<div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="index.php?act=socialids" title="Social IDs">Social IDs</a></div> </div><br /> <div class="select-bar"> <label> <h3>Social App IDs for Login</h3> </label> </div> <?php if (isset($_POST['edit_social'])) { $fbid = yasDB_clean($_POST['fbAppId']); $fbsecret = yasDB_clean($_POST['fbAppSecret']); $twid = yasDB_clean($_POST['twAppId']); $twsecret = yasDB_clean($_POST['twAppSecret']); yasDB_update("UPDATE `settings` SET `fb_app_id` = '{$fbid}', `fb_app_secret` = '{$fbsecret}', `tw_app_id` = '{$twid}', `tw_app_secret` = '{$twsecret}' WHERE id = 1", false); include "../includes/settings_function.inc.php"; createConfigFile(); echo '<center>Updated!'; echo '<br/><a href="index.php?act=socialids">Click to continue.</a></center>'; } else { echo '<br/>'; $query = yasDB_select("SELECT `fb_app_id`, `fb_app_secret`, `tw_app_id`, `tw_app_secret` FROM `settings` WHERE `id` = 1"); $social = $query->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC); ?> <div class="table"> <img src="img/bg-th-left.gif" width="8" height="7" alt="" class="left" /> <img src="img/bg-th-right.gif" width="7" height="7" alt="" class="right" /> <form name="app_ids" method="post" action="index.php?act=socialids"> <table class="listing form" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <th class="full" colspan="2">Social App IDs</th> </tr>
if ('1' == $isProxyEnabled) { $proxy_host = (string) getHttpVariable(INPUT_POST, 'proxy_host', ''); $proxy_port = (string) getHttpVariable(INPUT_POST, 'proxy_port', ''); } else { $proxy_host = NULL; $proxy_port = NULL; } displayDatabaseForm($originPage, $db_mantis_host, $db_mantis_database, $db_mantis_user, $db_mantis_pass); $action = (string) getHttpVariable(INPUT_POST, 'action', 'none'); if ("setDatabaseInfo" == $action) { try { $database_version = checkDBConnection($db_mantis_host, $db_mantis_user, $db_mantis_pass, $db_mantis_database); echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">console.log(\"DEBUG: Mantis database_version = {$database_version}\");</script>"; checkDBprivileges($db_mantis_database); echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">console.log(\"Step 1/4 create config.ini file\");</script>"; createConfigFile($db_mantis_host, $db_mantis_user, $db_mantis_pass, $db_mantis_database, $proxy_host, $proxy_port); echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">console.log(\"Step 2/4 execSQLscript2 - create Tables\");</script>"; //$retCode = Tools::execSQLscript2(Install::FILENAME_TABLES); $retCode = SqlParser::execSqlScript(Install::FILENAME_TABLES); if (0 != $retCode) { throw new Exception('ERROR: Could not execute SQL script: ' . Install::FILENAME_TABLES); } $request = "SELECT value from `codev_config_table` WHERE `config_id` = 'database_version' "; if (!SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($request)) { throw new Exception('ERROR: CodevTT database tables not created.'); } echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">console.log(\"Step 3/4 execSQLscript2 - create Procedures\");</script>"; // procedures are defined in install/codevtt_procedures.php foreach ($codevtt_sqlProcedures as $query) { $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query(trim($query)); if (!$result) {
function setConfigValue($key, $value) { $contents = file_get_contents("config.php"); preg_match("/\n" . $key . "=([^\n]*)/", $contents, $match); if (!$match) { createConfigFile(); $contents = file_get_contents("config.php"); preg_match("/\n" . $key . "=([^\n]*)/", $contents, $match); } $contents = str_replace($match[0], "\n{$key}={$value}", $contents); saveFile("config.php", $contents); return true; }
} catch (Exception $ex) { echo "<br/>Could not create administrator user!"; echo "<br/>Details: " . $ex->getMessage(); $continue = false; } } // create config file if ($continue) { $step++; if ($overConfig == 'true') { try { if (file_exists($cfgFile)) { unlink($cfgFile); echo "<br/>Old config file deleted."; } if (createConfigFile($cfgFile, $dbConnectionInfo)) { //echo "<br/>New Config file created."; } } catch (Exception $e) { echo "<br/>Could not delete config file!"; echo "<br/>Please check file permissions !"; $continue = false; } } else { echo "<br/>Config file unchanged !"; } } else { echo "<br/> Config file not updated!"; } if ($continue) { $showBtBack = false;
<?php error_reporting(0); require "createConfig.php"; $pdfURL = $_POST['pdfUrl']; $numOfColumns = $_POST['numOfColumns']; // Create the config.ini $configPath = "/usr/local/bin/config.ini"; createConfigFile("/usr/local/bin/config.ini", $pdfURL, $numOfColumns); $command = "python /usr/local/bin/do_ocr.py"; $output = shell_exec($command); //echo $output; echo basename($pdfURL);
function getTranslatableConfigs($create) { global $found_modules; global $storage; global $booleans; getAvailableModules(); $translatable = array(); foreach ($found_modules as $module => $top_module) { $file = null; if (!$storage->setIfIsSet($file, "/config/data/{$module}/file")) { I2CE::raiseError("No config file for {$module} -- Skipping"); continue; } if (!is_readable($file)) { I2CE::raiseError("Config file ({$file}) for {$module} is not readable -- Skipping"); continue; } $config_dirs = array(); $storage->setIfIsSet($config_dirs, "/config/data/{$module}/paths/CONFIGS", true); if (count($config_dirs) > 1) { I2CE::raiseError("Found more than one configs directory for {$module}. -- Skipping"); continue; } $config_dir = dirname($file) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "configs"; $config_dir_en = $config_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . I2CE_Locales::DEFAULT_LOCALE; if (!$create) { if (count($config_dirs) == 1) { //echo "Module $module has configuration translations\n"; $translatable[$module] = $config_dir; } continue; } //check to see if there are translatable strings in the main config file $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $dom->substituteEntities = false; $dom->encoding = 'UTF-8'; $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = true; $dom->formatOuput = false; // $dom = new DOMDocument(); if (!$dom->load($file)) { I2CE::raiseError("Could not load config file {$file} -- Skipiing"); } $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); $qry = '/I2CEConfiguration/configurationGroup//value[@locale="' . I2CE_Locales::DEFAULT_LOCALE . '"] ' . '| /I2CEConfiguration/configurationGroup/descendant-or-self::node()[@locale="' . I2CE_Locales::DEFAULT_LOCALE . '"]//value' . '| /I2CEConfiguration/metadata/description[@locale="' . I2CE_Locales::DEFAULT_LOCALE . '"]' . '| /I2CEConfigurUation/metadata/displayName[@locale="' . I2CE_Locales::DEFAULT_LOCALE . '"]' . '| /I2CEConfiguration/metadata/category[@locale="' . I2CE_Locales::DEFAULT_LOCALE . '"]'; $results = $xpath->query($qry); if ($results->length == 0) { continue; } I2CE::raiseError("Module {$module} has configuration translations"); if (count($config_dirs) == 0) { //we found some translation but no translation exists for congigs if (!prompt("There are translatable nodes (for the module {$module}), but no configurations directory.\nShould we create one if needed:\n\t(as " . $config_dir_en . ")\nand add it to the config file?", $booleans['create-configs'])) { continue; } //we need to (possibly) create the config directory if (!is_dir($config_dir_en)) { if (!mkdir($config_dir_en, 0775, true)) { I2CE::raiseError("Could not make {$config_dir_en} for {$module}. -- Skipping"); continue; } } } else { if (!is_dir($config_dir_en) || !is_readable($config_dir_en)) { if ($create) { if (!mkdir($config_dir_en, 0775, true)) { I2CE::raiseError("Could not make {$config_dir_en} for {$module}. -- Skipping"); continue; } } else { I2CE::raiseError("Module {$module} has a configuration directory set in magic data as:\n\t{$config_dir_en}\n\tbut it does not exist or is not readable -- Skipping"); continue; } } } //now we need to double check permissions that i messed up before chmod($config_dir, 0775); chmod($config_dir_en, 0775); //now create the config file in the default locale with thr translation strings. and make sure locale is only set at the top level configuration $config = $config_dir_en . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($file); if (!file_exists($config) || prompt("The config file:\n\t({$config} for the module {$module})\nalready exists. Should we overwrite?", $booleans['overwrite-configs'])) { if (!createConfigFile($module, $results, $config, $dom)) { I2CE::raiseError("Could not create {$config} for {$module} -- Skipping"); continue; } } if (count($config_dirs) == 0) { //now we need to add the config directory to the existing config xml just after the version information and save it. $results = $xpath->query('/I2CEConfiguration/metadata/version'); if ($results->length != 1) { I2CE::raiseError("Weirdness in config file {$file} for {$module} -- Skipping"); continue; } $versionNode = $results->item(0); $pathNode = $dom->createElement('path'); $pathNode->setAttribute('name', 'configs'); $pathNode->appendChild($dom->createElement('value', './configs')); if ($versionNode->nextSibling instanceof DOMNode) { $versionNode->parentNode->insertBefore($pathNode, $versionNode->nextSibling); } else { $versionNode->parentNode->appendChild($pathNode); } $imports = $xpath->query('//*[@import_index]'); for ($i = 0; $i < $imports->length; $i++) { $imports->item($i)->removeAttribute('import_index'); } $out = $dom->saveXML(); if (function_exists('tidy_get_output')) { $tidy = new tidy(); $tidy_config = array('input-xml' => true, 'output-xml' => true, 'indent' => true, 'wrap' => 0); $tidy->isXML(); $tidy->parseString($out, $tidy_config, 'UTF8'); $tidy->cleanRepair(); $out = tidy_get_output($tidy); } if (!file_put_contents($file, $out)) { I2CE::raiseError("Could not save config file {$file} with updated configs directory"); continue; } } $translatable[$module] = $config_dir; } if (count($translatable) > 0) { I2CE::raiseError("The following modules has translatable configuration strings:\n\t" . implode(",", array_keys($translatable))); } else { I2CE::raiseError("There were no modules found with translatable configuration strings\n"); } return $translatable; }
mkdir($PattenDataDir, 0777); } //http://www.sznet.com.cn/company_contact.php?userid=683 //$site="www.sznet.com.cn"; //$url="http://www.sznet.com.cn/company_contact.php?userid=683"; //http://yp.sz.net.cn/Enterprise/Enterprise_View.asp?MemberID=134156 //http://yp.sz.net.cn/Enterprise/Enterprise_View.asp?MemberID=134156 //http://company.gdfz.com/CompanySearch.php?arzen_next_page=1& $site = "www.chaqiye.com"; $url = "http://www.chaqiye.com/guangxi/1/1001.htm"; $file_type = "GenericConf"; $conf = array('mode' => 0777, 'timeFormat' => '%X %x'); $logger =& Log::singleton('file', $PattenLogDir . $site . date("Y_m_d_H_i") . '.log', 'ident', $conf); $conf = array('fields' => 15, 'sep' => ";", 'quote' => '"', 'header' => false, 'crlf' => "\r\n"); $filename = $PattenDataDir . date("Y_m_d_H_i") . ".txt"; createConfigFile($site, $file_type); exit; function getListingUrl($url, $patten, $data, &$x) { global $site; $content = getContent($url); $url_arr = parseTagAll($patten, $content); foreach ($url_arr as $key => $value) { $url = "http://" . $site . "/" . $value; parseContenDetail($url, $data, &$x); } } function parseContenDetail($url, $data, &$x) { global $logger, $filename, $conf; $content = getContent($url);
function get_mochifeed() { $Start = getTime(); $mem_limit = substr(ini_get("memory_limit"), 0, -1); global $mysqli; global $setting; error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); set_time_limit(0); @ini_set("max_execution_time", 1000); @ini_set("default_socket_timeout", 240); $mochipubid = $setting['mochi_pub_key']; // Retrieve our Mochi key if (!$mochipubid) { echo 'You need a Mochimedia Publisher ID to continue.'; return false; } $limit = '1500'; $offset = $setting['mochi_offset'] >= 0 ? $setting['mochi_offset'] : 0; $no_errors = 0; $new_games = 0; //$feedUrl = 'http://www.mochimedia.com/feeds/games/'.$mochipubid.'/all/all?limit='.$limit.'&offset='.$offset.'&format=json'; $query = yasDB_select("SELECT `gametagid`, `uuid` FROM mochigames", false); $tags = array(); //$uid_array = array(); $i = 0; // create array of game tags for duplicate checking while ($alltags = $query->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $tags[$i] = $alltags['gametagid']; //$uid_array[$i] = $alltags['uuid']; $i++; } unset($alltags); $query->close(); do { // This is the Mochiads feed url. For more info go here: https://www.mochimedia.com/support/pub_docs#feed_3 ...when signed in $feedUrl = 'http://catalog.mochimedia.com/feeds/query/?partner_id=' . $mochipubid . '&limit=' . $limit . '&offset=' . $offset; $data = get_content_of_url($feedUrl); $json_data = json_decode($data, true); unset($data); $json_count = count($json_data["games"]); if ($json_count < 1) { break; } foreach ($json_data["games"] as $json) { if ($json['name'] == NULL) { break; } if (!in_array($json['game_tag'], $tags)) { // && !in_array($json['uuid'],$uid_array)) { $gamename = yasDB_clean($json['name']); $gametagkey = yasDB_clean($json['game_tag']); $gameurl = yasDB_clean($json['swf_url']); $gamewidth = yasDB_clean($json['width']); $gameheight = yasDB_clean($json['height']); $gamedesc = yasDB_clean($json['description']); $gamekeywords_array = $json['tags']; $gamekeywords = yasDB_clean(implode(", ", $gamekeywords_array)); // Game keywords comma delimited i.e. "dressup,makeover,barbie" unset($gamekeywords_array); $thumburl = yasDB_clean($json['thumbnail_url']); $gamecat_array = $json['categories']; $gamecats = yasDB_clean(implode(", ", $gamecat_array)); // All categories comma delimited unset($gamecat_array); $instructions = yasDB_clean($json['instructions']); $rating = yasDB_clean($json['rating']); $leaderboard = yasDB_clean($json['leaderboard_enabled']); $coinsenabled = yasDB_clean($json['coins_enabled']); $coins_rev_enabled = yasDB_clean($json['coins_revshare_enabled']); $recommended = yasDB_clean($json['recommended']); $controls = yasDB_clean($json['control_scheme']); $slug = yasDB_clean($json['slug']); $thumburl_200x200 = yasDB_clean($json['thumbnail_large_url']); $screen_thumb_url = yasDB_clean($json['screen1_thumb']); $screen_thumb_url2 = yasDB_clean($json['screen2_thumb']); $screen_thumb_url3 = yasDB_clean($json['screen3_thumb']); $screen_thumb_url4 = yasDB_clean($json['screen4_thumb']); $uuid = yasDB_clean($json['uuid']); $author = yasDB_clean($json['author']); // As of now we do not need all these fields. But this will allow for future script growth, ie : Building a leaderboard mod. $sql = "INSERT INTO mochigames (`id`, `name`, `gameurl`, `width`, `height`, `description`, `keywords`, `thumburl`, `categories`, `gametagid`, `screenthumburl1`, `instructions`, `rating`, `leaderboard`, `coinsenabled`, `revshareenabled`, `recommended`, `isinstalled`, `slug`, `thumbnail_200x200`, `screenthumburl2`, `screenthumburl3`, `screenthumburl4`, `uuid`, `author`) \n\t\t\t\tVALUES (NULL, '{$gamename}', '{$gameurl}', '{$gamewidth}', '{$gameheight}', '{$gamedesc}', '{$gamekeywords}', '{$thumburl}', '{$gamecats}', '{$gametagkey}', '{$screen_thumb_url}', '{$instructions}', '{$rating}', '{$leaderboard}', '{$coinsenabled}', '{$coins_rev_enabled}', '{$recommended}', 0, '{$slug}', '{$thumburl_200x200}', '{$screen_thumb_url2}', '{$screen_thumb_url3}', '{$screen_thumb_url4}', '{$uuid}', '{$author}')"; $return = yasDB_insert($sql, false); if ($return === false) { $no_errors++; // if there is a db insert error just keep going. A duplicate may have snuck in as the limit/offset of the feed is not 100% accurate } else { $new_games++; } } } unset($json); unset($json_data); $offset = $offset + $limit; } while ($json_count > 0); echo 'Available script memory: ' . $mem_limit . ' MB<br/>'; echo 'Peak memory usage: ' . memory_get_peak_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024 . ' MB<br/>'; $End = getTime(); echo "Time taken = " . number_format($End - $Start, 2) . " secs<br/>"; echo "Errors encountered: " . $no_errors . "<br/>"; echo "New games added: " . $new_games . "<br/>Finished!"; $offset = intval($offset - 2 * $limit); $offset = $offset > 0 ? $offset : 0; if ($offset != $setting['mochi_offset']) { yasDB_update("UPDATE `settings` SET `mochi_offset` = {$offset} WHERE `id` = 1"); include "../includes/settings_function.inc.php"; createConfigFile(); } return true; }