public function admin_tools() { if (isset($_GET['pruneads']) && $_GET['pruneads'] == 1) { cp_check_expired_cron(); echo scb_admin_notice(__('Expired ads have been pruned.', APP_TD)); } if (isset($_GET['resetstats']) && $_GET['resetstats'] == 1) { appthemes_reset_stats(); echo scb_admin_notice(__('Statistics have been reseted.', APP_TD)); } // flush out the cache so changes can be visible cp_flush_all_cache(); }
function cp_update_options($options) { $toolsMessage = ''; if (isset($_POST['submitted']) && $_POST['submitted'] == 'yes') { foreach ($options as $value) { if (isset($_POST[$value['id']])) { // allow fields with just space, don't trim value if (in_array($value['id'], array('cp_thousands_separator'))) { update_option($value['id'], stripslashes($_POST[$value['id']])); } else { update_option($value['id'], appthemes_clean($_POST[$value['id']])); } } else { @delete_option($value['id']); } } // do a separate update for price per cats since it's not in the $options array if (isset($_POST['catarray'])) { foreach ($_POST['catarray'] as $key => $value) { update_option($key, appthemes_clean($value)); } } // clean all values from the post and store them into a wordpress option as a serialized array of cat ID's if (isset($_POST['catreqarray'])) { foreach ($_POST['catreqarray'] as $key => $value) { $catreqarray[absint($value)] = ''; } update_option('cp_required_categories', $catreqarray); } else { if (isset($_POST['cp_required_membership_type'])) { delete_option('cp_required_categories'); } } if (get_option('cp_tools_run_expiredcheck') == 'yes') { update_option('cp_tools_run_expiredcheck', 'no'); cp_check_expired_cron(); $toolsMessage = ''; $toolsMessage .= __('Ads Expired Check was executed.', APP_TD); } // flush out the cache so changes can be visible cp_flush_all_cache(); echo '<div class="updated"><p>' . __('Your settings have been saved.', APP_TD) . ' ' . $toolsMessage . '</p></div>'; } elseif (isset($_POST['submitted']) && $_POST['submitted'] == 'convertToCustomPostType') { update_option('cp_tools_run_convertToCustomPostType', 'no'); $toolsMessage .= cp_convert_posts2Ads(); echo $toolsMessage; } }