else { //Vorauswahl des Bereiches $crop_x = 50; $crop_y = 0; $crop_w = 100; $crop_h = 100; } $style = "\n\t #main\n\t {\n\t\t\twidth: " . ($max_xy + 100) . "px;\n\t\t\t//height: " . ($max_xy + 250) . "px;\n\t }\n\t\t#imagediv\n\t {\n\t\t\tvertical-align: middle;\n\t\t\tmargin: 2em auto 0;\n\t\t\twidth: " . ($image_width + 10) . "px;\n\t\t\theight: " . ($image_height + 10) . "px;\n\t\t\tbackground: gray;\n\t\t\tpadding: 10px;\n\t\t}"; $script = "\n\t\t jQuery(function(){\n\t\t\n\t\t\tjQuery('#cropbox').Jcrop({\n\t\t\t\taspectRatio: " . $settings["picture_aspectRatio"] . ",\n\t\t\t\t//setSelect: [50, 0, 100,100],\n\t\t\t\tsetSelect: [{$crop_x} , {$crop_y} , {$crop_w} , {$crop_h}],\n\t\t\t\tminSize: [ " . $settings["picture_min_x"] . " , " . $settings["picture_min_y"] . " ],\n\t\t\t\tonSelect: updateCoords\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\n\t\t});\n\t\t\n\t\tfunction updateCoords(c)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tjQuery('#x').val(c.x);\n\t\t\tjQuery('#y').val(c.y);\n\t\t\tjQuery('#w').val(c.w);\n\t\t\tjQuery('#h').val(c.h);\n\t\t};\n\t\t\n\t\tfunction checkCoords()\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (parseInt(jQuery('#w').val())>0) return true;\n\t\t\talert('Please select a crop region then press submit.');\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t};\t"; $meta = "\n\t\t<script src='jquery-1.11.1.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>\n\t\t<script src='jQueryRotate.js' type='text/javascript'></script>\n\t\t<script src='jquery.Jcrop.js' type='text/javascript'></script>\n\t\t<script src='jquery.color.js' type='text/javascript'></script>\t\n\t\t<link rel='stylesheet' href='jquery.Jcrop.min.css' type='text/css' />\n\t\t<META HTTP-EQUIV='Pragma' CONTENT='no-cache'>\n\t\t<META HTTP-EQUIV='Expires' CONTENT='-1'> \n\t"; //Start Page ($tilte, $style,$script,$meta,$body) echo create_header($_SESSION["settings"]["html_title"], $style, $script, $meta, "", "logolisa.svg", false); ?> <h3>2. Schritt: Bitte markieren Sie Ihren Kopf!!</h3> <table> <tr> <td align="right"> <?php print_button($lastpage, "button-back-croppicure", "zurück/drehen"); ?> </td> <td align="left"> <!-- This is the form that our event handler fills --> <form action="<?php echo $nextpage;
<?php /* Copyright (c) H. Reimers Info: Icons: Images Demodate **/ /* $path=$_SERVER["REQUEST_SCHEME"]."://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].pathinfo($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])["dirname"]."/eingabe/index.php"; header("Location: $path"); exit; */ require_once 'preload.php'; //Create Session an load Config $meta_refresh = "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='10; URL=eingabe/index.php'>"; $body = "<h2>Welcome to LiSA</h2>\n\t\t\t<a href='eingabe/'>Eingabe neuer Daten</a> - \n\t\t\t<a href='print/'>Drucken/Download</a> - \n\t\t\t<a href='upload/'>Upload</a> - \t\t\t\n\t\t\t<a href='edit/'>Schülerdaten ändern</a> - \n\t\t\t<a href='admin/'>Einstellungen ändern</a> <br><br>\n\t\t\t"; $html_title = isset($_SESSION["settings"]["html_title"]) ? $_SESSION["settings"]["html_title"] : 'LiSA'; $lisa_web_base_path = isset($_SESSION["lisa_web_base_path"]) ? $_SESSION["lisa_web_base_path"] : ''; echo create_header($html_title, "", "", $meta_refresh, $body, "logolisa.svg", false); echo create_footer("", $lisa_web_base_path); ?>
<?php /* Copyright (c) H. Reimers*/ require_once '../preload.php'; //Create Session an load Config check_login_logout("eingabe"); $lastpage = "index.php"; //Test if Session is valid ($step) test_session(0); $debug = 0; //Start Page ($tilte, $style,$script,$meta,$body) echo create_header($_SESSION["settings"]["html_title"], "", "", "", "", "logolisa.svg", false); if (!isset($_POST["part1"]) or !isset($_POST["part2"]) or !isset($_POST["part3"])) { error_msg("Es fehlen Daten"); } else { $part1 = trim($_POST["part1"]); $part2 = trim($_POST["part2"]); $part3 = trim($_POST["part3"]); } $error_msg = ""; //Prüfe allgemeinen Aufbau (Quersumme muss %10=0 sein if (quersumme($part2) % 10 != 0) { $error_msg .= "Der Block 2 ist fehlerhaft<br>"; } //Prüfe allgemeinen Aufbau (Quersumme muss %10=0 sein) if (quersumme($part3) % 10 != 0) { $error_msg .= "Der Block 3 ist fehlerhaft<br>"; } if ($error_msg != "") { echo "\n\t\t\t<h3>Bitte geben Sie die TAN ein!</h3>\n\t\t\t<p>\n\t\t\t\t<form action='check_tan.php' method='POST' >\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='text' name='part1' size='5' value='{$part1}'> -\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='text' name='part2' size='5' value='{$part2}'> -\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='text' name='part3' size='5' value='{$part3}'> -\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='submit' value='weiter'>\n\t\t\t\t</form>\n\t\t\t</p>\t"; error_msg($error_msg);
function get_jumpgate($sid) { global $uid; global $map_info; if (!in_array($sid, $map_info->get_possible_scan_systems()) && !in_array($sid, $map_info->get_all_fleet_scans())) { return false; } // BUTTON Definitionen $buttonShape = "button_circle_30x30_shadow"; $system_info = $map_info->get_system($sid); $j_pid = get_pid_of_jumpgate($sid); // pid des jumpgates $j_uname = get_name_by_uid($j_uid); // name des jumpgatebesitzers $sth = mysql_query("select prod_id from jumpgates where pid='{$j_pid}'"); if (!$sth || mysql_num_rows($sth) == 0) { return 0; } list($j_prodid) = mysql_fetch_row($sth); $j_prodname = get_name_by_prod_id($j_prodid); $j_pic = PIC_ROOT . get_pic($j_prodid); // Ok, Buttons kreieren und in $new_button[] speichern $new_button = array(); $new_button[] = create_button($buttonShape, "button_face_info", "alert('not yet implemented')", 0, "show info"); $new_header = create_header($j_pic, "Jumpgate in " . $system_info["name"], "", "", ""); // Button in das Header Tag einfügen for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($new_button); $i++) { $new_header .= $new_button[$i]; } $new_header .= "</SR_HEAD>"; echo "newItemBox\n"; // nötig um zu ermitteln wie der inhalt behnadelt werden soll! echo $new_header; }
$error = 4; } } if ($error == 0) { $pagetitle = "Daten wurden gespeichert"; $msg = "Bitte verlassen Sie den PC!"; //$url=$_SESSION["settings"]["domainSubFolder"]."/print/show_one_student.php?img=".urlencode(str_replace($_SESSION["lisa_path"],"",$image_filename_new,1)."&a=".$_SESSION["ablaufdatum"]; //Zeige Link um Ausweis zu drucken (entferne dabei die Verzeichnisangaben aus sicht des Betriebsystems (lisa_path) ) $url = "show_one_student.php?img=" . urlencode(str_replace($_SESSION["lisa_path"], "", $image_filename_new)) . "&a=" . $_SESSION["ablaufdatum"]; $msg .= "<br><a href='{$url}' target='_blanc'><small>Ausweis drucken</small></a><br>"; $meta_refresh = "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='10; URL=index.php'>"; if ($settings["write_csv"]) { //Nur wenn CSV-Dateien erstellt werden sollen if (!isset($_SESSION["data_written"])) { //if(true){ // write_data_csv($given_name, $last_name, $birthday, $class, $filename, $filename); write_bbsplanung_data_csv($given_name, $last_name, create_birthday_bbs_planung(), $class); } } // $_SESSION=array(); // $_SESSION["data_written"]="1"; } else { $pagetitle = "Fehler"; $meta_refresh = ""; $msg = $error_msg; } //Start Page ($tilte, $style,$script,$meta,$body) $body = "<h3> {$pagetitle} </h3> {$msg} \n<br><br>\n<a href='index.php'>Neue Eingabe starten</a><br>\n"; //$meta_refresh=""; //Nur fürs debugging echo create_header($_SESSION["settings"]["html_title"], "", "", $meta_refresh, $body, "logolisa.svg", false); echo create_footer("");
function get_thumbnail($url) { $this->load->library('upload'); $url_original = $url; if (parse_url($url)) { $url = $this->addhttp($url); $url = parse_url($url); switch ($url['host']) { case '': parse_str($url['query'], $data); $video = $data['v']; $video_data = get_json("{$video}&part=snippet&key=AIzaSyBRa_48GW6LpDcB8VlQxrt5alf-4-GTThQ"); $thumbnail = $video_data->items[0]->snippet->thumbnails->high->url; break; case '': $video = str_replace('/', '', $url['path']); $json = get_json("{$video}&part=snippet&key=AIzaSyBRa_48GW6LpDcB8VlQxrt5alf-4-GTThQ"); $video_data = json_decode($json); $thumbnail = $video_data->items[0]->snippet->thumbnails->high->url; break; case '': $path = explode('/', $url['path']); $video = $path[2]; $thumbnail = "{$video}"; break; case '': $path = explode('/', $url['path']); $video = end($path); $hash = unserialize(file_get_contents("{$video}.php")); $thumbnail = $hash[0]['thumbnail_large']; break; case '': $this->load->library('simple_html_dom'); $html = file_get_html($url_original); foreach ($html->find('link[rel=canonical]') as $element) { $canonical_url = $element->href; } $canonical_url = $this->addhttp($canonical_url); $canonical_url = parse_url($canonical_url); parse_str($canonical_url['query'], $data); $video_id = $data['videoId']; $json_output = get_json("", true); foreach ($json_output as $object) { foreach ($object as $video) { $video_to_display = $video; foreach ($video["video"] as $video_data) { $video_uri = $video_data['uri']; if ($video_data['uri'] == $video_id) { break 3; } } } } if (isset($video_to_display['mcf'])) { $thumbnail = "" . $video_to_display['picture']; } else { $json_output = get_json("" . $video_uri); $thumbnail = $json_output->movies[0]->jpg; } break; case '': $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->library('simple_html_dom'); $html = file_get_html($url_original); $r = html_entity_decode($html->find('#export_website_code', 0)->innertext()); $r_html = str_get_html($r); preg_match('(\\"\\))', $r_html, $thumbnail); $thumbnail = substr($thumbnail[0], 0, -2); $thumbnail = $this->get_final_url($thumbnail); break; default: echo "Je ne connais pas ce site web... Veuillez vérifier le lien."; break; } if (isset($thumbnail) && $thumbnail != "assets/img/nopic.jpg") { //UPLOAD THUMBNAILS $filename = 'import_' . slug($_POST['title']) . '.jpg'; grab_image($thumbnail, $this->photos_path . $filename); $data['filename'] = $filename; if (autoCrop($data)) { create_thumbnail($data); create_header($data); unlink($this->photos_path . $filename); } return $filename; } else { if ($thumbnail == "assets/img/nopic.jpg") { return "nopic.jpg"; } else { return false; } } } else { return false; } }
function test_session($step) { //Schutz vor Sessionübernahme durch andere IPs if (isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])) { //Kontrolle ob Session von einer anderen IP gekapert wurde. if (isset($_SESSION["REMOTE_ADDR"])) { if ($_SESSION["REMOTE_ADDR"] != $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) { echo create_header("Fehler", "", "", "", ""); $msg = "Fehler, Client-IP der Session wurde verändert!<br>Abbruch!"; create_footer($msg); exit(0); } } else { $_SESSION["REMOTE_ADDR"] = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } } else { echo create_header("Fehler", "", "", "", ""); $msg = "Interner Fehler, kann Client-IP nicht ermitteln<br>Abbruch!"; create_footer($msg); exit(0); } //Test ob die allgemeinen Einstellungen geladen wurden if (!isset($_SESSION["settings"])) { echo create_header("Fehler", "", "", "", ""); echo "<div align='center' id='main'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<h3> Bitte beginnen Sie von vorne! </h3>"; print_button("index.php", "button_check_data", "zurück"); echo "\t\t</div>"; create_footer(""); exit(0); } $back2start = false; if (isset($_SESSION["step"])) { if ($_SESSION["step"] >= $step - 1) { if ($_SESSION["step"] == $step - 1) { $_SESSION["step"]++; } } else { echo "Fehlerhafte Reihenfolge<br>"; $back2start = true; } } else { echo "Datenfehler<br>"; $back2start = true; } if ($back2start == true) { echo "<a href='index.php'>Neue Eingabe</a><br>"; exit(0); } }
} # Ending the switch ConfigFile::tab(-1); ConfigFile::write('}'); ConfigFile::write(''); } } # Logging $G_OUTPUT_RESULTS[] = ' - Closing the config file.<br />'; # Closing the config file ConfigFile::close(); } # Advanced install of storage servers if ($_POST['install-mode'] == 'advanced' && (isset($_POST['create_database_host']) && $_POST['create_database_host'] != '' || isset($_POST['create_storage_host']) && $_POST['create_storage_host'] != '')) { # Storage Servers header create_header('Storage Servers', $G_OUTPUT_RESULTS); # Adding controller to database host if (isset($_POST['create_database_host']) && $_POST['create_database_host'] != '') { # Creating image host $G_OUTPUT_RESULTS[] = ' - Creating database host.<br />'; $query = "\tINSERT INTO\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . NQ_CONTROLLER_DATABASE . ".`" . NQ_CONTROLLER_TABLE_PREFIX . "servers_database`\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSET\n\t\t \t\t\t\t\t`local_name` \t\t= 'Database Server #1', \n\t\t \t\t\t\t\t`host_app_id`\t\t= 0,\n\t\t \t\t\t\t\t`host_app_group`\t= 0,\n\t\t \t\t\t\t\t`host`\t\t\t= '" . mysqli_escape_string($G_CONTROLLER_DBLINK, NQ_DATABASE_STORAGE_HOST) . "', \n\t\t \t\t\t\t\t`username`\t\t= '" . mysqli_escape_string($G_CONTROLLER_DBLINK, NQ_DATABASE_STORAGE_USERNAME) . "',\n\t\t \t\t\t\t\t`password`\t\t= '" . mysqli_escape_string($G_CONTROLLER_DBLINK, NQ_DATABASE_STORAGE_PASSWORD) . "',\n\t\t \t\t\t\t\t`environment`\t\t= '*', \n\t\t \t\t\t\t\t`database`\t\t= '" . mysqli_escape_string($G_CONTROLLER_DBLINK, NQ_DATABASE_STORAGE_DATABASE) . "', \n\t\t \t\t\t\t\t`ssh_username`\t\t= '', \n\t\t \t\t\t\t\t`ssh_password`\t\t= '',\n\t\t \t\t\t\t\t`space_used`\t\t= 0, \n\t\t \t\t\t\t\t`available_space`\t= 0, \n\t\t \t\t\t\t\t`available_percent`\t= 100.00, \n\t\t \t\t\t\t\t`total_space`\t\t= 2147483648"; $result = mysqli_query($G_CONTROLLER_DBLINK, $query) or die(mysqli_error($G_CONTROLLER_DBLINK)); } # Creating our storage hosts if (isset($_POST['create_storage_host']) && $_POST['create_storage_host'] != '') { # Making the storage directory $G_OUTPUT_RESULTS[] = ' - Creating _nqstorage directory.<br />'; mkdir(__DIR__ . '/_nqstorage'); # Blocking all requests from this folder $G_OUTPUT_RESULTS[] = ' - Creating _nqstorage .htaccess file.<br />'; $handle = fopen(__DIR__ . '/_nqstorage/.htaccess', 'w');
function check_login_logout($area = false) { if ($area == false) { //Get folder name = area (admin, print, upload, ...) $path = pathinfo($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]); $path = explode("/", $path["dirname"]); $area = trim($path[sizeof($path) - 1]); } if (isset($_POST["logout"]) or isset($_GET["logout"])) { if (isset($_SESSION["LOGINAREA"])) { $_SESSION["LOGINAREA"] = false; unset($_SESSION['LOGINAREA']); } } else { if (isset($_SESSION["LOGINAREA"])) { //Logout ??? //Bereits in dem bereich eingeloggt? if ($_SESSION["LOGINAREA"] == $area) { return true; } } } //if( check_ip() ) return true; if (isset($_POST["password"])) { if (check_passwd($area, $_POST["password"])) { $_SESSION["LOGINAREA"] = $area; //Anmeldung in Session speichern return true; } } else { if (check_passwd($area, false)) { $_SESSION["LOGINAREA"] = $area; //Anmeldung in Session speichern return true; } } echo create_header($_SESSION["settings"]["html_title"], "", "", "", "", "logolisa.svg"); echo "<form action='' method='POST'>\n\t\t\t" . ucfirst($area) . "-Passwort: <input type='password' name='password'>\n\t\t\t<input type='submit' value='anmelden'>\n\t\t\t</form>\n\t\t"; echo create_footer(); exit(0); }